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A Research on Starch-Based Bioplastic using Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) and Taro

(Colocasia esculenta)

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
FEU High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the course:

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Bruno, Marq Josh S.

Bucag, Ronaldo
Caño, Dianne
Cortez, Francis Louie A.
Cuyugan, Emmanuel Luis B.
Dela Peña, Keith Andrei M.
Duldulao, Earon Sean C.
Erocido, Mark Jerrimie V.
Pattung, Johnbert Isaac A.
Rubio, Jason Franco R.
Tabudlong, Jaz Gabriel B.

Mr. Carl David Cepeda

Research Adviser

April 2021


Page No.
Title Page I
Table of Contents III-IV
Chapter One: The Problem and Its Background
Background of the Study 7-10
Conceptual Framework 10-11
Statement of the Problem 11-12
Objectives 12
Significance of the Study 12-13
Scope and Delimitations 13-14
Definition of Terms 14-15
Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature and Studies
Starch-based Bioplastic 16-17
Benefits of Bioplastics 17-18
Bioplastic’s Role in the Environment 18-22
Sustainability in Bioplastic 22-23
Synthesis of Review of Related Literature and Studies 24-26

Chapter Three: Methodology

Research Design 26-27
Research Locale and Sampling Technique 27
Materials and Instruments 28-30
Data Gathering Procedure 30-32
Data Analysis Procedure 32-34
Ethical Considerations 34


Appendix A: Permit to Conduct Research 36-37
Appendix B: Materials 38-39
Appendix C: RRL Matrix 40-55


This paper is written to raise awareness regarding the increase of hazards and adverse

effects of the usage of plastic bags in the environment and in the lives of people. Researchers

produces an innovative and eco-friendly product, a Starch-based bioplastic; using Pachyrhizus

erosus and Colocasia esculenta as the two main components, along with the use of water,

vinegar, and glycerin.

The produced bioplastic sheet undergone through series of testing, which are tensile

strength, neutrality of pH level, and biodegradability in soil and in water. Based on the results

gathered from testing the tensile strength through a spring balance, two trials (trials 1 and 3)

withstand 1.5N and one trial (trial 2) of 1.3 N before tearing apart. The thickness of the sample

sheet in all trials is 1mm and has a layer of 1cm by 1cm. Based on the analysis of the pH level of

the starch-based bioplastic, a bioplastic with the main component of Jicama starch and Taro

starch obtains a neutral pH level that is safe to use as a packaging material. Thus, this will not

affect the product being packed with the bioplastic if it is going to be used as a packaging.

Starch is a white, granular, organic chemical extracted from green plants (Jane, 1995, as

cited in Shrirakshaya, et.al, 2020). It is proven that starch is a material that provides the most

utility among the renewable resources because it is economical, low-cost, and accessible (Kaith,

et.al, 2009, as cited in Arikan & Bilgen, 2019). In conclusion, the starch-based bioplastic sample

sheet that was produced was proven useful and sustainable at the same time, due to its

biodegradability. Moreover, the availability of starch is signified mainly because it is well known

as the second largest biomass produced on Earth. Therefore, the production of bioplastics is

advocated because of its natural properties that do not cause harm to our environment.

Keywords: Bioplastic; Taro Starch; Jicama Starch; Starch Polymers; Biodegradability;

Tensile Strength; PH Level



Background of the Study

Plastic is a single-use container or other product that is convenient to use for everyday

life. It is made from any organic polymer added with other elements or it can be also made from

petrochemicals. Plastics were introduced about a hundred years ago and it is today’s one of the

most used materials (Lackner, M. 2015).

It is known that plastics have an important part in us humans but using plastics have

negative impacts on humans, animals and the environment. It is one of the major pollutants for a

long time as it is composed of toxic chemicals and non-biodegradable materials. In its

production, it releases toxic chemicals that harm water, land, and air and it is one of the most

damaging toxins on earth. In the use phase, many plastics release toxic gases in-place that

humans may inhale and concern for the environment. The disposal process of plastic is the most

difficult area of its ecological impact. Less than 10% of total plastic production is successfully

recycled and the rest goes to the landfills or oceans that stay for thousands of years where toxic

compounds are ejected throughout the atmosphere. In the marine life, some species mistaken

plastics for prey and its ingestion of plastic waste has been documented (Koushal et al., 2014).

In the Philippines, according to the report of the Ocean Conservancy and the McKinsey

Centre for Business and Environment (2015), the Philippines generates 2.7 million metric tons of

plastic waste every year and 20% of it ends up in the ocean. They have also ranked Philippines

as third country that contributes the most in ocean waste.

In response of these issues and controversies according the plastics, the researchers

decided to make an alternative for the plastic and that is bioplastic that is made in organic

contents of root crops. The researchers decided to make bioplastic because one of its properties

include being 100% Degradable and being equally strong and versatile than regular plastics.

Razza, F & Innocenti, F (2012).

Bioplastics are not just one single material. Bioplastics are a whole family of materials

that come from renewable sources with different properties and materials. Bioplastics made with

renewable resources are now ready for full commercial exploitation. According to european-

bioplastics.org, a plastic material is defined as a bioplastic if it is either bio based, biodegradable,

or features both properties. Biodegradable plastics (i.e., plastics produced from fossil materials),

bio-based plastics (i.e., plastics synthesized from biomass or renewable resources) and both

biodegradable and bio-based plastics (i.e., plastic produced from starch blends or pylolactic


Considering the data of these three categories of bioplastic the researchers decided to

focus on category of both biodegradable and bio-based plastics or starch-based plastics. Starch is

a carbohydrate extracted from agricultural raw materials which is widely present in literally

thousands of everyday food and non-food applications. It is renewable and biodegradable that is

why it is also a perfect raw material as a substitute for fossil-fuel components in numerous

chemical applications such as plastics, etc. 75% of all organic material on earth is present in

starch (Gadhave, R.V.,Das, A., Mahanwar, P.A. and Gadekar, P.T. 2018). Starch-based

bioplastics is manufactured from renewable resources or root crops such as corns, potatoes,

cassava and sugar cane.

In Philippines four distinct root crops stand out. These are cassava, sweet potato, taro,

jicama and yam. (Prince, L and Editha, C 2019). Considering the factors of popularity,

uniqueness and acquiring high content of starch, the researchers chose jicama and taro for

making bioplastics because it is shown to have the said factors.

Jicama is a plant that produces tuber root, with a rounded shape like a top, in Philippines

jicama plant is called "singkamas" where it is a popular as a summer savory snack. Jicama is part

of a large family of leguminosae. It has thick, brown skin and white, crisp, juicy flesh. Jicama

root is also called Mexican jam bean, Mexican potato, sweet turnip, or Mexican turnip (Frey, M.

2020). Jicama is a starchy root vegetable similar to a potato or turnip (Villenes, Z. 2019). Jícama

contains 28.1% of apparent amylose and 23.6% of absolute amylose shown om its granules

(David, S and Jay-Line, J 2007); amylose is components of starch. Biodegration of bioplastic

made from jicama starch has been tested in soil 20 days 22, 55 %, 40 days 52.60 %, 81.40 % 60

days and on water 20 days 23.56 %, 28.89 % 40 days, 60 days 52.05 % (Elfina, S., Jamarun N…,

Djamaan A. 2016).

Another root crop that is high in starch content that is said is taro. Taro, (Colocasia

esculenta), also called eddo or dasheen, herbaceous plant of the family Araceae. Probably native

to southeastern Asia, whence it spread to Pacific islands, it became a staple crop, cultivated for

its large, starchy, spherical underground tubers, which are consumed as cooked vegetables, made

into puddings and breads, and also made into the Polynesian poi, a thin, pasty, highly digestible

mass of fermented taro starch (Agustyn, A., Zeidan, A., et al. 2020). Taro fits perfectly in

making starch-based bioplastics due to its high starch content which is 70-80% of starch shown

on its granules (Azhar, A & Farukh, K, 2013).

The combination of the contents in jicama and taro could create bioplastics that will be

helpful to the environment and the people. The researchers also aim to know how these two root

crops can withstand factors such as; durability, porosity, and resistance to heat and solubility.

Given the content data of these two root crops the researchers anticipate to meet the expected


Conceptual Framework

The figure above shows the components, procedures and methodology of the proposed

biodegradable plastic. The researchers use jicama starch component and taro starch components

as the main component to create bioplastic. Biodegradable plastic undergoes plastic synthesizing

to combine the ingredients of the plastic. Heating and drying of components are done to create a

solid product that will go through molding to finally produce the biodegradable plastic made of

jicama and taro starch component. Vulnerability and sustainability test will also be conducted to

know the different strengths, weakness and condition of the bioplastic. After receiving the test,

the biodegradable plastic’s material behavior will be analyzed to further improve its work under

pressure. Evaluation of the biodegradable plastic as an alternative plastic bag will come last to

additionally understand the capability of the project to be a possible substitute to our traditional

plastic bags.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to know the different alternatives to plastic bags, to analyze and

explain the components to be used with what comes up with an innovative product that is

effective in communities using Pachyrhizus erosus and Colocasia esculenta as the components,

and to raise awareness regarding the increase of hazards that can affect people's lives when not

using environmental friendly bags.

In response to the problem, this research proposes to examine Pachyrhizus erosus and

Colocasia esculenta to acquire the product that can mitigate harm in the future. The statements

below are the possible problems that the researchers would like to know about:

· What are the characteristics of bioplastic made out of Jicama and Taro in terms of the

following factors: neutrality of pH level, biodegradability in soil and in water,and tensile


· What components are present in extracted starch of colocasia esculenta and pachyrhizus

erosus plant that will make it environment-friendly and lessen pollution?


· The objectives of the study are as follows:

· To identify the attributes of using Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) and Taro (Colocasia

esculenta) plant to produce a biodegradable plastic.

· To produce a biodegradable plastic from the starch of Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) and

Taro (Colocasia esculenta) plant.

· To determine the tensile strength of the biodegradable plastic out of the starch content of

Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) and Taro (Colocasia esculenta) plant.

· To propose the use of a developed biodegradable plastic.

Significance of the Study

The study aims to produce an alternative plastic which can be useful and more eco-

friendly than the ordinary plastic. Its significance can be applicable to following:

Community. An average person uses plastic in their everyday lives. This research will

be good for them because it will not only give them a new variety of making plastic, but it will

also help give them something which is safer than the usual plastic that people use today.

Natural Environment. The study could provide the knowledge on how to lessen the

pollution in the environment. Biodegradable plastics would be safer and harmless to the

environment. Our ecosystem will highly benefit because piles of non-biodegradable plastic will

lessen which makes it easier for our natural environment.

Environmental Engineers. The study may help them make more methods of mitigating

the intensive effects of wastes in the world by changing the use of plastic to the use of the

researcher’s new biodegradable plastic.

Chemical Engineers. This study can give them more recognition about other

components that can be used to make biodegradable plastics. It can provide them knowledge on

how to improve biodegradable plastic.

Future Researchers. This study will be beneficial to the future researchers as this may

serve as a reference for their future study. In addition, they may also enhance their study about

the use of the starch of taro and jicama as the components of the bioplastic, since they have a

guide to do so.

Farmers. Farmers will benefit from this project because the demand for Jicama and Taro

will rise which will and may help them financially.

Material Science. This study would add knowledge to the field of materials science. It

would provide information about Jicama and Taro used as Biodegradable plastic.

Scope and Delimitations

This general intent of this study is to find alternative materials that can be a component

for Bio-based plastic substitute to traditional plastic. The bioplastic should not contain any

harmful microbes in it, should attain considerable amount of tensile force, and is biodegradable

both in water and soil. The researchers will utilize the extracted starch of Taro (Colocasia

esculenta) and Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) as the components of the biodegradable plastic,

along with the use of water, vinegar, and glycerine.

The study will be limited into only two components: extraction of Colocasia esculenta

and Pachyrhizus erosus plant. The sample of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) and Jicama

(Pachyrhizus erosus) plant will be collected from Visayas Avenue Wet & Dry Market at Quezon

City, and will undergo through a process of starch extraction. The acquired starch from these

plants, will then be used as a constituent material for the plastic-making process, incorporated

with water, vinegar, and glycerine. The samples of bioplastic sheets are tested, to further analyze

its tensile strength, pH level, biodegradability in both soil and seawater.

Definition of Terms

Bioplastic- It simply means that it is a plastic that is made from plants or other organic materials

that has been decomposed instead of petroleum oil.

Colocasia esculenta- A type of root crop that has large glossy leaves and found in tropical and

subtropical regions. It is mostly known as “taro” and contains a large amount of starch.

Pachyrhizus erosus - A type of root crop that has a golden-brown skin and contains a starchy

white interior. In tagalog, it is called ``singkamas” and this is a type of trailing plant.

Petrochemicals- Refers to any of a large group of chemicals that happened to be derived from a

a starting material obtained from a material. This can be obtained from coal, coke or vegetable


Polymers- A useful chemical made of long, repeating chains of molecules and it can be heated

and reformed over and over once it was formed. An example includes nylon, plastics, and


Polypropene- Refers to the thermoplastics that is tough and crystalline. It is used in a wide

variety of applications such as packaging products due to its high strength and low cost.

Polyethylene- Refers to the thermoplastics that is light, versatile synthetic made from the

polymerization of ethylene. It is the most used plastic in the world an can be applicable to food

wrap and shopping bags to detergent bottles.

Polystyrene- An inexpensive and hard plastic that is versatile. It is mostly used in the food

industry as rigid trays, foamed cups, plates, and bowls.

Starch- It is an organic chemical that can be found in green plants and also a type of

Carbohydrate. It is white, soft, and a tasteless powder in terms of the physical properties.

Sugar Starch- Refers to the sugar glucose that is found in a starch and known as complex




This chapter is composed of the review of all the related literature and studies that the researchers

will scrutinize to give light to their study.

Starch-based Bioplastic

Biodegradable plastics are composed of raw materials that are renewable (Stevens, 2002, as cited

in Ozdamar & Ates, 2018). In the same study, Stevens categorized the types of biodegradable plastics into

three categories. (a.) Bioplastics that are composed of polymers that are conventional, such as starch, (b.)

