Math W3
Math W3
Math W3
1.) 12 8 2 1.) 12 8 2
3.) 18 4 15 3.) 18 4 15
4.) 20 13 1 4.) 20 13 1
5.) 6 16 10 5.) 6 16 10
15 is greater than 8. 4 is less than 7.
Deepening Understanding Direction: Using the Direction: Using the Direction: Put a check Direction: Put a check Direction: Put a check
of Key Idea/ Stem numbers 1-20, think of numbers 1-20, think of mark (√) if the sequence mark (√) if the mark (√) if the
a number that is bigger a number that is is correct and cross mark sequence is correct sequence is correct
than the following: smaller than the (x) if it is not. and cross mark (x) if it and cross mark (x) if it
7 following: _____1. 18 > 9 is not. is not.
14 7 _____2. 6 > 12 _____1. 18 < 9 _____1. 18 = 18
5 14 _____3. 4 > 1 _____2. 6 < 12 _____2. 0 = 0
2 5 _____4. 7 > 0 _____3. 4 < 1 _____3. 6 = 6
12 2 _____5. 16 > 11 _____4. 7 < 0 _____4. 1 = 7
12 _____5. 11 < 16 _____5. 14 = 5
After/Post-Lesson Proper
Making Generalizations Remember: Remember: Remember: Remember: Remember:
and Abstractions You will learn to find You will learn to find If one value is larger than If one value is smaller If one value is the
the biggest number the smallest number the other value, we use than the other value, same as the other
among numbers by among numbers by greater than “>”. we use less than “<”. value, we use equal to
comparing it. comparing it. “=”.
Evaluating Learning Direction: Color the box Direction: Color the box Direction: Draw a happy Direction: Draw the Direction: Compare the
with the bigger number. with the smaller face if the sequence is correct sign ( > , < ) in numbers using >, <, or
number. correct and sad face if the box. =.
it is not.
_____1.) 15 > 3
_____2.) 9 > 10
_____3.) 0 > 5
_____4.) 10 > 6
_____5.) 14 > 18
Additional Activities for
Application or
Remediation (If
Assignment Direction: Encircle the Direction: Encircle the Direction: Write 5 Direction: Draw the Direction: Compare the
biggest number in smallest number in example of number correct sign ( > , < ) in numbers using >, <, or
series. series. sequence showing the box. =.
1.) 5 9 14 1.) 15 6 11 greater than.
2.) 20 8 11 2.) 10 18 1
3.) 17 6 13 3.) 17 4 13
4.) 9 11 10 4.) 19 11 5
5.) 0 10 6 5.) 0 10 20