External English LTL (Comp)
External English LTL (Comp)
External English LTL (Comp)
Purpose of Course To enhance the communication skills of the students and to equip
them with human values , language skills and knowledge.
Course Outcomes
CO1: Students will be able to learn language and grammar skills
through the medium of English literature.
Course Outcome After studying the course, students will be able to learn the
function of language components with an improved critical,
analytical and communication skills.
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Main Reading CONFLUENCE ( Cambridge) by K.N.Shoba
Unit : 1: Poetry
1 - Leisure – W.H. Davies
2 - The Secret of the Machines – Rudyard Kipling
3- Very Indian Poem in Indian English- Nissim Ezekiel
4- Water – Ralph Waldo Emerson
5-Casey at the Bat –Earnest L. Thayer
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Reference Books 1. Paul Emmerson. Business English –Handbook
Advanced.India:Macmillan Publishers,2007.
2. Norman Whitby. Business Benchmark( Cambridge English).
Cambridge University Press, 2014.
3. Sanjay,Kumar.,Pushp, Lata., Communication Skills Oxford
Higher Education,2nd Ed. OUP,2015.
4. Kaul. Effective Business Communication, Pentice Hall:New
5. Robinson, Netrakanil and Shintre . Communication
Competence in Business English, Orient Longman: Hyderab
Write a brief argumentative essay. (1/2) 20
4 Do as Directed. (20/24)
A. Six questions from vocabulary . (5/6)
( Compound words, Commonly confused words,
prefixes, suffixes, negative prefix and metonymy)
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