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Version 2.0

James Zeh, AFRL/RQQD

Brian Birkmire, AFRL/RQQD

Nicholas A. Chinnici
Peter D. Clive
Jeffrey Johnson
Andrew W. Krisby
Jonathon E. Marjamaa
Luke B. Miklos
Michael J. Moss
Stephen P. Yallaly

August 2016



DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

Section Page
LIST OF FIGURES & TAB LES .........................................................................................................................................................2
1.0 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................................3
1.1 INT RODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 PLAT FORMS................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 PLAT FORM COMPONENT S........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.3.1 M OVERS................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3.2 SENSORS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.3 COMMUNICATIONS............................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.4 W EAPONS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3.5 PROCESSORS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.6 OT HER COMPONENT S.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 A DDITIONAL PLATFORM CAPABILITIES ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.4.1 ELECT ROMAGNETIC INTERACTIONS WIT H TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS.............................................................. 8
1.4.2 A NTENNA PATTERNS........................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.3 ATTENUATION, PROPAGATION, FLUENCE, AND CLUTTER M ODELS............................................................................. 8
1.4.4 ELECT RONIC W ARFARE EFFECT S ...................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4.5 COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS ......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4.6 LINK-16 TADIL-J .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.4.7 TRACKING AND FILTERING................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.4.8 TASKS................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4.9 BEHAVIOR M ODELING....................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.5 SIMULATION SERVICES .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.5.1 SCRIPTING LANGUAGE ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
1.5.2 TERRAIN AND LINE-OF-SIGHT M ANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 11
1.5.3 EVENT LOGGING AND ST ANDARD OUTPUT.................................................................................................................... 11
1.5.4 EXT ENSIONS AND PLUG-INS ............................................................................................................................................. 12
1.5.5 DIST RIBUTED SIMULATION INTERFACES........................................................................................................................ 12
1.5.6 M ONTE CARLO ITERATION AND DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT S......................................................................................... 12
1.6 LIMIT ATIONS AND A SSUMPT IONS......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.0 AFSIM SOFTWARE DISTRIB UTION ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 AFSIM A PPLICATIONS........................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.1 WSF EXEC .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.2 SENSOR PLOT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.3 W EAPON TOOLS ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2 AFSIM IDE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14
2.3 VESPA ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.4 ST ANDARD IADS SCENARIOS............................................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 TARGET M ACHINE REQUIREMENT S..................................................................................................................................... 17
2.6 DIST RIBUTION ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
APPENDIX A - AFS IM COMMUNICATION, S ENSOR AND JAMMING EQUATIONS ........................................ 18
APPENDIX B - AFS IM S YNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR EQUATIONS .................................................................. 34
APPENDIX C - AFS IM EL ECTRONIC WARFARE OVERVIEW .................................................................................. 41
APPENDIX D - REACTIVE INTEGRATED PLANNING ARCHITECTUR E (RIPR) .............................................. 52
APPENDIX E - HIS TORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF AFSIM ........................................................................................... 57
LIST OF ACRONYMS, ABB REVIATIONS, AND S YMB OLS ............................................................................................. 58

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

List of Figures & Tables
Figure Page
FIGURE 1: AFSIM PLAT FORM COMPOSIT ION ........................................................................................................................................ 4
FIGURE 2: GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF AN EXAMPLE TASK PROCESSOR ST ATE MACHINE................................................... 10
FIGURE 3: A N EXAMPLE RIPR BEHAVIOR TREE................................................................................................................................. 11
FIGURE 4: AFSIM CONST RUCT IVE A NALYSIS PROCESS U SING T HE AFSIM IDE ......................................................................... 14
FIGURE 5: THE AFSIM IDE DEMO BROWSER ..................................................................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 6: VESPA GUI ........................................................................................................................................................................... 16
TABLE A-1: TRANSMITTED POWER VARIABLES.................................................................................................................................. 19
TABLE A-2: FREE SPACE PROPAGAT ION VARIABLES......................................................................................................................... 20
TABLE A-3: FREE SPACE REFLECTED SIGNAL VARIABLES................................................................................................................ 21
TABLE A-4: FREE SPACE RECEIVED POWER VARIABLES................................................................................................................... 21
TABLE A-5: BANDWIDTH RAT IO VARIABLES ...................................................................................................................................... 22
TABLE A-6: RECEIVER POWER VARIABLES ......................................................................................................................................... 22
TABLE A-7: A NTENNA GAIN VARIABLES............................................................................................................................................. 24
TABLE A-8: PROCE SSED POWER VARIABLES....................................................................................................................................... 26
TABLE A-9. SIGNAL AND NOISE VARIABLES ....................................................................................................................................... 27
TABLE A-10. PASSIVE RECEIVER NOISE VARIABLES ......................................................................................................................... 28
TABLE A- 11. SA R COLLECT ION TIME VARIABLES............................................................................................................................ 29
TABLE A-12: COMMUNICATIONS SIGNAL AND NOISE VARIABLES .................................................................................................. 31
TABLE A-13: IRST CONT RAST RADIANT INTENSIT Y VARIABLES.................................................................................................... 32
TABLE A-14: IRST P ROBABILITY OF DETECTION VARIABLES.......................................................................................................... 33
TABLE B-1: RADAR RANGE EQUATION VARIABLES........................................................................................................................... 34
TABLE B-2: RECEIVER NOISE VARIABLES ........................................................................................................................................... 35
TABLE B-3: SA R DWELL TIME VARIABLES......................................................................................................................................... 36
TABLE B-4: RANGE PROCESSING GAIN VARIABLES........................................................................................................................... 37
TABLE B-5: RESOLUTION CELL VARIABLES ........................................................................................................................................ 38
TABLE B-6: P SEUDO-IMAGE GENERATION VARIABLES ..................................................................................................................... 39
FIGURE C-1. EW TECHNIQUES A RCHITECTURE .................................................................................................................................. 41
FIGURE C-2. JAMMING SYSTEM A RCHITECTURE IN AFSIM SHOWING EA TECHNIQUES............................................................. 42
FIGURE C-3. RADAR SYST EM A RCHITECTURE IN AFSIM SHOWING EP T ECHNIQUES.................................................................. 43
FIGURE C-4. M APPING OF EA AND EP INT ERACTIONS IN THE AFSIM EW A RCHITECTURE........................................................ 43
FIGURE C-5. HIERARCHY OF BASE TYPE EFFECT S FOR EA ............................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE C-6. HIERARCHY OF BASE TYPE EFFECT S FOR EP ................................................................................................................ 46
TABLE C-1. EFFECT COHERENCY TYPES.............................................................................................................................................. 47
TABLE C-2. JAMMING POWER TYPES.................................................................................................................................................... 47
TABLE C-3. JAMMING EFFECT S VARIABLE ST RUCT URE .................................................................................................................... 48
TABLE C-4. SIGNAL EFFECT S VARIABLE ST RUCTURE........................................................................................................................ 49
TABLE C-5. TRACK EFFECT S VARIABLE ST RUCT URE......................................................................................................................... 49
TABLE C-6. M ESSAGE EFFECT S VARIABLE ST RUCTURE.................................................................................................................... 50
TABLE C-7. A GGREGAT ION TYPES ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
FIGURE C-7. AFSIM EW INT ERACTION FLOWCHART ........................................................................................................................ 51
FIGURE D- 1: QUANTUM TASKER M ETHOD OF OPERATION .............................................................................................................. 53
FIGURE D- 2: RIPR BEHAVIOR TREE .................................................................................................................................................... 53
FIGURE D- 3: RIPR ROUTE FINDER....................................................................................................................................................... 54
FIGURE D-4: HEAT MAP EXAMPLE........................................................................................................................................................ 55

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

1.1 Introduction
AFSIM is a government-approved software simulation framework for use in constructing
engagement and mission-level analytic simulations for the Operations Analysis community. The
primary use of AFSIM applications is the assessment of new and advanced system concepts, and
the determination of concepts of employment for those systems.

The framework provides the ability to model the capabilities of the participants and to control
the interaction of the participants as they move through space and time. The resulting simulatio ns
can be:

 Constructive/non- interactive (the user invokes the simulation which then runs without
further interaction), or interactive (the user or other simulation controls some aspects of
the simulation.
 Non-real-time (faster or slower depending on the fidelity of the platform component
models), or real-time (constrained by some multiple of a real-time clock).
 Event-stepped (simulations proceed according to processing of relevant events) or time-
stepped (simulations proceed according to events occurring in succeeding time steps)

AFSIM is designed to be generally usable “as is,” so that not only are top-level modeling
concepts defined by the framework, but many concrete implementations are also provided.
Examples of standard models delivered with the framework include the following:

 Movement models
 Sensor systems
 Weapon systems and weapon effects
 Communication systems
 Information processing systems (trackers, etc.)
 Decision making systems (command and control, missile guidance, etc.)
 Antenna pattern models
 Atmospheric attenuation models
 Signal propagation models
 Clutter models
 Electronic warfare effect models

AFSIM is also extensible, providing for ease of incorporating models of the above types, as
well as completely new capabilities. Because AFSIM is a framework, simulation details and
services are provided, freeing the developer to focus specifically on adding desired new
functionality through implementation of the framework’s abstract interfaces. Additiona lly,
AFSIM’s Component-Based Architecture (CBA) provides the ability to cleanly and generica lly
incorporate nearly any new modeling capability into the framework. Once incorporated, the models
are then as much a part of the framework as any of the standard models.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

AFSIM simulations are typically used to evaluate the performance of military systems in the
context of a mission. To be successful, the framework must provide the capability to model the
performance of the participants within the environment of the missions. In AFSIM, the individ ua l
participant is referred to as a platform, which in some simulations is called an entity. Platforms
represent things such as aircraft, satellites, missiles, ships, submarines, ground vehicles, structures
and life-forms. The platform contains components such as communications, sensors and weapons
systems, and information and decision-making systems. These components are used to gather,
process, and disseminate information, make command decisions, and carry out the commands. The
framework, with its supplied component models, as well other component models that may have
been added, provides the capabilities to model the platforms participating in the simulation.

This section provides a general overview of the Advanced Framework for Simulatio n,
Integration and Modeling (AFSIM). Section two provides a description of the standard AFSIM
software distribution, including standard AFSIM applications, the AFSIM Integrated Developme nt
Environment (IDE), AFSIM IADS scenarios, and Visual Environment for Scenario Preparation
and Analysis (VESPA). Specific algorithms and detailed model descriptions are covered in the
appendices of this document, which together serve as the AFSIM technical reference guide. This
document does not, however, provide detailed descriptions of user inputs, the AFSIM scripting
language, or the IDE. These are detailed in the AFSIM Wiki, which serves as the reference manual
for AFSIM commands. Similarly, learning to use AFSIM is accomplished either by taking the
AFSIM Analyst course or through study of the many examples and demonstrations that accompany
the AFSIM release.

1.2 Platforms
AFSIM platforms are composed of attributes, information, components and links (see Figure
1). Attributes include the name, type, affiliation and commander of the platform. Other physical
attributes include its radar, optical and infrared signatures, defining its susceptibility to being seen
by a sensor at a specified aspect angle. Information stored on the platform includes measurements,
tracks, tasks, and human perceptions; these form the basis upon which platforms make decisions.
Platform components include definitions of movement, sensors, communications, weapons and
processing (either to model mental or computing components), which are described individually in
the following sections. Finally, internal and external links provide communication via messages.

Figure 1: AFSIM Platform Composition

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

Internal links tie individual internal platform components together in a flexible way. External links
provide inter-platform communication through communication devices.

1.3 Platform Components

Platform components provide the models for the physical and mental/computing operating
capabilities of a platform. Many standard component models are provided with the framework,
some of which are described in the following paragraphs.