Bioplastics that are refined from polymers that undergo microbial fermentation, (c.) Bioplastics that are

processed with polymerized resins with monomers that are existing by nature, such as lactic acids.

Raw materials that are used in producing bioplastics are naturally-occurring, renewable, easy to

attain, and at the same time, it is biodegradable (Scotts, 2002, as cited in Gadhave, et.al, 2018). Cellulose,

which is commonly found in all plants, Lignin, which is naturally found in woods, and Starch, which is

abundant in most of root crops, are raw materials that are viable and can be a component of a bioplastic.

As stated in the same study (p. 19).

Among the renewable resources, starch is the potentially useful material for bioplastics because it

is accessible yet inexpensive (Kaith, et.al, 2009, as cited in Arikan & Bilgen, 2019). The second largest

biomass ever produced on Earth is starch. It is a white, granular, organic chemical that is produced by all

green plants (Jane, 1995, as cited in Shrirakshaya, et.al, 2020). A variety of biomass and raw materials,

including banana peels, corn, wheat, peas, potatoes, and cassava roots, are produced commercially from

Starch and its derivatives (p. 47).

The major sources of starch bioplastics are starches derived from potato, wheat, rice, barley, oat

and other soy sources (Guilbert, Cuq, & Gondtard, 1997). Starch-based biofilms are odorless, tasteless,

non-toxic, and biodegradable. (Debeaufort et.al, 1999). Starch is completely biodegradable in the

environment, since microorganisms and enzymes hydrolyze it into glucose (Choi E-J et.al, 1999).

According to statistics, in the year of 2002, starch polymers were produced about 30000 metric

tons per year. 75% of starch polymers are used for packaging applications, including soluble films for

industrial packaging and films for bags. (Innocenti & Bastioli 2002, as cited in Le, 2020).

Starch is an agricultural and biodegradable feedstock biopolymer found in a variety of plants

such as wheat, corn, rice and potato. Polymers based on starch are an attractive alternative to polymers

based on petrochemicals (Le, 2020). Amylose is mainly a linear molecule of (1→4)-linked α-

Glucopyranosyl units and their molecular weights ranging from 105 to 106 gmol-1 (Buleon, Colonna,

Planchot & Ball 1998, as cited in Le, 2020). Amylopectin consists of hundreds of short chains of (1-4)

linkages but with (1-6) linkages at the branch points. Their molecular weights ranges from 106 to 108

gmol-1. Depending on the source type, the ratio of these polymers is different. Typically, the level of

amylopectin is 70% (Hedley 2002, as cited in Le, 2020). For instance, potato starch accounts of 20%

amylose and 80% amylopectin (Tarté & Rodrigo 2009, as cited in Le, 2020). The granules of the starch

consist amylose and branching points of amylopectin molecules. Amylose constitutes starches’ linear

chains, with glucose residues linked by α-D-(1-4) bonds. Depending on the species, it constitutes 20-30%

of starch. (Saraswat et al., 2014).

Benefits of Bioplastic

In 2002, Mohanti et.al stated that bioplastics will be the novel materials of the 21st century, and

would be a great material globally. At this present time, many researchers had developed a lot of

bioplastics that is starch-based and is now being improved to be the future of plastics. This is to mitigate

its adverse effect in the environment and animals, especially the aquatic life. Biomass growth consumes

CO2 via photosynthesis. Therefore, overall production of bioplastics has a smaller carbon footprint than

petro-plastics (Niaounakis et.al, 2015). In addition to that, he also said that some bioplastics possesses

very high biodegradability, making them more environmentally sustainable materials. This simply means

that one of the benefits of bioplastics is high biodegradability.

A report by Yu and Chen (2014) explained the benefits of bioplastics are its independence and

energy efficiency. (a.) Bioplastic is made from renewable resources: corn, sugarcane, soy and other plant

sources as opposed to common plastics, which are made from petroleum. (b.) Production uses less energy

than conventional plastics. On the other hand, plastics are made from 4% of oil that the world uses every

year. With oil scarcity, the manufacture of plastics becomes increasingly exposed to fluctuating prices

(Yu & Chen, 2014). In short, bioplastics can be a good alternative from petroleum-based polymer and

helps reduce the price of oil that is used widely. Also, bioplastics can mitigate Greenhouse Gases (GHG)

with 0.49 kg of CO2 from a production of 1kg of resin compared to 2-3 kg being emitted by petroleum-

based polymer and 80% reduction of global warming potential. (Yu & Chen, 2014).

The plants which provide the biomass feedstocks for biopolymer synthesis absorb CO 2 as they

grow, this way the net carbon footprint of bioplastic production is reduced (Piemonte et.al, 2011). In

principle, it’s not necessary to collect biodegradable plastics since they can be left to biodegrade in the

environment which offers several advantages such as: increased soil fertility, lower accumulation of

plastic in landfills and a reduction in the cost of waste management (Niaounakis, 2013; Tokiwa, Calabia,

Ugwu, Aiba, 2009).

Bioplastic’s Role in the Environment

Bioplastics has a lot of role in our environment, and these includes the following:

i. Role in landfills

The key issues that need to be discussed when considering increasing the use of biodegradable plastics in

landfills are:

• Their ability to substitute for currently hard-to-recycle materials

• How their presence will impact current recycling systems

• Methane emissions if biodegradable plastics are disposed of in landfill

Most scholars believe that biodegradable plastics can minimize landfill dependence by replacing

products or materials already impossible to recycle that are used in applications that explicitly require

biodegradability. In applications that explicitly require biodegradability, plastics may be used. (R.A.

Gross, B. Kalra, 2002; J.H. Song, R.J. Murphy, R. Narayan, G.B. Davies, 2009). To replace plastic that

leaks to the atmosphere, marine biodegradable plastic replacements could be used. Plastic spills can also

be targeted for use in biodegradable marine plastics (WRAP 2009). Due to the potential for methane

emissions, dumping of biodegradable products in landfills should be discouraged. (M.R. Yates, C.Y.

Barlow, 2013; WRAP 2009).

Organizations that use biodegradable plastics need to be responsible for the proper handling of

them. Councils should concentrate on ensuring that appropriate quantities are available (D. Meeks, T.

Hottle, M.M. Bilec, A.E. 2015). The accessible EOL alternatives are improved by biodegradable plastics,

thereby eliminating dependency on landfill and incineration. This is especially useful for materials which

are difficult to recycle. (J.H. Song, R.J. Murphy, R. Narayan, G.B. Davies, 2009). Packaging materials

include organically soiled packaging, multilayer packaging, and small sachet (R.A. Gross, B. Kalra,

2002). Without simple overhaul, up to 30 percent of plastic packaging will never be suitable for recycling.

Biodegradability is only a desirable property in situations where the application implicitly

demands it, such as agricultural waste collection bags (M. Heyde 1998). It should be inferred from this

debate that recyclable and marine biodegradable materials have been used ahead of all non-recyclable

materials and the materials which are most likely to be leaked or mismanaged (Dilkes-Hoffman, L. S.,

Pratt, S., Lant, P. A., & Laycock, B. 2019)

Bioplastic also produces fewer greenhouse gasses and has no toxins, according to one source.

Compared with 23 kg of CO2 from petrochemical counterparts, the risk for global warming is about 80

percent diminished (Yu and Chen 2008). Bioplastics made from renewable sources may reduce the stocks

of raw materials. This will indirectly cause deforestation, which is a problem. The latest practice is also

the exploitation of food by-products (Lagaron JM, Lopez-Rubio A. 2011).

ii. Role in marine

There is no consensus on the specific advantages of biodegradable plastics for addressing the

problem of marine aggregation. It is crucial that the debate moves from focusing on biodegradable

plastics (e.g., PHA and starch) as a single category to defining and addressing a subgroup of marine

biodegradable plastics. The possibility of harm to marine species will be minimized, even if it is not

entirely alleviated (Dilkes-Hoffman, L. S., Pratt, S., Lant, P. A., & Laycock, B. 2019)

According to statement of Open-Bio partners to UNEP (2015) in resolving the problem of aquatic

waste, biodegradable plastics can have a part to play. Limits to their effectiveness are also addressed.

Study to increase the potential to confirm underwater biodegradability is underway. Biodegradable

plastics can be used to make garments and other products safer. In the aquatic world, it is difficult to say

how long it would take to break down (European Bioplastics, 2016). The matter of marine deposition can

be dealt with by marine biodegradable plastics. A more nuanced discussion of polymer form and marine

degradability would be needed. A few famous papers, unexpectedly. Don't even take biodegradable

plastics seriously. They believe that' the volume or effect of plastics entering the ocean would not be

substantially diminished by biodegradable technologies.' The role of biodegradable plastics is problematic

in reducing marine litter (Statement of Open-Bio partners to the UNEP 2015). The UNEP study

concludes that in the fight against marine waste, biodegradable polymers would not play a major part.

During the biodegradation phase, there is still the potential for marine destruction. The effect on the

atmosphere is associated with the amount of time the polymer lasts for. The rebuttal acknowledges that

the "all-in-one" alternative to littering is not biodegradable plastics. In terms of estimating marine

lifetimes of biodegradable plastics, the Open-Bio rebuttal recognizes that further study is needed.

Through standardizing test methods for validating marine biodegradability, the consortium is resolving

this problem, the rebuttal says. It says it would be necessary to define and address the sub-group of

marine biodegradable plastics (Dilkes-Hoffman, L. S., Pratt, S., Lant, P. A., & Laycock, B. 2019)

iii. Role in people

• Marketing

Some say bioplastics made from 20 percent or more of renewable materials could be the solution

to plastic pollution. Bioplastics nowadays are used as disposable items namely, packaging, containers,

straws and bags. It is expected for the global bioplastic market to skyrocket, growing from $17 billion in

the year of 2017 to almost $44 billion in 2022 (Renee Cho,2017). A way for new considerations of waste

management strategies was provided by Bioplastics since these products are designed to degrade under

environmental conditions or in municipal and industrial waste treatment facilities. PHAs that depends on

materials made from plastic will be a solution for the most of the industries and society. Bioplastics has

its own environmental impact depending on how it was produced, therefore an urgent development of

efficient microorganisms and their products is a must for the global problem which is cause by single-use

plastics we are facing and unable to completely solve up to this day. (Raaz Maheshwari, et.al, 2013).

Naturally recycled bioplastics that are sustainable, largely biodegradable, and biocompatible can limit the

use of fossil fuels, therefore protecting the environment. Nowadays bioplastic plays a huge role in

consumer products. According to a research, the demand for global plastic consumption has increased and

is being dedicated for exploring green materials and new ways to process them (Syed Ali Ashter,2016).

• Consumer

Confusion on how biodegradable plastics is identified and disposed of is a big concern. (WRAP,

2007). The Open-Bio project (European initiative) aims to tackle this problem by 'increasing the

implementation in Europe of specifications, labels and harmonized lists of product details for biobased

products' (Open-BIO 2017). If suitable marking and distinguished waste disposal schemes are built to

benefit customers, biodegradability should have no downside in waste management. (M. Heyde 1998).

• Technology

The rate of technical developments will play an important role in the speed of adoption of

biodegradable plastics. (L. Shen, J. Haufe, M. Patel n.d.). The improved composting infrastructure would

facilitate the production of biodegradable plastics. (I. Korner, K. Redemann, R. Stegmann, 2005).

Fluorescent markers include labeling the resin with a colorant that generates a signal that can be

recognized and used to sort the products when irradiated. (A. Soroudi, I. Jakubowicz 2013). Other

businesses (such as Tomra) are trying to increase the quality and durability of plastic sorting machines. It

would also have to consider engineering controls and the creation of new materials (Dilkes-Hoffman, L.

S., Pratt, S., Lant, P. A., & Laycock, B. 2019)

Sustainability in Bioplastic

In 2017, Shamsuddin et al. conducted a review on bioplastics as a better alternative to Petro

plastics and their role in national sustainability. They presented that in plastics; chemical substances are

usually added to enrich the property that has negative implications to the atmosphere. A sustainable

method to the production of plastic is to lessen the chemical substances in it. To lessen the negative

implications, it can be accomplished by using recyclable bags yielded from natural fibers (Klar et al.,

2014, as cited in Shamsuddin et al., 2017). Later, innovators may develop recycling systems and

production technology for bioplastics. It is possible that the use of bioplastics can achieve national

sustainability and development that makes the one of the most used products on earth an eco-friendly

product and reduction of carbon footprints.

The study of Shamsuddin et al. also discussed the aspect of biodegradation and the factors how it

decomposes. Biodegradation is an organic process where materials break into smaller pieces due to its

microbial activity. The biodegradation of the material is determined by the thickness and structure of the

material. The degradation is the process of disintegration of polymers into smaller pieces by abiotic

factors like UV radiation, oxygen attack, and biological attack. Bio-based plastics are created from

organic resources. It is not always biodegradable but can be recycled. These are quite similar to plastics

made from fossils. Compostable plastics can undergo natural decomposition in a site and break down

without leaving toxic chemicals. These products can also degrade by enzymes. Lastly, the conventional

plastics made from petroleum or synthetic plastic derived from non-renewable resources. This study helps

the research in presenting the sustainability in bioplastics.

A report by Keziah et al. (2014) titled Biodegradable plastic production from corn starch

addresses and provides discussion of how the evolution of bioplastic can resolve sustainability difficulties

on earth. As issues on the environment continue to worsen, some researchers tried to produce a bioplastic

and see if it can be an alternative to plastics. The researchers obtained the bioplastic in 2 days using

simple materials and without higher supervision. It could be developed on a larger scale if the facilities

are set up. It is known that in producing, using and throwing plastics it can impose alarming threats to us

as it causes many health risks and are harmful for the environment because of their toxic nature. Thus,

bioplastics can be the finest alternative to optimize sustainability on the planet (Keziah et al., 2014)

For the biobased polymer resources to be used in the development of bioplastics. The biobased

polymer should be efficient, renewable and widely available (Asgher et al., 2020). Therefore, the

bioplastic made from renewable biomass can be used as sustainable replacement to plastics. These

biobased polymers can synthesize coatings and films with great barrier properties against foodborne

pathogens and the transport of gases.

