Fps Monitor

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Log file is initialized

17:46:35.767 Log file path: C:\Users\Admin\Documents\FPSMonitor.txt

17:46:35.767 Command line : "C:\Program Files (x86)\FPS Monitor\FPSMonitor.exe"
17:46:35.775 App data path: C:\ProgramData\FPSMonitor\
17:46:35.775 Load config...
17:46:35.782 Load language files...
17:46:35.782 User default locale: ru-UA
17:46:35.784 Set locale: en-US
17:46:35.785 ##### Software version: Build 5472 (13 Nov 2023) #####
17:46:35.786 Check for update...
17:46:36.082 Detected Windows 10 x64 (10.0 build 22621.3672)
17:46:36.082 Registry Windows 10 Enterprise release 2009
17:46:36.082 Init exception handler...
17:46:36.083 Init capture data
17:46:36.083 Loading C:\ProgramData\FPSMonitor\blacklist.txt
17:46:36.085 Create window... (0,0 - 500,400) style 00CF0000
17:46:36.097 Interface mode: ADVANCED
17:46:36.255 (render)Using adapter 00000000/00010DDB : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050
17:46:36.255 (render)Feature level 11.1
17:46:36.272 HiDPI = 1.000
17:46:36.564 Interface mode: ADVANCED
17:46:36.568 --- (PluginManager) ------------------------------------------
17:46:36.568 Loading memory modules...
17:46:36.568 caption-text-plugin : caption-text-overlay
17:46:36.569 color-plugin : color-overlay
17:46:36.569 hotkeys-plugin : hotkeys-editor-extension
17:46:36.570 image-plugin : image-overlay
17:46:36.570 misc-plugin : limit-fps-ext
17:46:36.571 mirror2desktop-plugin : mirror2desktop
17:46:36.572 mirror2desktopex-plugin : mirror2desktopex
17:46:36.572 sysinfo2-plugin : sysinfo2-ext / sysinfo2-overlay / sysinfo2-overlay-
simple / sysinfo2-alerts / sysinfo2-bar-overlay / sysinfo2-chart-overlay /
17:46:36.573 time-plugin : time-overlay
17:46:36.574 Loading disk modules...
17:46:36.623 [ fps-mon32.exe]GameHook launcher build : 5472
17:46:36.624 [ fps-mon32.exe]GameHook build : 5472
17:46:36.633 [64 fps-mon64.exe]GameHook launcher build : 5472
17:46:36.633 [64 fps-mon64.exe]GameHook build : 5472
17:46:36.952 [64 fps-mon64.exe]DXGI build 22621
17:46:36.952 [ fps-mon32.exe]DXGI build 22621
17:46:36.952 [64 fps-mon64.exe]64-bits graphics initialized
17:46:36.952 [ fps-mon32.exe]32-bits graphics initialized
17:46:36.953 [64 fps-mon64.exe] <ERR> InjectorMessenger: Failed
CreateFile : 2
17:46:36.953 [ fps-mon32.exe] <ERR> InjectorMessenger: Failed
CreateFile : 2
17:46:36.963 [64 fps-mon64.exe]Set App frame host process id = 18108
17:46:36.963 [ fps-mon32.exe]Set App frame host process id = 18108
17:46:36.967 ---------------------------------------------------------------
17:46:36.967 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Initializing hardware information...
17:46:36.967 ---------------------------------------------------------------
17:46:36.967 [64 fps-mon64.exe](WMI)Initializing...
17:46:36.974 [64 fps-mon64.exe](WMI)Connected to ROOT\CIMV2 WMI namespace
17:46:36.977 [64 fps-mon64.exe](WMI)added enum Win32_PageFileUsage
17:46:37.768 [64 fps-mon64.exe](WMI)added enum
17:46:38.265 [64 fps-mon64.exe](WMI)Initialized successfully
17:46:38.268 [64 fps-mon64.exe]NVidia Driver: 552.22
17:46:38.413 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Initializing hardware with flags:
17:46:39.392 Set CaptureMode to: GAME
17:46:39.393 ---------------------------------------------------------------
17:46:39.394 Loading scenes...
17:46:39.394 ---------------------------------------------------------------
17:46:39.394 Loading read-only scenes...
17:46:39.397 added read-only scene <ALL - 1080>
17:46:39.400 added read-only scene <ALL - 1440>
17:46:39.403 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 1>
17:46:39.406 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 2 ALT>
17:46:39.408 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 2>
17:46:39.412 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 3>
17:46:39.415 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 4>
17:46:39.419 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK>
17:46:39.423 added read-only scene <BIG ALL - 1080>
17:46:39.427 added read-only scene <BIG ALL - 1440>
17:46:39.429 added read-only scene <BIG CHART>
17:46:39.431 added read-only scene <COMPARISON 2 DOUBLE>
17:46:39.434 added read-only scene <COMPARISON>
17:46:39.437 added read-only scene <CPU>
17:46:39.438 added read-only scene <Default>
17:46:39.441 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET + GAME >
17:46:39.442 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 2>
17:46:39.444 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 3>
17:46:39.445 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 4>
17:46:39.447 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 5>
17:46:39.448 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 6>
17:46:39.450 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET ONLY>
17:46:39.453 added read-only scene <FPS 2>
17:46:39.456 added read-only scene <FPS ALL>
17:46:39.458 added read-only scene <FPS>
17:46:39.460 added read-only scene <STREAM 2>
17:46:39.462 added read-only scene <STREAM 3>
17:46:39.463 added read-only scene <STREAM>
17:46:39.466 added read-only scene <YOUTUBE 2>
17:46:39.468 added read-only scene <YOUTUBE>
17:46:39.470 ---------------------------------------------------------------
17:46:39.470 Loading scenes...
17:46:39.478 added scene <ALL - 1080>
17:46:39.487 added scene <ALL - 1440>
17:46:39.496 added scene <BENCHMARK 1>
17:46:39.506 added scene <BENCHMARK 2 ALT>
17:46:39.508 [64 fps-mon64.exe]Moved sensor MB: Vcore (V) to CPU: Vcore
17:46:39.508 [64 fps-mon64.exe]Moved sensor MB: CPU (RPM) to CPU: CPU Fan
17:46:39.515 added scene <BENCHMARK 2>
17:46:39.524 added scene <BENCHMARK 3>
17:46:39.533 [64 fps-mon64.exe]Found duplicate sensor name: CPU Package,
save it as CPU Package0
17:46:39.533 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (0): Ingame sensors
17:46:39.533 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: 0.1% Low = 0.000 fps
17:46:39.533 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: 1% Low = 0.000 fps
17:46:39.533 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: FPS = 0.000 fps
17:46:39.533 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: FPS avg = 0.000 fps
17:46:39.533 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: FPS max = 0.000 fps
17:46:39.533 added scene <BENCHMARK 4>
