Autocad Lecture
Autocad Lecture
Autocad Lecture
Arch. Oraib A. Al-Jaafreh
Introduction to AutoCAD
Giving commands
Object Snap
Dynamic input
Drawing 2D shapes
Selection methods
Modifying Operations
Standardisation of drawings
Drawing Area
UCS Icon
Pull Down Menus (PDM) Contain all commands we need.
PDM toolbar
Standard toolbar
Open… CTRL+O
Plot… CTRL+P
Plot Preview
Paste CTRL+V
Match properties
Block editor
Pan Realtime
Zoom Realtime
Zoom Window
Zoom Previous
Design Center
Quick Calc
Standard Toolbar contains ordinary commands like Save, Copy, Zoom, Undo …etc.
Create and edit styles of Text, Dimension, and Tables.
Styles toolbar
Dimension Style
You can edit and save workspace setting. In addition to create and edit your own workspaces.
Workspace Name My Workspace
Workspace Setting
Layers toolbar
You can control properties of objects Color, Line Type, and Line Weight .
You can Draw or modify objects directly from the icons in these toolbars.
You can use all these command from Draw or Modify Drop Menus.
You can see the command by moving your mouse over its icon and wait until you see a
label of it.
Modify Toolbar
Draw Toolbar Contains all 2D
Contains all Modification
2D drawing Commands
Commands such as Erase,
such as Line, Copy, Move,
Construction Trim, Rotate,..
Line, etc.
Polyline, Arc,
Ellipse, Insert
Block, Make
Block,.. etc.
You can type any command you need in this Command Palette (Command line), then
press ENTER button.
The command palette (Command Line) when dragged from its position at
the bottom of the AutoCAD window
Status Toolbar Buttons holds A number of buttons in the status bar can be used for
toggling (turning on/off) various functions when operating within AutoCAD 2007.
Status Toolbar
SNAP: also toggled using the F9 key. When snap on, the cursor under mouse control can only be
moved in jumps from one snap point to another.
GRID: also toggled using the F7 key. When set on, a series of grid points appears in the drawing area.
ORTHO: also toggled using the F8 key. When on, lines, etc. can only be drawn vertically or horizontally.
POLAR: also toggled using the F10 key. When set on, a small tip appears showing the direction and
length of lines, etc. in degrees and units.
OSNAP: also toggled using the F3 key. When set on, an osnap icon appears at the cursor pick box.
OTRACK: when set on, lines, etc. can be drawn at exact coordinate points and precise angles.
DUCS: Dynamic UCS. Also toggled by the F6 key. Used when constructing 3D solid models.
DYN: Dynamic Input. When set on, the x, y coordinates and prompts show when the cursor hairs are
LWT: when set on, lineweights show on screen. When set off, lineweights only show in plotted/printed
Maximise Viewport: when in Paper Space a button can toggle Model Space and Paper Space and a
new button appears for toggling between Maximizing and Minimizing the workspace
How do we give a command?
Toolbars (T)
Methods of drawing a Line:
EX: (To draw a line with known first point & end point coordination)
b (5,22)
1- Call the command LINE . a
2- Command: _line Specify first point: (4,8) (4,8)
3- Specify next point or [Undo]: (5,22)
EX: (To draw a line with known first point (60,210) & length of 50 units and angel 0.
EX: (To draw a line with 5 units length & an angel of 30, and start point ( 60,210)
1- Call the command LINE .
2- Command:_line Specify first point: 60,210 30
3- Specify next point or [Undo]: 5<30
Direct Entry
Methods of selection:
1- by clicking (click on the line itself)
2- by crossing (open a window from
right, this will select an object by
crossing any of its parts)
3- by crossing (open a window from
left to right, this will select an object
only of it is entirely contained within
the window)
4- All, if you want to select every
thing in the screen.
You will need to zoom in and out while drawing with AutoCAD. This doesnt change your
objects or UCS, only the way you see your working space. This can be done in many ways:
Standard Toolbar
Typing z or zoom in
the command line:
View Drop down Menu
This part from the
Standard Toolbar standard toolbar
Typing p or Pan in the command line
Start Point
Arch. Oraib A. Al-Jaafreh
Drawing 2D shapes
Construction Line
Modify Operations
Draw / Construction Line ...
Command Construction LINE (xl) can be done in many
Draw Drop Down Menu / Construction line.
