CS4037 Syllabus S1 24-25
CS4037 Syllabus S1 24-25
CS4037 Syllabus S1 24-25
You are expected to read the assigned readings before showing up for class.
Class time will be divided into two halves. In the first half, we will discuss the
assigned readings. During this time, I will make a short presentation and you
are expected to contribute with your thoughts, ideas, and observations. In
the second half, we will break into groups. You will use the time to discuss
the term project with your group members, while I go from group to group to
hear your ideas. Your commitment and contribution to these components are
integral to the learning process.
2. Assessment Components
Class Participation:
On Week 13, there will be one in-class quiz. Questions will primarily be open-
ended short answers—these will comprise 80% to 100% of the total number
of points. There may or may not be true/false or multiple choice questions—
don’t expect a lot of these, if any at all. No make-up will be allowed and no
excuses will be accepted. The only excuse accepted for missing an
examination is a medical emergency or serious illness for which a medical
certificate should be submitted to the school (ask_WKWSCI@ntu.edu.sg) and
to me (zlew@ntu.edu.sg) within 48 hours. If you have any special concerns,
discuss them with me in advance.
See the file named “Detailed Instructions for Projects” for details.
Each group member will also provide confidential feedback on group work to
the instructor—this may have bearing on individual grading. This said, I
advise you to resolve any conflicts before the end of the semester.
The final report is due on Week 10 (22 Oct 2024), after your class
Group Conflicts
There will be peer evaluation at the end of each assignment. I may (or may
not) add or deduct points, based on your peer evaluation. I reserve the right
to adjust your final team assignment marks based on additional
considerations including personal circumstances, certified special education
needs (SEN), and medical diagnoses.
3. Assigned Text
Krueger, R. A. & Casey, M.A. (2015). Focus groups: A practical guide for
applied research (5th ed.). Sage.
All assigned readings (see Readings list in the Course Schedule) will be
posted on the course website.
4. Course Policies
o All assignments should be typewritten using standard APA
formatting for text and references, double-spaced,12-point font,
and using Times New Roman.
o Excessive neglect of APA formatting will be penalized. Follow
the APA guides here:
o Late submissions, i.e., without prior permission or official
excuses, will also be penalized. Late work will be penalized by
deducting 10% of the maximum possible score for each late
day. Weekends will count. If the work is late by more than 3
days, you will receive zero for the assignment. It is your
responsibility to ensure that any file you upload/send is
readable. Rules for late submission apply if you submit files that
are not readable.
If you are experiencing issues that negatively impact your wellbeing, you
may consider contacting NTU’s University Counselling Centre
being). You may also approach me for special requests if you are going
through a hard time, and I will sincerely consider your requests while
ensuring that grades remain equitable for all enrolled students.
6. Policy on Plagiarism
The work that you submit for assessment in this course must be your own
individual work (or the work of your group members, in the case of group
projects). The NTU Academic Integrity Policy
(http://academicintegrity.ntu.edu.sg/) applies to this course. It is your
responsibility to familiarize yourself with the Policy and to uphold the values
of academic integrity in all academic undertakings. As a matriculated
student, you are committed to upholding the NTU Honor Code
ChatGPT and other AI tools may be used, as long as they are cited
properly in APA format: https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/how-to-cite-
7. Course Schedule
7 24 Sep Introduction to SPSS If you’re new to SPSS, watch this 15-
2024 minute video before class or you
Descriptive statistics might end up quite lost:
Data cleaning,
recoding, scale Note: I will show you what SPSS is
creation capable of, and you should take
note of the key functions essential
to basic social science research.
Eventually, you will most certainly
need to search YouTube/Google for
tutorials based on those keywords.
If you’re unfamiliar with SPSS, you
might be quite lost after this class,
and there’s probably no running
away from some form of self-
teaching (e.g., by watching
Developing a focus
group moderator guide
12 5 Nov Analysis and reporting Krueger & Casey (2015) Chapter 6
2024 of focus group data
Quiz review
13 12 Nov Quiz (Closed book) Focus group assignment due Tue,
2024 19 Nov, 23:59 hours