According to the review article of Thakur et al. (2018), biodegradable plastics are more

environment-friendly yet it also encounters some limitations such as high manufacturing and low

mechanical tendency. Compared to conventional plastics, few bioplastics such as poly-lactic acid needed

few years to be degraded. Yet, bioplastic can be processed to incorporate with natural bio-materials to

diminish the cost. It is said that degradation requires a certain temperature. Hence, temperature is an

important component in degrading polymers.

Synthesis of Review of Related Literature and Studies

All of the themes stated earlier has a large fundamental which can support the research.

In the Starch-based Bioplastic theme, it is very likely to support the research because it states that

among the renewable resources, starch is the potentially useful material for bioplastics because it is

accessible yet inexpensive. This is one of the theme’s statements which can highly support the research

because of the researchers’ use of starch in the experimental research. Starch can be very accessible to the

public because it can be derived from potato, wheat, barley, oat, corn, and other soy sources. This can also

help the research because not only will it be easier for the researchers to obtain starch, but it will also be

an inexpensive product which doesn’t risk the researchers’ financial needs.

In the Benefits of Bioplastics theme, it claims that bioplastics is strongly preferable than Petro

plastics. Bioplastics can be made by bio-based materials that makes it more it more efficient and

renewable, and it can be more sustainable and biodegradable than plastic. It could lessen the use of petrol

for production of common plastic. Furthermore, it would reduce the emission of greenhouse gases along

with the prevention on global warming. Thereupon, the theme could add knowledge to the researchers on

how favorable the bioplastics are.

In the Bioplastic Role in the environment theme, it states that there are lots of roles in our

environment including landfills which can replace o the materials that is hard to recycle and to

the plastics that leaks to the atmosphere and also to plastic spills there is what they called marine

biodegradable plastic replacements. It can produce fewer greenhouse gasses so it can diminish

80% of the risk of global warming. Bioplastics has also a role in marine because the use of

bioplstics can minimize the harm towards marine species. Bioplastics also have a big role to

people in terms of marketing because it is made from 20 percent or more renewable materials,

products including packaging, containers, straws and bags are sold in the market made in bioplastics

and they believe that these plastics will be a solution for the most of the industries and society. In terms of

consumers, bioplastic is also important and beneficial to them because of the biodegradability of it and it

is said that there is no downside in waste management.

In the theme Sustainability of Bioplastic, the researchers can say that the production of bioplastic

is a sustainable method in lessening chemical substances that affect ecological balance. The most used

plastic globally is the petroleum plastic or polymer which increases carbon footprints. Starch-based

plastic or bioplastics are biodegradable and can be recycled in which they are made from organic

resources that undergo natural decomposition in the interaction of water, microbes, and biomass without

giving off toxic chemicals. One study entitled Biodegradable plastic production from corn starch

discussed how the evolution of bio-based plastic can help in resolving sustainability in the environment

and they tried if it can be a good alternative to the typical plastic which is petroleum. It was obtained in a

few days using simple materials and without higher supervision.

It is known that producing, using and throwing plastics can cause threat to human health and in

the environment because of its toxic nature. These biobased polymers can synthesize coatings and films

with great barrier properties against foodborne pathogens and the transport of gases. Although

biodegradable plastics are limited to high manufacturing and low mechanical tendency, it still can be

processed to incorporate with natural bio-materials to diminish the cost. It is said that degradation requires

a certain temperature. Hence, temperature is an important component in degrading polymers.

Sustainability is significant for some reasons including: Environmental Quality – In request to have health

communities, we need clean air, natural resources, and a nontoxic environment. Bioplastics can attain

sustainiblity that aims to utilize our resources efficiently to benefit our community.



The chapter mainly talks about the methods, impairing the intent and acknowledge the

ethics of an individual researcher. It contains research design, sampling technique,

sample/population, research instruments, data gathering procedure and ethical considerations.

Research Design

The research design is a critical component that must be included in the study since it

offers a guide or structure that describes the direction of the research; how it is applicable, and

how it can help to gain a better knowledge of the topic chosen. The study will research the

bioplastic’s tensile strength, neutrality of pH level, and biodegradability in soil and in water

which will require for the researchers to find and seek numerical variables and units which made

it possible for it to be a quantitative research. The nature of research, that is, quantitative in this

case, has an important impact on the accuracy of the results. Hence, it offers a firm foundation

for the entire analysis.

In this study, the researchers used experimental research design wherein a sample product

will be made from two main components and will undergo the process of starch-based plastic.

When the samples are attained, one variable will be tested through a series of tests and one

sample will be observed in each type of test. The results are observed to establish an Independent

t-test to reveal the difference of the same variable from different populations.

Research Locale and Sampling Technique

The research was conducted at residence of one of the researchers which is at Tandang

Sora, Quezon City. This place was selected due to ongoing community quarantine and the

researchers cannot go to the various laboratories. The said residence was used for testing the

neutral pH level, Biodegradability in soil and water and tensile strength of the bioplastic that the

researchers will do while the other researchers produce the same bioplastic at their own homes.

In able to have proper and accurate result in experiments and testing, the researchers will

gather their main materials the Jicama and Taro plant in a farm and would gather only 10 each

plant. The researchers would use judgement sampling and would have requirements in acquiring

these materials such as it should Weigh 30 grams, not so soft aggregate and have the fresh

appearance. The researchers would gather the materials in the farm or local market. For other

materials other than the jicama and taro plant, the researchers will only use convenience

sampling wherein the materials will be gathered based on the availability of those materials.

Materials and Instruments

The researchers will use various materials that is accessible and convenient to use. The

materials that will be involve in the production of the biodegradable plastic are listed below.

For the creation of the biodegradable plastic, the components or ingredients to be used

are as follows:

• 2 tablespoons of mixed powdered Jicama & Taro starch (1 tablespoon for Jicama,

1 tablespoon for Taro)

• ½ cup water

• 2 teaspoons of white vinegar

• 2 teaspoons of glycerin

The list below are the equipment that the researchers will be using in the plastic-making


• Kitchen stove, for the ingredients to be cooked.

• Spatula, for thorough mixing of the ingredients.

• Boiling pot, serves as the container where the ingredients are being mixed.

• Any type of container, for the storage of the powdered starch of Jicama and Taro.

• Grater, to grate the Jicama and Taro crop.

• Flat baking sheet, to flatten the cooked liquid mixture into thin sheets.

The research instrument that will be used to collect the necessary data from the sample of

this study is through a series of testing. The sample product, which is the starch-based bioplastic

sample sheet, will undergo through 3 types of testing. The sample sheets of bioplastic will be

tested if it will attain the desired factors, such as, its tensile strength, neutrality of pH level, and

biodegradability in soil and in water.

The sample sheet of the bioplastic is first tested for its tensile strength. According to

Pratima Bajpai (2018), Tensile strength is the maximum load that one object can hold without

having any rupture when being stretched. The researchers used the spring balance, in order to

measure the maximum tension force of the sample bioplastic sheet attain before it breaks.

Second method that the researchers will facilitate is the measure of the pH level of the

sample bioplastic sheet. According to Elfina, et.al (2016), the pH level of the bioplastic will be

tested to know if there are any harmful microbes contained in the bioplastic, that can affect the

materials if the plastic will be used as a packaging or container later on. pH meter is used to

determine the pH level of the bioplastic sheet, along with the buffer solution of 4, 5, and 7, and

distilled water.

Biodegradability of the sample bioplastic sheet will also be examined; the sample

bioplastic sheet’s biodegradability will be tested in both soil and water. The researchers observed

the biodegradability rate of the bioplastics for almost 3 months, the researchers used a loam soil

and seawater as a setting where the sample bioplastic sheet is situated. Elfina, et.al (2016), also

stated in their study that biodegradability of the bioplastic is tested both in soil and water, to

further assess its properties, and the content of the plastic that will help in the degradation

process of the bioplastic. This test also clearly specifies the extent of mass reduction of the

bioplastic sheet (Wahyuningtiyas & Suryanto, 2017). For this to be executed properly, the mass

before burying the bioplastic sheet is determined then the mass after degradation was measured

afterwards and when the bioplastic sheet was completely degraded, the biodegradability can

finally be measured.

Data Gathering Procedure

The two main components, taro and jicama will be gathered from a local farm, however

if not available, the researchers will acquire from the market. The researchers would use

judgement sampling, and only 10 per plant will be collected. The researchers will use

convenience sampling for the other materials, where the materials will be collected based on its

availability. For preparing the starch-based bioplastic sample sheet, the starch from the root crop

will be collected by hand in the laboratory, the grated root crops will rest in a water container

and let the starch settle on the bottom. Then the starch collected will be mixed with various

aggregates, such as water, vinegar, and glycerin. With medium fire, this process will be

completed. The heated mixture later on is flattened into thin sheets, varying according to the

sizes that are preferred. The researchers will produce 5 samples of bioplastics-based starch.

After making samples of the starch-based bioplastics, the researchers will place it in a

series of tests. The samples will be tested in order to know if it will attain the desired factors,

such as, its tensile strength, neutrality of pH level, and biodegradability in soil and in water.

The sample sheets of the starch-based bioplastics are first tested for its tensile strength.

The researchers measured the maximum tension force of the sample bioplastic sheet with the use

of Spring Balance and was later on used for standard plastic for the same reason. After the first

test, the researchers measured the pH level and buffer solution of 4, 5 and 7 of the bioplastics

with a pH meter and to know if it has microbes. After that, the sample bioplastic sheets it was

examined and tested to know its biodegradability in soil and water. In a course of almost 3

months the researchers observed the biodegradability rate of the bioplastics. The researchers

utilized loam soil and sea water as a place of observation where the bioplastic is situated.

This is a capstone research; therefore, sampling techniques would not be discussed since

there are no participants for the reason that the researchers will only make a new product of

ameliorated bioplastic.

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram

Data Analysis Procedure

Data analysis is considered to be the most pivotal piece of any research. Based from the

article by Kalpesh (2013), it serves as a bridge in answering the research questions and

construction of conclusions as well as making the general problem into specific parts; data

analysis also helps in making an unbiased research conclusion that has systematic process.

To be specific, the data that will be gathered is going to be analyzed through independent

t-test which serves as a test for the difference between the same variable (plastic bags) from

different population (e.g., bioplastic and polymer plastic). According to Neil J. Salkind of

Encyclopedia of Research Design, independent t- test is a hypothesis test that determines if the

population means of two independent groups are the same or different. The researchers will start

by collecting sample of the observations and other data. The researchers will then begin to

compare the two sample and their components. After the outlining of the data gathered and

getting the important information for the questions to be answered, the researchers will then

evaluate and conclude from that analysis.

Experimental setup will be prepared by incorporating jicama starch and taro starch to the

different treatment that the researchers will execute. Jicama starch and taro starch when

combined will undergo absorption test, break point investigation and firmness test. The testing of

jicama and starch bioplastic will begin through absorption test. The dry sheets of the bioplastic

will be exposed to outdoor places or within the environment for 6-8 hours. The researchers will

record the weight changes of the treatment every one hour to determine the moisture capacity of

the bioplastic and its shelf-life in an environment with a specific temperature.

Next is break point investigation wherein the treatment’s sheets will be elongated to test

its maximum elongation and will be measured using a measuring tape. This test will allow the

researchers to find-out the elongation rate of the bioplastic compared to the traditional plastic in

the market.

Lastly, firmness test will be done to evaluate the firmness of the bioplastic through bore

test with a maximum of 2.0 Mpa with a force of 221.31N. The researchers will observe if the

jicama and taro starch component in the treatment has the capability to resist marks under the

given condition.

Ethical Considerations

In the nature of this project, an experimental research in root crops without any

participants is involved. The researchers will produce a starch-based bioplastic sample sheet that

will undergo different types of testing and these tests are researched-based to assure the safeness

and formality of the project. Therefore, there are no major ethical considerations applicable for

this project. Thus, the only ethical considerations applicable for this study are on the

environment. Since the experiment or testing can also be done home-based, the experiment or

testing would not harm the environment because the tests are based on the other research or

studies that also conducted the testing for biodegradable plastic. Plus, the biodegradable plastic

that will be produced that is done with the tests, will be buried on the loam soil for it to degrade

completely and leave no trace. Also, the researchers only needed a small amount of root crops

for making bioplastics, so it would not cause any shortage on farming of root crops.



This chapter presents the data obtained and the corresponding interpretation of data. It
presents tables to easily understand the data obtained by the testing such as tensile strength,
neutrality of pH level, biodegradability in soil and in seawater.

Achieved the standard characteristics of a bioplastic

Figure 4.1. Tensile Strength of the starch-based Bioplastic

Mostly, bioplastic materials are used because they have desirable mechanical properties such as

tensile strength and elongation at break. For this reason, the mechanical properties may be considered as

the most important of all the physical properties of bioplastic for most applications (Averous, L. 2004).

Table 1. Analysis of the acquired Tensile Strength of the starch-based bioplastic using Spring scale

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 General

1.5 N 1.3 N 1.5 N 1.4 N 1.5 N 1.44 N
a. The bioplastic with the same measurement and thickness were tested 5 times.

b. Mean is utilized to get the general average of all the acquired tensile strength. This determines if the population means of two independent
groups are the same or different.

According to Material Property Data, the ability to resist breaking under tensile stress is

one of the most important and widely measured properties of materials used in structural

applications. The force per unit area (MPa or psi) required to break a material in such a manner

is the ultimate tensile strength or tensile strength at break. The rate at which a sample is pulled

apart in the test can range from 0.2 to 20 inches per minute and will influence the results. The

analogous test to measure tensile properties in the ISO system is ISO 527. Meanwhile, tensile

strength is tested five times with the use of spring scale. The sample of the bioplastic sheet have

a uniform thickness and measurements, 1 cm x 1cm measurement and thickness of 1 mm.

