4B2 Mathematical Material

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 Numbers
 Expressions involving basic arithmetic operations,
variables, parameters, and constants used in
WHAT ARE mathematical models
MATHEMATICAL  Functions that work like mathematical operators
MATERIALS  Subscripts and superscripts in a series of variables
 Equations
 Consistency should be maintained throughout
text e. g. writing 5000 in two places like this:
CONSISTENCY 0.05 × 105 in one place and 0.5 × 104 in another,
IN WRITING is inconsistent practice
Consistently, it should be stated as 5 × 103
 a × 10b
a: Coefficient, 10: Base, b: Exponent
SI (Engineering)
& Scientific  SI (Engineering) Notation
Notation of b takes values 0, 3, 6, 9, . . and –3, –6, . . .
 Scientific Notation
0 < a < 10
 525 is written as 0.525 × 103
 0.005 is written as 5 × 10–3
SI Notation of
Numbers  Standard scientific notations are preferred to
computer exponentials e. g. 5.0 × 10−3 instead of
Standard 5.0 E−3
Computer exponentials (using E) appearing in
Scientific computer output may be given in Appendixes,
Notation but not in main text
 25.5 is represented as 2.55 × 101
 0.055 is represented as 5.5 × 10-2
 % symbol is used with Indo-Arabic numbers
 ‘Per cent’ is used with word version of number e. g.
USE OF 5 % and five per cent (not 5 per cent)
% SYMBOL  % symbol is not repeated with each number in a
series or with each number in a range of values e. g.
5, 10, and 15 %, OR 5–10 %
NUMBERS  Hyphen separates individual numbers of compound
number and their ordinal counterparts e. g. twenty-
one, thirty-four, . . . twenty-first, thirty-fourth, . . .
 Numbers (nine or less) should be written in words e. g.
We carried out two experiments . . .
NUMERALS  If a series of numbers contain numbers both less and
more than 10, then only Arabic numerals should be used
OR e. g. There are 25 samples, with a sample size of 5.
WORDS? Marks secured by the students are: 2, 5, 10, and 15.
 Exception:We assume that x is greater than 1.
 For very large and very small numbers, give a space
THOUSAND in the thousand operator e. g. 10 000 000, 0.254 25
OPERATOR  Always use figures when symbol of unit of
measurement follows e. g. 5 A

MATHEMATICAL  Use figures when mathematical operations are
OPERATIONS implied e. g. factor of 2, 3 × 3 matrix
ROUND  Always spell approximate values, ‘round numbers’
e. g. about five years, two orders of magnitude,
NUMBERS about four times larger

APPROXIMATE  If approximate value is followed by a unit, then

VALUES the unit is not expressed in symbols e. g. several
kilovolts, a few tens of megahertz, a few volts
 Units of measurement are nouns and should not
be used to modify another noun:
Incorrect:The signal generator had a 15-kHz
OF NOUN Correct: The signal generator had a frequency of
15 kHz.
Incorrect: It is a 6-centimeter long pipe.
Correct: The length of the pipe is 6 cm.
 Research document should contain list of symbols in the
 List of symbols helps to
o To ensure that same symbol is neither used for more than
one purpose nor defined in more than one way
o Reader to refer to one place to find definition of a symbol
 List of symbols should be arranged with Latin letters
LIST OF followed by Greek letters, each arranged alphabetically
 Whenever applicable, unit of measure should be given for
SYMBOLS each symbol:
c: Velocity (km/h)
m: Mass (kg)
β: Regression coefficient (unit/rupee)
η: Efficiency (1)
 Signs for basic arithmetic operations:
 Plus +
 Minus − (different from hyphen - look at length,
vertical location, and intensity)
BASIC  Multiplication × (different from the letter x or symbol
ARITHMETIC asterisk *)
 Division ∕ (different from solidus i. e. slash or
OPERATIONS oblique / look at the inclination) and ÷

 Except plus symbol, no symbol is available on a keyboard

normally available in the market
 All other symbols are to be selected from Symbols list
 Scalars, vectors, and matrices are written as follows:

SCALARS, scalar: lightface italic (v, l, m, … )

VECTORS, vector:
boldface, lower-case (v, l, m, … )
boldface, upper-case (V, L, . . .)
AND tensor: boldface, italic (V, L)
 Purpose of italicizing scalars is to distinguish them from SI
units that are always written upright
 Symbols for variables, constants, and unknown quantities
are italicized e. g. x, l, m
 Greek letters ( α, β, etc.) are always written upright
 Greek letters ( α, β, etc.) are always set in Roman
 Subscripted variables follow different writing styles:
VARIABLES Subscripts are numbers: x1, x2
Subscripts are variables: xi, xij
&  Subscript is upright when it refers to input or output variable
CONSTANTS or entities
other than a quantity e. g. xi (input variable), xo (output
variable), xe (mass of electron)
 Subscript is upright when it refers to values of upper and
lower limits or maximum and minimum values e. g. xu and xl ,
xmax and xmin
 Abbreviations for standard functions, such as log,
max, min, exp, sin, cos, tan, cosh, lim, avg, cov,
diag, and ln, are set in Roman (upright)
FUNCTIONS  A space separates function name from expression
& e. g. log x, sin (x + y), . . .
OPERATORS  Operators for expectation and transposition are in
italic e. g. E and T
 Transpose of a vector
xT(n) not x(n)T

