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EDITED Corn-Cob-Shredder

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Republic of the Philippines


La Paz, Iloilo City
• Trunkline: (033)320-7190 • Telefax: (033)329-4274
• Website: www.isatu.edu.ph


A project study

Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Engineering and Architecture

Iloilo Science and Technology University

La Paz, Iloilo City

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Catedral, Ralph Jude E.

Coscolluela, Jules William C.

Ruel, Leonard Augustine S.

May 2023



Background of the Study

Organic waste management of products such as corn cobs are one of the

problems encountered by farmers nowadays. These wastes have a long decomposing

time. Due to the hardness of corn cobs, excessive burning has historically been used

to accelerate its disintegration, which may have an adverse effect on the environment

and destroy the organic matter that makes soil fertile. This may result to decreasing

crop yields over time and necessitating more expensive fertilizers. Thus, designing

and manufacturing of corn cob shredding machine will be the solution in response to

these problems.

Industrial waste shredders play an important role in waste disposal

management and recycling in today's manufacturing and waste management

industries. Organic waste shredder can turn this organic waste into useful resources

such as: compost that adds great value to our agriculture and therefore decreases

ecological damage.

Corn cobs can decompose in a compost pile within 2 months, leaving them in

landfills will slow down the process, and it can take as long as 18 years. The farmers

on the field burn most of these wastes after the harvesting of crops. As a result, the

phenomenon of burning agricultural waste happens every year. The need for such a

machine to employ agricultural waste after shredding, which may be inexpensive and

practical, was felt in order to utilize these wastes for some economic gain.

Generally, this research aims to design and manufacture a corn cob shredding

machine that is low cost and portable for agricultural purposes and organic waste


General Objectives:

This study aims to design and develop a corn cob shredding machine.

Specific Objectives:

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Design and fabricate a portable gasoline powered corn cob shredding

machine for organic fertilizer production.

2. Evaluate the performance of the corn cob shredding machine in terms of

shredding output (kg/min), machine efficiency.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is only limited in evaluating the performance of the corn cob shredding

machine in terms of shredding output (kg/min), machine efficiency. This corn cob

shredder uses a 6.5 hp gasoline powered motor with a maximum speed of 3600 rpm

driving one shredder shaft with stationary counter blades using a V-belt that grinds

the corn cobs inside the hopper.

This research study will be designing a portable corn cob shredder machine with

removable cutter blade, spiral type rotational cutting blades, output thrower, and a

rubber wheel to be portable. The design of corn cob shredder machine is applicable

for corn cobs with a maximum diameter of 10 mm. The main application of this

machine is for corn cobs.

Significance of the Study

This research study would serve an important purpose for people,

communities, and the environment. country. With the rising organic waste product

that has a lengthy lifespan. This study will be a stepping stone in promoting excellent,

practical, and urgent solutions to the said problem. It will benefit not only individuals,

but also the environment, while also producing economically favorable outcomes.

The Farmers

Some farmers are not particularly aware of proper recycling, composting and

reusing of the waste of their by-product like corn cobs. Thus, designing corn cob

shredder machine will be very beneficial. This will allow the farmers to recycle,

decompose, and reuse the waste in their farmland. Moreover, with the use of corn cob

shredder machine, the organic waste products such as corn cobs can be turned into

fertilizer. Thus, the corn cob shredder machine can be one of the reasons that farmers

can save money in buying commercial fertilizers. This may also increase yield.

The Community
Most of the research studies are made is to contribute in improving the quality

life of the community living in an area. Reducing their organic wastes product would

be a sufficient method and turn it into compost where they can use it as a fertilizer to

their plant. On the other hand, this study will be beneficial both urban and rural

communities specifically to agricultural communities that have a lot of organic waste


Future Researcher
The result of this study will serve as a basis for further study on shredding

organic waste products for faster decomposition. This study will serve also as a cross

reference that will give them a background or an overview on shredder machine.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The conceptual framework shows the link of independent, dependent variables

and the controlling effects of another variable.

In this study, the independent variable is the design of corn cob shredder

machine, and the input is the shredded corn cobs while the dependent variable is the

output shredded corn cobs.

