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جدي الحبيب

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‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫الحمد لله رب العالمين والصالة والسالم االكمالن االتمان على الركن األعظم أفضل من تقدم و من تأخر و‬
‫على آله و أصحابه الغر الميامين‬
‫ «إن مثل العلماء في األرض‬:‫ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم‬:‫ قال‬،‫عن أنس بن مالك رضي الله عنه‬
‫ فإذا انطمست النجوم أوشك أن تضل الهداة» رواه أحمد‬،‫ يهتدى بها في ظلمات البر والبحر‬،‫كمثل النجوم‬

I have always had the desire to pen down the life of my beloved grandfather and alhamdulillah
with only ability from Allah Ta’alah, today it has become a reality.
I have mentioned below few points from the life of my beloved grandfather with the intention,
that it will InshaAllah benefit and serve as a lesson, example, inspiration and motivation for
myself first, then the entire Ummah , especially the youth and young Ulama of the 21st century.

Born on the 15 December 1944.

He was the 3rd of 13 siblings.
He grew up in old Johannesburg in Doornfontein.
He completed his matric at William Hills in 1962, and worked for 3 years thereafter at a firm.
He was a very good sportsman and played professional football.

His primary maktab education was done by Ml Abdul khaaliq moolla who was the imam at
nugget Street Musjid and the direct student of Ml Madani Rahimahullah.
Through his barakat, he then decided to go and become an aalim.

In 1966 he went to Nadwatul Ulamaa (for a short time) , due to some implications he then went
Darul Uloom Falaah-e-Daarain Tadkeshwar which was still in it beginning stages. He was the
part of the 5th class, the 40th graduate and he was the 1st South African student to graduate.
He graduated in the year 1393 AH (1973).
Thereafter he proceeded for one year jamaat.
He was one of the first South African graduates to go for 1 year jamaat from the Nizaamuddeen
markaz. Many of the old workers were still alive at that time including Mianjee Mehrab, Mianjee
Eesa and Qari Siddiq Rahimahullah.

When the first ijtimaa took place in 1975, in South Africa, he traveled the whole of SA with
Kernal Ameerudeen Rahimahullah in which they made 500 nikaahs of Muslim ladies married to
non Muslims.

After that one year jamaat, he got married.

He then served the communities of Potchefstroom , Laudium, Roorderport, Roshnee and

eventually settled in Lenasia where he served the LMA institute for 25 years.

In 2001 he started a madrassah (for children and ladies) and feeding scheme for the indigenous
people in Lawley where over 1000 people accepted Islam at his hands.
At one stage he looked after 100 families himself.
He never believed in delegating work to people, he would do everything himself. If he needed
funds, he would go himself, buy what he wanted and give it out himself. He had a personal
contact with each family.

After he passed on, the people of Lawley said, he was like a father to them.

He always made mashwera with his elders.

He first took bayat to Ml Zakariyya Rahimahullah and he spent quite a few ramdhaans with him
as well, the last one being when Hazrat Shiekh was in Stanger.
After Hazrat Shaikh passed away he took bayat to Mufti Mahmood Rahimahullah , then to Ml
Asad Madani Rahimahullah. All of them praised the work that he was doing.

He was the first collector for Radio Islam, he used to go shop to shop and collect for them.

He faced many trials and tribulations. His mother would say, if there was any calamity she was
always afraid it would befall him.

Him and his wife were shot (he was shot in the head and his wife was shot in the stomach whilst
she was standing at the stove) and his wife became a Shaheed at a very young age. (1992)

(Shooting in evaton as well as quite a few accidents.)

Despite all of that, he was always moving and he never allowed these things to take him away
from his focus of spreading Deen.

His passion was teaching, wherever he got a chance he was always prepared to help and teach

Humbleness, seeing to guests, seeing to everyone's wellbeing were some of his outstanding
He would not turn anyone away. He had a house shop in Lenasia and he would help anyone at
whatever time.

He taught us and made sure that our wudhu was not hurriedly done and that every part was still
wet when wudhu was completed.

He placed great emphasis and elaborated a lot on istinjaa, istibraa, paak and napaak.

He was extremely punctual and particular with salaah to the extent where he would never miss
a Sunnat salaah. He would get very angry if the Sunnat salaah was delayed or missed. And he
instilled this quality into all of his children. Even after his children were married, he would
enquire if they were punctual on their salaah, and would ask if they had any Qadha salaah or
His home was always filled with story telling of the ambiyaa, sahabah and our pious
Predecessors and listening to cassettes of the the urdu bayaans of our Ulama.
He spent quality time with his children and grandchildren in this way and always encouraged
and motivated us to excel in all aspects of our life.

He loved entertaining his grandchildren, playing with them and spending time with them.

Dhikar and Tilaawat of Quraan were his companions.

He would never miss his dhikar. He always had a tasbeeh in his hand. Whether he was driving
or at a function or even playing with his grandchildren he would never miss it. He had different
adhkaars for different times of the day, which he always ensured that he completed it, with

He encouraged us to be punctual and keep the company of the pious.

Once when Mufti Mahmud Saheb Rahimahullah was invited to his house, when he came, Mufti
Saheb gave my grandfather one advice and said,
"Your house must reflect the Dhikar of Allah Ta’alah,
Because the walls will bear testimony to your dhikar."

And many Ulama have beared testimony that his house reflected the dhikar of Allah.

When he was appointed head of section at LMA, he kept the entire section together.

All the children he taught were attached to him.

He had a unique style of teaching and captured the attention of all his students.

He would always say,

"Make qadar of these children, they are coming to you without you going to look for them."

He discouraged and ingrained in us that taking photographs was haraam as well as participating
in mixed gatherings. He made amal on this and would walk out of any gathering of this type
even if it was his own brother.

