HF-LST816 User Manual

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Fire Alarm Control Panel


20/04/2016 Rev: E
LST-816 Manual

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DOC-01-025 i
LST-816 Manual

Installation Precautions
Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free installation with long-term reliability:

WARNING - Several different sources of power can be connected to the fire alarm control panel.
Disconnect all sources of power before servicing. Control unit and associated equipment may be damaged
by removing and/or inserting cards, modules, or interconnecting cables while the unit is energised. Do not
attempt to install, service, or operate this unit until manuals are read and understood.

Verify that wire sizes are adequate for all initiating and indicating device loops. Most devices cannot
tolerate more than a 10% voltage drop from the specified device voltage.

Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may operate erratically or can be damaged when
subjected to lightning induced transients. Although no system is completely immune from lightning transients
and interference, proper grounding will reduce susceptibility. Overhead or outside aerial wiring is not
recommended, due to an increased susceptibility to nearby lightning strikes. Consult with the Technical
Services Department if any problems are anticipated or encountered.

Disconnect AC power and batteries prior to removing or inserting circuit boards. Failure to do so can
damage circuits.

Remove all electronic assemblies prior to any drilling, filing, reaming, or punching of the enclosure. When
possible, make all cable entries from the sides or rear. Before making modifications, verify that they will not
interfere with battery, transformer, or printed circuit board location.

Do not over tighten screw terminals. Over tightening may damage threads, resulting in reduced terminal
contact pressure and difficulty with screw terminal removal.

This system contains static-sensitive components. Always ground yourself with a proper wrist strap
before handling any circuits so that static charges are removed from the body. Use static suppressive
packaging to protect electronic assemblies removed from the unit.

Follow the instructions in the installation, operating, and programming manuals. These instructions must
be followed to avoid damage to the control panel and associated equipment. FACP operation and reliability
depend upon proper installation.

This equipment must be correctly programmed and installed to suit the specific application. Please
ensure correct operational parameters are set prior to commissioning. If further details on programming
options are required, please consult the programming manual or contact our helpful technical support


This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference in
which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) tests were performed in accordance with the Class A
requirements of AS/NZS CISPR 22:2009.

DOC-01-025 ii
LST-816 Manual

Table of Contents
EMERGENCY OPERATION ............................................................................................................................. I
Section 1 About this Manual ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Notes, Cautions and Warnings........................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Related Documentation................................................................................................................... 1
Section 2 System Overview .................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. Agency Approvals .......................................................................................................................... 2
2.3. Features and Specifications ............................................................................................................ 3
2.3.1 Hardware Features ................................................................................................................. 3
2.3.2 Software Features .................................................................................................................. 3
2.3.3 Environmental Specifications ................................................................................................ 3
2.3.4 Supply Rating ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.4. Recommended Standby Battery Sizes ............................................................................................ 4
2.5. System Diagram.............................................................................................................................. 5
2.6. Available Kits ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.7. Compatible Devices ........................................................................................................................ 7
Section 3 Connecting and Installing ...................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Mounting the Panel ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2. Connecting the AC Power Supply .................................................................................................. 9
3.3. Batteries ........................................................................................................................................ 10
3.3.1 Connecting Batteries ............................................................................................................ 10
3.3.2 Battery Calculations ............................................................................................................. 12
3.3.3 Replacing the 3V Battery ..................................................................................................... 13
3.4. Connecting Detectors.................................................................................................................... 14
3.5. Installing an Intrinsically Safe Barrier (IS Barrier)....................................................................... 15
3.6. Connecting Notification Devices .................................................................................................. 16
3.7. Connecting Door Holders ............................................................................................................. 17
3.8. Installing the Zone Expansion Card .............................................................................................. 18
3.9. Installing Relay Cards (ACM-8RA) ............................................................................................. 19
3.10. Installing the Alarm Routing Equipment (ARE) Interface Board................................................. 22
3.11. Connecting a LST-816 to a Remote Mimic .................................................................................. 24
3.12. Installing a replacement Keypad ................................................................................................... 25
3.13. Installing a replacement CPU Board............................................................................................. 26
3.14. Installing a replacement NPS Power Supply ................................................................................ 27
3.15. Connecting the Cabinet Manual Call Point (MCP) ...................................................................... 29
Section 4 Operation ............................................................................................................................... 31
4.1. Operation Overview...................................................................................................................... 31
4.2. System Normal ............................................................................................................................. 31
4.3. Alarm Event .................................................................................................................................. 31
4.4. User Interface Hierarchy ............................................................................................................... 32
4.5. Switching on the Fire Panel .......................................................................................................... 33
4.6. Keypad Overview ......................................................................................................................... 34
4.7. Complementary Features .............................................................................................................. 35
4.7.1 Silencing the Buzzer ............................................................................................................ 35
4.7.2 Silencing Alarms.................................................................................................................. 35
4.7.3 Scrolling through the Display .............................................................................................. 35
4.7.4 Resetting the Panel............................................................................................................... 35
4.7.5 Disabling Zones, Outputs and Modules ............................................................................... 35
4.7.6 Alarm Devices Overview..................................................................................................... 35
4.7.7 Smoke Control Overview .................................................................................................... 36
4.7.8 Initiating Delays to Outputs ................................................................................................. 37
4.7.9 Alarm Routing Equipment (ARE) Overview....................................................................... 38
4.7.10 Running a Lamp Test ........................................................................................................... 38
4.7.11 Navigation buttons ............................................................................................................... 39
4.7.12 Numerical and letter buttons ................................................................................................ 39

DOC-01-025 iii
LST-816 Manual

4.7.13 Zone Indication LEDs .......................................................................................................... 39

4.8. Viewing Events ............................................................................................................................. 40
4.9. Status ............................................................................................................................................ 41
4.9.1 Viewing the Zone Status ...................................................................................................... 41
4.9.2 Viewing the status of an Output device ............................................................................... 42
4.9.3 Viewing the status of an ACS Module................................................................................. 43
4.9.4 Viewing the Power Status of the LST-816 .......................................................................... 44
4.9.5 Viewing the Status of the Battery Charger .......................................................................... 45
4.9.6 Viewing the System Time .................................................................................................... 46
4.10. Viewing the Panel History ............................................................................................................ 47
4.11. Disabling ....................................................................................................................................... 48
4.11.1 Disabling Zones ................................................................................................................... 48
4.11.2 Disabling Outputs ................................................................................................................ 49
4.11.3 Disabling ACS Modules ...................................................................................................... 50
4.11.4 Disabling Alarm Routing Equipment (ARE) ....................................................................... 51
4.11.5 Enabling all Points ............................................................................................................... 51
4.12. Testing .......................................................................................................................................... 52
4.12.1 Testing Zones....................................................................................................................... 52
4.12.2 Testing Outputs .................................................................................................................... 53
4.12.3 Testing ACS Outputs ........................................................................................................... 54
4.12.4 Conducting a Walk Test ...................................................................................................... 55
4.12.5 Conducting a Battery Test ................................................................................................... 57
4.13. Muting the Panel Buzzer............................................................................................................... 60
Section 5 Programming ........................................................................................................................ 61
5.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 61
5.2. Programming Zones...................................................................................................................... 62
5.3. Programming Outputs ................................................................................................................... 63
5.3.1 Using Control by Event Expressions (CBE) to program Output Devices............................ 65
5.4. Programming ACS Modules ......................................................................................................... 67
5.4.1 Programming a Relay Card (ACM-8RA) ............................................................................ 67
5.4.2 Programming a Zone Mimic (ACM-ZM) ............................................................................ 68
5.4.3 Programming the Zone Mimic Expansion Card .................................................................. 68
5.5. Setting the Date and Time ............................................................................................................ 69
5.6. Resetting System Faults ................................................................................................................ 70
5.7. Programming ARE (Alarm Routing Equipment) Indication LED................................................ 71
5.8. Programming the Output Delay Setting ........................................................................................ 72
5.9. Clearing Panel History .................................................................................................................. 73
5.10. Programming the Zone Expansion Card ....................................................................................... 74
5.11. Changing the Password................................................................................................................. 75
5.12. Clearing the Panel Configuration.................................................................................................. 77
5.13. Programming Smoke Control Reset ............................................................................................. 78
Section 6 Diagnostics............................................................................................................................ 79
6.1. Diagnostics Overview ................................................................................................................... 79
6.2. Safe States..................................................................................................................................... 79
6.2.1 System CRC Error Safe State .............................................................................................. 79
6.2.2 Flash Connection Fault Safe State ....................................................................................... 79
6.2.3 Configuration Corrupt Safe State......................................................................................... 79
6.2.4 EEPROM CRC Error Safe State .......................................................................................... 80
6.2.5 Serial Chain Error Safe State ............................................................................................... 80
6.2.6 Keypad Missing Safe State .................................................................................................. 80
6.2.7 Invalid Keypad Detected Safe State..................................................................................... 80
6.2.8 24 Volt Power Short Circuit Error ....................................................................................... 81
6.2.9 Watchdog Hardware Error ................................................................................................... 81
6.2.10 ACM Faults ......................................................................................................................... 81
6.3. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 82
6.3.1 The panel will not start! ....................................................................................................... 82
6.3.2 What does the flashing fault LED on my ACM device mean? ............................................ 83
6.3.3 My panel is connected but nothing is lighting up on my ACM! .......................................... 83
6.3.4 How can I find out the software version? ............................................................................ 83

DOC-01-025 iv
LST-816 Manual

Appendix A Mounting Details ...................................................................................................................... 84

CAB650 Mounting Details ............................................................................................................................... 84
CAB900 Mounting Details ............................................................................................................................... 85
Appendix B Battery Calculations ................................................................................................................ 86
Battery Power Calculations .............................................................................................................................. 86
Battery Power Equations .................................................................................................................................. 87
Appendix C Type IDs .................................................................................................................................... 88
Zone Type IDs .................................................................................................................................................. 88
Output Type IDs ............................................................................................................................................... 90
Appendix D Faults and Events .................................................................................................................... 92
LST-816 Faults ................................................................................................................................................. 92
ACS Module Faults .......................................................................................................................................... 96
Events Table ..................................................................................................................................................... 97
Appendix E Factory Defaults ....................................................................................................................... 99
Zone Point Defaults .......................................................................................................................................... 99
Output Defaults by Output Type ...................................................................................................................... 99
ACM-ZM Defaults ......................................................................................................................................... 100
ACM-8RA Defaults ....................................................................................................................................... 101
Global Defaults .............................................................................................................................................. 101
Appendix F Cabling Requirements ........................................................................................................... 102
Circuit Type Connections ............................................................................................................................... 102
Appendix G Schematics............................................................................................................................. 103
ARM to LST-816 Schematic .......................................................................................................................... 104
ARE to LST-816 Schematic ........................................................................................................................... 106
ACM-8RA to LST-816 Schematic ................................................................................................................. 107
DA-XX to LST-816 Schematic ...................................................................................................................... 108
ACM-ZM to LST-816 Schematic, Including IFS-721 Expansion.................................................................. 109
Glossary ...................................................................................................................................................... 110

DOC-01-025 v
LST-816 Manual Emergency Operation


Press Silence Buzzer to switch off the Panel Buzzer.

Press Silence/Resound Alarm to switch off any active Alarm Devices.

Press Scroll to navigate through multiple Alarm Events.

Press Reset once the hazards have been neutralized.

The panel will re-enter an Alarm state if the hazards have not been

Press Disable to disable all active alarms.

DOC-01-025 I
LST-816 Manual Section 1 About this Manual

Section 1 About this Manual

1.1. Notes, Cautions and Warnings
This manual contains notes, cautions and warnings to alert the reader as follows:

CAUTION: Information about procedures that could cause programming errors, runtime
errors or equipment damage.

WARNING: Indicates information about procedures that could cause irreversible

equipment damage, irreversible loss of programming data or personal injury.

NOTE: Supplement information for a topic such as tips and references.

1.2. Related Documentation

Title Document

NPS Power Supply Installation Sheet DOC-03-057

Zone Expansion Card Installation Sheet DOC-03-051

Keypad Installation Sheet DOC-03-054

ARE Interface Board Installation Sheet DOC-03-062

Battery Connection Installation Kit DOC-03-046

Zone Mimic Manual DOC-01-028

ACM-8RA Installation Sheet DOC-03-052

Intrinsically Safe Manual DOC-01-029

Zone Label Plate Installation Sheet DOC-03-060

DA Series BOWS Manual DOC-01-004

Extinguishing Agent Release Module Manual DOC-01-005

Table 1-1 - Related Documentation

DOC-01-025 1
LST-816 Manual Section 2 System Overview

Section 2 System Overview

2.1. Introduction
The LST-816 is an Australian designed fire panel that supports building managers in the management
of their fire safety responsibilities.

The LST-816 helps building managers facilitate and manage:

 The monitoring of a buildings fire safety systems.

 The successful alert of building occupants during a fire emergency.
 The timely evacuation of a building.
 A rapid response from the emergency services.

Complementing the monitoring, alert, evacuation and response capabilities the testing functionality
permits building managers to self-manage the testing of the buildings fire safety systems.

This manual has been created as a first point of reference for:

 Technicians installing the fire panel and the range of fire ancillaries.
 Technicians programming the fire panel.
 User groups operating the fire panel.
 User groups who need assistance in running diagnostic operations.