Component models delivered with AFSIM are often provided at various levels of fidelity.
For example, an aircraft can be modeled with a simple route mover or with a full pseudo 6-DOF
(six degrees of freedom) aerodynamics and control model. Another example is communicatio ns
models that can either deliver messages perfectly, or that are based on electromagnetics and subject
to signal loss. These choices provide the flexibility to easily configure a simulat ion using lower-
fidelity models, or, to provide necessary effects with higher fidelity ones.

AFSIM also allows new component models (sensors, weapons, etc.), as well as completely
new component types to be inserted and utilized. Although beyond the scope of this document,
describing and teaching this process is a main theme of the AFSIM Software Developer Course.

1.3.1 Movers
A mover is an optional component providing the means by which a platform moves through
space-time (a platform without a mover is geographically fixed). The simulation affects the
movement of platforms and ensures a platform’s position is current before involving it in any
interactions with other platforms or the simulated environment.

There are many types of standard mover models, providing the capability to represent
platforms in every domain, from seabed to space. Some examples of movers delivered with AFSIM
include the following:

 WSF_AIR_MOVER – A route mover for air vehicle motion

 WSF_GROUND_MOVER – A route mover for a terrain-following ground vehicle
 WSF_ROAD_MOVER – A ground mover that moves on a road network and is able to
traverse a shortest path along it
 WSF_SURFACE_MOVER – A route mover for a surface ship
 WSF_SUBSURFACE_MOVER – A route mover for a submersible vehicle
 WSF_NORAD_SPACE_MOVER – A mover for a platform in orbit about the Earth
 WSF_GUIDED_MOVER – A mover that is capable of representing a guided glide
bomb or a single or multistate guided missile
 WSF_TSPI_MOVER – A mover that updates position based on Time Space Position
Information (TSPI) data read from a text file
 WSF_FIRES_MOVER – A mover for an indirect fire (rocket, artillery, mortar) round
 WSF_P6DOF_MOVER – A high-fidelity, pseudo-6DOF mover, providing angular and
translational kinematics

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

1.3.2 Sensors
Sensor systems are used to sense the environment around platforms. There are many types of
standard sensor models, some of which are:

 WSF_ACOUSTIC_SENSOR - Baseline acoustic sensor model

 WSF_AMBER_SENSOR - Provides an interface to the TMAP AMBER radar models
 WSF_EOIR_SENSOR - Electro-Optical/Infrared (EOIR) sensor model
 WSF_ESM_SENSOR - Baseline passive RF detection sensor
 WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR - Baseline sensor based purely on geometry
 WSF_IRST_SENSOR - Baseline infrared search-and-track sensor
 WSF_OPTICAL_SENSOR - Baseline optical sensor model
 WSF_OTH_RADAR_SENSOR - Baseline Over-The-Horizon Backscatter (OTH-B)
sky wave radar model
 WSF_RADAR_SENSOR - Baseline radar model
 WSF_SAR_SENSOR - Baseline synthetic aperture radar (SAR) model
 WSF_SOSM_SENSOR - Interface to the Spectral Optical (IR) Sensing Model (SOSM)
 WSF_SURFACE_WAVE_RADAR_SENSOR - Over-the-horizon radar surface wave
sensor model

Many sensors, such as the RADAR sensor models, implement modeled electromagne tic
interactions and are subject to jamming.
1.3.3 Communications
Communications systems are used to transmit information from one platform to another. In
addition to model choice, the framework also provides a rich set of networking options, detailed in
the next section. AFSIM offers three system models:

 WSF_COMM_TRANSCEIVER – Implements perfect or wired communications

 WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER – Implements radio frequency communications
 WSF_JTIDS_TRANSCEIVER – Implements JTIDS/Link 16 communications


modeled electromagnetic interactions and are subject to jamming.

1.3.4 Weapons
Weapons systems are used to either lethally or non-lethally attack another platform or platform
component. Weapons can utilize launch computers to make firing decisions, and they employ
configurable weapon effects. AFSIM weapons can be either explicit or implicit. Explicit weapons
create new (weapon) platforms representing missiles, bombs, etc., when fired. Implicit weapons
do not create weapon platforms and are used to model non-kinetic weapons such as high-ener gy
lasers and jammers, as well as kinetic weapons with predictable trajectories, such as artillery.

The weapon components delivered with AFSIM are the following:

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

 WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON represents a weapon that is modeled as an independent
platform when it is fired.
 WSF_IMPLICIT_WEAPON represents a weapon that does not require an independent
 WSF_RF_JAMMER is a radio frequency jammer that can be used to disrupt radar, ESM
and radio communication systems.
 WSF_LASER_WEAPON represents a High-Energy Laser (HEL) weapon with an
independently configurable laser fluence model.
 WSF_CUED_LASER_WEAPON is an implementation of WSF_LASER_WEAPON
that is cued by a separate beam director sensor.

Note that there is only one explicit weapon model. This is because the wide range of possibilities
for missiles, bombs, etc., is achieved by configuring weapon platform types with their own unique
platform components. For example, a missile can be specified as a weapon platform type
configured with a guided mover and guidance computer (processor), and it is the mover and
guidance computer that are configured to model the unique characteristics of the missile.
1.3.5 Processors
Processors are used to implement the mental or computing processing capabilities of a
platform. There are many processors available in the standard framework, among the most common

 WSF_SCRIPT_PROCESSOR – A general purpose processor for executing scripts,

written with the AFSIM scripting language, to implement custom behaviors and custom
 WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR – A scriptable, finite-state machine for making command
and control decisions about the tracks known to a platform.
 WSF_RIPR_PROCESSOR – A more advanced scriptable processor for making
command and control decisions
 WSF_GUIDANCE_COMPUTER – Implements a guidance computer for missiles
fusing mechanism for a weapon platform
 WSF_IMAGE_PROCESSOR – Simulates analysis of ‘images’ produced by imaging
 WSF_MESSAGE_PROCESSOR – A scriptable router and interpreter of messages
 WSF_TRACK_PROCESSOR – Accepts tracks from on-board and off-board sources
and feeds them to the track manager. Also sends periodic updates of local tracks to other

Depending on its implementation, a processor may be invoked periodically or as the result of

some event such as the reception of a message or the expiration of a time interval.

1.3.6 Other Components

AFSIM platforms can also utilize other component types, such as the following:

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

 Command Chain – Provides the platform’s command and control reporting structure
 Fuel – Provides fuel consumption and refuel capability
 Intersection Mesh – Provides a representation of the platform’s detailed geometry,
against which ray-tracing calculations can be made
 Navigation Errors – Models the platform’s computed location
 Visual Part – Provides a component that can be used for visualization purposes and to
compute geometry

If a new component type is needed that is not provided with the standard AFSIM distributio n,
it can be integrated using the AFSIM’s Component Based Architecture (CBA, newly introduced in
version 2.0). AFSIM CBA provides an abstract platform component interface that is extended to
easily add new and existing base component types, as well as component “extensions” that add
additional functionality for existing sensor, processor, and weapon components. Using CBA,
integrating new and existing capabilities on platforms is not only generic and simple, but using and
understanding them is often much easier as well.

1.4 Additional Platform Capabilities

1.4.1 Electromagnetic Interactions with Transmitters and Receivers

Representations of transmitters and receivers are used by platform components (sensors,
communications, and certain types of weapons) to simulate the transmission and reception of
electromagnetic (EM) radiation. The framework accomplishes this simulation through ensuring a
consistent set of EM interactions between transmitters and receivers. Utilizing this software
architecture, AFSIM naturally allows for such effects as jamming and passive detection.

1.4.2 Antenna Patterns

Antenna patterns are attached to transmitters and receivers. A simple antenna pattern is a two-
dimensional table that provides gain as a function of azimuth and elevation off the pointing angle
of the antenna. The framework allows patterns to be defined using two-dimensional tables or using
one of several algorithmic patterns. There are also several other optional sensor models that provide
additional pattern models. A polarization and frequency-dependent antenna pattern may also be

1.4.3 Attenuation, Propagation, Fluence, and Clutter Models

Attenuation models are available to limit (attenuate) propagated EM signal. Among the
attenuation model choices available in the framework are several standard radar-specific options as
well as a general model for optical attenuation.

Propagation models in AFSIM are designed to model specific effects at radar wavelengths;
options for multipath, ground wave propagation, and knife edge effects are available.

Fluence models simulate high energy laser propagation. AFSIM provides a core fluence
model as well as an interface to the industry-standard HELCoMES fluence model.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

AFSIM also provides the ability to employ a low-angle clutter model to simulating radar
backscatter, and the resulting noise, from terrain. These models utilize the full set of clutter
backscatter coefficients from MIT/Lincoln Labs studies.
1.4.4 Electronic Warfare Effects
Transmitters associated with systems such as RF jammers (e.g., WSF_RF_JAMMER) may
define the abilities of the transmitter to electronically attack receivers, thus implementing
Electronic Attack (EA) techniques. Similarly, receivers associated with sensors or communicatio ns
systems (e.g., WSF_RADAR_SENSOR or WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER) may define the
ability of the receiver to mitigate the effects of an electronic attack, thus implementing Electronic
Protect (EP) techniques. The list of available EA and EP techniques, and their effects, is fully
described in Appendix D, “AFSIM EW Architecture.”
1.4.5 Communications Networks
AFSIM provides the capability to model the network associated with the passing of messages
by communications devices. Multiple communications devices act as nodes on a network, and
networks can have gateways to other networks. Messages are intelligently routed from source to
destination. One can specify a link-layer protocol for realistic transmission times. Message
queuing and filtering are also supported.
1.4.6 Link-16 Tadil-J
AFSIM is delivered with the capability to send and receive Link-16 Tadil-J messages over
communications devices. Received messages are processed with user-defined AFSIM scripts. One
may also send and receive these messages over distributed simulation interfaces, so that AFSIM
platforms can participate as nodes in a virtual distributed command and control network.
1.4.7 Tracking and Filtering
The track is the fundamental object that represents the information known about another
object such as a platform or a transmitter. That information may describe the physical state of an
object (location, velocity, etc.), or it may describe other features (side, type, etc.). The object may
or may not be real, and the information generally contains errors. Thus, a track represents the
imperfect knowledge of what a platform perceives about another object. It is the primary input to
most of the decision-making process, and because it can represent flawed knowledge, poor
decisions can be made.

The amount of information in a track depends on its source and filtering or fusion processes
that may have been applied. A sensor may provide range and bearing, or it may only produce range
bearing and elevation. It may also provide affiliation and type (e.g., IFF), measurement quality, etc.

Overwhelmingly, tracks represent the products of sensor measurements. Multip le

measurements must be associated, or “correlated” with each other to create and update a track. This
correlation process presents the opportunity to mistakenly group measurements with incorrect
objects or with no object at all. In the latter case, false targets are produced. AFSIM offers several
options for correlation, giving the analyst the option to either explore or ignore such effects.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

A primary role of tracking is to provide as accurate an estimate as possible to truth. It is the
job of filtering to provide these estimates, especially for the kinematic data. For this purpose,
AFSIM includes a standard set of filters, providing location and velocity state estimates. The
framework is also flexible enough to allow integration of nearly any kind of filter.

The other very important goal of tracking is to intelligently combine data from measurements
and tracks to produce as complete an operational picture as possible. Often, new data will be
computed or inferred in this process called fusion. AFSIM is delivered with a standard fusion
engine, and the framework allows substitution with other fusion algorithms as desired.

