Economics P1 (English) Memo
Economics P1 (English) Memo
Economics P1 (English) Memo
22 pages
1.1.2 A – lagging ✓✓
1.1.5 C – sanctions ✓✓
1.3.2 Extrapolation ✓
Answer any TWO of the three questions from this section in the ANSWER
2.1.1 Name TWO examples of real flows within the four-sector model.
• Reduce taxes ✓
• Increase government spending ✓ (1)
2.2.5 How can raising interest rates slow down economic growth?
• Diagram A ✓ (1)
2.3.5 Explain the impact on the rand if the number of tourists from South
Africa to the USA decreases. Use the information from the
diagrams to prove your answer.
2.4 Briefly explain real business cycles without the use of a graph.
2.5 How can an increase in the gross domestic product (GDP) influence the
• South Africa ✓
• Namibia ✓
• Botswana ✓
• Lesotho ✓
• Swaziland ✓ (1)
• 16 ✓ (1)
• Trading blocs are groups of countries that establish rules for trade
among all participating countries. ✓✓
(Accept any other correct relevant response.) (2)
• For local producers, the import tariff raises the price of imported
goods, domestic prices will be lower because the tariffs on imported
goods will cause it to be higher than domestic prices. ✓✓
(Accept any other correct relevant response.) (2)
• Technology ✓ (1)
• To create employment ✓
• To diversify the economy ✓
• To increase exports ✓
• To create macroeconomic stability ✓
(Accept any other correct relevant response.) (1)
Good governance
Provision of resources
3.5 Evaluate the impact of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) on
economic development since 1994.
Successes of NSDS
• All SETAS produce quality guides, but they are not well known by the public.
This reduced the number of trainees (student). ✓✓
• Skills development has been ineffective in the informal sector. ✓✓
• TVET colleges had limited success and employee confidence remained very
low in TVET Sector. ✓✓
• Most registered companies do not participate at all in the skills development
system which has compromised the objectives of NSDS. ✓✓
(Accept any other correct relevant response.) (4 x 2) (8)
• Tools ✓
• Machinery ✓
• Buildings ✓
• Vehicles ✓
• Computers ✓
• Construction equipment ✓
(Accept any other correct relevant response.) (2 x 1) (2)
• Wages/Salaries ✓ (1)
• Payroll tax ✓
• Taxes on land and buildings ✓
• License fees ✓
• Stamps ✓
• Registration fees ✓
(Accept any other correct relevant response.) (1)
4.3.2 Which current South African growth and development policy aims to
eliminate poverty by 2030?
• The market in which goods and services of one country are traded
(purchased or sold) to people of other countries. ✓✓
(Accept any other correct relevant response.) (2)
4.3.4 Why does the North have little interest in the welfare of the South?
• The North is mainly interested in the cheap resources that they can get
from developing countries in the South. ✓✓
• This exploitation is their objective therefore they will never have
interest in the welfare of the South. ✓✓
• The improvement of welfare will result in the North not being able to
get resources at cheap prices. ✓✓
• When the North gives foreign aid, there will be strings attached and
thus increased loss of our natural resources and freedom. ✓✓
• If the North recognises the wealth of the South, it will not have access
to resources and cheap labour. ✓✓
(Accept any other correct relevant response.) (2)
Direct investment
Portfolio investments
Answer any ONE of the two questions in this section in the ANSWER BOOK.