2.2. Agency Approvals

 AS 7240.2-2004
Fire detection and alarm systems
Part 2: Control and indicating equipment
(ISO 7240-2:2003, MOD)

The LST-816 supports the following optional functions of AS7240.2:

- Output to fire protection equipment – Output type B to clause 7.10.2

- Dependency on more than one alarm signal – Type A dependency to clause 7.12.1
- Fault signals from points to clause 9.3
- Output to fault warning routing equipment to clause 9.9
- Disabled condition to clause 10
- Test condition to clause 11

 AS 7240.4-2004
Fire detection and alarm systems
Part 4: Power supply equipment
ISO 7240-4:2003, MOD)

The LST-816 supports the following optional functions of AS7240.4:

- Battery function check to clause 5.5

 AS 4428.3-2010
Fire detection, warning, control and intercom systems - Control and indicating equipment
Part 3: Fire brigade panel

DOC-01-025 2
LST-816 Manual Section 2 System Overview

2.3. Features and Specifications

2.3.1 Hardware Features

 Eight fire detection zones (16 with Zone Expansion Card fitted).
 A Two line, 40-character LCD for viewing events and zone/output status and fault finding.
 Silicone keypad;
 With an alpha-numeric 3 x 4 grid keypad and navigation buttons.
 With 16 zone status indication LEDs used for showing alarms, faults and disable states of
detection zones.
 With Silence Buzzer, Silence Alarms, Scroll Reset and Disable buttons for use in
emergencies by the Fire Brigade.
 With ancillary buttons of Alarm Devices (Disable and Test), Smoke Control and Disable.
 Compact 5.6 or 11.7 amp power supply with built in battery charger.
 Available in multiple cabinet sizes including CAB650 and CAB900.
 Brigade Interface port to permit the external monitoring of the panel by the Fire Brigade.
 Door Holder Output to enable the connection of electro-magnetic Door Holder devices.
 Three form C relays.
 Three NAC circuits to control Notification Appliances.
 Support for connecting an Intrinsically Safe Barrier for use with Intrinsically Safe detectors.
 Capacity to connect optional ACS devices such as;
 ACM-8RA, Programmable eight output Relay Card.
 ACM-ZM, Zone Mimic Card with Expansion Module.

2.3.2 Software Features

 Control by event (CBE) programming, providing panel with powerful and flexible output programming.
 History Log to provide time- stamped events enabling easy interpretation of panel events.
 Test functionality; including Zone Walk Tests and automatic battery tests.
 Manual reset to clear faults.
 AVF feature, providing detection verification to prevent environmental conditions from giving false

2.3.3 Environmental Specifications

Parameter Details
0 0C to 55 0C dry heat.
Environmental Limits
40 0C @ 93% relative humidity.
IP Rating IP30
Table 2-1 - Environmental Specifications (CAB650 and CAB900)

2.3.4 Supply Rating

Parameter Details

Input Fuse Rating M205 Fuse - 250V, 8.0A

NPS-5CHS – 240Vac, 0.8A, 50Hz
Input Voltage Rating
NPS-11CHS – 240Vac, 1.5A, 50Hz
Output Ratings
(5.6 A) NPS-5CHS
Output Current
(11.7A) NPS-11CHS
Output Ratings: Charger
Charger Voltage 27.3V
Table 2-2 - Power Supply Specification

DOC-01-025 3
LST-816 Manual Section 2 System Overview

2.4. Recommended Standby Battery Sizes

A list of available batteries is shown in Table 2-3 – Recommended Battery Specifications.

NOTE: Connect only sealed lead acid batteries.

Battery Descriptions Voltage Quantity
Olympic, 7AH 12V Battery -
12 7 2
BATT/7 (CJ12-7)

Olympic 12AH 12V Battery -

12 12 2
BATT/12 (CJ12-7)

Olympic, 18AH 12V Battery -

12 18 2
BATT/18 (CJ12-18)

Olympic, 26AH 12V Battery -

12 26 2
BATT/26 (CJ12-26)

Olympic, 33AH 12V Battery -

12 33 2
BATT/33 (CJ12-33)

Olympic, 40AH 12V Battery -

12 40 2
BATT/40 (CJ112-40)

Olympic, 85AH 12V Battery -

12 85 2
BATT/85 (CJ12-85)

Table 2-3 – Recommended Battery Specifications

DOC-01-025 4
LST-816 Manual Section 2 System Overview

2.5. System Diagram

The System Diagram shows the ancillaries that can be used with the panel.

Figure 2-1 - System Diagram

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LST-816 Manual Section 2 System Overview

2.6. Available Kits

The standard devices that can be fitted to the fire panel are listed in Table 2-4 – Standard Devices.

The complementary devices that can also be fitted to the fire panel are listed in Table 2-5 -
Complementary Devices.

Title Part Number

LST-816 Replacement CPU ASY-02-025

Replacement NPS-5CHS Power Supply ASY-02-034

Replacement NPS-11CHS Power Supply ASY-02-033

LST-816 Keypad Installation Kit ASY-02-026

Battery Connection Pack ASY-01-035

3V BR2335 Lithium Battery FG-65-012

Table 2-4 – Standard Devices

Title Part Number

LST-816 Zone Expansion Card ASY-01-039

Replacement Name Plate ASY-02-031

ACM-8RA, Programmable 8 Output Relay Card ASY-01-040

ACM-ZM Zone Mimic Remote Module ASY-02-023

Table 2-5 - Complementary Devices

DOC-01-025 6
LST-816 Manual Section 2 System Overview

2.7. Compatible Devices

The devices listed in Table 2-6 - Compatible Devices are compatible with the fire panel.

NOTE: AS1670.1 limits the number of detectors that can be installed on a zone circuit to 40.

NOTE: Clean contact devices are also compatible, provided they are the only devices fitted to
the zone.

Model Device Description Maximum number of

Number detectors per circuit

2151BAUS System Sensor, Photoelectric Smoke Detector 42

2151AUS System Sensor, Photoelectric Smoke Detector 42

1151AUS System Sensor, Ionization Detector 46

5151AUS System Sensor, Rate of Rise, 63°C detector, type 50


5151RAUS System Sensor, Fixed Temperature, 63°C 50

detector, type A2

5151RHAUS System Sensor, Rate of Rise, 90°C detector, type 50


5151HAUS System Sensor, Fixed Temperature, 90°C 50

detector, type C

51A51 System Sensor, Type A Heat Detector 30

51B51 System Sensor, Type B Heat Detector 30

51C51 System Sensor, Type C Heat Detector 30

51D51 System Sensor, Type D Heat Detector 30

M400KR System Sensor, Manual Call Point No limit

885WP System Sensor, Weatherproof Type B detector 50

D2-AUS System Sensor, InnovairFlex Duct Smoke 42


DH100LP System Sensor, 2-Wire Photoelectric Duct 21

Smoke Detector

DOC-01-025 7
LST-816 Manual Section 2 System Overview

Model Device Description Maximum number of

Number detectors per circuit

1151EISE System Sensor, Intrinsically Safe detector See IS Manual


5451EISE System Sensor, Intrinsically Safe detector See IS Manual


5351TE System Sensor 58°C Fixed Temp Heat 300 Series 30

4351E System Sensor 78°C Fixed Temp Heat 300 Series 26

2351E System Sensor Photoelectric Smoke 300 Series 35

System Sensor Photoelectric Smoke/ Thermal

2351TEM 28
300 Series

5351E System Sensor Rate of Rise 300 Series 30

SIJ-ASN Hochiki, Ionization Detector 101

SLZ-AS Hochiki, Photoelectric Detector 101

DFG-60BLKJ Hochiki, Waterproof Heat Detector No limit

DCD-A Hochiki, Type A Combination Thermal Detector 72

DCD-C Hochiki, Type C Combination Thermal Detector 50

DFJ-60B Hochiki, Type B Combination Thermal Detector 72

DFJ-90D Hochiki, Type D Combination Thermal Detector 50

53531-271 Apollo Heat Type A 34

53531-272 Apollo Heat Type B 34

35531-273 Apollo Heat Type D 34

53551-201 Apollo Photo-Electric Series 30 (53551-201) 34

53541-161 Apollo Smoke Ionization Series 30 (53541-161) 40

Table 2-6 - Compatible Devices

DOC-01-025 8
LST-816 Manual Section 3 Connecting and Installing

Section 3 Connecting and Installing

3.1. Mounting the Panel
There are four mounting holes drilled into the back of the cabinet to permit the mounting of the panel
to a wall. For details on the dimensions of the cabinet mounting holes, refer to the CAB650 and
CAB900 Mounting Details in Appendix A Mounting Details on page 84.

3.2. Connecting the AC Power Supply

The fire panel requires 240 Volts to be connected to the fuse block to operate.

WARNING: Remove all power sources to equipment while connecting electrical

components. Leave the external, main power breaker OFF until installation of the entire
system is complete.

1. Wire the site to the panel fuse block, as per Figure 3-1 - AC Power to Fuse Block

Figure 3-1 - AC Power to Fuse Block

DOC-01-025 9
LST-816 Manual Section 3 Connecting and Installing

3.3. Batteries
3.3.1 Connecting Batteries
The fire panel has been designed to run on standby battery power should there be a power outage.
This section describes how to connect the battery power. For details on the recommended batteries
refer to Table 2-3 – Recommended Battery Specifications.

WARNING: Remove all power sources to equipment while connecting electrical

components. Leave the external, main power breaker OFF until installation of the entire
system is complete.

CAUTION: There is a risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by an incorrect battery type.

CAUTION: Dispose of any used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

CAUTION: The maximum current rating of the batteries is 11.6A. The battery connection is
fused. If the fuse needs to be replaced it must be replaced with a 15A blade fuse.

To connect the battery power to the fire panel:

1. Connect the exposed end of the battery cables to the CPU Board via the 2-way header.
2. Set the charger setting jumper to the relevant pins. Figure 3-2 - Battery Charger Jumper
Settings shows the charger setting for different sized batteries in amp hours (Ah).

Figure 3-2 - Battery Charger Jumper Settings

DOC-01-025 10
LST-816 Manual Section 3 Connecting and Installing

CAUTION: If the charger setting does not match the size of the battery there is a risk that
the battery will be damaged.

WARNING: Only use the supported batteries listed in Table 2-3 – Recommended Battery

3. For batteries with a bolt termination refer to Figure 3-3 - Bolt Termination Connections. The
bolt terminal can be connected to the battery cables supplied with the panel.

Figure 3-3 - Bolt Termination Connections

4. For batteries with a spade terminal refer to Figure 3-4 - Spade Terminal Connections. The
spade terminal can be connected to the battery cables supplied with the panel.

Figure 3-4 - Spade Terminal Connections

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LST-816 Manual Section 3 Connecting and Installing

WARNING: Never connect more than two batteries in series with each other - this will
expose the panel to a higher voltage than what it is designed for and may damage the
panel and/or the batteries.

NOTE: When connecting two pairs of batteries together, all four batteries must be the
same size, from the same manufacturer and the same age.

3.3.2 Battery Calculations

To calculate the size of the battery required use the equations and calculations in Appendix B Battery
Calculations on page 86.

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LST-816 Manual Section 3 Connecting and Installing

3.3.3 Replacing the 3V Battery

The 3V battery powers the system clock. The 3V battery is located on the CPU board. The system
clock will only run on the 3V battery if both the 240AC and the battery supplies fail. If the 3V battery
goes flat, or is removed the display will show a clock error message the next time the panel restarts.

WARNING: Remove all power sources to equipment while connecting electrical

components. Leave the external, main power breaker OFF until installation of the entire
system is complete.

CAUTION: There is a risk of explosion if a battery is replaced by an incorrect battery type.

CAUTION: Dispose of any used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

To replace the 3V battery:

1. Lift up the battery clip.

2. Slide the existing battery out the bottom of the battery holder.
3. Slide the new 3V battery into the battery holder.

NOTE: A replacement 3V BR2335 Lithium battery can be ordered by quoting the part
number FG-65-012.

DOC-01-025 13
LST-816 Manual Section 3 Connecting and Installing

3.4. Connecting Detectors

1. Connect the positive and negative cables from the detector to the zone terminal as per Figure
3-5 - Detector Cables to Zone Terminal.

Figure 3-5 - Detector Cables to Zone Terminal

2. Wire the detectors to each other as per Figure 3-6 - Detector to Detector Circuit.
3. Ensure the 4K7Ω End of Line (EOL) resistor is connected across the terminals of the last
detector in the circuit.

Figure 3-6 - Detector to Detector Circuit

NOTE: For a list of compatible detectors and the maximum number of supported devices
refer to Table 2-6 - Compatible Devices.

NOTE: IS circuits require a different value EOL resistor, refer to DOC-01-029 the IS
Solutions Manual for more information.

NOTE: For specific detector installation instructions refer to documentation supplied with
the detector.

NOTE: The zones are current limited to 40mA. Refer to Appendix F Cabling Requirements
on page 102 for the cable requirements when connecting detectors to the zone circuits.

DOC-01-025 14
LST-816 Manual Section 3 Connecting and Installing

3.5. Installing an Intrinsically Safe Barrier (IS Barrier)

WARNING: Refer to the safety warning labels on the IS enclosure during installation of
the IS barrier.

An IS barrier protects an environment where there is a high risk of fire and explosion due to a spark
from an electrical device. Intrinsically safe detectors can be used with the LST-816 but must be
connected using the MTL barrier specified.

For more information regarding the IS barrier refer to DOC-01-029, Intrinsically Safe Barrier Manual.

DOC-01-025 15
LST-816 Manual Section 3 Connecting and Installing

3.6. Connecting Notification Devices

The Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) permits the connection of notification devices, such as
strobes, sounders and bells.

NOTE: The maximum current rating for each NAC output is 1.0A.

To connect the notification devices to the CPU Board:

1. Wire the NAC devices to the applicable NAC output on the CPU Board, see Figure 3-7 -
NAC Connections.

Figure 3-7 - NAC Connections

2. If there are multiple NAC devices, connect the positive and negative cables running from the
previous NAC device to the next NAC device.
3. Fit a 4K7Ω EOL resistor across the last device in a NAC circuit.

NOTE: Leave the 4K7 EOL resistor in place on the CPU Board if no NAC devices are to
be connected.

NOTE: The device should not allow current to run in a reverse direction, otherwise a short
circuit fault will appear on the display.

NOTE: Refer to Appendix F Cabling Requirements on page 102 for devices connected to
NAC Circuit types.

