Le4a - Introduction To Dams & Reservoirs

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Dr. Mustajab Ali

Department of Civil Engineering
Mirpur University of Science and Technology
◼ Dams
 Introduction to dams and their classification
 Spillways, outlets and Ancillary works
 Types of storage Dams and Forces of dams
 Design of Gravity Dam

◼ Reservoirs
 Introductionto reservoirs and their functions
 Reservoir capacity estimations
 Regulation of storage reservoirs
 Reservoir sedimentation and remedial measures

Reference Books:
◼ Fluid Mechanics with Engineering applications
 By: Roberts L. Duagherty, Joseph B. Franzini, E. John
◼ Hydraulic Structures
 By: Novak, P., Moffat, I.B. and Nalluri
◼ Open Channel Hydraulics
 By: Ven Te Chow
◼ Irrigation and Hydraulic Structures, Theory Design
and Practice
 Prof Dr Iqbal Ali (2013 edition)
How we get water? (Oki and Kanae, 2006)

Water is a vital resource to support all forms of life on earth.

What is a dam?
◼ A dam is a barrier built across a stream, river or estuary
to hold and control the flow of water for uses such as
drinking water supplies, irrigation, flood control and
hydropower generation etc.
What is a dam?
Benefits of Dams
◼ The benefits of dams are usually to the
advantage of humans. They may include:
▪ Irrigation
▪ Hydro-electric production
▪ Flood control
▪ Recreational opportunities
▪ Navigation
▪ Industrial and Domestic water supply
▪ Aeration of water
◼ For animals the benefits may include:
• Larger numbers of fish and birds in the reservoir
• Greater habitat diversity
Purpose Distribution of Dams
What about Pakistan?
0.60% 5.40%
5.30% Irrigation


10.00% Water Supply

48.60% Flood Control


Navigation and
17.40% Fishing


Source: International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)

Disadvantages of dams
▪ Impacts on Environmental and Ecosystem of the area
▪ Loss of land followed by huge displacement of people
and other living beings.
▪ Changes in temperature and flow/sediment transport in
the river downstream from the dam
▪ Loss of flowing water habitat and replacement with
standing water (reservoir) habitat
▪ Interruption of animal movements along the course of
the river
▪ Reduction in the delivery of river nutrients to downstream
section of the river because of entrapment by the
▪ The loss of the floodplain habitat and connectivity
between the river and bordering habitats upland
Classification of dams:
Dams are classified on several aspects, some of the
important aspects are as follow:
1) Based on Hydraulic Design:
➢ Over flow dams (e.g. concrete dams)
➢ Non over flow dams (e.g. embankment dams)
2) Based on Structural Design:
➢ Gravity dams
➢ Arch dams
➢ Buttress dams
3) Based on Usage of Dam:
➢ Storage dams
➢ Diversion dams
➢ Detention dams
Classification of dams:
4) Based on Construction Material:
➢ Concrete / Masonry dams
➢ Earth fill dams
➢ Rock fill dams
➢ Earth and rock fill dams
➢ Concrete faced rock fill dams (CFRD)
5) Based on Capacity:
➢ Small dams
➢ Medium dams
➢ Large dams (capacity= 1million cubic meter)
Types of Dams

Embankment dam
Gravity dam

Buttress dam Arch dam

Mangla dam
Proposed appraisal design
Construction work on Jari dam
Panoramic Views of Dams

Tarbela Dam: Earth and Rockfill Dam Warsak Dam: Gravity dam

Mangla Dam: Earthfill

Panoramic Views of Dams

Gordon Dam: Arch Dam Hoover Dam: Arch Dam

Panoramic Views of Dams

Hume Dam: Buttress dam Coolidge Dam: Buttress dam

Le Prele Dam: Buttress dam Itaipu Dam: Buttress dam

Selection of dam Type:
The choice of dam is decided upon by examining foundation conditions,
load strains, temperature and pressure changes, chemical
characteristics of ground water and possible seismic activity.
The followings important factors are considered for the selection of type
of dams:
1) Topography
2) Geology and nature of foundation
➢ Bearing capacity of the underlying soil
➢ Foundation settlements

➢ Permeability of the foundation soil

➢ Foundation excavation

3) Hydraulic Gradient
4) Availability of construction materials
5) Economics
Selection of dam Type:
6) Spillway location
7) Safety considerations
8) Earthquake zones
9) Purpose of dam
10) Aesthetic considerations
11) Life of the Dam