1.4.8 Tasks
The AFSIM task management service
provides the capability to send and receive task
assignments, perform the tasks, and provide the
status information for dealing with those
assignments. Tasks are usually associated with a
track; for example, initiate a sensor tracking
request cued to a track location, fire a weapon at
the given track location, etc.
1.4.9 Behavior Modeling
The execution of tasks is performed with the
AFSIM scripting language, and this is the most
common method by which platform behaviors are
implemented. Two options provided by the
framework for task execution are the
WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR and the Figure 2: Graphical representation of an
WSF_QUANTUM_TASK_PROCESSOR. The example task processor state machine.
WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR utilizes a finite state machine, for which tracks move between states,
and scripts implement behaviors based on the current state (see Figure 2, in which the circles
represent states and arrows represent transition rules). The
WSF_QUANTUM_TASK_PROCESSOR utilizes a behavior tree (Figure 3), an artific ia l
intelligence technology in which behaviors are created and arranged as nodes in a graph or “tree.”
The behavior nodes can be arranged together in interesting and interrelated ways, providing more
flexibility in how behaviors are selected and executed. The artificial intelligence architecture and
behavior trees are described further in Appendix D.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

Figure 3: An Example RIPR Behavior Tree

1.5 Simulation Services

1.5.1 Scripting Language

The AFSIM scripting language provides a mechanism for the user to execute a complex set
of instructions based upon events that occur in the simulation. The language is similar to C# and
Java and should be familiar to anyone with basic programming skills. It is block-structured and
contains familiar declaration, assignment, and flow control statements that allow the user to
examine and manipulate the simulation environment. Some uses of the scripting language include
the following:
 Implement tactics and doctrine
 Data collection
 Dynamic configuration of objects based on mission options
 Simulation control

1.5.2 Terrain and Line-of-Sight Management

Terrain is used by the framework to perform such actions as determining if objects involved
in interactions are obscured by terrain, determining if an airborne object crashes into the ground,
or to constrain a ground vehicle to the ground. Acceptable forms of terrain data include National
Geospatial Agency (NGA) Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) and Arc-Info Float Grid format.
1.5.3 Event Logging and Standard Output
The framework implements an “observer” capability that allows simulation components to be
notified of the occurrence of certain events (e.g.: turning a sensor on, sensor detection attempts,
firing a weapon, sending a message assigning a task, etc.). This capability is used to imple me nt
event logging without having to modify all sections of the code. Several forms of standard output
are provided. Additionally, AFSIM provides the capability for the user to write scripts to perform
any desired functions such as writing a custom output file or accumulating statistics.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

1.5.4 Extensions and Plug-Ins
Extensions and plug-ins are the primary mechanisms by which the framework is extended to
integrate new platform component models, new and extended platform capabilities, and new and
extended simulation services. The plug-in capability is a form of extension that allows one to add
capabilities without re-compiling the core AFSIM code. Use of plug-ins allows for easier
distribution of extended capabilities, and they provide the ability to choose which extended
capabilities to use for a given analysis.

1.5.5 Distributed Simulation Interfaces

The observer capability is also utilized to implement distributed simulation interfaces. AFSIM
provides three such standard interfaces:

 DIS (Distributed Interactive Simulation) interface, which allows an AFSIM simula tio n
to participate as one application in a DIS exercise.
 High Level Architecture (HLA) interface, which allows an AFSIM simulation to
participate as one HLA federate in a HLA exercise.
 XIO (eXternal Input/Output) interface, providing a multi- machine capability, wherein
two or more AFSIM simulations interact without the limitations of DIS and HLA. XIO
can also be used to interface AFSIM simulations with GUIs and other user input devices,
providing operator-in-the-loop capabilities.

1.5.6 Monte Carlo Iteration and Design of Experiments

AFSIM provides the capability to perform a set of simulation runs at a time, where each run
starts with a different random number seed, and variability is introduced among the runs due to the
differing set of random numbers produced. This is often called Monte Carlo iteration. There are
many options within AFSIM to introduce this desired variability among runs, enabling its use in
design of experiments (DOE) studies.
1.6 Limitations and Assumptions
There are very few constraints on the bounds of the mission. The number of platforms is
limited only by the amount of memory available and the amount of time one is willing to wait. The
mission may cover the whole world from underwater to space. Mission duration can be very long:
months or years.

There are no inherent limitations imposed by the framework on platforms or their components
with regard to their performance. Any platform can detect, communicate with, shoot or control any
other platform. Any limitations are due either to the how the model is configured (user input) or
limitations of a platform component model. Such limitations can be overcome through

 Changing the parameters of the existing platform component model to reflect the desired
 Choosing a different platform component model with the desired fidelity.
 Acquiring a different platform component model with the desired fidelity.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

For example, unless otherwise indicated, a sensor will attempt to detect all other platforms in
the simulation. The user can make the assumption that it can distinguish friends from enemies and
prevent detection attempts against friendly platforms, thus saving a lot of computation time.
Another example is that a user may choose WSF_GEOMETRIC_SENSOR to model a radar system
very simply (e.g. if the target is within 50 miles it can be seen). The user has assumed that this is a
viable assumption, but if proven otherwise, the user can choose WSF_RADAR_SENSOR for more
fidelity. The point is that the user is in charge of most limitations of this kind.

In order to complete a mission, platforms must have some sort of information on which to
act. The truthfulness and accuracy of the information often governs the success of the missio n.
Assume a commander receives information that a target is located at a specific location and
commands an asset to destroy the target. If the location had significant errors, or if the target did
not really exist (it was a false report or the target had already been destroyed and the commander
had not been informed), time and resources would have been wasted chasing a target that wasn’t
there, thus potentially preventing the destruction of a real target. The framework imposes no
inherent limitation on the viability of the information in a track. It can contain errors and does not
have to correspond to a real platform.


2.1 AFSIM Applications

2.1.1 WSF Exec

The baseline AFSIM simulation application is called the World Simulation Framework
Executive (Wsf Exec). Wsf Exec reads a user-defined input file, executes the simulation, and
outputs any user-defined data files. As Wsf Exec incorporates all standard AFSIM features, it is
used to execute all simulation demos and scenarios included with AFSIM releases, including the
AFSIM IADS scenarios. Wsf Exec also most often provides the simulation engine used by the
AFSIM IDE to execute simulation scenarios within an information-rich, graphical context.

Note: Wsf Exec is likely to undergo a name change, to become “AFSIM Mission.”
2.1.2 Sensor Plot
Sensor Plot is an AFSIM application that is used to evaluate sensor characteristics and
interactions with user-specified geometries. It has the ability to create files that produce plots of
 Sensor vertical coverage
 Sensor horizontal coverage
 Sensor spherical coverage
 Defended area of a collection of sensors
 Antenna patterns
2.1.3 Weapon Tools
Weapon tools is an AFSIM application that repeatedly fires a predefined
WSF_EXPLICIT_WEAPON over widely varied engagement conditions for the purpose of creating
the various launch computers required for making acceptable weapon firing decisions. It currently

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

allows for creation/generation of launch computers for air/air, air/ground, and ballistic missile


The AFSIM Integrated Development Environment (IDE) supports the analyst in defining and
integrating AFSIM platforms and platform components. The AFSIM IDE patterns itself on IDEs
created for use with software development. With software IDEs, a single application is used to edit
files, compile, link, and run the software executable, and view output results or error messages.
Likewise, the AFSIM IDE permits the analyst to edit input files, execute an AFSIM applicatio n,
and visualize the output results and any error messages. The iterative process that allows the analyst
to receive immediate feedback as platform and component models are defined and scenarios created
is illustrated in Figure 4.

Note: AFSIM IDE is likely to undergo a name change, to become “AFSIM Wizard.”

Figure 4: AFSIM Constructive Analysis Process Using the AFSIM IDE

Current capabilities of the AFSIM IDE to support input file creation include file syntax
highlighting, auto-completion, context-sensitive command documentation, a variety of scenario
browsers, and a script debugger. Syntax highlighting makes reading and understanding the content
easier for the analyst. Unknown keywords or commands are underlined in red for easy discovery.
Examples of unknown keywords or commands include misspelling of keywords or using keywords
out of scope. The auto-completion feature provides a list of suggestions for the analyst to choose
from, based on the context. The analyst can select one of the suggestions, and the command will be
completed without having to manually type the command. Context-sensitive command
documentation allows the analyst to bring up documentation associated with a command to

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

illustrate the scope and use of the command. Other AFSIM IDE capabilities are available to assist
the analyst in defining platform and component models and scenarios.

With the IDE’s built-in Demo Browser, analysts can look through over thirty example
scenarios. These scenarios demonstrate the vast capabilities of AFSIM broken down into smaller,
focused pieces. The demos serve as a great starting point for creating new scenarios as well as
reference for adding to existing scenarios.

Figure 5: The AFSIM IDE Demo Browser

The AFSIM IDE can execute any AFSIM-based application using the input files defined by
the analyst. Any screen output from the application is displayed in an IDE output window along
with any error messages.

Current capabilities of the IDE to view simulation results include the ability to run the VESPA
application from the IDE using the AFSIM replay file created during the simulation run.

A general plug-in capability is also part of the AFSIM IDE. This supports the developme nt
of features that are needed by a limited user set. This feature includes the plug-in interface to the
application, and user-interface to manage plug-ins within the applications.
The Visual Environment for Scenario Preparation and Analysis (VESPA) software
application enables creation of scenario initial condition files compatible with any AFSIM-based
application. In addition, VESPA can be used to visualize object positional time histories and other


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

event information generated as output from any AFSIM-based application. This allows the analyst
to quickly understand and analyze the output from the simulation. Since VESPA is a “DIS-liste ner ”
visualization tool, it may also be used to display real-time entity interactions from any real- time
simulation that publishes DIS data.

Figure 6: VESPA GUI

VESPA includes a graphical user interface (GUI) that includes a drawing area with a
geospatial map and a data input area, as shown in Figure 5.

Using VESPA, the analyst can place icons representing objects at specific latitude and
longitude locations on a geospatial map. Initial conditions can then be assigned for each selected
object. For example, the initial conditions of an aircraft could be its speed, heading and altitude.
Visual features associated with objects, called attachments, can also be created. Examples include
routes, range rings and zones.

VESPA can be used to display object positional histories and events using an AFSIM replay
file generated during an AFSIM simulation run. The AFSIM replay file is a binary file containing
the DIS output from the AFSIM simulation. In addition, plots can be generated for selected events
that occurred during the simulation.

2.4 Standard IADS Scenarios

The AFSIM classified distribution includes several standard IADS (Integrated Air Defense
System) based scenarios. Algorithms and software from the Air Force mission level model were
incorporated into the AFSIM, including sensor modeling algorithms, the missile flyout code, and
the command chain logic in standard scenarios. Both the scenario data base (SDB) and type data
base (TDB) files for these scenarios have been translated into AFSIM input format, and all Air

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

Force mission level model updates are then performance verified with the AFSIM IADS. This
includes comparisons of sensor vertical coverage diagram (VCD) plots for all sensor types in these
scenarios, as well as missile flyout comparisons for all surface-to-air missile (SAM) types. The
result is a continuous verification and validation (V&V) process to standard scenarios. Additiona l
information on the pedigree of the AFSIM IADS model can be requested by contacting the AFSIM
model manager.
2.5 Target Machine Requirements
AFSIM applications are currently distributed as 32-bit and 64-bit Linux and Windows
executables. As they can be run from the command line, there are few restrictions on the target
machine’s configuration, other than the operating system. However, because the IDE and VESPA
are graphical applications, there is the added restriction that the target machine should possess a
relatively modern graphics chip or card. Although compatibility is not guaranteed, VESPA and IDE
will generally function well with graphics chips/cards manufactured on or after 2005. Four or more
GB of memory is recommended.

2.6 Distribution
Distribution of AFSIM is coordinated through AFRL/RQQD (Aerospace Systems
Directorate, POC Brian Birkmire). An Information Transfer Agreement (ITA) must be completed
to receive either the unclassified or classified distribution, and an appropriate DD254 must be
presented by government contractors to acquire the classified distribution.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

Appendix A- AFSIM Communication, Sensor and Jamming Equations
A.1 Overview
The purpose of this document is to describe the equations and algorithms used in the
interactions between objects in AFSIM. This includes:

 Sensor interactions
 Communication interactions
 Disruption (jamming) interactions

A.2 Common Radio Frequency Equations

AFSIM utilizes a common set of classes to encapsulate the components involved in radio
frequency (RF) interactions (in reality, some features of these classes are also used for non-RF
interactions, but that is not important here). The first section of the document will deal with the
basics of signal transmission and reception. Subsequent sections of the document will deal with
specific uses (radar, SAR, ESM, jamming, communications).

