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FHEA Practice Exemplars FINAL Version Updated 23.05.17

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FHEA Practice Examples Comments

A1 I have led modules at every level and, as course

leader, have written, designed and delivered • Demonstrates a clear range and
curricula on both the UG and PG courses. When depth of experience.
I design modules and learning materials I draw
upon the university (QAA) guidelines and the • Shows understanding of external
benchmarks set by professional bodies. When quality requirements to be
planning a module I make use of a variety of incorporated.
learning activities to encourage individual, peer-
supported and tutor-supported learning to take
into account the different levels of skills and
learning styles (Schunk, 2012). I also ensure • Draws upon literature to underpin
students develop professional skills to support practice
their employability, e.g. developing their digital
media literacy by using Twitter and Facebook to
share news stories they have written in class
and by creating blogs where they can reflect • Use of a concrete example also
upon their practice (Schon, 1995). backed up by literature

Words: 123

A2 Recognising that individually, level 4 students

were struggling to develop creative ideas for a • Identifies a difficulty to be resolved
xxxx design project, I devised a one-day and follows this with the choice of
collaborative and active learning (McKinney approach that is underpinned by
2010) workshop in which students worked in reference to the literature.
groups xxx xxx to a xxxxx to understand how
xxxx would look and respond in a 3-dimensional

During the workshop I was also able to explain • Manages to squeeze in a second
key techniques and principles of xxxxx literary reference albeit quite an old
engineering through visual and verbal one.
demonstration (Fleming & Mills 1992) with each
group. Periodic peer assessment throughout • Evidence that the approach selected
the day enabled groups to discuss their progress has worked well
and learning amongst themselves.

Last updated:23.05.17
This approach proved incredibly successful and
has since been implemented across the course.

Words: 108

A3 I incorporated a variety of feedback on the xxxx

module. For example: • A very detailed description of a range
• Students received spoken feedback 15 of feedback methods given
minute in a 1:1 tutorial on assignment
outlines and ideas for different sections
• Students received written feedback on a • further shows an excellent example
draft assignment on how well they had of ensuring students incorporate the
addressed the task, their ideas, use of feedback into future work
sources and organisation.
• As well as being graded, submitted
assignments were annotated with
detailed written comments and an
overall summary
• Students collated feedback and
highlighted areas of success and
weakness and made an action plan for
the coming semester.
• Students discussed their feedback and
action plans in a 30 minute 1:1 tutorial

Words: 102

A4 In a writing course, class time is often not

adequate for both explanation, interaction, and • Identifies a problem with the
writing practice. As a result, I provide my environment that needs resolving
students with short digital videos which I make
using the application Educreations
(Educreations 2016). In these videos I explain an
aspect of academic writing, for example, thesis • Explains the teaching approach used
statements. Students watch the videos before to resolve it
the lesson and complete the tasks. Class time is
then used for clarification and interaction with
the teacher and their peers. This approach is
known as flipped learning (Bergman and Sams • Underpins the decision with learning
2012). This approach is particularly effective for theory and literature
students who may feel anxious about the lesson • States that the approach works for a
content. Since the input is in the form of a range of students but this assertion
digital video, they can watch as many times as would be improved if backed up by
they like, and this increases confidence. evidence - how do you know it
increases confidence and resolves
Words: 127 anxiety?

Last updated:23.05.17
A5 To enhance my core knowledge and personal
development, I regularly participate in CPD • Good example of a specific
workshops including Skills Days. A recent development activity leading to a
workshop resulted in trying out new teaching specific change in practice
tools such as Padlet that I am now using to
provide students with a platform to provide
anonymous responses, for example following
seminar debates on ethical dilemmas.
In June 2015 I co-presented a paper on the use
of Facebook in teaching practice at both SHU’s
Learning and Teaching conference and at the
xxxx annual conference.

I participate in a variety of external industry • Clear articulation of a range of

events including summer schools, xxx events engagement that develops their own
and training days and xxx marking workshops. and others' learning and teaching
These facilitate networking with my peers, practice
update my core knowledge and allow me to
develop my personal learning network.

Words: 121

K1 Giving feedback to teacher trainees involves an

understanding and knowledge of • Simple introduction to what
communication strategies, language, and knowledge is required
scaffolding skills. My doctoral research
examined the nature of scaffolding in a teacher • Evidence of acquiring such
education context. In my role as teaching knowledge and a helpful description
practice supervisor at xxxx University, I had to of when and how this knowledge is
observe pre-service trainee teachers and give put into practice.
constructive feedback. My knowledge of both
English Language Teaching and my knowledge
of giving supervisory feedback (Randall and • A perfect section would include
Thornton 2001) enabled me to support the evidence that these methods were
trainees in their understanding of teaching. My effective with students, perhaps with
particular knowledge of scaffolding in this a quote or evaluation evidence
context provided me with an ability to prompt
and guide the trainee in order that they may
construct their own meanings about teaching.