The optimum type of dam for a specific site is

determined by estimates of cost and construction
programme for all design solutions which are
technically valid.
Site selection of a dam:
Following are the important factors considered for the selection of site
for a dam:

1) Catchment characteristics
2) Length of dam
3) Height of dam
4) Foundation conditions
5) Availability of suitable Spillway location
6) Availability of suitable construction materials
7) Storage capacity
8) Construction and maintenance cost
9) Access to the site
10) Options for diversion of river during construction
Site selection of a dam:
Following the important factors considered for the selection of site for a

11) Compensation cost for property and land

12) Quality of water
13) Sediment transport
14) Environmental conditions
Stages for Dam Site Appraisal
The Principal stages involved in site appraisal and
leading to selection of the optimum dam site and type of
dam for a major project are shown in indicated schematic
Stages for Dam Site Appraisal
Types of Storage Dams
Reservoirs are readily classified in accordance with their primary
purpose, e.g. irrigation, water supply, hydroelectric power
generation, flood control etc. Dams are of numerous types and
type classification is sometimes less clearly defined. An initial
broad classification into generic groups can be made in terms of
the principal of construction material employed:
✓ Embankment Dams: Constructed of earth-fill and/or rock-fill.
Upstream and downstream face slopes are similar and of
moderate angle, giving a wide selection and high construction
volume relative to height.
✓ Gravity Dams: Constructed of mass concrete. Face slopes are
dissimilar, generally steep downstream and near vertical upstream
and dams have relatively slender profiles depending upon type

Note: Embankment dams are numerically dominant for technical

and economical reasons, and account for over 85-90% of all dams
Types of Storage Dams
◼ Embankment Dams ◼ Concrete Dams
Gravity Dam
 Earth-fill Dam These dams resist the horizontal thrust
of the water entirely by their own
These, also called earthen, rolled- weight. These are typically used to
earth or simply earth dams, are block streams through narrow gorges.
constructed as a simple
embankment of well compacted Buttress Dam
earth. In these dams, the face is held up by a
series of supports. It can take many
forms -- the face may be flat or curved.
 Rock-fill Dam
These are embankments of
compacted free-draining granular Arch Dam
Cupola or Double Arch
earth with an impervious zone. The
It is a curved dam which is dependent
earth utilized often contains a large upon arch action for its strength. Arch
percentage of large particles hence dams are thinner and therefore require
the term rock-fill is used. less material than any other type of
Types of Storage Dams

Embankment dam
Gravity dam

Buttress dam Arch dam

Large Dams: World Register Statistics (ICOLD 1998)
ICOLD= International Commission of Large Dams

Group Type ICOLD* Code %

Embankment Earth Fill TE 82.9
Dam Rock Fill ER
Concrete Gravity PG 11.3
Dams Arch VA 4.4
Masonry dams Buttress CB 1.0
Multiple MV 0.4
Total Large 41413