Corn Cob

Size Reduction

Microbial Composting



Figure 1.1 Conceptual Framework

Definition of Terms


According to Your Dictionary (2007). it is something that can be moved easily from

place to place. As used in this study, it is defined as the capability of shredder

machine to be transported or move in any location with less manpower.


According to The Balance Small Business (2019), a shredder is a machine or

equipment used for shredding. Shredding systems are used to reduce the size of a

given material. As used in this study, it is a machine that reduces the size of organic

waste materials to be used as compose and other agricultural related matters.

Gasoline Engine

According to Encyclopedia Britannica (2022), gasoline engine is a any of a class of

internal-combustion engines that generate power by burning a volatile liquid fuel

(gasoline or a gasoline mixture such as ethanol) with ignition initiated by an electric



According to the dictionary, it is a continuous band of tough flexible material for

transmitting motion and power or conveying materials (Merriam Webster, 2009). As

used in this study, it is used to transmit the power and motion of electric motor to

rotational blade of shredder machine.


According to Free Dictionary (2013) it is a wheel with a grooved rim in which a rope,

chain, or belt can run in order to change the direction or point of application of a force

applied to the rope, etc. As used in this study, it is the part of shredder machine and

electric motor that is connected to shafts wherein belts will be mounted to transmit the

rotational power.


According to Merriam Webster Dictionary (2003), it is an instrument, machine,

machine part, or tool that cuts. As used in this study, it is the part of rotational blade

made from leaf spring to cut the input materials in the shredder machine.


According to Free Dictionary (2023), it is a funnel shaped chamber or reservoir from

a solid material can be discharged under into a receptacle below, especially for

feeding fuel to a furnace, loading a railway truck with grain. As used in this study, it

is part of the shredder machine where the operator will input the load materials to be




A shredder is a machine or equipment used for shredding. Shredding systems

are used to reduce the size of a given material. Industrial shredders are equipped with

different kinds of cutting systems such as vertical shaft design, horizontal shaft

design, single shaft, two shaft, three shaft and four shaft cutting systems,

biodegradable waste decomposes faster when shredded (Katiyar, et. al, 2019). The

following prior art are relevant to this study but only a basis for designing and

fabricating in order to develop organic waste shredder machine.


Wolfgang Lipowski invented a shredding device having a driving unit driving a rotor

including shredding tools on its periphery which for comminuting a material such as

waste material and/or industrial residues, interact with a least one counter knife

assembly that is arranged in a stationary fashion with respect to the machine housing

during the shredding operation. The shredding device is characterized in that the

counter knife assembly includes at least two counter knife bars which run

approximately parallel to each other and are arranged one above the other in the

rotating direction of the rotor, the counter knife bars, for the compensation of wear at

the shredding tools and/or at the counter knife assembly, being arranged for an

adjustment radially to the rotor axis by a mutually different degree by means of an

adjustment device. (United States Patent No. US8434705B2, 2009)


Raymond Boone invented a shredding rotor rotatably coupled to a support frame is

configured to remove plant leaves from plant stems fed into an aperture in the support

frame. The shredding rotor includes many flexible shredding strands attached to a

rotor axle. The shredding strands are sufficiently flexible to strip leaves from all sides

of the stems without breaking the stems into pieces. Shredding strands are spaced far

enough apart from one another to prevent plant material from becoming lodged

between the strands. A destemming and shredding apparatus including two shredding

rotors separates an incoming stream of plant materials into an output stream of

shredded leaves and another output stream of essentially intact stems. A shredding

apparatus having no more than one shredding rotor receives destemmed leaves at an

inlet aperture and outputs shredded leaf fragments.

(United States Patent No. US11516970B2, 2020 )


Pierangelo Tondelli invented a shredder machine (MC) for Waste material. It

comprises a table (60) equipped with fixed knives (22, 24); a shaft (30 a) rotatably

mounted on the table and equipped with an array of rotating knives (20 a) which are

axially spaced and radially projecting from the shaft: wherein the rotary knives have a

face (36 a) adjacent to, and adapted to cooperate with, a fixed knife (24) for cutting

the material.

To prevent axial imbalance of forces, the machine comprises a pair of fixed

knives (22, 24) where one (22) is adjacent to and adapted to cooperate with, a face

(28 a) of a rotating knife and the other (24) is adjacent to, and adapted to cooperate

with, the opposite face (36 a) of the same rotating knife. (United States Patent No.