Figure 4.2. pH Level of the starch-based Bioplastic

Analysis of the Jicama and Taro based-bioplastic ‘s pH level. pH meter is calibrated with a buffer

solution 4, 7, 10, to gather the accurate measurement of the pH level. The bioplastic sheet sample is then

submerged in the distilled water to enable the pH meter to gather the accurate data efficiently.

Table 2. Analysis of the pH level of the starch-based bioplastic using the pH meter

No. Sample sheet Thickness PH level

1 1 cm x 1 cm 1 mm 7.5
The sample bioplastic sheet is tested only once.

As shown in the table, a bioplastic with the main component of Jicama starch and Taro

starch obtains a neutral pH level that is safe to use as a packaging material. United States

Geological Survey (2019) further stated that pH level measured at 7 is neutral. If the pH level

measure is higher than 7, it indicates a base, on the other hand, if its measure is lower than 7, it

indicates an acid. In line with this, the plastic solution attained pH level of 7.5, thus, this will not

affect the product being packed with the bioplastic if it is going to be used as a packaging.

Figure 4.3. Biodegradability of the Bioplastic in Soil and in Seawater

Results of biodegradability test of bioplastic in organic soil.

Sample sheet measurement before planting = 1.5 inches

Week 1 (February 18)

Week 2 (February 25)

Week 3 (March 4)

Week 4 (March 11)

In related study, the researchers also determined the biodegradability of a sample sheet

bioplastic by soil burial degradation to determine the area of damage that can be seen from mass

reduction. Using eco-friendly ingredients, through microorganisms the degrading procedure was

performed (Wahyuningtiyas & Suryanto, 2017). The slow progress of biodegradability can be

noticed every after a week. The sample sheet also gets crispy and crispier as it lasts on the

organic soil making it more fragile.

Results of biodegradability test of bioplastic in seawater.

Sample sheet measurement before planting = 1 inch

Seawater obtained from Nasugbu, Batangas.

Week 1 (February 22)

Week 2 (March 1)

Week 3 (March 8)

In related study the researchers investigated the interaction of submicron-sized bioplastics

with environmentally and clinically important bacteria under seawater and sediment conditions.

To examine the relationship between submicron-sized bioplastics and bacteria in seawater and

sediment. The results indicated that selected bacteria increased their viability both in seawater

and sediment with the submicron-sized bioplastics in that the bioplastics decreased their mass at

the level of 10–23%. However, the activation level and mechanism affected the polymer type,

bacteria, and environmental media, and submicron-sized bioplastics promoted biofilm formation

with enhancing basophilic characteristics of biofilms.

The bioplastic possesses components that are environmental-friendly and aids in lessening the


Starch is a white, granular, organic chemical extracted from green plants (Jane, 1995, as

cited in Shrirakshaya, et.al, 2020). It is proven that starch is a material that provides the most

utility among the renewable resources because it is economical, low-cost, and accessible (Kaith,

et.al, 2009, as cited in Arikan & Bilgen, 2019). Additionally, the use of starch as a component of

bioplastics was further proven useful because of its biodegradability; this is because

microorganisms and enzymes hydrolyze it into glucose (Choi E-J et.al, 1999).

One of the most evident examples are Starch-based biofilms—they are odorless, tasteless,

non-toxic, and biodegradable. Furthermore, the accessibility of starch is evident by its

prominence as the aforementioned chemical is the second largest biomass produced on Earth.

Moreover, among the sources of starch bioplastics, majority of these were derived from potato,

rice, wheat, barley, oat, and other soy sources (Guilbert, Cuq, & Gondtard, 1997).

Jicama plants (Pachyrhizus erosus) is a plant that produces tuber root, with a rounded

shape like a top. The results of the analysis showed 100 g Jicama calories 55 calories, 15 mg

calcium, 18 mg phosphorus, 85.1 grams of water and 12.8 grams of carbohydrates, so it can be

developed into a biodegradable plastic. (Elfina S. et.al,2016).

Taro has been reported to have 70–80% starch with small granules, Because of the small

sizes of its starch granules, taro is highly digestible. This polysaccharide is produced by all green

plants as an energy store. It is the most common carbohydrate in the human diet and is contained

in large amounts in such staple foods as potatoes, wheat, maize (corn), rice, and cassava.

Depending on the plant, starch generally contains 20 to 25% amylose and 75 to 80%

amylopectin. (Ahmed A. 2013)

In plastic products that are used today, numerous of dangerous chemicals are present such

as Phthalates, Bisphenol-A (BPA), and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Compared to the researcher’s

bioplastic, these chemicals are nowhere to be found because the bioplastic has completely

organic components hence being made from the extracted starch of colocasia esculenta and

pachyrhizus erosus plant which make it completely organic and harmless.

The making of the plastic products being used today also brings intensive pollution to the

atmosphere due to the extraction of plastic’s raw material, oil. This process releases toxic

extracted from the earth. Compared to the bioplastic, this process is no longer necessary because

of its organic properties which doesn’t require the rapid disruption of the atmosphere.



This chapter presents the summary of the results of the current study. (please add details)

2-3 sentences only. Justified, double-spaced, times new roman.

Summary of Findings

Based on the findings of the study, the following are hereby stated:

1.1 Tensile strength

The researchers observed that the sample sheet of bioplastic made out of Jicama and Taro

attained the average tensile strength for a bioplastic. In line with the related literature,

(Marvizadeh, 2017, as cited in Gadhave, et. al., 2018) starch as component for bioplastic material

enhances tear strength.

1.2 Neutrality of pH level

The pH level of the bioplastic is measured with a pH meter, the calibrated pH level of the

sample biodegradable plastic is 7.5. In line with this, a liquid with a pH level of 7 is neutral, just

like in pure water. Below 7 is acidic, and higher than 7 is basic (Environment & Natural


1.3 Biodegradability in soil and in seawater

The biodegradability in soil and water showed some degradation in the bioplastic

physical properties, progressively. The biodegradation process underwent for a month and is

continuously degrading.

For the bioplastic tested in soil, as weeks progressed, the bioplastic becomes crispier. The

plastic has also several dark spots in its features, thus, showing some hints of degradation in its

physical features.

For the bioplastic tested in seawater, the bioplastic showed some signs of biodegradation

through time. The bioplastic becomes soggy, and it breaks down into smaller pieces each week.

Some of the particles of the bioplastic mixes with the seawater, as weeks advance.

2. The extracted starch of Jicama and Taro plants possess components that make the

bioplastic environment-friendly and minimize pollution. In congruence with existing studies,

(Kaith, et.al, 2009, as cited in Arikan & Bilgen, 2019) starch is organic, economical, accessible,

and its biodegradability becomes easier with the help of microorganisms and enzymes that break

down it to be glucose (Choi E-J et.al, 1999). It is also proven odorless and non-toxic (Guilbert,

Cuq, & Gondtard, 1997).


The researchers experimented on a two type of component which is Jicama (Pachyrhizus

erosus) and Taro (Colocasia esculenta) plant to analyze it’s component and characteristics if it

can be an alternative to plastic bags as being more eco-friendly. In addition, to raise awareness

regarding the several toxic constituents in plastic that have adverse effect on environmental and

public health. The results reveal that the sample bioplastic were able to provide a tensile strength

with the maximum value of 1.5 Newton and has met the standard characteristics of a Bioplastic.

According to Material Property Data, the ability to resist breaking under tensile stress is one of

the most important and widely measured properties of materials used in structural applications.

Also, the Ph level that has a result of 7.5 Ph from a one sample sheet ranges in the middle

of a ph measurement where ph is neutral and therefore it is not acidic. It will not affect the

product being packaged with the bioplastic if it is used as a packaging. Thus, it will not affect the

seawater when a mass of plastic is thrown away in the sea. The biodegradability of the bioplastic

was also tested in seawater and soil for four weeks. As weeks progressed, it shows signs of

degradation in its physical features that it breaks down in smaller pieces each week. Therefore,

shows biodegration process and can lessen intensive pollution due to the extraction of material in

a plastic’s raw material which is oil but the bioplastic contains organic properties which makes it

harmless to the environment and atmosphere.

The researchers were not able to examine or test the heat resistance due to limited

resources which may provide variables that can be inaccurate and not critical as the other tests. It

is recommended to further examine various aggregates or components to be used for the

durability of the biolastic. Thus, utilization of proper tools, materials, and location in

manufacturing the bioplastic. The existing study may serve as a guide to develop other methods

and mitigate other chemicals that was used in the previous studies.


Based on the conclusions of the study, the following are recommendations:

It is tested that less chemicals were used in the process of creating bioplastic compared to

the amount of chemicals that plastic bags contain. Bioplastic will greatly aid the natural

environment for it will bring safer and harmless effect on our nature. Furthermore, the

researchers highly suggest to create the product in a laboratory to further explore the components

needed in producing a more refined bioplastic. The existing study may serve as a guide to

develop other methods and mitigate other chemicals that was used in the previous studies. The

team also recommend to involve deep comparisons between the variety of plastics that are

already existing in the market.

Moreover, the bioplastics manufactured still exhibits poor mechanical properties. For this reason,

the researchers recommend to further study and develop different physical strengthening

methods. These processing conditions and post-treatments can enhance the characteristics of the

bioplastics produced. When producing bioplastics, it is essential to be aware of the materials

used and the processes done for the researchers to select the proper tools, materials and location

to be utilized in manufacturing the bioplastics.


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Materials and Instruments

This research is a capstone research. Therefore, the researchers didn’t use any

questionnaires in conducting their study. Nevertheless, the researchers used several equipment

and materials in the production of their bioplastic.

The ingredients or components used in making the bioplastic out of the starch of taro and

jicama are as follows:

• Collected powdered starch of jicama and taro plant

• Glycerine

• Water

• Vinegar

While the equipment used in the production of bioplastic are as follows:

• Kitchen stove

• Spatula

• Boiling pot

• Containers

• Grater

• Flat baking sheet

On the other hand, the list below are the materials utilized in performing the different tests.

• Spring scale

• PH meter

• Buffer solution 4, 5 and 7

• Distilled water

• Loam soil

• Seawater

Raw Data of Tensile Strength Test using Spring scale

No. of Trials Sample Sheet Thickness Tensile strength

Trial 1 1 cm x 1 cm 1 mm 1.5N
Trial 2 1 cm x 1 cm 1 mm 1.3N
Trial 3 1 cm x 1 cm 1 mm 1.5N
Trial 4 1 cm x 1 cm 1 mm 1.4N
Trial 5 1 cm x 1 cm 1 mm 1.5N


RRL Matrix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Participants and
Sampling Technique
Nu Date of Research Problem Research l
Journal/Resea Variables/Terms (for descriptive) Contributions to your Ongoing
mb Author(s) publicati and Purpose of the Design Data Collection Procedure Treatme Major Findings and Discussions Conclusions and Recommendations End-text citation (APA style)
rch Title Under Study, Materials and Study
er on Study Used nt of
Treatment Groups
(for experimental)
1 Shamsuddin, Ibrahim M. , Shamsuddin, 2017 Bioplastics as better A review on bioplastic Casual-Comparative The researchers collected data from Independ In using petroleum based polymers, it The research recommends the use of This study is helpful in knowing Shamsuddin, I. M., Jafar, J. A., Shawai, A. A., Yusuf, S.,
Jafar, Jafar A., Shawai, Ibrahim M. , alternative to bioplastic as an s, Study existing research journals and ent T- is presented that it has alarming bioplastic instead of conventional the in-depth definition of bioplastic Lateefah, M. & Aminu, I. (2017). Bioplastics as better
Abubakar Sadiq A., Yusuf, Jafar, Jafar A., petroplastics and alternative to petroplast introduced both petroplatics and Test negative impacts on the atmosphere. plastics as our environment issues alternative to petroplastics and their role in national
Saleh, Lateefah, Mahmud, Shawai, their role in national petroleum based ics, bioplastics then compared and By creating bioplastic instead of continue to grow. sustainability: a review. Advances in Bioscience and
Aminu, Ibrahim Abubakar sustainability: a plastics advantag reviewed that bioplastics can be the conventional plastics, it is found that Bioengineering, 5(4), 63-70. doi: 10.11648/j.abb.20170504.13
Sadiq A., review. es of key to attain national sustainability. it is high cost but there are other
Yusuf, Saleh, bioplastic options in producing in a cost
Lateefah, s, effective way. It is also found that by
Mahmud, environm using biopolymers, there is a chance
Aminu, ent, in controlling the marine pollution.
Ibrahim sustainabi

2 Gadhave, Ravindra V., Das, Gadhave, 2018 Starch Based Bio- Assess starch based bioplastic Case study research The researchers collected data from Factor It is found that packaging technology The research recommends to develop This study is useful in wherefore Gadhave, R. V., Mahanwar, A. A., & Gadekar, P. T. (2018).
Abhijit, Mahanwar, Prakash Ravindra V., Plastics: The Future bioplastics as the , starch, existing research journals and making analysis in future shows the development of properties in starch-based bioplastic we choose starch as the bioplastics' Starch based bio-plastic: the future of sustainable packaging.
A., Gadekar, Pradeep T. Das, Abhijit, of Sustainable future of sustainable packagin conclusion on what is the main newer breeds of biomaterials. by adding starch with other polymers. component. Open Journal of Polymer Chemistry, 8(2), 21-33. doi:
Mahanwar, Packaging packaging g, composition should be used in Although starch based materials are The starch as components of 10.4236/ojpchem.2018.82003
Prakash A., sustainabl making bioplastic. high cost it may change as the bioplastics is getting brighter in the
Gadekar, e petroleum cost continues to increase. future as its sustainable plastics are
Pradeep T. currently innovating and developing.

