Selection of Optimal Well Trajectory Using Algorithm
Selection of Optimal Well Trajectory Using Algorithm
Selection of Optimal Well Trajectory Using Algorithm
Received: 2 June 2023 / Accepted: 16 July 2023 / Published online: 7 August 2023
© The Author(s) 2023
This study presents a novel approach for optimizing well paths in extended reach drilling (ERD) wells. Different trajectories
can be used for ERD wells, each with its pros and cons. Previous research overlooked certain objective functions in single-
objective optimization and lacked an autonomous method for selecting the best solution from Pareto optimal solutions in
multi-objective optimizations. Furthermore, they lacked comparing different profiles in well design. Risk assessment and
operational factors, which greatly influence optimization and drilling success, were insufficiently considered. This study
utilized the multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) and the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution
(TOPSIS) method to select the optimal well path based on torque, wellbore length, risk (e.g., keyseat), and required tools.
First, all possible trajectories were determined, and MOGA identified the optimal path with minimal torque and length. The
fuzzy decision-making method automatically selected the best solution from the Pareto optimal solution set. The associated
risks and required tools are evaluated for each trajectory. Finally, the TOPSIS method selected the optimal trajectory based on
torque, length, risks, and required tools. The case study demonstrated that the undersection path was the most advantageous
trajectory for ERD wells, with a 60% closeness to the ideal state. The multiple build trajectory achieved 57% closeness, while
the build and hold and double build paths had lower closeness values (43 and 28%, respectively). Consequently, it can be
inferred that in the context of ERD wells, it is preferable to carry out the deviation process at deeper depths.
Keywords Multi-objective genetic algorithm · Optimization · Torque and drag · Extended reach drilling · TOPSIS
16832 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855
ppg Pound per gallon of a reservoir where an additional platform is not economi-
μ (non-dimensional) Friction factor cally feasible. ERD is predicted to become more widespread
HD (ft) Horizontal departure as the cost of platforms in deeper water and severe envi-
KOP (ft) Kick off Point ronments increases [3, 6]. Previous research suggests that
DLS (degree/100ft) Dogleg severity the cost of drilling a horizontal well is approximately 1.4
ECD (ppg) Equivalent circulation density times that of drilling a vertical well [8]. The advantage of
MW (ppg) Mud weight drilling horizontal and directional wells is their ability to
P (psi) Frictional pressure drops access a larger volume of the reservoir and traverse the
OD (in) Outside diameter highest quality zones more effectively than vertical wells,
ID (in) Inside diameter leading to higher production and recovery rates [9]. Effi-
M (in4 ) Moment of inertia ciently planning the trajectory of directional wells is crucial
Fcr (lb) Critical buckling force for minimizing drilling expenses and reducing the potential
Fhel (lb) Helical buckling force negative effects of drilling issues. This process presents com-
E (psi) Young’s modulus plex multi-objective optimization challenges [10].
d (in) Spatial distance between the bore and In recent decades, optimization techniques have been
the wall of the borehole. in widely employed in the oil and gas industry for various
Pc Crossover probability purposes such as transport scheduling, process plant opti-
NDM Non-dimensional matrix mization, well placement optimization, and different aspects
V Weighted decision matrix of drilling operations [11–15]. Shokir et al. [11] used the
PIS Positive ideal solution genetic algorithm to design the well path, and Atashnezhad
NIS Negative ideal solution et al. [12] used a single-objective particle swarm optimiza-
S Separation distance tion algorithm to minimize wellbore length within defined
CL Relative closeness constraints. Yasari et al. [16] applied multi-objective genetic
OF Objective function optimization to determine the best and most efficient sys-
χ Normalized membership function tem of water injection wells, and Guria et al. [13] utilized
Nobj Number of objective functions an elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm to min-
SM Spacing metric imize drilling cost, drilling time, and maximize drilling
MS Maximum spread depths with the constraint of fractional drill bit tooth wear.