Ignoring the details of the processing of the received signal, RF interactions fall into two

 Direct or one-way, i.e., an emitted signal going directly to a receiver

 Indirect or two-way: i.e., an emitted signal reflected from an object and then received

The computation of the received signal power can be broken into distinct steps:

 Emission from the transmitting antenna

 Propagation to the target or the receiver
 For indirect or two-way interactions
 Reflection from the target
 Propagation from the target to the receiver
 Reception by the receiving antenna
A.3 Calculation of direct transmitted power
Px  Ppeak  DC  (RF.1)


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

Table A-1: Transmitted Power Variables
Symbol Source Description
Gx transmitter The gain of the transmitting antenna in the direction of the target object
antenna_pattern (receiver or platform). This includes any electronic beam steering losses
(Equation RF.6).
Lx transmitter The internal losses in the transmitter between the power source and the
internal_loss antenna.
DC transmitter The user defined duty-cycle of the transmitter (default: 1.0, if not
duty_cycle defined).
Ppeak transmitter The peak power of the transmitter. This should be the power of a single
power pulse.
Px Computed The transmitted power.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

A.3.1 Propagation of the signal in free space
The propagation of a free space signal from the source (s) to the destination (d) is computed
using the following equation. In a one-way interaction, ‘s’ and ‘d’ are the transmitter and receiver
respectively (Equation RF.2b). In a two-way interaction, there are two propagation paths. The first
is from the transmitter to the target (Equation RF.2c) and the second is from the target to receiver
(Equation RF.2d).

Dsd  Ps  General Form (RF.2a)
Dxr  Px  xr 2 Transmitter - to - receiver (RF.2b)
Dxt  Px  xt 2 Transmitter - to - target (RF.2c)
Dtr  Pt  tr 2 Target - to - receiver (RF.2d)

Table A-2: Free Space Propagation Variables

Symbol Source Description
A sd transmitter The fraction of the signal that remains after computing the effects of
attenuation_model atmospheric attenuation while propagating the signal from the source
(s) to the destination (d).
Dsd Computed The computed free space power density at the destination (d) that
originated from the source (s).
Ps Computed The power emitted from the source (s). This will be either the
transmitted power (Equation RF.1) or the reflected power from a target
(Equation RF.3).
Rsd Computed The slant range from the source (s) to the destination (d).

A.3.2 Reflecting a free space signal

A target that reflects a free space signal effectively creates a new ‘transmitting source’. The
power of the source is simply the product of the signal density of the incoming signal times the
effective area of the reflecting source. The reflector can be a platform (such as when performing a
two-way radar interaction) or can be the surface of the earth (when performing clutter calculatio ns).
The reflected power can then be propagated to a receiver by application of equation RF.3.

Pt  Dxt   t (RF.3)


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

Table A-3: Free Space Reflected Signal Variables
Symbol Source Description
Dxt Equation RF.2c The power density at the target (t) of the signal that originated from the
transmitter (x).
Pt Computed The power created by the reflection of the incoming signal off of the
σt radar_signature The radar cross section of the target.
of the target platform

A.3.3 Reception of a free space signal

RF.4a is used for direct, one-way (communications, passive RF and jamming). RF.4b is used
two-way (Radar, SAR).

2 G r
Pr  Dxr    FBW  FPOL One - way, Transmitter - to - receiver (RF.4a)
4 Lr
2 G r
Pr  Dtr    F40 Two - way, Target - to - receiver (RF.4b)
4 Lr

Table A-4: Free Space Received Power Variables

Symbol Source Description
FBW See section 2.5 The fraction of the received signal that is admitted, accounting for
possible mismatches in the frequency/bandwidth of the transmitted and
the frequency/bandwidth of the receiver.

Note: this is not incorporated for radar interactions because it is

assumed that the transmitter and receiver are matched.
FP OL transmitter The fraction of the received signal that is admitted, accounting for
polarization possible mismatches in the polarization of the transmitter and the
receiver receiver.
polarization_effects Note: This is not incorporated for radar interactions because it is
antenna_pattern assumed that the transmitter and receiver are matched.
F40 transmitter The pattern propagation factor. This accounts for the
propagation_model constructive/destructive interference between the direct and indirect
signal paths.

Note: This is currently only implemented for radar interactions.

Dxr Equation RF.2b The power density at the receiver of the signal that originated from the
Dtr Equation RF.2d The power density at the receiver of the signal that was reflected from
the target.
 transmitter The wavelength of the transmitted signal.
Gr receiver The gain of the receiving antenna in the direction of the target object
antenna_pattern (receiver or platform). This includes any effects of electronic beam
steering (Equation RF.6).
Lr receiver The internal losses in the receiver between the output of the antenna
internal_loss and the receiver.
Pr Computed The received power.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

A.3.4 Bandwidth ratio
The factor FBW is used to account for the fact that the frequency spectrum of the transmitter
may not match the tuning band of the receiver. It is the fraction of the transmitter spectrum that is
within the tuning band of the receiver.

Ftl  Ft  Bt Lower frequency of transmitted spectrum
Ftu  Ft  Bt Upperfrequency of transmitted spectrum
Frl  Fr  Br Lower tuning frequency of the receiver
Fru  Fr  Br Upper tuning frequency of the receiver

Table A-5: Bandwidth Ratio Variables

Symbol Source Description
Br receiver The bandwidth of the receiver.
Bt transmitter The bandwidth of the transmitter.
Fr receiver The center frequency of the range of frequencies the receiver can
frequency receive.
Ft transmitter The center frequency of the transmitter frequency spectrum.

The resulting value of FBW depends on the relationship of the upper and lower frequencies of
the transmitter and receiver.

FBW  0 if Fxu  Frl

FBW  0 if Fxl  Fru
 min( Fxu , Fru )  max( Fxl , Frl ) 
FBW  min  ,1.0  (RF.5)
 Fxu  Fxl 

A.3.5 Receiver noise power

The following definitions apply to the computation of receiver noise power:

Table A-6: Receiver Power Variables

Symbol Source Description
k Internal constant Boltzmann’s constant (1.3806505E-23 J/deg-K).
B receiver The bandwidth of the receiver. If the bandwidth was not specified AND
bandwidth if the transmitter is pulsed, the bandwidth will be computed as (1 /
-- or -- pulse_width) (i.e.: A matched filter will be assumed).
N Computed The noise power.

DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

NF receiver The receiver noise figure (default 1.0).
T0 Internal constant Standard temperature (290 deg-K).
Ts Computed The system noise temperature.

The noise power will be computed using the following process. The value from the first step
whose conditions for use are satisfied will be used:

1. If noise_power was specified, used the defined value.

2. If the bandwidth cannot be determined, use the value of -160 dBW.

3. If noise_figure was specified and both antenna_ohmic_loss and receive_line_loss were

omitted, compute the noise power as:

N  k  T0  B  NF (RF.6a)

4. Compute the noise power using the algorithm defined in “Radar Range Performance ”,
Lamont V. Blake, 1986, Artech House, Inc., Chapter 4.

Noise temperature due to the antenna (Tant = sky temperature due to the antenna pointing

Ta  T0  (0.876  Tant  254.0) / antenna _ ohmic _ loss (RF.6b)

Noise temperature contribution due to receive line loss:

Tl  T0  ( receive _ line _ loss  1.0) (RF.6c)

Noise temperature contribution due to the receiver:

Tr  T0  (noise _ figure  1.0) (RF.6d)

Total system temperature:

Ts  Ta  Tl  ( receive _ line _ loss  Tr ) (RF.6e)

Noise power:

N  k  Ts  B (RF.6f)

A.3.6 Antenna Gain Patterns

Each transmitter and receiver has associated with it an antenna gain pattern. Antenna patterns
are created using the global antenna_pattern command. An antenna pattern is attached to a
transmitter or receiver by using the antenna pattern command inside the transmitter and receiver


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

block. If an antenna pattern has not been selected for a transmitter or receiver, a uniform gain of
1.0 will be assumed.

The gain pattern is a function of azimuth and elevation with respect to the pattern origin
(typically the bore sight or pointing angle). For a given interaction, the azimuth and elevation of
the point of interest with respect to the pattern origin is computed.

Antenna gain patterns may be represented in several ways:

 A rectangular table which provides the gain as a function of azimuth and elevation.
 A table.
 A uniform (constant) pattern.
 A circular sin(x)/x pattern.
 A rectangular sin(x)/x pattern.
 A cosecant pattern.
 A GENAP pattern (GENAP is a subset of the functionality provided by generalized
antenna pattern routine found in the government TRAMS model).

Collections of tables may be used to form a composite pattern of polarization and frequency.

The gain of an electronically steered beam can be optionally modified to include the effects
of pointing the beam at an angle off the normal of the array. This capability is enabled by using the
electronic_beam_steering command in the transmitter or receiver. The following equation is used:

G  G0  cos n ( ) RF.7

Table A-7: Antenna Gain Variables

Symbol Source Description
G0 antenna_pattern The unmodified gain of the antenna when looking at the point of
G Computed The gain, modified to include the effects of electronic beam steering.
θ Computed The angle between the normal to the antenna face and the vector to the
point of interest.
N electronic_beam_ An optional exponent to reflect the amount of degradation of the gain as
steering_loss_ the beam is moved away from the normal of the antenna face.

A.3.7 Atmospheric Attenuation

Computation of atmospheric attenuation is enabled by the presence of the
atmospheric_attenuation command inside the transmitter block.

There are currently two models available. These were extracted from Air Force models and
are currently only applicable to ground-based systems (the tables assume the emitter is on the


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

 An atmospheric absorption model written by L.V. Blake, Naval Research Laboratory.
This is based on a family of 42 attenuation curves for frequencies between 100 MHz
and 10 GHz and elevation angles between 0 and 10 degrees. The curves are flat beyond
300 nautical miles. These tables were published in 'Radar Systems Analysis’, Section
15.1, David K. Barton, Artech Publishing.
 A collection of pre-computed tables that are valid for frequencies in the range 100 MHz
to 18 GHz and 27 GHz to 40 GHz. Frequencies less than 100 MHz will assume 100
MHz. Frequencies between 18 GHz and 27 GHz and above 40 GHz will use a very
computationally- intensive method to determine the attenuation and should be avoided.

There is another model in development based on the International Telecommunications Union

(ITU) Recommendation ITU-R P.676. That implementation will work for air and surface platforms
and support a wider range of frequencies.
A.3.8 Propagation Algorithms
Computation of propagation effects (other than atmospheric attenuation) is enabled by the
presence of the propagation_model command inside the transmitter block.
This currently supports one model:

 fast_multipath - An implementation of the method defined in 'Radar Range

Performance Analysis’, Lamont V. Blake, 1986, Artech House, Inc. It computes the
effects of constructive or destructive interference due to the specular reflection of the
signal off of a round, rough Earth. Two factors can be supplied to define the properties
of the surface at the reflection point.
 ground_wave_propagation - A C++ port of the GRWAVE FORTRAN code availab le
from the International Telecommunication Union, Radiocommunication Sector, Study
Group 3 (Radiowave propagation).
 alarm - The Spherical Earth Knife Diffraction (SEKE) propagation code, ported to C++
from the Advanced Low-Altitude Radar Model (ALARM).
A.3.9 Clutter Algorithms
The use of clutter is enabled by the presence of the clutter_model command in the receiver
block. The options for clutter in baseline AFSIM are the following:

 surface_clutter - Model that utilizes radar characteristics, depression angle and

backscatter coefficient lookup as functions of land form and land cover. Terrain is
not utilized.
 alarm - Like surface_clutter, but taking terrain into account, this model is ported to
C++ from the Advanced Low-Altitude Radar Model (ALARM).
 surface_clutter_table - represents clutter in a table that contains data as a function of
target altitude and target range. Additionally, if the table is site-specific it will also
contain data as a function of target bearing. The table may be provided directly, or it
can be generated from sensor plot, using one of the other models. In the latter case,
use of the table provides a speed optimization over using the other models directly.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

Both the surface_clutter and alarm models are low angle clutter models, in that the clutter
signal values they compute are only valid for small (positive and negative) depression angles.
Because of this restriction they are typically only utilized for ground-sited radars. Both models
draw from the same set of clutter backscatter coefficients, including the full set of data from the
MIT/Lincoln Labs reference, “Low Angle Radar Clutter,” by J. Barrie Billingsley.