3 Chen, Ying J. Bioplastics and 2014 Proving that in using bioplastics, Correlati The researchers The researcher introduced issues Independ Bioplastics can potentially give The research recommends the further This study is beneficial in knowing Chen, Y. J. (2014). Bioplastics and their role in achieving
Their Role in bioplastics, it can petroplastics, onal compared the data of regarding oil-based plastics then ent T- perfect biodegradability that will help study of bioplastics as it is concluded the main advantages of bioplastics global sustainability. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Achieving attain global packaging, research bioplastics and oil- defined bioplastics then enumerated Test in environmental issues. The carbon that for today it is only used in in the environment and humans. Research, 6(1), 226-231. Retrieved from
Global sustainability environmental, based plastics from major advantages of bioplastics and footprint of it is lower than packaging material and soon it may https://www.jocpr.com/articles/bioplastics-and-their-role-in-
Sustainability sustainability existing research lastly, comapared the gathered data petroleum-based plastics. It can also be potentially used in higher achieving-global-sustainability,pdf
journals. from existing researches. be recycled that will also help in applications like electronics and
attaining global sustainability. automobile parts.

4 Wahyuningtas, Nanang E., Analysis of 2017 Analyze the bioplastics, cassava Experime The researchers first The researchers created samples of Analysis It is discovered that the more quantity The research concludes that the This study is useful in knowing in- Wahyuningtiyas, N. E. & Suryanto, H. (2017). Analysis of
Suryanto, Heru Biodegration biodegradation of starch, glycerol, ntal created samples of cassava starch-based bioplastics and of of glycerol used as plasticiser, the degradation of bioplastics made from depth aspects of degradation of biodegradation of bioplastics made of cassava starch. Journal
of Bioplastics cassava starch-based degradation, research cassava starch-based underwent into 5 phases: observation variance faster the degradation process while cassava starch is affected by water bioplastic made from cassava of Mechanical Engineering Science and Technology, 1(1) 41-
Made of bioplastic microorganism bioplastic with cassava of morphological properties of (ANOVA the higher moisture absorption, the components, moisture, and oxygen starch. 54. doi: 10.17977/um016v1i12017p024
Cassava Starch starch, distilled water bioplastics, moisture absorption, ) longer the shelf life would be. level.
then stirred then added biodegradability, shelf life testing and
glycerol then stirred chemical reaction of bioplastics. The
again then heated then data were gathered into these
dried in an oven and tests/true experiments.
placed at room
temperature until dried.
Electron microscope is
used in determining
surface morphology of
bioplastics. Soaking the
bioplastic in water is
used to determine
moisture absorption,
burrying the bioplastic
in soil is used to
storing the bioplastic in
a plastic box
determines the shelf life
and combining
elements into
compounds to
determine the chemical
reaction of bioplastics.
5 Jiang, Tianyu. Duan, Qingfei. Starch-based 2019 Develop a plastic Starch, Explorato In this study, extrustion The researchers discussed the Factor The properties of a starch-based The research journal suggests to This jouarnal can be beneficial to Jiang, T., Duan, Q., Zhu, J., Liu, H., Yu, L. (2019). Starch-
Zhu, Jian. Liu, Hongsheng. biodegradable that is starch-based Biodegradable, ry processing of starch. challenges and opportunities that they Analysis material can be improved when soak/sumberge the made product to our study because it gives us idea based biodegradable materials: Challenges and opportunities.
Yu, Long. materials: material to overcome Edible, Processing, Research blending of other discovered from previous researches. adding synthetic oil polymer but the Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean on how we will make the product Journal of Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer
challenges and it's weakness and Phase Transitions, natural polymers and It includes categories such as making it biodegradable instead of a Oil (AESO) and through crosslinking and to know our limitations. Research, 3(1), 8-18. doi.org/10.1016/j.aiepr.2019.11.003
opportunities also to test different Foam starch-based foaming extrusion process of starch, Bio-based plastic. Since the weakness in UV light for the permeability of
processing was discussed Improving performances and of it is moisture sensitivity or has low the material.
techniques in starch- thoroughly. decreasing costs, blendng with other permaibility to water, different kinds
based polymer. natural polymers, reducing moisture of material and blending must be
sensitivity, and starch-based foaming. done in making the bioplastic.

6 Ismail, Nurul A. Tahir, Synthesis and 2016 The purpose of the Tubers, Plasticizer, Experime In this study, 2 The Method started through the Independ The study discovered that the yam The study concluded that the products This Article provides us Ismail, A., Nurul, Tahir, M., Syuhuda, Yahya, N., & Wahid,
Syuhuda M. Yahya, Norihan. Characterizatio study is to synthesize Tensile Strength, ntal components that has process of extraction in chosen tubers ent T- tuber has higher heat stablity and have high biodegradable properties knowledge on how to synthesize a F., Muhamad. (2016). Synthesis and Characterization of
Waid, Muhamad. n of a starch-based Biodegradability, Research high starch conent was which is the potato and yam that has a Test toughness compared to the potato but and have a decent thermal and starch component and how to test Biodegradable Starch-Based Bioplastics. Materials Science
Biodegradable bioplastic from Bio-plastics used. Both starch were high amount of starch. After it is more flexible than the yam tuber. mechanical properties. They also said the properties of the plastic starch Forum, 846, pp 673-678.
Starch-Based 2components which synthesized in the same obtaining the crude starch, it was Lastly, both starch-based plastic have that starch is a renewable source and if it can attain sustainability or the https://www.researchgate.net/publication/297607466_Synthes
Bioplastics is potato and yum process and anaylzed centrifuged and rinsed to get pure high biodegradable properties in a someday petroluem based polymers standard goal of making a starch- is_and_Characterization_of_Biodegradable_Starch-
tubers. Also, to its proerties through a starch. Lastly, propan was added as a soil burial test for 5 days considering will be unnecessary to rely on based plastic. Based_Bioplastics
analyze the spectra. Suitable plasticizer to increase the elasticity of their percentage of weight loss. becauseit leads to environmental
chemical, alternative for the the product. The chemical, problems.
mechanical, and typical petroleum based mechanical, and thermal properties of
thermal properties of polymer the products were analyzed using
the products. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR),
tensile strength tester and
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).

7 Keziah, Sharon V. Priya, Biodegradable 2018 The problem of the Bioplastic, Descripti Mixture of cornstarch, The researchers gave an in-depth Simple The physical properties of bioplastics As they stated from the results, a This article discusses how Keziah, V., Sharon, Gayathri, R., Priya, V., Vishnu. (2018).
Vishnu P. Plastic research is the non- Renewable, ve study glycerol, vinegar, and discussion from the bio-based pastic Regressio which includes dimensions, Bioplastic can be made or attained in important are bio-based plastics Biodegradable Plastic Production from corn starch. Drug
production renewable plastic Sustainability, corn starch in making a using corn starch as the main n molecular weight, thickness, tensile a span of 2 days with a small quantity and it's effect in the marine life and Invention Today. Retrieved January 18,2020, from
from corn which is the Biodegradabe Bioplastic. compenent after the product was elasticity, and temperature is much and without large facilities. in pollution. Thus, it tells how http://jprsolutions.info/files/final-file-
starch synthetic polymer made. Also, they addressed it's more suitable than petroleum based simple it is to make a bioplastic 5b482d6142ebe4.80504835.pdf
and having a adverse effect in the marine life. plastics. just by combing the materials and
declining effect in heating in a low flame.
the marine life.
Thus, increases
pollution in the
environent. The
purpose of the study
is to inform
everyone that the
waste materials in a
vegetable peel or any
other organic
materials can be
used in the making
of a bio-based

8 Pajarillaga, Beejay. Briones, Biodegradable 2015 The goal of the study Biodegradable film, Experime Taro starch as the main The starch was extracted from taro Independ Adding glycerol to an extracted starch The researchers recommend to test This study can be beneficial Briones, M. F., Jazmine, P. F., & Pajarillaga, B. E. (2015).
Monaliza. Jazmin, Princess. Film form is to create a glycerol, density, ntal component and mainly my manual peeling, filtering, settling, ent T- improves the mechanical strength. the barrier properties of oxygen, gas, because it states factual theory BIODEGRADABLE FILM FROM WILD TARO (Colocasia
Wild Taro Biodegradable film water absorption, Research mixed with water. chopping, and sun drying. Then Test The lowert the starch content, the and water vapor permeability. Lastly about Taro film as biodegradable esculenta
(Colocasia made from Taro taro starch, undergo a procedure of Taro Film, higher elongation percent will be or is to blown film extruder in order to becasue of the experiments done (L.) Schott)STARCH. Accepted and approved as partial
Esculenta) (Colocasia elongation Physical Characterization density, more flexible. Also, glycerol is produce a stronger film plastic. and which we may apply to our fulfillment of the requirements for graduation for the degree
Starch Esculenta) as the water absorption, thickness compatible with starch as it is a study. of-achelor of Science in Food Technology.
main component and swellingand biodegradibility to obtain plasticizer in increasing tensile
to know the effects a data. strength but decrease in elongation.
of having different
amount of starch or
glycerol content.

9 Esen Gokce Ozdamar, Murat Rethinking 2018 The problem in the Agricultural waste, Causal- Potato starch as the The researchers made various Analysis The specimens of pure bioplastic, In conclusion, bioplastic materials With this study, we will know the Arikan, E. B. & Ozsoy, H. D. (2015). A Review:
Ates Sustainability: research is the construction comparati main component of the experiment samples, (a) pure of such as potato, corn, wheat and from a starch are constituted from most appropriate additive in the Investigation of Bioplastics.
A Research on adverse effects of materials, ve bioplastic, mixed with bioplastic, (b) bioplastic mixed with variance tapioca starch, were not resistant in vinegar, starch, glycerol, salt, and bioplastic that will enhance its https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277593613_A_Revi
Starch Based fossil-based biocomposite, research different aggregates, to different aggregates, (c) bioplastic (ANOVA compression and humidity. On the water. It can be possibly used in attributes, like durability and ew_Investigation_of_Bioplastics/link/5de769c7a6fdcc283703
Bioplastic bioplastics, starch-based test which one is the mixed with different fibers. ) other hand, it is noticed that the Architecture with its emerging strength. 65cb/download
including the bioplastic, material most appropriate to use. tapioca starch works best as a innovative materials. It is also
negative emissions design biopolymer in the formation of the observed, that the addition of soft
of carbon footprints bioplastic. In addition, it is noted in fibers in the mixture of bioplastic
and its long-term the study that the use of agar agar, increases its strength.
effects on our seagrass, gum tracanth, and pellet
environment. This enhances the bioplastic in terms of its
study aims to gather durability.
the contingencies of
using starch as a
constituent of a
bioplastic and
biocomposite as a
material in
Engineering and

10 Shinji Ochi Durability of 2011 The Fiber reinforced Biodegradable Experime The bioplastic is The bioplastic that contains Manila Spearman Based from the results, the The tensile strength of the Manila This preceding study contributes Ochi, S. (2011). Durability of Starch Based Biodegradable
Starch Based plastics (FRP) are plastic, ntal composed of Manila hemp fibers undergoes various Correlati biodegradability in compost was sped hemp reinforced bioplastic decreased by explaining the process of how Plastics Reinforced
Biodegradable broadly used in Biodegradable research Hemp fibers and an testing, such as its tensile strength, on up compare to biodegradability in in the soil rather than exposed to the bioplastics have changed
Plastics various fields, such composites, natural emulsion-type starch. durability, behavior of biodegrdation, natural environment. There are few air. In addition, when the specimen in tremendously in the state, with Manila Hemp Fibers. https://www.mdpi.com/1996-
Reinforced as automobile parts fiber, Manila hemp, and microscopoic observations. changes in state, underground, and the bioplastic interacts with the underground, and the exposure of 1944/4/3/457/pdf
with Manila and electric biodegradability. the exposure of the fiber in microbes contained in the natural or the fiber in the compost than in
Hemp Fibers products. However, atmosphere. Meanwhile, the state of compost soil, the weight, tensile natural environment. This study
the FRP have a the specimens contained in the strength, and the state of the contributes also on how exposure
downside. First, they bioplastic at high temperature specimen changed notably. affects the changes happening in
are made from fossil changed remarkably in the compost. the plastic.
fuels. Second, they
are non-
biodegradable. To
assess the
biodegradability of
the material of
composite and its
properties which is

11 Sri Elfina, Novesar Jamarun, Biodegradable 2016 To produce a Biodegradable Experime Jicama starch is used as The produced bioplastic out of T-test The biodegradable plastic has a The standard thickness for the With this research we can know Ates, M. & Ozdamar, E. G. (2018). Rethinking sustainability:
Syukri Arief, Akmal Plastic of Biodegradable plastic, Jicama, PCC ntal the main component of Jicama and Calcium Carbonate neutral pH value, meaning it won’t bioplastic is 0.46 in millimeters. the biodegradability of the A research on starch based bioplastic, Journal of Sustainable
Djamaan Jicama Starch plastic out of Jicama research the bioplastic, it also precipitate was characterized through affect the products inside the Meanwhile, the biodegradation rate of bioplastics in water and in the soil. Construction Materials and Technologies.
(Pachyrhizus starch with contained Calcium series of tests. Namely, thickness test, biodegradable plastic, making it safe the bioplastic samples is visibly much We can also know the other factors https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325625622_Rethink
Erosus) With precipitate of Carbonate preipitate as pH level, Total plate count test, it to use for packaging of different faster in the water than in the soil, that the affects the biodegradation ing_sustainability_A_research_on_starch_based_bioplastic_J
Precipitate Calcium Carbonate its filler Biodegradation test in soil and in products. The biodegradation of the this is because water caters a lot of of the bioplastics. ournal_of_Sustainable_Construction_Materials_and_Technol
Calcium as an additive. water. bioplastic is seen to be faster in water microbes and bacteria. ogies
Carbonate as A than in the soil. Also, the cellulose
Filler content affects the biodegradation of
the bioplastic, the more cellulose the
faster it will be biodegraded.