DOC-01-025 16
LST-816 Manual Section 3 Connecting and Installing

3.7. Connecting Door Holders

Door holder devices control the open state of a door during normal and alarm conditions.

NOTE: Door holder devices are powered by the PSU and will not be powered by the
panel batteries.

NOTE: The maximum current rating for the Door Holder Output is 3.0A. If the fuse needs
to be replaced it must be replaced by a 3A blade fuse.

To connect the door holders to the CPU Board:

1. Wire the door holder devices to the door holder output on the LST-816, see Figure 3-8 - Door
Holder Connections.

Figure 3-8 - Door Holder Connections

2. If there are multiple door holders, connect the positive and negative cables running from the
previous door holder to the next door holder.

NOTE: When resetting the fire panel, any devices connected to the door holder output will
be energised.

NOTE: Door holders can be connected to other relays. When this occurs the door holder
Output type needs to be selected.

NOTE: Refer to Appendix F Cabling Requirements on page 102 for the Door Holder
Cable requirements.

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3.8. Installing the Zone Expansion Card

The Zone Expansion Card increases the number of zones from 8 to 16.

CAUTION: Power down the fire panel before adding or removing the Zone Expansion Card.

To connect the Zone Expansion Card:

1. Remove the screws closest to the Zone Expansion Socket from the CPU Board.
2. Fit the four stand offs to the CPU Board (if not already fitted).
3. Align the Zone Expansion Socket on the CPU Board with the Zone Expansion Header on the
Zone Expansion Card.
4. Press the Zone Expansion Card Header into the Zone Expansion Socket.
5. Secure the Zone Expansion Card to the CPU Board with the screws.

Figure 3-9 - Fitting Zone Expansion Card

6. Connect the detectors to the Zone Expansion Card as shown in Figure 3-5 - Detector Cables to
Zone Terminal.
7. Program the panel to recognise the Zone Expansion Card. See Section 5.10 Programming the
Zone Expansion Card on page 74.

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3.9. Installing Relay Cards (ACM-8RA)

The ACM-8RA permits the connection of additional relay outputs to the fire panel.

CAUTION: Power down the panel before adding or removing the ACM-8RA.

To fit an ACM-8RA:

1. Set the ACM-8RA address using the address wheels.

2. Fix the supplied spacers to CHS Mounting Bracket.
3. Position the ACM-8RA into the slot at the bottom of the CHS Mounting Bracket.

Figure 3-10 - Positioning ACM-8RA

4. Rotate the ACM-8RA so that the holes on the top of the card align with the spacer threads.

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5. Secure the ACM-8RA to the CHS Mounting Bracket with the supplied screws.

Figure 3-11 - Securing ACM-8RA to CHS Bracket

6. Ensure that the EOL jumper is set to the ON position.

7. Connect the ACM-8RA into the CPU Board at the ACM Interface Socket with the supplied
6-way ACM cable.
8. Program the ACM-8RA as per Section 5.4.1 Programming a Relay Card (ACM-8RA) on
page 67.

NOTE: The 6-way ACM cable needs to pass behind the ACM-8RA during installation.

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To connect additional ACM-8RAs;

1. Remove the jumper from the first ACM-8RA or set the jumper on the first ACM-8RA in the
chain to the OFF position.
2. Connect the first and second relay cards with the 6-way ACM cable as per Figure 3-12 - Relay
to Relay connection.
3. Set the EOL Jumper on the last ACM-8RA in the circuit to the ON position.

Figure 3-12 - Relay to Relay connection

4. Power up the unit and refer to Section 5.4.1 Programming a Relay Card (ACM-8RA) on page
66 for programming instructions.

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3.10. Installing the Alarm Routing Equipment (ARE) Interface Board

The relays (Fault, Alarm, Disabled and three programmable relays) on the ARE Interface Board
control the signal transmission between the fire panel and the Fire Brigade.

CAUTION: Power down panel before adding or removing the ARE Interface Board

1. Remove the flanged nuts from the inner door studs.

2. Position the ARE Assembly over the inner door studs.
3. Secure the ARE Assembly to the inner door studs with the flanged nuts.

Figure 3-13 - Installing ARE Assembly

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4. Remove the Brigade Interface jumper from the keypad Brigade Interface header.
5. Connect the ARE Interface Board to the keypad Brigade Interface header with the 20-way
Ribbon Cable

Figure 3-14 - Keypad to ARE Device Connection

6. To program the outputs connected to the ARE Interface refer to Section 5.3 Programming
Outputs on page 63.
7. For further Information regarding the connection of the ARE Interface Board Relays to the
site’s Brigade Interface refer to the ARE schematic in Appendix G Schematics on page 107.

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3.11. Connecting a LST-816 to a Remote Mimic

The Remote Mimic is a smaller cabinet containing a Zone Mimic. The Zone Mimic permits an
operator to see the state of the panel remotely.

CAUTION: Power down the fire panel before connecting the Remote Mimic.

To connect a Remote Mimic

1. Wire the power and comms to the Field ACM terminal on the LST-816 CPU Board.
2. Wire the other ends of the comms and power cables to the ACM-ZM as per Figure 3-15 -
ACM-ZM to LST-816 Connection.
3. Ensure that the EOL Termination jumper is fitted to the last ACM-ZM in the circuit.
4. Program the ACM-ZM as per Section 5.3 Programming ACS Modules on page 66.

Figure 3-15 - ACM-ZM to LST-816 Connection

NOTE: Refer to Appendix F Cabling Requirements on page 102 for the cable requirements
when connecting Zone Mimic Cards to the LST-816.

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3.12. Installing a replacement Keypad

The keypad enables a user to operate and program the fire panel.

CAUTION: Power down the fire panel before fitting the keypad.

1. Unplug from the keypad:

a. The ribbon cable connecting the keypad to the Brigade Interface Board.
b. The ribbon cable connecting the keypad to the CPU Board.
2. Open the cabinet inner door and remove:
a. The flanged nuts from the inner door studs.
b. The keypad from the studs as per Figure 3-16 - Removing Keypad from Inner Door

Figure 3-16 - Removing Keypad from Inner Door

3. Mount the replacement keypad to the inner door studs.

4. Connect the:
a. Ribbon Cable from the CPU Board to the replacement keypad.
b. Ribbon Cable from the Brigade Interface Board to the replacement keypad.
5. Place the replacement keypad over the Inner Door Studs.
6. Secure the replacement keypad to the Inner Cabinet Door with the flanged nuts.
7. Connect the MCP as per Section 3.15 Connecting the Cabinet Manual Call Point (MCP) on
page 29.
8. If the ARE interface is not used, a link must be fitted to the brigade interface header on the
back of the keypad, see Figure 3-17 - Keypad ARE Jumper Position.

Figure 3-17 - Keypad ARE Jumper Position

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3.13. Installing a replacement CPU Board

The CPU Board controls the operation of the fire panel and provides a point of termination for the
devices connected to the panel.

CAUTION: Power down the fire panel before replacing the CPU Board.

NOTE: The configuration on an existing CPU Board will not be transferred to the replacement
CPU Board. Any existing devices need to be reprogrammed.

1. Disconnect the batteries and the PSU supply from the CPU Board.
2. Unplug the Zone Expansion Card from the CPU Board (if fitted).
3. Unscrew and remove the CPU Board.
4. Screw the replacement CPU Board on to the NPS Mounting Bracket as per Figure 3-18 -
Mounting Replacement CPU Board.

Figure 3-18 - Mounting Replacement CPU Board

5. Re-connect devices previously disconnected from the CPU Board (including MCP).
6. Re-connect the power supply.
7. Set the system time.
8. Re-program any devices previously removed from the CPU Board.

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3.14. Installing a replacement NPS Power Supply

1. Open the cabinet and disconnect any circuit boards, outputs and cables from the CPU board.
2. Unplug both ends of the PSU cable running from the CPU Board to the existing PSU box.
3. Unscrew the flanged nuts from the cabinet studs and remove the NPS Assembly.

Figure 3-19 - Removing Existing NPS Power Supply

4. Remove the CPU Board from the existing NPS Mounting Bracket.
5. Remove the AC power supply from the fuse block.
6. Secure the replacement NPS Assembly to the CPU Board.

Figure 3-20 - Securing CPU Board to Replacement NPS Assembly

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7. Connect the PSU to the CPU Board as per Figure 3-21 - NPS to PSU Connections.

Figure 3-21 - NPS to PSU Connections

8. Slide the replacement NPS Assembly over the studs at the back of the cabinet and secure the
replacement NPS Assembly to the cabinet body with the flanged nuts.

Figure 3-22 - Replacement PSU Supply

9. Wire a 240V power supply to the fuse block as per Figure 3-1 - AC Power to Fuse Block
10. Reconnect any circuit boards, cables and outputs previously removed from the CPU Board.
11. Power up the fire panel.

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3.15. Connecting the Cabinet Manual Call Point (MCP)

In the event of a fire, the MCP provides a means of activating an alarm manually.

1. Connect the MCP cable to the CPU Board via the three pinned terminal, as per Figure 3-23 -
Manual Call Point Connection.

Figure 3-23 - Manual Call Point Connection

2. Wire the MCP cable to the MCP, see Figure 3-24 - Manual Call Point Switch.

Figure 3-24 - Manual Call Point Switch

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3. Once the MCP is connected, the MCP monitoring jumper needs to be set to the ON position.
See Figure 3-25 - Cabinet MCP Monitoring Jumper.

Figure 3-25 - Cabinet MCP Monitoring Jumper

NOTE: By default, the MCP is connected to the zone one.

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Section 4 Operation
4.1. Operation Overview
The Operation Section describes the operations and the steps required to complete a task. It also
includes the keypad functions and the software functions that appear via the display.

4.2. System Normal

When there are no active or current events the display will show the system date and time.

Figure 4-1 - System Normal Display

4.3. Alarm Event
When there is an alarm, the display will show the details of the alarm event and the first alarm event.

First alarm in Zone of first Total number of

series alarm in series active alarms

The time of the Zone and name of

selected alarm selected alarm

Figure 4-2 - Alarm Display

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4.4. User Interface Hierarchy

The Main Menu can be accessed by pressing ESC|MENU

The Main Menu is shown in Figure 4-3 - Main Menu Display.

Figure 4-3 - Main Menu Display

To access the Main Menu options press the number on the keypad that matches menu option. An overview of
the entire menu hierarchy is shown in Figure 4-4 - System Overview.

Main Menu

1. Events 2. Status 3. History 4. Disable 5. Test 6. Program

1.1 All 2.1 Zone 3.1 All Enter

4.1 Zones 5.1 Zones

1.2 Alarm 2.2 Outputs 3.2 Alarm 4.2 Outputs 5.2 Outputs 6.1 Zones

1.3 2.3 ACS 3.3 4.3 ACS 5.3 ACS

Supervisory Points Supervisory 6.2 Outputs
module Outputs

1.4 Fault 2.4 Power 3.4 Fault 5.4 Walk 6.3 ACS
4.4 ARE
Test Module

1.5 Disable 4.5 Enable 6.4 Date &

2.5 Charger 3.5 Disable 5.5 Battery
All Time

1.6 Non 3.6 Non 6.5 Reset

Alarm 2.6 Time Alarm Flts.

6.6 More

6.6.1 ARE

6.6.2 O/P

6.6.3 CLR

6.6.4 Zone
6.6.6 More
Expn CLR
Smoke CTRL

Figure 4-4 - System Overview

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4.5. Switching on the Fire Panel

1. Power up the fire panel by switching the on PSU switch. The device will be on when the PSU
switch is illuminated (red).

Figure 4-5 - Location of Fire Panel PSU Switch

2. Connect the batteries as per Section 3.3.1 Connecting Batteries on page 10.

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4.6. Keypad Overview

The keypad permits interaction with the functions controlling the panel.

Figure 4-6 - Keypad Overview

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4.7. Complementary Features

Complementary Features describes the features which are not accessible from the programming
menus. The keypad button shortcuts are included in the Complementary Features section of this
manual. The active state of a complementary feature is shown by the LED next to the button. If the
LED is illuminated the feature is considered to be active.

4.7.1 Silencing the Buzzer

The buzzer can be silenced by pressing SILENCE BUZZER .

4.7.2 Silencing Alarms

An alarm can be silenced by pressing SILENCE/RESOUND ALARM .

4.7.3 Scrolling through the Display

The SCROLL button permits the back and forth navigation between events shown on the display.

When an object property is selected pressing the SCROLL button changes the values of the selected
property and/or navigates to the previous and next object attributes.

4.7.4 Resetting the Panel

To clear the alarm condition from the panel press the RESET button. If the fire hazard has not been
cleared, the panel will re-enter an alarm condition.

4.7.5 Disabling Zones, Outputs and Modules

Pressing the DISABLE button disables all active alarms that are currently listed on the display.

When viewing the status of a point, pressing DISABLE will disable and enables the point.

4.7.6 Alarm Devices Overview

Alarm Devices are used to control the Notification Devices that alert occupants there is a fire. The
output type IDs that are relevant to alarm device outputs are, Alarm Devices and Alarm Devices

To test the alarm devices press ALARM DEVICES Test . The Alarm Devices Test LED (next to the
button) will illuminate.

When a zone goes into alarm, the alarm devices will switch on based on their CBE. To silence all
alarm devices press SILENCE / RESOUND ALARM . When the alarm devices are silenced, the

Alarm Devices Silence LED will illuminate. To resound the alarms press SILENCE / RESOUND


If there is a fault with any of the Alarm Device outputs, the Alarm Devices Fault LED will illuminate.

Pressing ALARM DEVICES Disable will disable all of the alarm device outputs on the panel.

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4.7.7 Smoke Control Overview

The Smoke Control function is used to hold Smoke Control outputs on, even if the fire brigade has
reset the panel. Once the panel receives an alarm the Smoke Control function will be activated. The
Smoke Control outputs will be activated based on their CBEs. Once activated the smoke control will
latch on, even if the CBE is no longer active. These Smoke Control outputs will remain active until
the Smoke Control function has been reset.