K1 As a member and external examiner of the

Institute of Bankers in xxxx, l receive periodical
articles to keep me abreast with current trends
in banking industry. I also read recent journals
from accredited websites, financial newspapers • A good range of sources shown
(Local and global) and listen to news. Also, l related to the continued updating of
make sure I attend the Winter Banking school subject specific knowledge.
every year to enhance my knowledge. Recently,
l read about how the collapse of Grayston
• The overall range of sources is then
Last updated:23.05.17
Bridge which was being constructed by Murray supported by this very specific
and Roberts in South Africa affected its share example of how subject knowledge is
prices. I then used this as a case study in my then fed into teaching
class on the “impact of news on stock prices”.
The students understood the concept better.
Word Count: 110

K2 I have used different methods for teaching L2

reading in two contexts: Xxxx foundation year • a neat example of how to take
students at XXX XXX and MA XXXX international account of different learning contexts
students at SHU. and understanding the different
challenges these differences present
Xxxxx: reading is students' weakest skill due
partly to poor L1 literacy and to limited English
language knowledge. I therefore incorporated
explicit reading strategies, speed reading
activities and different ways of reading
(global/local/expeditious/careful) using short • could have included evidence of how
texts with a lower readability level and made well these approaches worked
sure text topics were based on students
(limited) world knowledge
SHU: I focus on reading critically and efficiently • overall this section is about Core
using longer, authentic and academic texts such Knowledge so could have been
as journal articles. Reading skills I teach include improved by using theory-based
note taking, identifying author's stance and references to literature
synthesizing ideas from multiple sources.

Words: 113

K2 See 'Worked Example' containing common

K3 I have found that experiential learning is most
effective when combined with appropriate • Good structure that builds on a
learning technologies, in that it actively engages general approach supported by
students and makes them more conducive to literature and then exemplifies this
learning (Kolb, 1984). Additionally, the ability to approach.
collaborate is particularly useful in the context
of xxxx education (Steel, et al, 2007). For
example, at level 6 and 7 xxx students work
collaboratively in a community of practice with
their lecturers and professional peers via the xxx
Facebook page. I also make use of my industry
contacts to take students out of the
lecture/seminar room and give them a sense of • The one thing missing is the lack of
working in a media environment, e.g. via a guest any evidence that this approach
speaker programme and by arranging work works well.
experience opportunities.

Words: 114

Last updated:23.05.17
K4 Traditionally core knowledge of xxx has relied
upon a didactic approach with rote-learning • Identifies a problem through
from a textbook (Dodd & Hanna, 2014). feedback and uses reflection to
Feedback from staff/student committees address.
indicates a perception of the syllabus as ‘dry’
and ‘information heavy’. My challenge: how
could I make xxx interesting and engaging? I set • Exemplifies use of technology as a
up a Facebook group where the tutor and other route to success and underpins it
teaching staff can post breaking stories and with reference to the literature
encourage students to comment and debate
with their peers. This VLE has provided a useful
platform for students to ‘buddy-up’ for visits,
share information relevant to assignments and • Would have been improved with
request guidance when appropriate. It also some evidence from students that
provides a ‘safe place’ where students can showed an improved perception of
critically reflect upon their own practice, that of the syllabus as a result.
their peers and the output of professionals,
within a supportive community of practice
(Wenger, 1998).

Words: 127

K5 I engage in several key methods for evaluating

the effectiveness of my teaching, including • Good range of evaluation methods
module evaluations, student staff meetings, described
dialogue with the External Examiners, course
team module reviews and more recently peer
observed teaching. During the academic year
2014/15 a colleague sat in on one of my xxxx
seminars and we were able to have a useful and • Good to use a specific example and
candid discussion about such things as room describe such a wide range of
layout, use of multi-media materials, student practice elements that were looked
turn-taking and techniques for encouraging at.
focussed, inclusive discussion among all
students. All of which informs future teaching
practice. • Real shame that no specific changes
were shown, especially since only 90
Words: 90 words have been used.

K6 See 'Worked Example' containing common

V1 Having supervised a distance MA student
entirely online, and run another module in a • An excellent range of practice
mixed online-offline mode, I am experienced in showing understanding of diversity
teaching groups of students who may not be and implications for learning
suited to campus-based instruction.

