Gama 2021
Gama 2021
Gama 2021
Abnormalities in the muscle metaboreflex concur to exercise intolerance and greater cardiovascular risk. Exercise training
benefits neurocardiovascular function at rest and during exercise, but its role in favoring muscle metaboreflex in health and
disease remains controversial. While some authors demonstrated that exercise training enhanced the sensitization of muscle
metabolically afferents and improved neurocardiovascular responses to muscle metaboreflex activation, others reported unal-
tered responses. This narrative review aimed to: (a) highlight the current evidence on the effects of exercise training upon
cardiovascular and autonomic responses to muscle metaboreflex activation; (b) analyze the role of training components and
indicate potential mechanisms of metaboreflex adaptations; and (c) address key methodological features for future research.
Though limited, accumulated evidence suggests that muscle metaboreflex adaptations depend on the individual clinical status,
exercise modality, and training duration. In healthy populations, most trials negated the hypothesis of metaboreflex improve-
ment due to chronic exercise, irrespective of the training duration. Favorable changes in patients with impaired metaboreflex,
particularly chronic heart failure, mostly resulted from long-term interventions (> 16 weeks) including aerobic exercise of
moderate to high intensity, performed in isolation or within multimodal training. Potential mechanisms of metaboreflex
improvements include enhanced sensitivity of channels and receptors, greater antioxidant capacity, lower metabolite accumu-
lation, increased functional sympatholysis, and muscle perfusion. Future research should investigate: (1) the dose–response
relationship of training components within different exercise modalities to elicit improvements in individuals showing intact
or impaired muscle metaboreflex; and (2) potential and specific underlying mechanisms of metaboreflex improvements in
individuals with different medical conditions.
Keywords Exercise pressor reflex · Blood pressure · Muscle sympathetic nerve activity · Cardiovascular physiology ·
* Juliana Pereira Borges Laboratory of Exercise Sciences, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Fluminense Federal University, Niteroi,
RJ, Brazil
Laboratory of Physical Activity and Health Promotion, 5
Cardiovascular Research Unit and Exercise Physiology
Institute of Physical Education and Sports, University of Rio
‑ InCFEx, University Hospital and Faculty of Physical
de Janeiro State, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, sala 8133F,
Education and Sports, Federal University of Juiz de Fora,
Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20550‑013, Brazil
Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil
Graduate Program in Exercise and Sports Sciences, 6
Department of Medical Science and Public Health,
University of Rio de Janeiro State, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
Graduate Program in Physical Activity Sciences, Salgado de
Oliveira University, Niteroi, RJ, Brazil
European Journal of Applied Physiology
EPR Exercise pressor reflex hypertension, diabetes, obesity, spinal cord injury, multiple
ExT Exercise training sclerosis, hepatic cirrhosis, or HIV infection (Crisafulli et al.
FITT Frequency, intensity time and type 2009, 2007; Delaney et al. 2010; Dipla et al. 2010; Holwerda
MAP Mean arterial pressure et al. 2016; Marongiu et al. 2015; Roberto et al. 2012; Gama
MSNA Muscle sympathetic nervous activity et al. 2021; Mira et al. 2021).
MVC Maximal voluntary contraction It is well known that neural and cardiovascular functions
NO Nitric oxide benefit from physical training, with improvements in auto-
NR Not reported nomic control and blood pressure at rest and during exer-
OSA Obstructive sleep apnea cise (Carter and Ray 2015; Nystoriak and Bhatnagar 2018).
P2 Purinergic receptors Despite this, the role of chronic exercise in improving car-
PECA Post-exercise circulatory arrest diovascular responses mediated by the muscle metaboreflex
SBP Systolic blood pressure remains controversial across different populations (Milia et al.