There are 2 options for resetting the Smoke control function;

1) Pressing RESET
When the RESET button is pressed the smoke control outputs are reset when the panel is reset.


The Smoke Control must first be programmed by setting the Smoke Control to Required. For details
see Section 5.13 Programming Smoke Control Reset on page 78. Only after the Smoke Control has
been set to Required can the smoke control outputs be reset using SMOKE CONTROL Reset .
When the Smoke Control has been set to Required the LED next to the SMOKE CONTROL Reset
button will illuminate.

NOTE: When using the Smoke Control button to reset the Smoke Control outputs, the
panel must be reset first by pressing the Reset. This gives building management time to
check any smoke control equipment before resetting it.

The output Type IDs that are relevant to Smoke Control outputs are SMOKE CONTROL and DOOR

The Smoke Control function can be disabled (prevents smoke control outputs from operating) by pressing
SMOKE CONTROL Disable . When disabled the LED next to the SMOKE CONTROL Reset
button will illuminate.

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4.7.8 Initiating Delays to Outputs

The delays function initiates a delay from when an alarm registers in the panel to when the Fire
Brigade is called and/or when the building is evacuated. During this delay the alarm is investigated to
see if it is a false alarm. The delay function will delay the control of any outputs programmed with a
type ID Alarm (Delayed) or Alarm Devices (Delayed). To set the delays refer to section 5.8
Programming the Output Delay Setting on page 72. If there are multiple Alarms the delay will
commence from the first alarm, the delays function does not reset with additional alarms. All outputs
will activate based the delay associated with the first alarm.

The Delay LEDs next to the DELAYS On / Off button will illuminate if the panel is set to delay the

outputs. Delays can be switched on by pressing DELAYS On / Off . To turn the delays function off

press DELAYS On / Off .

A flashing delays LED indicates that an alarm has been received but the outputs are being delayed.
Delays can be overridden by activating (Pressing) the Manual Call Point on the front of the panel.

If it is a false alarm, the panel can be reset after it has been silenced by pressing SILENCE /

RESOUND ALARM then RESET . This prevents the outputs from activating.

Zones can be configured to override the delays, this depends on their type ID, see Appendix C Type
IDs on page 88.

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4.7.9 Alarm Routing Equipment (ARE) Overview

The ARE interface is used to interface the panel with a Brigade Interface. When an alarm occurs the
alarm output on the ARE interface (AREO01) will activate to call the Brigade.

See Section 5.7 Programming ARE (Alarm Routing Equipment) Indication LED on page 71 for
details out how to program the Alarm Routing Activated LED.

A delay can be applied to the outputs on the ARE Interface, for details refer to Section 4.7.8 Initiating
Delays to Outputs on page 37.

There are three inputs on the ARE to provide feedback to indicate the status of the Brigade Interface.
The ALARM ROUTING FAULT LED will illuminate if there is a fault with any of the Brigade
inputs connected to the ARE interface. The ALARM ROUTING DISABLE LED will illuminate if
any of the Brigade inputs connected to the ARE interface are disabled.

NOTE: The inputs and outputs and on the ARE interface cannot be individually disabled. If
the ARE Module is disabled the inputs and outputs are also disabled [except for the
ARE003 (Disabled) output].This remains the case even if the disable is changed.

4.7.10 Running a Lamp Test

The Lamp Test activates the display, the buzzer and the keypad indicator LEDs to ensure they are
working correctly.

 Pressing NO|LAMP when at the Main Menu causes the keypad LEDs to illuminate, the buzzer to
and the panel display cells to activate simultaneously.
 Holding down NO|LAMP for more than three seconds results in the display showing the Panel
Firmware and Configuration Display.

Firmware Version Panel Mode

Time of last Date of last

Configuration Configuration
Change Change

Figure 4-7 - Panel Firmware and Configuration Display

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4.7.11 Navigation buttons

The navigation buttons control the movement of the cursor on the display. The navigation buttons
have the up, down, left and right arrows printed on the button.

4.7.12 Numerical and letter buttons

The numerical/letter buttons have the numbers 0-9, the letters A to Z and the characters .-)& and #.
printed on the keypad. The text entry behaves in the same manner as a mobile phone SMS service.

4.7.13 Zone Indication LEDs

The zone LED indicators indicate the current state of the zones. In the normal state, the zone LEDs
remain switched off. When there is a zone fault or zone alarm the relevant zone LED will illuminate.
The zone LEDs are located on the right-hand side of the keypad.

When the DIS-TST LED is illuminated the zone is either under walk test or is disabled.

For more detailed information, see Section 4.9.1Viewing the Zone Status on page 41.

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4.8. Viewing Events

Main Menu > Events (1)

The Events Menu lists current panel events.

The events are categorised into one of the menu options shown in the Events Menu. To view the panel
events press the keypad number that corresponds with the event type.

Figure 4-8 - Events Menu

Should a panel event occur the event will appear on the display with the properties listed in the Event
Properties Display.

Event Event
Description Time Date Number

Point ID Point Description Listed Events Total

Figure 4-9 - Event Properties Display

 Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button will change the display to the next or previous event.

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4.9. Status
4.9.1 Viewing the Zone Status
Main Menu > Status (2) > Zone (1)

The Zones Status Display shows the status of a zone. The Zone properties are shown in Figure 4-10 -
Zone Status Display.

Zone Address Zone

Point Description

Zone Type ID Tracking/Latching Current zone


Figure 4-10 - Zone Status Display

 Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button will change the display to the next or previous zone.

 The available zone states are shown in Table 4-1 - Zone Status Tables.

State Definition

DISABLED Zone is disabled

INITIALISING Zone is first initialising on power up

Zone Expansion Card has been programmed via system but the expansion
card is faulty

UNDER TEST Zone is under walk test

NORMAL Zone is normal

ALARM Zone is in alarm

O/C FAULT There is an open circuit fault on the zone

SUPERVISORY Zone is in a supervisory state

ACTIVE The zone is active

Table 4-1 - Zone Status Tables

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4.9.2 Viewing the status of an Output device

Main Menu > Status (2) > Output (2)

The Output Status Display shows the properties of an output. See Figure 4-11 - Output Status Display.

Output Output
Address Description

Type ID Output State

Figure 4-11 - Output Status Display

 Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button will change the display to the next or previous
 The available zone states are shown in Table 4-2 - Output States.

State Definition

ON Output is on

OFF Output is off

There is a fault with the output. Refer to LST-816 Faults table in

Appendix D Faults and Events on page 92.

DIS-ON The Output has been disabled whilst being held on.

DIS-OFF The Output has been disabled whilst being held off.

Table 4-2 - Output States

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4.9.3 Viewing the status of an ACS Module

Main Menu > Status (2) > ACS Points (3)

The ACS Module Status Display enables the status of an ACS Module to be seen.

Module Address Module Description Module Software Version ACS Module State

Figure 4-12 - ACS Module Status Display

 Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button will change the display to the next or previous ACS
Module address.
 Pressing ENT when the Module Address field is selected will show more detailed attributes of
the chosen Module Output, see Section 4.9.2 Viewing the status of an Output on page 42.
 The available ACS Module states are shown in Table 4-3 - ACS Module Status;

State Definition

- The module is operating normally

DISABLE The module has been disabled

FAULT There is a fault with the module. For the Fault details refer to ACS
Module Faults in Appendix D Faults and Events on page 96.

Table 4-3 - ACS Module Status

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4.9.4 Viewing the Power Status of the LST-816

Main Menu > Status (2) > Power (4)

The Power Status Display shows the power status of the PSU and the battery power supply. The
Power Status Display indicates which supply the panel is operating from.

Power Source

Battery Voltage PSU Voltage

Figure 4-13 - Power Status Display

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4.9.5 Viewing the Status of the Battery Charger

Main Menu > Status (2) > Charger (5)

The Charger Status Display shows the status of the Battery Charger.

Figure 4-14 - Charger Status Display

The charger status is effected by the battery size (Amp hours) and the position of the Charger Jumper.
During battery charging the charge state will appear as one of the following:

Low Current Limit – Positioning the jumper to the 7AH/12AH/18AH pins will charge the battery
with a 2.0 Amp current limit.

High Current Limit – Positioning the jumper to the 26AH/33AH/40AH pins will charge the battery
with a 3.0Amp current limit.

No Current Limit – Positioning the jumper to the MORE THAN 40AH pin will charge the battery
with the current limited by the PSU.

Trickle Charging – When the trickle charging value is being displayed, the battery is being charged
at a low rate. The trickle charge will vary between 10 – 100 mA.

NOTE: For information on the Charger Jumper setting, refer to Figure 3-2 - Battery
Charger Jumper Settings.

Figure 4-15 - Trickle Charger Display

Battery power not connected – If the battery power is not connected to the panel the display will
appear as:

Figure 4-16 - Battery Power not Connected Display

NOTE: The PSU battery charging voltage range is between 26.7V – 27.9V.

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4.9.6 Viewing the System Time

Main Menu > Status (2) > Time (6)

The Time Status Display shows the date and time of the panel. To change the date and time set in the
panel see Section 5.5 Setting the Date and Time on page 69.

Figure 4-17 - Time Status Display

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4.10. Viewing the Panel History

Main Menu > History (3)

The History Menu permits the viewing of past panel events. The panel events have been grouped into
six categories, which are shown in Figure 4-18 - History Menu.

Figure 4-18 - History Menu

An example display of an event recorded within the panels event history is shown as:

Event Time of Event Date of Event Event

Description Number

Point Number Point Description Listed Events

Figure 4-19 - Viewing All History Display

NOTE: The panel will store the last 999 events. It will also store the last 200 alarm
events. Once the number of events exceeds this limitation the oldest events will be lost.

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4.11. Disabling
4.11.1 Disabling Zones
Main Menu > Disable (4) > Zones (1)

Activating the Disable Zones feature disables a selected zone.

A disabled zone can still detect a fire hazard or fault. In these scenarios the alarm or the fault LED on
the keypad will still illuminate, however any outputs programmed to respond to that zones fault or
alarm will not be affected by the state of that zone.

Zone Zone Description


Figure 4-20 - Disable Zones Display

 The zone being displayed will change to the next or previous zone when the ▲ and ▼ or the
SCROLL buttons are pressed. The zone description and zone status will be displayed for the selected
 The zone can be toggled between enabled and disabled by pressing DISABLE .

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4.11.2 Disabling Outputs

Main Menu > Disable (4) > Outputs (2)

By disabling an output, the output is held in a system normal state. To select the output to disable
select the module that the output is part of. The available modules are the Termination Board (CPU
Board), Alarm Routing Equipment Interface, ACM-8RA Relay Card (if programmed) and ACM-ZM
Zone Mimic (if programmed).

Module that the

output is part of
Figure 4-21 - Select Module Display

Once the module is selected, press the ENT button to go to the modules outputs.

An example display for a NAC output would be:

Output Address Output Description

Disable State
Figure 4-22 - Disable Output Display

 The Disable Output Display will change to the next or previous output when the ▲ and ▼ or the
SCROLL buttons are pressed. The output description and output status will be change in line with the
selection of a different output.
 The output can be toggled between enabled and disabled by pressing DISABLE .
 Pressing the ESC|MENU button will cause the display to change to Figure 4-21 - Select Module

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4.11.3 Disabling ACS Modules

Main Menu > Disable (4) > ACS (3)

The Disable ACS option permits the disabling of any ACS modules that are connected to the fire
panel for instance, the ACM-8RA or the ACM-ZM. When an ACS module is disabled faults from the
module will be suppressed, inputs from the module will appear normal and the outputs on the module
will be held in their normal state. To disable a specific output on an ACS module see Section 4.11.3
Disabling ACS Modules on page 50.

An example disable ACS display will appears as:

ACS Module Module Description

ACS Disable
Figure 4-23 - Disable ACS points Display
 The ACS module will change to the next or previous ACS module when the ▲ and ▼ or the
SCROLL buttons are pressed. The module description and status fields will be displayed for the
selected ACS module.
 The ACS module can be toggled between enabled and disabled by pressing DISABLE .
 Pressing the ESC|MENU button will change to the display to:

Figure 4-24 - Disable Menu

NOTE: Individual outputs connected to the ACS module cannot be disabled independently; the
outputs are disabled when the module is disabled.

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4.11.4 Disabling Alarm Routing Equipment (ARE)

Main Menu > Disable (4) > ARE (4)

The Alarm Routing Equipment (ARE) can be disabled from the Disable ARE Display.

Disabling the ARE prevents the sending and receiving of signals to and from the Fire Brigade.

ARE State

Figure 4-25 - Disable ARE Display

 The ARE operation state can be toggled between enabled and disabled by pressing DISABLE .

NOTE: Disabling the ARE module will not disable the ARE ‘Disabled’ output, AREO03.

4.11.5 Enabling all Points

Main Menu > Disable (4) > Enable All (5)

The purpose of the Enable All option is to enable all zones, outputs, ACS points and ancillary
functions. The Enable All Points Display is shown below;

Figure 4-26 - Enable All Points Display

 Pressing YES|SPACE will enable all points.

 Pressing NO or ESC|MENU will change the display to Figure 4-24 - Disable Menu.

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4.12. Testing
4.12.1 Testing Zones
Main Menu > Test (5) > Zones (1)

The Zone Test simulates a zone activation in order to test the panels operation. The Zone Test
replaces the need for manually activating a detector to test the zone.

Zone Address Zone Description

Figure 4-27 - Zone Test Display

 Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button will change the display to the next or previous zone
to be tested.
 Pressing ENT puts the selected zone into its test state for three seconds.
 During a Zone Test, any outputs controlled by the zone will activate.

NOTE: If the zone goes into alarm during testing, the display will change to the Alarm Display.

