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08-12 12:14:08.241 13420 13420 W libprocessgroup: JoinCgroup: controller schedtune
is not found
08-12 12:14:08.272 13353 13424 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
08-12 12:14:08.274 13353 13353 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183155436; UID 10302; state: DISABLED
08-12 12:14:08.291 13353 13353 I DecorView: setWindowBackground: isPopOver=false
08-12 12:14:08.291 13353 13427 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:08.291 13353 13427 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:08.293 13353 13408 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ima
08-12 12:14:08.294 13353 13408 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1
08-12 12:14:08.294 13353 13408 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
08-12 12:14:08.294 13353 13408 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/wvc1
08-12 12:14:08.295 13353 13424 D VendorTagDescriptor: addVendorDescriptor: vendor
tag id 14172875900359437128 added
08-12 12:14:08.295 13353 13408 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
08-12 12:14:08.297 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:08.297 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:08.301 13353 13353 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 210923482; UID 10302; state: DISABLED
08-12 12:14:08.301 13353 13353 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 37756858; UID 10302; state: ENABLED
08-12 12:14:08.305 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:08.305 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:08.316 13353 13408 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
08-12 12:14:08.316 13353 13408 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
08-12 12:14:08.316 13353 13408 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level
32768/256 for video/mp4v-es
08-12 12:14:08.323 13353 13367 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:08.324 13353 13367 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 1 facing
API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:08.324 13353 13367 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 51 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:08.327 13353 13376 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 52 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:08.327 13353 13376 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 53 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client android.system API
Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:08.347 13353 13424 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:08.348 13353 13424 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:08.359 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:08.359 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:08.374 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:08.374 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:08.388 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.396 13353 13462 I CameraManager: registerAvailabilityCallback: Is
device callback = false
08-12 12:14:08.396 13353 13353 D Zoran Log: : ZFlash State is : true
08-12 12:14:08.397 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.398 13353 13424 W CAM_A : Build number (A057FXXS2BXC3) is not a
number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689.
08-12 12:14:08.399 13353 13462 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 0 status STATUS_PRESENT
08-12 12:14:08.399 13353 13462 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 1 status STATUS_PRESENT
08-12 12:14:08.408 13353 13429 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 236825255; UID 10302; state: DISABLED
08-12 12:14:08.424 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.430 13353 13353 D Zoran Log: : ZFlash State is : true
08-12 12:14:08.430 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.439 13353 13433 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_OPENING for client API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:08.464 13353 13353 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
08-12 12:14:08.464 13353 13353 I ProReC : setprogres0
08-12 12:14:08.464 13353 13353 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
08-12 12:14:08.464 13353 13353 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
08-12 12:14:08.464 13353 13353 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
08-12 12:14:08.468 13353 13353 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171228096; UID 10302; state: ENABLED
08-12 12:14:08.469 13353 13353 D ScrollView: initGoToTop
08-12 12:14:08.517 13353 13353 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 237531167; UID 10302; state: DISABLED
08-12 12:14:08.520 13353 13353 W libc : Access denied finding property
08-12 12:14:08.520 13353 13353 W libc : Access denied finding property
08-12 12:14:08.520 13353 13353 W OpenGLRenderer: Unknown dataspace 0
08-12 12:14:08.522 13353 13411 D NativeCustomFrequencyManager: [NativeCFMS]
08-12 12:14:08.529 13353 13353 D InsetsController: setRequestedVisibleTypes:
visible=false, mask=statusBars,,
android.view.InsetsController.hide:1392 android.view.InsetsController.hide:1331
android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView:1690 android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView:524
08-12 12:14:08.537 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
from=android.view.ViewRootImpl.setView:1726 state=InsetsState:
{mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400), mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0,
73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0}
boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 - 610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0),
Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]} cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400
density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M 0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889
V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0} scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars
mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0004 mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement
mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:08.538 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: synced
displayState. AttachInfo displayState=2
08-12 12:14:08.538 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: setView = TM=true
08-12 12:14:08.538 13353 13353 I IDS_TAG : Starting IDS observe window
08-12 12:14:08.539 13353 13353 I IDS_TAG : Getting Shared Preference for uid = 10302
08-12 12:14:08.547 13353 13353 I IDS_TAG : App in NO_IDS list
08-12 12:14:08.551 13353 13353 I IDS_TAG : Closing IDS observe window
08-12 12:14:08.552 13353 13353 I IDS_TAG : Getting Shared Preference for uid = 10302
08-12 12:14:08.555 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.556 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.556 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.557 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.557 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.558 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.558 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.558 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.559 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.559 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.560 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.560 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.560 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.561 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.561 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.562 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.563 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.563 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:08.591 13353 13433 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = true
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:08.600 13353 13427 W RippleDrawable: Thread doesn't have a looper.
Skipping animation.
08-12 12:14:08.628 13353 13427 W RippleDrawable: Thread doesn't have a looper.
Skipping animation.
08-12 12:14:08.631 13353 13369 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 244358506; UID 10302; state: DISABLED
08-12 12:14:08.631 13353 13369 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 0 status STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE
08-12 12:14:08.636 13353 13427 W RippleDrawable: Thread doesn't have a looper.
Skipping animation.
08-12 12:14:08.646 13353 13433 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_OPEN for client API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:08.744 13353 13406 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for
1, using defaults.
08-12 12:14:08.755 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: new BLASTBufferQueue,
mName= ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x7c5deeb200
sc.mNativeObject= 0x7c5def1740 caller=
android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:1129 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:1055
08-12 12:14:08.755 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 1080 h= 2400
mName = ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x7c5deeb200
sc.mNativeObject= 0x7c5def1740 format= -3 caller=<init>:89
08-12 12:14:08.756 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Relayout
returned: old=(0,0,1080,2400) new=(0,0,1080,2400) req=(1080,2400)0 dur=16 res=0x403
s={true 0x7c5e02e000} ch=true seqId=0
08-12 12:14:08.758 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
mThreadedRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true 0x7c5e02e000}
08-12 12:14:08.761 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4667
08-12 12:14:08.761 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setup new
08-12 12:14:08.761 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Creating new
active sync group ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]#1
08-12 12:14:08.774 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
08-12 12:14:08.776 13353 13427 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:08.776 13353 13427 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:08.817 13353 13427 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:08.818 13353 13427 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:08.833 13353 13579 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=1.
08-12 12:14:08.834 13353 13579 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7c4606e780 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 1 caller=
android.view.ThreadedRenderer$1.onFrameDraw:788 <bottom of call stack>
08-12 12:14:08.834 13353 13579 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setting up
sync and frameCommitCallback
08-12 12:14:08.857 13353 13411 I BLASTBufferQueue:
[ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]#0](f:0,a:0,s:0) onFrameAvailable the first
frame is available
08-12 12:14:08.858 13353 13411 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1 didProduceBuffer=true
08-12 12:14:08.861 13353 13411 D OpenGLRenderer: CFMS:: SetUp Pid : 13353 Tid :
08-12 12:14:08.861 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:08.863 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:08.864 13353 13405 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-12 12:14:08.865 13353 13353 W CAM_A : Was already registered as
ThermalStatusListener on AppStart
08-12 12:14:08.866 13353 13573 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7c46070e80 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 2 caller=
08-12 12:14:08.866 13353 13411 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: applyPendingTransactions,
mName= ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x7c5deeb200
frameNumber= 2 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl$6.lambda$onFrameDraw$0:5557
android.view.ThreadedRenderer$1$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onFrameCommit:2 <bottom
of call stack>
08-12 12:14:09.038 13353 13427 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.038 13353 13427 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.060 13353 13429 W eCameraEngR18F1: Long monitor contention with
owner 00UiWorker (13427) at java.lang.Object pyr.get()(:-1) waiters=0 in
java.lang.Object pyr.get() for 222ms
08-12 12:14:09.084 13353 13429 W CAM_A : UI view not yet initialized
08-12 12:14:09.100 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.100 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.103 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.103 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.105 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.105 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.107 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.107 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.113 13353 13353 W FontsContract: Platform version of downloadable
fonts is deprecated. Please use androidx version instead.
08-12 12:14:09.151 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.151 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.170 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:09.175 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:09.178 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:09.179 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:09.182 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:09.213 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.213 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.214 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.214 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.215 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.215 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.216 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.216 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.221 13353 13353 W FontsContract: Platform version of downloadable
fonts is deprecated. Please use androidx version instead.
