Course Introduction
Course Introduction
Course Introduction
Mahajanapadas (600BCE) Chandragupta Maurya Period Asoka Period Mauryan Empire (268-232 BCE)
(322BCE – 298BCE)
• The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive Iron Age historical power in South Asia based in
Magadha, founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 322 BCE, and existing in loose-knit fashion until 185 BCE.
Spread of Buddhism
• Buddhism laid emphasis on ‘Karma’ Present is determined by past actions.
• Ashoka and Kanishka made Buddhism the state religion and the religion
was spread with their empire to Central Asia, West Asia and Sri Lanka.
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Spread of Jainism
• Teachings of Mahavira became very popular among masses
• Gandharas, 11 disciples
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Elements of Design
Mansara - A book for developing temples
• The architect or Sthapati begins by drafting a square.
• The square is fundamental form of sacred architecture in India. It is
considered the essential and perfect form. It presupposes the
• Expanding energy shapes the circle from the center; it is
established in the shape of the square fractals.
• The circle and curve belong to life in its growth and movement. The
square is the mark of order, the finality to the expanding life, life's
form and the perfection beyond life and death.
• From the square all requisite forms can be derived: the triangle,
hexagon, octagon, circle etc. The sthapati calls square the vastu-
purusha-mandala—vastu the manifest, purusha the Cosmic Being,
and mandala, in this case, the polygon within which the purusha
rests. 11
• The “Silpa-Shastra” refers to the science of
• One amongst the sixty-four such arts
encompassing the science of construction.
The Sanskrit treatise “Manasara” is considered
an important work on architecture. Containing
70 Adyayas (Chapters) and 10,000 shlokas on
Indian Architecture and Design.
The ancient literature describes detailed
guidelines and proportions for Buildings, Towns,
Temples, bridges, market centers, streets, roads,
wells, tanks, dams, embankments, steps for hill,
bathing ghats, gardens, meditation areas and
many more.
All varieties of furniture such as thrones,
couches, wardrobes, chairs, tables, etc. are also
mentioned as well as making of ornaments
dresses, sculpture, the art of carving from stones
and metals.
Islam entering Indian Subcontinent