SHR Spontaneously hypertensive rats 2014; Guerra et al. 2019; Antunes-Correa et al. 2014). Some
SOD Superoxide dismutase trials have demonstrated that treadmill training may enhance
TRPv1 Transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 the sensitization of impaired metabolically sensitive afferents,
VO 2 Oxygen uptake which contributes to restoring an existing over-activation of
WKY Wistar-Kyoto EPR in humans (Antunes-Correa et al. 2014) or rats (Wang
et al. 2012, 2010b), while others failed to show improvements
in cardiovascular and autonomic responses to metaboreflex
Introduction activation in healthy individuals or patients with multiple
sclerosis (Ray and Carrasco 2000; Magnani et al. 2016).
In 1937, Alam & Smirk first described the existence of a Several factors help to explain those mixed findings, such as
blood pressure raising reflex emerging from the skeletal the subjects’ clinical condition, and strategies to activate the
muscles in response to physical exercise, termed as muscle metaboreflex. Additionally, dissimilarities in exercise training
metaboreflex. Afferent stimuli from muscle metabo- and protocols (e.g., long vs. short duration; aerobic vs. resistance
mechano-reflex mediate the exercise pressor reflex [EPR] exercises) may concur with different metaboreflex adaptations,
(or ergoreflex), acknowledged as one of the several neu- as the magnitude of EPR is acknowledged to be proportional
ral mechanisms (e.g. central command, baroreflex, carotid to the amount of exercised muscle mass (Chen and Bonham
chemoreflex, and cardiopulmonary baroreceptors) influenc- 2010; Estrada et al. 2020), and to exercise type and intensity
ing the autonomic nervous system control of cardiovascu- (Victor and Seals 1989).
lar adjustments to attend the demands of working muscles A review of experimental trials investigating the muscle
(Fisher et al. 2015). metaboreflex adaptations to chronic exercise would be useful
During physical effort, the activation of muscle metabore- for a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of
flex enhances the sympathetic nervous activity, increasing the current research. This narrative review aimed to highlight
cardiac output, systemic vascular resistance, and mean arte- the accumulated evidence regarding the effects of exercise
rial pressure [MAP] (Crisafulli et al. 2003; Boushel 2010; training upon cardiovascular and autonomic responses medi-
Michelini et al. 2015). The muscle metaboreflex is primarily ated by muscle metaboreflex. Besides discussing the effects
activated by chemically sensitive group IV afferent nerve end- of chronic exercise on the metaboreflex in health and disease,
ings, which are stimulated by metabolites produced by exercis- the influence of methodological features has been analyzed,
ing muscles, such as lactic acid, potassium, bradykinin, ara- as the strategies to activate the metaboreflex and role of train-
chidonic acid products, adenosine triphosphate, deprotonated ing components. In addition, potential mechanisms underlying
phosphate/adenosine, and low-intramuscular pH (Kaufman favorable metaboreflex adaptations to chronic exercise have
et al. 2002; Mark et al. 1985). If group IV muscle afferent been suggested.
feedback is blunted or pharmacologically blocked, the increase
in MAP may not be enough to assure appropriate muscle blood
flow and oxygen supply, leading to premature fatigue and Search strategy and results
exercise intolerance (Amann et al. 2015, 2020). On the other
hand, an exaggerated EPR has been associated with increased A structured search included articles up to April 2021,
sympathetic-induced vasoconstriction in the vasculature of published in English. The electronic databases PubMed,
exercising muscles and higher cardiovascular risk during or Web of Science, and Scopus were consulted. Boolean
after physical activity (Prodel et al. 2016; Greaney et al. 2015; searches were performed in electronic databases to iden-
Grotle et al. 2020). These abnormal responses are observed in tify relevant studies, using Mesh terms related to “muscle
some chronic conditions, such as chronic heart failure (CHF), metaboreflex” AND “exercise training”. Qualifying trials
European Journal of Applied Physiology
should primarily investigate the effects of exercise train- et al. 1987). Thus, moderate- to high-intensity isometric
ing on cardiovascular and autonomic responses to mus- exercise protocols should be preferred over mild dynamic
cle metaboreflex in either animals or humans without age exercises when aiming to activate the muscle metabore-
limits, and report at least three of the FITT components flex, since the accumulation of metabolites is more likely
(frequency, intensity, time, and type) of exercise interven- to occur when muscle blood vessels are continuously com-
tions. We excluded review, cross-sectional, and epidemio- pressed (Grotle et al. 2020). Most trials investigating the
logical studies. Of the 4,213 articles initially found, 17 exercise training adaptations to muscle metaboreflex were
were retained. All trials included young adult samples, published before those recent findings (Katayama et al.
