4B2 Mathematical Material
4B2 Mathematical Material
4B2 Mathematical Material
Expressions involving basic arithmetic operations,
variables, parameters, and constants used in
WHAT ARE mathematical models
MATHEMATICAL Functions that work like mathematical operators
MATERIALS Subscripts and superscripts in a series of variables
Consistency should be maintained throughout
text e. g. writing 5000 in two places like this:
CONSISTENCY 0.05 × 105 in one place and 0.5 × 104 in another,
IN WRITING is inconsistent practice
Consistently, it should be stated as 5 × 103
a × 10b
a: Coefficient, 10: Base, b: Exponent
SI (Engineering)
& Scientific SI (Engineering) Notation
Notation of b takes values 0, 3, 6, 9, . . and –3, –6, . . .
Scientific Notation
0 < a < 10
525 is written as 0.525 × 103
0.005 is written as 5 × 10–3
SI Notation of
Numbers Standard scientific notations are preferred to
computer exponentials e. g. 5.0 × 10−3 instead of
Standard 5.0 E−3
Computer exponentials (using E) appearing in
Scientific computer output may be given in Appendixes,
Notation but not in main text
25.5 is represented as 2.55 × 101
0.055 is represented as 5.5 × 10-2
% symbol is used with Indo-Arabic numbers
‘Per cent’ is used with word version of number e. g.
USE OF 5 % and five per cent (not 5 per cent)
% SYMBOL % symbol is not repeated with each number in a
series or with each number in a range of values e. g.
5, 10, and 15 %, OR 5–10 %
NUMBERS Hyphen separates individual numbers of compound
number and their ordinal counterparts e. g. twenty-
one, thirty-four, . . . twenty-first, thirty-fourth, . . .
Numbers (nine or less) should be written in words e. g.
We carried out two experiments . . .
NUMERALS If a series of numbers contain numbers both less and
more than 10, then only Arabic numerals should be used
OR e. g. There are 25 samples, with a sample size of 5.
WORDS? Marks secured by the students are: 2, 5, 10, and 15.
Exception:We assume that x is greater than 1.
For very large and very small numbers, give a space
THOUSAND in the thousand operator e. g. 10 000 000, 0.254 25
OPERATOR Always use figures when symbol of unit of
measurement follows e. g. 5 A
MATHEMATICAL Use figures when mathematical operations are
OPERATIONS implied e. g. factor of 2, 3 × 3 matrix
ROUND Always spell approximate values, ‘round numbers’
e. g. about five years, two orders of magnitude,
NUMBERS about four times larger
VECTORS, vector:
boldface, lower-case (v, l, m, … )
boldface, upper-case (V, L, . . .)
AND tensor: boldface, italic (V, L)
Purpose of italicizing scalars is to distinguish them from SI
units that are always written upright
Symbols for variables, constants, and unknown quantities
are italicized e. g. x, l, m
Greek letters ( α, β, etc.) are always written upright
Greek letters ( α, β, etc.) are always set in Roman
Subscripted variables follow different writing styles:
VARIABLES Subscripts are numbers: x1, x2
Subscripts are variables: xi, xij
& Subscript is upright when it refers to input or output variable
CONSTANTS or entities
other than a quantity e. g. xi (input variable), xo (output
variable), xe (mass of electron)
Subscript is upright when it refers to values of upper and
lower limits or maximum and minimum values e. g. xu and xl ,
xmax and xmin
Abbreviations for standard functions, such as log,
max, min, exp, sin, cos, tan, cosh, lim, avg, cov,
diag, and ln, are set in Roman (upright)
FUNCTIONS A space separates function name from expression
& e. g. log x, sin (x + y), . . .
OPERATORS Operators for expectation and transposition are in
italic e. g. E and T
Transpose of a vector
xT(n) not x(n)T
Power of a scalar
x2(n) not x(n)2
Vertical alignment of superscript and subscript