Rubs Pdba Brochure 2023 Digital 02
Rubs Pdba Brochure 2023 Digital 02
Rubs Pdba Brochure 2023 Digital 02
Business Analysis
The Rhodes Business School is committed to making improvement to achieve sustainable business per-
a significant contribution to the development of formance will be achieved.
sustainable business practices. Business Analysis is
a critical skill set required to assist organisations to The Programme
achieve sustainable business performance. The PGDip(Business Analysis) is a one year, full-
time or one and a half year, parttime modular
The purpose of the Diploma is to provide a qual- programme, comprising four modules, where
ification for Business Analysis professionals that students are required to attend four teaching
will enable them to strategically, operationally and blocks in Grahamstown. Between teaching blocks,
critically address relevant methods, processes, students are required to complete work-based
systems and techniques that should be applied to assignments. A practical 24 hour examination
achieve sustainable business performance. is undertaken at the commencement of the
4th teaching block, covering all four modules. A
In so doing, the number and quality of work- Problem Solving Project (PSP), with a supporting
ing Business Analysts in Africa who are able portfolio of evidence (POE) is to be submitted
to effectively communicate and apply their by the end of the second semester for full-time
understanding of the theory, principles, pur- students or at the end of the first semester of the
pose, role, methods and techniques of business second year for part-time students.
analysis, business modelling and business process
Module 1 Module 2
Module 3 Module 4
Each block is of seven days duration and entails intensive teaching and engagement.
Each student is required to have their own laptop.
The Learning Approach
The programme is based on the action learning phi-
losophy, which is embodied in four distinct elements:
Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree or an
Advanced Diploma in a related discipline (Information
Systems, Business Analysis, Project Management).