Mansouri et al. [9] proposed another application of multi-
objective genetic optimization to optimize a horizontal well
trajectory scenario. They provided a detailed description of
1 Introduction how their model functioned and analyzed the results for the
specific wellbore trajectory chosen. Furthermore, Khosra-
The drilling industry’s primary objective of directing a well vanian et al. [17] optimized the casing string placement in
trajectory toward a distant geological target has necessitated oil wells in the presence of geological uncertainty. Khosra-
the development of tools and methods for identifying the vanian et al. [18] conducted a comparative study to assess
location and path of the wellbore during drilling. Initially, multiple metaheuristic algorithms for optimizing complex
wells were drilled straight down from the drilling rig to the three-dimensional well-path designs. Mansouri et al. [14]
target spot. However, directional drilling techniques were conducted an optimization study aimed at mitigating colli-
developed to drill wells with non-vertical trajectories and sion risk in directional drilling by maximizing the separation
reach destinations that were not directly beneath the surface. factor. Their approach sought to optimize the directional well
Directional drilling offers an effective approach to accessing trajectory to ensure minimal overlap with existing wells,
challenging targets that cannot be easily reached by vertical thereby reducing the likelihood of collision and the asso-
drilling. Over time, numerous instruments and methods have ciated risks. Biswas et al. [19] employed objective functions
been developed for directional drilling, with many companies such as true measured depth (TMD), torque, and strain energy
now providing tools for deflecting and guiding wellbores as to assess the effectiveness of wellbore trajectory design. To
well as assessing their inclination and azimuth [1–4]. address the optimization challenges posed by the 17 tuning
The challenging nature of harsh environments presents variables involved in drilling, they devised a novel approach
significant obstacles in the drilling of wells, requiring a that combined the cellular automata (CA) technique with
high degree of technical expertise and specialized equipment the gray wolf optimization (GWO) and particle swarm opti-
to overcome [5]. One application of directional drilling is mization (PSO) algorithms. This hybridization successfully
extended reach drilling (ERD) [6]. ERD is utilized in devel- resolved the optimization objectives associated with drilling
oping reservoirs with fewer platforms [7] or smaller sections
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855 16833
and provided a comprehensive solution for achieving opti- The problem of torque and drag, which results from the
mal results. Huang et al. [20] approached the discrepancy friction between the drill string and the borehole wall, is one
between a planned trajectory and the actual trajectory as a of the major challenges of extended reach drilling (ERD)
multi-objective optimization problem (MOP) characterized [26]. The design of the well has a significant impact on the
by parameter uncertainties. To address this challenge, they drilling time, cost, and the torque on the drill string [3, 9].
developed a novel methodology called outlier removal (OR- In the present investigation, a multi-objective genetic algo-
NSGA-II) within the framework of nondominated sorting rithm (MOGA) is employed to minimize both well bore
genetic Algorithm II. This innovative approach effectively length and drill string torque during drilling operations.
resolves the optimization problem by simultaneously opti- Moreover, a fuzzy decision-making approach was utilized to
mizing multiple objectives and removing outliers, thereby select the best solution from Pareto optimal solutions [27,
enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the results. Wendi 28]. The TOPSIS method is then utilized to identify the
Huang et al. [21] introduced an innovative optimization best trajectory based on multiple criteria, such as torque on
method that merges an adaptive penalty function with a the drill string, wellbore length, likelihood of keyseat, and
multi-objective evolutionary algorithm according to decom- number of required tools. The advent of directional drilling
position. This technique effectively tackles the challenges technology, particularly the widespread use of diverse down-
posed by contradictory objectives and nonlinear constraints. hole motor tools, measure while drilling tools (MWD), drag
Wang et al. [22] introduced a cutting-edge optimization tech- reduction oscillators, rotary steerable systems, and agitators,
nology for well trajectory and implemented it in 42 wells. The has greatly accelerated the drilling efficiencies of horizontal
findings of their research demonstrate that this technology is wells, extended reach wells, multi-branch wells, and other
capable of delivering a low-cost and high-efficiency develop- complex-structured wells [29]. However, the implementation
ment of horizontal wells in the Cangdong sag. Furthermore, of these new tools significantly escalates the cost of drilling
the research outcomes hold significant reference value for the operations. Hence, it is advantageous to select a trajectory
development of analogous regions. Biswas et al. [23] intro- that necessitates fewer tools.