A.4 Radar Sensor (WSF_RADAR_SENSOR)

The AFSIM radar model effectively computes the power of a single pulse (or a continuo us
waveform) and then computes the effect of integrating multiple pulses.
A.4.1 Calculation of Received Power
Applying equations RF.1 through RF.4, the following is used to calculate the received power
from a single pulse (or a continuous waveform). Note that this does not including jamming. That is
handled in a separate step.

2 Gr
Pr  Dtr    F40 From RF.4b
4 Lr
A  2 Gr
 Pt  tr 2    F40 From RF.2d
4Rtr 4 Lr
Atr  2 Gr
 Dxt   t     F40 From RF.3b
4Rtr2 4 Lr
A A  2 Gr
 Px  xt 2   t  tr 2    F40 From RF.2c
4Rxt 4Rtr 4 Lr
Gx A A  2 Gr
 Ppeak  DC   xt 2   t  tr 2    F40 From RF.1 (Radar.1)
Lx 4Rxt 4Rtr 4 Lr

A.4.2 Signal Processing and Detection

The processed signal is computed as:

S  Pr  PCR  GI  AF (Radar.2)

Table A-8: Processed Power Variables

Symbol Source Description
AF adjustment_factor A general adjustment factor that can be used to account for other
constant effects that are not provided by the model.
Gi integration_gain The gain due to the integration of multiple pulses.
Note: This is computed internally if swerling_case is specified.
PCR transmitter The pulse compression ratio.
pulse_compression_ ratio
Pr Equation Radar.1 The received power.
S Computed The processed power.


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

The signal to noise is computed as:

SN  (Radar.3)
N C  J

Table A-9. Signal and Noise Variables

Symbol Source Description
C Receiver The clutter power.
J Equation Jam.1 The incident jammer power. This is computed as the sum of the
incident power on the radar receiver at the time of the detection
N Equation RF.6 The receiver noise power.
S Equation Radar.2 The processed power.
SN Computed The signal-to-noise (or interference) ratio.

The detection of the target is determined by one of two mechanisms. A simplistic binary
detector may be used by specifying a detection_threshold. A successful detection is declared if the
signal-to-noise exceeds this threshold.

A Marcum-Swerling detector may also be used, producing a probability of detection for a

given signal-to-noise ratio. A successful detection is declared if the computed probability of
detection exceeds the required probability of detection. This detector is selected by using the
swerling_case, number_of_pulses_integrated, probability_of_false_alarm and detector_law


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

A.5 Passive RF Sensor (WSF_ESM_SENSOR)
Passive RF calculations (ESM, RWR) utilize the one-way equation.

The ‘r’ subscript values are for the passive RF receiver and the ‘x’ subscript values are for
the sensor, jammer or communications transmitter. The expanded equation is as follows:

2 Gr
Pr  Dxr    FBW  FPOL From RF.4a
4 Lr
A 2 Gr
 Px  xr 2    FBW  FPOL From RF.2b
4Rxr 4 Lr
G A 2 Gr
 Ppeak  DC  x  xr 2    FBW  FPOL From RF.1 (ESM .1)
Lx 4Rxr 4 Lr

The signal-to-noise is computed as:

SN  (ESM.2)

Table A-10. Passive Receiver Noise Variables

Symbol Source Description
N Equation RF.6 The receiver noise power.
Pr Equation ESM.1 The processed power.
SN Computed The signal-to-noise (or interference) ratio.

A successful detection will be declared if SN exceeds the threshold defined by:

 The value of pulsed_detection_threshold if the transmitted signal is pulsed

 The value of continuous_detection_threshold if the transmitted signal was non-pulsed
 The value of detection_threshold if neither of the above thresholds was specified


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SAR calculations are an extension of the radar calculations.

A.6.1 Required Collection Time

The equation used to compute the time required to collect an image of the desired resolutio n

KRs 
TOT  (SAR.1)
2d AVG sin( ) cos( )

Table A- 11. SAR Collection Time Variables

Symbol Source Description
dA Computed The desired azimuth resolution.
K doppler_overcollect_ratio The overcollect ratio (default 1.0).
Rs Computed The slant range from the sensor to the image center.
VG Computed The ground speed of the sensing platform.
λ transmitter The frequency of the transmitted signal.
frequency –or-
α Computed The azimuth angle between the ground track of the sensing platform
and the vector to the image center.
δ Computed The azimuth angle between the ground.


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Jamming calculations utilize the one-way equation where the transmitter is the jammer and
the receiver is a radar or communications receiver. Jamming calculations take place at the time a
radar detection or communication attempt occurs. AFSIM will sum the power for every possible
jammer than can affect the output (i.e. if there is in-band power that would affect the receiver).
The ‘r’ subscript values are for the sensor or communications receiver and the ‘x’ values are
for the jamming transmitter. The expanded equation is a follows:

2 Gr
Pr  Dxr    FBW  FPOL From RF.4a
4 Lr
A 2 Gr
 Px  xr 2    FBW  FPOL From RF.2b
4Rxr 4 Lr
G A 2 Gr
 Ppeak  DC  x  xr 2    FBW  FPOL From RF.1 (Jam.1)
Lx 4Rxr 4 Lr


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A.8 Communications (WSF_RADIO_TRANSCEIVER)
Communications calculations use the one-way equation.
The ‘r’ subscript values are for the communications receiver and the ‘x’ values are for the
communications transmitter. The expanded equation is a follows:

2 Gr
Pr  Dxr    FBW  FPOL From RF.4a
4 Lr
Axr 2 Gr
 Px     FBW  FPOL From RF.2b
4Rxr2 4 Lr
Gx Axr 2 Gr
 Ppeak  DC      FBW  FPOL From RF.1 (Comm.1)
Lx 4Rxr2 4 Lr

The signal-to-noise ratio is computed as:

SN  (Comm.2)

Table A-12: Communications Signal and Noise Variables

Symbol Source Description
J Equation Jam.1 The incident jammer power. This is computed as the sum of the
incident power on the receiver at the time of the interaction.
N Equation RF.6 The receiver noise power.
Pr Equation Comm.1 The processed power.
SN Computed The signal-to-noise (or interference) ratio.

The communications attempt will be declared successful if SN exceeds the

detection_threshold for the receiver.


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A.9.1 Computing the target irradiance
Determine the background radiance. This includes a relatively simply capability to include
the effects of looking up against the sky or down at the ground.
Compute the contrast radiant intensity;

I c  I s  Lbkg  Aproj

Table A-13: IRST Contrast Radiant Intensity Variables

Symbol Source Description
Is platform The source radiant intensity (infrared radiant intensity) of the target .
Lbkg The background radiant intensity.
A proj platform The projected area of the target as seen by the sensor.
Ic Computed The contrast radiant intensity of the target.

Compute the atmospheric transmittance, 𝑡 (the fraction of the signal that remains after
propagation along the path):

Compute the effective target irradiance, 𝐸𝑒𝑓𝑓 (sometimes known as CEI)

t  Ic
Eeff 
A.9.2 Adjusting for installation effects
Sensors are often mounted behind a window, which will mask regions from the field of view,
or otherwise reduce the signal. This masking or signal reduction is collectively called ‘installa tio n
effects’, and is accounted for by the use of an antenna_pattern command in the receiver block
(while there is no ‘antenna’ in an infrared sensor, it is being treated as such for convenience). The
command should refer to an antenna gain pattern where the gain (or more possibly, the loss)
represents a factor, by which the effective target irradiance should be modified to account for
installation effects, i.e.:
Eeff  Eeff  G (IRST.1)

where G is the ‘antenna gain’ in the direction of interest. Setting the gain to a very small value in
the regions that are outside the window effectively makes targets in that region undetectable.
A.9.3 Computing the probability of detection
The probability of detection is computed using the following equation:


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SN 
  SN  Sthresh
Pd  1  Q (  )

Table A-14: IRST Probability of Detection Variables

Symbol Source Description
E’ eff Equation IRST.1 The effective target irradiance.
NEI noise_equivalent_ The equivalent irradiance of the noise of the sensor.
Pd Computed The probability of detection.
Q(β) The Gaussian probability function (see the ‘Handbook of Mathematic
Functions’, Abramowitz and Stegun, equation 26.2.5).
SN Computed Signal-to-noise ratio.
Sthresh detection_threshold The detection threshold.


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Appendix B - AFSIM Synthetic Aperture Radar Equations

B.1 The Radar Range Equation

The following equation is the standard equation used by AFSIM to compute the received
power from a single pulse of a radio frequency signal that is transmitted, reflects off an object and
is then received. This does not assume the transmitter and receiver are co-located, and does not
account for any additional signal processing techniques such as pulse compression or integratio n
of multiple pulses:
𝐺𝑥 𝐴𝑥𝑡 𝐴𝑡𝑟 𝜆2 𝐺𝑟
𝑃𝑟 = 𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 (𝐷𝐶) ( )( ) 𝜎 ( ) ( )( ) 𝐹 𝐹 𝐹
𝐿𝑥 4𝜋𝑅𝑥𝑡 2 2
4𝜋 𝑅𝑡𝑟 4𝜋 𝐿𝑟 40 𝐵𝑊 𝑃𝑂𝐿


Table B-1: Radar Range Equation Variables

Variable AFSIM source Description
𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 transmitter The peak transmitted power.
DC transmitter The user defined duty-cycle of the transmitter (default: 1.0, if not
duty_cycle defined).
𝜆 transmitter The wavelength of the radiated signal.
frequency or wavelength
𝐺𝑥 , 𝐺𝑟 transmitter / receiver The gain of the transmitter and receiver antennas .
𝐿 𝑥 , 𝐿𝑟 transmitter / receiver The internal losses within the transmitter and receiver.
𝐴𝑥𝑡 , 𝐴𝑡𝑟 transmitter The one-way atmospheric attenuation factor (0..1) computed by the
attenuation_model attenuation mode.
𝑅𝑥𝑡 , 𝑅𝑡𝑟 Computed The range from the transmitter-to-target and target-to-receiver.
𝜎 The radar cross section of the target (which could be the target or a
‘resolution cell’).
𝐹40 transmitter The pattern propagation factor that accounts for the constructive
propagation_model and destructive interference between the direct and indirect
𝐹𝐵𝑊 The factor that accounts for bandwidth mismatches between the
bandwidth of the transmitted signal and the bandwidth of the
receiver. This is primarily for interactions between radar
transmitters and passive RF receivers, or jammers and radar
receivers. It is not intended to capture the effects of non-ideal
matched filters in a system.
𝐹𝑝𝑜𝑙 transmitter / receiver The factor that accounts for the polarization mismatch of the
polarization transmitted signal and the receive antenna.

For a SAR, the transmitter and receiver are co-located, so 𝑅 = 𝑅𝑥𝑡 = 𝑅𝑡𝑟 and A = 𝐴𝑥𝑡 = 𝐴𝑡𝑟 .
Also, the gain of the transmit and receive antennas will be assumed identical, so 𝐺 = 𝐺𝑡 = 𝐺𝑟 .
Furthermore, the following will be assumed:

 There are no indirect signals to interfere with the main signal. Therefore 𝐹40 = 1.