ICOLD defines large dams as dams exceeding 15 m in height or in case

of dams of 10-15 m, satisfying one certain criteria e.g a storage volume
in excess of 1x106 m3 or a flood discharge capacity of over 2000 m 3/s
Large Dams: World Register Statistics (ICOLD 2000)
Merits & Demerits of Embankment Dams
◼ Merits:
◼ It may be equally suitable at sites in wide valleys and relatively
steep-sided gorges.
◼ Its adaptability to a broad range of foundation conditions, ranging
from competent rock to soft and compressible or relatively pervious
soil foundations.
◼ The use of natural material, minimizing the need to import or
transport large quantities of processed materials or cement to the
◼ Subject to satisfying essential design criteria, the embankment
design is extremely flexible in its ability to accommodate different fill
materials, e.g earth-fills and/or rock-fills if suitably zoned internally
◼ The construction process is highly mechanized and is effectively
◼ Unit cost of earth-fill and rock-fill i.e cost per m3 is lower compared
with the concrete dams.
Merits & Demerits of Embankment Dams
◼ Demerits:
◼ Inherent great susceptibility to damage or destruction by
overtopping, with a consequent need to ensure adequate flood
relief and separate spillways.
◼ Vulnerable to concealed leakage and internal erosion in dam or
Merits & Demerits of Concrete Dams
◼ Merits:
◼ Concrete dams are suitable to the site topography of wide or
narrow valleys alike, provided that a competent rock foundation is
available at shallow depth.
◼ Concrete dams are not sensitive to overtopping even under
extreme flood conditions.
◼ Can accommodate a crest spillway, if necessary over entire length,
provided that steps are taken to control downstream erosion and
possible undermining of the dam.
◼ Outlet pipe work, valves, and other ancillary works are readily and
safely housed in chambers or galleries within the dam body.
◼ The inherent stability to withstand seismic disturbance without
catastrophic collapse is generally high.
Merits & Demerits of Concrete Dams
◼ Demerits:
◼ Concrete dams are relatively demanding with respect to
foundation conditions, requiring sound rock.
◼ Concrete dams require processed natural material of
suitable quality and quantity for aggregate and the
importation to site and storage of bulk cement and other
◼ Traditional mass concrete construction is labor intensive
and relatively discontinuous and require certain skills
e.g. formwork, concreting etc.
◼ Complete unit cost for concrete dams, i.e. cost per m3 is
relatively higher compared with the embankment dams.
This is seldom counter-balanced by the much lower
volumes of concrete required in a dam of given height.
Pros and Cons of Earthfill and Rockfill Dams
◼ Pros: ◼ Cons:
◼ Raising is possible ◼ Damaged by heavy rainfall,
◼ Adoptability in seismic zone floods & overflow
◼ Economical ◼ Maintenance cost is high
◼ Can be Built on any ◼ Silt problems are relative
foundation type more
◼ Relatively Easy availability of ◼ Sudden failure of dam
Material ◼ Not suitable for narrow
◼ Less skilled labor is needed gorges
◼ Rapid speed of construction ◼ Cannot be constructed for
due to recent development large height
◼ Very regular supervision
and instrumentation is
needed to study behavior of
Pros and Cons of Gravity Dam
◼ Pros: ◼ Cons:
◼ Suitable for ◼ Stable and strong
 narrow gorges with steep foundation is required
side slopes,
◼ Availability of construction
 areas with heavy rainfall
material and skilled labor
 Overflow conditions
◼ Can be built to any height ◼ Raising of dam is difficult
provided that foundation is ◼ Not recommended in
stable and strong. seismic zones
◼ Low maintenance cost
◼ Cost can be reduced by
reducing the thickness of
◼ Outlets can be provided at
various elevations
◼ Failure is not sudden
Pros and Cons of Buttress Dam
◼ Pros: ◼ Cons:
◼ Lesser concrete is needed ◼ Reduced stability against
which make it economical lateral thrust and
◼ Structurally stable especially earthquakes
against sliding, Lesser
pressure on foundation & ◼ Rich mix of concrete,
lesser uplift pressure reinforcement and formwork
◼ Can be built on permeable ◼ More susceptible to damage
foundation and failure under military
◼ Powerhouse can be attacks.
accommodated within space ◼ Highly skilled labor needed
of buttresses
◼ Sensitive to deterioration of
◼ Future extension is possible concrete
◼ Maintenance cost is low
◼ Closer supervision is
◼ Speed construction needed.
◼ Lesser problems of
Pros and Cons of Arch Dam
◼ Pros: ◼ Cons:
◼ Suitable for narrow gorges ◼ Highly skilled labor needed
with lesser base width ◼ Good quality formwork is
◼ Structurally stable, Problem required
of uplift is less ◼ Low speed of construction
Spillways, Outlets and Ancillary
Spillways, Outlets and Ancillary Works
Spillways, Outlets and Ancillary Works
How are dams used?
▪ Dams contain outlets that allow enough water to pass
through for irrigation, water supply or power
▪ They may include special gates with stepped pools,
locks or fish ladders for the upstream or downstream
passage of migratory fish.
▪ The sluices or gates drain silt, which accumulates
behind the dam. If not drained, additional pressure can
occur and fill up the reservoir.
▪ Spillways discharge excess amount of water due to
rain or landslides and this water is diverted alongside
the dam.
Spillways, Outlets and Ancillary Works

❑ Dams require certain ancillary structures and facilities to

enable them to discharge their operational function safely
and effectively.
❑ In particular, adequate provision must be made for the
safe passage of extreme floods and for controlled draw-
off and discharge of water in fulfillment of the purpose of
the reservoir.
❑ Spillways, outlets and ancillary facilities are incorporated
as necessary for the purpose of the dam and appropriate
to its type.