08-12 12:14:09.240 13353 13353 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
08-12 12:14:09.242 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.242 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.243 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.243 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.244 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.244 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.268 13353 13353 D SurfaceView: 139515127 setFixedSize -1x-1 ->
08-12 12:14:09.268 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: onWindowVisibilityChanged(0)
true android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} of
08-12 12:14:09.268 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: 5859574 updateSurface: has no
08-12 12:14:09.275 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
onDisplayChanged oldDisplayState=2 newDisplayState=2
08-12 12:14:09.302 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 1080 h= 2400
mName = ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x7c5deeb200
sc.mNativeObject= 0x7c5def1740 format= -3 caller=
08-12 12:14:09.302 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Relayout
returned: old=(0,0,1080,2400) new=(0,0,1080,2400) req=(1080,2400)0 dur=0 res=0x0
s={true 0x7c5e02e000} ch=false seqId=0
08-12 12:14:09.302 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: 5859574 updateSurface: has no
08-12 12:14:09.312 13353 13353 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
08-12 12:14:09.312 13353 13353 I ProReC : setprogres0
08-12 12:14:09.312 13353 13353 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
08-12 12:14:09.312 13353 13353 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
08-12 12:14:09.312 13353 13353 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
08-12 12:14:09.312 13353 13353 D ScrollView: onsize change changed
08-12 12:14:09.313 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 Changes: creating=true
format=true size=true visible=true alpha=false hint=false visible=true left=true
top=true z=false attached=true lifecycleStrategy=false
08-12 12:14:09.340 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 640 h= 480 mName
= null mNativeObject= 0x7b7ea94f00 sc.mNativeObject= 0x7b7ebd9080 format= 4 caller=
android.view.SurfaceView.lambda$new$0:258 android.view.SurfaceView.
$r8$lambda$cm3nmzErr-srXoT_KjIYQgdhFN0:0 android.view.SurfaceView$
08-12 12:14:09.341 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: 5859574 Cur surface:
08-12 12:14:09.341 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: pST: sr = Rect(0, 354 - 1080,
1794) sw = 640 sh = 480
08-12 12:14:09.341 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: 5859574
performSurfaceTransaction RenderWorker position = [0, 354, 1080, 1794] surfaceSize
= 640x480
08-12 12:14:09.341 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: mVisible = true
mSurface.isValid() = true
08-12 12:14:09.341 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: mSurfaceCreated
= false surfaceChanged = true visibleChanged = true
08-12 12:14:09.341 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 visibleChanged --
08-12 12:14:09.341 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: surfaceCreated 2 #8
android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,1440}
08-12 12:14:09.341 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 surfaceChanged -- format=4
w=640 h=480
08-12 12:14:09.341 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: surfaceChanged (640,480) 2 #8
android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,1440}
08-12 12:14:09.342 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 surfaceRedrawNeeded
08-12 12:14:09.342 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 finishedDrawing
08-12 12:14:09.342 13353 13353 V SurfaceView@5968f6: Layout: x=0 y=354 w=1080
h=1440, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 640, 480)
08-12 12:14:09.342 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:09.364 13353 13411 D SurfaceView: 5859574 updateSurfacePosition
RenderWorker, frameNr = 2, position = [0, 354, 1080, 1794] surfaceSize = 640x480
08-12 12:14:09.364 13353 13411 I SurfaceView@5968f6: uSP: rtp = Rect(0, 354 - 1080,
1794) rtsw = 640 rtsh = 480
08-12 12:14:09.364 13353 13411 I SurfaceView@5968f6: onSSPAndSRT: pl = 0 pt = 354
sx = 1.6875 sy = 3.0
08-12 12:14:09.364 13353 13411 I SurfaceView@5968f6: aOrMT:
ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] t =
android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@99bfbb6 fN = 2 android.view.SurfaceView.-$
08-12 12:14:09.364 13353 13411 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7b7ec5a480 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 2 caller=
android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1592 android.view.SurfaceView.-$
08-12 12:14:09.390 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars
mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0004 mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement
mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:09.390 13353 13353 D InsetsSourceConsumer:
applyRequestedVisibilityToControl: visible=true, type=2
08-12 12:14:09.393 13353 13353 D InsetsController: controlAnimationUncheckedInner:
Added types=statusBars animType=1
08-12 12:14:09.393 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=false mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars
mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0004 mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement
mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:09.393 13353 13579 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7b7ec5ad80 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 2 caller=
08-12 12:14:09.393 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 5 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:09.393 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized mSyncSeqId = 0
08-12 12:14:09.394 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleResized:2494
08-12 12:14:09.398 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setup new
08-12 12:14:09.398 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Creating new
active sync group ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]#4
08-12 12:14:09.398 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
08-12 12:14:09.400 13353 13572 W CAM_SurfaceMap: Surface(name=null)/@0x51c12d5 is
valid but deferred streams are not yet available for CaptureSession-0
08-12 12:14:09.400 13353 13572 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-17. The surface is not yet available.
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local
snapshot for
1, may result in stale flags.
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242835038.true (go/gsrlt)
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.s(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.get(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.I(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nfm.d(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242835038.true (go/gsrlt)
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at bmn.z(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ktz.a(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kjd.f(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.t(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.u(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.g(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.h(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.b(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at klz.c(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at klt.d(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
klu.handleMessage(Unknown Source:307)
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ksg.b(Unknown
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.425 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:09.445 13353 13572 W CAM_SurfaceMap: Surface(name=null)/@0x51c12d5 is
valid but deferred streams are not yet available for CaptureSession-0
08-12 12:14:09.446 13353 13572 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-0 to
CaptureRequest for Request-18. The surface is not yet available.
08-12 12:14:09.453 13353 13573 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=3.
08-12 12:14:09.453 13353 13573 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7b7edc7a80 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 3 caller=
android.view.ThreadedRenderer$1.onFrameDraw:788 <bottom of call stack>
08-12 12:14:09.453 13353 13573 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setting up
sync and frameCommitCallback
08-12 12:14:09.458 13353 13411 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=3 didProduceBuffer=true
08-12 12:14:09.458 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:09.459 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
onDisplayChanged oldDisplayState=2 newDisplayState=2
08-12 12:14:09.459 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
onDisplayChanged oldDisplayState=2 newDisplayState=2
08-12 12:14:09.463 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:09.463 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:09.465 13353 13353 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
08-12 12:14:09.467 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:09.467 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
mThreadedRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true 0x7c5e02e000}
08-12 12:14:09.474 13353 13353 D InputMethodManagerUtils: startInputInner - Id : 0
08-12 12:14:09.474 13353 13353 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner -
08-12 12:14:09.486 13353 13376 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_ACTIVE for client API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:09.583 13353 13353 W CBVerifier: Registering phenotype for
1 failed
08-12 12:14:09.584 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
onDisplayChanged oldDisplayState=2 newDisplayState=2
08-12 12:14:09.584 13353 13353 D InputMethodManagerUtils: startInputInner - Id : 0
08-12 12:14:09.609 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=false mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:09.610 13353 13353 D InsetsSourceConsumer:
applyRequestedVisibilityToControl: visible=false, type=8
08-12 12:14:09.612 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
onDisplayChanged oldDisplayState=2 newDisplayState=2
08-12 12:14:09.751 13353 13353 D InsetsController: cancelAnimation of types: 1,
animType: 1, host:,
08-12 12:14:09.771 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:09.794 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:09.808 13353 13408 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
08-12 12:14:09.808 13353 13408 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
08-12 12:14:09.808 13353 13408 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-12 12:14:09.857 13353 13427 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 11, sc7a20
Accelerometer Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,
08-12 12:14:09.875 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:09.883 13353 13408 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 11, sc7a20
Accelerometer Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,
08-12 12:14:09.883 13353 13408 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-12 12:14:10.005 13353 13568 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0.81 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.005 13353 13568 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
1.81 > 1.10
08-12 12:14:10.006 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.007 13353 13568 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0.46 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.008 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.038 13353 13424 W CAM_CameraDeviceVerifie: Tag CameraDeviceVerifier
is 1 chars longer than limit.
08-12 12:14:10.042 13353 13424 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:10.042 13353 13424 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:10.046 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:10.046 13353 13429 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:10.050 13353 13408 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
08-12 12:14:10.051 13353 13601 E GoLog : INFO: Initialized TensorFlow Lite
08-12 12:14:10.062 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.069 13353 13568 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 199.90 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:10.069 13353 13568 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 5.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.069 13353 13568 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
6.00 > 1.10
08-12 12:14:10.070 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.086 13353 13686 I BLASTBufferQueue:
her]@0#1](f:0,a:0,s:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
08-12 12:14:10.096 13353 13568 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0.83 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.096 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.099 13353 13408 W libc : Access denied finding property
08-12 12:14:10.099 13353 13408 W libc : Access denied finding property
08-12 12:14:10.122 13353 13408 I tflite : Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate
for CPU.
