Lung Micribiome
Lung Micribiome
Lung Micribiome
he microbiome is defined as the “ecological community
and host interaction in regulating the pathogenesis of several
of commensal, symbiotic and pathogenic organisms
important lung diseases.
that share our body space” (1). Most studies of host
and microbiome interaction in the human have focused al-
most exclusively on bacteria, biotic factors, and the host. Origins of lung microbiome and debunking lung sterility
These complex communities of microbiota that inhabit en- The lung is an organ constantly exposed to microbiota either
vironments such as the lung, skin, or gut are now appreci- through inhalation or subclinical microaspiration from birth.
ated for their role in maintaining organ, tissue, and immune Historically, medical texts allude to a sterile lung environment,
homeostasis. One striking example is the early observation and this dogma has persisted in contemporary medicine. In the
that germ-free mice have absent/impaired secondary lym- last decade, a revolution of sorts has taken place in our un-
phoid architecture with resulting loss of lymphoid cells (2). derstanding of how the lung and microbiota interact and exist.
Additionally, commensal microbiota can have both systemic This revolution stems from new knowledge that the lung is
and site-specific autonomous immune effects. For example, not sterile (10) and, in fact, harbors an abundance of diverse
Staphylococcus epidermidis colonization of the skin promotes interacting microbiota. As mentioned above, the gut microbiome
CD4 cell IFN-g production, which protects against infection modulates host mucosal defense (11, 12); however, there is a
with the parasite Leishmania major. In contrast, colonization of paucity of information regarding the potential role of lung
the gut with S. epidermidis had no effect (3). In other situations, microbiota to regulate immunity and homeostasis.
*Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Bethany B. Moore, University of
University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI 48109; and †Department of Michigan, 109 Zina Pitcher Place, 4053 BSRB, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2200. E-mail
Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, address:
MI 48109
Abbreviations used in this article: CF, cystic fibrosis; COPD, chronic obstructive
ORCIDs: 0000-0003-3214-380X (D.N.O.); 0000-0002-6875-4277 (R.P.D.); 0000- pulmonary disease; IPF, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; PRR, pathogen recognition
0003-3051-745X (B.B.M.). receptor.
Received for publication February 16, 2016. Accepted for publication March 24, 2016.
Copyright Ó 2016 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. 0022-1767/16/$30.00
This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grants HL115618 and
AI117229 (to B.B.M.) and HL130641 and UL1TR000433 (to R.P.D.).
The lung is not sterile, contrary to centuries of dogma species, some of which are more susceptible to cell disruption
asserting the same. Throughout the 1900s this inference was than others. This discrepancy can lead to overrepresentation of
reinforced by respiratory culture-based protocols that sought some species over others. Further steps that may alter the ac-
only to identify clinically significant pathogens and by a spurious curacy and reliability of acquired data include the generation of
conclusion that upper respiratory tract microbes cultured from appropriate PCR primers, data normalization, the choice of
the lung represented contamination (10). The lung is a warm reference database, and divergent measures of diversity (25). The
environment exposed to 7000 l of diverse microbe-ridden air use of 16S rRNA sequencing remains a pillar step in the sample
every day (13). Microbes adapt and exist in hostile environ- processing; however, 16S rRNA sequencing may not be able to
ments similar to polar ice sheets of Antarctica and hot sulfur differentiate between species with varying immunogenicity and
springs of Japan, yet the idea the human lung existed in a sterile pathogenicity (26). The microbiome is subject to a number of
state was “cultivated” in the medical literature for decades (14, factors that are known to change its composition, including age,
15). The upper respiratory tract and oropharynx, where mi- diet, ethnicity, and study design, and in humans requires careful
crobes are found in abundance (16), is in direct communica- management of these potential influences (27–29). However, in
tion with the lung, and subclinical aspiration of oropharyngeal tandem, researchers are developing novel and ingenious methods
contents occurs universally in humans (17, 18). Thus, the lung to limit any possible error in microbiome studies. For example,
is subject to a constant level of microbe immigration and as an alternate process to 16S rRNA sequencing and primer
elimination through host mucosal defense and mucociliary choice, metagenomic data are being generated through the
clearance. Modern studies employing sequence-based bacterial sequencing of all DNA from a sample (shotgun sequencing),
identification techniques support the presence of a consistently which may be even more informative (30). Culture-based
Dynamic changes in lung microbiome in health and disease Table I. Factors that impact the lung microbiota during acute and chronic
The lung is a relatively low nutrient resource compared with
the intestinal tract for supporting microbiome development. Influences
Furthermore, physiological conditions are regionally variable
even in healthy lungs. Conditions that affect bacterial pro- Airway obliteration (lung transplant, IPF)
liferation include oxygen tension, blood flow, local pH, Terminal bronchiole destruction (COPD)
temperature, effector inflammatory cell disposition, and Honeycombing and fibrosis (IPF)
Impaired mucociliary clearance (COPD, asthma)
epithelial cell architecture (42, 43). Coupled to this variable Immunologic
biogeography of the lung microbiome are the factors that Innate immune cell impairment
influence microbe immigration and elimination from the Altered PRR signaling
lower respiratory tract. Taken together, these factors de- Release of antimicrobial peptides
termine the dynamic change of the microbial ecosystem of Inflammation
the lung. Cytokine alterations
Lung disease alters the population dynamics through Microbiologic
Overgrowth of limited bacterial species (IPF, CF)
effects on immigration/elimination and the local conditions Antibiotic use (especially in CF)
of the microbial ecosystem of the lung (Table I). Chronic Lytic viral infection (COPD, asthma)
lung disease in many forms results in heterogeneous ar- Latent viral infection (IPF?)