duced the “Modified Multi-Objective Cellular Spotted Hyena In this research, the utilization of a genetic algorithm for
Optimizer” as an innovative solution to address uncertainty in optimization purposes is discussed. Previous studies have
well design. Unlike previous models, this approach excels in successfully employed the genetic algorithm to optimize the
identifying isolated minima and exhibits a high convergence trajectory of a well, confirming its effectiveness in determin-
rate, making it particularly effective for solving problems ing the optimal path [9, 11–13, 16, 18, 20]. Additionally,
with multiple variables. Huang et al. [24] conducted an anal- the TOPSIS method was employed to select the optimal tra-
ysis of the challenges involved in drilling extended-reach jectory, taking into account various criteria such as risk. The
wells, using the drilling limit theory as a framework for their flexibility of the TOPSIS method is one of its key advantages,
investigation. Wood [25] conducted research that highlighted making it a highly suitable option for the well design process.
the benefits of utilizing multiple constraints related to differ- During the well design process, different scenarios may arise.
ent Dogleg severity (DLS) characteristics and the absolute In some cases, a wealth of data is available, with numerous
changes in the tool-face angle for optimizing measure depth wells having been drilled in the field. In such cases, risk,
(MD) of Bezier curves. uncertainty, and other criteria can be accurately assessed and
Previous studies have primarily concentrated on a single modeled using complex methodologies. Conversely, there
well trajectory, overlooking the provision of a methodol- are situations where very limited data is accessible, and for
ogy to ascertain the optimal configuration by evaluating example the estimation of risk might rely solely on consid-
various potential drilling trajectories. Furthermore, previ- ering the tension at the Kick-Off Point (KOP), indicating the
ous studies have not introduced an automated method, free likelihood of a keyseat occurrence. The TOPSIS method is
from the necessity of manual settings and parameters, to capable of accommodating both scenarios. It can be seam-
choose the finest solution from the set of Pareto optimal lessly integrated with sophisticated mathematical risk models
solutions. Additionally, the operational aspects, encompass- to derive an optimal solution, or it can simply employ a
ing risk assessment and the requisite drilling tools, have straightforward numerical value to assess parameters like
been disregarded in earlier investigations. Therefore, it is risk. This versatility is highly valuable in well design, as
of significant importance to present a method capable of specific data may not be obtainable for every well. There-
simultaneously examining and comparing distinct trajecto- fore, the genetic algorithm and TOPSIS are highly suitable
ries, automatically identifying the best solution from the and effective approaches for the well design process. The
array of optimal choices, and determining the optimal tra- efficacy of this method for selecting the optimal ERD well
jectory for diverse trajectories while considering both risk path is demonstrated through a case study.
factors and the specialized drilling tools required.
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3 Mathematical Modeling
16836 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855
where F is the tension or drag force, T is the torque, B is cos(β) sin(I1 )sin(I2 )cos(θ1 − θ2 ) + cos(I1 )cos(I2 ) (9)
the buoyancy factor, w is the weight per unit length, L
is the length of the element, μ is the friction coefficient, Beta (β) is total directional change [49].
and r is the pipe radius. The normal force and friction on a Another objective function in well drilling is the torque on
drill pipe are not affected by the tension along it in a straight the drill string, denoted by T, which is calculated by summing
section. Straight sections are mainly dominated by weight, as up the torque in different parts of the wellbore as shown in
only the normal weight component creates friction. Figure 5 Eq. (10). The torque calculation begins at the bottom of the
demonstrates the force balance in a pipe along a straight drill string, specifically when it reaches the total depth (TD)
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855 16837
R1 (11)
π .DLS1
(0 + I 1 )
MDBuildSection R1 (θ2 − θ1 )2 (sin4 + (I1 − 0)2 )
of the wellbore, and then moves upward in increments toward FC FD + BwMDHoldSection Cos(I2 ) (20)
the wellhead, starting from the horizontal position.
