Therefore, I am applying for above respective Post my curriculum vita is attached here with for
your kind consideration which I am confident meets your requirement for the above referred job.
Kindly give me opportunity to serve with your organization; I assure you will be able to
concentrate of focus on my work, as I already have following facilities with the blessing of
Almighty Allah.
Since, I & my family are entitled to regular medical checkup & treatment in Defense Hospitals,
I have own house and my family is permanently settled in Model Colony adjacent Malir Cantt,
(Air Port).
Yours truly,
(01 to 06 Pages)
House No. 17/16 Sheet No. 17
Model Colony Air Port Karachi. 75100
Phone: 03013349881,
No. 1: Presently I am serving with RNR Industries (Pvt) Ltd (SAMSUNG, YAMAHA Korean
Base electronics Company functioning under the Korean management, at plant Korangi
industrial area Karachi, as a MANAGER Admin, HR, Legal & Security, performing Complete
operations of independently, since. (1st July, 2022 to continuing).
No. 3: I have served with YOUNG’S FOOD (PVT) LTD, in Factory as an A. MANAGER, Admin,
Legal, I.R & Security) Factory completes operation Looking after canteen, Maintenance dept.
Housekeeping independently. Since from, (Nov, 2016 to Oct, 30, 2020).
No. 4: I served with Power Plus & Progressive traders’ group of FMCG Companies as
Manager Admin, H.R, legal & Security, including HSE & managing Compliance Look after
Housekeeping independently in FMCG. Manufacturing Sector in (Landhi industrial Area) (1 st Dec,
2013 to Nov, 2016).
No. 6: I Served 19th years in Pakistan Navy in different faculties my valuable rendered
service with intelligence, ISI, Legal Executive branch, Operational, investigation department,
(Pns, Shif & Rahat Hospitals), Fire & Safety, Protocol, labors Administration & security,
(Dec, 1992 to June, 2011).
Supporting degree (as extra skill) I have License as an Advocate in Honorable City Courts /
High court and appearing/Pleading as to defending upon if Company requires in Labors Court,
Labors trade union and arbitrary violence cases. Corporate governance, contracts, &
Company legal notices compliance matters, document drafting, regulatory compliance, and
collaborating with internal as well as external stakeholders.
(02 to 06 Pages)
1. Hygiene &HSE (occupational health safety and environment management Course), from
FPCCI Federation House Clifton, Karachi.
2. Leadership & MOB handling Situation training course, from academy of Pak Navy.
3. Administration management skill development course. (Pak Navy)
4. Labors management tactics & vigilance Law course. (Pak Navy)
5. Firefighting (Mock) fire training course, regarding Fire Hydrant system, Fire
Alarm System, Fire suppression system, etc. from Hawak international Pak
6. I.R (CBA) (industrial relations as per SIRA-2013).
7. Unfair Labor Practice Determination of CBA. & (Penalties on Violations).
8. Investigation process to be initiated as per SIRA. 2013. Standing order, Factory Act.1934.
EOBI Act, 1976. Social security ordinance, 1965. Worker’s welfare fund Ordinance
9. Weapon handling training course. (Pak Navy)
10. Team leader/advisor course. (Pak Navy)
11. NBC & Damage control course, Bomb Reconnaissance course. (Pak Navy)
12. IED (improvise explosive device) Explorer course. (Pak Navy)
13. Complete Housekeeping management course. (SITE ASSOCIATION)
14. Preventive measures after Natural disaster & First Aid course. (KATI ASSOCIATION)
15. Risk management and (how tackle situation) course. (SITE ASSOCIATION)
L.L.M (Criminology & crime investigation) from ISLAMIA GOVT LAW COLLEGE (KARACHI UNIVERSITY)
L.L.B (Causes of Crime & Labors laws) from S.M GOVT LAW COLLEGE (KARACHI UNIVERSITY)
B.A (I.R && Labors Management) from KARACHI UNIVERSITY.
Sir, I have 15 years of diversified experience industrials, legal & defense force with field
intelligence exposure. I served in different Organizations in the capacity head of department
and my solid industrials, legal & defense services background provided me with great
experience and excellent knowledge in various areas; Outstanding knowledge of
Administration, Human resource, security and safety management, crisis management,
emergency procedures, operational procedures and implementation. Developed excellent
planning / organizational skills and management capabilities. Proved strong competence in
leadership with outstanding mentor abilities and proved a great team player with very good
interpersonal skills.
I ensure that awareness of safety & security readiness training of entire staff & workers on
floor/departs of natural disaster & risk management, gap analysis priorities, objectives &
assists mitigation plans with implementation.
And I also ensured that Coordinate and monitor the implementation of SOPs through
Safety and Security measures on Focal Points, with the help of electronics security
equipment’s (Cameras, panic & fire alarming systems, security locks installed in
department’s entire main doors etc.) Implementing and developing Security
procedures, protocols and policies.
(03 to 06 Pages)
• Enhance staff security awareness through emergency procedure practices and trainings.
• That in factory premises Prepare and update Safety and Security Plan, Business Continuity
Plan, and Crisis Management Plan on the documents.
Supervising persons contracted to provide facility cleaning and/or repairs and ensuring office
Investigate & analysis regarding Loss Prevention matter where if any security personnel or
employee involved in this respect.
(04 to 06 Pages)
Health, Safety, & Security Responsibilities.
Preparing/ updating and getting Security Plan(s) approved. Ensure compliance with approved
security plan.
Acting as evacuation coordinator, conducting regular evacuation drills, risk assessments and
Maintaining close liaison with the local civil/police administration, security offices and other local
agencies regarding security issues affecting projects.
Maintaining close liaison with private security companies and ensuring security guards at office
maintain high standards of performance.
Designing health, safety, and security protocols, processes, and procedures such as standard
operating procedures (SOPs), as required.
Collecting security information from multiple sources, analyzing facts, and compiling reports to
concerned authority & security stance is up-to-date and relevant to the situation on the ground.
Providing training to all staff on observing safety and security procedures defined in SOPs and
ensuring full implementation of security policies and procedures set by Co.
Continually advising staff on the local security situation and issues related to driving safety,
personal safety, health related safety, etc. through e-mail.
Conducting accident/incident investigations.
In case of an accident/incident, arranging for the recovery of staff/vehicle and medical
evacuations as necessary.
Ensuring that sufficient staff numbers are trained on basic first aid concepts.
Maintaining equipment required for health, safety, and security of personnel, including regular
Ensuring that all procedures for prevention of fire are strictly followed in the office
premises and also arranging training for all staff on quarterly basis.
Supervise the Repair and maintenance of company vehicle and assign duties to drivers
as needed on the daily basis.
. Ensure that the company vehicles are maintained by annually tax registration &
insurance renewal, damages claim cases by insurance companies.
Ensure optimum use of resources (drivers and transport).
Maintain the vehicle log sheet of all company vehicles.
Monitor and arrange timely periodical maintenance i.e. oil and filter change, tuning etc.
Responsible to ensure that all building maintenance related activities are done on time.
Responsible to receive maintenance requests and plan maintenance as needed.
Visit to identify the maintenance requirements in the factory.
Assign tasks to the plumber, welder and carpenter and review their productivity for
effective use of resources.
I am managing the support to dispose-off company Hazardous and Non-Hazardous
waste including scrap of commercial and supply chain according of SOP.
4. EOBI.
5. One time Lunch & two times Tea. Facility during working day.
6. Duty timing: 09.00 hrs. Am to 18.00 hrs. Pm. except Sundays & Public
Yours truly,
(06 to 06 Pages)