Ancillary works includes construction of spillways, stilling

basins, culverts or tunnels for outlet works, valve towers etc. it
also include crest details e.g., roadway, drainage works, wave
walls etc.
Spillways, Outlets and Ancillary Works

❑ Spillways:
❑ The purpose of spillway is to pass flood water
safely downstream when the reservoir is full.

It has two principle components

❑ Spillweir
❑ Spillway Channel (Its purpose is to conduct flood
flow safely downstream of dam)

The Spillways can be

❑ Uncontrolled (Normally)
❑ Controlled
❑Note: Concrete dams normally incorporate an overfill or crest
spillway, but embankment dams generally require a separate side-
channel or shaft spillway structure located adjacent to the dam.
Required Capacity (Max. Outflow Rate
through the spillway)

1. Spillway design flood (inflow hydrograph to

2. Discharge capacity of the outlet works
3. Available storage

*All depend on type of dam, location, &

consequences of failure
Spillways, Outlets and Ancillary Works

Types of Spillways

a. Overflow spillways

b. Chute spillways

c. Side-channel spillways

d. Shaft spillways

e. Siphon spillways

f. Service & Emergency spillways

Acknowledgment: Some text and pictures are taken from the lecture notes of
Clayton J. Clark II (Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering, Gainesville,
Florida) http://www.ce.ufl.edu/~clark/
section of a dam that allows water to pass over its crest

widely used on gravity, arch, & buttress dam

formed by spillways that flow over a crest into a steep-sloped open
*chute width is often constant:
-narrowed for economy
-widened to decrease discharge velocity

Auxiliary Spillway of Tarbela Dam Service Spillway of Tarbela Dam

spillway in which flow, after passing over the crest, is carried away in
a channel running parallel to the crest

* used in narrow canyons in which there is sufficient crest length

for overflow or chute is available

Burrinjuck Dam on the Murrumbidgee River near

water drops through a vertical shaft in a the foundation material to
a horizontal conduit that conveys the water past the dam

*often used where there is not room enough for other spillways

*possible clogging with debris a potential problem; screens and trash

racks protect inlet

Shaft spillway at Ladybower Reservoir

air vent used automatically maintain the water-surface elevation
large capacity not needed, good for limited space

* At low flow: it acts like an overflow spillway

* At high flow: the siphon action removes the water thru the
until reservoir drops to the elevation at the upper lip ofentrance

Typical Siphon Spillway Siphon Principle

Service and Emergency Spillways

-extra spillways provided on a project in rare case of extreme

floods (emergency)
-used to convey frequently occurring outflow rates (service)

Submerged Orifice type Spillway at Mangla Dam

Spillway, Outlets and Ancillary Works

❑ Outlet Works:
❑ Controlled outlets are required to permit water to be drawn off as
is operationally necessary.
❑ Provision must be made to accommodate the required
penstocks and pipe works with their associated control gates or

❑ Readily accommodated in body of gravity dams

❑ Provided external control structure or valve tower in embankment

❑ A bottom discharge facility, of reasonably high capacity, is provided

in most of dams to provide additional measure of control and to
allow emptying of reservoir.
Spillways, Outlets and Ancillary Works
❑ River Diversion:
❑ Necessary to permit construction to proceed in dry conditions
❑ An outlet tunnel may be adapted to this purpose during
construction and subsequently employed as a discharge facility
for the completed dam.
❑ Alternate of such tunnels can be cofferdams.

❑ Cut-offs:
❑ Used to control seepage around and under the flank of dams.
❑ Embankment cut-offs are generally formed by
❑ Wide trenches backfilled with rolled clay,

❑ Grouting to greater depths

❑ Grout Screen cut-offs in rock foundations
Spillways, Outlets and Ancillary Works

❑ Internal Drainage:

❑ Seepage is always present within the body of dam. Seepage

flows and their resultant internal pressures must be directed and
❑ In embankment dams, seepage is effected by suitably located
pervious zones leading to horizontal blanket drains or outlets at
base level
❑ In concrete dams vertical drains are formed inside the upstream
face, and seepage is relieved into an internal gallery or outlet
❑ In arch dams, seepage pressure in rock abutments are
frequently drained by purpose built system of drainage adits
Seepage Control in Concrete Dams

The tunnels inside the dam for control of seepage and

monitoring structural stability
Spillways, Outlets and Ancillary Works

❑ Internal Galleries and Shafts

❑ Galleries and shafts are provided as means of allowing internal

inspection, particularly in concrete dams.