08-12 12:14:10.122 13353 13408 I tflite : Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
08-12 12:14:10.123 13353 13601 E GoLog : INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK
delegate for CPU.
08-12 12:14:10.123 13353 13601 E GoLog : INFO: Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
08-12 12:14:10.151 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.183 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.297 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: constructor
08-12 12:14:10.375 13353 13369 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = false
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:10.376 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:10.376 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:10.419 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.419 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:10.419 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.431 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(275, 0,
08-12 12:14:10.438 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.438 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.444 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
166.59 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:10.444 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
4.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.444 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 5.00 >
08-12 12:14:10.444 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.527 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(fd)
08-12 12:14:10.528 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(24)
08-12 12:14:10.534 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(18)
08-12 12:14:10.535 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(19)
08-12 12:14:10.535 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(25)
08-12 12:14:10.535 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: destructor
08-12 12:14:10.535 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: disconnect
08-12 12:14:10.537 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: constructor
08-12 12:14:10.578 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(276, 0,
08-12 12:14:10.622 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(fd)
08-12 12:14:10.623 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(24)
08-12 12:14:10.646 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(18)
08-12 12:14:10.647 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(19)
08-12 12:14:10.648 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(25)
08-12 12:14:10.648 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: destructor
08-12 12:14:10.648 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: disconnect
08-12 12:14:10.653 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: constructor
08-12 12:14:10.674 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.60 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.674 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:10.675 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.711 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.711 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.750 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(284, 0,
08-12 12:14:10.811 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.811 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:10.812 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.813 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:10.821 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
133.27 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:10.821 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.821 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 4.00 >
08-12 12:14:10.822 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.831 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.75 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.832 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.880 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(fd)
08-12 12:14:10.889 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(24)
08-12 12:14:10.891 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(18)
08-12 12:14:10.891 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(19)
08-12 12:14:10.891 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(25)
08-12 12:14:10.892 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: destructor
08-12 12:14:10.892 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: disconnect
08-12 12:14:10.893 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: constructor
08-12 12:14:10.906 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99.95 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:10.906 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
2.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.907 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 3.00 >
08-12 12:14:10.907 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.921 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:10.921 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:10.938 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(213, 0,
08-12 12:14:10.986 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(fd)
08-12 12:14:10.987 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(24)
08-12 12:14:10.988 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(18)
08-12 12:14:10.988 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(19)
08-12 12:14:10.988 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(25)
08-12 12:14:10.989 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: destructor
08-12 12:14:10.989 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: disconnect
08-12 12:14:10.989 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: constructor
08-12 12:14:11.010 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(276, 0,
08-12 12:14:11.051 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: setDataSource(fd)
08-12 12:14:11.052 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(24)
08-12 12:14:11.054 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(18)
08-12 12:14:11.054 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(19)
08-12 12:14:11.054 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: extractMetadata(25)
08-12 12:14:11.054 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: destructor
08-12 12:14:11.054 13353 13405 V MediaMetadataRetriever: disconnect
08-12 12:14:11.063 13353 13405 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 11, sc7a20
Accelerometer Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,
08-12 12:14:11.072 13353 13424 W Glide : Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule.
You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on
com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in your application and a @GlideModule annotated
AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored
08-12 12:14:11.096 13353 13424 D ConnectivityManager: StackLog:
.java:4907)] [bkc.b(Unknown Source:52)] [bjn.h(Unknown Source:8)] [bjk.a(Unknown
Source:0)] [ayn.<init>(Unknown Source:77)] [bkh.b(Unknown Source:2)] [bju.a(Unknown
Source:154)] [axv.c(Unknown Source:11)] [dfl.a(Unknown Source:2)] [dfv.e(Unknown
Source:76)] [ivy.get(Unknown Source:33)] [ Source:12)]
[pio.a(Unknown Source:2)] [ Source:20)] [ Source:4)]
[ Source:2)] [ Source:75)] [
[pio.a(Unknown Source:2)] [ Source:20)] [ Source:4)]
[java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$] [ Source:2)] [
[] [ Source:5)]
08-12 12:14:11.102 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99.95 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:11.102 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
2.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.102 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 3.00 >
08-12 12:14:11.103 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.126 13353 13764 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 149924527; UID 10302; state: ENABLED
08-12 12:14:11.126 13353 13764 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 132649864; UID 10302; state: DISABLED
08-12 12:14:11.162 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.162 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.299 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
166.59 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:11.299 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
4.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.299 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 5.00 >
08-12 12:14:11.300 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.307 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.80 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.308 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.361 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
133.27 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:11.361 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
3.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.361 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 4.00 >
08-12 12:14:11.361 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.401 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.75 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.402 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.459 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.518 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.519 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:11.519 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.535 13353 13405 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for
18F1, using defaults.
08-12 12:14:11.586 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.586 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.628 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.628 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:11.628 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.684 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.685 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.690 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local
snapshot for
18F1, may result in stale flags.
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242835038.true (go/gsrlt)
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.s(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.get(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.I(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nfm.d(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242835038.true (go/gsrlt)
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at bmn.z(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ktz.a(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kjd.f(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.t(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.u(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.e(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
kkg.handleMessage(Unknown Source:920)
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ksg.b(Unknown
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.708 13353 13540 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
08-12 12:14:11.822 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.822 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:11.822 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.850 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.850 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.876 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
133.27 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:11.877 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
3.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.877 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 4.00 >
08-12 12:14:11.880 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.921 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:11.922 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1.30 >
08-12 12:14:11.922 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:11.994 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.017 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.068 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.068 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:12.068 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.092 13353 13353 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.093 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.152 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.152 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:12.153 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.186 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.187 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.220 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.272 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.273 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:12.273 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.308 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.309 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.363 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.391 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.448 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.448 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:12.449 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.472 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.472 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.511 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.555 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.676 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.700 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.700 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:12.700 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.740 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99.95 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:12.740 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.740 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 3.00 >
08-12 12:14:12.741 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.775 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.775 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.818 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.886 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.899 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.902 13353 13686 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = false
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:12.907 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:12.908 13353 13353 D InsetsController: controlAnimationUncheckedInner:
Added types=statusBars animType=1
08-12 12:14:12.909 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=false mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:12.909 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:12.938 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.938 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:12.939 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:12.973 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:12.973 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.093 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.116 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.151 13353 13363 I eCameraEngR18F1: NativeAlloc concurrent mark
compact GC freed 340184(25MB) AllocSpace objects, 24(628KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
12MB/25MB, paused 1.272ms,4.149ms total 179.355ms
08-12 12:14:13.168 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99.95 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:13.168 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
2.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.168 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 3.00 >
08-12 12:14:13.169 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.200 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.201 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.275 13353 13353 D InsetsController: cancelAnimation of types: 1,
animType: 1, host:,
08-12 12:14:13.283 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.283 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:13.284 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.310 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.311 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.341 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.394 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.394 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:13.394 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.417 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.417 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.451 13353 13353 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.486 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.543 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.566 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.613 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.614 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:13.614 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.654 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.654 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.701 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.838 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.851 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.851 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:13.851 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.873 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.874 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.910 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99.95 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:13.911 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
2.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.911 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 3.00 >
08-12 12:14:13.911 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:13.937 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:13.937 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.079 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.087 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.137 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
133.27 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:14.138 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
3.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:14.139 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 4.00 >
08-12 12:14:14.139 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.174 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.75 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:14.174 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.205 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.284 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.288 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.337 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:14.337 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:14.338 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.370 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:14.371 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.403 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.439 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.469 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.507 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.581 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.599 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.624 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 0
08-12 12:14:14.626 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id:
430894937 caller:
5 android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent:3324
08-12 12:14:14.641 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw.
