Second Term Speaking and Writing Project
Second Term Speaking and Writing Project
Second Term Speaking and Writing Project
3. Highlight with different colors every word or sentence 2.1-2.9 in your text.
0 1 2 3 Total
VOCABULARY There is no use of the The use of the new The use of the new vocabulary is The use of the new
new vocabulary, and it vocabulary is insufficient, well used and even with some vocabulary is
isn’t according to the and it isn’t according to wrong vocabulary is related with excellent and is
topic. the topic. the topic. totally related with
the topic.
VOICE The message cannot be The tone of the voice is The tone and volume of the voice The tone and volume
transmitted because the plain, and the volume isn’t is enough to be listened. of the voice is high
tone and the volume enough to clearly transmit and clear.
voice of the student is so the message.
COHERENCE The ideas are not clear The ideas are seldom clear Most of the ideas are clear and The ideas are clear
and do not make and makes difficult to makes understandable the and makes
understandable the understand the message message understandable the
message message
FLUENCY The student cannot The student can formulate The student speaks fluently but The student speaks
speak fluently; he/she some single ideas without sometimes uses short pauses very well, without
constantly cuts his/her cutting them but, she/he between his/her speech. any pause and
ideas and uses very long still uses very long pauses. hesitation.
PRONUNCIATION The student pronounces The student pronounces in The student has 5-10 mistakes The student has less
in a bad way more than a bad way 10-15 words. in pronunciation. than 5 mistakes in
15 words. pronunciation.