sin(I2 ) − sin(0)
FB F C + BwMDBuildSection (21)
Ttotal TKOP + TBuildSection + THoldSection (10) I2 − 0
16838 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855
3.4 Formulation of the Constraints for Optimization in the heel area. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the
equivalent density remains lower than the fracture pressure
Constraints play a vital role in the field of optimization. of the well. This concern is particularly acute for ERD wells
During the optimization process, it is crucial to ensure that with limited vertical depth. Equation (29) is used to calculate
the variables, which are often referred to as chromosomes, ECD [30, 47].
adhere to the specified permissible limits. The evaluation
of these variables using objective functions is contingent P
ECDheel MW + (29)
upon their compliance with the permissible limits as well 0.052 ∗ Length
as satisfying all the imposed restrictions. For example, when
the crossover operator is applied to a given dataset, gener-
ating new variables, only those parameters that fall within 3.4.3 Buckling of Drill Pipes
the allowed limits and fulfill all the constraints are accepted.
Subsequently, these accepted variables are assessed using Buckling is a phenomenon that occurs when a drilling pipe
the objective functions. The MOGA verifies constraints at is subjected to an increase in load, causing it to bend or twist.
three different points: once the initial population is formed, The minimum amount of load required to cause buckling
after applying the crossover operation, and after applying the is known as the buckling load, which is dependent on the
mutation operation. drilling pipe’s weight, properties, and the geometry of the
drilling trajectory section. As shown in Fig. 8, there are two
3.4.1 Maximum Torque and Tension types of buckling load: critical buckling load (Fcr ) and heli-
cal buckling load (Fhel ). To determine whether sinusoidal or
During the drilling process, it is imperative to maintain the helical buckling is occurring, the buckling load is compared
torque and tension levels within permissible limits, while to other loads such as drag and torque at the point of the
also accounting for the requisite safety margins. In order to drilling trajectory section [53–55].
accomplish this, it is vital to follow the Eqs. (27)–(28) [47, The types of drilling pipe bending are determined by the
52], which present the relevant relationships. degree of deformation. Sinusoidal buckling and helical buck-
ling are two common types of deformation in drilling pipes.
Torsional Resistence Sinusoidal buckling can be seen as a wave-like pattern in
Ttotal < (27) the borehole, as shown in Fig. 8a. As the pressure on the
Safety Factor
drilling pipe increases, it may undergo severe deformation,
Yield Strength leading to helical buckling, as illustrated in Fig. 8b. Heli-
Ftotal < (28)
Safety Factor cal buckling occurs when the pipe spirals into a spiral shape
and makes contact with the borehole wall. While sinusoidal
buckling has little impact on drilling activities, helical buck-
3.4.2 Equivalent Circulation Density (ECD) ling makes it difficult to control the orientation of the drilling
pipe and to effectively transfer load to the drilling pipe. When
Extended reach drilling (ERD) wells, especially those with the degree of deflection is significant, the drilling pipe may
high inclination angles and long horizontal segments, are become immobile or lock-up may occur, resulting in drilling
susceptible to significant increases in equivalent circulating delays and increased costs. Therefore, it is critical to avoid
density (ECD), which can potentially cause formation failure helical buckling in directional drilling, such as horizontal
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855 16839
between the bore and the wall of the borehole (d), inclina-
tion angle (I ), and the effective weight within the drilling
trajectory (We ). Moment of inertia for drill pipes is calcu-
lated using Eq. (38) [31, 47].
π O D4 − I D4
Fig. 9 Three-dimensional schematic of sinusoidal and helical buckling
M (38)
where OD is outside diameter (in) and ID is inside diameter
drilling, as it can cause significant damage [53–55]. Figure 9 (in) of pipe.
shows a three-dimensional schematic of sinusoidal and heli- If the axial load on a structure is less than the critical
cal buckling of drill pipe in wellbore. buckling load, no buckling will occur. When the axial load
In this study, the model for buckling load is categorized is between the critical buckling load and the helical buckling
into two types: critical buckling load and helical buckling load, the structure will buckle sinusoidally. However, if the
load. This classification is determined based on the shape of axial load exceeds the helical buckling load, the structure will
the drilling trajectory section [33, 36]. buckle in a helical pattern [31].
Sinusoidal buckling force values of different sections are
given in Eqs. (30)–(33) [31, 53].