action: 2 id: 159201606
08-12 12:14:14.646 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:14.646 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:14.646 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.690 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:14.690 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.710 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.760 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 1
08-12 12:14:14.776 13353 13353 W MediaFsQModule: Returning Q MediaFs implementation
08-12 12:14:14.781 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:14.781 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:14.781 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.814 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:14.815 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
--------- beginning of system
08-12 12:14:14.827 13353 13904 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:14.839 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.853 13353 13686 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 150939131; UID 10302; state: DISABLED
08-12 12:14:14.880 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.913 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:14.926 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: handleMessage TAP
08-12 12:14:15.001 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.019 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.069 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99.95 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:15.069 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
2.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:15.069 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 3.00 >
08-12 12:14:15.070 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.111 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:15.111 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.168 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:15.169 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:15.169 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.211 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:15.211 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.241 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.263 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.313 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.353 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.388 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.418 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.472 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:15.472 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:15.473 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.506 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:15.506 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.540 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.580 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.629 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.644 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.667 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.702 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.735 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.774 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.810 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.834 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.840 13353 13353 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:15.866 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.906 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.934 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.967 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:15.998 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.035 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.063 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.103 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.130 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:16.130 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:16.132 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.182 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.208 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.236 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.269 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.308 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.340 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.345 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:16.346 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:16.384 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.385 13353 13429 D AudioTrack: setVolume(0.600000, 0.600000) pid :
08-12 12:14:16.410 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.419 13353 13903 E libgcam : []: IsValid:
Expected number of illuminant>=3, actual=0
08-12 12:14:16.419 13353 13903 E libgcam : []:
CreateInstance: qc_color_calibration is invalid:
08-12 12:14:16.419 13353 13903 E libgcam : num_lights 0
08-12 12:14:16.419 13353 13903 E libgcam : rg_ratios
08-12 12:14:16.419 13353 13903 E libgcam : bg_ratios
08-12 12:14:16.419 13353 13903 E libgcam : grgb_ratio 0
08-12 12:14:16.446 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.467 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.511 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.554 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.570 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.604 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.617 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:16.620 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:16.624 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:16.630 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:16.630 13353 13624 W libgcam : []:
LogViewfinderAeWarnings: viewfinder_short_tet (0.000ms) is further than expected
from the capture TET (11.500ms). Relative error: 100%.
08-12 12:14:16.631 13353 13624 E libgcam : []: ChooseWbGains:
AwbHdrPlusHelper is null. Using driver AWB from base frame.
08-12 12:14:16.645 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.669 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.712 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.738 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.772 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.790 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:16.792 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:16.795 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:16.796 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:16.811 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.842 13353 13353 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:16.873 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.905 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.927 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:16.988 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:16.995 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:17.014 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.042 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.044 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.066 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.066 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.066 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
mimeType=image/* className=com.facebook.composer.shareintent.ShareToGroupsAlias
08-12 12:14:17.066 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.066 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.066 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.066 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.067 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
mimeType=image/* className=com.linecorp.line.keepmemo.KeepMemoSaveActivity
08-12 12:14:17.076 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.076 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:17.077 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.091 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.091 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
mimeType=video/* className=com.facebook.composer.shareintent.ShareToGroupsAlias
08-12 12:14:17.091 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.091 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.091 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.091 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.091 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:17.092 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
mimeType=video/* className=com.linecorp.line.keepmemo.KeepMemoSaveActivity
08-12 12:14:17.105 13353 13363 I eCameraEngR18F1: NativeAlloc concurrent mark
compact GC freed 54414(3181KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(68KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
11MB/22MB, paused 3.256ms,10.110ms total 193.394ms
08-12 12:14:17.121 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.121 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.158 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.191 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.193 13353 13427 I AppIconSolution: night mode is changed to true
08-12 12:14:17.363 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99.95 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:17.363 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
2.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.363 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 3.00 >
08-12 12:14:17.363 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.375 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.376 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.411 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.412 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:17.413 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.452 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.452 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.477 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.519 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.519 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:17.520 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.561 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.561 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.654 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.655 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.667 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:17.686 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.70 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.686 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1.70 >
08-12 12:14:17.687 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.726 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.41 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.726 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.746 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.842 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.842 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:17.843 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.855 13353 13353 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:17.888 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.888 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.924 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.925 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:17.925 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.960 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:17.960 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:17.997 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.067 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.068 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:18.069 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.103 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.104 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.115 13353 13363 I eCameraEngR18F1: NativeAlloc concurrent mark
compact GC freed 106956(4931KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(104KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
10MB/21MB, paused 1.889ms,3.088ms total 158.483ms
08-12 12:14:18.138 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~8C0LyufHQN0qyVZhhEiabA==/com.whatsapp-
KFnnU81piiyLtp5ygapUhw==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.138 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.139 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/split_arsegmentation.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.139 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/split_arservicesforexpressionfitting.apk' with 1 weak
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/split_arservicesforruntimerigmapping.apk' with 1 weak
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/split_i18n_th_TH.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_arservicesforbodytracking.apk' with 1 weak
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_arservicesforpersonsegmentation.apk' with 1 weak
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_executorch.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_heliumiab.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_i18n_th_TH.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_pytorch.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_s_executorch_pytorch.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.140 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_slam.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:18.154 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.154 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:18.154 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.196 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.196 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.239 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.241 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:18.250 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.284 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.284 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.318 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.374 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.443 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.459 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.459 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:18.459 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.475 13353 13363 I eCameraEngR18F1: NativeAlloc concurrent mark
compact GC freed 32254(1728KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free,
10MB/20MB, paused 4.062ms,5.330ms total 160.172ms
08-12 12:14:18.492 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.493 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.529 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.557 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.657 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.657 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:18.672 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.686 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.686 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.730 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.730 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:18.730 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.746 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:18.746 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.789 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.814 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.841 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.858 13353 13353 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:18.882 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.901 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:18.979 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.002 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.038 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:19.038 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:19.039 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.067 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:19.067 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.117 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.154 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 0
08-12 12:14:19.156 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id:
750849641 caller: iew.onTouch:9 android.view.View.dispatchTouchEvent:16208
08-12 12:14:19.183 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw.
action: 2 id: 769535825
08-12 12:14:19.184 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 1
08-12 12:14:19.234 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.267 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.279 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:19.279 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:19.279 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.305 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:19.305 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.361 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.363 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.406 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:19.406 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:19.406 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.511 13353 13411 D NativeCustomFrequencyManager: [NativeCFMS]
08-12 12:14:19.517 13353 13568 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:19.517 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.520 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.520 13353 13411 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
08-12 12:14:19.521 13353 13411 D OpenGLRenderer: CFMS:: SetUp Pid : 13353 Tid :
08-12 12:14:19.524 13353 13568 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:19.554 13353 13363 I eCameraEngR18F1: Background concurrent mark
compact GC freed 56161(2322KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(112KB) LOS objects, 49% free,
19MB/39MB, paused 6.418ms,4.248ms total 146.142ms
08-12 12:14:19.563 13353 13353 W CAM_A : Disconnecting the camera device because
filmstrip was launched.
08-12 12:14:19.566 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: handleMessage TAP
08-12 12:14:19.569 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 1080 h= 2400
mName = ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x7c5deeb200
sc.mNativeObject= 0x7c5def1740 format= -3 caller=
08-12 12:14:19.569 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Relayout
returned: old=(0,0,1080,2400) new=(0,0,1080,2400) req=(1080,2400)0 dur=0 res=0x0
s={true 0x7c5e02e000} ch=false seqId=0
08-12 12:14:19.570 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
updateBoundsLayer: t=android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@a2f90b6
sc=Surface(name=Bounds for -
@0x71c41b7 frame=220
08-12 12:14:19.570 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:19.572 13353 13405 D SensorManager: unregisterListener
08-12 12:14:19.576 13353 13579 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7ccb415f80 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 220 caller=
08-12 12:14:19.578 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:19.586 13353 13573 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7ccb5e1180 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 221 caller=
08-12 12:14:19.588 13353 13429 D SensorManager: unregisterListener
08-12 12:14:19.593 13353 13903 E native : E0812 12:14:19.593155 13903] Failed to detach current thread from the JVM.
JavaVM::DetachCurrentThread returned: -1
08-12 12:14:19.596 13353 13601 E GoLog : E0812 12:14:19.593155 13903] Failed to detach current thread from the JVM.
JavaVM::DetachCurrentThread returned: -1
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Retrieving snapshot for failed
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242835038.true (go/gsrlt)
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at mip.fb(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.c(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.e(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.b(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gvh.a(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at pio.a(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242835038.true (go/gsrlt)
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at bmn.z(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ktz.a(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kjd.f(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.t(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.u(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.e(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
kkg.handleMessage(Unknown Source:920)
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ksg.b(Unknown
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.605 13353 13424 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:19.639 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:19.641 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:19.642 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:19.713 13353 13708 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_IDLE for client API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:19.779 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
onDisplayChanged oldDisplayState=2 newDisplayState=2
08-12 12:14:19.840 13353 13363 I eCameraEngR18F1: Background concurrent mark
compact GC freed 41957(2837KB) AllocSpace objects, 17(4184KB) LOS objects, 30%
free, 54MB/78MB, paused 1.614ms,3.058ms total 141.797ms
08-12 12:14:19.865 13353 13353 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:19.965 13353 13685 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = true
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:19.976 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 5 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:19.976 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized mSyncSeqId = 0
08-12 12:14:19.976 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleResized:2494
08-12 12:14:19.990 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setup new
08-12 12:14:19.990 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Creating new
active sync group ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]#6
08-12 12:14:19.990 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
08-12 12:14:19.994 13353 13579 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=228.