❑ These can be used to accommodate structural monitoring and

surveillance purpose.
Internal Gallery in Concrete Dams

Internal gallery at concrete-gravity dam inspected by

Forces on Dams

◼ Primary Loads: are identified as those of major importance to all

dams irrespective of type, e.g. water and related seepage loads and
self weight loads

◼ Secondary Loads: are universally applicable although of lesser

magnitude or alternatively are of major importance only to certain
type of dams (e.g. thermal effects within concrete dams)

◼ Exceptional Load: are so designated on the basis of limited

general applicability or having a low probability of occurrence. (e.g.
tectonic effects, or the inertial loads associated with seismic activity)
Forces on Dams
◼ Primary Loads: are identified as those of major importance to all
dams irrespective of type, e.g. water and related seepage loads and
self weight load.
◼ (a): Water Load: Hydrostatic distribution of pressure with
horizontal resultant force.

◼ (b): Self Weight load: Determined w.r.t. an appropriate unit

weight for the material. For simple elastic analysis the resultant is
considered to operate through the center of the section.

◼ (c): Seepage Loads: Equilibrium seepage patterns will

establish within and under the dam, e.g. in pores and discontinuities,
with resultant vertical loads identified as internal and external uplift
Forces on Dams
◼ Secondary Loads: are universally applicable although of lesser
magnitude or alternatively are of major importance only to certain type of
dams (e.g. thermal effects within concrete dams)
◼ (a): Sediment load: Accumulated silt etc. generate a horizontal thrust,
considered as an equivalent additional hydrostatic load with horizontal
◼ (b): Hydrodynamic wave load: Transient load generated by wave
action against the dam. (not normally significant)
◼ (c): Ice Load: Ice thrust may be significant in more extreme climatic
conditions. (not normally significant)
◼ (d): Thermal Load: (concrete dams), Internal, generated by difference
associated with changes in ambient temperatures and with cement
hydration and cooling.
◼ (e): Interactive effect: Internal, arising from relative stiffness and
differential deformations of dam and foundation.
◼ (f): Abutment hydrostatic load: internal seepage load in abutment
rock mass ( This is of particular concern to arch and cupola dams)
Forces on Dams
◼ Exceptional Load: are so designated on the basis of limited
general applicability or having a low probability of occurrence. (e.g.
tectonic effects, or the inertial loads associated with seismic activity)

◼ (a): Seismic Load: Horizontal and vertical inertia loads are

generated with respect to dam and the retained water by seismic

◼ (b): Tectonic Loads: Saturation, or disturbance following deep

excavation in rock, may generate loading as result of slow tectonic
Combination of Loads
◼ A dam is designed for the most adverse combinations of loads as
they have reasonable probability of simultaneous occurrence.

◼ For construction conditions: dam is completed, reservoir is

empty, no tail water
i. With earthquake forces
ii. Without earthquake forces
◼ For normal operating conditions; reservoir full, normal tail water
conditions, normal uplifts and silt load
i. With earthquake forces
ii. Without earthquake forces
◼ For flood discharge conditions: reservoir at max flood level, all
spillway gates open, tail water at flood levels, normal uplifts and silt
Safety Criteria
◼ Safety against Overturning. W= weight of dam
 Stabilizing Moment u= uplift force
 Overturning Moment
Φ= coefficient of internal friction
◼ Safety against Sliding tanΦ= 0.8 (For concrete: USBR)
 (W − u ) tan 
P= Horizontal Force
FOS = f= Allowable stress in concrete
◼ Safety against Crushing
W  6e  W  6e 
Pmax = 1 +  Pmin = 1 − 
B  B B  B