except for one trial with older rodents (Caron et al. 2018). 2018; Grotle et al. 2020). This probably explains why all
Table 1 depicts the extracted information, including sam- included studies applied loads lower than 40% of MVC
ple characteristics, FITT components, techniques applied (please, refer to Table 1) to activate the metaboreflex,
for metaboreflex activation, and main findings. The follow- except for one trial in which dynamic handgrip at 50% of
ing sections discuss those features in detail. MVC was performed (Piepoli et al. 1996). This may be
considered as a potential limitation of the current research.
In studies with animals, intra-arterial injection of meta-
bolic (i.e., lactic acid and bradykinin) (Caron et al. 2018)
Techniques to activate the muscle or chemical (i.e., capsaicin) (Wang et al. 2012, 2010b) sub-
metaboreflex stances have been used to activate the muscle metaboreflex.
Capsaicin is an active component of chili peppers targeting
The muscle metaboreflex was in general activated by post- the transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 (TRPv1)
exercise circulatory arrest (PECA) (Antunes-Correa et al. in group IV afferent neurons, which are sensitive to tem-
2014; Guerra et al. 2019; Somers et al. 1992; Trombetta perature and pH changes—when stimulated, they increase
et al. 2003; Ray and Carrasco 2000; Notarius et al. 2019; efferent MSNA (Teixeira et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2012).
Fisher and White 1999; Saito et al. 2009; Piepoli et al. Although those substances seem to successfully activate the
1996; Magnani et al. 2018; Milia et al. 2014; Crisafulli muscle metaboreflex, its optimal dose is still undefined given
et al. 2018), except in two studies that used a positive- the wide variation among studies (please, refer to Table 1).
pressure chamber (Mostoufi-Moab et al. 1998) or isomet- A recent cross sectional study (Vianna et al. 2018) showed
ric knee extension exercise (Sundblad et al. 2018). While that a topical application of a capsaicin-based analgesic
these two latter strategies make it difficult to distinguish balm in the forearm of humans attenuated the blood pressure
whether changes are due to isolated or simultaneous adap- and MSNA responses evoked by PECA, indicating that the
tations in muscle metaboreflex, mechanoreflex, or central TRPv1 receptors contribute to muscle metaboreflex. How-
command, PECA is a non-invasive and non-pharmacolog- ever, the use of capsaicin-based analgesic balms to assess
ical method widely applied to isolate the metabolic com- the effects of exercise training on muscle metaboreflex in
ponent of EPR, by arresting the blood flow of exercising humans is yet to be determined.
muscles with a supra systolic level cuff occlusion that traps
the metabolic by-products after the exercise termination
(Teixeira et al. 2020; Crisafulli 2017; Boushel 2010). For Exercise training and muscle metaboreflex
this reason, the assessment of cardiovascular and auto- activation in health
nomic responses must be performed after the exercise
cessation, as well as during and not after the circulatory The majority of studies including healthy individuals or
arrest. animals reported unchanged cardiovascular and autonomic
Another important aspect of the muscle metabore- responses during metaboreflex activation after exercise train-
flex activation, is the exercise intensity and whether it is ing (Crisafulli et al. 2018; Fisher and White 1999; Ray and
dynamic or isometric. It has been shown that increases in Carrasco 2000; Saito et al. 2009; Caron et al. 2018). Only
muscle sympathetic nervous activity (MSNA) and MAP three out of eight studies (37.5%) observed favorable adap-
during isometric handgrip depend on the intensity of mus- tations in healthy individuals (Mostoufi-Moab et al. 1998;
cle contraction (Katayama et al. 2018). Isometric handgrip Somers et al. 1992; Sundblad et al. 2018), including lower
at 40% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) activates blood pressure and lactate accumulation (Mostoufi-Moab
the muscle metaboreflex and overrides the baroreflex- et al. 1998), decreased sympathetic activity (Somers et al.
mediated inhibition of sympathetic vasomotor outflow 1992), and reductions in heart rate and MAP (Sundblad et al.
