Understanding The Biodiversity Consequences of Hab
Understanding The Biodiversity Consequences of Hab
Understanding The Biodiversity Consequences of Hab
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4 authors, including:
Carlos A. Peres
University of East Anglia
All content following this page was uploaded by Carlos A. Peres on 18 December 2017.
1. Secondary and plantation forests are becoming increasingly widespread in the tropics. A recent
meta-analysis on the impacts of land-use change on tropical forest dung beetles concluded that
regenerating forests can be effective in helping to offset species loss following deforestation. How-
ever, our understanding of the extent to which these results can be generalized to new locations
remains very poor.
2. We attempted to overcome many of the design limitations that characterize previous studies by
collecting spatially independent dung beetle samples from primary, secondary and Eucalyptus
plantation forests in north-east Brazilian Amazonia across a large quasi-experimental landscape
that minimized confounding edge and fragmentation effects.
3. We recorded 9203 dung beetles, comprising 85 species. Species richness was significantly higher
in primary forest and the majority of species were more abundant there than elsewhere, whereas
secondary and plantation sites harboured an impoverished subset of primary forest species.
4. Our data illustrate the low value of tropical secondary and plantation forests for dung beetles in
our study area, and our conclusions are more pessimistic than those of earlier studies.
5. Because of differences in the order of species rank-abundance and rank-biomass patterns,
re-coding community data from abundance to biomass significantly altered the analytical weight of
individual species in determining community patterns. Larger bodied beetles were more prone to
local extinctions and abundance declines and this effect was consistent both within and between
6. Synthesis and applications. Our study demonstrates that secondary and plantation forests in a
large neotropical landscape host exceptionally impoverished dung beetle communities. Furthermore,
the depletion of beetle abundance combined with a reduction in average body mass in converted
forests is likely to have detrimental consequences for the maintenance of dung beetle-mediated
ecosystem services in these habitats. Differences in biogeographical and landscape context, and the
influence of common limitations in sampling design, may explain why many other studies have
painted a more optimistic picture of the conservation value of anthropogenic habitats. In the
absence of further evidence we caution strongly against the claim that forest regeneration schemes
on degraded land can effectively offset the loss of species following deforestation, and urge that
conservation strategies prioritize the protection of remaining areas of primary forest.
Key-words: Scarabaeinae, tropical forests, habitat change, habitat value, deforestation, Brazil,
sampling bias, biomass
© 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2008 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology
Land-use change and tropical forest dung beetles 3
= 12, mode = 30) was dried in a constant-temperature oven at 60 °C based separately on abundance and biomass data (Saint-Germain
for 1 week prior to weighing on a balance accurate to 0·0001 g (see et al. 2007). We used non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) to
Table S1 in the supplementary material). define the overall differences in community structure within and
between habitats based on each matrix type, implemented in
PRIMER v·5 (PRIMER-E, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK).
DATA ANALYSIS Ordinations were conducted using site-standardized and square-
root transformed data and the Bray–Curtis similarity index,
Patterns of species richness and abundance although patterns were qualitatively similar when using either
untransformed or presence–absence data. We used analysis of
Comparisons of species richness among habitat types were made by
similarities (; Clarke & Warwick 2001) to test for significant
visual assessment of overlapping 95% confidence intervals on indi-
differences in multivariate community structure between forests
vidual-based rarefaction curves (Gotelli & Colwell 2001) imple-
for each data type, and a non-parametric Mantel test (;
mented in EstimateS v·7.5 (Colwell 2005). Species richness, total
Clarke & Warwick 2001) to compare directly the abundance and
abundance and species-rank abundance distributions varied little
biomass-based similarity matrices.
between seasons (see Appendix S1 in the Supplementary material)
Finally, to detect differences in the analytical weight of individual
and data were therefore pooled across all samples for each analysis.
species in discriminating patterns of community turnover when
To describe patterns of beta diversity across the landscape, we
using abundance vs. biomass data, we calculated the similarity per-
calculated the average number of species absent in each site defined
centage contribution (; Clarke & Warwick 2001) of each spe-
as β = γ – α, where γ is the number of species sampled in the entire
cies, and plotted the percentage values for abundance vs. biomass
landscape (gamma diversity) and α is the average number of species
data for both pairwise habitat dissimilarities and within-habitat
present at a given site (alpha diversity). This approach is used as a
community similarities.