US20160199848A1, 2015)



Materials and Methods

This chapter represents the development design of portable corn cob shredder

machine. It includes the design criteria, dimensions, material availability,

Instrumentation, Design Plan Preparation and Construction, drawings and design


Design Criteria

1. Reliability - the machine will perform its intended function and assesses the

consistency of results across items within a test.

2. Effectiveness - the capability of producing a desire result. It is considered as the

success of the result.

3. Durability - refers to the time frame of the machine, of how it can last for a period

of time.

4. Efficiency - the ratio of the useful work performed by a machine or in a process to

the total energy expended or heat taken in; relates to the use of all inputs in producing

any given output, including personal time and energy.

Evaluation Procedure

The design of this shredder machine will be based on the specification of

Philippine Agricultural Engineering standard (PAES). The following are the


 Steel bars, metal sheet or plate and heavy-duty mild steel shall be generally

used for the different components of the biomass shredder.

 Corn cob shredder shall be provided with outlet chute.

 Blades or cutting mechanisms shall be made of high carbon steel and/or tool


 Clearance between rotating blades and counter blades of the shredding

chamber shall be at least 6 mm (1/4 inch).

 Cover for the shredding blades shall be made of at least 3 mm MS plate and/or

BI plate or its equivalent material to provide safety for the operator during

shredding operation.

Data to be gathered:

Parameter Analysis

Cutting Force = 190 N are taken from reference of wood cutting machine as

mentioned in Doctoral thesis, (Lulea University of Technology, Graphic Production

Cutting Force Fc = 190 N /cutter

Figure 3.1: Free Body Diagram

( 190 x 76.2 ) + ( 190 x 93.2 ) + ( 190 x 110.2 ) + ( 190 x 127 .2 ) + ( 190 x 144.2 ) + ( 190 x 161.2 )+ (190 x 178.2 )+
R B=

RB= 950 N

Bending Moment

MA = 0

MB = 0

ML = 190 N x 76.2 mm = 14 478 N-mm

MK = 190 N x 93.2 mm = 17 708 N-mm

MJ = 190 N x 110.2 mm = 20 938 N-mm

MI= 190 N x 127.2 mm = 24 168 N-mm

MH = 190 N x 144.2 mm = 27 398 N-mm

MG = 190 N x 161.2 mm = 30 628 N-mm

MF = 190 N x 178.2 mm = 33 858 N-mm

ME = 190 N x 195.2 mm = 37 088 N-mm

MD = 190 N x 212.2 mm = 40 318 N-mm

MC = 190 N x 229.2 mm = 43 548 N-mm

Max B.M at point L = 43 548 N-mm

Torque Calculation

Power = 6.5 hp = 4849 W = 4.849 KW


T=Torque transmitted by the shaft (N-mm).

p=Transmitting power (kW).

n= Speed of transmission shaft (rpm)

60 x p 60 x 4.849 x 10
T= = =12 862.38 N−mm
2x π x N 2 x π x 3600

d= √ ¿ ¿ ¿


Keyway factor = 0.75

Factor of safety = 3

Max bending moment Mb =43 548 N-mm

Max torque Mt = 12 862.37 N-mm

Tmax = Max shear stress (N/mm2).

Kb = stress concentration factor for normal stress

Kt = stress concentration factor shear stress

σ y x 0.5
T max=


𝑇𝑚𝑎𝑥 == Max shear stress (N/mm2).

𝜎y = yield stress.

FS = factor of safety.

𝜎y = yield stress = 0.5 x Uultimate = 200 N/mm2

For = Mild Steel Uult = 400 MPa

σ y x 0.5 2
T max= → σ y =0.5 x 400 MPa=200 N /mm

200 x 0.5 2
T max= =33.3 N −mm

d= √ ¿ ¿ ¿

d = 21 mm - Standard diameter of the shaft d = 32 mm (based on PAES 305:2000)

Belt Length Calculation

Pulley 1 = 3 in

Pulley 2 = 5 in
Center Distance = 11 in


π (D−d )
L=2 C+ ( D+ d )+
2 4C

π (5−3)
L=2(11)+ ( 5+3 )+
2 4(11)

L=34.65 ≈ 35∈¿

Number of Belt Calculations

Belt number = B35
Belt length correction factor= 0.77
Standard transmission Hp= 5.22