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4.12.2 Testing Outputs

Main Menu > Test (5) > Outputs (2)

The Testing Outputs function tests the chosen output only. To test an output, select the module that
the output is part of. See Figure 4-28 - Select Module Display.

Module, outputs are

connected too
Figure 4-28 - Select Module Display

Output Address Output Description

Available Output States Output State

- Force On
- Auto
- Force Off

Figure 4-29 - Test Outputs Display

1. Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button will change the output address to the next or
previous output.

2. Pressing ◄ or ► will toggle the display between the output address and the set to fields.

3. Pressing ▼ and ▲ will when the available output states have been selected toggles the states
between Force On, Force Off and Auto.

4. Once the ENT button is pressed, the output will respond to the state request.

5. Pressing ESC|MENU or navigating to a different output will stop the test. The output will
return to its default operation.

NOTE: If there is an alarm during an Output Test or the user navigates away from the Test
Outputs Display the Output Test will stop and the output will be under automatic control.

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4.12.3 Testing ACS Outputs

Main Menu > Test (5) > ACS Outputs (3)

The ACS testing function tests that an ACS point activates as intended during a fire event. To test an
ACS output refer to the steps below:

1. Select the address of the ACS module. Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button will
change the module address.

2. Select the ACS module with the output to test by pressing the ENT button.

3. Test the output using the method as described in Section 4.12.2 Testing Outputs on page 53.

Module Address Output Module Type

Figure 4-30 - ACS selection Display

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4.12.4 Conducting a Walk Test

Main Menu > Test (5) > Walk Test (4)

The Walk Test verifies that the detectors are working without putting the panel into an alarm state.

An output can be selected to activate to provide indicate that the zone under walk test has been

During a Walk Test the detector LED will flash normally and once activated the LED will switch on
for three seconds. After switching on for the three seconds the LED will switch off and return to its
normal operation flashing repeatedly.

Output address Output description

Figure 4-31 - Walk Test Display

 Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button will scroll through the available outputs.

 Pressing the ENT button accepts the output selection.

 After confirming the output selection, the display will prompt for a zone to be selected for testing.

Zone address Zone description

Figure 4-32 - Walk Test Zones Selection Display

 Pressing the keypad arrow buttons or the SCROLL button will scroll through the available
zones. Either an individual zone or all zones can be selected to undergo the walk test.

 Pressing ENT will initiate the walk test.

The output linked to the walk test will activate for three seconds when a device in the zone under walk
test activates.

NOTE: If the zone is in fault or in alarm state already the Walk Test will not start. The
display will display the message ‘Cannot Start Walk Test’.

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Once a Walk Test has started, the Walk Test Status message will appear on the display.

Zone address under walk test

Number of walk test activations Duration of test

Figure 4-33 - Walk Test Status Display

A Walk Test can only be terminated manually by pressing ESC|MENU or pressing RESET .

NOTE: If there are more than 999 activations, the display will sit at 999 and go no further,
the Walk Test will continue to run.

NOTE: Should the Walk Test time reach 08:00:00 the timer will not tick over any further. A
fault will be added to the Panel the Walk Test will continue operating.

NOTE: Should a zone not under Walk Test conditions go into alarm the display will
change from the Walk Test Status Display to the Alarm Event Display. The zone under
walk test will continue to run in the background.

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4.12.5 Conducting a Battery Test

Main Menu > Test (5) > Battery (5)

The purpose of the Battery Test is to check the condition of the battery. The Battery Test will run for
60 minutes – and can be initialised manually or automatically.

The Battery Test will run automatically at the following times:

 Every Monday at 6:00 am

 Every Wednesday at 6:00 am
 Every Friday at 6:00 am

An Automatic Battery Test will not start if:

 There is a PSU fault

 The panel is in alarm
 The Alarm Devices Test is running
 The Smoke Control function is active
 A Battery Test is already running.

The Battery Test will terminate if:

 There is a Battery Fault – In this event, the Battery Fault will stay ‘latched’ for the remainder of
the test, unless a new test commences. Once the test is completed, the Battery Fault will reflect the
true state of the battery voltage.
 There is an intervention, such as a PSU fault, an alarm condition, an alarm device test is activated,
the smoke control feature is activated, the test is aborted by a user (either by ending the test,
changing the system time or the system entering the safe state).
 The test has run for 60 minutes without intervention or fault.

An example display of a Battery Test is shown below:

Battery Voltage Test Duration

Figure 4-34 - Battery Test Display (Manual)

 Pressing ESC|MENU during a Battery Test will change the display to;

Figure 4-35 - Exiting Battery Test Display

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 If NO|LAMP is pressed the test will continue run in the background.

 Pressing YES|SPACE will result in the display presenting an aborted Battery Test message.

Battery Voltage when test aborted Test time at which test was aborted
Figure 4-36 - Battery Test Aborted Display

If the test fails due to a Battery Fault, the display will show a test aborted fail message.

Battery Voltage at failure Test Time at which Test aborted (Failure)

Figure 4-37 - Battery Test Aborted (FAIL) Display

A Battery Test will abort if any of the events below occur during the battery test:

 A PSU fault
 An alarm condition
 An alarm device test
 Smoke Control (latched)
 A manual abort (by either ending the test or changing the system time).

The display will alternate between the Event message that caused the abort and the Battery Test
Aborted (Fail) message.

NOTE: The Battery Test will not begin if any of the events above are current events.

Once the event has been cleared, the test can be restarted.

Figure 4-38 - Battery Test Restart

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Once the battery test has finished the display will show a Battery Test Complete Pass Message.

Figure 4-39 - Battery Test Complete (PASS)

NOTE: The power for the Door Holder is supplied by the PSU and will continue to be
drawn from the PSU during a battery test.

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4.13. Muting the Panel Buzzer

The buzzer can be enabled or disabled by changing the Buzzer Control Jumper on the CPU Board.

 Setting Control Jumper to MUTE results in no tone being emitted from the buzzer.
 Setting the Control Jumper to the ON position will allow the buzzer to sound.

Figure 4-40 - Panel Buzzer Control Jumper

NOTE: Muting the buzzer will add a fault to the panel. The fault will appear on the display
and remain until the buzzer has been enabled. See Figure 4-41 - Buzzer Muted Display

Figure 4-41 - Buzzer Muted Display

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Section 5 Programming
5.1. Overview
The Programming instructions show how to configure the fire panel and any ancillaries correctly.

The programming functions are password protected. Each time the programming menu is accessed the
Enter Password display will appear. See Figure 5-1 - Enter Password Display.

‘ ‘
Figure 5-1 - Enter Password Display

To configure the password refer to Section 5.11 Changing the Password on page 75.

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5.2. Programming Zones

Main Menu > Program (6) > Zones (1)

The Configure Zones feature permits the labelling, identification and the setting of zone detection

Zone Address Zone Description

Zone Type ID AVF state (if applicable) Zone Tracking/Latching setting

Figure 5-2 - Zone Configuration Display

 The zones can be accessed from the Configure Zones Display by pressing the ▲ and ▼ or
the SCROLL button.

 Zone properties can be changed by scrolling though the different values by selecting the
attribute and changing the setting by pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL buttons.

The zone properties are:

Zone address – unique number for the zone on the display.

Zone description – enables the creation of a meaningful description that identifies the selected zone.
When entering a zone description a full range of letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and characters, (-
():&#+*/? and _) can be selected. The zone description can be entered by using the keypad as an
SMS style text entry or by pressing ▲ or ▼ to scroll through the available characters.

NOTE: The zone description is limited to 24 characters (includes spaces).

Zone Type ID – determines how the zone behaves. The zone type IDs are listed in Appendix C Type
IDs on page 88.

AVF (Alarm Verification Facility) – can be toggled on and off by pressing the ▲ and ▼ . The
AVF can only be toggled On and Off for the zone type IDs that have an AVF setting.

A zone will be either a Latching or Tracking type and it cannot be changed. The latching or tracking
property will appear automatically on the display depending on the zone type ID.

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5.3. Programming Outputs

Main Menu > Program (6) > Outputs (2)

The Configuring Outputs feature permits the labelling, identification and the setting of output
properties. To configure an output, select one of the modules, such as Termination Board (CPU
Board), Alarm Routing Equipment Interface, ACM-8RA Relay Card (if programmed) and ACM-ZM
Zone Mimic (if programmed). See Figure 5-3 - Output Selection Display.


Figure 5-3 - Output Selection Display

Output Point Output Description

Output Type ID Delay Setting Control by Event


Figure 5-4 - Output Configuration Display

 The different outputs can be accessed from the Configure Outputs Display by pressing the
▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button.
 Output properties can be changed by scrolling though the different values by selecting the
property and changing the setting by pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL buttons.

 Pressing ENT when the CBE prompt is flashing will bring up the CBE Display.

Output Description enables the creation of a meaningful description that identifies the selected zone.
When entering an output description a full range of letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9) and characters, (-():&#+*/?
and _) can be selected. The output description can be entered by using the keypad as an SMS style text
entry or by pressing ▲ or ▼ to scroll through the available characters.

Output Type ID describes the output response state when an output point is triggered by a zone
event. The outputs type IDs are listed in Appendix C Type IDs, on page 88.

The Control by Event (CBE) is a software function that provides a means to program a variety of
output responses based on various initiating events. See 5.3.1 Using Control by Event Expressions
(CBE) to program Output Devices on page 65.

NOTE: Not all zone driving types (any point, any two points, any of and any two of…) are
available for each Output Type ID. For details refer to the CBE options column found in the
Output Types ID table in Appendix C on page 90.

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NOTE: If unsupported CBE expressions are used to program an output the CBE conflict
display will be shown (Figure 5-5 - CBE Conflict Display). This is a result of the type ID
being changed but the CBE remaining unchanged as an unsupported CBE for the new
type ID. To rectify this change the CBE expression.

Figure 5-5 - CBE Conflict Display

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5.3.1 Using Control by Event Expressions (CBE) to program Output Devices

CBE is a software function that provides a means to program a variety of output responses based on
various initiating events. The control panel operates CBE through lists of zones. To program the CBE
of an output, from the output programming display select CBE.

Once CBE is selected the CBE Display will be shown.

The top line on the display describes how the output will be activated or deactivated. The second line
of the display shows the list of zones or points that the output is controlled by.

Output Point Energised state, (Activated or Deactivated)

CBE Expression Zone selection

Figure 5-6 - CBE Display

The CBE expressions are;

Any… (point/zone) – An output will energise (activate) when any zone point becomes active.
Any two of… (point/zone) – An output will energise (activate) when any two of the chosen zone
points becomes active.
Any of… (point/zone) – An output will energise (activate) when any of the chosen zone points
become active.
All… (point/zone) – An output will energise (activate) when all chosen zone points activate.

NOTE: Not all expression are available for all output type IDs. For information on the available
CBE expressions for each of the Output type IDs refer to Appendix C Type IDs on page 90.

NOTE: Up to 16 zones can be programmed into a CBE. Zones 9-16 are only available if the
Zone Expansion Card is fitted.

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To set the zones when configuring an outputs CBE.

 Select the CBE option from the Output Configuration Display by pressing the ENT button.
 The second line of the Display will start flashing, press the ▲ , ▼ or SCROLL button to
move between the available CBE Expressions.

For the Any of ...and the Any two of... CBE, the zones will need to be selected.

 Press the ENT button when the required CBE is flashing.

 When the first available zone starts flashing, press the ◄ and ► or SCROLL button to
change the zone.
 Pressing ▲ and ▼ will scroll to the next or previous zone.
 Once all the zones have been selected press the ESC|MENU button twice.
 The Save Changes display will appear, press the YES|SPACE to save changes or press
NO|LAMP to cancel the changes.

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5.4. Programming ACS Modules

Main Menu > Program (6) > ACS Module (3)

The LST-816 has been designed in a manner that allows additional ACS modules to be fitted. The
supported ACS modules that can be fitted are the ACM-8RA and ACM-ZM.

ACS Address point Module Type

Figure 5-7 - Programming ACS Modules Display

 By default the ACS address point will be blinking.

 Pressing ▲ and ▼ will scroll to the next or previous the ACS point.
 Pressing ◄ and ► will change the cursor to the ACS module type.
 With an ACS module type selected, pressing the ENT button will change the display to a Save
Changes Display.
 Pressing ENT again will change the display to the ACS modules output settings.

NOTE: There can be up to 32 ACS modules connected to the fire panel.

5.4.1 Programming a Relay Card (ACM-8RA)

The ACM-8RA provides 8 additional clean contact form C relay outputs for the panel.

To program an ACM-8RA, follow the steps in Section 5.4 Programming ACS Modules on page 67, ensuring
the Relay Card is selected as the module type.

The outputs on the relay card can be programmed as per Section 5.3 Programming Outputs on page

See Appendix E Factory Defaults on page 99 for the point numbers and default output Type IDs for
the ACM-8RA.

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5.4.2 Programming a Zone Mimic (ACM-ZM)

The ACM-ZM provides LED indications of the status of the panel. To program an ACM-ZM, follow
the steps in Section 5.4 Programming ACS Modules on page 67, ensuring the Zone Mimic is selected
as the module type.

The outputs on the zone mimic card can programmed as per Section 5.3 Programming Outputs on
page 63.

See Appendix E Factory Defaults on page 99 for point numbers and default output Type IDs for the

5.4.3 Programming the Zone Mimic Expansion Card

The Zone Mimic Expansion Card provides an additional 8 LED outputs on the ACM-ZM.

The Zone Mimic Expansion Card is part of the ACM-ZM and hence is points are part of the ACM-
ZM module, see Section 5.4.2 Programming a Zone Mimic (ACM-ZM) on page 68.

NOTE: The maximum number of Zone Mimic Expansion Cards that can be fitted to an ACM-
ZM is three. This results in a total of 36 LEDs being available for programming.