Two previous academic posts were in xxxx,

where, although I was teaching through the
medium of English, I nevertheless needed to
attend to a different cultural context and
Last updated:23.05.17
approach to study. This has informed my • Would have been good to include a
teaching since, and I am now more aware of the specific example of how teaching has
diversity of student backgrounds. been informed

I currently teach students with a broad variety

of backgrounds, including mature students and
those with English as a second language. My
varied professional experiences have helped me
cater to these diverse student types, and to
mobilise their own experiences in learning – for • This time a good specific example has
example helping foreign students translate their been included.
personal experiences into robust research.

Words: 136

V1 See 'Worked Example' containing common


V2 I am particularly sensitive to these concerns

through helping to build the xxxx Forum at xxxx • First sentence provides good
University, a staff-student committee for evidence to the initial assertion
accessibility issues, and since then engaging in
the Disability Consultation Group here at SHU.
In a past lecturing position I had a blind student
on an introductory xxxx module. I made use of
the xxxx email list I run, xxxx, to get ideas for
how to approach this, and I helped the student • good use of specific example here
with an accessible e-book of the module
textbook, as well as finding text-based
alternatives to diagrams – a number of sighted • could have inserted a reference to
students ended up preferring these too, so it inclusive practice literature for this
translated across from a physical disability to piece of good practice
different learning styles. This is just one example • slight terminology error related to
of my adaptability around different learning physical v sensory impairments -
styles and abilities. blindness is a sensory impairment

Words: 126

V3 During the reapproval process we reviewed all

module content and teaching and assessment • None of this section is written in the
practices. We examined many relevant first person and thus the Panel is
resources including module and course unable to discern the writers own
evaluations, statistical data on student practice
performance/progression, External Examiner
comments, academic regulations, meetings with
colleagues and even arranged a focus group
with final year students. From all this we were • the process of drawing upon a wide
able to reflect upon and engage in dialogue range of evidence prior to develop
about our individual teaching styles, to identify courses is appropriate, but no
areas where we may need support (e.g. in using examples of what emerged from that
new technology and designing assessment are given nor how it was

Last updated:23.05.17
instruments) and take advantage of both the implemented
academic literature in these areas and
opportunities that arose within SHU. • what opportunities were taken, what
literature was read and used?
Words: 99

V3 Social Foundations of Education is the American

equivalent of Education Studies in the UK. I have • A very good example recommended
drawn profitably from pedagogical scholarship for inclusion by the Review Panel
from this field. For example, as a result of
reading this research, I have introduced the • A simple, clear and specific example
selective use of fictional texts (novels etc) into of how the use of evidence-informed
the level four module, “XXXXX”. These texts scholarship has been used to
provide a valuable supplement to the more introduce something new into the
traditional academic texts and give the students classroom.
a wider perspective on the module themes than
would be available through the use of academic • Is aware that student feedback is
sources alone. Student feedback has indicated important to the decision as to
they feel they benefit from this approach. whether to continue with the
approach taken.
Word Count: 95

V4 In 2012 the Higher Education Council of the XXX

decided to incorporate blended learning into • Demonstrates a very clear link
the design of courses. All institutions were between the external environment
expected to follow the new policy immediately. and the development and impact on
This impacted greatly on the mission of my learning and teaching.
former institution, xxxx University. Teachers
were expected to use iPads in class, instead of
printed materials. This was a sudden change in
learning and teaching approaches almost • Cites a specific example of practice to
overnight. Many teachers were unhappy about address the sudden change. This also
this change. To address this, a colleague and I identifies some successful outcomes
set up a community of practice (Lave and and uses academic literature to
Wenger 1991) which met once a fortnight. We justify the approach taken.
structured these meetings around concerns, as
well as techniques. Over time, teachers gained
confidence as we shared our positive teaching
experiences with the iPads and presented lesson
plans which had been successful.

Words: 127

Last updated:23.05.17
V4 Being the Chairperson for the curriculum
development for XXXXXX programmes at Xxxxx • A good example of how awareness of
University. I ensured that the curriculum is the external environment - in this
reviewed on a regular basis in line with the case the needs of industry - can
current needs of BQA and employer’s needs. I affect the development of curriculum
always emphasised the importance of the skills review.
which employers expect from students. In 2011,
l reviewed the XXXXX degree together with
other members. I suggested the introduction of
a 1 year internship period to be part of the
programme. This move enabled our students to
acquire relevant work experience prior to • As well as using a specific example to
completion. This caused the industry to head show how external awareness can
hunt for our students and even offer them jobs transfer into practice, there is also
before completion. useful evidence of how this impacted
positively to students' advantage.
Word Count: 105

Last updated:23.05.17

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