DLL FBS Sept.18 22,2023
DLL FBS Sept.18 22,2023
DLL FBS Sept.18 22,2023
DAILY Teacher Loralee V. Bragat Learning Area Food and Beverage Services
LESSON Teaching Dates and Time September 18-22, 2023 Quarter Q1
Sept. 18, 2023 Sept. 19, 2023 Sept. 20, 2023 Sept. 21, 2023 Sept. 22, 2023
I. OBJECTIVES After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
• Identify how reservations may be received.
• Follow the standard procedure in accepting table reservations.
• Record reservation data on forms accurately based on establishment’s standards.
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of concepts, and understanding of concepts, understanding of concepts, and understanding of concepts, understanding of concepts, and
principles in preparing the dining and principles in preparing the principles in preparing the and principles in preparing the principles in preparing the
room/restaurant area for service. dining room/restaurant area for dining room/restaurant area for dining room/restaurant area dining room/restaurant area for
service. service. for service. service.
B. Performance Standard The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner: The learner:
1. independently prepares the 1. independently prepares the 1. independently prepares the 1. independently prepares the 1. independently prepares the
dining room/restaurant area for dining room/restaurant area for dining room/restaurant area for dining room/restaurant area dining room/restaurant area for
service service service for service service
2. demonstrate knowledge and 2. demonstrate knowledge 2. demonstrate knowledge and 2. demonstrate knowledge 2. demonstrate knowledge and
skills of food and beverage and skills of food and beverage skills of food and beverage and skills of food and skills of food and beverage
service in relation to taking table service in relation to taking service in relation to taking beverage service in relation to service in relation to taking
reservations table reservations table reservations taking table reservations table reservations
C. Learning Competency / LO 1. Take table reservations LO 1. Take table reservations LO 1. Take table reservations LO 1. Take table reservations LO 1. Take table reservations
Objectives (Write the LC 1.3 Record reservation data on 1.3 Record reservation data on 1.3 Record reservation data on 1.3 Record reservation data 1.3 Record reservation data on
code for each) forms accurately based on forms accurately based on forms accurately based on on forms accurately based on forms accurately based on
establishment’s standards establishment’s standards establishment’s standards establishment’s standards establishment’s standards
II. CONTENT Telephone Ethics
A. Reference Curriculum Guide in Food and Beverage Services
1. Learner’s Materials Pages
2. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources TLE/TVL- Food and Beverage TLE/TVL- Food and Beverage TLE/TVL- Food and Beverage TLE/TVL- Food and Beverage TLE/TVL- Food and Beverage
Services – Grade 9-12 Quarter 1 Services – Grade 9-12 Quarter Services – Grade 9-12 Quarter Services – Grade 9-12 Services – Grade 9-12 Quarter
– Module 1: Week 1-2 Take 1 – Module 1: Week 1-2 Take 1 – Module 1: Week 1-2 Take Quarter 1 – Module 1: Week 1 – Module 1: Week 1-2 Take
Table Reservations First Edition, Table Reservations First Table Reservations First 1-2 Take Table Reservations Table Reservations First
2021 Edition, 2021 Edition, 2021 First Edition, 2021 Edition, 2021
Food and Beverage Services– Food and Beverage Services– Food and Beverage Services– Food and Beverage Food and Beverage Services–
Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Services– Grade 11 Grade 11 Alternative Delivery
Mode Quarter 1-4 – Module 1-4 Mode Quarter 1-4 – Module 1- Mode Quarter 1-4 – Module 1-4 Alternative Delivery Mode Mode Quarter 1-4 – Module 1-4
First Edition, 2019 4 First Edition, 2019 First Edition, 2019 Quarter 1-4 – Module 1-4 First First Edition, 2019
Edition, 2019
B. Establishing purpose for the The teacher asks: What are the
lesson Tips in Taking Table
1. Answer inquiries promptly,
clearly and as accurately as
2. Ask pertinent questions to
complete the details of the
reservation. Take note of
specials, and changes in the
menu and make sure to inform
guest about it.
3. Gather all pertinent
information on the reservation
from the guest politely and
4. Accurately record reservation
data on forms and based on
establishment standards. 5.
Confirm customer reservations
prior to their arrival.
6. Impart additional information
to the guest such as food
establishment, parking
conditions and directions to the
7. Always be calm and polite
when speaking to the guests.
8. Avoid double booking. Ask
the students the possible
questions of customer/guest in
taking reservation.
C. Discussing new concepts and
The teacher will discuss the
practicing new skills # 1
possible questions of
customers/guest when taking
table reservations
1. What kind of cuisine do you
offer? (E.g. French, Italian,
Cantonese, and Modern
2. What style of menu do you
offer? (Á la carte or Table d
3. Do you accept credit cards? If
yes, which credit card do you
4. Can we bring in other food
and drinks bought from outside?
5. Is there a corkage for food and
drinks bought from outside? If
yes, please how much?
6. What time do you start
serving? For lunch? For dinner?
7. Do you accommodate
8. Do you cater persons with
9. Are all rooms air conditioned?
10. Do you have parking
11. Do you cater specific
12. Do you have smoking area?
13. How do we get there? What
is the nearest landmark?
D. Developing mastery -
(leads to Formative Assessment)
1. Enumerate 5 tips in taking
reservation over the phone.
2. What are the possible
questions from the guest in
taking table reservation?
E. Finding practical application of . Telephone plays an important
concepts and skills in daily living role in times of reservation on
phone. Perfect telephone
handling ensures efficiency of
the reservation agent which at
the same time upholds standard.
Telephone ethics are set of
moral principles used when
handling telephone.
F. Making generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson The teacher will discuss
interactive with the students.
These are the tips that will help
you communicate better over the
1. Greeting – telephone
conversation expects you to
open the conversation with a
nice greeting.
2. Take permission and be polite
– a polite word or two always
helps in bringing warmth into the
3. Identify self and the
organization – always introduce
yourself before getting into any
4. Clarity – do not use broken
phrases. Always use a clear,
&simple language.
5. Purpose of the call – think
through exactly what you plan to
say and practice before you
place the call. Jotting down the
items you want to discuss. 6.
Know your timeline and keep it
7. Avoid fillers and keep it
interesting – filler words like “um
and uh” must be avoided during
telephone conversations.
8. Smile through the phone –
keep a “smile in your voice”.
9. Find some quiet place –
clearly without background
noise. 10.Summarize,
paraphrase and close – always
end the call with a pleasantly.
G. Evaluating Learning Directions: Find a pair and
execute taking a table
reservation/s over the phone.
Using the given form below,
supply what is asked while
processing reservations.
Time and
Date of
Event or
Date and
Time to use
# of the
Making the
of who will
use the
Number of
H. Additional Activities for
application & remediation
VI. REFLECTION (from the previous
weeks’ lesson)
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
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