Obstetrics (Set 1)
Obstetrics (Set 1)
Obstetrics (Set 1)
1 of 1 sets
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2. Perforation tends to occur earliest when an ectopic pregnancy is located in which
portion of fallopian tube ?
. c
A. Isthmic
B. Interstitial
C. Ampullary
q M
D. Infundibular
E. No difference
Explanation:- If the implantation is located in the narrow isthmic portion of the tube(the narrowest
part), it will rupture very early, within 6 to 8 weeks; the distensible interstitial portion may be able to
retain the pregnancy up to 14 weeks of gestation, while the ampulla is the widest portion.
3. Which of the following does not occur in post partum pituitary necrosis :
A. signs of hypoglycaemia
B. Asthenia
C. Amenorrhoea
D. Galactorrhoea
E. Decreased libido
Explanation:- failure of lactation occurs due to decreased prolactin secretion due to anterior pituitary
insufficiency_ans_key_- Hypoglycemia is due to 2ry adrenal insufficiency_ans_key_- Amenorrhea
and decreased libido are due to gonadotropin insufficiency_ans_key_- Asthenia is the easy
fatigability due to – GH >> -- muscle bulk
Explanation:- Arius – Stella reaction is a benign change in the endometrium associated with the
presence of chorionic tissue.
7. What is the most common side effect with MTX therapy for ectopic pregnancy
A. Transient pelvic pain 3 - 7 days after starting treatment
B. Stomatitis
C. Bone marrow suppression
D. Gastritis
E. none
Explanation:- Bleeding that affects the fetal condition(manifested here by fetal distress) is an
indication of CS in Ante Partum Hemorrhage
Explanation:- Low lying placenta in the LUS interferes with normal adaptation of the fetal head to the
female pelvis>>head is usually not engaged
11. A 34wk GA lady presented with vaginal bleeding of an amount more of that of
her normal cycle. O/E uterine contracts every 4 min, bulged membrane, the cervix
is 3 cm dilated, fetus is in a high transverse lie and the placenta is on the posterior
fundus. US showed translucency behind the placenta and the CTG
Explanation:- Adequate liquor is a factor favoring Long Anterior Rotation, not ROM
Explanation:- POP, DTA are obstructed and indications of CS Long Anterior Rotation of the head is
a good sign and the baby can be delivered vaginally
Explanation:- Phenytoin inhibits the enzyme intestinal conjugase, an important enzyme in folic A.
metabolism inside the body, thereby causing folate deficiency
18. The risk for development of fetal macrosomia is increased in the following,
A. Primiparity.
B. Diabetes with pregnancy.
C. Post-term pregnancy.
D. Prior macrosomic infants.
E. none
19. Complications of the third stage of labor include all of the following except :
A. Rupture uterus.
B. Postpartum hemorrhage.
C. Puerperal sepsis.
D. Retained placenta.
E. Obstetric shock.
Explanation:- retention of the placenta > 2h. may cause shock even in absence of haemorrhage
Explanation:- The gold Standard in diagnosis of ectopic is not US alone Nor BhCG alone, rather a
comiBnation of both:Absence of an intrauterine Gestational Sac + serum BhCG levels > the
discriminatory zone is the GOLD STANDARD.
Explanation:- Invasive molar tissue(locally invasive) invades the myometrium, while metastatic
molar tissue (highly metsataic)is a different type which metastasizes to the lung, liver… .
25. A 19-year-old primigravid woman at 42 weeks' gestation comes the labor and
delivery ward for induction of labor. Her prenatal course was uncomplicated.
Examination shows her cervix to be long, thick, closed, and posterior. The fetal
heart rate is in the 140s and reactive. The fetus is vertex on ultrasound.
Prostaglandin (PGE2) gel is placed intravaginally. One hour later, the patient
begins having contractions lasting longer than 2 minutes. The fetal heart rate falls
to the 70s. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in
A. Administer general anesthesia
26. Which one of the following is a risk factor for developing DVT?
A. Family history of thromboembolic disease.
B. Factor V Leiden.
C. Antiphospholipid syndrome.
D. Sepsis.
E. All of the above.
29. A 19-year-old nulliparous woman in her 35th week of pregnancy presents with
nausea, blurred vision and a weight gain of 4.5 kg per week. Her blood pressure is
160/110 mmHg. Which of the following tests is the most suitable for the assessment
of fetal status?
A. amniocentesis for the measurement of the lecithin/ sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio
B. amniocentesis for the measurement of the creatinine level of the amnotic fluid
C. sonographiccephalometry
D. a non-stress test (NST)
E. an oxytocin challenge test (OCT)
Explanation:- Captopril is a teratogenic that may cause abnormally small head , Neural tube defects
, Heart defects, Underdeveloped lungs , Partial or complete absence of skull , ....etc
32. A 31-year-old woman comes to the physician for follow-up after an abnormal
Pap test and cervical biopsy. The patient's Pap test showed a high-grade squamous
33. Female patient with history of irregular vaginal bleeding tender right iliac fossa
, CBC normal , B-HCG positive , most likely to be :
A. corpus luteum cyst
B. appendicitis
C. ectopic pregnancy
D. none of the above
E. none
35. The foetal well-being can be assessed by all of the following, except ?
A. non-stress test
B. contraction stress test
C. ultrasound
D. oxytocin sensitivity test!!!
E. none
38. A 20 year old full-term primigravida is brought to the casualty with labour
pains for last 24 hours and a hand prolapse. On examination, she has pulse 96/min,
BP 120/80 mm Hg, and mild pallor. The abdominal examination reveals the uterine
height at 32 weeks, the foetus in transverse lie and absent foetal heart sounds. On
vaginal examination, the left arm of the foetus is prolapsed and the foetal ribs are
palpable. The pelvis is adequate. What would be the best management option ?