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5.5. Setting the Date and Time

Main Menu > Program (6) > Date and time (4)

The date and time of the panel can be set to help an operator determine the date and time of an event.

NOTE: The date and time is set to a 24-hour clock. The fire panel does not accommodate
daylight savings or different time zones. When daylight savings commences the default panel
time will need to be changed manually.

Date Month Year

Hour Minute Seconds

Figure 5-8 - Date and Time Configuration Display

 Pressing ENT , ◄ or ► will scroll the cursor to the next field.

 Pressing the ▲ and ▼ will change the values for date, month, year, hour, minute and second fields.
 Pressing ESC|MENU will change the display to the Save Changes Display.

Figure 5-9 - Save Changes Display

 Pressing NO|LAMP will reject the time and date changes.

 Pressing YES|SPACE will accept the time and date changes.

NOTE: The panel time setting will commence after the time and date properties have been set,
not after the settings have been saved.

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5.6. Resetting System Faults

Main Menu > Program (6) > Reset FLTS (5)

The resetting of System Faults is required when any latched-on System Faults need to be cleared.

Figure 5-10 - Reset System Faults Display

 Pressing YES|SPACE will clear any latched System Faults and return the user to the Main Menu.
 Once all faults have cleared, the display will change to the Programming Menu.

 Pressing NO|LAMP will not clear any faults from the display changing to the previous menu.

 If there are no faults, the display will change to the No System Faults Message for three seconds, after which
the LCD will change to the previous menu.

Figure 5-11 - No System Faults

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5.7. Programming ARE (Alarm Routing Equipment) Indication LED

Main Menu > Program (6) > More (6) > ARE LED (1)

The ARE LED on the keypad indicates that the alarm routing has been activated. The ARE LED can
be configured to illuminate when the alarm output has been activated to signal to the brigade that
there is an alarm. Or the LED can be configured to illuminate when confirmation has been received
from the brigade interface that the brigade has been called. When any of the outputs on the Brigade
interface activate an event is added to the history to keep a record of when the brigade was called.

 The first configuration indicates that an alarm signal has been sent to the ARE. See Figure 5-12 - ARE
LED Output Display. The keypad ARE LED will illuminate to confirm the sending of the alarm signal
to the ARE.

Figure 5-12 - ARE LED Output Display

 The second configuration indicates that an alarm signal has been received from the ARE. See Figure
5-13 - ARE LED Input Display. The keypad ARE LED will illuminate to confirm the
acknowledgement of the alarm by the ARE.

Figure 5-13 - ARE LED Input Display

 Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL button will change the activation control options (Output
to ARE or Input to ARE).

 Pressing ENT will confirm the activation control configuration.

 Pressing YES|SPACE will accept the ARE LED configuration.

 Program the ARE board as per the instructions in Section 5.3 Programming Outputs on page 63.

NOTE: When programming the outputs connected to the ARE ensure the programming
matches the Relay the outputs are connected to. For instance, Disable Outputs programmed to
respond to a Disable event need to be connected to the ARE Disable Relay.

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5.8. Programming the Output Delay Setting

Main Menu > Program (6) > More (6) > O/P Delay (2)

The output delay setting permits the setting of an output’s response time when a point goes into an
alarm state. By setting an output delay the Alarm event can be validated to ensure it is not a false

Figure 5-14 - Output Delay setting Display

 Pressing ▲ and ▼ will change the output delay time in 30-second intervals.

 The output delay time can be set from 00:00 minutes up to 10:00 minutes.

 Once the output delay is set, pressing ENT will change the display to the Save Changes Display.

 Pressing NO|LAMP will reject changes and the display will change to the Programming Menu.

 Pressing YES|SPACE will accept changes and change the display to the Programming Menu.

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5.9. Clearing Panel History

Main Menu > Program (6) > More (6) > CLR history (3)

The Clear Panel History Display permits the removal of all events from the panel history.

Figure 5-15 - Clear Panel History Display

 Pressing YES|SPACE will being up a password prompt on the display.

 Pressing any keypad button will cancel the clear history action.
 Once the password check has been completed, the Clearing Panel History Display will appear until the
panel history has been cleared. At this point all history events will be removed, including alarm events.

Figure 5-16 - Clearing Panel History Display

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5.10. Programming the Zone Expansion Card

Main Menu > Program (6) > More (6) > Zone EXPN (4)

The Zone Expansion Card Configuration Display programs the configuration of the Zone Expansion
Card. The Zone Expansion Card needs to be set to Fitted for the additional zones to be recognised by
the panel.

 Pressing ▲ and ▼ will toggle the Zone Expansion Card status field between Fitted and Not Fitted.
 When the Zone Expansion Card is fitted the display will appear as:

Figure 5-17 - Zone Expansion Card Configuration Display (FITTED)

 If the Zone Expansion Card is not fitted the display will appear as:

Figure 5-18 - Zone Expansion Card Configuration Display (NOT-FITTED)

 Pressing ENT will accept the changes.

 Pressing YES|SPACE will accept the change.
 Pressing any keypad button will reject the configuration change.

NOTE: Once a zone expansion card is programmed as Fitted, the Zone Expansion zone type
IDs will need to be configured for these zones, see Section 5.2 Programming Zones on page 74.

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5.11. Changing the Password

Main Menu > Program (6) > More (6) > Password (5)

The Configure Password feature permits the changing of the password. The password has to be a five-
digit number.

NOTE: The factory default password is ‘00000’.

When creating a new password, enter the existing password into the panel.

‘ ‘
Figure 5-19 - Existing Password Display

After entering the existing password the display will change to:

Figure 5-20 - New Password Display

If the old password is entered incorrectly the panel display will change to:

Figure 5-21 - Incorrect Password Display

If this occurs contact Technical Support with the Retrieval Code to retrieve the password.

To leave the Incorrect Password Display press ESC|MENU .

Figure 5-22 - New Password Confirmation Display

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Once the password has been changed successfully the display will acknowledge the password change.

Figure 5-23 - Password Changed Display

After 3 seconds the display will revert back to the main Programming Menu

If the new confirm new password fields do not match the Password Failure message will be displayed.
If this message is displayed restart the change password process.

Figure 5-24 - Password Failure

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5.12. Clearing the Panel Configuration

Main Menu > Program (6) > More (6) > More (6) > CLR Config (1)

Clearing the panel configuration sets the panel to its factory default settings.

Figure 5-25 - Clear Panel Configuration Display

 Pressing YES|SPACE will display a reboot warning (Figure 5-26 – Reboot Warning Display).

 Pressing NO|LAMP or any other keypad button will change the display to the previous menu.

Figure 5-26 – Reboot Warning Display

Once the password check has been completed the display changes to the clearing configuration
message. This message will be displayed until the panel configuration has been cleared.

Figure 5-27 - Clearing Panel Configuration Display

NOTE: Clearing a configuration will not clear the panel password or its history.

When clearing the panel configuration;

 All zones and CPU board outputs change to the default configuration. For details regarding the default
configuration refer to Appendix E Factory Defaults on page 99.
 The configuration of all ACS modules changes to not installed. If any ACS modules have been
disabled, the ACS modules are removed from the disabled list. All other disabled points remain on the
disabled list.
 All global settings are changed to their defaults, except for the system time, the password and the panel

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5.13. Programming Smoke Control Reset

Main Menu > Program (6) > More (6) > More (6)> Smoke CTRL (2)

The purpose of the Smoke Control reset feature is to permit the Smoke Control and Door Holder
Outputs to be reset separately from the rest of the panel.

Control Condition

Figure 5-28 - Smoke Control Reset Display

 Pressing the ▲ and ▼ or the SCROLL buttons will toggle the Smoke Control Condition
property between ‘Required’ or ‘Not required’.

 Once the Smoke Control value is set, pressing ENT or ESC|MENU will save changes.

Once activated:

 The SMOKE CONTROL reset LED will illuminate when the fire panel enters an alarm state.

 If, the Smoke Control reset is set to ‘Required’ the Smoke Control outputs need to be reset
separately after the panel has been reset.
 If, the Smoke Control rest is set to ‘Not Required’ the Smoke control outputs are automatically
reset when the panel is reset.

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LST-816 Manual Section 6 Diagnostics

Section 6 Diagnostics
6.1. Diagnostics Overview
Diagnostics describes the types of system monitoring tasks that occur in the background during the
operation of the fire panel. The Diagnostics section also includes some basic troubleshooting. For a
comprehensive list of the panel faults refer to Appendix D Faults and Events on page 92.

6.2. Safe States

6.2.1 System CRC Error Safe State
When the fire panel firmware is corrupted, the System CRC Error Display will appear. All programs
stop once the System CRC Safe State is entered.

Should the System CRC Error Display appear, contact Technical Support.

Figure 6-1 - System CRC Error Display

6.2.2 Flash Connection Fault Safe State

When the system enters Flash Connection Safe State, the Flash Connection Fault display will appear.
The Flash Connection Fault is displayed when there is a fault with the CPU hardware. All programs
stop once the Flash Connection Fault Safe state is entered.

Should the Flash Connection Fault Safe State Display appear, contact Technical Support.

Figure 6-2 - Flash Connection Fault Safe State Display

6.2.3 Configuration Corrupt Safe State

When the system enters the Configuration Corrupt Safe State, the Configuration Corrupt Safe State
will appear. All programs will stop once the Configuration Corrupt Safe State is entered.

Figure 6-3 - Configuration Corrupt Display

The Configuration Corrupt Safe State Display will appear if an error has occurred in the
configuration. The only way that the system can be restored is to erase the current configuration.

If a configuration error is not found the fire panel will run as normal. Should the Configuration Safe
State message continue to appear contact Technical Support.

CAUTION: When an existing configuration is erased all programming will need to be


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6.2.4 EEPROM CRC Error Safe State

When power is applied, (before the voltage gets above the 25.0V threshold) the system will check the
CRC of the EEPROM to see if the calibration values are correct. If the CRC check on the EEPROM
data is unsuccessful, the EEPROM CRC Error Safe State Display will appear.

Should the EEPROM CRC Error Safe State Display appear, contact Technical Support.

Figure 6-4 - EEPROM CRC Error Display

6.2.5 Serial Chain Error Safe State

When the system enters Serial Chain Error Safe State, the CPU Serial Chain Fault Display will
appear. The CPU Serial Chain Fault is displayed when there is a fault with the CPU hardware. All
programs stop once the safe state is entered.

Should the Serial Chain Fault Safe State Display appear, contact Technical Support.

Figure 6-5 - CPU Serial Chain Fault Display

6.2.6 Keypad Missing Safe State

When the system enters Keypad Missing Safe state, the Keypad Missing Display will appear. The
Keypad Missing error is displayed when there is a fault with the keypad connection. All programs
stop once the safe state is entered.

When the Keypad Missing Display appears, the operator should check the ribbon cable connections to
the keypad and restart the panel.

Figure 6-6 - Keypad Missing Display

6.2.7 Invalid Keypad Detected Safe State

When the system enters Invalid Keypad Safe State, the Invalid Keypad Detected Display will appear.
The Invalid Keypad Detected fault is displayed when there is a fault with the attached keypad, or an
incorrect keypad is attached. All programs stop once the invalid keypad detected safe state is entered.

Figure 6-7 - Invalid Keypad Detected Display

When this fault occurs check the ribbon cables connected to the keypad and restart the panel. If the
problem persists, contact Technical Support.

DOC-01-025 80
LST-816 Manual Section 6 Diagnostics

6.2.8 24 Volt Power Short Circuit Error

If the panel has too much load (amperage) connected on the 24V Panel Power, or the ACM interface,
or there is a short circuit on these terminals, the Short Circuit on 24V Power message will appear on
the display. See Figure 6-8 - Short Circuit on 24V Power Error.

To remove the 24 Volt Power Short Circuit Error:

 Remove power to the panel,

 Remove the short circuit/overload condition on the panel’s power outputs.
 Reboot the panel.
 If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.

NOTE: The maximum current draw from the 24 V Panel Power outputs is the rated output
current of the NPS-xCHS power supply (see Table 2-2), less the current drawn by any
other devices connected to the power supply.

e.g. A LST-816 CPU & Keypad draw 0.215 A. If a further 1 A is drawn by devices on NAC
1, and 1.7 A is drawn by a DA-BOWS connected to one 24 V Panel Power terminal, a
maximum of 2.685 A can be drawn from the remaining 24 V Panel Power terminal on a
NPS-5CHS (5.6 A).

Figure 6-8 - Short Circuit on 24V Power Error

6.2.9 Watchdog Hardware Error

A Watchdog Hardware Error appears when the watchdog chip cannot be read properly. As a result the
panel display will change to the safe mode shown in Figure 6-9 - Watchdog Hardware Error Display.

Should the Watchdog Hardware Error Display appear, contact Technical Support.

Figure 6-9 - Watchdog Hardware Error Display

6.2.10 ACM Faults

For ACM Faults refer to Appendix D Faults and Events on page 92.

DOC-01-025 81
LST-816 Manual Section 6 Diagnostics

6.3. Troubleshooting
Before trying to trouble shoot the panel, as many faults as possible should be cleared form the panel,
no matter how trivial they may appear. For a list of fault causes and resolutions, see Appendix D
Faults and Events on page 92.

6.3.1 The panel will not start!

If the panel does not start up:

1. Check to see if there are any Panel, Board and Keypad LEDs illuminated. If there are no LEDs
illuminated the panel is not receiving any power. Check;
a. The mains PSU supply (the red 240V mains switch should be illuminated)
b. The connections to the battery, the spade terminals should be connected to the batteries
c. That the fuse inside the Fuse Block is not blown.
2. If the Low Power LED (see Figure 6-10 - Location of Power Failure LED) is flashing there is
enough voltage to power the processor but something else is preventing the software from
executing this could be;
a. Not enough power to start the panel.
At least one of the power supplies (mains power or battery power) must be above 25V
for the panel to boot up. Check the voltage into the panel CPU Board at the PSU input
and the battery input.

b. A short circuit on the power output of the panel.