He taught us the valuable quality of ikraam, not only by teaching but by practicing himself.

He never ever hesitated to state and speak out if something was Haq.

He was a very straightforward person. He could never take a person who lies. He was a man of
If he saw something against shariah, he told you exactly how it was. This was the principle
which he based his entire life on.
He taught us the valuable lesson that when serving Deen it should be only for Allah Ta’alah.

When he lost his wife, he filled the shoes of a mother and father most perfectly and beautifully, it
was no easy responsibility. He would wake up early to make breakfast for his children and their
No matter what test and difficulty came his way, he never gave up and exercised only sabar.
His children were taught at those moments to place their trust in Allah and use every means to
get closer to Allah.
From a young age, his children and grandchildren had to dress according to the proper Islamic
teachings and alhamdulillah today it has become a part of our lives.
He emphasized on making amal on Sunnah, Sunnats like sitting and drinking, covering your hair
whilst eating, eating with the right hand, became a nature, not forgetting that it must be done
because it's Sunnat and not just a habit.

All of his children say, whenever they were going through difficulty or facing challenges, just by
looking at him and speaking to him gave them the motivation to continue.

We miss him especially for our Deen, as my esteemed grandfather was our link to Allah Ta’alah
and our aakhirat.

The quality of Taqwa was something that Allah Ta'ala had blessed him with in every aspect of
his life. Whether it be with regards to his relationship with Allah Ta’ala in the form or ‫ أعمال‬or
relations with people. It seemed as if it was part of his nature.
Obviously a lot of Qurbaani, effort and Duaa was made his entire life that Allah blessed him with
this quality.

There are many instances where he preferred and chose to make Allah and His Nabi ‫صلى الله‬
‫ عليه وسلم‬happy over his own desires or despite pressure from family members to do otherwise.

He would often mention in a crying tone, that he has to answer to Allah with regards to the flock
of sheep (his family) that Allah has asked him to look after.

He would always encourage his children to make duaa to Allah, and ask Allah to open their
heart and that Allah blesses them with the quality of the fear of Allah.

On a daily basis after Fajar Salaah, he would beg Allah for Ikhlaas, istikhlaas and istiqaamat.

He worried a lot that if Allah had accepted his actions.

He did not like wastage.

If there was no one in a room, the lights had to be switched off.
No wasting water, everyone had to take a short shower and the taps had to be opened slowly
for wudhu and there was no waste of food.
Every night before he went to sleep, he himself would walk around the entire house and cover
and put away anything which had eyes.

When he used to wake up for Fajar in winter, he would fill the toilet jug with hot water, the
bathroom had hot water, so you didn't have to wait for hot water and the heaters used to be
switched on.

Every night he'd spend some time with his kitaabs doing research, he always had a kitaab by
his bedside and we were always part of what he was reading.

Humility was prominent in his life.

He mixed with all classes of society.

He gave lots of importance to family ties, and had a lot of fikar for it.

He was considerate of every single person.

He was a very unique, dedicated and committed person.

He never chased the Dunya, it didn't matter to him at all.

He used to say,
"There's no happiness and contentment in today's life, where fitnas are lashing at us except in
total obedience to Allah and practicing the Sunnah of Nabi ‫ صلي الله عليه وسلم‬in totality."

5 weeks before he passed away, he was in Baragwanath hospital for 3 weeks. When he finally
came home, he cried to his children and said that he didn't like being in hospital because his
satar was exposed but he understood why Allah Ta’alah took him to the hospital. When he used
to go to the bathroom, on his way going and returning, he used to go look and find Muslim
patients, give dawat to them and read the kalima for all those who never had anyone to.

Remembering his last few weeks in the world with us, in spite of the extreme pain and difficulty
he was in, he was allowed no pain killers at all, where he could not speak and was not aware of
his surroundings, he would take the name of Allah loud and clear and the only thing he uttered
was astaghfirullah and Taubah only begging Allah to forgive him in urdu. This continued for a
total of 5 weeks. (he never spoke a word of English in those 5 weeks)

Never diagnosed that he had cancer whilst in hospital. Only found out 4 days before he passed

The evening before he passed away, we heard him mentioning, oh Allah my amaanats, I entrust
them to you in urdu.
His soul left us on the 2nd Muharram 1433 AH, whilst his son-in-law recited the verse ‫سالم قوال‬
‫ من رب رحيم‬at his side.
‫انا لله وانا اليه راجعون‬
‫إن لله ما أخذ و له ما أعطي و كل شيء عنده بأجل مسمى‬

He did not leave a single cent for his ‫ورثاء‬, rather he left for them for them the knowledge of

Shortly after he passed away, my beloved mother had seen him in a dream, where he directed
her to a beautiful garden and said to her whilst changing her direction,
"This is the life I have brought you up upon and in this will be your success."

A unique aspect of his Qabr, is a constantly blooming white rose tree and recently a tree with
citrus fruit (indication to the hadeeth, where Nabi ‫ صلي الله عليه وسلم‬mentioned, that the mu'min
who recites the Quraan Shareef is like that of a Citron ‫)والله اعلم‬.

‫ال دار للـمرء بعــد المـوت يسكنـها‬

‫إال التي كان قبل المـوت بانيـــها‬
‫فان بنـاها بخـير طـاب مسـكـنه‬
‫و أن بنـاهـا بشــــر خـــاب بانيـــــها‬

.‫اللهم اغفر له وارحمه وعافيه واعف عنه وأكرم نزله ووسع مدخله يا رب العالمين‬

May Allah Ta’ala accept this insignificant piece of writing through the ‫ وسيلة‬of our Habeeb ‫صلي‬
‫ الله عليه وسلم‬and the Sadqah of all our pious elders.
.‫يا رب صل وسلم دائما أبدا على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم‬


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