measure of additive partitioning of diversity and allows for a direct
comparison between alpha and beta diversities in terms of numbers
(or percentage) of species (Gardner et al. 2007b). Evaluating the effects of habitat change on dung beetle
We compared the relative abundance of ‘common’ (> 15 cap- body mass and biomass
tures) primary forest species in each of the three habitat types by
scaling species’ abundances in each site by the average abundance Overall differences between habitat types in the average body mass
for that species across all sites in the landscape. The average scaled per species (irrespective of individuals) and per individual (irre-
abundances for all species were then plotted for each habitat in turn. spective of species), as well total biomass (body mass × individuals
Deviation from the expected abundance (i.e. if all individuals of a summed across species), were compared using non-parametric
species were randomly distributed across all 15 sites of the three Kruskal–Wallis tests. To control for the impact of changes in the
habitats) was evaluated by comparing the mean and 95% bias- abundance of species of a particular size on observed habitat differ-
corrected bootstrap confidence interval (Efron 1987) for each species ences in body mass, we examined relationships within individual
with the scale factor of 1. If the confidence interval fell above or genera in cases where multiple representatives of a given genus
below 1 then the abundance of that species in a given habitat was occurred across different habitat types. As well as providing a proxy
significantly different from that expected by chance (P = 0·05). correction for phylogenetic differences (the true phylogeny for all
species being unknown), comparisons within genera also provide a
proxy for gross differences in beetle size and functional behaviour
Comparison with a recent meta-analysis (Vulinec 2002). Comparisons were only made in cases where there
were more than 10 individuals (and ≥ 2 species) of a given genus in
We compared our data with the results of the meta-analysis by
each between-habitat pairwise comparison. Average species body
Nichols et al. (2007) by visually comparing the 95% bootstrapped
sizes (and pooled biomass values) for each genus in secondary and
confidence intervals for standardized community parameters
plantation forest sites were scaled against the average values
reported in the meta-analysis with the single value for the same
obtained for primary forest sites.
parameters calculated using our data. The six parameter values
examined were: total number of species and individuals, total
number of primary forest species and individuals, community simi-
larity (Morista–Horn similarity index) and community evenness
(Pielou’s evenness index). Parameter values in Nichols et al. (2007)
were standardized relative to values calculated for intact forest sites PATTERNS OF SPECIES RICHNESS AND ABUNDANCE
in each study (Dunn 2004).
We captured totals of 9203 individuals and 85 species of dung
beetle, with 5208 individuals and 72 species in primary forest,
Comparing dung beetle communities with both abundance 2077 individuals and 48 species in secondary forests, and 1918
and biomass data individuals and 43 species in Eucalyptus plantations (see
Table S1 in the supplementary material). Sample representa-
The biomass of each species in each site was calculated by multiply-
tion (of beetles attracted to human faeces) was estimated to
ing the mean body mass by the total abundance for that species,
such that the pooled species biomass was the sum of all species prod-
be ≥ 83% in each habitat type (see Table S2 in the supplemen-
ucts (Peck & Howden 1984). The interspecific relationship between tary material).
body mass and abundance was examined using linear regression on We captured significantly more species and individuals
log-transformed data (Saint-Germain et al. 2007). in primary forest than in secondary forests or Eucalyptus
We evaluated patterns of community turnover between the three plantations, which were indistinguishable from each other
forest types by constructing two separate community matrices, in terms of both species richness and abundance (Fig. 1).
© 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2008 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology
4 T. A. Gardner et al.
Compared with primary forest controls, the total species rich- plantation studies (Fig. 3). The standardized difference in
ness and abundance of dung beetles in secondary forests was community composition of plantation samples from primary
significantly, or nearly significantly, lower than the conclu- forest controls was similar to that found for other studies,
sions from the recent meta-analysis by Nichols et al. (2007) while our secondary forest samples were more distinct from
(Fig. 3). This result was consistent when compared with the (but within the confidence intervals of ) the results of the
results of other studies that sampled both young (< 10 years) meta-analysis (Fig. 3).
and old (> 15 years) secondary forest sites. Although our
study was in broad agreement with the findings of Nichols
et al. (2007) that plantation forests have greatly reduced spe-
cies richness, we found a large decrease rather than an There was no relationship between species body mass and
increase in dung beetle abundance. Community evenness in abundance (R2 = 0·001, P = 0·82, n = 76), and this pattern
our study was similar to that found in other studies of sec- was consistent when comparing among species for each
ondary forest, and greater than the evenness recorded in most genus in turn (n = 7 genera with > 3 species, mean R2 = 0·11,
© 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2008 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology
Land-use change and tropical forest dung beetles 5
Fig. 4. Species rank-abundance curves (lines) for dung beetles sampled across the entire Jari landscape, and separately for primary, secondary
and plantation forests, with biomass values superimposed (bars). Linear regressions between species abundance and species biomass are
presented as insets. All data are log10 transformed.