Design Hp
No . of belt =
Standard transmission Hp x Coefficient arc of contact x Coefficient belt length

D−d 5−3
Coefficient arc of contact= = =0.182→ Fc=1.00
C 11

6.5 Hp
No . of belt = =1.62
5.22 ( 1.00 )(0.77)

Number of belts = 1.62 = 2 belts

Keyway Calculations

Shaft diameter = 32 mm


 Width (w) = diameter of shaft / 4 = 32 mm / 4 = 8 mm

 Thickness (t) = diameter of shaft / 6 = 32 mm / 6 = 5.33 mm

 Length (l) = 1.5 x diameter of shaft = 1.5 x 32 mm= 48 mm

Table 3.1: Shows the list of tools and equipment needed to assemble the device:
Used to calculate the mathematical
calculation for this study
Used to measure the materials needed
Pull-Push Rule
for the construction
Used to hold materials in order to make
Bench Vise sure the alignment and position before
being welded
Metal Sheet Cutter Used in cutting G.I. sheet
Wrench Was used to tighten the bolts and nut
A machine tool for drilling holes, set on
a fixed stand especially in making
Drill Press
removable cover of the shredder
This machine was used to connect metal
parts of the shredder machine especially
Welding Machine
in making frame and attaching blades in
the shaft.
Used to remove unwanted parts of the
Lathe Machine material especially in making shafting of
the machine
Hacksaw This tool was used to cut metals for the

Used to cut unnecessary parts of
Angle Grinder materials to be used in making the
This machine was used in making holes
Electric Drill
for the nut to be fit in

Preparation for Identifying and

Research and
the Design Buying of
Concept Materials

Defense and Test and Construction of

Submission Evaluation the Device

Figure 3.2: Design plan and construction

Project Cost Analysis

Table 3.2: Shows the list of material, specifications, quantity, and cost needed to

assemble the device:

Quantity and
Items Specification Unit Cost Total
no. of Items

2 pcs. Pillow Block UCP-206 400 800

(4x8) feet MS Plate 3 mm 4180 4180

1 pc Angle Bar ¼ x 1½ x 20 1377 1377

5 kg Welding Rod E 6011 130 650

2 kg Welding Rod E 7018 175 350

1 pc Leaf Spring ¼ x 2.75 in 1550 1550

1 pc CR Shafting 1 ¼ ft 750 750

(4x4) feet GI Sheet #16 4sq-ft 2800 2800

4 pc 3” diameter 200 800

1 pc Pulley 5 x 2B x 1 1/8 480 480

1 pc Pulley 3 x 2B x 3/4 288 288

2 pc Belt V-belt B35 255 510

1 pc Gasoline 6.5 hp 4200 4200


Total Php 18 735

Machine Fabrication
Initial Design

Figure 3.3: Front View

Figure 3.4: Side View

Figure 3.5: Cylindrical Chamber

Figure 3.6: Cylindrical Chamber with dimensions

Figure 3.8: Shaft Design with dimensions

Figure 3.9: Blade and Cutter

Figure 3.10: Blade and Cutter with dimensions

Figure 3.11: Three-dimensional rotational cutting blade design

Test Procedure


The test procedure is based on the Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard

(PAES 245:2010)

This standard specifies the methods of test and inspection for biomass shredder and

for shredding part only if with chipping section. Specifically, it shall be used to:

1. Verify the mechanism, dimensions, materials and accessories of the biomass

shredder and the list of specifications submitted by the manufacturer;

2. Determine the performance of the machine;

3. Evaluate the ease of handling and safety features; and

4. Report the results of the tests.

5. Definitions

For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given in PAES 244 and the following

shall apply:

5.1 Biomass organic materials used as renewable source of energy and other

agricultural applications

5.2 Overall height distance between the horizontal supporting plane surface and the

horizontal plane touching the uppermost part of the biomass shredder

NOTE: All parts of the biomass shredder projecting upwards are contained between

these two planes. PNS/PAES 245:2010 4

5.3 Overall length distance between the vertical planes at the right angles to the

median plane of the biomass shredder and touching its front and rear extremities

NOTE: All parts of the biomass shredder, in particular, components projecting at the

front and at the rear are contained between these two planes. Where an adjustment of

components is possible, it will be set at minimum length.