If this is the case, the buzzer and the system fault and fault LEDs will turn on briefly
every 10 seconds and a short circuit on 24V power message will be shown on the
display. To fix, remove the short circuit from the power output, see Section 6.2.8 24 Volt
Power Short Circuit Error on page 81.

c. If the keypad LED is on, the panel has enough power to start but there is a problem
with the keypad.
Check the connection between the CPU and the keypad to make sure the ribbon cable is
making a clean connection.

d. If the fault and system fault LEDs are on and the buzzer is on
There is a hardware fault with the CPU. Contact Technical Support.

Figure 6-10 - Location of Power Failure LED

DOC-01-025 82
LST-816 Manual Section 6 Diagnostics

6.3.2 What does the flashing fault LED on my ACM device mean?
If the yellow fault LED on an ACM-8RA or ACM-ZM is flashing there is a fault on the ACM device.
The number of flashes indicates different fault conditions. An explanation of these fault conditions
can be found in Appendix D Faults and Events on page 92.

6.3.3 My panel is connected but nothing is lighting up on my ACM!

If the panel is operating and the ACM device is operating. Is the green heartbeat LED flashing? If not
the ACM device is not receiving power.

1. Check the connection between the ACM device and the panel, measure the voltage of the power
coming into the ACM device, it should be between 21V and 30V.
2. If the ACM device is connected via the field ACM interface, there could be a short circuit on the
power line. If this is the case, there will be a fault on the panel.

If after trying the steps above the problem still cannot be resolved, contact Technical Support.

6.3.4 How can I find out the software version?

Hold down the Lamp Test Button for three seconds, the software version will appear on the display.

DOC-01-025 83
LST-816 Manual Appendix A Mounting Details

Appendix A Mounting Details

CAB650 Mounting Details

DOC-01-025 84
LST-816 Manual Appendix A Mounting Details

CAB900 Mounting Details

DOC-01-025 85
LST-816 Manual Appendix B Battery Calculations

Appendix B Battery Calculations

Battery Power Calculations

Quiescent Current (Amps) Alarm Current (Amps)

Fire Panel Set up

QTY x [current Total QTY x [current Total
draw] = (Amps) draw] = (Amps)

LST-816 CPU Board and [ 1 ] x [0.090] = 0.090 [ 1 ] x [0.215] = 0.215


[ ] x [0.048] = [ ] x [0.048] =
Zone Expansion Card

Brigade Interface Card [ ] x [0.020] = [ ] x [0.035] =

ACM-8RA Relay Card [ ] x [0.025] = [ ] x [0.040] =

ACM-ZM Zone Mimic Card [ ] x [0.020] = [ ] x [0.025] =

ACM-ZM Zone Mimic LED [ ] x [0.005] = [ ] x [0.025] =

Expansion Card

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

[ ] x[ ]= [ ] x[ ]=

Quiescent Current Alarm Current

Total Total

DOC-01-025 86
LST-816 Manual Appendix B Battery Calculations

Battery Power Equations

To calculate the battery size in accordance with AS 1670.1-2004, use the formula below:

C 20 = 1.25 [(IQ x TQ) + FC (IA x TA)]


C20 = battery capacity in Ah at 20 h discharge rate

IQ = total quiescent current

TQ = quiescent standby power source time, (normally 24 h)

FC = capacity de-rating factor

IA = total current in alarm state

TA = alarm load standby power source time (normally 0.5 h)

1.25 = compensation factor for expected battery deterioration

Where the load may vary, the worse case average over required period shall be used.

DOC-01-025 87
LST-816 Manual Appendix C Type IDs

Appendix C Type IDs

Zone Type IDs
Zone Type AVF Latching/ Definition
ID available Tracking setting

Used with Manual Call Points.

When activated this zone will add an alarm event to
the events list and put the panel into the alarm
M.C.P. No Tracking
When the zone is activated it will override the delay
to outputs.

Used to check monitoring equipment for faults. When

No Tracking activated this zone will add a fault event to the events

This zone type is used for connecting a Sub Fire

Indicator Panel to the LST-816.
SUB F.I.P. No Tracking
When activated the panel will add an alarm event to
the event list.

Intrinsic Detectors connected through an IS Barrier.

See Section 3.5 Installing an Intrinsically Safe Barrier
(IS Barrier) on page 15.
When activated this zone will add an alarm event to
IS DETECT No Latching
the events list and put the panel into the alarm
When this zone is activated it will override the delay
to outputs.

Used to control sprinkler systems.

When activated this zone will add an alarm event to
the events list and put the panel into the alarm
When this zone is activated it will override any output

Used for Duct Detectors.

When activated this zone will add a non-alarm event
No Tracking (timed) to the events list.
When the duct detector clears, the zone will stay
active for 60 seconds.

Used for equipment that only needs to indicate an

activation on the panel, not put the panel into alarm.
NON-FIRE No Tracking
When activated this zone will add a non-alarm event
to the events list.

DOC-01-025 88
LST-816 Manual Appendix C Type IDs

Zone Type AVF Latching/ Definition

ID available Tracking setting

Used for equipment that only needs to indicate a

supervisory activation on the panel, not put the panel
SUPERVISORY No Latching into alarm.
When activated this zone will add a supervisory Event
to the events list.

This is the same as the Detect Zone Type ID, however

Yes Latching when this zone is activated it will override the delay
to outputs.

Used for detectors.

DETECT Yes Latching When activated this zone will add an alarm event to
the events list and put the panel into the alarm

DOC-01-025 89
LST-816 Manual Appendix C Type IDs

Output Type IDs

Output Type ID CBE Options Definition

This output energises when there is no fault on the panel.

The CBE will only look at fault events.
(ENERGISED) POINT, When configured as ‘ANY ZONE OR SYSTEM POINT’ the output
will deactivate when there is any fault on the panel.
This output will stay energised when disabled.
ANY ZONE OR The CBE will only look at fault events.
FAULT When configured as ‘ANY ZONE OR SYSTEM POINT’ the output
will activate when there is any fault on the panel.
ANY ZONE, The CBE will only look at alarm events.
ANY OF Z1…Z16,
ANY 2 OF Z1…Z16,
ANY ZONE, The CBE will only look at alarm events.
This output will activate after an alarm event has occurred and the
(DELAYED) delays have subsequently expired. See Section 4.7.8 Initiating Delays
ANY 2 OF Z1…Z16, to Outputs on page 37.
NOT USED - This output will never activate.

This output mimics the buzzer state on the panel to an external

buzzer. It is only programmable to CPU board outputs.
Note that the external buzzer may beep asynchronously to the panel
buzzer, depending on its distance from the panel.
ANY ZONE OR The CBE will look at fault events, disable events to indicate that a
SYSTEM ANY SYSTEM zone or the panel is inoperative.
ANY ZONE OR The CBE will look at alarm events, fault events and supervisory
SYSTEM ANY SYSTEM events and be energised when the zone or the panel is normal.
This output will be energised when it is disabled.
ANY ZONE, The CBE will only look at alarm events.
ANY OF Z1…Z16, This output is part of the smoke control and will latch until the
smoke control has been reset. If the smoke control is disabled this
ANY 2 OF Z1…Z16,
output will also be disabled.
ANY ZONE, The CBE will look at alarm events or an alarm device test..
ANY OF Z1…Z16, This output will de-activate when the panel has been silenced.
ANY 2 OF Z1…Z16, This output will be disabled when the alarm devices are disabled.

DOC-01-025 90
LST-816 Manual Appendix C Type IDs

Output Type ID CBE Options Definition

The CBE will look at alarm events or an alarm device test.

ANY ZONE, This output will de-activate when the panel has been silenced.
ALARM DEVICES This output will be disabled when the alarm devices are disabled.
ANY OF Z1…Z16,
(DELAYED) This output will only activate once the panel delays are expired if the
ANY 2 OF Z1…Z16, delays are active. See Section 4.7.8 Initiating Delays to Outputs on
ALL OF Z1…Z16 page 37.

This output is normally energised and will de-energise when the CBE
ANY ZONE, is activated after the alarm event or when the panel loses the mains
ANY OF Z1…Z16,
DOOR HOLDER This output is part of the Smoke Control and will latch until the
ANY 2 OF Z1…Z16, Smoke Control has been reset. If the Smoke Control is disabled this
ALL OF Z1…Z16 output will stay energised (unless the mains power is lost).
This output will stay energised when disabled.
ANY ZONE, The CBE will look at alarm events, supervisory events and non-
alarm events.
ANY OF Z1…Z16,
ANY 2 OF Z1…Z16,
ANY ZONE OR The CBE will only look at disable events.
DISABLE When configured as ‘ANY ZONE OR SYSTEM POINT’ the output
will activate when there is any disable on the panel.

DOC-01-025 91
LST-816 Manual Appendix D Faults and Events

Appendix D Faults and Events

LST-816 Faults
Point ID Display Text Cause Fault Resolution

ASC FLT MISSING No communication signal is Check that the address on the panel and the
detected with ACS module ACS device match.
Check the connection and the polarity of the
Check the ACS address to ensure there is
only one device set at that address.

ACS FLT TYPE ACS (hardware) does not Check that the programmed ACS matches
match the corresponding ACS with the hardware device type.
programmed into panel.
Check that the address on the panel and the
device match.

ACS FLT RESPONSE The ACS module responds to Check the ACS address to ensure there is
communication, but with only once device set at that address.
incorrect information.
Check number of ACM-ZM expansion
The panel is trying to activate a cards. Set all outputs that do not have LED
point on an ACS module that is boards connected as the output type ID not
not installed. used.

ACS FLT MODULE There is a fault on an ACS Check ACS module hardware.
module which is not related to
the communications.

BATT FLT LOW BATT The battery voltage is less than Charge or replace battery.

BUZZER FLT BUZZER Buzzer has been muted by the Remove buzzer muted jumper from the
operator. buzzer muted header on the termination

DORHLD FLT OVERLOAD Door holder circuit has Short circuit needs resolving.
overloaded with a current
Replace the door holder fuse on the
greater than 3.0A.
termination board.

EARTH FLT LEAKAGE The panel is making an Investigate the panel and site wiring to
electrical connection to earth identify the cause of the earth fault.
somewhere, which could be
Disconnect one cable at a time from the
effecting the operation of the
CPU board to identify where the fault is and
insulate the connection from earth.

FPOWER FLT OVERLOAD The field power circuit has Remove the short circuit.
overloaded with a current
Check current load is under 1.0A
greater than 1.0A.

KEYPAD FLT KEYPAD There is a fault at the Check or replace the ribbon cable between
connection between the CPU CPU and keypad
board and the keypad.
Reset system faults from the programming

DOC-01-025 92
LST-816 Manual Appendix D Faults and Events

Point ID Display Text Cause Fault Resolution

LCD FLT LCD There is a fault at the Check or replace ribbon cable between the
connection between the CPU CPU and keypad
board and the keypad.

NAC FLT NAC S/C The NAC line resistance is low Check wiring for shorts.
while the NAC is not active.
The NAC devices may not have blocking
This indicates a short circuit
diodes fitted.
across the NAC wiring.
The EOL resistor may not be the correct
value (4K7). There should only be one
With the EOL resistor fitted and the NAC
device switched off, check that the voltage
across the NAC circuit is around -2.0V.

NAC FLT NAC O/C The NAC line resistance is high Check NAC wiring for an open circuit.
when it is not active.
The EOL resistor may not be the correct
The NAC line has an open value (4K7). There should only be one
circuit. fitted.
With the EOL resistor fitted and the NAC
device switched off, check that the voltage
across the NAC circuit is around 2.0V.

NAC FLT OVERLOAD The NAC circuit has been Turn the NAC off and check if there is a
overloaded. This is only NAC Short Circuit Fault. If so, diagnose
monitored when the NAC is that fault first. If not, there are too many
switched on. devices on the line, the line must only be
loaded with 1.0A worth of devices.

PSU FLT CHARGER The PSU is out of range (26.7V Check that the current draw from the panel
– 27.9V) to charge the batteries. is not exceeding current limits
When there is a charger fault, Replace the PSU or contact Technical
the charger circuit will Support.
disconnect from the battery.

PSU FLT LOW PSU The PSU voltage is less than Check that the mains (240V) is connected
21.0V. and switched on (the red power switch will
be illuminated).
Check that there is not too much load
connected to the power output of the panel.
Replace the PSU or contact Technical

SYSTEM FLT FIRM CRC There is a firmware CRC error.

This fault is never cleared from
Contact Technical Support.
the fault events list. The panel
must be rebooted.

SYSTEM FLT CFG CRC The site configuration data has Reset the panel configuration to the factory
been corrupted. defaults. If the problem persists replace the
CPU Board.

SYSTEM FLT PCA There is a hardware failure on Reset power to the panel. If the problem
the CPU board. persists replace the CPU Board.

DOC-01-025 93
LST-816 Manual Appendix D Faults and Events

Point ID Display Text Cause Fault Resolution

SYSTEM FLT WATCHDOG There is a fault with the If the problem persists replace the
software monitoring hardware. termination board.

SYSTEM FLT TIME The Time Fault will appear if Power down the panel, replace the 3V
the panel is reset and there is no clock battery. See Section 3.4.3 Replacing
240V mains power, 24 V the 3V Battery on page 16.
batteries and no 3V Battery.
Power up the panel and re-program the time
and date.

ZONEXP FLT EXP CARD Status (Fitted or Not Fitted) Check that the Zone Expansion Card is
does not match Zone Expansion programmed as Fitted or Not Fitted.
Card programming.
Check that the Zone Expansion Card is
fitted securely.
Reset system faults from the Programming
Replace the Zone Expansion Card or CPU

ZONE XX FLT ZONE SHORT There is a zone short circuit Check wiring for shorts.
CIRCUIT fault.
The EOL resistor may not be the correct
value (4K7). There should only be one

ZONE XX FLT ZONE O/C There is a zone open circuit Check wiring for an open circuit.
The EOL resistor may not be the correct
The MCP jumper on the LST- value (4K7). There should only be one
816 CPU board is set to the ON fitted.
If the fault is on zone one check the status
of the connected MCP and the MCP
monitoring jumper.