Furthermore, we found no evidence of density compensation (Sowig 1995). Numerous observational and experimental
by habitat generalists or open-area specialists, and species- studies have demonstrated the strength of interspecific
poor habitats consistently held fewer individuals of both competition for ephemeral dung resources in dung beetles
relatively rare and relatively common species, highlighting the (reviewed in Horgan & Fuentes 2005). Three lines of indirect
fact that the relationship between rarity and local extinction evidence indicate that the availability of mammalian dung
risk remains poorly understood (Gaston 1994). resources is markedly lower outside primary forest in our
The restructuring of dung beetle communities following study landscape. (i) Primates are known to be keystone
habitat change is frequently explained by two non-exclusive resource providers for many dung beetles (Estrada, Anzures
hypotheses: changes in vegetation structure and changes in & Coates-Estrada 1999) and their biomass was reduced by an
the availability of mammalian dung resources. It is well order of magnitude in Eucalyptus sites and by about half in
known that dung beetle communities that are closely associ- secondary forest (C. A. Peres, unpublished data). (ii) High
ated with tropical forest habitats are greatly influenced by ambient temperatures outside primary forest can rapidly
differences in vegetation structure (Halffter & Matthews desiccate dung piles, making them inaccessible to many beetles
1966; Halffter, Favila & Halffter 1992; Halffter & Arellano (Peck & Forsyth 1982). (iii) Scavenger flies were more abun-
2002), with individual species often having specific affinities for dant in plantation and secondary forests than in primary
certain structural habitat properties (Davis et al. 2001). Fur- forest (Barlow et al. 2007c), potentially increasing competition
thermore, secondary forests and Eucalyptus plantations in Jari, within the wider dung insect community. Although it is diffi-
like elsewhere, are typically characterized by low, relatively cult to ascertain the relative importance of vegetation struc-
open canopies with hot and dry understorey environments. ture and resource availability for structuring dung beetle
These microclimatic differences could help explain the communities, we predict that the latter is likely to have a
observed impoverishment of dung beetle communities weaker influence in Jari, as few tropical forest dung beetles are
through a physiological intolerance to high temperatures resource specialists (Peck & Forsyth 1982; Larsen, Lopera &
(Chown 2001), the influence of solar radiation on adult activ- Forsyth 2006) and the biomass of small-bodied primates,
ity patterns (Lobo, Lumaret & Jay-Robert 1998) or the influ- large rodents and ungulates remains relatively high outside
ence of decreased soil moisture content on larval survival primary forest (C. A. Peres, unpublished data).
© 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2008 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology
Land-use change and tropical forest dung beetles 7
found a high (33–62%) turnover in species composition believe that our findings are therefore vital in moderating
across sites in all three habitats illustrates the importance of optimistic generalizations about the conservation value of
conducting studies at a landscape scale (Arellano & Halffter these habitats elsewhere (Wright & Muller-Landau 2006).
In conclusion, we believe that one of the most probable
explanations for the differences between our results and those
of the studies reviewed by Nichols et al. (2007) relates to the
large spatial scale and experimental design of our study. Although community analyses based upon species abund-
While our study area may not be typical of a highly frag- ance and species biomass data may produce superficially
mented landscape, it does present an almost unique oppor- similar patterns, these may be driven by distinct sets of species
tunity for understanding the value of large secondary and (Fig. 6) that are potentially associated with distinct ecological
plantation forest blocks for tropical forest dung beetles. We mechanisms (Peck & Forsyth 1982; Saint-Germain et al.
© 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2008 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology
Land-use change and tropical forest dung beetles 9
services outside primary forests, such as secondary seed dis- Bartholomew, G.A. & Heinrich, B. (1978) Endothermy in African dung beetles
during flight, ball making, and ball rolling. Journal of Experimental Biology,
persal and dung burial (Andresen & Feer 2005).
73, 65–83.
The discrepancy between our results and those of studies Boonrotpong, S., Sotthibandhu, S. & Pholpunthin, C. (2004) Species com-
elsewhere in the tropics is most probably explained by the position of dung beetles in the primary and secondary forests at Ton Nga
Chang Wildlife Sanctuary. Science Asia, 30, 59–65.
importance of differences in biogeographical and landscape
Cambefort, Y. (1991) Dung beetles in tropical savannas. Dung Beetle Ecology
context, together with the influence of systematic sampling (eds I. Hanski & Y. Cambefort), pp. 156–178. Princeton University Press,
biases. These factors confound our ability to draw general Princeton, NJ.