08-12 12:14:19.994 13353 13579 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7ccb5e1300 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 228 caller=
android.view.ThreadedRenderer$1.onFrameDraw:788 <bottom of call stack>
08-12 12:14:19.994 13353 13579 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setting up
sync and frameCommitCallback
08-12 12:14:19.998 13353 13411 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=228 didProduceBuffer=true
08-12 12:14:19.999 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:20.021 13353 13685 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = false
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:20.022 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:20.023 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:20.188 13353 13353 W CAM_A : Placeholder drawable removed:
key=ShotId-0 evicted=false
08-12 12:14:20.255 13353 13353 D InputTransport: Input channel destroyed:
'ClientS', fd=197
08-12 12:14:20.369 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleAppVisibility mAppVisible = true visible = false
08-12 12:14:20.378 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: onWindowVisibilityChanged(8)
false android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,1440} of
08-12 12:14:20.378 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 Changes: creating=false
format=false size=false visible=true alpha=false hint=false visible=true left=false
top=false z=false attached=true lifecycleStrategy=false
08-12 12:14:20.379 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: 5859574 Cur surface:
08-12 12:14:20.380 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 surfaceDestroyed
08-12 12:14:20.409 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: surfaceDestroyed callback.size
2 #2 android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,1440}
08-12 12:14:20.410 13353 13353 W CAM_A : Duplicate call to stopModule; skipping
08-12 12:14:20.410 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: mVisible =
false mSurface.isValid() = true
08-12 12:14:20.413 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: releaseSurfaces: viewRoot =
08-12 12:14:20.414 13353 13353 V SurfaceView@5968f6: Layout: x=0 y=354 w=1080
h=1440, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 640, 480)
08-12 12:14:20.418 13353 13411 D SurfaceView: 156684955 windowPositionLost, frameNr
= 0
08-12 12:14:20.447 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Relayout
returned: old=(0,0,1080,2400) new=(0,0,1080,2400) req=(1080,2400)8 dur=14 res=0x402
s={false 0x0} ch=true seqId=0
08-12 12:14:20.448 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: windowStopped(true) false
android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,1440} of
08-12 12:14:20.448 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: surface is not
08-12 12:14:20.448 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: releaseSurfaces: viewRoot =
08-12 12:14:20.452 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: surface is not
08-12 12:14:20.452 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: releaseSurfaces: viewRoot =
08-12 12:14:20.464 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: surface is not
08-12 12:14:20.464 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: releaseSurfaces: viewRoot =
08-12 12:14:20.466 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
stopped(true) old = false
08-12 12:14:20.466 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
WindowStopped on set to
08-12 12:14:20.474 13353 13353 D SensorManager: unregisterListener
08-12 12:14:20.529 13353 13708 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_CLOSED for client API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:20.563 13353 13367 W eCameraEngR18F1: Long monitor contention with
owner Camera-Ex (13462) at void
waiters=1 in void
android.hardware.camera2.impl.PhysicalCaptureResultInfo[]) for 978ms
08-12 12:14:20.563 13353 13353 W CAM_A : Duplicate call to stopModule; skipping
08-12 12:14:20.573 13353 13459 W eCameraEngR18F1: Long monitor contention with
owner Camera-Ex (13462) at void
waiters=0 in void android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl$ for 1.001s
08-12 12:14:20.674 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: surface is not
08-12 12:14:20.674 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: releaseSurfaces: viewRoot =
08-12 12:14:20.726 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: surface is not
08-12 12:14:20.726 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: releaseSurfaces: viewRoot =
08-12 12:14:26.865 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleAppVisibility mAppVisible = false visible = true
08-12 12:14:26.871 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
stopped(false) old = true
08-12 12:14:26.871 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
WindowStopped on set to
08-12 12:14:26.879 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:26.879 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:26.879 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:26.879 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:26.880 13353 13427 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 11, sc7a20
Accelerometer Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,
08-12 12:14:26.881 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
08-12 12:14:26.881 13353 13353 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
08-12 12:14:26.884 13353 13462 I CameraManager: registerAvailabilityCallback: Is
device callback = false
08-12 12:14:26.884 13353 13462 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 0 status STATUS_PRESENT
08-12 12:14:26.884 13353 13462 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 1 status STATUS_PRESENT
08-12 12:14:26.893 13353 13353 D EnterTransitionCoordinator:
EnterTransitionCoordinator is created,
08-12 12:14:26.897 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: onWindowVisibilityChanged(0)
false android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,1440} of
08-12 12:14:26.897 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: surface is not
08-12 12:14:26.897 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: releaseSurfaces: viewRoot =
08-12 12:14:26.899 13353 13708 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_OPENING for client API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:26.914 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: new BLASTBufferQueue,
mName= ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x7c5deeb200
sc.mNativeObject= 0x7ccb572f40 caller=
android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks:1129 android.view.Choreographer.doFrame:1055
08-12 12:14:26.915 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 1080 h= 2400
mName = ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x7c5deeb200
sc.mNativeObject= 0x7ccb572f40 format= -3 caller=<init>:89
08-12 12:14:26.915 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Relayout
returned: old=(0,0,1080,2400) new=(0,0,1080,2400) req=(1080,2400)0 dur=13 res=0x403
s={true 0x7c5e02e000} ch=true seqId=0
08-12 12:14:26.917 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
mThreadedRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true 0x7c5e02e000}
08-12 12:14:26.918 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 Changes: creating=false
format=false size=false visible=false alpha=false hint=false visible=false
left=false top=false z=false attached=true lifecycleStrategy=false
08-12 12:14:26.919 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: windowStopped(false) true
android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,1440} of
08-12 12:14:26.919 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 Changes: creating=true
format=false size=false visible=true alpha=false hint=false visible=true left=false
top=false z=false attached=true lifecycleStrategy=false
08-12 12:14:26.922 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 640 h= 480 mName
= null mNativeObject= 0x7b7ea94f00 sc.mNativeObject= 0x7c5dd2c840 format= 4 caller=
08-12 12:14:26.923 13353 13367 I CameraManagerGlobal: postSingleUpdate device:
camera id 0 status STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE
08-12 12:14:26.923 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: 5859574 Cur surface:
08-12 12:14:26.923 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: pST: sr = Rect(0, 354 - 1080,
1794) sw = 640 sh = 480
08-12 12:14:26.923 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@5968f6: 5859574
performSurfaceTransaction RenderWorker position = [0, 354, 1080, 1794] surfaceSize
= 640x480
08-12 12:14:26.924 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: mVisible = true
mSurface.isValid() = true
08-12 12:14:26.924 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: mSurfaceCreated
= false surfaceChanged = true visibleChanged = true
08-12 12:14:26.924 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 visibleChanged --
08-12 12:14:26.924 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: surfaceCreated 2 #1
android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,1440}
08-12 12:14:26.924 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 surfaceChanged -- format=4
w=640 h=480
08-12 12:14:26.924 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: surfaceChanged (640,480) 2 #1
android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ........ 0,0-1080,1440}
08-12 12:14:26.924 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 surfaceRedrawNeeded
08-12 12:14:26.924 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 finishedDrawing
08-12 12:14:26.925 13353 13353 V SurfaceView@5968f6: Layout: x=0 y=354 w=1080
h=1440, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 640, 480)
08-12 12:14:26.925 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4667
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: onWindowVisibilityChanged(8)
false android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,1440} of
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 Changes: creating=false
format=false size=false visible=true alpha=false hint=false visible=true left=false
top=false z=false attached=true lifecycleStrategy=false
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: 5859574 Cur surface:
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 surfaceDestroyed
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: surfaceDestroyed callback.size
1 #2 android.view.SurfaceView{5968f6 V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,1440}
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: updateSurface: mVisible =
false mSurface.isValid() = true
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: releaseSurfaces: viewRoot =
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 V SurfaceView@5968f6: Layout: x=0 y=354 w=1080
h=1440, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 640, 480)
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 Detaching SV
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 5859574 Changes: creating=false
format=false size=false visible=false alpha=false hint=false visible=false
left=false top=false z=false attached=false lifecycleStrategy=false
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: onDetachedFromWindow:
08-12 12:14:26.928 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@5968f6: releaseSurfaces: viewRoot =
08-12 12:14:26.929 13353 13353 D SurfaceView: 126076971 setFixedSize -1x-1 ->
08-12 12:14:26.929 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@d48187a: onWindowVisibilityChanged(0)
true android.view.SurfaceView{d48187a V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0} of
08-12 12:14:26.929 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@d48187a: 222828666 updateSurface: has
no frame
08-12 12:14:26.931 13353 13708 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_OPEN for client API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:26.973 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@d48187a: 222828666 updateSurface: has
no frame
08-12 12:14:26.975 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 222828666 Changes: creating=true
format=true size=true visible=true alpha=false hint=false visible=true left=true
top=true z=false attached=true lifecycleStrategy=false
08-12 12:14:26.983 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 640 h= 480 mName
= null mNativeObject= 0x7cc263c400 sc.mNativeObject= 0x7c46122bc0 format= 4 caller=
android.view.SurfaceView.lambda$new$0:258 android.view.SurfaceView.
