Math W3

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MATATAG School Grade Level

K to 10 Curriculum Name of Teacher Learning Area Mathematics

Weekly Lesson Log Teaching Dates and August 12-16, 2024 Quarter Quarter 1/ Week 3


August 12, 2024 August 13, 2024 August 14, 2024 August 15, 2024 August 16, 2024
A. Content Standards The learners should have knowledge and understanding of whole numbers up to 100.
B. Performance By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to count, recognize, and represent whole numbers up to 100.
C. Learning Compare two numbers up to 20.
Compare two numbers Compare two numbers Compare two numbers up Compare two numbers Compare two numbers
D. Learning Objectives
up to 20. up to 20. to 20. up to 20. up to 20.
II. CONTENT FOCUS Bigger Number Smaller Number Greater Than Less Than Equal To
A. References MATATAG Curriculum MATATAG Curriculum MATATAG Curriculum MATATAG Curriculum MATATAG Curriculum
Mathematics CG 2023 Mathematics CG 2023 Mathematics CG 2023 Mathematics CG 2023 Mathematics CG 2023
Page 23 Page 23 Page 23 Page 23 Page 23
B. Other Learning power point power point power point presentation, power point power point
Resources presentation, activity presentation, activity activity sheets, pictures, presentation, activity presentation, activity
sheets, pictures, video sheets, pictures, video video presentation sheets, pictures, video sheets, pictures, video
presentation presentation presentation presentation
Before/Pre-Lesson Proper
Activating Prior Direction: Look at the Direction: Look at the Let’s watch! Let’s watch! Let’s watch!
Knowledge pair of pictures in each pair of pictures in each
number. Which one is number. Which one is https://
bigger? smaller? com/watch?v=ka9zb com/watch?v=ka9zb
/watch?v=ka9zbPcqXBI PcqXBI PcqXBI

Ask the students: Ask the students:

Ask the students: 1. The video is all 1. The video is all
1. The video is all about about what? about what?
what? 2. What are the 2. What are the
2. What are the symbols symbols given in the symbols given in the
given in the song? song? song?
Lesson Purpose/Intention Today, we are going to Today, we are going to Today, we are going to Today, we are going to Today, we are going to
learn how to compare learn how to compare learn the symbol “Greater learn the symbol “Less learn the symbol
two different numbers. two different numbers. Than”. Than”. “Equal To”.
Lesson Language Practice Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlocking of Unlocking of
>bigger - of >smaller - of a size that >greater - of an extent, Difficulties: Difficulties:
considerable size, is less than normal or amount, or intensity >less - a smaller >equal - being the
extent, or intensity. usual. considerably above the amount or quantity of same in quantity, size,
normal or average. something. degree, or value.
During/Lesson Proper
Reading the Key Can you identify the Can you identify the Ask: Ask: Ask:
Idea/Stem given numbers given numbers Do you know what symbol Do you know what Do you know what
correctly? correctly? is shown in the picture? symbol is shown in the symbol is shown in the
picture? picture?
18, 11, 6, 13, 9, 3, 20 18, 11, 6, 13, 9, 3, 20 This symbol
is called This symbol This symbol
Can you count numbers Can you count numbers greater than. is called is called
from 1 to 20? from 1 to 20? less than. equal to.
The symbol used to
represent greater than is The symbol used to The symbol used to
“>”. If one value is larger represent less than is represent equal to is
than the other value, we “<”. If one value is “=”. If one value is the
use greater than. smaller than the other same as the other
value, we use less value, we use equal to.
Developing Understanding Let’s try these: Let’s try these: Study these: Study these: Study these:
of Key Idea/Stem
Direction: Box the Direction: Box the
biggest number in a smallest number in a
series. series. 4 is greater than 3. 6 is less than 8.

1.) 12 8 2 1.) 12 8 2

2.) 3 7 11 2.) 3 7 11 8 is greater than 6. 5 is less than 8.

3.) 18 4 15 3.) 18 4 15

4.) 20 13 1 4.) 20 13 1

5.) 6 16 10 5.) 6 16 10
15 is greater than 8. 4 is less than 7.
Deepening Understanding Direction: Using the Direction: Using the Direction: Put a check Direction: Put a check Direction: Put a check
of Key Idea/ Stem numbers 1-20, think of numbers 1-20, think of mark (√) if the sequence mark (√) if the mark (√) if the
a number that is bigger a number that is is correct and cross mark sequence is correct sequence is correct
than the following: smaller than the (x) if it is not. and cross mark (x) if it and cross mark (x) if it
7 following: _____1. 18 > 9 is not. is not.
14 7 _____2. 6 > 12 _____1. 18 < 9 _____1. 18 = 18
5 14 _____3. 4 > 1 _____2. 6 < 12 _____2. 0 = 0
2 5 _____4. 7 > 0 _____3. 4 < 1 _____3. 6 = 6
12 2 _____5. 16 > 11 _____4. 7 < 0 _____4. 1 = 7
12 _____5. 11 < 16 _____5. 14 = 5
After/Post-Lesson Proper
Making Generalizations Remember: Remember: Remember: Remember: Remember:
and Abstractions You will learn to find You will learn to find If one value is larger than If one value is smaller If one value is the
the biggest number the smallest number the other value, we use than the other value, same as the other
among numbers by among numbers by greater than “>”. we use less than “<”. value, we use equal to
comparing it. comparing it. “=”.

Evaluating Learning Direction: Color the box Direction: Color the box Direction: Draw a happy Direction: Draw the Direction: Compare the
with the bigger number. with the smaller face  if the sequence is correct sign ( > , < ) in numbers using >, <, or
number. correct and sad face  if the box. =.
it is not.
_____1.) 15 > 3
_____2.) 9 > 10
_____3.) 0 > 5
_____4.) 10 > 6
_____5.) 14 > 18
Additional Activities for
Application or
Remediation (If


Assignment Direction: Encircle the Direction: Encircle the Direction: Write 5 Direction: Draw the Direction: Compare the
biggest number in smallest number in example of number correct sign ( > , < ) in numbers using >, <, or
series. series. sequence showing the box. =.
1.) 5 9 14 1.) 15 6 11 greater than.
2.) 20 8 11 2.) 10 18 1
3.) 17 6 13 3.) 17 4 13
4.) 9 11 10 4.) 19 11 5
5.) 0 10 6 5.) 0 10 20

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