f = 25 − 30kg / cm 2

◼ Safety against Tension

Dams are not designed to take
any tension load.
Numerical problem:
◼ A concrete gravity dam has the following
▪ Max water level = 305 m
▪ Bed level of river = 225 m
▪ Crest level = 309 m
▪ D/S face slope starts at 300 m
▪ D/S Slope= 2:3
▪ C/L of drainage galleries at 8m d/s of u/s face
▪ Uplift pressures:
at Heal = 100 %
at Toe = 0%
at drainage gallery = 50 %
Numerical problem:
▪ Density of concrete = 2400 kg/m3 (mtons/m3)
▪ No tail water
▪ Consider self weight, hydrostatic pressure and uplift
◼ Calculate:
▪ Max. vertical stresses at heal and toe of the dam.
▪ Major principal stress at toe of dam and intensity of
shear stress on horizontal plane near the toe.
▪ Check the stability of dam for the given conditions
Numerical problem:
309 m

W.L 305 m

300 m

α 2

B.L. 225 m
Solution 12m

Determine width of crest, Wc=? 309 m

W.L 305 m
Wc = Height of Dam 300 m
Wc = 309 − 225 = 84
80m α 2
= 9.16  12 P 8m

W1 W2
B.L. 225 m
Determine the weight of Dam
W 1 = 12  84  2400 / 1000 1/3*80=26.67m
= 2419.2 tons 12m 50m

Acting 56m from toe heal 56m

W 2 =  75  50  2400 / 1000 33.33m
= 4500 tons
Acting 33.33m from toe
Determine the hydrostatic pressure

P =  wh2 / 2 309 m

= 1 (305 − 225)

1 2 W.L 305 m
300 m
2 84m
= 3200 tons 80m α 2
Acting 26.67m from BL in P 8m 75m
horizontal direction W1
B.L. 225 m W2
 w = 1000kg / m 3 = 1 mton / m 3 1/3*80=26.67m
12m 50m
heal 56m

Determine the uplift pressure

The uplift pressure without drainage 12m

galleries is represented by dash line. 309 m
However, the drainage galleries
control the pressure distribution and W.L 305 m
in present problem, the uplift 300 m
pressure at drainage gallery is given 84m
as 50% of total uplift pressure h=80m α 2
The uplift pressure at the heal is P 8m 75m
taken equal to heal of water. i.e., γwh W1 W2
γwx80 B.L. 225 m
While at the drainage gallery it is
50% of γwx80. i.e., γwx40 1/3*80=26.67m
And at the toe it becomes zero as heal toe
12m 50m
there is no tail water.

100%=γwh 50%=0.5γwh
h=80m With drainage
Without drainage galleries
Determine the uplift forces
309 m
U 1 = 0.5 w h  8
W.L 305 m
= 0.5 1 80  8 = 320 ton 300 m
Acting 58m from toe 84m

U 2 = 0.5(0.5 w h ) 8
80m α 2
P 8m 75m
= 0.5(0.5 1 80 ) 8 = 160 ton W1
B.L. 225 m W2
Acting 59.33m from toe

U 3 = 0.5(0.5 w h ) (50 + 4 ) 1/3*80=26.67m

= 0.5(0.5 1 80 ) 54 = 1080 ton
heal 12m 50m

Acting 36m from toe U1 U3

100%=γwh 58 m

Net uplift forces 50%=0.5γwh

U = U1 + U 2 + U 3 U2 36 m

= 320 + 160 + 1080 = 1560 ton 59.33 m

Determine the eccentricity and position of resultant
309 m
e = − x , where, x =
2 V W.L 305 m
300 m
B is the based width of dam=62m 84m

V = Total vertical forces 80m α 2

P 8m
= W 1 + W 2-U
= 4500-2419.2-1560 B.L. 225 m W2

= 5359.2 ton
 M = Total moment at toe heal toe
12m 50m
= W 1 56 + W 2  33.33
-U 1 58 − U 2  59.33 − U 3  36 100%=γwh U1 U3
− P  26.67 58 m
= 133183.4 ton − m
position of resultant U2 36 m