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 The bandwidth of the receiver has been established to capture the full bandwidth of the
transmitted signal. Therefore, 𝐹𝐵𝑊 = 1.
 The polarization of the received signal is the same as the polarization of the transmitted
signal. Therefore, 𝐹𝑃𝑂𝐿 = 1.
 If we also define the total atmospheric attenuation loss as:
1 1
𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 = =
𝐴𝑥𝑡 𝐴𝑡𝑟 𝐴2

With the above assumptions, we get the familiar equation for power received from a single
pulse, where the transmitter and receiver are co-located:
𝐺 2 𝜆2 𝜎
𝑃𝑟 = 𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘
(4𝜋) 3 𝑅 4 𝐿𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚

This is the same as equation (1) in reference 1, noting that:

𝐿𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑟 = 𝐿𝑥 𝐿𝑟

and that equation (8) has been used to replace 𝐴𝑒 :

𝐺𝐴 𝜆2
𝐴𝑒 =

Further note that reference 1 goes on to represent the effective aperture as a product of the
actual aperture area multiplied by an ‘aperture efficiency’. We will not perform that step here and
assume that any aperture efficiency has been represented in the AFSIM antenna_pattern.
The received signal must compete with the noise present within the system. AFSIM computes
noise power using the following:

Table B-2: Receiver Noise Variables

Symbol AFSIM source Description
𝑘 Internal constant Boltzmann’s constant (1.3806505E-23 J/deg-K).
𝐵𝑁 receiver The bandwidth of the receiver. If the bandwidth was not specified
bandwidth AND if the transmitter pulse_width is specified, the bandwidth will
be computed as (1 / pulse_width) (i.e.: a matched filter will be
𝐹𝑁 receiver The receiver noise figure (default 1.0).
𝑁 Computed The noise power.
𝑇0 Internal constant The standard temperature (290 deg-K).

The receiver noise at the antenna port is computed as:

𝑁 = 𝑘𝑇0 𝐵𝑁 𝐹𝑁

(Note: Section 2.6 in reference 2 describes other forms of computing the noise power, but
these are primarily for surface-based systems.)

The signal-to-noise ratio for a single pulse at the antenna port is then:

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𝑃𝑟 𝐺 2 𝜆2 𝜎 1
𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑡 = = 𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘
𝑁 (4𝜋) 3 𝑅 4 𝐿 𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑘𝑇0 𝐵𝑁 𝐹𝑁

(This is the same as equation (5) in reference 1, with the substitutions noted above.)
A SAR utilizes two signal processing techniques to increase the effective SNR in the image.

 𝐺𝑎 = SNR gain due to azimuth processing (coherent pulse integration)

 𝐺𝑟 = SNR gain due to range processing (pulse compression)

This will result in the signal-to-noise ratio a target within the image to be:
𝑃𝑟 𝐺 2 𝜆2 𝜎 1
𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝐺𝑎 𝐺𝑟 = = 𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝐺𝑎 𝐺𝑟
𝑁 (4𝜋) 3 𝑅 4 𝐿 𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑘𝑇0 𝐵𝑁 𝐹𝑁

(This is the same as equation (11) in reference 1, with the substitutions noted above.)

B.2 Azimuth Processing Gain (Coherent Pulse Integration)

The creation of a SAR image involves the collection of a large number of pulses coherently over
some duration of time that is suitable for producing an image of the desired quality.

Table B-3: SAR Dwell Time Variables

Variable AFSIM source Description
𝑓𝑝 transmitter The pulse repetition frequency.
𝐾𝑎 doppler_filter_broadening_factor
𝐾𝑑 doppler_foldover_margin_factor
𝑡𝐷 dwell_time The dwell time, or image collection time.
or computed
𝛿𝑎 resolution or computed The desired azimuth resolution.
𝑉 The vehicle velocity vector.
𝜃𝑠𝑞 computed The ‘squint angle’, defined as the angle between the velocity
vector and the line-of-sight vector to the center of the image area.

Note: In some documents this will be measured as the angle-of-

broadside, causing the use sin() and cos() to be reversed.
𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 Computed The total number of pulses collected in forming the image.

Equation (5) from Reference 3 is used to compute the dwell time from the desired cross
range/azimuth resolution:
𝜆𝐾𝑎 𝑅
𝑡𝐷 =
2𝑉𝛿𝑎 sin 𝜃𝑠𝑞

Note that AFSIM lets the user specify either the desired resolution or dwell time. In the latter
case, AFSIM will use the above equation to solve for the achievable resolution given the dwell


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The azimuth gain is the total number of pulses collected, which is just the collection time
times the pulse repetition frequency:
𝜆 𝐾𝑎 𝑅𝑓𝑝
𝐺𝑎 = 𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑡𝐷 𝑓𝑝 =
2𝑉 𝛿𝑎 sin 𝜃𝑠𝑞

B.3 Range Processing Gain (Pulse Compression)

Table B-4: Range Processing Gain Variables

Variable AFSIM source Description
𝜏𝑢 transmitter The uncompressed pulse width.
𝜏𝑢 transmitter The pulse compression ratio.
𝜏𝑐 pulse_compression_ratio

The range processing gain due to pulse compression is:

𝐺𝑟 =

B.4 Various Forms Of The Signal-To-Noise Equation

Substituting the results for 𝐺𝑎 and 𝐺𝑟 into the equation for 𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 :

𝐺 2 𝜆2 𝜎 1
𝑆𝑁 𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝐺𝑎 𝐺𝑟
(4𝜋 ) 3 𝑅 4 𝐿
𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑘𝑇0 𝐵𝑁 𝐹𝑁
2 2
𝐺 𝜆 𝜎 1 𝜆𝐾𝑎 𝑅𝑓𝑝 𝜏𝑢
𝑆𝑁 𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘
(4𝜋 ) 3 𝑅 4 𝐿𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑘𝑇0 𝐵𝑁 𝐹𝑁 2𝑉𝛿𝑎 sin 𝜃𝑠𝑞 𝜏𝑐

This is the form used by AFSIM to compute the return from an object with a radar cross
section of 𝜎. This could be a target or a resolution cell.

Additional forms of the equation are often seen in the literature. The remainder of this section
will show how the above equation is equivalent.

In the case of a matched filter:

𝐵𝑁 =
𝐺 2 𝜆3 𝜎 𝜏𝑐 𝐾𝑎 𝑓𝑝 𝜏𝑢
𝑆𝑁 𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘
(4𝜋 ) 3 𝑅 3 𝐿 𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑘𝑇0 𝐵𝑁 𝐹𝑁 2𝑉𝛿𝑎 sin 𝜃𝑠𝑞 𝜏𝑐
2 3
𝐺 𝜆 𝜎 1 𝐾𝑎
𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝜏𝑢 𝑓𝑝
(4𝜋) 3 𝑅 3 𝐿𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑘𝑇0 𝐹𝑁 2𝑉 𝛿𝑎 sin 𝜃𝑠𝑞
𝐺 2 𝜆3 𝜎 1 𝐾𝑎
𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔
(4𝜋) 3 𝑅 3 𝐿𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 𝑘𝑇0 𝐹𝑁 2𝑉𝛿𝑎 sin 𝜃𝑠𝑞

Where average power is defined to be:

𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 𝑃𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 𝜏𝑢 𝑓𝑝


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One form of interest is when the target is a bare resolution cell (i.e.: the ground). This is
sometimes called the ‘clutter-to-noise ratio’, or CNR. Equation (23) of reference 1 defines the area
of the resolution cell as:
𝜎 = 𝜎 0 𝛿𝑎 𝛿𝑟𝑔 = 𝜎 0 𝛿𝑎
cos 𝜓𝑔

Table B-5: Resolution Cell Variables

Variable AFSIM source Description
𝜎0 backscatter_coefficient The backscatter coefficient.
𝛿𝑟 Range resolution (as computed from the effective pulse width).
𝛿𝑟𝑔 Range resolution in the ground plane.
𝜓𝑔 Grazing angle. The angle between the line-of-sight vector and the
plane tangent to the surface at the point being viewed.

𝐺 2 𝜆3 𝛿𝑟 1 𝐾𝑎
𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔 𝜎 0 𝛿𝑎
(4𝜋) 3 𝑅 3 𝐿𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 cos 𝜓𝑔 𝑘𝑇0 𝐹𝑁 2𝑉𝛿𝑎 sin 𝜃𝑠𝑞
𝐺 2 𝜆3 𝜎 0 𝛿𝑟 1 𝐾𝑎
𝑆𝑁 𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔
(4𝜋) 3 𝑅 3 𝐿𝑥 𝐿𝑟 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑚 cos 𝜓𝑔 𝑘𝑇0 𝐹𝑁 2𝑉 sin 𝜃𝑠𝑞

which is basically equivalent to the myriad forms presented in Appendix B of reference 1 (however
they always assumed broadside collection, so sin 𝜃𝑠𝑞 was always 1).
B.5 Creation of AFSIM Pseudo-Images
AFSIM does not produce true images, but rather produces pseudo-images that indicate the
objects that are in the image, the number of resolution cells (pixels) occupied by the object, and the
intensity of the object.

 The user cues the system to the desired location and turns the system on. The model
constructs a list of the targets that could potentially be in the image. The target list will
encompass targets that are slightly outside the image region in order to account for the
fact that a target may move into the image.
 At periodic intervals (defined by ‘frame_time’, default of 1 second), the model
computes and accumulates data for each of the targets from step 1. The results of these
detection results will be accumulated, much as a SAR accumulates pulses. If the target
is obscured by terrain during a given sample, it will not have any contributing pulses
defined during that interval.
 At some point, the SAR will be turned off. At that point the model will take the
accumulated results and produce the pseudo-image (WsfImage) and send a message
containing the image (WsfImageMessage) to those who have subscribed.

The following variables will be used in the following section:


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Table B-6: Pseudo-Image Generation Variables
Variable AFSIM source Description
𝑡𝐹 frame_time The update interval between samples when forming the image.
𝑛𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 The actual number of pulses integrated. This may be different from
𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 if the sensor was turned off before or after the required time.
𝑡𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 The length of the sample. This will be 𝑡𝐹 for all but the final
𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 The number of pulses received during a sample.
𝑃𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 The received signal from a specific target during a sample.
𝑁𝑃𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 The number of resolution cells (pixels) covered by a specific target
during a sample.
𝜎𝑜𝑝𝑡 optical_signature The optical signature of the target.
𝑃𝑠𝑢𝑚 The sum of the sampled received signals for a specific target.
𝑁𝑃𝑠𝑢𝑚 The sum of the sampled pixel counts for a specific target.
𝑁𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑛 The number of samples in which a specific target was visible (n ot
obscured by the terrain).
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑓 The reference signal that corresponds to a zero intensity in the
output image. This would typically be minimum clutter-to-noise
𝑃𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 A normalizing value used to scale the received signals into a range
of [0..1].
𝐶𝑁𝑅 The expected signal-to-noise ratio of a return from single resolution
𝐶𝑁𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛 detection_threshold The minimum acceptable value for CNR for an image to be

Step 1 computes the anticipated dwell time (𝑡𝐷 ) and the number of pulses to be collected
(𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 ). In addition, it calculates the anticipated value of 𝐶𝑁𝑅.

