L2 - Assurance of Salvation
L2 - Assurance of Salvation
L2 - Assurance of Salvation
Do you know that the devil can bring on lying feelings? If he does not succeed in confusing you with lying words, he resorts to
depressing your emotions. However, remember the Bible’s warning that Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44). Some people feel saved
one day and not the next, but the day after it seems as if their salvation has come back. All feelings. If you do not believe Satan’s lying
words, do not believe the lying feelings he gives you either.
What should you do? The answer is: GO TO THE WORD OF GOD. FIND A SCRIPTURE LIKE JOHN 5:24 AND READ IT OVER
AND OVER AGAIN! The Word is your birth certificate. God says you are His child, you have eternal life, and that Word is never wrong.
You must believe it.
A little boy had received Jesus as his Savior at Sunday School. His teacher hammered John 5:24 into him, and he had underlined it in
his New Testament. That night he got into bed, read his Bible, prayed and switched off the light. Then the devil came bringing doubts,
suggesting that he was not saved. The boy quickly switched on the light and read John 5:24 again. He was happy that the Bible had not
changed! It still said he HAD eternal life. Once more he switched off the light, and again doubt came back. This time, he said, it was as
if it came from under his bed. Once more he switched on the light, and turning again to John 5:24, held his New Testament under the
bed and said, “Look, devil, if you don’t believe me, then read it yourself: I HAVE PASSED FROM DEATH TO LIFE. I am a child of God!”
The Word of God silences the accuser and routs our doubts. WE MUST BELIEVE – IT IS WRITTEN!!!
The truck will run with or without the trailer. However, it would be futile to attempt to pull the truck by the trailer. In the same way, we as
Christians do not depend upon feelings or emotions, but we place our faith (trust) in the trustworthiness of God and the promise of His Word.
How about if we sin as believers? Well, it doesn’t mean that our salvation is immediately lost. However, our fellowship with Him is
affected. If we have already genuinely accepted the Lord Jesus in our hearts as our personal Lord and Savior, we don’t need to do it
again. It is only done once. But, we must repent immediately from any sin we commit to restore our fellowship and close fellowship
with Him. I John 1:9 tells us that God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we confess our sins to
Him. Let us be careful not to harden our hearts if we sin because we will surely be on the way to destruction if we do not repent and we
can end up losing our salvation. Dear brethren, let us be encouraged! He is our strength! And He is with us! Praise God for the
assurance of our salvation! Praise God for the grace to make it till the end until we reach Heaven and be with our God, Lord and Savior
for all eternity. Amen!
Let us give thanks to the Lord for the assurance of salvation. Let us remember that the GUARANTEE is not a license to sin.
The Lord forgives our sins and purifies us from all our unrighteousness for us to glorify God with our new life in Christ.
Activation: Lead participants in prayer – “Lord Jesus, thank You that through You I am now a part of God’s forever family. Thank you
for making me Your child, destined for heaven. Change me, Lord, from glory to glory. Create in me a hunger for your Word. I believe
that nothing can separate me from Your love. Thank You for assuring me from Your Word that truly I belong to You and that you have
made me God’s beloved son/daughter. In Your Name, Lord. Amen.”
Group Discussion:
Where do we get our assurance of salvation?
Have you ever doubted your salvation? Share how our lesson has been of help to you.
Receive the assurance from God. Memorize verses about the assurance of salvation until you are certain of your salvation.
Quiet Time: Write in your Quiet Time notebook – a) lessons from these Scriptures; b) your personal applications.
Monday: John 1:1-18 Friday: Romans 8:1-17
Tuesday: John 5:21-29 Saturday: Romans 8:31-39
Wednesday: John 10:22-29 Sunday: I John 1:1-15
Thursday: Romans 5:1-11