4 Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA)
Fcr (vertical Section) 2.55
EMW2e (30)
John Holland introduced genetic algorithm in the early 1970s
⎛ ⎞ [56, 57], and subsequent work by Holland (1975/1992),
4EM ⎝ d R 2 We sin(I ) ⎠ Goldberg, Rawlins, and Whitley laid the foundations for
Fcr (build Section) 1+ 1+
Rd 4EM Gas [58–60]. To begin, the GA generates an initial set of
random solutions that comply with defined limitations and
constraints, known as the population. In each iteration, the
EMWe sin(I ) GA creates a set of solutions, with the population referring to
Fcr (inclined Section) 2 (32) the set of solutions and each solution being called a chromo-
some [61]. These chromosomes evolve through generations,
EMWe with the creation of the next generation, known as offspring,
Fcr (horizontal Section) 2 (33)
d accomplished by either merging two chromosomes from the
current generation using a crossover operator or modifying
Helical buckling force values of different sections are as a chromosome using a mutation operator. Chromosomes are
shown in Eqs. (34)–(37) [31, 53]. evaluated during each generation using measures of fitness,
so that fitter chromosomes are more likely to be selected.
Fhel (vertical Section) 5.55 EMW2e
(34) After several iterations, the algorithm converges to the best
solution or chromosome, which represents the optimal or
⎛ ⎞ suboptimal solution to the problem. Murata et al. [62, 63]
12EM ⎝ d R 2 We sin(I ) ⎠ proposed MOGA, which comprises eight steps in each gener-
Fhel (build Section) 1+ 1+
Rd 8EM ation. This MOGA utilizes a weighted sum of multi-objective
(35) functions to amalgamate them into a scalar fitness function.
√ EMWe sin(I )
Fhel (inclined Section) 2 2 2 − 1 (36) 4.1 Step 1: Initialization
√ Generate an initial set of individuals that satisfy the given
Fhel (horizontal Section) 2 2 2 − 1 (37) constraints.
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weighted decision matrix is calculated, and the positive and 5.5 Step 5: Separation Distance
negative ideal solutions are determined. Finally, the distances
between each alternative and the ideal alternatives are calcu- The separation distances (S) are calculated using Eqs.
lated, and the alternative with the minimum distance to the (46)–(47).
PIS and the maximum distance to the NIS is selected as the
best alternative. In summary, TOPSIS is a robust and widely n
Si+ (PIS j − Vi j )2 (46)
used decision-making tool that can assist decision-makers in j1
evaluating alternatives in a multi-criterion setting. It provides n
a systematic and structured approach to decision-making, Si− (NIS j − Vi j )2 (47)
which can lead to more informed and rational decisions [73,
74]. TOPSIS method involves the following steps:
The TOPSIS method assigns varying weights to each selec- The drilling equipment utilized in this study was Class
tion criterion based on its degree of importance. The weight N drill pipe, which conforms to the API RP 7G standard,
matrix is multiplied by the normal decision matrix in accor- 16th edition, August 1998, with a nominal weight of 15.7
dance with Eq. (45) to produce the weighted decision matrix. pounds force per foot. This drill pipe has a tensile yield
strength of 2593 kilo newtons and a torsional yield strength
V W j ∗ NDMi j (45) of 206.5 kN.ft.