(Katayama et al. 2018), whereas, mild dynamic handgrip 2018). However, as above-mentioned Mostoufi-Moab et al.
and arm cycling seem to increase the heart rate and arterial (1998) and Sundblad et al. (2018) assessed the responses to
pressure, but not MSNA (Victor and Seals 1989; Victor metaboreflex activation during exercise instead of during
Table 1 Description of studies investigating the effects of exercise training on muscle metaboreflex in health and disease
Study Sample Exercise training (FITT) Metaboreflex activation Main findings
(Antunes-Correa et al. 2014) CHF Untrained (n = 17); Frequency: 3 days/wk PECA (2 min at 240 mmHg) after iso- Improved MSNA control via metabore-
CHF ExT (n = 17) Intensity: 60–72% VO2peak metric leg exercise flex. Increased TRPv1 and CB1 expres-
Time: 50–60 min, 17 wks sion and COX-2 pathway. Reduction in
Type: stretching; cycling; strength skeletal muscle inflammation
(Guerra et al. 2019) OSA Untrained (n = 21); Frequency: 3 days/wk PECA (2 min at 240 mmHg) after iso- Increased muscle metaboreflex sensitiv-
OSA ExT (n = 20) Intensity: anaerobic threshold metric handgrip ity and muscle blood flow, potentially
Time: 50–60 min, 24 wks contributing for increased exercise
Type: stretching; cycling; strength performance
(Magnani et al. 2016) Multiple sclerosis: Frequency: 3 days/wk PECA (3 min at 50 mmHg > SBP) after Hemodynamic dysregulation during
Intervention (n = 11); Intensity: cycling 50–80% V O2max; dynamic handgrip metaboreflex activation was not reversed
Controls (n = 10) Strength 1–3 sets of 8–12 reps with by ExT
15–30% of maximum load
Time: 60 min, 26 wks
Type: stretching; cycling; strength
(Notarius et al. 2019) CHF (n = 27); Frequency: 5 days/wk PECA (2 min at 200 mmHg) after iso- Lowered sympathetic outflow within
Healthy controls (n = 18) Intensity: 60–70% VO2peak metric handgrip metaboreflex activation, with reduced
Time: 15–60 min, 26 wks MSNA at rest and during mild cycling
Type: walking; strength training
(Trombetta et al. 2003) Obese women: Frequency: 3 days/wk PECA (2 min at 240 mmHg) after iso- Weight loss improved muscle metabore-
Hypocaloric diet (n = 24); Intensity: ≤ 10% resp. comp. point metric handgrip flex control
Hypocaloric diet + ExT (n = 25); Time: 60 min, 16 wks
Nonadherent (n = 10) Type: stretching; cycling; strength
(Milia et al. 2014) Spinal cord injured (n = 9) Frequency: 3–5 h/wk PECA (3 min at 50 mmHg > SBP) after Improved hemodynamic response to
Intensity: 60% maximal workload arm cranking muscle metaboreflex activation
Time: NR, 52 wks
Type: arm cranking
(Piepoli et al. 1996) CHF (n = 12); Frequency: 2–3 days/wk PECA (3 min at 30 mmHg > SBP) after Reduced EPR in CHF vs. controls
Healthy controls (n = 10) Intensity: 40 contractions/min at 100% dynamic handgrip
MVC (dynamic)
Time: 15 min, 6 wks
Type: unilateral isometric and dynamic
(Fisher and White 1999) Healthy active (n = 17) Frequency: 3 days/wk PECA (2 min at 200 mmHg) after heel Attenuation of blood pressure and heart
Intensity: 4 × 30 reps/min with raise with BFR rate in the untrained limb during
load ≤ 10% body mass exercise, but not in isolated muscle
Time: 6 min, 6 wks metaboreflex
Type: unilateral heel raise
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Table 1 (continued)
