Plan 1
Plan 1
Plan 1
Nangarhar Province
Sor Dag School of Khogiani 180 01-Apr-24 27-Oct-24 0 27-Oct-24, Sor Dag School of Khog
A1000 NTP 0 01-Apr-24 0 NTP, 01-Apr-24
A1005 Mobilization 17 01-Apr-24 20-Apr-24 0 Mobilization
A1010 Demobilization 10 16-Oct-24 27-Oct-24 0 Demobilization
A1040 Closout Project 0 27-Oct-24 0 Closout Project,
Construction of Classrooms-1 108 21-Apr-24 24-Aug-24 55 24-Aug-24, Construction of Classrooms-1
A1020 Site Preperation 3 21-Apr-24 23-Apr-24 0 Site Preperation
A1030 Demolition of existing area 3 21-Apr-24 23-Apr-24 0 Demolition of existing area
A1050 excavation 6 24-Apr-24 30-Apr-24 0 excavation
A1060 stonemasonry Work 8 01-May-24 09-May-24 0 stonemasonry Work
A1070 Back filling 3 11-May-24 13-May-24 0 Back filling
A1080 Boulder Filling 3 14-May-24 16-May-24 0 Boulder Filling
A1090 Casting PCC 8 18-May-24 26-May-24 0 Casting PCC
A1100 RCC work for Foundation and rings 12 27-May-24 09-Jun-24 0 RCC work for Foundation and rings
A1110 RCC work for columns 15 10-Jun-24 26-Jun-24 0 RCC work for columns
A1120 RCC works for Stairs 15 27-Jun-24 14-Jul-24 70 RCC works for Stairs
A1130 RCC works for slabs 18 08-Jul-24 28-Jul-24 70 RCC works for slabs
A1140 Brick masonry work for walls 15 27-Jun-24 14-Jul-24 0 Brick masonry work for walls
A1150 Roof finishing works 8 29-Jul-24 06-Aug-24 70 Roof finishing works
A1160 construction of blackboard 6 09-Jul-24 15-Jul-24 0 construction of blackboard
A1170 installation of windows and doors 6 09-Jul-24 15-Jul-24 0 installation of windows and doors
A1180 plastering work inside the building 10 20-Jul-24 30-Jul-24 55 plastering work inside the building
A1190 plastering work of ouside the building 10 31-Jul-24 11-Aug-24 55 plastering work of ouside the building
A1200 electrical and lighting works 8 10-Jul-24 18-Jul-24 0 electrical and lighting works
A1210 installation of solar electrical system 5 20-Jul-24 24-Jul-24 0 installation of solar electrical system
A1220 mosaic and tiels works 5 12-Aug-24 17-Aug-24 55 mosaic and tiels works
A1225 Painting work 6 18-Aug-24 24-Aug-24 55 Painting work
Construction of Handwashing 33 25-Jul-24 01-Sep-24 0 01-Sep-24, Construction of Handwashing
A1230 Site Preperation 2 25-Jul-24 27-Jul-24 0 Site Preperation
A1260 excavation 3 28-Jul-24 30-Jul-24 0 excavation
A1280 Back filling 3 31-Jul-24 03-Aug-24 0 Back filling
A1290 Boulder Filling 2 04-Aug-24 05-Aug-24 0 Boulder Filling
A1300 Casting PCC 10 06-Aug-24 17-Aug-24 0 Casting PCC
A1340 Installation of water tank stand 6 18-Aug-24 24-Aug-24 0 Installation of water tank stand
A1380 Plumbing works 2 25-Aug-24 26-Aug-24 0 Plumbing works
A1420 Installation of Water tank 2 27-Aug-24 28-Aug-24 0 Installation of Water tank
A1430 Installation of water closet 3 29-Aug-24 01-Sep-24 0 Installation of water closet
Construction of Dry Latrine 38 02-Sep-24 15-Oct-24 0 15-Oct-24, Construction of Dry Latrine
A1240 Site Preperation 2 02-Sep-24 03-Sep-24 0 Site Preperation
A1450 excavation 2 04-Sep-24 05-Sep-24 0 excavation
A1460 stonemasonry Work 8 07-Sep-24 15-Sep-24 0 stonemasonry Work
A1490 Casting PCC 9 16-Sep-24 25-Sep-24 0 Casting PCC
A1500 Installation of shelter and shade structure 6 26-Sep-24 02-Oct-24 0 Installation of shelter and shade structure