Biomedsci 1

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Submitted by: Hafsa Ahsan

SAP ID: 60470

MS Semester 1
Course: Biomedical Sciences 1
Submitted to: Ma’am Shabnum Malik
Pre-Mid Assignment
Topic: Functions of Lip Muscles (Elevators and Depressors)
Lip muscles
Lip muscles are categorised in to major labels, the elevators and the depressors. As the name
suggests, the function of the elevators is to lift or elevate the lips, while the function of the
depressor muscles is to lower the lip respectively.

All these muscles can be rightfully seen in the diagram below,

a) Anterior View b) Left lateral View

c) Left lateral view of the deep lateral layer

Now, we will be looking at the function of each of these muscles for clearer understanding.
1. Levator Labii Superiosis Alaeque Nasi –

Location: Lateral side of the nostril and the upper lip.

Function: To lift both the upper lip and wing of the nose.

When contracted, it widens the nostrils and enables facial expressions as that of a snarl as observed
below. Forceful contraction of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi on both sides is a sign of
disapproval too.

2. Levator Labii Superiosis –

Location: Above the upper lip close to the opening of the oral cavity.

Function: Elevation of the upper lip.

When in action, it leads to the expression of smiling. On the other hand, it is also involved in
creating expressions of disgust, sadness, disdain. Additionally, it helps in nasal flaring and vomiting

3. Levator Anguli Oris –

Location: Above the upper lip close to the opening of the oral cavity.

Function: To elevate or raise the corner of the mouth at a particular angle while smiling.

It also contributes to the depth and contour of the nasolabial fold (skin crease from both sides of the
nose to the corner of the mouth).
4. Mentalis –

Location: Area between the tip of the chin and the lower lip.

Function: Raising the lower lip base and is responsible for skin wrinkling on chin.

It provides major support for the lower lip to elevate and protrude. This very protrusion assists in
drinking liquids and producing expressions of doubt.

5. Zygomaticus Minor –

Location: Originates from the malar bone and continues with the orbicularis oculi on the lateral face
of the levator labii superiosis and then inserts into the outer part of the upper lip.

Function: To elevate the upper lip outward and upward

This allows to show the maxillary teeth. Therefore, it is essential in the function of smiling.

6. Zygomaticus Major –

Location: Extends between the zygomatic bone and the angle of the mouth.

Function: It elevates the angle of the mouth upward and outward laterally when laughing or smiling.

The zygomaticus major muscle also facilitates production of speech.

1. Depressor Anguli Oris –

Location: In the lower jaw area on each side of the face, towards the front of the lower jaw.

Function: It functions to pull down or depress the corners of the lips at an angle which result in
frown formation or expressions of sadness or questioning.
2. Depressor Labii Inferiosis:

Location: located in the chin area.

Function: The depressor labii inferioris pulls the lower lip downward and forward.

Movement of this muscle is limited, but it plays a vital role in complex structure of facial muscles
that allow precise expressions to form. It is responsible for expressions of irony, sorrow, melancholy
etc. Moreover, as it draws the lower lip down and a little laterally, it is involved in the action of
chewing or otherwise known as masticatory activity.

3. Platysma –

Location: In the neck.

Function: It has minor role in depressing the lip and it is involved in pulling down the mandible
which opens the mouth, pulling the corners of the lips out to the side and down which forms a

It produces expressions of surprise and horror by lowering corners of the mouth. In some cases, the
platysma may cause slight drooping of lower lip and angle of the mouth. Plus, as a person ages,
platysma can form wrinkles in the neck as the skin becomes less elastic and sags.
Other Muscles:
1. Buccinator –

Loca on: Between the mandible and the maxilla, deep to the other muscles of the face.

Function: It compresses the cheeks against the teeth and is used in actions such as blowing.
Moreover, it assists neonates in sucking, aids in whistling and smiling too.

Buccinator is said to be an assistant muscle in mastication or chewing as it keeps food in correct


2. Risorius –

Location: On either sides of the lips.

Function: It functions to help in producing expressions by pulling corner of the mouth laterally via
its contraction in an outward and upward motion.

3. Orbicularis Oris –

Location: Around the lips of the mouth and creates the lip sphincter which means that it purses lips
and presses them against the teeth upon contradiction.

Function: It has a vital role in orofacial function which includes swallowing, sucking, whistling,
chewing, vowel pronunciation kissing etc.

Schuenke.M. Atlas of Anatomy. Head and Neuroanatomy.


Patrick.A. Muscles of facial expression (2016).

Anterwerpes.F. et al, Platysma (2024)

Jain, P. Rathee, M. (2024). Anatomy, Head and Neck, Orbicularis Oris Muscle. USA: Pubmed,
National Library of Medicine.

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