Study Sample Exercise training (FITT) Metaboreflex activation Main findings
(Saito et al. 2009) Healthy active: Frequency: 4 days/wk PECA (2 min) after isometric or Increased MSNA due to central neural
ExT (n = 18); Intensity: 3 × 10 of 10 s (100% MVC) dynamic handgrip (occlusion level factors rather than to muscle metabore-
Controls (n = 18) Time: NR, 4 wks NR) flex
Type: unilateral isometric handgrip
(Ray and Carrasco 2000) Healthy: Frequency: 4 days/wk PECA (2 min at 220 mmHg) after iso- Lowered resting blood pressure, without
ExT (n = 9); Intensity: 30% MVC metric handgrip changes in MSNA and cardiovascu-
Sham-ExT (n = 7); Time: 27 min, 5 wks lar responses to muscle metaboreflex
Controls (n = 8) Type: unilateral isometric handgrip activation
European Journal of Applied Physiology
(Mostoufi-Moab et al. 1998) Healthy (n = 10) Frequency: 5 days/wk Dynamic handgrip in a pressurized Higher positive-pressure threshold for
Intensity: 12 contractions/min at Plexiglas tank metaboreceptor activation, with lower
30–35% MVC metabolite concentration and MAP dur-
Time: 30 min, 4 wks ing ischemic exercise
Type: unilateral dynamic handgrip
(Somers et al. 1992) Healthy males (n = 8) Frequency: 5 days/wk PECA (2 min above SBP) after isomet- Attenuated sympathetic activity and
Intensity: 2 × 30% MVC until fatigue ric handgrip unchanged cardiovascular responses to
Time: NR, 6 wks muscle metaboreflex activation
Type: unilateral dynamic handgrip
(Crisafulli et al. 2018) Healthy active males (n = 17) Frequency: 3 days/wk PECA (3 min at 50 mmHg > SBP) after Decreased MAP during exercise was not
Intensity: 30 contractions/min at 30% dynamic handgrip related to metaboreflex activity
MVC with BFR (75–150% of resting
Time: 6 min, 4 wks
Type: unilateral dynamic handgrip with
(Sundblad et al. 2018) Healthy active males (n = 10) Frequency: 4 days/wk Isometric unilateral knee extension Reduced EPR due to peripheral metabolic
Intensity: highest tolerable workload changes during relative ischemia
Time: 45 min, 5 wks
Type: right or left dynamic unilateral
(Caron et al. 2018) Sprague–Dawley rats: Frequency: 3 days/wk Lactic acid injections (0.5, 1, 2, and Age-related decrease in metabosensitive
3 months (n = 12); Intensity: 13.5 to 18 m/min 3 mM/0.1 ml) afferent responses to chemical stimuli
6 months (n = 12); Time: 10–60 min, 8 wks was not restored by ExT
12 months (n = 12); Type: treadmill running
20 months (n = 12);
12 months ExT (n = 10);
20 months ExT (n = 11)
(Wang et al. 2012) Sprague–Dawley rats: Frequency: 5 days/wk Capsaicin injections (0.2 or Improved sensitization of muscle afferents
Sedentary (n = 42); Intensity: 10–25 m/min (0–10% grade) 2.0 μg/0.15 ml) partially due to restoring dysfunctions
Sham ExT (n = 40); Time: 10–60 min, 7 wks of P2X and TRPV1 receptors
CHF sedentary (n = 42); Type: treadmill running
CHF ExT (n = 43)
European Journal of Applied Physiology
activation in disease
European Journal of Applied Physiology
European Journal of Applied Physiology
result from specific and diverse mechanisms. In regards to baseline status, exercise modality, or duration in eliciting
pathological conditions not strictly related to cardiometa- exercise-related benefits in the muscle baroreflex.
