Law Discussion of Case Study With Rubric
Law Discussion of Case Study With Rubric
Law Discussion of Case Study With Rubric
cenario-based questions
Answered By:
Ghadah & Esraa
Monerah & Manar
the best way to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of an
individual staff member's time management skills in a
longitudinal manner is to:
A. Observe the staff member during an entire shift of duty to determine
whether or not the nurse has accurately and appropriately established
C. Ask the staff member how they feel like they have been able to
employee their time management skills for the last six months.
D- Collect outcome data over time and then aggregate and analyze this
You are providing care to 4 patients, using time
management skills, which patient would you want to go
see first? It is the start of morning shift at 8 am
A. waiting to do all charting until you have gone to see all of your
B. Nurse performs all of the skills herself because she wants to
make that it is all done correctly
C. Deciding not to plan the day and just go with the flow
D- Nurse gathers supplies and all equipment prior to going into the
room to perform a task
What should the nurse do when planning care
for a group of patients? Select all that Apply
a. Prioritize first 1
b. Overestimate times
c. Estimate times 2
d. Make a list for the day 3
All of the following clients are using morphin PCA
pumps and are two days post op. Which client should
the nurse check first?
A. Smoothing
B. Compromise
C. Avoidance
D. Restriction
Kathleen knows that one of her staff is experiencing burnout.
Which of the following is the best thing for her to do?
D. Let the staff ventilate her feelings and ask how she can be of help.
• Alexandra is tasked to organize the new wing of the hospital. She was given
the authority to do as she deems fit. She is aware that the director of nursing
has substantial trust and confidence in her capabilities, communicates
through downward and upward channels, and usually uses the ideas and
opinions of her staff. Which of the following is her style of management?
A. Benevolent –authoritative
B. Consultative
C. Exploitive-authoritative
D. Participative
• She decides to illustrate the organizational structure.
Which of the following elements is not included?
A. Level of authority
B. Lines of communication
C. Span of control
D. Unity of direction
• She plans on assigning competent people to fill the roles designed in
the hierarchy. Which process refers to this?
• A. Staffing
• B. Scheduling
• C. Recruitment
• D. Induction
• She tries to design an organizational structure that allows
communication to flow in all directions and involves workers in
decision-making. Which form of organizational structure is this?
• A. Centralized
• B. Decentralized
• C. Matrix
• D. Informal
• AHMED thinks about primary nursing as a system to deliver care.
Which of the following activities is not done by a primary nurse?
• Select two areas from the previous list and brainstorm with a colleague to
address the following issues and questions.
Discussion Questions
1. In examining a recent experience, which areas of waste can you identify?
How much time is involved?
• Pharmaceuticals: delay of medication in the emergency situation within 15 minutes or receiving discharge
meds. More than 4 hours .
• Admission, discharge, and transfer activity: during the preparation of admission and discharge time waste
due to patient family involvement and the process itself
2. Develop a plan to share this information with members of the team and create a
specific plan to decrease the wasted time for this particular event. Be sure to include a
specific timeline to complete this work.
• Goal:
o decrease waiting time for the patient and nurse
• Plan
o assign nurse medication per each unit for floor and discharge meds
o arrange with the pharmacy to prepare meds on the day before.
o provide discharge launge.
o implant discharge policy before 12 noon
Discussion Questions
3. List the challenges in gaining support from the team and in
documenting the value of this work to the team and to the patients.
• Poor Engagement.
• resistance from the administration
• Conflict of interest inside the organization.
• People Are Harder to Replace or adopt a new policy
4. Develop a plan to communicate the challenges in addressing basic
waste at the point of patient care and the importance of continuing to
address nurse work from a positive perspective.
• Encouraging collaboration, sharing, and learning
• Improving lack of engagement and purpose.
• build skills like communication, planning, problem-solving, and conflict resolution
Case Study Rubric
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Main Elements Includes all of the main Includes most of the main Includes some of the main Does not include any of the 20
elements and requirements and elements and requirements and elements and requirements main elements and
cites multiple examples to cites many examples to requirements
illustrate each element illustrate each element
Inquiry and Analysis Provides in-depth analysis that Provides in-depth analysis that Provides in-depth analysis that Does not provide in-depth 20
demonstrates complete demonstrates complete demonstrates complete analysis
understanding of multiple understanding of some understanding of minimal
concepts concepts concepts
Integration and All of the course concepts are Most of the course concepts are Some of the course concepts Does not correctly apply any of 10
Application correctly applied correctly applied are correctly applied the course concepts
Critical Thinking Draws insightful conclusions Draws informed conclusions Draws logical conclusions, but Does not draw logical 20
that are thoroughly defended that are justified with evidence does not defend with evidence conclusions
with evidence and examples
Research Incorporates many scholarly Incorporates some scholarly Incorporates very few scholarly Does not incorporate scholarly 15
resources effectively that reflect resources effectively that reflect resources that reflect depth and resources that reflect depth and
depth and breadth of research depth and breadth of research breadth of research breadth of research
Writing No errors related to Minor errors related to Some errors related to Major errors related to 10
(Mechanics/Citations) organization, grammar and organization, grammar and organization, grammar and organization, grammar and
style, and citations style, and citations style, and citations style, and citations
Total 95/10