Typing ( XL ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
EX: (Draw a construction line that bisect the given angel )
c a
Draw / Polygon ...
Command Polygon can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Polygon.
Typing ( pol ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
points of it.
EX: (Draw a rectangle with first corner coordination (25,240) & second point coordination (160,160) )
1- Command:_rectangle
2- Specify first corner point or [Chamfer/Elevation/Fillet/Thickness/ Width]: 25,240
3- Specify other corner point or [Area/Dimensions/Rotation]: 160,160
You can also draw a rectangle by giving its width & length directly.
(A) (B)
You can draw circle in many ways:
(A) 2 points
(B) 3 points
(C) Tan, Tan, Radius
(D) Tan, Tan, Tan
(C) (D)
Modify / Copy ...
Command Copy can be done in many ways:
Modify Drop Down Menu / Copy.
Typing ( co ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
1- Command: _copy
2- Select objects: pick the cross 1 found
3- Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>: pick
4- Specify second point or use first point as displacement: pick
Modify / Move ...
Command Move can be done in many ways:
Modify Drop Down Menu / Move.
Typing ( mo ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
1- Command:_offset
2- Current settings: Erase source = No Layer = Source OFFSET- GAPTYPE= 0
3- offset distance or [Through/Erase/Layer] Through: 10
4- Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] Exit: pick drawing
5- Specify point on side to offset or [Exit/Multiple/Undo] Exit: pick inside the rectangle
6- Select object to offset or [Exit/Undo] Exit: e (Exit)
7- Command:
Modify / Trim ...
Command Trim can be done in many ways:
Modify Drop Down Menu / Trim.
Typing ( Tr ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
4 A
Arch. Oraib A. Al-Jaafreh
Drawing 2D shapes
Modify Operations
Draw / Arc ...
Command Arc can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Rectangle.
Typing ( a ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
(A) (B)
Draw / Polyline ...
Command Polyline can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Polyline.
Typing ( Pl ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
1- Command:_ellipse
2- Specify axis endpoint of elliptical arc or [Center]: pick
3- Specify other endpoint of axis: 50 {Radius of major axis}
4- Specify distance to other axis or [Rotation]: 25 {Radius of minor axis}
Major Axis
Modify / Pedit ...
Command Pedit can be done in many ways:
Modify Drop Down Menu / object / polyline.
Typing ( Pedit ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
Using Chamfer command requires (Dist 1 & Dist 2) or (Dist 1 & Angel).
EX: ( Apply Chamfer command to the following rectangle ( Dist1=10, Dist 2=10))
1- Command:_chamfer
(TRIM mode) Current chamfer Dist1 = 1, Dist2 =1
2- Select first line or [Undo/Polyline/Distance/Angle/Trim/mEthod/ Multiple]: enter d (Distance)
3- Specify first chamfer distance 1: 10
4- Specify second chamfer distance 10:
You can keep the original corners after Chamfer or trim it.
Modify / Fillet ...
Command Fillet can be done in many ways:
Modify Drop Down Menu / Fillet.
Typing ( F ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
R25 R25
EX: (Draw a Rectangle with rounded corners (R=20))
1- Command:_fillet
Current settings: Mode TRIM, Radius 1
2- Select first object or [Polyline/Radius/Trim/mUltiple]: r (Radius) Specify fillet radius <1>: 20
3- Select first object or [Undo/Polyline/Radius/Trim/Multiple]: pick
4- Select second object or shift-select to apply corner: pick
You can keep the original corners after filet or trim it.
Modify / Rotate ...
Command Rotate can be done in many ways:
Modify Drop Down Menu / Rotate.
Typing ( Ro ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
When using the Rotate tool remember that the default rotation
of objects within AutoCAD 2007 is counterclockwise.
EX: (Rotate the following object 45° )
1- Command:_mirror
2- Select objects: pick first corner Specify opposite corner: pick 7 found
Select objects:
3- Specify first point of mirror line: end of pick
4- Specify second point of mirror line: end of pick
5- Erase source objects [Yes/No] <N>:
Modify / Explode ...
Command Explode can be done in many ways:
Modify Drop Down Menu / Explode.
Typing ( Ex ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
Arch. Oraib A. Al-Jaafreh
Drawing 2D shapes
Modify Operations
Layers Properties
Line Type
Modify / Array ...