bolic diseases, exercise-related improvements in the muscle The range of session durations was greater in resistance
metaboreflex have been found in patients with spinal cord (6–45 min) vs. aerobic or multimodal training (50–60 min).
injury after 52-week arm cranking intervention (Milia et al. Speculations on the role of the duration of aerobic exer-
2014), and obstructive sleep apnea after 24 weeks of multi- cise sessions to produce changes in the metaboreflex are
modal training (Guerra et al. 2019). On the contrary, patients therefore not possible. On the other hand, resistance train-
with multiple sclerosis performing a 6-month multimodal ing performed with sessions of similar duration produced
training intervention did not reverse their blunted stroke either favorable (Mostoufi-Moab et al. 1998) or unfavorable
volume response to metaboreflex activation (Magnani et al. effects (Ray and Carrasco 2000) in healthy individuals. Two
2016). However, since MSNA has not been assessed in those studies applied resistance exercise bouts longer than 30 min,
patients, improvements in sympathetic responses to PECA and elicited significant improvements in cardiovascular and
may have occurred irrespective of hemodynamic changes, as autonomic outcomes to metaboreflex activation (Mostoufi-
observed in other populations (Antunes-Correa et al. 2014; Moab et al. 1998; Sundblad et al. 2018). However, it must be
Guerra et al. 2019). remembered that those trials performed assessments during
exercise and not during PECA, which may be considered as
a major limitation in the analysis of responses to metabore-
flex activation. Unfortunately, the only study that used PECA
FITT components and exercise‑training did not report the duration of the exercise sessions (Somers
adaptations in the muscle metaboreflex et al. 1992). In regards to research including patients with
chronic disease, a single study applied 15 min of dynamic
In the present study, interventions applied exclusive aero- handgrip performed during 6 weeks to individuals with CHF
bic (Caron et al. 2018; Milia et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2012, (Piepoli et al. 1996). Improvements in the metaboreflex have
2010b), exclusive resistance (Piepoli et al. 1996; Fisher been reported, reflected by lowered blood pressure and leg
and White 1999; Saito et al. 2009; Ray and Carrasco 2000; vascular resistance in response to PECA.
Mostoufi-Moab et al. 1998; Somers et al. 1992; Crisafulli In aerobic interventions, at least three sessions per week
et al. 2018; Sundblad et al. 2018), or combined (multimodal) performed at moderate intensity (60–80% VO2max) seemed
training (Antunes-Correa et al. 2014; Guerra et al. 2019; to be enough to improve cardiovascular and autonomic
Magnani et al. 2016; Notarius et al. 2019; Trombetta et al. responses to muscle metaboreflex activation. However,
2003). On average, exercise training was performed three the small range of exercise frequency and intensity across
days/week (3–5 days/week) for 13 ± 12 weeks (4–52 weeks). studies precludes further assumptions on their relative role.
Aerobic training was of moderate- to high intensity (50–80% Adequate information on the intensity of resistance training
VO2max, or at anaerobic threshold). Resistance training was lacks in many trials (Antunes-Correa et al. 2014; Trombetta
mostly dynamic (six out of eight trials) and applied loads et al. 2003; Fisher and White 1999). In addition, the large
corresponding to 30 or 100% of MVC or 10% of body mass methodological variation concerning issues as type of con-
(please, refer to Table 1). traction (i.e., isometric, or dynamic), blood flow-restriction,
It would be tempting to state that aerobic training per- or parameters for establishing workloads (i.e., % MVC, %
formed in isolation or within multimodal interventions body mass, and highest tolerable workload) limits the analy-
would be more effective in favoring muscle metaboreflex sis of training intensity as a moderator of adaptations in the
than resistance training alone, as positive outcomes were physiological responses to metaboreflex activation.
