1LE1002 1BB23 4AA4 Datasheet en
1LE1002 1BB23 4AA4 Datasheet en
1LE1002 1BB23 4AA4 Datasheet en
IM B3 / IM 1001 FS 112 M IP55 UKCA IEC/EN 60034 IEC, DIN, ISO, VDE, EN
Environmental conditions : -20 °C - +40 °C / 1,000 m Locked rotor time (hot / cold) : 7.3 s | 14.5 s
Mechanical data
Sound level (SPL / SWL) at 50Hz|60Hz 58 / 70 dB(A) 2) 3) 62 / 74 dB(A) 2) 3) Vibration severity grade A
External earthing terminal Without Method of cooling IC411 - self ventilated, surface cooled
Terminal box
IA/IN = locked rotor current / current nominal 1) L10mh according to DIN ISO 281 10/2010 3) Value is valid only for DOL operation with motor design IC411
MA/MN = locked rotor torque / torque nominal 2) at rated power / at full load
MK/MN = break down torque / nominal torque
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discrepancies between calculated and rating plate
DI MC LVM DT Configurator values.
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