Physical Weathering 0da42a1c

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Physical Geography NCERT

Notes For UPSC

This weathering process is further categorised into three types: physical, chemical and biological
weathering. By keeping all these things in mind Testbook has prepared best quantility notes in which all
important topics are covered in a very easy language. These notes are important for other competitive
exams also like State civil service and many more.

Weathering - Introduction:
• The process of action of elements of weather and climate over the Earth material is called the
weathering process.
• The disintegration of rocks can be of various types like mechanical disintegration and chemical
disintegration. All this disintegration can occur because of elements of weather and climate.
During the weathering process of rock some minerals are removed through chemical/ physical
leaching by groundwater because of this concentration of remaining minerals increases.
• Weathering process can be categorized into three types: physical, chemical and biological.Thus
in the below notes we will study types of weathering,Biological weathering,Chemical
weathering,Physical or Mechanical Weathering to understand the whole physical weathering

Physical Weathering:
• Physical weathering is also known as mechanical weathering. This weathering depends on the
kind of applied forces.
• Force which is applied during physical weathering are: gravitational forces such as overburden
pressure, load, and shearing stress, expansion force this force occurs due to temperature
changes, crystal growth or animal activity, water pressure which is controlled by wetting and
drying cycles.
• One of the major causes of physical or mechanical weathering is thermal expansion and
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Some Examples Of Physical Weathering Mechanisms

Below we will discussing physical weathering mechanism in details

Unloading and Expansion:

• Process by which removal of overlying rock loads occur because of continuous erosion as it
causes release of vertical pressure.
• Because of this there occurs an expansion of the upper layer of remaining rocks which occur
due to disintegration of rocks.
• There occurs a development of fractures which is roughly parallel to the ground surface.
• The area has a curved ground surface from which massive sheets or exfoliated slabs are
produced from arched fractures.
• Exfoliation sheets are formed by the expansion because release of pressure and unloading may
measure hundreds or even thousands of metres in horizontal extent.
• Examples of exfoliated domes are: big, smooth, rounded domes.

Temperature Changes and Expansion:

• With increase in temperature there occurs expansion of minerals and with fall in temperature it
pushes against its neighbor because of this there occurs corresponding contraction.
• Because of the differential heating process and the expansion and contraction process of the
surface layer and their subsequent exfoliation from the surface which result in the conversion of
smooth rounded surfaces into rocks.
• Rocks which are formed from such exfoliation are granites, smooth surfaced and rounded small
to big boulders called tors.

Freezing, Thawing and Frost Wedging:

• Frost weathering is caused by a freezing cycle and thawing i.e. melting of ice or snow because
of warmer weather.
• Its effectiveness is maximum at the high elevations in mid-latitude where there is often repetition
in freezing and melting.
• Rapid freezing process of water often leads to its sudden expansion and high pressure. This
expansion process shows its effects on joints, cracks, and small intergranular fractures to
become wider and wider till the rock breaks apart.

Salt Weathering:
• There occurs expansion in salt in rock because of thermal action, hydration and crystallization.
• These salt may be calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and barium as all of them have a
tendency to expand.
• This expansion process in salt depends on the temperature and their thermal properties.
• This expansion process of salt is favoured by high temperature ranges between 30-50 C of0

surface temperatures in desert.

• Most effective salt weathering process is salt crystallization. It is seen in areas of alternate
wetting and drying conditions.

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