The primary objective of this case study is to illustrate the
efficacy of the novel method for identifying the optimal well
path that minimizes torque on the drill string and wellbore
5.4 Step 4: Positive and Negative Ideal Solution length while taking into account several different criteria,
such as risk and the number of tools required. The outcomes
Positive ideal solution (PIS) and negative ideal solution (NIS) obtained via this novel method are heavily influenced by the
are defined as follows: weights allocated to each criterion. For instance, in one com-
PIS Minimum of V in each column. pany, the well’s length may be less important compared to
NIS Maximum V in each column. the torque and the likelihood of a keyseat, while in another
16842 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855
Table 1 Limitations of double build trajectory during the design of the Table 3 Undersection trajectory constraints
well path
Variable Minimum Maximum
Variable Minimum Maximum
HD GD 11,500 12,500
HD GF 11,500 12,500 TVD TVDAG 5000 5000
TVDAF 5000 5000 KOP TVDAB 2500 3000
KOP (1) TVDAB 1450 1550 EOB TVDAC 3650 3850
KOP (2) TVDAD 3450 3550 Inclination 20 85.5
EOB1 TVDAC 2150 2350 DLS 0.5 5
EOB2 TVDAE 3800 4000
Inclination (1) 10 40
Inclination (2) 50 85 Table 4 Multiple build trajectory constraints
DLS (1) 0.5 5
Variable Minimum Maximum
DLS (2) 0.5 10
HD GD 11,500 12,500
TVD TVDAG 5000 5000
KOP TVDAB 4000 4500
Table 2 Build and hold trajectory constraints
EOB TVDAC 4900 5000
Variable Minimum Maximum Inclination 89 90
DLS 0.5 10
HD GD 11,500 12,500
TVD TVDAG 5000 5000
KOP TVDAB 1450 1550
6.3 Undersection Trajectory Limitations
EOB TVDAC 2500 2700
Inclination 20 89 As shown in Fig. 14, the undersection trajectory profile is
DLS 0.5 5 presented below.
This study employed a set of constraints for the under-
section trajectory in designing the well path. The specific
constraints used are presented in Table 3.
company, both factors could be equally significant, leading to
varying outcomes. Furthermore, constraints on each trajec-
6.4 Multiple Build Trajectory Limitations
tory vary depending on the region, and an accurate geological
model is required to determine these constraints. In this study,
The multiple build trajectory profile is shown in Fig. 15.
the permissible limits for each trajectory have been consid-
The constraints applied in the well trajectory design of
ered hypothetically and according to the characteristics of
multiple build trajectory are presented in Table 4, as shown
that trajectory.
in Fig. 15.
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855 16843
shorter running time. However, setting it too high may restrict 6.5.2 Mutation Rate
the algorithm from exploring the entire solution space and
instead get stuck in a local optimum point. Figure 16 illus- In this study, another parameter that was examined through
trates that increasing the crossover probability enhances the sensitivity analysis is the mutation rate (Mu). Figure 17
algorithm’s performance, but increasing it beyond a certain demonstrates that an increase in the mutation rate leads to
threshold (0.9) does not result in optimal solutions. There- a wider exploration of the solution space. However, this also
fore, a value of 0.7 was selected for this study. results in longer processing time. Therefore, the mutation
rate was set to 0.2 to balance the search range and processing
16844 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855
6.5.3 Population Size the drill string and the length of the wellbore, while also
taking into account unique constraints associated with each
The study also looked into the impact of population size on trajectory. To obtain the optimal parameters for this multi-
the genetic algorithm’s performance. While a larger popula- objective optimization problem, a sensitivity analysis was
tion can yield better results, it also increases the computa- carried out using a genetic algorithm. The analysis allowed
tional time. Therefore, a population size of 100 was chosen for the identification of optimal parameter settings that can
as a reasonable compromise. Figure 18 illustrates the perfor- deliver accurate results in a shorter time. The obtained opti-
mance of the genetic algorithm across different populations. mal parameters for the algorithm are summarized in Table
Furthermore, the MOGA’s effectiveness under various
7 Results and Discussion
parameters was assessed using statistical measures, includ-
ing spacing metric (SM) and maximum spread (MS). The
As discussed earlier, the optimization of the well path
involves two objective functions, minimizing the torque on
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855 16845
Table 5 Optimum parameters of the algorithm spacing metric, which is a parameter for measuring distribu-
tion based on distance, determines how closely spaced the
Algorithm parameter Optimal value
solutions are. A smaller value of the spacing metric indicates
Crossover probability 0.7 that the solutions are closely positioned, indicating a better
Mutation rate 0.2
distribution of non-dominated solutions. The spacing metric
can be computed using Eq. (49) [19].
Generations 100
16846 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855
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Fig. 19 Influence of crossover probability and mutation rate on the spacing metric of the MOGA
Fig. 20 Impact of crossover probability and mutation rate on the maximum spread metric of the MOGA
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where OFMin
j and OFMax
j are the objective function’s mini-
mum and maximum fitness values, respectively. The function
that measures the degree of membership, χ k , for each non-
dominant solution is mathematically expressed as Eq. (52)
[27, 77].