12 Francesco Razza, Francesco Bioplastics 2012 the purpose of this Bioplastics, Descripti In this study, several The researchers gather the data by the Correlati Various biodegradable products can Biodegradable products can increase This study gives an in-depth Razza, F. & Innocenti, F. D. (2012). Bioplastics from
Degli Innocenti from study is to lessen the Biodegredation, ve study applications of collection of related published articles on increase the recycling of materials the rate of recycling of materials, discussion with Bioplastics, and it renewable resources: the benefits of biodegradability. Asia-
renewable waste problem of our Biodegradability, bioplastics were or journals, regarding the application without modifying waste collection making it beneficial for the ecoprofile biodegradability. Hence, it will Pacific Journal of Chemical EngineeringVolume 7, Issue S3.
resources: the current society, by Biodegradable studied, different types of different types of bioplastic and schemes. To add, because of the of waste management. give us, an ample amount of https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/apj.1648
benefits of examining the polymers of bioplastic ( including biopackaging. abscence of harmful effect and its information regarding our topic,
biodegradabilit biodegradability of starch-based ones) and biodegradation, the bioplastic can be which is starch-based bioplastic.
y the bioplastic made biopackaging. remained under the soil.
out of renewable
resources, such as
starch coming from

13 laszlo horvath How much 2013 examine how much Biodegradable experime employee examine gathering data in different studies analysis a load capacity of a pallets can be don’t ever put a load of pallets that This study is useful in knowing the L. H. (n.d.). Understanding plastic pallet weight capacity.
weight can a weight of plastic plastic ntal plastic pallets on a of calculatedon the assumption of the rich its limits of its weight weight of plastic pallets that can http://www.weepallet.com/understanding-plastic-pallet-
plastic pallet pallet can have Research racking system in a applicatio weight is distributed on the surface have weight-capacity/.
hold? warehouse n of but the other cases is the actual
different weight of the load of pallets must be
types of lower than the exact specification

14 eling lane, eling wharf totton how much 2014 how much can a Biodegradable. experime they are processing and data Collection Procedure analysis Results revealed that plastic is the A highly pallet has a highest density This study is useful in knowing the Totton, E. W. (2014, February 10). how much weight can
weight can a plastic pallets Bioplastic ntal testing how much in the preffered material for pallets in other measuring 1200mm by 1000mm by levels of weight that can a plastic plastic pallets support? .
plastic pallet support Study weight can plastic strength processing procedures. And the total 160mm that can be used to support a pallet support https://plasticpalletsuk.co.uk/blog/weight-plastic-pallets-
support? pallet support in other and weight they can support depends on static weight loading of 7500kg and a support/.
industries weakness their size and design dynamic weight loading of 1250kg
es of a

15 naus soriano standard tensil 2015 biodegradable plastic experime they are determining data from experiment analysis there are properties that are related to plastic materials are responds to a This study is useful in knowing the Soriano, N. (n.d.). Types of mechanical properties of plastic .
strength that ntal the mechanical of forces outside the material that are subject to being deformed to a greater levels of plastic before it breaks https://www.aimplas.net/test-types/mechanical-properties-of-
hold plastic properties of material standard applied to the plastic and how will it or lesser extent and possibly ending plastic-materials/.
that have many cases tensil hold together in breaking
when selecting one strength
material to another that holds

to examine what is
the standard tensil
strength that hold
plastic together

16 Zainab Raheem Teting for 2019 To test the properties biodegradable plastic Experime It determines the Data from the experiment Analysis This test method is designed to Tensile properties are known to vary This study useful to know the tests
tensile of plastic ntal method that cover in the produce tensile property data for the with spicemen preperation and with of plastics
properties of Study tensile properties of standard control and signification of plastic speed and environment of testing.
plastic unreinforced and strength materials.
reinforced plastics and
es of a

17 Yug Saraswat, Misha Patel, Bioplastics 2014 A review on strach Properties and Experime The extraction of starch The researcher were able to gather Regressio Bioplastics are obtain from renewable The research safely concludes that to This study is effeciently in Saraswat, Y., Patel, M., Sagar, T., & Shil, S. (2014).
Tejas Sagar, Sharmishtha from Starch. as a source for Factors affecting ntal came from in different data and records from different n plant resources hence give variety of a financial executive they are a means knowing the properties and factor Bioplastics from Starch. rsisinternational.org.
Shil producing bioplastics. research biological resources studies, experimenting, and observing options for deriving plastics. One at cost savings and for savvy affecting bioplastic. https://www.rsisinternational.org/virtual-
Bioplastics. which is potato, corn the factors and properties of metric ton of bio plastics generates industrials and mankind bioplastics library/papers/bioplastics-from-
and maize. The starch bioplastics. between 0.8 and 3.2 fewer metric tons is the future that should no be starch/?fbclid=IwAR09vgzI9HY8K81KwPrinRsaem-
is casted with glycerol of carbo dioxide and uses less energy ignored. PlEd1enYo974jAEm4N2FpEicQysJQSsw
and flexibisiliser. than their coventional counter-parts
also it doesn't contain harmul
chemicals like bisphenol A, that some
of normal plastics do.

18 M.K. Marichelvam, Corn and Rice 2019 Develop various Starch as bioplastics' Experime The Extracted starch of The researchers gathered the data Manova The results showed that the The study concludes that bioplastics This study is beneficial, since the Marichelvam, M.K., Jawaid, M., & Asim, M. (2019). Corn
Mohammad Jawaid, Starch-Based starch-based composition. ntal thermoplastic Starch from various experiment and test in samples prepared from the corn can be used as packing materials and components of our bioplastic is and Rice Starch-Based Bio-Plastics as Alternative
Mohammad Asim Bio-Plastics as composites for Research film, corn and rice specific charaterization such as and rice starches have better can be used as an alternative to LDPE starch-based. Packaging Materials. researchgate.net.
Alternative different starch we're the main Tensile test, thickness measurement, biodegradability than the existing and HDPE plastic bags. Due to the https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332318543_C
Packaging applications. components. The moisture Content, water solubility, plastic materials. The citric acid obtained properties of bioplastic, it orn_and_Rice_Starch-Based_Bio-
Materials . following; glycerol biodegradability, SEM, addition improves the shelf-life of the would be interesting to prepare Plastics_as_Alternative_Packaging_Materials
citric acid and gelatin. Thermogravimetric and sealing material and improves the mechanical polybags using this bioplastic with
we're used as properties of bioplastics. properties. assumed lower cost.

19 Renee Cho, Earth Institute, The truth about 2017 Explanation about Definition of Descripti In this literature, The Data was obtained through existing Regressio There are many effects of using The research concludes that This related literature can help us Cho, R., Earth Institute, & Columbia University. (2017).
Columbia University bioplastics. Bioplastics. bioplastics and ve definition, types, studies, in particular the introduction n bioplastics depending how people bioplastics has a future assurance to to improve our understanding The truth about bioplastics. phys.org.
Effects of using archival effects , etc. of of bioplastics, types of bioplastic, dispose it. lessen the plastic pollution. about bioplastics. https://phys.org/news/2017-12-truth-bioplastics.html
bioplastics. research bioplastics was explain. side effects of bioplastic production
and Indepth discussion about

20 D Amalia, D Saleh, E Synthesis of 2020 To improve the Starch as bioplastics' Experime Maized derived The researcher gathered the data Correlati The research state that based on the The research concludes that, this This study can serve us a guide, Amalia, D., Saleh, D., & Djonaedi, E. (2020). Synthesis of
Djonaedi biodegradable composition of Bio composition. ntal cornstarch and milled through experiment and methods of on tests carried out on the samples, bio study have been meet with the results. wherefore our study is about biodegradable plastics using corn starch and corn husk as the
plastics using plastics using corn Design corn husk were used as bioplastic production. plastics prepared with a grain size of and the method was used is viable for starch-based. fillers as well as chitosan and sorbitol.
corn starch and starch and corn husk Research the base material and 200 mesh generally exhibit a the large scale production of bio https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-
corn husk as as the fillers as well filler, respectively. smoother surface texture, which is plastics from corn husk. 6596/1442/1/012007/pdf
the fillers as as chitosan and possibly advatangeous to the
well as sorbitol. appearance of the final product.
chitosan and

21 R. Laxmana Reddy, V. Study of Bio- 2013 To give an insight Remarkable Experime Researchers who The researchers were able to gather Correlati The study shows that those who The study concludes that The study benefits us in R. Laxmana Reddy, V. Sanjeeani Reddy, G. Anusha Gupta
Sanjeeani Reddy, G. Anusha plastics As about Bio-plastics. properties of the ntal gathered data from the data and records from the on invest in production of biodegradable biopolymers limit carbon dioxide understanding the compponents of (2013). Study of Bio-plastics As Green & Sustainable
Gupta Green & following: bio- Research materials used in the experimenting and observing the plastic materials stand to gain as they emissions during creation and bio-plastic and at the same time Alternative to Plastics
Sustainable plastics,PLA,& experiment and multi-step process of synthesizing have a head start. It shows that the degrade to organic matter after preventing environmental damage. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Alternative to PHB. observation such as; PLA,unique characteristics of PLA, many advantages of bio-plastics such disposal. .3777&rep=rep1&type=pdf&fbclid=IwAR1NUcskRDl1Kk8q
Plastics Sugarcane , Lactide and Physical and Chemical properties of as, 100% biodegradable, produced KLWHB0oHbOVU23DaTVVf5WnzztO7-sVCoQD7dcE-eyI
PLA resin, PLA coffeeand Producyion of PHB from natutral and renewable
applications & PHB, (similar to poly popylene) derived resources, being recycable amd re-
cups of coffee that from water hyacinth. used, etc.. make it an excellent
absorbed specific alternative to traditional plastic
temperatures. products

22 L. Fabio, RR. Luis, W. Recycling of 2020 To replace the A cover of the most Descripti Researchers who The researchrrs were able to gather Correlati Bio-PET and Bio-PE both maintain The study concludes that biopolymer The study is beneficial to the L. Fabio, RR. Luis, W. Joseph (2020) Recycling of
Joseph Bioplastics: majority of promising polymers ve gathered data from data from emereged bioplastic on their mechanical properties for a productin costs need to be reduced environment via plastic waste. Bioplastics: Routes and Benefits.
Routes and petroleum derived such as Research emerged Bioplastic industries, as they would want to decent number of recycles. PLA and the biopolymer mechanica ability https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10924-020-01795-8
Benefits plastics with PLA,PGA,PHA and production industries. resu;t a promising solution to replace should be recycled via alcoholysis needs to be improved.
bioplastics and to bio-versions of fossil-fuel based polymers. since it generates a value added
help mitigate climate conventional petro- product. Similarly, Bio-PET should
change. plastics such as BIO- be recycled via glycolysis since it
PET and BIO-PE. also genertes a value added product.
Bio-PE has strong solvent resistance
so it can only be recycled via
pyrolysis. PGA has a small amount in
circulation and is only i=used in
medical applications where it fully
biodegrades. PHA should be
biologicaly recycled as it reduces the
need for antbiotics and decreases the
cost of animal feed.

23 E. Duygu Ozsoy Time to 2014 To review the Aspects of the Descripti Researchers who Data attained from environmental Regressio There are a large number of tests used The study concludes that the The study is environmentally E. Duygu Ozsoy(2014). Time to Bioplastics. http://i-
Bioplastics aspects of bioplastics bioplastics from the ve- gathered data from Bio- problems. n to determine the extent of degradation advancement of biodegradable beneficial and it may help the sem.info/PastConferences/ISEM2014/ISEM2014/papers/A1-
from the perspective perspective of Comparat plastic engineers. of plastics thatdetermines the amount technology has risen in recent years. field environmental advocacy. ISEM2014ID120.pdf
of sustainability,policy ive of carbon dioxide released on And there are growing signs that the
sustainability,policy and standard. Research exposure to fungi,bacerie,activated public shows a high amount of
and standard. sludge(aerobically or curiosity in the product.
anaerobically),compost or soil. There
is an urgent need to standardize all
details for researchers may know that
they have all worked to the same

24 M. Raaz,R Bina, P. Sabgeeta, Eco-friendly 2013 To provide Polyesters and Descripti Bioplastic Researchers Data gathered from various methods Anova The major lmitation associated with The study concludes that bioplastics The study helps widen the field M. Raaz,R Bina, P. Sabgeeta, S. Anju(2013).Eco-friendly
S. Anju Bioplastic for information about varities of ve from Michigan State of bioplastic production. the production of bioplastics is the have evolved into an innovative area and area of reserch about Bioplastic for Uncontaminated Environment.
Uncontaminate alternative to bioplastics. Research University and James high cost when compared to the of research for scientists around the bioplastics therfore not only http://www.aelsindia.com/rjcesvol112013/8.pdf
d Environment coonventional Madison University. petroleum-derived plastics. High world. benefiting the environment and
plastics for the prices for crude oil,and the potential consumers, but also contrributing a
betterment of earth market for the agricultural materials big chunk of knowledge to
environment. in bioplastics are driving an economic scientists.
push toward expanding the bioplastic
industry for the betterment of the

25 S.S. Shrirakshaya, M. Cellulose and 2020 It is to see if Bioplastic, Starch, Descripti Collection of data Data from the after-analysis process Multiple Starch as a Bioploymer finds that It is said that Bioplastics are formed It can be a good insight to create Shirakshaya, S.S., Vignesh, M., Dhananandhini, M., Kavya,
Vignesh, M. Dhananandhini, Starch as the Cellulose and Starch Cellulose, Platicizer, ve which collates the of the cellulose and starch Regressio Cassava contains a large amount of well with the high amount of certain predictions in the outcome N., & Poongothai M. (2020). Cellulose and Starch as the
N. Kavya, Dr. M. Poongothai Source of is a good source of Biodegradable answers needed for components. n starch than the other kind of biomass. amylopectin present in starch. High of the research. Source of Bioplasitc. Retrieved from
Bioplastic bioplastic. deeper analysis. Resistance to degradation of amount of amylopectin is present in https://www.academia.edu/43390414/Cellulose_and_Starch_a
bioplastics made from cassava was cassava starch. Cellulose sources are s_the_Source_of_Bioplastic.
strongly influenced by the quantity of abundant in the environment.
glycerol used as the plasticizer. The Cellulose makes the bioplastic
greater the amount of glycerol used, stronger and makes it more rigid by
faster the degradation process. forming network with starch.
Cellulose as a Bioploymer then finds
that Cellulose - based bioplastic made
corn stalks are made possible.
However, their mechanical property
is weaker when compared to
commercial cellophane