 Power of a scalar
x2(n) not x(n)2
 Vertical alignment of superscript and subscript

 Indexing a subscripted variable:

 Ellipsis indicate omitted words, sentences, or symbols
 Ellipses indicate a series of variables e. g.
x1, x2, . . ., xn (not x1, x2 . . . xn)
USE  Three raised ellipses (centered dots) are used for
series of additions or multiplications of variables e. g.
OF x1 + x2 + · · · + xn (not x1 + x2 + . . . xn)
ELLIPSES x1x2 · · · xn (not x1x2 . . . xn)
 Three ellipses indicate range of variable e. g.
xi, i = 1, 2, . . . (not xi, i = 1, 2 . . .)
 One space should be provided on both sides of a mathematical
z=x+y z=x−y
z=x×y z=x÷y
 No space appears if division is indicated by the symbol ∕ and also
when multiplication is implied
SPACE z = x∕y z = xy z = 25x
ACCOMPANYING  Negative number should not have space separating sign and number
MATHEMATICAL The number −2 (not − 2) is more than −3 (not − 3).

OPERATORS −3 < −2 (correct) − 3 < − 2 (not correct)

 When plus sign indicates positive number then no space appears
between sign and number
−3 ≤ x ≤ +3
 No space appears between a variable and its subscripts (or
superscripts) and between a variable and its power
x i, xij, x2
 Each equation should appear immediately after it is
referenced in text for first time
 Explanation for each equation should appear in text that
precedes it
 Explanation should define important variables and their
relationships that lead to equation
REFERENCING  Subsequent referencing takes place by citing equation
EQUATIONS  All symbols appearing in equation should be defined
immediately after
 Symbols should be sequenced in order of their appearance
in equation
 Unambiguous definitions should be given along with units of
measure (wherever applicable)
 A long equation can have many terms, each representing a
particular aspect of theme of equation
EXPLANATION  Each term should be explained before or immediately after
OF TERMS equation
 Equations are referred to in text by equation numbers
 Equations are numbered in order of appearance (like tables and
EQUATION figures)
NUMBER  When document is divided into chapters, equation number bears
chapter number and number reflecting order of appearance
 Equation should be separated from texts preceding and following it
LOCATION OF by a larger line spacing (compared to one in text)
 It should be set off from left margin with an indentation
EQUATION  Equation numbers should be right justified and should be preceded
by three raised ellipses
 Number of students (z) in class is given in Eq. 4.2 as sum
of number of male students (x) and number of female
students (y):
z=x+y · · · (4.2)
 This equation is second in order of appearance in Chapter
4 of document
 Note abbreviation “Eq.” used in text preceding equation
Concentration = (ma’ + b) × dilution factor
where a’: unknown sample absorption
m: slope of calibration graph
b: intercept on concentration axis
Note: ‘where’ is not capitalized
 Equations should be punctuated as a sentence e. g.
 Defining y as a quadratic function of x,
 y = ax + bx2, ··· (3)
 the gradient of y is given as
 . ··· (4)


 Note: commas, full stop, raised dots, vertical alignments

 Not numbers but parameters appear in equations (because
PARAMETERS they are estimated values and not constants):
IN Not recommended: z=x+2
EQUATIONS Recommended: z=x+y y=2

 A numbered equation should not appear in a line in the text

EQUATION IN Incorrect: It thus comes out to be true that x2 + y = x + y2 · ·
TEXT LINE · (4.3)
Correct: Thus the following equation holds:
x2 + y = x + y2 · · · (4.3)
 Long equation may not fit in one line, and may be broken in
two ways:
 before verb operator (such as =, ≠, <, >, ≤, ≥) or
 before conjunction (such as +, ×) that follows an aggregation (i.
e. meaningful expression within brackets)
 In first case, run-over lines are aligned on verb operators
BREAKING  In second case, conjunction on run-over line is lined up with
right of verb in line above
EQUATIONS Verb Operator
z = (x + y – ef + r)
+ 2y – ef + r (x + y – ef + r)
– (e – f) < (2y – ef + r)

conjunction on run-over line

 Provide numerical values and avoid ambiguous words
Incorrect: The voltage across a forward-biased silicon diode
is small.
Correct: The voltage across a forward-biased silicon diode is
USE OF about 0.7 V.

NUMBERS IN Correct: The voltage across a forward-biased silicon diode is

small (about 0.7 V).
 Avoid dangling comparatives and superlatives
Incorrect: The voltage across the diode is smaller.
Correct: The voltage across the diode is smaller than the
voltage across resistor R1.
Incorrect Correct
3½ 3½
3½ kilograms 3-½ kilograms
FRACTIONS & 3-1/2 kilograms
Incorrect Correct
A ten members committee A ten-member committee
USE OF 25 inch cloth 25-inch cloth
HYPHENS 5-A current 5 A current
3, 5, 10 ampere current 3-, 5-, 10-ampere current
1 foot long wire 1-foot-long wire
 Same ‘order of magnitude’ means their ratio is less
than ten e. g. 5 and 45 are of same order of

ORDERS OF  An order of magnitude larger means ten times as

MAGNITUDE large e. g. 125 is an order of magnitude larger than

 Two orders of magnitude larger means 100 times

larger e. g. 825 is two orders of magnitude larger
than 7

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