For each sample in step 2, the number of pulses received during the sample interval is:

𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 = 𝑓𝑝 𝑡𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒

The number of resolution cells (pixels) occupied by the target for a given sample is the
projected area of the target (optical cross section) divided by the size of a resolution cell:

𝑁𝑃𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 =
𝛿𝑎 𝛿𝑟

The received power per resolution cell from the target during the sample interval is:

𝑆𝑁𝑅𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑛𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 1
𝑃𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 =
𝑁 𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑁𝑃𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒

Note that the noise has been removed from the accumulation. This must be done to account
for the possibility that in some samples the target may not be visible, or that the actual dwell time
may be longer or shorter than what was initially computed. The other terms account for the fact


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

that the internal routine that calculates 𝑆𝑁𝑅_𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 computes the return for the entire target for the
expected dwell time.
For each sample of a target in which the target is not obscured by terrain, the following is

𝑁𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑛 = 𝑁𝑠𝑒𝑒𝑛 + 1
𝑃𝑠𝑢𝑚 = 𝑃𝑠𝑢𝑚 + 𝑃𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒
𝑁𝑃𝑠𝑢𝑚 = 𝑁𝑃𝑠𝑢𝑚 + 𝑁𝑃𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒

In step 3, the achieved clutter-to-noise ratio must be computed. It is done at this point because
the actual number of pulses collected is now known (the user may choose to turn the system off
before or after the time required).
𝐶𝑁𝑅𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 = 𝐶𝑁𝑅

If 𝐶𝑁𝑅𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 is greater than or equal to 𝐶𝑁𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛 , the image will be declared acceptable and
will contain the targets as processed below. If image is declared unacceptable, the image will be
produced with no targets.
The reference signal level will be defined to be:

𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑓 =

If the image is declared acceptable, the following will be produced for each target:
The number of pixels (resolution cells) occupied by the target. This will just be the average
of the pixel counts from each sample where there target was not obscured by terrain:

𝑁𝑃 =

The intensity of the pixel is then computed. The integrated return from a resolution cell (aka,
clutter cell) represents the ‘zero’ intensity, or the return that will return a pixel value of zero.

𝑃𝑠𝑢𝑚 − 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑓

A value less than zero is clamped to zero, while values greater than one are clamped to one.

B.6 References
1. Doerry, Armin W., “Performance Limits for Synthetic Aperture Radar - second edition”,
Sandia National Laboratory Report SAND2006-0821, 2006.
2. Johnson, Jeffery, “AFSIM Communications, Sensor and Jamming Equations”, Boeing
3. Renaud, Matthew J., “Synthetic Aperture Radar Mode Constraints”, Boeing, 2007
4. Skolnik, M., Radar Handbook, 2nd edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1990.


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Appendix C- AFSIM Electronic Warfare Overview
C.1 Electronic Warfare Architecture
The Electronic Warfare (EW) capability in AFSIM provides for the effect(s) of an EW
technique from existing data, lower-level models (engineering models, engagement models, etc.)
to be modeled without having to capture a lot of high-fidelity information (i.e. pulse level
modeling). This results in primarily data/table driven capabilities, and the use of equations where
behavior is well defined, documented, and proven to follow specific guidelines. The benefits of this
level of modeling provide improved runtime, and allows for less detail on the many interactions of
different effects associated with techniques on different systems to be evaluated using single /few
model definitions. The cons are a possible loss in fidelity and some edge cases that may not always
be captured properly.

The general coding approach to implementing the EW techniques in AFSIM was to follow
an Object-Oriented (OO) approach/framework allowing for easier addition/update of new EW
effects, while adding some complexity on the positioning of data and methods within the
architecture. The EW architecture was further divided into Electronic Attack (EA) and Electronic
Protect (EP) classes, with ES being considered in another part of the AFSIM architecture. Each of
the EA and EP classes has multiple techniques, each with their own predefined and user-defined
characteristics known as effects that the technique supplies as shown in Figure C-1.

Figure C-1. EW Techniques Architecture


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EA techniques are associated with transmitting systems within the AFSIM definition of a
system as shown in Figure C-2. Likewise, the EP techniques are associated with receiving systems
as shown in Figure C-3. The transmitter can then deliver the EA techniques to a receiver upon a
successful interaction between the transmitter and receiver. The interaction between the EA & EP
techniques and their associated effects are accomplished through user mappings of the EA & EP
interactions and occur during a transmitter-receiver interaction as depicted in Figure C-3. Although
Figure C-2 depicts a sensor, the interaction of EW techniques is also pertinent to communicatio ns
systems in AFSIM, as they share the same base receiver functionality.

Jamming Suite

Jamming System
(Band 1)
Jamming System
(Band 2)
Jamming System
(Band 3) ….. Jamming System
(Band N)

….. Beam 1 Beam 2 ….. Beam N ….. …..

er 1
er 2
er N



Figure C-2. Jamming System Architecture in AFSIM Showing EA Techniques


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Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 ….. Sensor N

….. Beam 1 Beam 2 ….. Beam N ….. …..




Figure C-3. Radar System Architecture in AFSIM Showing EP techniques



Technique ………. Technique Technique ………. Technique

1 Mitigation Pointer
N 1 N

Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect N Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect N Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect N Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect N

Figure C-4. Mapping of EA and EP Interactions in the AFSIM EW Architecture


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C.2 Electronic Attack Effects
EA specific effects in AFSIM that are defined are as follows with a short description:

o Induce communication effects
o Induce cover pulse effects with probabilities
o False-Target effect with track creation
o Pulse type effect
o Derives from the WSF_SLC_DEGRADE_EFFECT with the addition of some
data to model a polarization modulation technique
o Induces a degradation on the EP SLC effect
o Jammer gain/degrade effect
o Base type for most effects
o Pulse level effects
o Base type for other pulse level base types
o Target/Jammer/Radar trio radius effects
o Application of repeater jamming effects
o Random Pulse Jamming/ Modulation (RPJ/RPM) effect
o Pulse type effect
o Simple False-Target effect w/o track creation
o Pulse type effect
o Extra SLC degradation factors
o Induce track error effect(s)

These EA effects also utilize inheritance from base classes within AFSIM, as depicted in
Figure C-5, that are also able to have their input commands used within the inheriting class from a
command input level.


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Figure C-5. Hierarchy of Base Type Effects for EA

C.3 Electronic Protect Effects

EP specific effects in AFSIM that are defined are as follows with a short description:

o Frequency and/or mode agility/diversity effects
o Mitigate communication effects
o Jammer gain/degrade effect
o Base type for most effects
o Pulse level effects
o Base type for other pulse type effects
o Pulse Suppression effect for pulse type EA effects
o Pulse type effect
o Sidelobe Blanker effects
o Sidelobe Canceller effects


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o Mitigate track error effects

These EP techniques also use inheritance from base classes within AFSIM, as depicted in
Figure C-6, that are also able to have their input commands executed within the inheriting class
from a command input level.

Figure C-6. Hierarchy of Base Type Effects for EP

C.4 EW Interaction Overview

As previously described, the EW effects in AFSIM include EA effects and EP effects that are
applied during a transmitter-receiver or transmitter-target-receiver interaction as defined by this
effects behavior in software and user modifiable inputs. During this interaction, the interaction data
for the EW are applied by using the unmitigated EA effect, then applying any mitigating EP effects
to the EA effect. This process is then repeated until all EA effects on all techniques are applie d
along with mitigating EP effects, and aggregated into a single data set that is used to modify the
interaction between the transmitter-receiver and transmitter-target-receiver. The aggregation of this
EW effects is further defined below for more insight into how AFSIM is applying these effects and
is graphically depicted in Figure C-7.

C.4.1 Electronic Attack Effect Coherency

Jamming power within an interaction calculatio n is calculated using general AFSIM
Electromagnetic calculations. Each EA effect possesses one or more of the coherency types on the


DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved For Public Release. (Case #: 88ABW-2016-6198)

individual effect. As the effects are applied, the types of effect coherencies encountered are
summed, and at the end of all the EW effects calculations the jamming power is divided into three
types of jamming power (non-coherent, non-coherent-pulse, coherent) based on the EA effects
coherencies encountered during the application of the effects. The coherency types available are
defined in the table below along with the jamming power type it is summed into.

Table C-1. Effect Coherency Types

Effect Coherency
Description Jamming Power

Coherency not specified for the given effect. Assumes Non-

None Noise

Waveform is non-coherent with the transmit and/or expected

Non-Coherent receive waveform. Assumes continuous noise type waveform Noise
in most basic sense.

Waveform is pulsed and is non-coherent with the transmit

Non-Coherent Pulse and/or expected receive waveform. Assumes pulsed noise Pulsed Noise
type waveform in most basic sense.

Waveform is coherent with the transmit and/or expected

Coherent receive waveform. Assumed to be closely representing the Coherent
signal in most basic sense.

Waveform is pulse and is coherent with the transmit and/or

Coherent-Pulse expected receive waveform. Assumed to be closely Coherent
representing the pulsed signal in most basic sense.

Table C-2. Jamming Power Types

Jamming Power Mapped Effect

Type Coherency Type(s)

Jamming induced power that acts like noise power to a

Noise None & Non-Coherent

Pulsed-Noise Pulse jamming powered that acts like noise to a receiver. Non-Coherent Pulse

Coherent (continuous and/or pulsed) jamming power that Coherent & Coherent
acts like a signal to a receiver. Pulse

Within most interactions the signal-to- interference (S/I) ratio is calculated using the signal
power divided by the noise power + clutter power + jammer power. The jammer power used for
the interference is the noise + pulse (non-coherent) jammer power.


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C.4.2 EW Effects Interaction Variables
The following EW effects variable structure is defined for each of the three types of jamming
power as well as a separate signal, track and message effect structures. The following tables
summarize these two structures and associated variables:

Table C-3. Jamming Effects Variable Structure

Power Default /
Effect Description Undefined Modifying Effect(s)
Variable Value

Jamming blanking
factor (e.g., sidelobe Multiplicative 1.0 WSF_SLB_EFFECT

Jamming cancellation
Cancellation WSF_SLC_EFFECT ,
factor (e.g., sidelobe Minimum 1.0

type factor, not to Multiplicative 1.0 WSF_POWER_EFFECT
physical jamming
power factor.

Jamming physical WSF_POWER_EFFECT,
power Multiplicative 1.0

Alternate jamming
type that has a
J/X Factor Multiplicative 1.0 WSF_POWER_EFFECT

Flag to specify
whether or not
jamming power will Undefined
Protection undefined Base Effect
be allowed to interact Boolean
with the receiver for a
given target or not.

Pulse type jamming
Suppression Multiplicative 1.0 WSF_PULSE_SUPPRESS_ EFFECT
suppression factor.

Factor that evaluates

the position of the
target wrt jammer Multiplicative 1.0 WSF_RADIUS_EFFECT
location to apply a
user input factor.


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Physical jamming
Repeater power factor
Jamming dependent upon Multiplicative 1.0 WSF_REPEATER_EFFECT
Factor repeater behavior

Random pulse
RPJ Factor Multiplicative 1.0 WSF_RPJ_EFFECT
jamming factor.

Table C-4. Signal Effects Variable Structure

Signal Effect Aggregation Default/Undefined

Description Modifying Effect(s)
Variable Type(s) Value

Signal Power Signal power

Multiplicative 1.0 WSF_POWER_EFFECT
Factor factor.

Receiver Noise Receiver noise

Multiplicative 1.0 WSF_POWER_EFFECT
Power Factor power factor.

Table C-5. Track Effects Variable Structure

Track Effect Aggregation Default/Undefined

Description Modifying Effect(s)
Variable Type(s) Value

Track azimuth
Azimuth Error (EA) / 0.0 WSF_TRACK_EFFECT
Minimum (EP)

Elevation Error (EA) / 0.0 WSF_TRACK_EFFECT
elevation error.
Minimum (EP)

Track range
Range Error (EA) / 0.0 WSF_TRACK_EFFECT
Minimum (EP)

Track velocity
Velocity Error (EA) / 0.0 WSF_TRACK_EFFECT
Minimum (EP)


Drop/Maintain drop/maintain undefined WSF_SLB_EFFECT (target
Flag flag. blanking)


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Table C-6. Message Effects Variable Structure

Track Effect Aggregation Default/Undefined

Description Modifying Effect(s)
Variable Type(s) Value

BER for Maximum (EA)

Bit Error Rate
communications / Minimum 0.0 WSF_COMM_EFFECT
device to use. (EP)

Message Undefined
Drop/Maintain undefined WSF_COMM_EFFECT
drop/maintain flag. Boolean

C.4.3 Aggregation Types

The aggregation types given in the table below are used to aggregate (i.e., roll-up) the
individual EW effect values into the interaction value to be used by the interaction to apply any
EW related effects to the target detection, tracking process and/or message as applicable. All
aggregation is done in standard units (i.e., multiplication is the same as addition in dB space.)

