FHEA Practice Exemplars FINAL Version Updated 23.05.17
FHEA Practice Exemplars FINAL Version Updated 23.05.17
FHEA Practice Exemplars FINAL Version Updated 23.05.17
Words: 123
During the workshop I was also able to explain • Manages to squeeze in a second
key techniques and principles of xxxxx literary reference albeit quite an old
engineering through visual and verbal one.
demonstration (Fleming & Mills 1992) with each
group. Periodic peer assessment throughout • Evidence that the approach selected
the day enabled groups to discuss their progress has worked well
and learning amongst themselves.
Last updated:23.05.17
This approach proved incredibly successful and
has since been implemented across the course.
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Last updated:23.05.17
A5 To enhance my core knowledge and personal
development, I regularly participate in CPD • Good example of a specific
workshops including Skills Days. A recent development activity leading to a
workshop resulted in trying out new teaching specific change in practice
tools such as Padlet that I am now using to
provide students with a platform to provide
anonymous responses, for example following
seminar debates on ethical dilemmas.
In June 2015 I co-presented a paper on the use
of Facebook in teaching practice at both SHU’s
Learning and Teaching conference and at the
xxxx annual conference.
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Words: 114
Last updated:23.05.17
K4 Traditionally core knowledge of xxx has relied
upon a didactic approach with rote-learning • Identifies a problem through
from a textbook (Dodd & Hanna, 2014). feedback and uses reflection to
Feedback from staff/student committees address.
indicates a perception of the syllabus as ‘dry’
and ‘information heavy’. My challenge: how
could I make xxx interesting and engaging? I set • Exemplifies use of technology as a
up a Facebook group where the tutor and other route to success and underpins it
teaching staff can post breaking stories and with reference to the literature
encourage students to comment and debate
with their peers. This VLE has provided a useful
platform for students to ‘buddy-up’ for visits,
share information relevant to assignments and • Would have been improved with
request guidance when appropriate. It also some evidence from students that
provides a ‘safe place’ where students can showed an improved perception of
critically reflect upon their own practice, that of the syllabus as a result.
their peers and the output of professionals,
within a supportive community of practice
(Wenger, 1998).
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Last updated:23.05.17
instruments) and take advantage of both the implemented
academic literature in these areas and
opportunities that arose within SHU. • what opportunities were taken, what
literature was read and used?
Words: 99
Words: 127
Last updated:23.05.17
V4 Being the Chairperson for the curriculum
development for XXXXXX programmes at Xxxxx • A good example of how awareness of
University. I ensured that the curriculum is the external environment - in this
reviewed on a regular basis in line with the case the needs of industry - can
current needs of BQA and employer’s needs. I affect the development of curriculum
always emphasised the importance of the skills review.
which employers expect from students. In 2011,
l reviewed the XXXXX degree together with
other members. I suggested the introduction of
a 1 year internship period to be part of the
programme. This move enabled our students to
acquire relevant work experience prior to • As well as using a specific example to
completion. This caused the industry to head show how external awareness can
hunt for our students and even offer them jobs transfer into practice, there is also
before completion. useful evidence of how this impacted
positively to students' advantage.
Word Count: 105
Last updated:23.05.17