found in ~ 80% (seven out of nine) of studies including aero-
bic exercise vs. 50% (four out of eight) of those exclusively
applying resistance exercises. Training duration also seems Mechanisms of exercise‑training
to be a relevant factor to achieve greater benefits in muscle adaptations in the muscle metaboreflex
metaboreflex. Approximately 80% (four out of five) of trials
applying more than 10 weeks of training vs. 58% (seven out Although very little information is available on the potential
of 12) of shorter interventions observed some kind of favora- mechanisms of muscle metaboreflex improvements due to
ble adaptation in autonomic or cardiovascular responses to exercise training, they are acknowledged to be multiple and
metaboreflex activation. However, it must be mentioned that complex and seem to rely on individuals’ medical status
most studies with aerobic or multimodal training investi- (Grotle et al. 2020). In theory, all factors influencing the car-
gated individuals with impaired muscle metaboreflex and diovascular and autonomic responses to metaboreflex [please
applied longer interventions vs. isolated resistance training. refer to (Grotle et al. 2020) for additional reading] may be
Therefore, it is difficult to discriminate the relative role of modulated by chronic exercise. Accordingly, exercise-related
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the potential mechanisms underly- tors (i.e., ASICs channels, TRPv1, P2 and COX-2 receptors), these
ing exercise-related adaptations in the muscle metaboreflex. Exer- changes restore the sensitization of group IV muscle afferents and
cise training reduces the oxidative stress during acute exercise and muscle metaboreflex control of MSNA MSNA muscle sympathetic
increases the bioavailability of locally released vasodilator sub- nervous activity, SOD superoxide dismutase, CATcatalase, NO nitric
stances, which enhance the muscle blood flow and reduce the pro- oxide, eNOS nitric oxide synthase, ASICs acid-sensing ion channels,
duction of muscle metabolic by-products during exercise (i.e., lactic TRPv1 transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1, P2 purinergic
acid, potassium, and phosphate ions). Together with training-induced receptors, COX-2 cyclooxygenase-2 receptors.
changes in the expression of muscle metaboreflex-related recep-
improvements may result from a wide spectrum of adapta- reduce the exaggerated locomotor muscle group III/IV affer-
tions, as the sensitivity or expression of channels and recep- ent feedback during exercise in patients with cardiovascular
tors (i.e., ASICs channels, TRPv1, P2 and COX-2 receptors) disease.
(Antunes-Correa et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2012), muscle oxi- Figure 1 presents a schematic illustration of potential
dative stress and antioxidant capacity (de Sousa et al. 2017; mechanisms that could be accounted for metaboreflex adap-
Powers et al. 2016), metabolite accumulation within exercis- tations to chronic exercise, partially based on data from the
ing muscles (McAllister et al. 1996; Deer and Heaps 2013; reviewed studies. As aforementioned, exercise training
Keytsman et al. 2019; Devereux et al. 2012), or functional seems to restore the expression of TRPv1 and P2 receptors
sympatholysis (Mizuno et al. 2014; Jendzjowsky and Delo- in patients with CHF, which is concomitant to improved
rey 2013; Saltin and Mortensen 2012). metaboreflex control of MSNA (Antunes-Correa et al. 2014;
In which specifically concerns the expression of recep- Wang et al. 2012). It is well accepted that reactive oxygen
tors associated with the EPR, studies with animals reported species produced during muscle contraction stimulate group
greater expression of COX-2 and P2, and decreased expres- IV muscle afferents and accentuate the EPR (Grotle et al.
