Angles - Prova Pau
Angles - Prova Pau
Angles - Prova Pau
Anglès / Inglés
Instruccions generals:
Instrucciones generales:
Convocatòria 2021
Mom: Hello?
Sarah: Hi mom! It’s me, Sarah. I’m at the supermarket at the moment. I …(1)….. got your
shopping list, but I am calling you because I have some questions.
Mom: Yes, of course. What …(2)… to know?
Sarah: Well, I don’t know what type of oil to buy.
Mom: Get olive oil. I always ……(3)….. with olive oil because it is the healthiest type.
Sarah: Okay. Thanks. And …(4)……. I buy watermelon or pineapple?
Mom: Get watermelon. We will eat it for dessert tonight.
Sarah: Okay. So I ….(5).. and come right home.
Mom: Perfect. See you soon.
Sarah: Thank you. Bye!
1. A. am having B. was having C. have D. has
2. A. you want do B. do you want C. do you wanting D. do you wanted
3. A. cook B. cooks C. will cooked D. cooking
4. A. Had B. Have C. Should to D. Should
5. A. would paid B. will pay C. paying D. have pay
6. A. day B. they C. my D. fail
7. A. night B. five C. life D. may
8. A. she B. he C. let D. me
9. A. you B. two C. too D. so
10. A. ball B. call C. fall D. shall
Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. In multiple choice
questions, only one option exactly reflects the meaning of the text.
The rock group “Flaming Lips” has played a unique “bubble” concert. Both the band and
their audience were inside individual balls. These balls were big, transparent, inflatable
globes. Each ball had an extra speaker, a bottle of water, a towel, and a sign that said:
“TOO HOT.” If the ball became too hot, it was refilled with cool air.
The group’s lead singer, Wayne Coyne, had the idea for this bubble concert. He often
uses an inflatable ball to roll over the audience during his concerts. He explained that
concerts would be “safer than going to the supermarket” if everyone was in an individual
ball. He said that organizing bubble concerts “helps us enjoy the concerts without putting
our families at risk”.
The success of bubble concerts raises the following question: “Could other bands repeat
the experience?”. And Wayne Coyne says: “Yes, the individual globes may be one way
for concerts to continue during the pandemic”.
Text adapted from the BBC’s article “Flaming Lips stage unique 'space bubble' concert in
Oklahoma”, 27 January 2021
Anglès Model
La primera part de la prova consta d’un text en forma de diàleg i cinc preguntes de
completar espais buits de resposta d’opció múltiple. La segona part avalua la fonètica
en llengua anglesa i consta de cinc preguntes de resposta d’opció múltiple. La tercera
part de la prova avalua el coneixement gramatical en llengua anglesa i consta de vint-i-
cinc preguntes de resposta d’opció múltiple. La quarta part avalua la comprensió
lectora i consta d’un text en llengua anglesa d’unes dues-centes paraules. En aquest
apartat el candidat haurà de respondre un total de cinc preguntes d'elecció múltiple
que tindran a veure amb la comprensió del text.
Per superar la prova satisfactòriament s’han d’encertar vint preguntes. Les respostes
incorrectes o en blanc no descompten del total de la nota.
1. C 21. D
2. B
22. B
3. A 23. B
4. D 24. C
5. B
25. C
6. C 26. B
7. D
27. C
8. C 28. A
9. D
29. B
10. D 30. C
11. A
31. B
12. B 32. B
13. D 33. D
14. A
34. C
15. D 35. C
16. B
36. B
17. D
37. A
18. D 38. B
19. D
39. C
20. A 40. B