Command Array can be done in many ways:
Modify Drop Down Menu / Array.
Typing ( Ar ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
Types of Array:
Rectangular Array
Polar Array
EX: ( Create a Polar array for the following object, Num rows= 3, Num columns= 4, Row offset = 40,
Column offset=30 )
1- Command:_array
2- Make settings in the dialog:
3- Choose Rectangular Array – (dot in button)
Row field – enter 3
Column field – enter 4
Row offset field – enter 40
Column offset field – enter 30
(Fig. 1)
EX: ( Create a Polar array for the following object, Num rows= 3, Num columns= 4, Row offset = 40,
Colmn offset=30 )
1- Command:_extend
Current settings: Projection = UCS Edge = Extend
2- Select boundary edges... Select objects or <select all>: pick 1 found
3- Select objects: pick
4- Select objects:
5- Select object to extend or shift-select to trim or [Fence/Crossing/ Project/Edge/Undo]: pick
Repeat for each object to be extended. Then:
6- Select object to extend or shift-select to trim or [Fence/Crossing/ Project/Edge/Undo]:
Modify / Scale ...
Command Scale can be done in many ways:
Modify Drop Down Menu / Scale.
Double click on the object.
1- Command:_scale
2- Select objects: selecting window drawing 25 found
3- Select objects:
4- Specify base point: pick
5- Specify scale factor or [Copy/Reference] <1>: 0.75
Draw / Hatch ...
Command Hatch can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Hatch.
Typing ( h ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
Points (Fig 1)
Objects (Fig 2)
(Fig 1) (Fig 2)
Format / Layers Properties ...
Layers properties can be done in many ways:
Format Drop Down Menu / Layers.
Typing ( layer ) on the Command line
On/ Off
Format / Line Type ...
Line types properties can be done in many ways:
Format Drop Down Menu / Linetype.
Typing ( LT ) on the Command line
You can Load new line types and Edit line scale from Line type
manager window.
Manage line scale
Modify Operations
Draw / Make Block ...
Command Block can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Block / Make.
Typing ( B ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
1- Select the block from the dropdown menu near “”name”; you will also see a preview of it.
2- Insertion point (the point where the block to be inserted in the drawing
3- Scale: To change the block dimension while inserting at X and Y Axes.
4- Rotation: to specify a rotation angle for the block if needed.
If the box column is checked; this means that you want AutoCAD to allow to specify the information
on screen.
Write Block ...
1- Command:_Divide
2- Select object to divide: select line
3- Enter the number of segments or [Block] : 12
Arch. Oraib A. Al-Jaafreh
Draw /Text
Format/ units
Draw / Text ...
Command Text can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Text.
Typing ( T ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
1- Command:_mtext
2- Current text style: “Standard" Text height: 2.5
3- Specify first corner : pick
4- Specify opposite corner or [Height/Justify/Line spacing/Rotation/ Style/Width/Columns]: pick
As soon as the opposite corner is picked, the Text Formatting dialog appears and the box
changes as in the figure below. Text can now be entered as required within the box as indicated in
this illustration. When all the required text has been entered, left-click the OK button at the top right-
hand corner of the Text Formatting dialog.
EX: ( Draw the following Text using Single line Text)
1- Command:_mtext
2- Current text style: “Standard" Text height: 2.5
3- Specify start point of text or [Justify/Style] : pick
4- Specify height <2.5000> : 5
5- Specify rotation angle of text <0> :
When you finish typing click outside the text window, then press ESC button.
Modify / Text ...
Text Style enables you to create your own text style, and
specify the text font, Height and font style.
Dimensions ...
Diameter symbol ᴓ
EX: Angular
3D modeling workspace
3D Basic Modeling
3D Views
Visual Styles
3D Modeling / Workspace ...
In these lectures we will working in 3D Modeling workspace. To set this workspace choose it
from workspaces toolbar. In the 3D modeling workspace AutoCAD coordinate system includes
a third direction Z.
SE Isometric
Front View
3D Modeling / 3D Solid Objects ...
The main Commands in the 3D Modeling can be done in many ways:
Draw drop down Menu / Modeling
3D Make Toolbar
3D Modeling / Polysolid...
Polysolid command enables you to draw a
continuous 3D polyline with specified Height, Width,
and justification.
3D Modeling / Box ...
