Out 2
Out 2
Out 2
Background: Spontaneous infectious spondylodiscitis is a rare, but serious disease with the risk of progressive
neurological impairment. The surgical approach to spontaneous infectious spondylodiscitis is in most cases an
anterior debridement and fusion, often in staged surgeries. Here we report a case of single-stage posterior
debridement and posterior instrumented fusion in combination with an injectable calcium sulfate/hydroxyapatite
composite eluting gentamicin.
Case presentation: A 59-year-old Caucasian man presented with a 6-week history of lumbar pain without sensory
or motor disorders of his lower extremities. A magnetic resonance imaging scan of his lumbar spine in T2-weighted
sequences showed a high signal of the intervertebral disc L4/L5 and in T1-weighted sequences an epidural abscess
at the posterior wall of L4. Additional computed tomography imaging revealed osteolytic destruction of the
base plate of L4 and the upper plate of L5. Antibiotic therapy was started with intravenous ciprofloxacin and
clindamycin. We performed a posterior debridement via a minimally invasive approach, a posterior percutaneous
stabilization using transpedicular screw-rod instrumentation and filled the intervertebral space with an injectable
calcium sulfate/hydroxyapatite composite which elutes a high concentration of gentamicin. The patient’s lower
back pain improved quickly after surgery and no recurrence of infection has been noticed during the 1-year
follow-up. Computed tomography at 11 months shows complete bony fusion of L4 and L5.
Conclusions: An injectable calcium sulfate/hydroxyapatite composite releasing a high level of gentamicin can
support the surgical treatment of spondylodiscitis in combination with posterior debridement and transpedicular
screw-rod instrumentation.
Keywords: Spondylodiscitis, Surgical treatment, Posterior instrumentation, Local antibiotic, Injectable calcium
sulfate/hydroxyapatite, Gentamicin, Vertebral osteomyelitis, Case report
* Correspondence: Richard.Bostelmann@med.uni-duesseldorf.de
Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf
40225, Germany
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Bostelmann et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2016) 10:349 Page 2 of 5
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case where
an injectable, gentamicin-eluting BGS was used to facili-
tate fusion in the treatment of SIS. The presentation of
our patient was quite typical for a SIS: mean age about
50 years [10], back pain not responding to nonsurgical
treatment [11], and elevation of inflammatory markers
Fig. 1 a and b Preoperative radiograph of the lumbar spine anterior (CRP) [10]. The preferred diagnostic tool is an MRI
and lateral on 6 Jan 2016: narrowing of the intervertebral space L4
scan, with 76% definite and 20% possible diagnosis of
and L5 with osseous destruction of base plate L4 and upper plate L5
SIS, if the patient presents with symptoms that have
Bostelmann et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2016) 10:349 Page 3 of 5
Fig. 2 a and b Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine on 30 Dec 2014 T1- (right) and T2- (left) weighted sequences: note
the enhanced signal of the intervertebral disk L4/L5 and the epidural abscess at the posterior wall of L4
Fig. 3 a, b and c Preoperative computed tomography scan of the lumbar spine on 6 Jan 2015 (axial (left), coronary (middle) and sagittal (right)
reconstructions): significant bone osteolysis and erosion of base plate L4 and upper plate L5
Fig. 4 a, b and c: Postoperative computed tomography scan on 9 Jan 2015 (axial (left), coronary (middle) and sagittal (right) reconstructions):
correct position of transpedicular screw-rod instrumentation. Intervertebral space was filled with the antibiotic-eluting bone graft substitute, which
contains a radio contrast agent (Iohexol) with good visibility (especially on sagittal reconstruction)
Bostelmann et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2016) 10:349 Page 4 of 5
Fig. 6 a, b and c Follow-up computed tomography scan of the lumbar spine at 11 months on 7 Dec 2015: consistent position of the posterior
instrumentation. Complete bony fusion of L4 and L5
Bostelmann et al. Journal of Medical Case Reports (2016) 10:349 Page 5 of 5
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