Biofilm formation (CF, COPD)
chitectural distortion of the lung, including upper lobe Pathologic
increased presence of Pseudomonas spp. noted in COPD Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. IPF is a chronic fatal remodeling
exacerbations (52). Sequencing-based studies of tissue disease of the lung parenchyma of unknown etiology (72). The
from COPD patients have demonstrated an increase in natural history of IPF is characterized by exacerbations that
the Firmicutes community in severe disease (GOLD stage contribute greatly to disease-related morbidity and mortality.
4) attributable to an increase in the Lactobacillus genus (41). Recent work has highlighted a potential role for both viral and
Phagocytosis of Lactobacillus spp. by human macrophages bacterial infection in the pathogenesis of IPF (73–77). Unlike
reduces the effects of cigarette smoke–related inflammation, with asthma or COPD, the current definition of acute
potentially suggesting that these species are beneficial modifiers exacerbations of IPF excludes active infectious pathogens (78).
of smoking-related lung disease (61). Animal models of Disease progression in IPF is characterized by an alteration in the
respiratory syncytial virus infection have demonstrated microbiome with a relative increased abundance of Streptococcus
that the antiviral response within the lung mucosa can and Staphylococcus taxonomic groups (79). This has particular
be modulated by the administration of Lactobacillus relevance given recent work identifying pneumolysin, a
rhamnosus species prior to infection (62). Thus, changes Pneumococcus-produced toxin, that mediates fibrotic progression
in the microbiome may represent an adaptation to try in animal models via injury of the alveolar epithelium (73).
to protect the lung from respiratory viral infection. However, Further study by Molyneaux et al. (76) described an increased
we speculate that, as suggested above, once pathogenic bacterial burden in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of IPF
infection does occur, these beneficial changes may be patients compared with controls using culture-independent
lost. techniques. These communities were enriched with Haemophilus,
Asthma. Studies of airway microbiota in asthma have estab-
Streptococcus, Neisseria, and Veillonella. The greater the bacterial
disease. Studies have consistently reported that CF exacerbations resulting pathogenesis could be the result of dysbiosis leading to
are not associated with increased bacterial density or attenuated altered airway microbiota and disproportionate inflammation.
diversity (92–94). However, evidence would support a loss of Although loss of gut commensal signaling may impair lung
diversity with increasing age and disease severity, which was innate immunity in this disorder, cigarette smoke directly and
strongly associated with cumulative antibiotic exposure (95, indirectly contributes to impaired innate immunity in the lung
96). The emergence of new pathogens may have implications via alterations in ciliary function, mucus, innate immune cell
for our understanding of the microbiome and lung disease phagocytosis, and via direct enhancement of bacterial virulence
interaction in CF. Nontuberculosis Mycobacterium, in particular (e.g., enhanced biofilm formation) (reviewed in Ref. 112).
M. abscessus, is associated with increased mortality and These changes could impact the ability of respiratory pathogens
morbidity in CF (97–99). Guidelines for the management of to exacerbate COPD.
M. abscessus have been published, and long-term treatment with Given the propensity for viruses to precipitate lung disease
broad-spectrum antibiotics is required in these cases (100). The exacerbations, it is interesting to note the potential impact of
consequences for the lung microbiome for this treatment remain respiratory viral infection on the intestinal microbiota. Wang
unknown. This is of particular relevance given the limited et al. (113) reported that influenza infection may lead to alter-
treatment benefit for M. abscessus infection in CF (100). The ations in intestinal microbiota with a reduction in Lactobacillus
relationship between the microbiome, antibiotic exposure, and Lactococcus and an outgrowth of Enterobacteriaceae. As
exacerbation, and ultimate disease progression will thus noted above, this may lead to a loss of beneficial microbiota for
require further careful study in CF. smoking-related disease. The authors demonstrated that these
shifts in intestinal microbiota were not secondary to lytic influ-
disease is limited to experimental data to date and requires the need for careful future human studies that will characterize
further study. not only the lung, but also the gut microbiota during periods
of disease stability versus exacerbations. Additionally, murine
models may allow us to interrogate the PRRs and cytokine
Conclusions signaling pathways that promote exacerbations.
Growing evidence suggests that alterations in the lung and/or
gut microbiota characterize chronic lung diseases and may
allow for exacerbations caused by endogenous microbiota al- Disclosures
terations or susceptibility to new infection (Fig. 1). We spec- The authors have no financial conflicts of interest.
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