2019: SB2.0 - Student - Guide - To - Using - Connect - and - SmartBook
2019: SB2.0 - Student - Guide - To - Using - Connect - and - SmartBook
2019: SB2.0 - Student - Guide - To - Using - Connect - and - SmartBook
Guide to Using
We’ll walk you through the
basics and show you how to
navigate, complete assignments
and access reports on Connect.
Under the Results tab in the main menu, click on a course to
view all completed assignments for that class. Once you have
submitted an assignment, your available results will be shown
in this tab. Here, you can access details for each assignment
attempt by clicking the link below the assignment title.
How am I Progressing?
This view displays your completed assignments for an
overall look at how your scores stack up over the duration
of your course.
Progress Bar
As you work through the Question Stage, the Progress bar
breaks down your assignment progress into three categories:
concepts not started, concepts in progress and concepts
completed. You’ll need to successfully answer at least two
questions related to a concept before that concept is marked
complete in the Progress bar.