133183.4 59.33 m
x= = 24.85m
Determine the eccentricity and position of resultant
309 m
e = − x , where, x =
2 V W.L 305 m
300 m
133183.4 84m
x= = 24.85m
5359.2 80m α 2
B 62 75m
e= −x = − 24.85 P 8m
2 2
= 6.15m e  B/6 B.L. 225 m W2
6 6 1/3*80=26.67m
e heal toe
12m 50m
3 = 10.33m
3 3 100%=γwh U1 U3
58 m
If e  B / 6 tension will develop !
Dam is unsafe again tension.
Size (width) of dam can be U2 36 m
increased to enhance stability
59.33 m
Note: The resultant must pass through the middle third
Determine the stress at toe and heal of dam
309 m
Normal shear stress at toe
W.L 305 m
Pmax =
 V  6e 
1 +  300 m
B  B 84m
5359.2  6 * 6.15  80m α 2
= 1 +  3
62  62  P 8m

= 137.89ton / m 2 B.L. 225 m

W1 W2
Normal shear stress at heal

Pmin =
V 1 − 6e  1/3*80=26.67m
B  B heal 12m 50m
5359.2  6 * 6.15 
= 1 −  100%=γwh U1 U3
62  62  58 m
= 34.99ton / m 2 50%=0.5γwh
Allowable stress=25 kg/cm2 U2 36 m
=250 ton/m2
59.33 m
Therefore, dam is safe against tension and compression
Determine the Principal stress
309 m
Principal Stress
= Pn sec 2  − P tan 2  W.L 305 m
300 m
Pn = Normal stress at toe 80m α 2
P = P 8m 75m
Normal stress at toe due to
tail water=0 W1 W2
B.L. 225 m
Principal Stress
= Pn sec  − P tan 
2 2
= 137.89 1.44 = 199.16ton / m 2

Intensity of shear stress at toe

= (Pn − P) tan 2 
= 137.89  (2 / 3) 2 = 61.28ton / m 2
sec 2  = 1 + tan 2 
Determine Stability against sliding of dam
309 m

(W − U ) tan   V W.L 305 m

FOS = =
P H 84m
300 m

where,  = tan   0.8 80m α 2

FOS = 0.8  5359.2 / 3200 P 8m 75m
FOS = 1.3  1 W1
B.L. 225 m W2
It ranges from 1.0~3
Dam is safe against sliding
heal toe

Determine Stability against Overturning
309 m

W.L 305 m
Stabilizing moment 300 m
FOS = 84m
Overturning moment
80m α 2
P 8m 75m

W1 W2
B.L. 225 m

Taking moment at toe of dam
heal toe
12m 50m
W 1 56 + W 2  33.33
U 1 59.33 + U 2  59.33 + U 3  36 + P  26.67 U1 U3
FOS = 1.87  1.5 58 m
It ranges from 1.5~2.5

Dam is safe against sliding U2 36 m

59.33 m
What is a Reservoir?
▪ It is an area developed by water body due to
construction of dam.

Tarbela Dam JungHua Dam (Taiwan)

Classification of Reservoirs?
◼ Storage Reservoirs: Storage reservoirs are also called
conservation reservoirs because they are used to
conserve water. Storage reservoirs are constructed to
store the water in the rainy season and to release it later
when the river flow is low
◼ Flood Control Reservoirs: A flood control reservoir is
constructed for the purpose of flood control. It protects
the areas lying on its downstream side from the
damages due to flood.
◼ Retarding Reservoirs: A retarding reservoir is provided
with spillways and sluiceways which are ungated. The
retarding reservoir stores a portion of the flood when the flood is
rising and releases it later when the flood is receding.
Classification of Reservoirs?
◼ Detention Reservoirs : A detention reservoir stores excess
water during floods and releases it after the flood. It is similar to a
storage reservoir but is provided with large gated spillways and
sluiceways to permit flexibility of operation.
◼ Distribution Reservoirs: A distribution reservoir is a small
storage reservoir to tide over the peak demand of water for
municipal water supply or irrigation. The distribution reservoir is
helpful in permitting the pumps to work at a uniform rate. It stores
water during the period of less demand and supplies the same
during the period of high demand
◼ Multipurpose Reservoirs: The are constructed for more
than single purpose
◼ Balancing Reservoirs: A balancing reservoir is a small
reservoir constructed d/s of the main reservoir for holding water
released from the main reservoir.
Basic Terms and Definitions

(Flood Storage)

(Live Storage)
Basic Terms and Definitions
Basic Terms and Definitions
◼ Full reservoir level (FRL): The full reservoir level (FRL) is the
highest water level to which the water surface will rise during normal
operating conditions.