Chown, S.L. (2001) Physiological variation in insects: hierarchical levels and
patterns, and highlight the importance of developing quanti-
implications. Journal of Insect Physiology, 47, 649–660.
tative meta-analyses (Nichols et al. 2007) that can provide an Clarke, K.R. & Warwick, R.M. (2001) Change in Marine Communities: An
objective basis for evaluating future empirical studies. Approach to Statistical Analysis and Interpretation. Primer-E Ltd, Plymouth
Marine Laboratory, UK.
In accounting for many of these confounding factors, our
Colwell, R.K. (2005) Estimates: Statistical Estimation of Species Richness and
results indicate that we are in danger of understating the trop- Shared Species from Samples, Version 7·5. User’s GUIDE and Application.
ical forest biodiversity crisis (Laurance 2007). Specifically, we http://purl.oclc.org/estimates, accessed 01/08/06.
Cunningham, S.A. & Murray, W. (2007) Average body length of arboreal and
caution strongly against optimistic views that forest regener-
aerial beetle (Coleoptera) assemblages from remnant and plantation Euca-
ation schemes in highly degraded landscapes can effectively lyptus forests in southwestern Australia. Oecologia, 151, 303–312.
offset the loss of species following the loss of primary forest Daily, G.C. (2001) Ecological forecasts. Nature, 411, 245–245.
Davis, A.J., Holloway, J.D., Huijbregts, H., Krikken, J., Kirk-Spriggs, A.H. &
habitat (Wright & Muller-Landau 2006). To be effective,
Sutton, S.L. (2001) Dung beetles as indicators of change in the forests of
management strategies for production landscapes need to northern Borneo. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38, 593–616.
emphasize the importance of protecting remaining areas of Davis, A.L.V. & Philips, T.K. (2005) Effect of deforestation on a southwest
Ghana dung beetle assemblage (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) at the periphery
primary forest. In areas where this is not possible, it is vital
of Ankasa conservation area. Environmental Entomology, 34, 1081–1088.
that the key methodological and ecological considerations Doube, B.M. (1990) A functional classification for analysis of the structure of
highlighted in our study are given priority when assessing the dung beetle assemblages. Ecological Entomology, 15, 371–383.
Dunn, R.R. (2004) Recovery of faunal communities during tropical forest
conservation value of human-dominated forest lands.
regeneration. Conservation Biology, 18, 302–309.
Efron, B. (1987) Better bootstrap confidence intervals. Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 82, 171–185.
Acknowledgements Escobar, F. (2004) Diversity and composition of dung beetle (Scarabaeinae)
We thank the Brazilian Ministério de Ciências e Tecnologia (CNPq) and assemblages in a heterogeneous Andean landscape. Tropical Zoology, 17,
Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA-IBAMA) for permission to conduct 123–136.
this research. We thank Grupo Orsa and the staff of Orsa Florestal and Jari Estrada, A., Anzures, A. & Coates-Estrada, R. (1999) Tropical rain forest
Celulose at Jari for permissions and logistic support. We are very grateful to fragmentation, howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata), and dung beetles at Los
Fernando Z. Vaz-de-Mello for help in the identification of specimen material. Tuxtlas, Mexico. American Journal of Primatology, 48, 253–262.
The project was funded by a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) FAO (2006) Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005: Progress Towards
Studentship to T. A. Gardner, the UK Government Darwin Initiative, National Sustainable Forest Management. Food and Agriculture Organisation (United
Geographic Society, Conservation Food and Health Foundation, and Conser- Nations), Rome, Italy.
vation International. We thank Liz Nichols and Sacha Spector for discussions, Gardner, T.A., Barlow, J., Araujo, I.S., Avila-Pires, T.C.S., Bonaldo, A.B.,
and Liz Nichols, Julio Louzada and three anonymous referees for valuable Costa, J.E., Esposito, M.C., Ferreira, L.V., Hawes, J., Hemández, M.I.M.,
comments on earlier versions of this manuscript. This is publication number Hoogmoed, M.S., Leite, R.N., Lo-Man-Hung, N.F., Malcolm, J.R., Mar-
15 of the Land-Use Change and Amazonian Biodiversity Project (see tins, M.B., Mestre, L.A.M., Miranda-Santas, R., Nunes-Gutjahr, A.L.,
www.tropicalforestresearch.org). Overal, W.L., Parry, L., Peters, S.L., Ribeiro-Gunior, M.A., da Silva,
M.N.F., da Silva Mottc, C. & Peres, C. (2008) The cost-effectiveness of bio-
diversity surveys in tropical forests. Ecology Letters, 11, 139–150.
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© 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2008 British Ecological Society, Journal of Applied Ecology