26 Logeshwaran V, Dr. Arun P Review on 2020 To see if Cassava Bioplastic, Cassava, Descripti Available sources such Data from in-depth analysis of the In cassava starch with CMC films, it Cassava starch is an easily available, It will give the researchers plenty Logeshwaran, V., Arun, P. (2020). Review on Bioplastic from
Bioplastic from Starch is a good Plastic, Starch ve as other texts and different components which can or is found that these films are suitable raw material which can be produced more ideas to do the research Cassava Starch. Retrieved from
Cassava Starch alternative to plastic. researches. may be combined with Cassava for low moisture food and into bioplastic with very good results. which proves too the starch is a https://www.academia.edu/43539447/Review_on_Bioplastic_
starch. pharmaceutical products. In cassava Cassava starch has high amylopectin very good component for from_Cassava_Starch.
starch with modified clay, it suggests content because it increases bioplastic bioplastic.
that Glycerol is a good component strength. Cassava starch is a very
which plasify cassava starch. good alternative for synthetic plastic.

ent T-
27 V.C. Eridani, K. Serrano, The 2020 The study focused High and Low The It underwent 3 phases They mostly used statistical solutions Independ The texture of the corn starch based The results of the biodegradability of It may have big contributions to Eridani, V.C., Serrano, K., Park, S.M. (2020). THE
S.M. Park Biodegradibilit on the rate of Density Polythylene, researche in the experiment. and equations to find the data they ent T- samples are hard and very compact corn starch affirms that biopastics the study because it will give the BIODEGRADABILITY OF HOMEMADE CORN STARCH
y of biodegradability of Banana Peel, rs Materials mainly are needed regarding the Test while the banana peel based sample based on this material degrades its researchers something to look BASED (C27H48O20) BIOPLASTIC VS. BANANA PEEL-
Homemade corn starch based Biodegration, implemen Corn Starch and the Biodegradability of the Samples. has a very smooth surface. The color mass to about 48% when put into forward to when doing the BASED (MUSA ACUMINATA LACATAN) BIOPLASTIC
Corn Starch- and banana peel Bioplastic, Corn ted a Banana Peel. Phases of the corn starch based samples compost conditions and soil burial in research. THROUGH COMPOST CONDITIONS. Retrieved from
Based based bioplastics Starch, Soil Burial multimet which are the (1) revealed an off-white color similar to 15 days. It is also revealed that using https://www.academia.edu/42721765/THE_BIODEGRADAB
(C27H48O20) under soil burial and and Compost hod Formulation of the color of a white gelatin whilst the banana peel as a bioplastic ILITY_OF_HOMEMADE_CORN_STARCH_BASED_C27
Bioplastic vs compost conditions. approach Bioplastic Components, banana peel based sampled have component increases microbial H48O20_BIOPLASTIC_VS_BANANA_PEEL_BASED_M
Banana Peel- due to (2) Creation of brown and opaque colors. colonies to the material and degrades USA_ACUMINATA_LACATAN_BIOPLASTIC_THROUG
Based (Musa combined Samples, and the (3) the bioplastic rapidly by as much as H_COMPOST_CONDITIONS.
Acuminata nature of Biodegradability Test. 75%. Based on statistical
Lacatan) the calculations, it does not matter
Bioplastic biodegrad whether banana peel or corn starch
Through ability was used in creating a bioplastic with
Compost test and less environmental impact when put
Conditions the into soil burial or compost conditions
research as both materials did not exhibit any
problems significant difference in Weight %
stated in Loss.
the paper.
d a pre-
test, post-
due to the
need to
the initial
and the
weight of
films. A
design is
of the
on of the
ability of
the two
28 Syed Ali Ashter Bioplastics 2016 It is a research or Biodegradable. Descripti Available data from Data from sources. Paired T- In the text, it is said that Bioplastic Bioplastic is not a new thing, but it It makes the research give the Ashter, S.A. (2016). Bioplastics. Retrieved from
article which sees Bioplastic ve sources such as Test will not be effective in a small must be something that is studied researchers a thing to fight for and https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/bioplastics.
the effectivity of research, journals, margin, but in a very large margin. every time for it to be a reality for never stop.
Bioplastic in our scientific evidences, plastic to be gone for good.
world. etc.

29 Toto Rusianto Biodegradable 2019 Biodegradable Taro Tuber as Experime The materials research Data was obtained in the experiment. Independ The produced plastic from white The Experiment had succesfully It can be a good insight on how the Rusianto, T., Yuniwati, M., Wibowo, H., & Akrowiah,
Murni Yuniwati plastic from plastic is one of the Biodegradable ntal in this study used ent T- starch fine powder with variable provide an environmentally friendly researchers will do and start the L.(2019)Biodegradable plastic from Taro tuber (Xanthosoma
Hary Wibowo Taro tuber solution to get out Plastic. purple taro tuber, Test temperature, time of the process, and plastic. methods. sagittifolium) and Chitosan. Retrieved from
Lusi Akrowiah (Xanthosoma of the problem of glycerol, distilled mass ratio of chitosan to starch were https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/1ce5/36d9c7c0df65bc2611d7
sagittifolium) using conventional water, acetic acid, obtained a yellow thin layer and 4c960d34a40c6ce6.pdf
and Chitosan plastic packaging slightly transparent.
that cannot be and chitosan. The
degraded. research performed an
experimental method
with variables process.

30 Ezgi Bezirhan Arikan A Review: 2015 The study provides Advantages, Descripti The study contains the Gathered data from other studies. Correlati Bioplastics do not contain toxins that A new guide and standard for The research provide the z
Investigation the aspects of the sustainabilty and ve definitions and the on could harm the environment. It would bioplastics that should be develop definition, Biodegradation and
Havva Duygu Ozsoy of Bioplastics bioplastics from standards of advantages of lessen the emisions of the greenhouse production, usage and waste Advantage & Disadvantage of
perspective of Bioplastics. Bioplastics. gases. management. Bioplastics.
sustasinabilty and

31 Sustainability 2018 In this review article, bioplastics; bio- Descripti The research study Data from other studies. Correlati Various factors have affected the rate The possibility of using more It would help the researchers Thakura, S., Chaudharyb, J., Sharmab, B., Vermab, A.,
of Bioplastics: bio-degradability of degradation, bio- ve provide informations on of degradation of polymers. Mainly bioplastic materials can be further understand the challenges and Tamuleviciusa, S., & Thakurc, V.K.(2018)Sustainability of
Opportunities polymers has been recycling. about the sustainability degradation of polymers depend on investigated to enhance the lifestyle oppurtunities on the ongoing Bioplastics: Opportunities and Challenges. Retrieved from
and Challenges discussed. and biodegradability of environmental factors. and the of the community and reduction in study. https://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/1826/1362
the bioplastic chemical nature of the polymer. recycling cost may open new horizon 7/Sustainability_of_Bioplastics-
of applications in many fields like 2018.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y
agriculture, medicine and many more
because biodegradable polymeric
materials are the strongest rivalry to
beat petrochemical based plastic in
the future .

Jyoti Chaudharyb
Bhawna Sharmab
Ankit Vermab
Sigitas Tamuleviciusa
Vijay Kumar Thakurc
32 Ezgi Arikan, H. Duygu Bilgen Production of 2019 The study Provides Biodegradability, Experime Starch-based The researcher gathered the data Independ Biodegradability is strongly This study concluded that food It could help the researchers on Arikan, E., & Bilgen, H.D.(2019)Production of Bioplastic
Bioplastic from the aspects of Bio-recycling, Potato ntal bioplastic spoon were from the experiment. ent T- dependent on the starch proportion. wastes could be used for bioplastic conducting the methods in the from potato peel waste and investigation of its
potato peel Bioplastic from peel waste purchased, cleaned Test It is known that PPB consist of 8% production. study. Biodegradability. Retrieved from
waste and potato peel waste's up after using and starch. But the starch content of https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335190242_Product
investigation of Biodegradability . divided into small commercial bioplastic is unknown. ion_of_bioplastic_from_potato_peel_waste_and_investigatio
its pieces at about equal n_of_its_biodegradability
size for further use.
This purchased
bioplastic is called as
commercial bioplastic
(CB) in this study.
Potatoes were
cleaned up and
peeled for further

33 Xiaoying Zhao, Katrina Narrowing the 2020 To assess the Biopolymer, Organic Descripti Collection of data The data were gathered through data Simple Plastic production has outgrown most Bioplastics are compared to their The article contributes to the study Zhao, X., Cornish, K., & Vodovotz, Y. (2020). Narrowing the
Cornish, and Yael Vodovotz Gap for development in polymers ve- which collates the and records from experiment Regressio other man-made materials, with more conventional counterparts with through providing data of Gap for Bioplastic Use in Food Packaging. Environment
Bioplastic Use bioplastic materials Comparat answers needed for observations n than 90% being petroleum-based and respect to their mechanical, thermal, development and success of Science and Technology , 4712–4732.
in Food focusing on food ive deeper analysis. nonbiodegradable. Packaging, barrier, and processability properties. bioplastic materials
Packaging packaging Research primarily food packaging, consumes The gaps between bio- and
application the most plastic and is the largest conventional plastics in food
contributor to municipal solid waste. packaging are elucidated. Potential
In addition, its dependence on crude avenues for improving bioplastic
oil feedstock makes the plastic properties to broaden their food
industry unsustainable and renders packaging applications are critically
plastic markets vulnerable to oil price examined. Furthermore, two of the
volatility. Therefore, the development most controversial topics on
of bioalternatives to conventional bioplastic alternatives, sustainability
plastics is now a priority of the food assessment and their impact on the
packaging industry. Bioplastics are plastic waste management system, are
polymers that are either biobased discussed.
(fully or partially), or biodegradable,
or both. This review aims to provide
an insightful overview of the most
recent research and development
successes in bioplastic materials,
focusing on food packaging

34 Bruno Robert Mose and A review on 2011 To review advances Starch based Experime Nanoparticles additives The data were gathered through data Anova Polymer nanocomposites are It is observed that clay nanoparticles The journal article provides the Maranga, B. R. (2011). A Review on Starch Based
Stephen Moffat Maranga Starch Based made in nanoparticle bioplastics, ntal testing through collection from of the tested generally known to offer better are cost effective and versatile raw current researchers an prior Nanocomposites for Bioplastic Materials. Journal of Materials
Nanocomposite additives of starch- nanocomposites, Study chemical tests and nanoparticle additive performance with significant weight materials for starch based knowledge on to further develop Science and Engineering B, 239-245.
s for Bioplastic based bioplastic biodegradable experiment reduction and affordable materials for nanocomposites due to their unique the product through examination of
Materials materials, transport industries such as layered structure, abundance in nature nanoparticles additives that can
mechanical automotive and aerospace. The first and wide availability. When clay add versatility to the Taro and
properties, commercial product of a polymer based nanoparticles are applied to Jicama bioplastic
plasticizers. nanocomposite is the timing belt fabricate starch based bioplastics,
cover which was made from nylon 6 enhanced properties are
nanocomposites by the Toyota demonstrated. Moreover, the very
Company. The timing belt low level of clay in the matrix makes
demonstrated good rigidity and the overall density similar to that of
excellent thermal stability. The pure polymer. Clay based
timing belt was shown to save up to nanocomposites have found wide use
25% weight due to the lower content in production of environment-friendly
of nanoclays used. In addition, nylon automotive parts and packaging
6 nanocomposites have been used to materials. Their future markets will
fabricate engine covers, oil reservoir further expand from the current
tank and fuel hoses in the automotive automotive and packaging industries
industry due to their remarkable to other industries such as electro
increase in heat distortion materials, sensors and biomedicine.
temperature (HDT) as well as their Other potential applications for
enhanced barrier properties and starch-based nanocomposites for
mechanical properties. Thermoplastic bioplastic materials are also currently
olefin nanocomposite reinforced with being investigated.
as little as 2.5% clay particles has
also been employed by General
Motors. In recent years, there has
been increased use of biopolymer
nanocomposites by various vehicle
manufacturers to make both external
and internal parts such as mirror
housings, door handles etc. The
weight advantage of polymer
nanocomposites has a significant
impact on environmental protection.
35 Piyawanee Jariyasakoolroj Advances in 2018 To review recent polylactide, Experime Bioplastic materials The data were gathered through Independ The review shows that antioxidant The finding shows that the This study is beneficial for the Jariyasakoolroj, P., Leelaphiwat, P., & Harnkarnsujarit, N.
Pattarin Leelaphiwat research and developments in polyhydroxyalkanoat ntal (polylactide, control release in bioplastic ent T- and antimicrobial functions are major development of bioplastic into food ongoing study because it provides (2018). Advances in research and development of bioplastic
Nathdanai Harnkarnsujarit development of bioplastic food es, and starch Study polyhydroxyalkanoates, packaging Test developments for the control‐release packaging included control‐release knowledge to the researchers on for food packaging. Journal of the Science of Food and
bioplastic for packaging and starch) through application in bioplastic packaging. (desorption), scavenging (absorption) how to develop the bioplastic Agriculture.
food packaging control release, Factors affecting the release of active and permeation technologies. packaging in terms of active
scavenging and ingredients have been reviewed. The packaging application that can
permeation technology sorption of low molecular weight release active ingreadients and
substances such as humidity, aromas, prevent the product from
and gases, also affects the properties scavenging undesirable substances
of packaging materials. Some patents
are available for oxygen‐scavenging
bioplastic packaging. Moreover,
improved high‐barrier packaging
technologies (modified polymer,
coating, and lamination) have been
developed to increase the shelf‐life of
food products.