Table C-7. Aggregation Types


The maximu m of the interaction value and current effect value being applied is taken and used
as the interaction value.

The minimum of the interaction value and current effect value being applied is taken and used
as the interaction value.

The addition of the interaction value and current effect value being applied is used as the
interaction value.

The multiplied product of the interaction value and current effect value being applied is used as
the interaction value.

A true/false (i.e., two-state) flag that can be toggled based on the current value and logging of
the effect.

Similar to the Boolean aggregation type, except an undefined state along with the true/false
Undefined (i.e., three-state) is available as a value. This type can be toggled from undefined (its most
Boolean common default state) to true/false (i.e., defined) and toggled between the three states
thereafter based on the current value and logic of the effect.


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Figure C-7. AFSIM EW Interaction Flowchart


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Appendix D- Reactive Integrated Planning aRchitecture (RIPR)
D.1 Overview
RIPR is the framework included with AFSIM that enables behavior modeling. RIPR is agent
based, meaning that each agent acts according to its own knowledge; however, it is common for
agents to cooperate and communicate with each other. RIPR is best thought of as a collection of
utilities and algorithms that tie together nicely in the construction of an intelligent agent. Most
modern RIPR agents, however, do contain a Perception Processor and a Quantum Tasker Processor.
The agent senses the world by querying the platform and its subsystems, for information. The agent
builds knowledge internally, makes decisions, and then takes action by controlling its platform
accordingly. Most platform queries and control actions take place inside of the AFSIM scripting
language. The knowledge-building and decision-making actions that RIPR performs are aided by
various artificial intelligence technologies summarized here.
D.2 Perception Processor
A RIPR agent maintains its own perception of threats, assets, and peers. This represents an
agent’s limited brain and the information can be delayed or erroneous. To represent players of
varying skill, each agent has its own tunable cognitive model. For example, an “expert” pilot agent
can maintain knowledge of 16 threats that he updates (looks at radar) every 5 seconds.
D.3 Quantum Tasker
The RIPR Quantum Tasker is used for commander subordinate interaction and task de-
confliction. The Quantum Tasker comprises task generator(s), task-asset pair evaluator(s), an
allocation algorithm, and various strategy settings (such as how to handle rejected task
assignments). Each component (generator, evaluator, allocator) can be selected from pre-defined
options, or custom created in script. The RIPR Quantum Tasker tasking system is also compatible
with platforms using the older task manager (WSF_TASK_MANAGER and
WSF_TASK_PROCESSOR). It can send and/or receive tasks to/from other RIPR agents and other
task manager platforms.

The Quantum Tasker’s method of operation:

 Acquire perception of assets from cognitive model for matrix columns
 Acquire perception of threats from cognitive model
 Generator generates tasks for matrix rows
 Strategy dictacts how previously assigned tasks, rejected tasks, or new tasks are
 Evaluator calculates values for possible asset-task pairs for matrix body
 The allocator runs on the task-asset matrix to find appropriate task allocation, e.g.
greedy, optimal, etc.
 Tasks are assigned over comm, handshaking performed for acceptance/rejection


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Figure D- 1: Quantum Tasker Method of Operation

D.4 Behavior Tree

RIPR agents typically make use of a RIPR behavior tree to define their behavior. A behavior
is a compact modular piece of script that performs some unique action. Behaviors should be
parameterized and reusable. A behavior tree allows connection of behaviors in interesting ways so
they perform in certain orders or subsets. The whole tree aggregates the behaviors to model an
agent’s behavior.

Figure D- 2: RIPR Behavior Tree


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RIPR behavior trees provide five different intermediate connector-node types:
 Selector – chooses and performs first child behavior to pass its precondition check
 Sequence – performs all child behaviors in sequence until one fails its preconditio n
 Parallel – performs all child behaviors whose precondition check passes.
 Weight Random – makes a weighted random selection from its child behaviors.
Weight based on precondition value returned.
 Priority Selector – selects the child behavior who returns the largest preconditio n
Behavior trees provide for maximum utility in developing and editing agents. A properly
constructed behavior tree allows a user to find relevant script fast, and swap in other behaviors at
appropriate places. For example: try separating out behaviors for choosing desired heading,
altitude, and speed from the behavior that actually performs the flight task. When you develop a
new flying behavior, e.g. one that used a new route finder, you can swap that for the old one while
keeping the logic in place for calculating desired direction.
D.5 Route Finder
The route finder allows an agent to path around static and/or dynamic obstacles. At this time,
obstacles are circular regions defined at a location or attached to another platform. The route finder
takes advantage of this assumption to quickly build a search graph around all avoidances and uses
a depth-first-search to find the best routes to a target. The route finder has three options for
impossible routes:
 Shrink offending avoidances
 Ignore offending avoidances
 Shift start/target points outside of all offending avoidances

Figure D- 3: RIPR Route Finder


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D.6 Heat Map
The heat map allows for the representation of uncertainty in an agent’s knowledge of his
surroundings. For instance, this capability allows RIPR agents to intelligently attempt to
relocate dropped tracks. In reality a when a pilot loses a track he can still have a good idea of
where the track was headed, make adjustments based on that intuition and possibly reacquire
the track. This is what the heat map attempts to do within AFSIM. It will attempt to figure out
where the track has disappeared to, mark these areas hot, check the areas and if the track is not
located, it will mark them cold and check other areas marked hot for the track. The hot areas
will decay over time if they haven’t been checked.

Figure D-4: Heat Map Example

D.7 Cluster Manager

Some RIPR agents take advantage of the Cluster Manager to perform clustering on threat or
asset perception in order to think of these larger sets as smaller groups. For example, it is common
for a commander to group incoming threats into two clusters so it can send each of its two squadrons
after separate groups. The Cluster Manager can cluster based on desired similarity thresholds or
based on the desired number of clusters. Similarity measurements can be based on ground distance,
3D distance, or 3D distance and speed. The Cluster Manager can use one of three clustering
 Hierarchical Tree Max – default, guaranteed to be optimal, no cluster member
dissimilar to any other member past the threshold (this method provides for tighter
“classic” groups of members)
 Hierarchical Tree Min – guaranteed to be optimal, no cluster member dissimilar to at
least one other member past the threshold (this method allows for long “stringy”
chains of members)
 K-Means – not guaranteed to be optimal, fastest, clusters are centered on K differe nt
mean points
D.8 Example agent interaction using all technologies
 A commander agent obtains threats from his cognitive model (Perception Processor)
 Commander’s Quantum Tasker generator clusters threats into groups and creates a
task for each group


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 Commander’s Quantum Tasker evaluator scores his squadrons (assets) against each
 Commander’s Quantum Tasker allocator finds optimal task assignment
 Commander assigns task(s) to subordinate flight leads over comm.
 Flight lead uses asset and threat perception from cognitive model while interpreting
 Flight lead agent’s Quantum Tasker generates, evaluates, allocates, and assigns tasks
to pilot agents
Pilot agent uses peer and threat perception from cognitive model
 Pilot agent’s behavior tree checks for evade, disengage, bingo conditions
 Pilot agent’s behavior tree flies to intercept and eventually engage threat from task
 Pilot agent uses route finder to fly around SAM zones during ingress towards target


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Appendix E - Historical Development of AFSIM
AFSIM is based on The Boeing Company’s Analytic Framework for Network-Enabled
Systems (AFNES). Under contract, Boeing delivered AFNES to the Air Force (specifica lly
AFRL/RQQD) with unlimited government rights, including source code, in Feb 2013.
AFRL/RQQD rebranded AFNES as AFSIM and has started to distribute AFSIM within the Air
Force and DoD, including DoD contractors.

The Boeing Company developed and funded the AFNES simulatio n framework through
internal research and development (IR&D) funding from 2003-2014. Beginning in 2005, Boeing
began developing a customized AFNES capability to simulate threat Integrated Air Defense
Systems (IADS) to assess advanced air vehicle concepts performing Precision Engage me nt
missions. The requirements of this new IADS simulation capability included being able to match
results with the Air Force-approved mission level model. The reason for developing an AFNES
alternative to the Air Force IADS modeling capability relates to the limitations associated with the
Air Force mission level model. Examples of areas in which the Air Force mission level model is
lacking include: expansion of representations of Electronic Warfare (EW) techniques; the
integration of independent tracking and correlation systems; utilization of vendor-supplied auto-
routers and mission optimization capabilities; net-centric communications systems; the
contribution of Space assets; and integration of special, existing models, such as AGI’s System
Tool Kit (STK).

The AFNES IADS capability became operational in 2008, and is currently being utilized by
multiple Boeing development programs, as well as government contracted programs, to assess the
ability of advanced air vehicle design concepts to penetrate advanced Air Defense networks and
conduct precision engagement missions. Because the Air Force is also interested in analyzing future
vehicles in the area of persistent and responsive precision engagement, this capability has been
briefed to Air Force personnel at various times over the previous five years. In 2010, the
AFRL/RQQD Aerospace Vehicles Technology Assessment & Simulation (AVTAS) Lab (formerly
AFRL/RBCD) commissioned a trade study of M&S Frameworks for the purpose of assessing
potential alternatives to replace or augment their current constructive simulation environment. The
result of the AFRL trade study was the selection of AFNES as the best M&S framework to meet
their air vehicle mission effectiveness analysis requirements.

Under contract, Boeing delivered AFNES to the Air Force (specifically AFRL/RQQD) with
unlimited government rights (including source code) in February 2013. AFRL/RQQD re-branded
AFNES as the Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM) and has
started to distribute AFSIM within the Air Force and DoD, including DoD contractors. One of the
key focus areas for AFSIM has been the simulated representation of IADS, and the utilization of
verified and validated Air Force scenarios and threat representations distributed with the Air Force
mission level model. AFSIM provides expanded Modeling & Simulation capabilities to support
mission- level analysis studies related to global strike and other research activities.


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List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols
Acronym Description
AFNES Analytic Framework For Network Enabled Systems
AFSIM Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API Application Programming Interface
AVTAS Aerospace Vehicles Technology Assessment & Simulation
CC Conventional Campaign
CNR Clutter to Noise Ratio
DEM Digital Elevation Model
DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation
DLL Dynamic Link Libraries
DOE Design Of Experiments
DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data
EM Electromagnetic
ENU East, North, Up
EA Electronic Attack
EP Electronic Protect
ESM Electronic Support Measure
EW Electronic Warfare
Geo Geo-referencing
GUI Graphical User Interface
HLA High Level Architecture
HTML HyperText Markup Language
IADS Integrated Air Defense Systems
IDE Integrated Development Environment
IR&D Internal Research and Development
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITU International Telecommunications Union
M&S Modeling and Simulation
MCO Major Combat Operations


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Acronym Description
NCO Network Centric Operations
NED North, East, Down
NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
OSG Open Scene Graph
OO Object Oriented
PIANO Parametric Integrated Analysis of Objectives
RF Radio Frequency
RIPR Reactive Integrated Planning Architecture
RWR Radar Warning Receiver
Wsf Exec World Simulation Framework Executive
SAM Surface-to-Air Missile
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SDB Scenario Data Base
SIMS Standard Industry Missile Simulator
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
SO Shared Objects
STK System Tool Kit
TDB Type Data Base
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
UCAV Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle
USAF United States Air Force
USGS United States Geological Survey
V&V Verification & Validation
VCD Vertical Coverage Diagram
VESPA Visual Environment for Scenario Preparation and Analysis
VMAP Vector Map
WGS World Geodetic System


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