A. External cephalic version
B. Decapitation and delivering the baby vaginally
C. Internal podalic version
D. Lower Segment Caesarean section
E. none
Explanation:- Because absent Fetal heart Sounds = Dead baby! >> Decapitation and delver
Explanation:- Spiegelberg criteria is used to diagnose Ovarian ectopic : via laparotomy/ laparoscopy
Four criteria for differentiating ovarian from other ectopic pregnancies:_new_line_1) The gestational
sac is located in the region of the ovary._new_line_2) The ectopic pregnancy is attached to the
uterus by the ovarian ligament._new_line_3) Ovarian tissue in the wall of the gestational sac is
proved histologically._new_line_4) The tube on the involved side is intact.
40. The presence of a retraction ring at the junction of upper and lower uterine
segment in labour indicates ?
A. Prolonged labour
B. Cervical dystocia
C. Obstructed labour
D. Precipitate labour
E. none
41. The indications of an elective caesarean section include all of the following,
except ?
A. Placenta Praevia
B. Cephalopelvic disproportion
C. Previous lower segment caesarean section
D. Carcinoma Cervix
E. none
44. Which of the follwing is responsible for inability to rotate anteriorly in the
occipitoposterior position :
A. Moderate size fetus
B. Gynecoid pelvis
C. Weak uterine contractions
D. Good levatorani muscle contractions
E. none
45. Ectopic pregnancy is differentiated from abortion by the fact that in ectopic
pregnancy :
A. Pain appears after vaginal bleeding
B. There is slight amount of bleeding
C. No enlargement of uterus
D. Histological examination of products of expulsion shows villi
E. none
46. Following a vaginal delivery, a woman develops a fever, lower abdominal pain
and uterine tenderness. She is alert, and her blood pressure and urine output are
good. Large gram positive rods suggestive of clostridia are seen in a smear of
cervix. management should include all except :
A. Immediate radiographic examination for gas in uterus
B. High dose antibiotic therapy
C. Hysterectomy
D. close observation for renal failure or hemolysis
48. A woman experiencing a molar pregnancy has an increased risk of which of the
following in subsequent gestations?
A. Stillbirth
B. Prematurity
C. Congenital malformations
D. Recurrent molar gestation
E. Cancer later in life
49. A woman with a complete mole is most likely to present with which of the
A. Vaginal Bleeding
B. Excessive uterine size
C. Hypermesis
D. Prominent theca lutein cysts
E. Pre-eclampsia
Explanation:- Recurrent mild vaginal bleeding is the most common presenting symptom in the 1st
51. The following are eitiological factors of atonic postpartum hge except :
A. prolonged labour
B. overdistension of uterus
C. full bladder
D. cervical lacerations
E. accidental he
Explanation:- Cervical lacerations are a cause of PPH , but not the atonic type
52. If the foetus is lying accros the uterus, with the head in the flank
A. Transverse lie
B. Cephalic lie
C. Breech lie
D. Frank lie
E. Oblique lie
53. Refers to the part of the foetus that occupies the lower segment of the uterus or
A. The show
B. The version
C. The engagement
D. The lie
E. The presentation
58. Which of the following statements regarding vaginal breech birth is FALSE?
A. Increased risk if footling
B. In about 30% there is slow cervical dilatation in the first stage
C. CTG is advised
60. Refers to the part of the foetus that occupies the lower segment of the uterus or
A. The show
B. The version
C. The engagement
D. The lie
E. The presentation
62. After what age gestation would abnormal lie warrant hospital admission
A. 37
B. 40
C. 38
D. 39
E. 36
64. At which part of the pelvis are the transverse and anterior-posterior diameter
most similar?
A. Inlet
B. Mid-cavity
C. Outlet
D. none
E. all
66. Flexion of the fetal head occurs when it meets resistance from :
A. Pelvic floor
B. Cervix
C. Pelvic walls
D. Any of the above
E. None of the above
67. A woman delivers a 9 lb baby with midline episiotomy & develops a 3rd degree
tear. Inspection shows that the following structures are intact.
A. Anal sphincter
B. Perineal body
C. Rectal mucosa
D. Perineal muscles
E. none
Explanation:- in third degree tears all are injured except. Rectal mucosa 9 lb. mean 9 pounds which
is the method of calculating weight abroad
Explanation:- Leopold’s Maneuvers = Fundal Grip, Pelvic Grips (1st&2nd), Umbilical Grip, Pawlick’s
Explanation:- The well-known dilation of the ureters and renal pelvis begins by the second month of
pregnancy and is maximal by the middle of the second trimester,
70. Mechanism of labor in abortion stick ( use of stick to induce abortion)is due to
A. Necrosis of uterine endometrium and stimulation of uterine contraction
B. Oxytocin present in the stick