DTI Assignment0 31052024
DTI Assignment0 31052024
DTI Assignment0 31052024
Assignment 0
W0A0Q6-MCQ: When it comes to innovation, what are the most important factors?
1. Idea generation
2. Strategy
3. Management
4. Collaboration
W0A0Q7-MSQ: Design Technology and Innovation is particularly about.
1. Solving wicked problems using affinity analysis
2. Coming up with disruptive ideas to design a new technology
3. Solving hard problems using design approach and technology with a
collaborative mindset
4. Understanding the need of design & technology to solve complex
W0A0Q8-MCQ: Which paint is best suited for the lower portion of hospital walls?
1. Plastic paint
2. White primer
3. Varnish
4. Enamel paint