36 Muhammad Asgher, Sarmad Bio-based 2020 To review the Food packaging, Experime Simultaneous The data were gathered through the Simple The development of In food industry, a growing concern The article contributes to the study Asgher, M., Qamar, S. A., Bilal, M., & Iqbal, H. (2020). Bio-
Ahmad Qamar, Muhammad active food potential of bio- active packaging, ntal utilization of different review that summarizes the recent Regressio bioplastic/biocomposite and is the use of suitable packaging for it strengthen the potential of based active food packaging materials: Sustainable alternative
Bilal, Hafiz Iqbal packaging based food biodegradable, Study synthetic and biobased advancements in biopolymer-based n nanobiocomposites exhibits high material (i.e., biodegradable coatings Jicama and Taro starch, a to conventional petrochemical-based packaging materials.
materials: packaging materials biopolymers, polymers coatings and films for active food potential to replace nonbiodegradable and films) with enhanced thermal, biopolymer packaging to be an Food Research International .
Sustainable as an alternative to bioplastic packaging, packaging applications materials with characteristics mechanical and barrier characteristics alternative packaging to the
alternative to petro- materials. biobased additives, comparable to fossil-based plastics, to prevent from contamination and conventional polymer plastic.
conventional composability additionally, giving biodegradable loss of foodstuff. Biobased polymer
petrochemical- and compostable characteristics. The resources can be used for the
based idea of utilization of renewable development of biodegradable
packaging biomass and the implications of bioplastics. To achieve this goal,
material biotechnology can firstly reduce the biopolymers should be economic,
burden from fossil-resources, while renewable and abundantly available.
secondly promoting biobased Bioplastic packaging materials based
economy. on renewable biomass could be used
as sustainable alternative to
petrochemically-originated plastic
materials. This review summarizes
the recent advancements in
biopolymer-based coatings and films
for active food packaging
applications. Microbial polymers
(PHA and PLA), wood-based
polymers (cellulose, hemicellulose,
starch & lignin), and protein-based
polymers (gelatin, keratin, wheat
gluten, soy protein and whey protein
isolates) were among the materials
most widely exploited for the
development of smart packaging
films. These biopolymers are able to
synthesize coatings and films with
good barrier properties against food
borne pathogens and the transport of
gases. Biobased reinforcements e.g.,
plant essential oils and natural
additives to bioplastic films improve
oxygen barrier, antibacterial and
antifungal properties. To induce the
desired functionality the simultaneous
utilization of different synthetic and
biobased polymers in the form of
composites/blends is also an
emerging area of research.

37 Murat Ates, & Pinar Kuz Starch based 2020 The aim of the Natural intensifier Experime Corn starch, HCl, The data was gathered from Chi- The researchers designed bioplastic Materials with high mechanical In this study, nanocomposites are Ates, M., & Kuz, P. (2020) Starch-Based Bioplastic Materials
Bioplastics article is the such as glycerin to ntal glicerine, petri vessel experiment square corn-starch materials which, via properties, non-toxicity, eco-friendly obtained from corn starch for Packaging Industry. Journal of Sustainable Construction
Materials for synthesis of starch- make the corn starch Study and cover vessel, TiO2, CFME, TiO2 and nanoclay, were and adequate biodegradability are a dissolved in different solvents to Materials and Technologies, 5(1), 399-406. Retrieved from
Packaging based bioplastic into a bioplastic Carbon fiber, nanoclay added to produce highly mechanically significant demand for food test for solubility. As a result, these http://www.eds.yildiz.edu.tr/ajaxtool/GetArticleByPublished
Industry materials including material for as a type of strong and biodegradable materials. packaging technology. In the food solubility tests support the use of ArticleId?PublishedArticleId=4059.
CFME, TiO2, and packaging industry. Montmoriilonite, Food FTIR-ATR, SEM-EDX, TGA-DTA, packaging industry, bioplastics / these biodegradable materials in
nanoclay for additive dye arec used solubility, and mechanical tests were CFME or TiO2 or nanoclay the food packaging industry. The
packaging industry. in different steps of the used to classify these materials. As a nanocomposites may be used. procedure performed in this study
Also, to define a experiments. result, the breaking force (11973 N) can be used as a guide for our
more proper and average velocity (366.07 mm / s) research into our incoming
bioplastic based of bioplastic / CFME and materials solubility test.
materials including are high. In the food industry,
the said additives. bioplastics / CFME or TiO2 or
nanoclay nanocomposites may be

38 Nanou Peelman, Peter Heat 2015 This study provides Biobased polymeric Experime Drop-in Bioplastics, The data was collected through the Multiple The use of nucleating agents (in Many methods have been This research suggests strategies to Peelman, N., Ragaert, P., Ragaert, K., De Meulenaer, B.,
Ragaert, Kim Ragaert, Bruno resistance of state-of-the-art materials as a ntal New biobased plastics experiments Regressio combination with the use of successfully proven to overcome the improve the heat resistance of Devlieghere, F., & Cardon, L. (2015). Heat resistance of new
De Meulenaer, Frank new biobased information on variable for testing Study such as poly(lactic n plasticizers) and a high mold poor heat resistance of bio-polymers. (biobased) plastic materials and biobased polymeric materials, focusing on starch, cellulose,
Devlieghere, & Ludwig polymeric biobased heat resistance; acid), temperature, resulting in a slower Information from material that includes starch which is one of PLA, and PHA. Journal of Applied Polymer Science,
Cardon materials, thermoplastic polymers polyhydroxyalkanoates, cooling rate, seem to be the best manufacturers indicates that biobased the variable in our research. 132(48).
focusing on materials' heat and polysaccharides; solution for the processed material to plastics requiring a certain thermal https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/app.42305
starch, resistance. It starch, cellulose, other obtain a higher crystallinity and thus resistance are much more widely
cellulose, PLA, provides an polysaccharides and a higher heat resistance. applicable. However, to evaluate the
and PHA overview of the protein. These are the Stereocomplexation, which is specific performance of these materials,
parameters used to treatment used for to PLA, is a very promising technique processing tests and tests in industrial
indicate heat testing the temperature for producing heat resistant products. environments are needed.
resistance, heat of the variables: glass On the other hand, chain extenders
resistance transition temperature, seem to be the best technique for
improvement melt temperature and reducing thermal degradation during
strategies for crystallization processing. Although several heat-
(biobased) plastic temperature. resistant biopolymers are already
materials, and some commercially available, they are
current often not commercially used at
commercially present.
available biobased
plastic materials that
are 'heat resistant'.

39 Dilkes-Hoffman, S. Pratt, The Role of 2019 The purpose of this Biodegradable Descripti It begins by explaining The data was gathered through related Anova The researchers discussed the debate Plastic accumulation is an important In this study the researchers Dilkes-Hoffman, L. S., Pratt, S., Lant, P. A., & Laycock, B.
P.A. Lant, & B. Laycock Biodegradable study is to determine plastic as a solution ve the issues of plastics in journals, articles and debates of in this chapter on the role of issue in our time, both on land and in explain the issues and provide (2019). The role of biodegradable plastic in solving plastic
Plastic in the role of in plastic waste Archival landfills and the marine different authors. biodegradable plastics in solving the the oceans, and current trends predict solution that is similar to what solid waste accumulation. In Plastics to Energy (pp. 469-505).
Solving Plastic biodegradable plastic Research environment. The accumulation of plastic solid waste that the magnitude of the problem solution is on our research which is William Andrew Publishing.
Solid Waste in the resolution of researchers will then and helping to transition towards a will increase exponentially. bioplastic. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B97801281
Accumulation solid plastic waste. define the circular economy. The main findings Therefore, it is imperative that we 31404000194
biodegradable plastics are that marine biodegradable plastics implement solutions to reduce the
that will be the solution should be part of the solution and that rate of accumulation of plastic, as
for these plastics issues. parts of the debate on the usefulness well as work to reduce the effects that
of biodegradable plastics should be inevitable accumulation will have. In
challenged, as they focus on factors addressing these issues, there will be
that are poorly informed and/or short- no single solution, so it is important
sighted in terms of enabling to determine the effective
technological and engineering combination of solutions.

40 Van Le Bio-plastics 2020 The aim of this Potato starch for The The researcher defines The data was gathered through related In-dept Starch-based plastics have a much There are still several drawbacks that In this study the researcher define Le, V. (2020). Bio-plastics production from starch. Retrieved
Production thesis was to study bioplastic production research the different categories journals, articles and debates of discussio lower carbon footprint than exist when bio-plastics are used to the different categories of from
from Starch mainly bio-plastics design and groups of different authors. n of conventional plastic or non-fossil fuel compete with food sources. How to bioplastics and starch which will https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/335541/Van_
and bio-plastic used in bioplastics and starch. bioplastic plastics, and lower production energy. convince consumers to use help us for our limitations in our Le.pdf?sequence=2
starch production, this study Thus, the researcher and In this study , various chemicals were environmentally sustainable bio- study. Also, it will be guide for us
which is a future is used potato starch for starch. used to produce potato-based plastic, plastic materials rather than cheaper because the researcher made a
alternative to descriptiv bioplastic production. Simple such as water, hydrochloric acid, traditional ones could be the main bioplastics from potato starch
petrochemical e and Regressio glycerol and sodium hydroxide. The challenge. Starch was mainly
plastics, and to gain experime n reason why these chemicals were extracted and filtered by hand
more academic ntal used instead of others will be clearly machinery during processing. In
knowledge of the explained in order to understand their order to apply in several fields, such
production of bio- significance. as food packaging, medicine or
plastics from houseware, potato-based plastics can
different types of be more physically and chemically
starch, to discuss the adjusted. In injection molding,
advantages and extrusion or 3D printing
limitations that exist. manufacturing processes, starch-
based plastic can be created.

Renata Ferreira Santana, Characterizatio 2017 Jackfruit seed starch Bioplastics, water experime the ripe jackfruits seeds The data was gathered through related Multiple Bioplastics are obtain from renewable the scanning electron miscroscopy this study can serve us a guide, Santana, R. F., Bonomo, R. C. F., Gandolfi, O. R. R.,
Renata Cristina Ferreira n of Starch- plasticized with vapor permeability , ntal was used for starch literature and through data of the Regressio plant resources hence give variety of evidenced the presence of non wherefore our study is about Rodrigues, L. B., Santos, L. S., dos Santos Pires, A. C., ... &
Bonomo, Luciano Brito Based glycerol were Research extraction. Glycerol PA experiment the researchers included n options for deriving plastics. One gelatinized starch granules, which starch-based. Veloso, C. M. (2018). Characterization of starch-based
Rodrigues, Leandro Soares Bioplastics developed and was used as plasticizer. various dependent variables which is metric ton of bio plastics generates may have interfered in some analysis, bioplastics from jackfruit seed plasticized with glycerol.
Santos, Ana Clarissa dos from JackFruit characterized. The researches the thickness,solubility,WVP between 0.8 and 3.2 fewer metric tons therefore, the heating time for Journal of food science and technology, 55(1), 278-286.
Santos Pires, Cristiane seed organizes the mechanical properties and optical of carbo dioxide and uses less energy biopolymer production must be
Patrícia de Oliveira, Rafael plasticized experiment in a properties. the variables were than their coventional counter-parts increased to ensure complete
da Costa Ilhéu Fontan, and with glycerol complete 5 × 5 factorial expressed one by one as a function of also it doesn't contain harmul gelatinization of the starch
Cristiane Martins Veloso design with 5 starch the independent variables using chemicals like bisphenol A, that some
concentrations (2, 3, 4, appropriate formulas of normal plastics do.
5 and 6% w/w) and 5
concentrations (20, 30,
40, 50 and 60% g/100 g
of starch).


J. Gonzales-Gutierrez, P Effect of 2011 development of albumen and tensile- experime it used three procedures The data was gathered from Multiple compression-moulding after blending it can further be improved by this study can serve as a guide in González-Gutiérrez, J., Partal, P., García-Morales, M., &
Partal, M Garcia Morales, C processing on bioplastic using test ntal like compression- experiment Regressio the ingredients by kneading was seen extruding starch and glycerol before making bioplastics stronger based Gallegos, C. (2011). Effect of processing on the viscoelastic,
Gallegos the different procedures research molding-based n to produce much more promising blending with the protein. on different procedures tensile and optical properties of albumen/starch-based
viscoelastic, or processes, to manufacture, extrusion results, concerning material bioplastics. Carbohydrate polymers, 84(1), 308-315.
tensile and determine what and combination of transparency and strength, if
optical process can make a both dynamic blending compared to extrusion.
properties of bioplastic stronger and tensile tests
albumen/ and more durable
starch based

Melissa B Agustin, Bashir Bioplastic 2014 Bioplastic based on Rice straw, cellulose experime it used series of steps The data was gathered from Chi- Mechanical tests revealed that both Increasing CNC load while percent this study is beneficial on making Agustin, M. B., Ahmmad, B., Alonzo, S. M. M., & Patriana,
Ahmmad, Shanna Marie M based on starch starch as the matrix nanocrystals, starch- ntal like delignification, experiment square tensile strength and modulus elongation decreased bioplastics by means of rice straws F. M. (2014). Bioplastic based on starch and cellulose
Alonzo, Famille M Patriana and cellulose and cellulose based bioplastic Study sulfuric acid hydrolysis, significantly increased with nanocrystals from rice straw. Journal of Reinforced Plastics
nanocrystals nanocrystals from and sonication increasing CNC load while percent and Composites, 33(24), 2205-2213.
from rice straw rice straw as elongation decreased. The moisture
reinforcing filler uptake of the films reinforced with
CNC also decreased an indication of
improvement in water resistance.
However, the thermal stability of the
films decreased by the addition of

Bruno Robert Mose and A Review on 2011 the aim of the study Nanoparticles and descriptiv The researchers the data was collected from a review simple nanocomposites as the promising Mose, B. R., & Maranga, S. M. (2011). A review on starch
Stephen Moffat Maranga Starch Based is to improve the nanocomposites, e compared the data of regressio alternative to conventional plastics based nanocomposites for bioplastic materials. Journal of
Nanocomposite process of making Montmorillonite bioplastics and oil- n due to their superior properties Materials Science and Engineering. B, 1(2B), 239.
s for Bioplastic bioplastics using (MMT), hectorite, based plastics from
Materials nanocomposites as saponite andlaponite existing research
the promising journals. Polymer nanocomposites are
alternative to generally known tooffer better
conventional plastics performance with significant It is observed that clay nanoparticles
due to their superior weightreduction and affordable are costeffective and versatile raw
properties. materials for transportindustries such materials for starch
as automotive and aerospace and it basednanocomposites due to their
can be used in bioplastics for better unique layered structure,abundance in
44 results nature and wide availability


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