SYSTEM FLT SHUTDOWN The panel has powered up and Reset system faults via Programming Menu.
after being shutdown from an
If the problem persists, contact Technical
abnormal shutdown.

SYSTEM FLT MODE Keypad mode does not match Contact Technical Support.
the firmware mode.

ARE ARE FAULT The ARE is in fault or it has If there is no ARE fitted fit the ARE Fault
INPUT been disconnected. Jumper to the Brigade Interface Header on
the back of the Keypad PCB.
If there is no ARE fitted, the
ARE Fault Jumper has been Check the cable connections to the ARE
removed. including the ribbon cable to the ARE
Interface Board. The fault input on the ARE
interface must be shorted to 0V to indicate
Check the ARE is receiving power.

ARE ARE DISABLED The ARE has been disabled. Enable the ARE.
Check wiring of the Disabled input on the
ARE Interface.

DOC-01-025 94
LST-816 Manual Appendix D Faults and Events

Point ID Display Text Cause Fault Resolution

ZONE ALL ZONES ZONE The zones cannot be monitored Fix the charger fault first. Once the charger
MONITORING for open circuit faults because fault is removed this fault will also be
FAULT the power supply is too high. removed.

DOC-01-025 95
LST-816 Manual Appendix D Faults and Events

ACS Module Faults

The table below describes how the LED behaves during a fault and the steps to resolve the fault. The Faults table is
relevant to the Zone Mimic (ACM-ZM) and Relay Card (ACM-8RA).

Fault Description LED Indication Resolution

(Fault cycle every 2

Check wiring between panel

and ACM.
Communications with the fire panel
Flashes once every 2 seconds.
failed. Check ACS module is
programmed to the correct

Address is set out of the range of 1-32. Flashes twice every 2 seconds. Set module address.

Check serial chain cables are

connected properly and there
Serial chain circuit is short or opened. Flashes three times every 2 seconds. is a path to close the serial
chain loop.
Restart card to remove fault.

Possible hardware fault.

Firmware CRC Check failed. Flashes four times every 2 seconds.
Contact Technical Support.

DOC-01-025 96
LST-816 Manual Appendix D Faults and Events

Events Table
Event Event Description Text Explanation

ALARM ROUTING ARE outputs have been disabled (except for the
EQUIPMENT disabled output).

ENABLED ARE outputs have been enabled.

A.R.E. ALARM ROUTING From the ARE to say that it has sent an alarm signal to
INPUT the Fire Brigade.

ACTIVE A.R.E. FAULT INPUT The ARE is in fault.

ACTIVE A.R.E. DISABLED INPUT The ARE has been disabled.

OUTPUT ON POINT DESCRIPTION The ARE outputs have switched on.

OUTPUT OFF POINT DESCRIPTION The ARE outputs have switched off.

TEST STARTED BATTERY TEST STARTED The battery test has started.


TEST ABORTED The battery test has been aborted by the user.


TEST PASSED The battery test has passed and is successful.

TEST FAILED BATTERY TEST FAILED The battery test has failed.

BATTERY TEST BLOCKED BY The battery test has been stopped from a panel
PANEL operation, for instance an alarm or alarm device test.

CHANGED The panel configuration has changed.

ERASED PANEL HISTORY ERASED The panel history has been erased.



POWER UP SYSTEM POWER UP System has been is powered up.

SHUTDOWN SYSTEM SHUTDOWN System has been shut down.


TEST An alarm device test has been started.

SILENCE ALARM DEVICES SILENCED The panel has been silenced.

RESET PANEL RESET The panel has been reset by user.

This is when there is a trial evacuation from the Trial

Evac. Bulgin switch

DOC-01-025 97
LST-816 Manual Appendix D Faults and Events

Event Event Description Text Explanation

This is when the panel is being silenced from the

Silence Bulgin switch.

The outer cabinet door is opened.

Relevant only if the door switch is connected to the
If there is no door switch used, the door switch
terminals must be shorted together.

The outer cabinet door is closed after being opened.

DOOR CLOSED POINT DESCRIPTION Relevant only if the door switch is connected to the

ALARM POINT DESCRIPTION A zone is in an alarm state.

ALARM-SMOKE POINT DESCRIPTION A zone is in a smoke alarm state.

SUPERVISORY POINT DESCRIPTION A supervisory event is active.

SFIP ALARM POINT DESCRIPTION A Sub Fire Indicator Panel is active.

NON ALARM POINT DESCRIPTION A point that is a non- alarming point is active.

This event appears when a zone has had a device

activated during a walk test.


TEST FINISH POINT DESCRIPTION A walk test is finished.

DBA ACTIVE POINT DESCRIPTION The Direct Brigade Access panel is active.

DISABLED SMOKE CONTROL Smoke Control is disabled.

ENABLED SMOKE CONTROL Smoke Control is enabled.

DISABLED ALARM DEVICES Alarm Devices are disabled.

ENABLED ALARM DEVICES Alarm Devices are enabled.

DOC-01-025 98
LST-816 Manual Appendix E Factory Defaults

Appendix E Factory Defaults

The default panel configuration is listed below.

Zone Point Defaults

Point Default ID Default Description

Zone 1 MCP ZONE01

Zone 2 Detect ZONE02

Zone 3 Detect ZONE03

Zone 4 Detect ZONE04

Zone 5 Detect ZONE05

Zone 6 Detect ZONE06

Zone 7 Detect ZONE07

Zone 8 Detect ZONE08

Output Defaults by Output Type

Output Default ID Default CBE Default Description

Any point



NAC01 Alarm Device Any zone GENERAL ALARM NAC

NAC02 Alarm Device Any zone GENERAL ALARM NAC

NAC03 Alarm Device Any zone GENERAL ALARM NAC


AREO01 Alarm (Delayed) Any zone ALARM ROUTING (BRIGADE CALL)

AREO02 Energised Fault Any point GENERAL FAULT A.R.E. RELAY





DOC-01-025 99
LST-816 Manual Appendix E Factory Defaults

ACM-ZM Defaults
Point Label LED Label Default Output Type ID

AxxP01 System Normal LED (Green) SYSTEM NORMAL

AxxP02 Common Alarm LED (Red) ALARM

AxxP03 Programmable LED (Red) NOT USED

AxxP04 Fault LED (Amber) FAULT

AxxP05-AxxP12 Alarm LED Zones 1-8 (Red) on ACM-ZM GENERAL OUTPUT

AxxP13-AxxP20 Alarm LED Zones 9-16 (Red) on first ACM-

ZM expansion

AxxP21-AxxP28 Programmable LED (Red) on second ACM-ZM


AxxP29-AxxP36 Programmable LED (Red) on third ACM-ZM


NOTE: The alarm LEDs for zones 9-16 are a part of the Zone Mimic Expansion Card.

DOC-01-025 100
LST-816 Manual Appendix E Factory Defaults

ACM-8RA Defaults
Point Label Relay Label Default Output Type ID

AxxP01 Relay 1 ALARM

AxxP02 Relay 2 ALARM

AxxP03 Relay 3 ALARM

AxxP04 Relay 4 ALARM

AxxP05 Relay 5 ALARM

AxxP06 Relay 6 ALARM

AxxP07 Relay 7 ALARM

AxxP08 Relay 8 ALARM

Global Defaults
Global Option Default Setting

ARE LED LED based on output to ARE

ACS Loop Style Loop Open

Delay to Output One minute

Expansion Card Not Fitted

Zone Short Circuit Short Circuit as Alarm

Pressing ‘Smoke Control Reset’ button to reset Smoke Control

Smoke Control

NOTE: ACS modules are set to ‘Not Installed’ by default.

DOC-01-025 101
LST-816 Manual Appendix F Cabling Requirements

Appendix F Cabling Requirements

Circuit Type Connections
The table below displays the cable requirements for each of circuit types used in the LST-816.

Max Cable Distance

Circuit Type Circuit Function Wire Requirements

Communicates to ACS
modules namely the ACM
-8RA and ACM-ZM. The
Twisted shielded pair with
communications protocol
characteristic impedance
EIA-485 ACS Modules is RS-485 running at 57.6 1800m
of 120 ohms. 18 AWG
Kbps. The last module on
(0.75mm2) minimum
the comms chain must be
terminated with 120Ω (485
Terminator set to on)

2-core, Non-shielded.
12-18 AWG (2.5mm2-
Communicates to NAC
NAC (notification 0.75mm2)
devices namely strobes To meet 1.2 V drop.
appliance circuits) At alarm current level, no
sounders and bells.
more than a 1.2 V drop at
the end of the circuit.

2-core, Non-shielded.
12-18 AWG (2.5mm2 –
24 Volt DC power runs Supplies power from the Size wire so that no more
To meet 1.2 V drop.
(power limited) LST-816. than 1.2 V drop across
wire run from supply
source to end of any

Cable length 1000m, 18

2-core, non-shielded.
Permits detectors to be AWG (0.75mm2) with a
Zone Circuits 12-18 AWG (2.5mm2 –
connected to the LST-816. maximum short circuit
resistance of 40 ohms.

DOC-01-025 102
LST-816 Manual Appendix G Schematics

Appendix G Schematics
The table below lists the relevant Schematics found in Appendix G. To locate the correct schematic cross- reference the
drawing number shown in the table with the drawing number shown on the engineering drawing.

Title Drawing

ARM Schematic DWG0928

ARE Schematic DWG0926

ACM-8RA Schematic DWG0927

DA-XX Connection Schematic DWG0925

ACM-ZM Schematic, Including IFS-721 Expansion DWG0919

DOC-01-025 103
+ -

+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -
LST-816 Manual Glossary

The Glossary includes definitions of acronyms, abbreviations and fire industry and electrical terminology used in the
LST-816 Manual.

Term Definition

Annunciator Control System

ACS The Communications protocol that exists between the panel and the ancillary
devices, such as ACM-8RA (Relay Card) and the ACM-ZM (Zone Mimic)

Annunciator Control Module

A module that communicates to the panel via RS-485 communications.

A circuit board module with 8 relays permitting the connection of additional site
ACM-8RA or Relay Card
devices to the panel.

ACM-ZM or Zone Mimic A module that can be used remotely to show operators the states of the panel.

Agent Release Module

A module used to control the release of fire extinguishing agents in accordance
with AS4214.
Alarm Routing Equipment
ARE Device that when connected alert the Fire Brigade to an alarm, disable or fault
event with a buildings fire system.

CAB Abbreviation referring to the metal cabinet holding the LST-816 circuit boards

Control By Event
A software function that provides a means to program a variety of output responses
based on various initiating events. The control panel operates CBE through lists of

COMMS Abbreviation referring to the communication cables between two modules

The module that controls the LST-816 software and directs power to the connected
CPU Board
modules. This is the module at the back of the panel at the very top.

A metal bracket that is fixed to the inside of the panel allowing for additional
CHS Bracket
modules (such as relay cards) to be installed.

Cyclic Redundancy Check

CRC A processor driven operation whereby the memory components containing the
panels operation are monitored.

Digital Amplifier
DA An audio module used to warn building occupants of an emergency and aid in the
evacuation of the building.

DOC-01-025 110
LST-816 Manual Glossary

Term Definition

An electro-magnetic device that holds doors open when the door holder output is
Door Holder

Electrical, Erasable, Programmable, Read Only Memory

A component used to store a panels configuration.

Electro-Magnetic Classification
EMC A means of categorising an electrical devices potential level of radio interference to
other electrical devices.

End of Line
EOL A device used at the end of an electrical circuit to close the circuit. Can be a
resistor or jumper.

Event A recorded occurrence at a point in time that results in a response from the panel.

The ionization detector detects changes to atmospheric conditions and responds to

Ionization Detector
particles consistent with smoke by sending an alarm to the panel

A code assigned to panels indicating its level of protection to persons against any
IP Rating
hazardous parts and it’s level of water and dust resistance.

A safety device used to limit of current and voltage and hence the risk of sparks in
IS Barrier
hazardous environments, for example oil rigs and mines.

Lamp Test A type of test that ensures the LCD and all keypad KED LEDs are working.

If a detector is detects a hazard its state will change to active. The active state is
said to be latched when the detector remains switched on.

Manual Call Point.

A user operated device that when activated results in an Alarm Event in the Panel.

Notification Appliance Circuit

NAC A monitored output from the CPU board, which when activated provides power for
sounders and strobes.

NAC Device An output device that alert occupants, for example a strobe, sounder or bell.

Notifier Power Supply

Module that contains a PSU in a metal housing for mounting in a panel.

The metal bracket containing the power supply, this is the bracket that the LST-816
NPS Mounting Bracket
CPU is mounted on.

Photoelectric Detector A detector that uses a beam of light to monitor for smoke.

Point A software reference to a unique hardware input or output.

DOC-01-025 111
LST-816 Manual Glossary

Term Definition

Power Supply Unit

Converts 240V AC into 27.3V DC.

Smoke Control Used to describe devices that have been assigned to respond to smoke.

Process of resetting a detector on a zone. Tracking zones will drop power to them
Tracking once an alarm is received to reset any detectors. If the zone is found to be normal
after it is reset, the activation will be removed.

An operating mode of the panel to test the detectors connected to a zone without
Walk Test
putting the panel into alarm.

Watch Dog Hardware which monitors the CPU hardware to ensure it is operating.

Zone Expansion Card A module that increase the number of zones from 8 to 16.

Zone Mimic Expansion Card An expansion modules that adds eight additional LEDs to the Zone Mimic Card
(IFS-721) (ACM-ZM)

DOC-01-025 112
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