• Discuss, in detail, the reasons for public sector failure (link them to a
typical problems experienced through public sector provisioning)
(26 marks)
• Examine the practicality of the medium-term expenditure framework in the
South African economy. (10 marks)
Public sector failure occurs when government intervention in the economy leads to an
inefficient allocation of resources and leads to an overall decline in economic
welfare. ✓✓
(Accept any other relevant introduction.) (Max. 2)
Management failure ✓
Apathy ✓
• This occurs when civil servants are disinterested, lack of enthusiasm and are
incompetent in their roles. ✓✓
• When public servants are apathetic, their productivity levels decrease resulting in
poor service delivery. ✓✓
• Corruption and poor service delivery are signs of apathy and may result in poor
accountability. ✓✓
• Parastatal employees lack the interest or concern because they know they will get
paid even when they are underperforming. ✓✓
• E.g., a ward councillor receives the approval for the building of new communal
toilets at the local park, but the building of the toilets is delayed because the
required paperwork was never submitted to the building contractor ✓✓
• Apathy is therefore linked to efficiency as a problem of public sector
provisioning. ✓✓
(Two marks for an accurate linking assertion that includes an explanation of the
public sector failure)
Bureaucracy ✓
• Complex rules and procedures might lead to inefficiencies in the public sector and
the public sector might fail to provide the goods and services in time to the
consumers. ✓✓
• For example, if there is an electricity fault at some house, the state company Eskom
will send their workers to fix the fault and the workers will only fix that fault because
they were told to fix that only. Even if there is a fault in the neighbouring house they
will not fix it but they will need that fault to be reported so they can come fix it. ✓✓
• This simply means that the parastatals cannot satisfy the needs of consumers in
time because of the rules and procedures that must be followed that may take time
to finish following them. ✓✓
• Bureaucracy is linked to typical problems experienced through public sector
provisioning of efficiency and assessing needs. ✓✓
(Two marks for an accurate linking assertion that includes an explanation of the
public sector failure)
Lack of motivation ✓
Politicians ✓
• In order to secure their political careers, politicians may be tempted to act in their
personal capacity rather then in the interest of the public. ✓✓
• They could therefore promote and endorse projects and policies to secure votes for
their re-election. ✓✓
• These projects and policies could lead to misallocation or wastage or resources. ✓✓
• Lack of accountability by politicians may be a result of corruption and this may lead
to them not fulfilling the promises they made to community when they were running
their campaigns. ✓✓
• As the politicians are not accountable for their actions then resources may not be
allocated fairly because of corruption. ✓✓
• E.g., the Minister of Health approves a contract for a vaccination programme from a
company where he is a major stakeholder without disclosing this information. ✓✓
• Politicians are linked to accountability and efficiency as problems of public
provisioning. ✓✓
(Two marks for an accurate linking assertion that includes an explanation of the
public sector failure. Only statement of linking: 1 mark)
Structural weaknesses ✓
• When the state is the only service provider of a good or service and there is an
undersupply, it compromises the efficiency of the entire economy. ✓✓
• If the good or service provided is critical to the optimum functioning of the economy,
and there are problems with its provisioning, all role players within the economy will
be compromised. ✓✓
• This will have far-reaching negative consequences, most specifically hampering
economic growth. ✓✓
• E.g., Eskom is the only service provider of electricity in South Africa and when
power outages occur, it impacts on the efficiency of the entire country. ✓✓
• Linked to accountability, efficiency, and parastatals as problems of public
provisioning. ✓✓
(Two marks for an accurate linking assertion that includes an explanation of the
public sector failure)
• Greater transparency of budget and service delivery information for the public. ✓✓
• The policy goals and resource allocation are clearly set out. ✓✓
• In this way it empowers government to determine priorities and deliver change. ✓✓
• Strengthen links between planning and prioritisation, budgeting, and service delivery
in the country. ✓✓
• Improved efficiency of public expenditure and predictability of resource flows in the
country. ✓✓
• The quest for greater efficiency in the management of public resources to deliver
services more effectively and fairly. ✓✓
• Enhancing the partnership between government and the private sector to improve
service delivery and quality. ✓✓
• It became evident during the pandemic that certain sectors were inefficient and
underspend. ✓✓
• There has been underspending on capital programmes in recent years. The capital
budgets for the future are the result for less and inelastic examination/accountability
of budgets. ✓✓
• Municipalities fail to collect enough revenue during or within the fiscal year which
increases pressure on MTEF. ✓✓
• Lack of quality and timely information by provincial and local municipalities as only
16% of South Africa's 257 municipalities have been given a clean audit by the
auditor general for the 2020 – 21 financial year. ✓✓
• Pressure on the government’s wage bill ceiling could undermine fiscal consolidation
measures. ✓✓
• The government should consider how much they spend on salaries, as the wage bill