Fig. 24 Optimum KOP in different trajectories
i1 χ j
χ k
k1 j1 χ kj had the highest torque and the lowest wellbore length. These
findings are presented in Table 9.
Equation 50 defines the normalized membership function Based on the results presented in Fig. 23, it can be con-
χ k for each non-dominant solution. The symbol ND refers cluded that the trajectory with multiple build has the lowest
to the number of non-dominated solutions, while Nobj refers torque, followed by the undersection, double build, and build
to the number of objective functions, which are torque and and hold trajectories, respectively.
length in this case. The optimal solution can be determined As shown in Fig. 24, the trajectory with multiple builds
by selecting the normalized membership function with the has the highest KOP followed by undersection, double build,
highest value of χ k in this process. Table 7 contains the for and build and hold, respectively. Therefore, increasing KOP
Pareto optimal solutions of double build trajectory. leads to a decrease in torque. Accordingly, it can be inferred
As explained earlier, all these answers have equal math- that it is more advantageous to deviate the well in the lower
ematical value. The solution in which both functions are at sections of the wellbore.
their lowest state on average was chosen. As shown in the Figure 25 illustrates that the multiple build trajectory has
table, answer number one has the maximum χ k ; therefore, the longest wellbore length compared to the undersection,
this solution was chosen as the optimal state [27, 78]. This double build, and build and hold trajectories, which have the
process was performed for all trajectories, and the optimal second, third, and fourth longest wellbore lengths, respec-
values of each well path were calculated. Results are pre- tively.
sented in Table 8. The outcomes of the optimization process Based on the findings presented in Fig. 26, it can be
are presented in Table 8, along with the optimization trends. inferred that as the KOP increases, the torque decreases
The optimization results for the four trajectories studied regardless of the well profile. However, it should be noted
here were compared based on the minimum length and torque that this increase in KOP leads to an increase in MD (mea-
obtained. Multiple build trajectory had the lowest torque and sured depth), resulting in longer drilling time and higher
the highest wellbore length, while build and hold trajectory costs, which should be taken into account during well design.
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The multiple build trajectory, on the other hand, has the least account the well angle, as well as accurately determine the
amount of tension at KOP. duration and cost of tool usage. However, even in the absence
The graphical representation in Fig. 29 demonstrates that of such detailed information, the TOPSIS method can still be
unlike tension, torque varies in different parts of the ERD implemented by solely conducting qualitative comparisons
wells. Additionally, the graph indicates that the maximum among trajectories. In this particular case, the paths were
torque in ERD wells is associated with the hold section of the qualitatively assessed based on their requirement for special-
well, highlighting the crucial role of effective hole cleaning ized equipment. Deviation drilling, for instance, necessitates
in such wells. drilling equipment as well as survey tools like measurement
while drilling (MWD) and well deviation equipment such as
whipstock, stabilizer, or motor. Similarly, for multiple build
7.1 Selection of Best Trajectory Using TOPSIS
paths, equipment like agitator and RSS are essential, as high-
lighted by various sources [33–35]. In the case of double build
As previously stated, each trajectory has its own strengths
path, the complexity of the well path calls for the use of an
and weaknesses. Therefore, choosing a well path based on a
agitator to enhance drilling operations [79]. Consequently, a
single criterion is not a recommended practice. The selection
rating of 2 was assigned to the double build and undersec-
of the well path should depend on various criteria, such as
tion trajectories, a rating of 3 for the double build path, and
the torque on the drill string, the length of the wellbore, and
a rating of 4 for the multiple build trajectory to signify the
the risk, particularly the probability of keyseat failure, which
difficulty and challenges associated with each path. Huang
is determined by the tension at the KOP in each trajectory.
et al. (2022) have also presented a method to calculate the
The TOPSIS method exhibits a notable attribute of high flex-
difficulty of each ERD well path [24]. If the relevant infor-
ibility. For instance, when formation properties and drilling
mation is available, this difficulty calculation method can
speed data are accessible, it becomes feasible to accurately
be used with the TOPSIS method to analyze different paths
calculate the drilling speed for each trajectory by taking into
16852 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023) 48:16831–16855
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