sion of TRPv1 and ASICs vs. controls (Smith et al. 2005b; 2020). This may be attenuated by chronic exercise due to
Wang et al. 2012, 2010a). However, it is unclear whether a greater activity of primary antioxidant enzymes within
those findings translate to humans. A very recent investi- skeletal muscles, particularly as a function of exercise inten-
gation found that TRPv1 and COX-2 protein expression sity and duration (Powers et al. 2016). Muscle metaboreflex
levels were elevated in patients with CHF with reduced is greatly influenced by increases in blood flow to exercis-
ejection fraction compared to healthy individuals, while ing skeletal muscles, as it increases muscle perfusion and
P2 and ASICs were not different between groups (Smith reduces accumulation of metabolic by-products during
et al. 2020). However, to date there have been only minimal exercise (e.g. lactic acid) (Thomas 2015), which might help
studies in humans on this topic, and future studies are war- to attenuate the sensitization of group IV afferents. Skel-
ranted to determine if changes in locomotor muscle TRPv1, etal muscle blood flow is regulated by a complex interac-
P2 and COX-2 expression following exercise training may tion between vasoconstrictor and vasodilator substances,
European Journal of Applied Physiology
including nitric oxide (NO), ATP, and prostacyclin (Munch impaired metaboreflex have deficiencies in one or more of
et al. 2018). Increasing the net effect of those vasodilatory those mechanisms, which might help to explain their greater
substances would contribute to exercise hyperemia by induc- responsiveness to exercise training.
ing local vasodilation and overriding sympathetic vasocon- The present state-of-the-art review highlighted issues that
strictor activity during exercise (functional sympatholysis) warrant further research. Key questions to be addressed in
(Munch et al. 2018). Exercise training (in particular aerobic) the future include:
seems to enhance functional sympatholysis by increasing • What would be the optimal dose–response relationship
the release of those vasodilatory substances (Mizuno et al. of training components (FITT) in interventions with differ-
2014; Jendzjowsky and Delorey 2013; Saltin and Mortensen ent exercise modalities, to induce favorable adaptations in
2012) – which adaptation was diminished by NO blockade individuals with intact and impaired muscle metaboreflex?
(Mizuno et al. 2014). Taken together, those vascular adapta- • What would be the characteristics of aerobic, resistance,
tions to exercise training (Ashor et al. 2015) may prevent or or multimodal training to restore the impaired metaboreflex
postpone the critical accumulation of metabolites, therefore, in individuals with chronic pathological conditions, particu-
favoring the muscle metaboreflex. larly cardiometabolic diseases (e.g., CHF, hypertension, dia-
Collectively, these proposed mechanisms are consistent betes, obesity, and coronary artery disease)?
with the hypothesis that individuals with impaired muscle • What would be the mechanisms underlying the poten-
metaboreflex would be more responsive to training adap- tial benefits of exercise training on the muscle metaboreflex
tations than healthy individuals, due to a larger “training in individuals with different medical conditions leading to
window” resulting from the malfunctioning of one or more impaired metaboreflex?
of the mechanisms evoking the metaboreflex (Grotle et al.
Author contributions GG and JPB: had the idea for the article, GG and
MVSR: performed the literature search and data analysis, GG, PF and
JPB drafted the manuscript, all authors critically revised the manuscript
Conclusions and future directions and approved its submission.
Research on the effects of chronic exercise upon the mus- Funding This work was supported by the National Council for Tech-
cle metaboreflex is scarce. Prior studies with healthy indi- nological and Scientific Development (CNPq, process 303629/2019-3,
recipient PF) and Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support
viduals failed to show improvements in cardiovascular and in the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ, process E-26/110.184/2013,
autonomic responses to metaboreflex activation. However, recipient PF, E-26/202.720/2019, E-26/010.100935/2018 recipient
practically all trials applied short interventions of resistance JPB).
training performed with small muscle mass. The available
evidence is therefore not sufficient to determine whether an Data availability Not applicable.
intact metaboreflex might be improved by exercise training
of different modalities. Declarations
Experiments including patients with chronic diseases
Conflicts of interest The authors declare that the research was con-
often associated with impaired metaboreflex are also limited ducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that
and mixed. However, data from trials with cardiometabolic could be considered a potential conflict of interest.
diseases – particularly CHF – are suggestive that different
modalities of exercise training may improve cardiovascular Ethics approval Not applicable.
and autonomic responses to metaboreflex activation. Favora- Consent to participate Not applicable.
ble adaptations seem to be more likely to occur in response
to long-term aerobic training of moderate- to high intensity, Consent for publication Not applicable.
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