is normally the highest in the total expenditure, and there has been attempts to
reduce it, but the labour and unions are not in favour of such actions. ✓✓
(Accept any other relevant correct response.) (Max. 10)
(A maximum of 2 marks will be allocated for a mere listing facts)
Increased transparency can help deliver change in public sector performance ensuring
information-sharing, and publishing or disseminating performance information. ✓✓
(Accept any other higher-order conclusion.) (Max. 2)
Social indicators describe the living conditions of people in a country and measure the
level of development in living standards over time. ✓✓ (Max. 2)
Demographics indicators ✓
Population growth ✓
• The population of South Africa is estimated to be 60,6 million by the end of June
2022. Between 2002 and 2022 South Africa experienced a positive population
growth year-on-year. ✓✓
• A high population growth combined with low economic growth harms efforts to
improve the average standard of living of the population✓✓
• Measuring population growth is important for delivering social services and for
identifying the size of the tax base (the total number of people paying taxes). ✓✓
Life expectancy ✓
• The standard of living of the population is related to the quality of nutrition and
health. ✓✓
• These indicators are used by the government and other institutions to investigate
health-related issues. ✓✓
• Malnutrition is expressed as underweight or dwarfism. ✓✓
• It contributes towards the risks of death and prevents cognitive development of
children in SA. ✓✓
• Between 2018 and 2020, the number of people undernourished in South Africa
amounted to 3.8 million, showing an increase compared to previous years. ✓✓
• Overweight is associated with obesity in childhood, diabetes, respiratory diseases,
high blood pressure and psychological disorders. ✓✓
• Being overweight can lead to numerous adverse health conditions, which affects
people’s ability to work and take care of themselves. ✓✓
• Approximately 31% of men and 68% of women in South Africa are obese. ✓✓
Education indicators ✓
Services indicators ✓
• Basic services such as housing, water, sanitation, and electricity are important
factors that indicate the standard of living of people in a country. ✓✓
• Electricity: the government promotes access to electricity to all members of the
population, regardless of whether they live in rural or urban areas. ✓✓
• South Africa citizens with electricity access for 2020 was 84,39%, a 0,61% decline
from 2019. ✓✓
• Refuse removal: In South Africa, the collection of households' waste decreased from
66,4% households in 2018 to 61,5% households in 2019. ✓✓
• South African households had access to refuse removal by local government
services and dumping sites. ✓✓
• Water supply and sanitation is an objective of SA government for all people to have
access to clean water and a basic functioning sanitation system. ✓✓
• An estimated 45,2% of households had access to piped water in their dwellings in
2021. A further 29,4% accessed water on-site while 12,2% relied on communal taps
and 1,9% relied on neighbours’ taps. ✓✓
• Although generally households’ access to water improved, 2,7% of households still
had to fetch water from rivers, streams, stagnant water pools, dams, wells and
springs in 2021. ✓✓
• Housing: to secure social and economic benefits of proper housing, the government
facilitates home ownership by means of housing subsidy scheme and loans from the
private sector. ✓✓
• The RDP was also introduced to provide housing to previously disadvantaged
people. ✓✓
• Various housing projects such as the People’s Housing Process and the hostel
redevelopments have been implemented to provide housing to such people. ✓✓
• Urbanisation is the increase in population numbers of urban areas (cities and
towns). ✓✓
• South Africa had an urbanisation rate of 73% in 2021. The urbanisation rate in
South Africa decreased by 1,4% on a year-on-year basis in 2021. Between 2010
and 2021, the indicator decreased by 15,1% ✓✓
• Causes of urbanisation may include natural growth in urban population, migration in
form of rural-urban migration or international migration and founding/establishment
of new towns. ✓✓
(Accept any other correct relevant response.) (Max. 26)
(A maximum of 8 marks for headings and examples)
• Productivity refers to how much output can be produced with a given set of
inputs. ✓✓
• It measures how efficiently production inputs, such as labour and capital, are being
used in an economy to produce a given level of output. ✓✓
• Productivity increases when more output is produced with the same amount of
inputs or when the same amount of output is produced with less inputs. ✓✓
• A country's ability to improve its standard of living depends almost entirely on its
ability to raise its output per worker (i.e., producing more goods and services for a
given number of hours of work). ✓✓
• The four reasons of a nation's productivity are physical capital, technology, human
capital, and natural resources. ✓✓
• Labour productivity measures the hourly output of a country's economy. ✓✓
• Capital productivity is used to determine the efficiency of fixed assets. It is a
measure of the amount of output to the amount of physical capital used as input. ✓✓
• Material productivity is a measure of the output generated to the amount of input
materials used. ✓✓
• New machines, technologies, and techniques are crucial factors in determining
productivity. ✓✓
(Accept any other relevant correct response.) (Max. 10)
(A maximum of 2 marks will be allocated for a mere listing facts)
Social indicators are key in helping the government to decide on appropriate policies
that can help in achieving economic development. ✓✓ (Max. 2)
(Accept any relevant higher order conclusion.) [40]
TOTAL: 150