◼ Maximum water level (MWL): The maximum water level is

the maximum level to which the water surface will rise when the
design flood passes over the spillway.

◼ Minimum pool level: The minimum pool level is the lowest

level up to which the water is withdrawn from the reservoir under
ordinary conditions.

◼ Dead storage: The volume of water held below the minimum

pool level is called the dead storage. It is provided to cater for the
sediment deposition by the impounding sediment laid in water.
Normally it is equivalent to volume of sediment expected to be
deposited in the reservoir during the design life reservoir.
Basic Terms and Definitions
◼ Live/useful storage: The volume of water stored between
the full reservoir level (FRL) and the minimum pool level is
called the useful storage. It assures the supply of water for
specific period to meet the demand.

◼ Flood/Surcharge storage: is storage contained between

maximum reservoir level and full reservoir levels. It varies with
spillway capacity of dam for given design flood.

◼ Bank storage: is developed in the voids of soil cover in the

reservoir area and becomes available as seepage of water when
water level drops down. It increases the reservoir capacity over and
above that given by elevation storage curves.

◼ Valley storage: The volume of water held by the natural river

channel in its valley up to the top of its banks before the construction
of a reservoir is called the valley storage. The valley storage
depends upon the cross section of the river.
Basic Terms and Definitions
◼ Yield from a reservoir: Yield is the volume of water which can
be withdrawn from a reservoir in a specified period of time.
◼ Safe yield (Firm yield): Safe yield is the maximum quantity of
water which can be supplied from a reservoir in a specified period of
time during a critical dry year
◼ Secondary yield: is the quantity of water which is available
during the period of high flow in the rivers when the yield is more
than the safe yield.
◼ Average yield: The average yield is the arithmetic average of
the firm yield and the secondary yield over a long period of time.
◼ Design yield: The design yield is the yield adopted in the
design of a reservoir. The design yield is usually fixed after
considering the urgency of the water needs and the amount of
risk involved.
Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
◼ Whatever may be the use of a reservoir, its most
important function is to store water during floods and to
release it later.
◼ The storage capacity of a reservoir is, therefore, its most
important characteristics.
◼ The available storage capacity of a reservoir depends
upon the topography of the site and the height of dam.
◼ To determine the available storage capacity of a
reservoir up to a certain level of water, engineering
surveys are usually conducted.
◼ The storage capacity and the water spread area at
different elevations can be determined from the contour
Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
◼ (a) Area-Elevation Curve: From the contour plan, the
water spread area of the reservoir at any elevation is
determined by measuring the area enclosed by the
corresponding contour. Generally, a planimeter is used
for measuring the area. An elevation-area curve is then
drawn between the surface area as abscissa and the
elevation as ordinate.
◼ (b) Elevation-Capacity Curve: The storage capacity of
the reservoir at any elevation is determined from the
water spread area at various elevations. An elevation-
storage volume is plotted between the storage volume
as abscissa and the elevation as ordinate. Generally, the
volume is calculated in Mm3 or MAF. The following
formulae are commonly used to determine the storage
Storage Capacity of Reservoirs

It is the usual practice to plot both the elevation-area curve and the elevation-
storage curve on the same paper.
Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
◼ The following formulae are commonly used to determine the
storage capacity
◼ 1. Trapezoidal formula: According to the trapezoidal formula,
the storage volume between two successive contours of areas A1
and A2 is given by

where h is the contour interval. Therefore the total storage volume V


where n is the total number of areas.

Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
◼ 2. Cone formula: According to the cone formula, the storage
volume between two successive contours of areas A1 and A2 is
given by

◼ 3. Prismoidal Formula: According to the prismoidal formula,

the storage volume between three successive contours is given by

The prismoidal formula is applicable only when there are odd numbers
of areas (i.e. n should be an odd number).

In the case of even number of areas, the volume up to the second last area is determined by the
prismoidal formula, and that of the last segment is determined by the trapezoidal formula.
Storage Capacity of Reservoirs
◼ 4. Storage Volume from cross-sectional areas:

 In the absence of adequate contour maps, the storage

volume can be computed from the cross-sectional areas of
the river. Cross-sectional areas (a1, a2 ... etc) are obtained
from the cross sections of the river taken upstream of the
dam up to the u/s end of the reservoir at regular interval d.
The volume is determined from the prismoidal formula. The
formula is applicable for odd number of sections

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