5.4 Overall width distance between the vertical planes parallel to the median plane of

the machine, each plane touching the outermost point of the biomass shredder on its

respective side

NOTE: All parts of the biomass shredder projecting side wards are contained

between these two planes.

5.5 Running-in period preliminary operation of the machine to make various

adjustments prior to the conduct of the test until the operation is stable

5.6 Shredding efficiency ratio of the weight of the input biomass materials less

unshredded biomass materials, to the total weight of the input biomass materials to the

shredder, expressed in percent

5.7 Input capacity weight of biomass material fed into the shredder, expressed in

kilogram per hour

5.8 Bio waste that was not thoroughly shredded biomass material that was not totally

cut into strips

6. General Conditions for Test and Inspection

6.1 Selection of biomass shredder to be tested Biomass shredder submitted for test

shall be sampled in accordance to PAES 103.

6.2 Role of manufacturer/distributor- the manufacturer/distributor shall submit

specifications and other relevant information about the biomass shredder and shall

abide with the terms and conditions set forth by an official testing agency.

6.3 Role of the operator- an officially designated operator shall be skilled and shall

demonstrate, operate, adjust, and repair, related to the operation of the biomass


7. Test and Inspection

Verification of the technical data and information of the manufacturer

7.1.1 This inspection was carried out to verify the mechanism, dimensions, materials

and accessories of the biomass shredder in comparison with the list of technical data

and information of the manufacturer.

7.1.2 A plane level surface shall be used as reference plane for verification of

dimensional specifications of biomass shredder.

7.1.3 The items to be inspected and verified shall be recorded in Annex B. 5.2

Performance test

7.2.1 This is carried out to obtain and validate data on the overall biomass shredder


7.2.2 Data on biomass materials such as type, size and source shall be recorded.

7.2.3 Test materials to be used. Test materials prepared for the running-in and for

each test trial have the same characteristics and conditions. PNS/PAES 245:2010 6

7.2.4 Running-in and preliminary adjustment

Before the start of the test, the shredder should have undergone running-in period

wherein various adjustments of the shredder shall be made according to the

recommendation of the manufacturer. (No other adjustment shall be permitted while

the test is on-going).

7.2.5 Operation of the shredder machine

The shredder machine shall be operated at the speed(s) and feed rate(s) recommended

by the manufacturer. The same recommended feeding rate shall be maintained during

the test run. After the test run, the area and the shredder shall be cleaned and then

prepared for the next trial. The procedure shall be repeated for the succeeding test


7.2.6 Test trial

There shall be a minimum of three test trials.

7.2.7 Data collection Duration of test

The duration of each test trial shall commence at the start of the shredding operation

and ends after feeding of the last biomass materials and it shall be recorded as

operating time.

Table 3.3: Shows the Items to be inspected to the machine

ITEMS Specification of Manufacturer

Main Structure
Overall dimensions, mm

Loading hopper

Bottom opening, mm


Height from the ground, mm

Blade cover






No. of blades
Rotational blades

Counter blades

Clearance to the shredding cylinder, mm

Output chute

Dimensions, mm



Height from the ground

Special features(enumerate)


This chapter contains test results and evaluation of portable corn cob shredder. The

findings are evaluated under different mass of test materials. Thus, several experiment

field tests were necessary in order to provide data needed to develop portable corn cob

shredder. Quality and efficiency of the shredding process were obtained by trial-and-

error process. The test materials used are corn cobs.

Physical Properties of Test Materials

Corn Cob

Corn cobs are a rich source of cellulose (27.71%) and hemicellulose (38.78%) but

also contain a significant amount of lignin (9.4%) (Shinners et al., 2007). Corn cobs

are dense and relatively uniform, and they have a high heat value, generally low N

and S contents, and can be collected during corn grain harvest.

Performance Evaluation

Result and Findings

Operating Consistency

The shredding chamber should be full during operation in order to have continuous

shredding. The test materials corn cobs are pushed out consistently if the shredding

chamber is full.