Command Box can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Modeling / Box.
Typing ( box ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
EX: Draw a box with Length=180 (X), Width= 80 (Y), Height= 250 (Z)
1- Command:_box
2- Specify first corner or [ Center ] : pick
3- Specify other corner or [ Cube /Length ] : @ 180,80
4- Specify height or [ 2Point ] : 250
3D Modeling / Wedge ...
Command Wedge can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Modeling / Wedge.
Typing ( Wedge ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
EX: Draw a wedge with base (Length=40 (X), Width=85(Y)), Height= 90 (Z)
1- Command:_wedge
2- Specify first corner or [ Center ] : pick
3- Specify other corner or [ Cube /Length ] : @ 40,85
4- Specify height or [ 2Point ] : 90
First corner
Note: the direction of the height will be from
direction of the first corner you picked.
3D Modeling / Cone, Sphere, Cylinder ...
These commands needs to specify the Radius/ Diameter of the base then given the height.
While the Sphere command needs to specify the Radius/ Diameter only.
EX: Draw a Cone with Radius= 30, Height= 55)
1- Command:_Cone
2- Specify center point of base or [ 3P /2P/ Elliptical ] : pick
3- Specify base radius or [ Diameter] : 30
4- Specify height or [ 2Point/ Axis endpoint / Top radius ] : 50
3D Modeling / Cone, Sphere, Cylinder ...
Solid Editing
2D Outlines suitable for 3D models
When constructing 2D outlines suitable as a basis for constructing some
forms of 3D model, use tools from the 2D Draw control panel. If
constructed using tools such as Line, Circle and Ellipse, before being of
any use for 3D modelling, outlines must be changed into regions with the
Region tool (2D Draw control panel).
Closed polylines can be used without the need to use the Region tool.
EX 1: Draw the following figure using Line command, then transfer it into Region.
Fig 1 Fig 2
EX 2: Draw the following figure using Line command, then transfer it into Region.
1- In the Top view, construct drawing 1 of and with the Copy tool, copy the drawing three times to
produce drawings 2, 3 and 4.
2- With the Region tool change all the outlines into regions.
3- Drawing 2 – call the Union tool from the 3D Make control panel. The command line shows:
Command: _union
Select objects: pick the left-hand region 1 found
Select objects: pick the circular region 1 found, 2 total
Select objects: pick the right-hand region 1 found, 3 total
Command: 1 found
4- Drawing 3 – with the Union tool form a union of the left-hand region and the circular region.
5. Drawing 4 – call the Subtract tool. The command line shows:
Command:_subtract Select solids and regions to subtract from... Select objects: pick the
region just formed
Select objects:
Select solids and regions to subtract: pick the right-hand region 1 found
Select objects:
3D Modeling / Extrude ...
Command Extrude can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Modeling / Extrude.
Typing ( ext ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
Extrude command enables you to draw a 3D model with specified Height, for an
existing 2D drawing.
2D drawing should be transferred into Regions before using command Extrude
Extrude Lines always produces 3d surfaces no matter if they are closed or open
Circles, rectangles, polygons, and closed polylines always produce 3d solids.
Solid Editing / Union , Subtract, Intersect ...
These Commands can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / solid editing / Loft.
Typing on the Command line
Toolbar icon
2D Section
3D Modeling / Sweep ...
Command Sweep can be done in many ways:
Draw Drop Down Menu / Modeling / Sweep.
Typing (Seep ) on the Command line
Toolbar icon
1. Construct the seven circles shown in Fig. 13.35 at vertical distances of 30 units
2. Place the drawing area in the SE Isometric view.
3. Call the Loft tool with a click on its tool icon in the 3D Make control panel
4. The command line shows:
Command: _loft
Select cross-sections in lofting order: Snap off pick the bottom circle 1 found
Select cross-sections in lofting order: pick the next circle 1 found, 2 total
Select cross-sections in lofting order: pick the next circle 1 found, 3 total
Select cross-sections in lofting order: pick the next circle 1 found, 4 total
Select cross-sections in lofting order: pick the next circle 1 found, 5 total
Select cross-sections in lofting order: pick the next circle 1 found, 6 total
Select cross-sections in lofting order: pick the next circle 1 found, 7 total
Select cross-sections in lofting order:
And the Loft Settings dialog appears
Resulting object
3D Modeling / UCS ...