Total Synthesis of Salinosporamide A
Total Synthesis of Salinosporamide A
Total Synthesis of Salinosporamide A
Recently, Fenical and associates at the Scripps Institute of Scheme 1. Global Strategy toward Salinosporamide A
Oceanography reported on the cultivation and phylogenetic char-
acterization of a new group of actinomycete bacteria, widely
distributed in oceanic sediments.1 The term Salinospora was
advanced to correlate the strains. Following preliminary screening,
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protecting arrangement to afford 13. The hydroxymethyl lactam Upon conversion of the benzyl ester to an aldehyde, intermediate
was converted to the imidate ester 4 as shown by a sequence 7 was in hand.
consisting of Jones’ oxidation, esterification, and treatment with Treatment of 7 with the cyclohexenyl zinc reagent, 8, under the
Meerwein reagent (Et3OBF4). With the lactam functionality thus Corey protocol3 proceeded with excellent diastereocontrol to afford
masked, treatment of 4 with LHMDS led to exclusive anion 19 in 88% yield (dr ) 20:1 at C6). By sharp contrast, the use of
formation at C4. Internal acylation with the pendant ethyl carbonate the corresponding imidate aldehyde derived from 1412 instead of 7
proceeded smoothly to afford lactone 14.4 Acidic treatment of 14 resulted in poor diastereoselectivity (78% yield, 4:3, configuration
led to the restoration of the lactam moiety, which was subsequently not determined). Obviously, the PMB group plays a critical role in
protected with PMBCl. Removal of the benzyl protecting group diastereoselection in the novel Corey reaction.3
afforded 15. Removal of the PMB group from 19, followed by reductive
The lactone of 15 was subjected to nucleophilic ring opening opening of the benzyl glycoside, gave rise to triol 20. Acidic
with phenylselenium anion,8 and the resultant carboxylic acid was cleavage of the tert-butyl ester was effected through treatment with
benzylated to afford the differentially esterified 16 (Scheme 3). BCl3, and the crude trihydroxy acid was then subjected to
lactonization-chlorination3 to provide 1, whose spectroscopic
properties were in complete accord with the natural material.1 In
Scheme 3. Synthesis of Salinosporamide Aa addition, the structure of fully synthetic 1 was corroborated
In summary, an efficient and highly stereocontrolled enantiose-
lective synthesis of salinosporamide A has been achieved. Several
key features of our synthesis include the temporary masking of a
lactam functionality to accomplish selective anion formation at C4
(see 4), the use of a nucleophilic selenium species to open a lactone
in a regiocontrolled fashion (see 15), and the use of an unusual
cationic hemiacetal selenocyclization to install the quaternary center
at C3 in manageable form with complete stereocontrol.
Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the National
Institutes of Health (S.J.D. CA28824). A postdoctoral fellowship
a Key: (a) PhSeSePh, NaBH , EtOH, 60 °C; (b) BnBr, K CO , DMF, rt
4 2 3 is gratefully acknowledged by A.E. (Mr. William H. Goodwin and
(65% in 2 steps); (c) 30% H2O2 aq, THF, rt; (d) toluene, 100 °C (94% in
two steps, 72% 17 + 22% 5); (e) Dess-Martin periodinane, CH2Cl2, rt Mrs. Alice Goodwin and the Commonwealth Foundation for Cancer
(92%, 89% in three steps from 16); (f) PhSeBr, AgBF4, BnOH, CH2Cl2, Research, the Experimental Therapeutics Center, SKI). We also
-20 to 0 °C (74% as an anomeric mixture, 12:1); (g) AIBN, n-Bu3SnH, thank Dr. Louis Todaro (Hunter College, The City University of
toluene, 100 °C (98%); (h) NaBH4, THF-EtOH (3:1), rt (85%); (i) Dess- New York) for X-ray structural analyses and Dr. George Sukenick
Martin periodinane, CH2Cl2, rt (95%); (j) 8, THF, -78 °C (88% for 19, dr
(NMR Core Facility, SKI) for mass spectral analyses.
) 20:1); (k) ceric ammonium nitrate (CAN), CH3CN-H2O, 0 °C (90%);
(l) Na, liq NH3, -78 °C; (m) NaBH4, THF-H2O (2:1), rt (97% in two Supporting Information Available: Experimental procedures and
steps); (n) BCl3, CH2Cl2, 0 °C; (o) BOPCl, TEA, CH2Cl2, rt; (p) Ph3PCl2,
characterization, including polarimetric data, for new compounds. In
pyridine, CH3CN, rt (51% in three steps).
addition, confirmatory crystallographic data for 1 and 19 are included.
This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://
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with aldehyde 5 (22%), which was in fact a one-step advancement
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