Design of Device Components

Figure 4.1: Corn Cob Shredder

Table 4.1: Specification of the Design

ITEMS Specification of Manufacturer

Main Structure

Overall dimensions, mm 660mm x 702.62mm x 927.10mm

length 660

Width 702.62

height 927.10

Loading hopper

Material GI sheet gauge 14

Bottom opening, mm 229


width 305

Height from the ground, mm

Blade cover

Type Cylinder type

Material Ms Steel plate 3mm


Material Leaf spring

Dimensions 508 mm x 70 mm x 6 mm

length 508

width 70

thickness 6


No. of blades
Rotational blades

Counter blades

Clearance to the shredding cylinder, mm 20

Output chute

Material GI sheet gauge 14

Dimensions, mm 292 mm x 254 mm x 406 mm

length 292

diameter/width 254

Height from the ground

Belt Tensioner, rubber wheel,

Special features(enumerate) adjustable engine base

Result and Findings

First Trial

During the 1st trial, the input load of corn cobs was 10 kg, and the duration of the

shredding process was 5 min. and 22 sec. In order to obtain the capacity of the

machine, the mass (m) was divided to the time (t) and the total capacity of the corn

cobs was 1.86 kg/min. Input- 10 kg Time - 5 min & 22 sec. = 5.37 mins

mass 10 kg
Capacity= → Capacity= =1.86 kg /min
time 5.37 min

Feed Efficiency Calculation

WUS = 0.3 kg

Wi = 10 kg

W us 0.3 kg
Percent Ubm = x 100 %= x 100 %=3 %
Wi 10 kg

Feed Efficiency = 100% - PercentUbm = 100% – 3% = 97%

Second Trial

During the 2nd trial, the input load of corn cobs was 15 kg, and the duration of the

shredding process was 7 min. and 36 sec. In order to obtain the capacity of the

machine, the mass (m) was divided to the time (t) and the total capacity of the corn

cobs was 1.97 kg/min. Input- 15 kg Time - 7 min & 36 sec. = 7.6 mins

mass 15 kg
Capacity= → Capacity= =1.97 kg /min
time 7.6 min

Feed Efficiency Calculation

WUS = 0.4 kg

Wi = 15 kg

W us 0.4 kg
Percent Ubm= x 100 %= x 100 %=2.67 %
Wi 15 kg

Feed Efficiency = 100% - PercentUbm= 100% – 2.67% = 97.33%

Third Trial

During the 3rd trial, the input load of corn cobs was 20 kg, and the duration of the

shredding process was 9 min. and 45 sec. In order to obtain the capacity of the

machine, the mass (m) was divided to the time (t) and the total capacity of the corn

cobs was 2.05 kg/min. Input- 20 kg Time - 9 min & 45 sec. = 9.75 mins

mass 20 kg
Capacity= → Capacity= =2.05 kg /min
time 9.75 min

Feed Efficiency Calculation

WUS = 0.55 kg

Wi = 20 kg

W us 0.55 kg
Percent Ubm = x 100 %= x 100 %=2.75 %
Wi 20 kg

Feed Efficiency = 100% - PercentUbm= 100% – 2.75% = 97.25%

Table 4.2: Feed Efficiency

Table 4.3: Feed Capacity

Capacity Rate

Trial 1 1.86 kg/min

Trial 2 1.97 kg/min

Trial 3 2.05 kg/min

MEAN 1.96 kg/min

Fuel Consumption Rate

F c=

Efficiency Rate

Trial 1 97%

Trial 2 97.33%

Trial 3 97.25%

MEAN 97.19%


Fc = fuel consumption rate, L/hr

F1= amount of fuel consumed, L

To = Time of operation, h

Trial 1

F1 = 0.10 L

To = 0.089 hr

0.10 L
Fc =? F c= =1.12 L/hr

Trial 2
F2 = 0.15 L

To = 0.1267 hr

0.15 L
Fc =? F c= =1.18 L/hr

Trial 3

F3 = 0.19 L

To = 0.1625 hr

0.19 L
Fc =? F c= =1.17 L/hr

Average Fuel Consumption Rate:

(1.12+1.18+1.17) L
F c= =1.16 L /hr

Thus, the results from the testing in shredding were quite surprisingly met the

expectation of the researchers such as the product was around 97% successful.