$r8$lambda$cm3nmzErr-srXoT_KjIYQgdhFN0:0 android.view.SurfaceView$
08-12 12:14:26.983 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@d48187a: 222828666 Cur surface:
08-12 12:14:26.984 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@d48187a: pST: sr = Rect(0, 354 - 1080,
1794) sw = 640 sh = 480
08-12 12:14:26.984 13353 13353 D SurfaceView@d48187a: 222828666
performSurfaceTransaction RenderWorker position = [0, 354, 1080, 1794] surfaceSize
= 640x480
08-12 12:14:26.984 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@d48187a: updateSurface: mVisible =
true mSurface.isValid() = true
08-12 12:14:26.984 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@d48187a: updateSurface:
mSurfaceCreated = false surfaceChanged = true visibleChanged = true
08-12 12:14:26.984 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 222828666 visibleChanged --
08-12 12:14:26.984 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@d48187a: surfaceCreated 2 #8
android.view.SurfaceView{d48187a V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,1440}
08-12 12:14:26.984 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 222828666 surfaceChanged -- format=4
w=640 h=480
08-12 12:14:26.985 13353 13353 I SurfaceView@d48187a: surfaceChanged (640,480) 2 #8
android.view.SurfaceView{d48187a V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1080,1440}
08-12 12:14:26.985 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 222828666 surfaceRedrawNeeded
08-12 12:14:26.985 13353 13353 I SurfaceView: 222828666 finishedDrawing
08-12 12:14:26.986 13353 13353 V SurfaceView@d48187a: Layout: x=0 y=354 w=1080
h=1440, frame=Rect(0, 0 - 640, 480)
08-12 12:14:26.986 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setup new
08-12 12:14:26.986 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Creating new
active sync group ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]#10
08-12 12:14:26.986 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
08-12 12:14:27.006 13353 13411 D SurfaceView: 222828666 updateSurfacePosition
RenderWorker, frameNr = 1, position = [0, 354, 1080, 1794] surfaceSize = 640x480
08-12 12:14:27.006 13353 13411 I SurfaceView@d48187a: uSP: rtp = Rect(0, 354 -
1080, 1794) rtsw = 640 rtsh = 480
08-12 12:14:27.006 13353 13411 I SurfaceView@d48187a: onSSPAndSRT: pl = 0 pt = 354
sx = 1.6875 sy = 3.0
08-12 12:14:27.006 13353 13411 I SurfaceView@d48187a: aOrMT:
ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] t =
android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@d2b6975 fN = 1 android.view.SurfaceView.-$
08-12 12:14:27.006 13353 13411 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7b7ea60600 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 1 caller=
android.view.SurfaceView.applyOrMergeTransaction:1592 android.view.SurfaceView.-$
08-12 12:14:27.025 13353 13573 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=1.
08-12 12:14:27.025 13353 13573 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7b7ea60c00 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 1 caller=
android.view.ThreadedRenderer$1.onFrameDraw:788 <bottom of call stack>
08-12 12:14:27.026 13353 13573 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setting up
sync and frameCommitCallback
08-12 12:14:27.049 13353 13411 I BLASTBufferQueue:
[ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]#2](f:0,a:0,s:0) onFrameAvailable the first
frame is available
08-12 12:14:27.051 13353 13411 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1 didProduceBuffer=true
08-12 12:14:27.051 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:27.063 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:27.072 13353 13579 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7b7ea60f00 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 2 caller=
08-12 12:14:27.083 13353 13353 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
08-12 12:14:27.226 13353 13462 W CAM_SurfaceMap: Surface(name=null)/@0xf77aefe is
valid but deferred streams are not yet available for CaptureSession-1
08-12 12:14:27.226 13353 13462 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-3 to
CaptureRequest for Request-48. The surface is not yet available.
08-12 12:14:27.233 13353 13462 W CAM_SurfaceMap: Surface(name=null)/@0xf77aefe is
valid but deferred streams are not yet available for CaptureSession-1
08-12 12:14:27.233 13353 13462 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-3 to
CaptureRequest for Request-49. The surface is not yet available.
08-12 12:14:27.239 13353 13367 I CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 0 facing
CAMERA_FACING_BACK state now CAMERA_STATE_ACTIVE for client API Level 2 User Id 0
08-12 12:14:27.278 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
onDisplayChanged oldDisplayState=2 newDisplayState=2
08-12 12:14:27.400 13353 13353 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 78294732; UID 10302; state: DISABLED
08-12 12:14:27.414 13353 13685 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = false
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:27.426 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 1080 h= 2400
mName = ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x7c5deeb200
sc.mNativeObject= 0x7ccb572f40 format= -3 caller=
08-12 12:14:27.426 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Relayout
returned: old=(0,0,1080,2400) new=(0,0,1080,2400) req=(1080,2400)0 dur=0 res=0x0
s={true 0x7c5e02e000} ch=false seqId=0
08-12 12:14:27.427 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
updateBoundsLayer: t=android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@a2f90b6
sc=Surface(name=Bounds for -
@0x42193f6 frame=21
08-12 12:14:27.428 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:27.430 13353 13573 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7b7ec32b00 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 21 caller=
08-12 12:14:27.432 13353 13353 D InsetsSourceConsumer:
applyRequestedVisibilityToControl: visible=true, type=2
08-12 12:14:27.434 13353 13353 D InsetsController: controlAnimationUncheckedInner:
Added types=statusBars animType=1
08-12 12:14:27.435 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=false mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:27.436 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:27.437 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:27.448 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:27.448 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
mThreadedRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true 0x7c5e02e000}
08-12 12:14:27.454 13353 13353 D InputMethodManagerUtils: startInputInner - Id : 0
08-12 12:14:27.454 13353 13353 I InputMethodManager: startInputInner -
08-12 12:14:27.474 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.474 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
7950.66 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:27.474 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
237.63 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:27.474 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 238.52 >
08-12 12:14:27.482 13353 13424 I tflite : Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
08-12 12:14:27.483 13353 13601 E GoLog : INFO: Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
08-12 12:14:27.484 13353 13579 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7b7ec33e80 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 22 caller=
08-12 12:14:27.493 13353 13353 D InsetsSourceConsumer:
applyRequestedVisibilityToControl: visible=false, type=8
08-12 12:14:27.500 13353 13685 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = false
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:27.501 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:27.514 13353 13408 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
08-12 12:14:27.518 13353 13408 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
08-12 12:14:27.518 13353 13408 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-12 12:14:27.530 13353 13408 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 11, sc7a20
Accelerometer Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,
08-12 12:14:27.530 13353 13408 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
08-12 12:14:27.531 13353 13685 I BLASTBufferQueue:
her]@0#4](f:0,a:0,s:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
08-12 12:14:27.532 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.533 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:27.559 13353 13405 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 11, sc7a20
Accelerometer Non-wakeup, 200000, 0,
08-12 12:14:27.571 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.597 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.636 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.636 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:27.636 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:27.660 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.661 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:27.712 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.712 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:27.712 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:27.746 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.747 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:27.762 13353 13708 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = false
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:27.763 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:27.764 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:27.778 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.802 13353 13353 D InsetsController: cancelAnimation of types: 1,
animType: 1, host:,
08-12 12:14:27.808 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.840 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 0
08-12 12:14:27.840 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id:
61342437 caller: gue.onTouch:42 android.view.View.dispatchTouchEvent:16208
08-12 12:14:27.841 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id:
61342437 caller:
08-12 12:14:27.845 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.850 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw.