Performance Evaluation

Table 4.4: Performance Evaluation of Fabricators



Can shred the corn cob well. √

Safe to operate. √

Can chip corn cob to pieces. √

Adjustable and controllable speed and √


Requires minimal amount of gasoline. √

Mean 5


Compact sized that is breakdown √


Needs less maintenance. √

Easy to operate. √

Consumes less storage space made it √

easy to carry

Can manually pushed or pulled by a √

person and facilitate mobility

Mean 4.75

DESIGN 5 4 3 2 1

Machine’s hopper is accessible to the √


Output chute is properly placed for the √

safety of operator

Blade Design is Effective for cutting √

organic materials

Engine Base is rigid and adjustable. √

The plate thickness used in shredding √

chamber is standard.

Mean 5

Table 4.5: Performance Evaluation of Entrepreneurs



Can shred the corn cob well. √

Safe to operate. √

Can chip corn cob to pieces. √

Adjustable and controllable speed and √


Requires minimal amount of gasoline. √

Mean 4.75


Compact sized that is breakdown √


Needs less maintenance. √

Easy to operate. √

Consumes less storage space made it √

easy to carry

Can manually pushed or pulled by a √

person and facilitate mobility

Mean 4.75

DESIGN 5 4 3 2 1

Machine’s hopper is accessible to the √


Output chute is properly placed for the √

safety of operator

Blade Design is Effective for cutting √

organic materials

Engine Base is rigid and adjustable. √

The plate thickness used in shredding √

chamber is standard.

Mean 5

Table 4.6: Performance Evaluation of Engineer



Can shred the corn cob well. √

Safe to operate. √

Can chip corn cob to pieces. √

Adjustable and controllable speed and √


Requires minimal amount of gasoline. √

Mean 5


Compact sized that is breakdown √


Needs less maintenance. √

Easy to operate. √

Consumes less storage space made it √

easy to carry

Can manually pushed or pulled by a √

person and facilitate mobility

Mean 4.75

DESIGN 5 4 3 2 1

Machine’s hopper is accessible to the √


Output chute is properly placed for the √

safety of operator

Blade Design is Effective for cutting √

organic materials

Engine Base is rigid and adjustable. √

The plate thickness used in shredding √

chamber is standard.

Mean 5

Table 4.7: Mean performance results from evaluators



ENTREPRENEUR 4.75 4.75 5

ENGINEER 5 4.75 5

MEAN 4.92 4.75 5



The previous chapter dealt with analysis and interpretation of data obtained by

trying different mass of testing materials that may serve as compost. The shredded

corn cob is intended to be used for composting and gardening. In this chapter, a brief

summary on the research project will be presented.


The primary objective of this research was to identify the capacity and

efficiency of portable corn cob shredder and to develop its product for another

purpose such as for decreasing organic waste product and fertilizer. Portable corn cob

shredder is needed for two reasons: (1) to decrease corn cob waste in an economically

friendly way and (2) to produce organic fertilizer for improvement of soil. As per

request of the advisory panel for the project, the other focus of the research was to

produce cheaper shredder by making it portable but not affecting the by-product same

as to the normal shredder. Therefore, the guidelines were developed within the

context of reducing corn cob waste materials which is likely to decompose in a long

period of time.


The portable corn cob shredder had several advantages for farmers,

community, machine operators and mechanical engineering students especially in

their research projects. The instruments used for testing the performance are organic

materials and can be easily found in the environment.

Based on the test and findings, the following conclusions were made:

1. The device is operating properly;

2. The device is very convenient to the operator;

3. The efficiency rating meets the Philippine Agriculture Engineering Standard


4. The device output can be used immediately in farming and composting;

5. Rotational blade cutting force is 190 N to cut the organic materials;

6. The rotational blade has an adjustable speed of 2000-3600 rpm;

7. The rotary blades and counter blade are given an angle of 70 degrees to control the

flow of shredded materials;


After several test, the following recommendations were drawn;

 Rotational blade should be at least 2000 rpm to cut the corn cobs efficiently.

 The cutting force per blade should be at least 190 N to cut the organic


 If you want to attain different size of shredded materials, you can replace the


 The loading of shredding materials in the machine should be gradual and

not be placed too large quantity that can lead the shredder to choke up

and stop.

 You can replace the blade if you want to shred different materials. You can

also rearrange the combination of blades to your liking.


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(United States Patent No. US8434705B2, 2009)

(United States Patent No. US11516970B2, 2020 )

(United States Patent No. US20160199848A1, 2015)


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