action: 2 id: 722089832
08-12 12:14:27.875 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.917 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.958 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:27.989 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.020 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.052 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.078 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.117 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.143 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.183 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.217 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.252 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.282 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.317 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.338 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: handleMessage LONG_PRESS
08-12 12:14:28.349 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.390 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.418 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.450 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.482 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.519 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.549 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.587 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.621 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.660 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.684 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.727 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.753 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.781 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.813 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.853 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.882 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.917 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.948 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:28.984 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.014 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.051 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.082 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.125 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.159 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.188 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.213 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.214 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:29.259 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.281 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.304 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 0
08-12 12:14:29.305 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw.
action: 0 id: 858835221
08-12 12:14:29.305 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id:
858835221 caller: gue.onTouch:42 android.view.View.dispatchTouchEvent:16208
08-12 12:14:29.306 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id:
858835221 caller:
08-12 12:14:29.321 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw.
action: 2 id: 239255058
08-12 12:14:29.345 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.362 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.386 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.420 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.457 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.479 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.520 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.521 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.30 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:29.521 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1.30 >
08-12 12:14:29.556 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.585 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.618 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.651 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.683 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.721 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.748 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.798 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.798 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: handleMessage LONG_PRESS
08-12 12:14:29.799 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: handleMessage LONG_PRESS
08-12 12:14:29.822 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.893 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.894 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:29.894 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:29.928 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.928 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:29.956 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:29.991 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.025 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.057 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.118 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.136 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.159 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.191 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.219 13353 13363 W eCameraEngR18F1: Cleared Reference was only
reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
08-12 12:14:30.262 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.263 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:30.263 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:30.264 13353 13363 I eCameraEngR18F1: NativeAlloc concurrent mark
compact GC freed 194545(7826KB) AllocSpace objects, 17(35MB) LOS objects, 50% free,
21MB/42MB, paused 1.112ms,3.381ms total 107.159ms
08-12 12:14:30.287 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:30.289 13353 13353 D InsetsController: controlAnimationUncheckedInner:
Added types=statusBars animType=1
08-12 12:14:30.294 13353 14260 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = false
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:30.294 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.295 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:30.295 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=false mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:30.295 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:30.322 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.384 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 1
08-12 12:14:30.390 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.391 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:30.391 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:30.428 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.429 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:30.449 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.483 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.516 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.552 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.584 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.620 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.660 13353 13353 D InsetsController: cancelAnimation of types: 1,
animType: 1, host:,
08-12 12:14:30.660 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.681 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.713 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.747 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.782 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.813 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.844 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.899 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.925 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.985 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:30.987 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.98 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:30.987 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:31.016 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.018 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:31.051 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.083 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.115 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.143 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.187 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.216 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.245 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.283 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.313 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.345 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.379 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.416 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.447 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.485 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.510 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.548 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.570 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 0
08-12 12:14:31.571 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id:
524514126 caller:
5 android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchTransformedTouchEvent:3324
08-12 12:14:31.593 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw.
action: 2 id: 1014558078
08-12 12:14:31.596 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.618 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.651 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 1
08-12 12:14:31.684 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.684 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:31.684 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:31.686 13353 14264 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:31.718 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.719 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:31.764 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.789 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.848 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.849 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:31.849 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:31.871 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: handleMessage TAP
08-12 12:14:31.893 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.894 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:31.916 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.985 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:31.986 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:31.986 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:32.027 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.028 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:32.046 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.119 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.120 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:32.120 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:32.157 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.158 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:32.181 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.253 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.254 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:32.254 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:32.290 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.290 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:32.317 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.363 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.388 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.417 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.446 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.489 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.516 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.555 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.575 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.614 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.646 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.685 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.712 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.720 13353 13353 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:32.744 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.779 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.818 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.848 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.879 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.907 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.910 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:32.910 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:32.960 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:32.989 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.015 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.093 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.094 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:33.094 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:33.141 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.142 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:33.158 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.182 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:33.182 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:33.183 13353 13429 D AudioTrack: setVolume(0.600000, 0.600000) pid :
08-12 12:14:33.234 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.235 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:33.235 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:33.253 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.253 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:33.257 13353 14263 E libgcam : []: IsValid:
Expected number of illuminant>=3, actual=0
08-12 12:14:33.257 13353 14263 E libgcam : []:
CreateInstance: qc_color_calibration is invalid:
08-12 12:14:33.257 13353 14263 E libgcam : num_lights 0
08-12 12:14:33.257 13353 14263 E libgcam : rg_ratios
08-12 12:14:33.257 13353 14263 E libgcam : bg_ratios
08-12 12:14:33.257 13353 14263 E libgcam : grgb_ratio 0
08-12 12:14:33.273 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.317 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.353 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: Handler (android.os.Handler)
{a969fca} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Handler (android.os.Handler) {a969fca} sending message to a Handler on a dead
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 13365 W MessageQueue: at
08-12 12:14:33.378 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.401 13353 13624 W libgcam : []:
CheckFrameDuration: Unexpected timestamp gap between payload frames 2 and 3 (of 7).
Expected 33.3 ms gap; actual gap was 66.6 ms. This could indicate dropped frames.
08-12 12:14:33.401 13353 13624 W libgcam : []:
CheckFrameDuration: Unexpected timestamp gap between payload frames 5 and 6 (of 7).
Expected 33.3 ms gap; actual gap was 66.6 ms. This could indicate dropped frames.
08-12 12:14:33.406 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:33.407 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:33.409 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:33.410 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:33.410 13353 13624 W libgcam : []:
LogViewfinderAeWarnings: viewfinder_short_tet (0.000ms) is further than expected
from the capture TET (12.000ms). Relative error: 100%.
08-12 12:14:33.411 13353 13624 E libgcam : []: ChooseWbGains:
AwbHdrPlusHelper is null. Using driver AWB from base frame.
08-12 12:14:33.425 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.449 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.479 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.508 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.532 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:33.534 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:33.535 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:33.536 13353 13624 E libgcam : []:
EstimateCameraMotionBlur: Can't estimate camera motion blur, because gyro data is
08-12 12:14:33.556 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.603 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.636 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.730 13353 13353 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:33.734 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.739 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:33.740 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:33.742 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.748 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:33.755 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.756 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.756 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
mimeType=image/* className=com.facebook.composer.shareintent.ShareToGroupsAlias
08-12 12:14:33.756 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.756 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.756 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.756 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.756 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
mimeType=image/* className=com.linecorp.line.keepmemo.KeepMemoSaveActivity
08-12 12:14:33.764 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.764 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
mimeType=video/* className=com.facebook.composer.shareintent.ShareToGroupsAlias
08-12 12:14:33.764 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.765 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.765 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.765 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.765 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
08-12 12:14:33.765 13353 13353 W CAM_A : isListed: unknown activity.
mimeType=video/* className=com.linecorp.line.keepmemo.KeepMemoSaveActivity
08-12 12:14:33.788 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.788 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:33.788 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:33.835 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.835 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:33.891 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:33.896 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.001 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.001 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99.95 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:34.001 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
2.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.001 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 3.00 >
08-12 12:14:34.034 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.035 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.116 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.116 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.116 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:34.160 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.160 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.177 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.248 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.249 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.249 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:34.273 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.274 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.318 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.345 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.346 13353 13353 D AnimatorSet: mReversing is false. Don't call
08-12 12:14:34.434 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.434 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.434 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:34.439 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.440 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.540 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.551 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
99.95 ms > 70.00 ms
08-12 12:14:34.551 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
2.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.553 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 3.00 >
08-12 12:14:34.570 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.574 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.67 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.616 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.647 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.654 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.70 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.660 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1.70 >
08-12 12:14:34.742 13353 13353 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:34.744 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.746 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.41 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.750 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.769 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.816 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.817 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.817 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:34.882 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.883 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:34.939 13353 13424 W eCameraEngR18F1: Weak pointer dereference blocked
for 13 milliseconds.
08-12 12:14:34.942 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:34.982 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.018 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.019 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.020 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:35.032 13353 13363 I eCameraEngR18F1: NativeAlloc concurrent mark
compact GC freed 179154(8551KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(172KB) LOS objects, 50% free,
21MB/42MB, paused 5.869ms,7.213ms total 216.543ms
08-12 12:14:35.047 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.048 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.076 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~8C0LyufHQN0qyVZhhEiabA==/com.whatsapp-
KFnnU81piiyLtp5ygapUhw==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.077 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.078 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.082 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/split_arsegmentation.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.082 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/split_arservicesforexpressionfitting.apk' with 1 weak
08-12 12:14:35.082 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/split_arservicesforruntimerigmapping.apk' with 1 weak
08-12 12:14:35.082 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~sCU7lyhV9LHt1DxV4iFQWg==/com.facebook.orca-
cYvnuZA2v3WCG0dwvWQ6Xg==/split_i18n_th_TH.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.082 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.083 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_arservicesforbodytracking.apk' with 1 weak
08-12 12:14:35.083 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_arservicesforpersonsegmentation.apk' with 1 weak
08-12 12:14:35.083 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_executorch.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.083 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_heliumiab.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.083 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_i18n_th_TH.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.083 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_pytorch.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.083 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_s_executorch_pytorch.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.083 13353 13365 W eCameraEngR18F1: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ep2v_8XKllMnu8WYgNpZRg==/
kZ_XZxPgPbHQDfZpwfhh4A==/split_slam.apk' with 1 weak references
08-12 12:14:35.145 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.182 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.183 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.183 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:35.201 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.201 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.275 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.306 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.336 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.337 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.337 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:35.355 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.356 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.441 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.442 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.442 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:35.452 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.453 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.480 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.517 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.553 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.585 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.650 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.695 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.718 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.756 13353 13353 I NotificationManager: notify(2, null,
Notification(channel=processing shortcut=null contentView=null vibrate=null
sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=0x2 color=0xff4285f4 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0
semPriority=0 semMissedCount=0)) as user
08-12 12:14:35.759 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.760 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.70 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.760 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1.70 >
08-12 12:14:35.792 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.793 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.41 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.846 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.847 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.847 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:35.881 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.881 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.35 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:35.881 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 1.30 >
08-12 12:14:35.910 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.944 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:35.987 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.013 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.053 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.090 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.122 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.148 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.213 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.213 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:36.213 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:36.253 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 0
08-12 12:14:36.254 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentDownEvent. id:
596656962 caller: iew.onTouch:9 android.view.View.dispatchTouchEvent:16208
08-12 12:14:36.256 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.256 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:36.269 13353 13353 W CAM_A : Placeholder drawable removed:
key=ShotId-1 evicted=false
08-12 12:14:36.271 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: obtain mCurrentMotionEventRaw.
action: 2 id: 893096785
08-12 12:14:36.294 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.348 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: ViewPostIme
pointer 1
08-12 12:14:36.351 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.377 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.427 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.428 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:36.432 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:36.470 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.471 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:36.502 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.605 13353 13411 D NativeCustomFrequencyManager: [NativeCFMS]
08-12 12:14:36.627 13353 13411 E FrameEvents: updateAcquireFence: Did not find
08-12 12:14:36.630 13353 13411 D OpenGLRenderer: CFMS:: SetUp Pid : 13353 Tid :
08-12 12:14:36.630 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.630 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:36.630 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:36.631 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.632 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0.50 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:36.650 13353 13708 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = true
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:36.651 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.701 13353 14282 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Resizing
android.view.ViewRootImpl@d7f8f31: frame = [0,0][1080,2400] reportDraw = false
forceLayout = false syncSeqId = -1
08-12 12:14:36.750 13353 14197 W CameraMetadataJV: Expect face scores and
rectangles to be non-null
08-12 12:14:36.751 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
1.00 > 0.25
08-12 12:14:36.751 13353 14197 W CAM_A : PHOTO > result sensor delay = 2.00 >
08-12 12:14:36.755 13353 13353 W CAM_A : Disconnecting the camera device because
filmstrip was launched.
08-12 12:14:36.779 13353 13405 D SensorManager: unregisterListener
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Retrieving snapshot for failed
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242835038.true (go/gsrlt)
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at mip.fb(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.c(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.e(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.b(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gvh.a(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at pio.a(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242835038.true (go/gsrlt)
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at bmn.z(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ktz.a(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kjd.f(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.t(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.u(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.e(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
kkg.handleMessage(Unknown Source:920)
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ksg.b(Unknown
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.790 13353 13408 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
08-12 12:14:36.791 13353 13429 D SensorManager: unregisterListener
08-12 12:14:36.802 13353 13353 I GestureDetector: handleMessage TAP
08-12 12:14:36.808 13353 13353 I BLASTBufferQueue_Java: update, w= 1080 h= 2400
mName = ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher] mNativeObject= 0x7c5deeb200
sc.mNativeObject= 0x7ccb572f40 format= -3 caller=
08-12 12:14:36.808 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Relayout
returned: old=(0,0,1080,2400) new=(0,0,1080,2400) req=(1080,2400)0 dur=0 res=0x0
s={true 0x7c5e02e000} ch=false seqId=0
08-12 12:14:36.808 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
updateBoundsLayer: t=android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@a2f90b6
sc=Surface(name=Bounds for -
@0x42193f6 frame=240
08-12 12:14:36.808 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:36.817 13353 13573 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7ccb5e3e80 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 240 caller=
08-12 12:14:36.833 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 5 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:36.833 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized mSyncSeqId = 0
08-12 12:14:36.834 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
reportNextDraw android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleResized:2494
08-12 12:14:36.834 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
onDisplayChanged oldDisplayState=2 newDisplayState=2
08-12 12:14:36.835 13353 13353 D InsetsController: onStateChanged:
state=InsetsState: {mDisplayFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mDisplayCutout=DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 73 - 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0,
top=0, right=0, bottom=0} boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(470, 0 -
610, 73), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]}
cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=1080 displayHeight=2400
physicalDisplayWidth=1080 physicalDisplayHeight=2400 density={2.8125} cutoutSpec={M
0,0 H -24.8888888889 V 25.9555555556 H 24.8888888889 V 0 H 0 Z @dp} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}},
mRoundedCorners=RoundedCorners{[RoundedCorner{position=TopLeft, radius=0,
center=Point(0, 0)}, RoundedCorner{position=TopRight, radius=0, center=Point(0,
0)}, RoundedCorner{position=BottomRight, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)},
RoundedCorner{position=BottomLeft, radius=0, center=Point(0, 0)}]}
mRoundedCornerFrame=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400),
mPrivacyIndicatorBounds=PrivacyIndicatorBounds {static bounds=Rect(964, 0 - 1080,
73) rotation=0}, mDisplayShape=DisplayShape{ spec=-1893857183 displayWidth=1080
displayHeight=2400 physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0
scale=1.0}, mSources= { InsetsSource: {91bd0000 mType=statusBars mFrame=[0,0]
[1080,73] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {91bd0005
mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,0][1080,105] mVisible=true mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {91bd0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {3 mType=ime mFrame=[0,0][0,0] mVisible=false mFlags=[]},
InsetsSource: {27 mType=displayCutout mFrame=[0,0][1080,73] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0001 mType=navigationBars mFrame=[0,2361][1080,2400]
mVisible=true mFlags=[SUPPRESS_SCRIM]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0004
mType=systemGestures mFrame=[0,0][59,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource:
{2d1c0005 mType=mandatorySystemGestures mFrame=[0,2316][1080,2400] mVisible=true
mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0006 mType=tappableElement mFrame=[0,0][0,0]
mVisible=true mFlags=[]}, InsetsSource: {2d1c0024 mType=systemGestures
mFrame=[1021,0][1080,2400] mVisible=true mFlags=[]} }
08-12 12:14:36.835 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
handleResized, msg = 4 frames=ClientWindowFrames{frame=[0,0][1080,2400]
display=[0,0][1080,2400] parentFrame=[0,0][0,0]} forceNextWindowRelayout=false
displayId=0 dragResizing=false compatScale=1.0 frameChanged=false
attachedFrameChanged=false configChanged=false displayChanged=false
08-12 12:14:36.835 13353 13353 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
08-12 12:14:36.849 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setup new
08-12 12:14:36.849 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Creating new
active sync group ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]#12
08-12 12:14:36.850 13353 14263 E native : E0812 12:14:36.850181 14263] Failed to detach current thread from the JVM.
JavaVM::DetachCurrentThread returned: -1
08-12 12:14:36.851 13353 13353 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]:
registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
08-12 12:14:36.855 13353 13601 E GoLog : E0812 12:14:36.850181 14263] Failed to detach current thread from the JVM.
JavaVM::DetachCurrentThread returned: -1
08-12 12:14:36.856 13353 13579 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Received
frameDrawingCallback syncResult=0 frameNum=241.
08-12 12:14:36.856 13353 13579 I ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: mWNT:
t=0x7c5deaf900 mBlastBufferQueue=0x7c5deeb200 fn= 241 caller=
android.view.ThreadedRenderer$1.onFrameDraw:788 <bottom of call stack>
08-12 12:14:36.856 13353 13579 D ViewRootImpl@cca1a94[CameraLauncher]: Setting up
sync and frameCommitCall
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