17:46:39.533 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: FPS min = 0.000 fps
17:46:39.534 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Frame size = 0.000
17:46:39.534 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Frame time = 0.000 ms
17:46:39.534 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Render type = 0.000
17:46:39.534 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Statistics = 0.000
17:46:39.534 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (1): System: ASUS
17:46:39.534 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: NVGPU SLI = OFF
17:46:39.534 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Page File Size = 2304.000 MB
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Page File Usage = 11.996 %
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Page File Usage2 = 276.000 MB
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Physical Memory Available =
16803.000 MB
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Physical Memory Load = 48.400
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Physical Memory Total = 0.000
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Physical Memory Used =
15777.000 MB
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Virtual Memory Available =
10915.000 MB
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Virtual Memory Committed =
23969.000 MB
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Virtual Memory Load = 68.700
17:46:39.535 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (2): Core [#0]
17:46:39.536 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 4189.752 MHz
17:46:39.536 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
17:46:39.536 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Critical Temperature = OFF
17:46:39.536 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power Limit Exceeded = OFF
17:46:39.536 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 57.000 °C
17:46:39.536 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thermal Throttling = OFF
17:46:39.536 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
1726.991 MHz
17:46:39.536 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 39.518 %
17:46:39.536 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Utility = 65.873 %
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
1857.236 MHz
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 44.592 %
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Utility = 79.260 %
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.056 V
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (3): Core [#1]
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 4189.752 MHz
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Critical Temperature = OFF
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power Limit Exceeded = OFF
17:46:39.537 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 56.000 °C
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thermal Throttling = OFF
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
1928.199 MHz
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 46.302 %
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Utility = 82.226 %
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
2315.858 MHz
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 58.017 %
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Utility = 93.053 %
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.073 V
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (4): Core [#2]
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 3990.240 MHz
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Critical Temperature = OFF
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power Limit Exceeded = OFF
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 51.000 °C
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thermal Throttling = OFF
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
1978.907 MHz
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 49.013 %
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Utility = 77.800 %
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
1868.527 MHz
17:46:39.538 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 44.882 %
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Utility = 79.298 %
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.032 V
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (5): Core [#3]
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 3990.240 MHz
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Critical Temperature = OFF
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power Limit Exceeded = OFF
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 49.000 °C
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thermal Throttling = OFF
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
1966.010 MHz
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 49.107 %
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Utility = 77.000 %
17:46:39.540 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
932.738 MHz
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 28.329 %
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Utility = 36.847 %
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.024 V
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (6): Core [#4]
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 3990.240 MHz
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Critical Temperature = OFF
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power Limit Exceeded = OFF
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 50.000 °C
17:46:39.541 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thermal Throttling = OFF
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
853.479 MHz
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 26.616 %
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Utility = 22.475 %
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
534.411 MHz
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 16.918 %
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Utility = 11.599 %
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.038 V
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (7): Core [#5]
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 3990.240 MHz
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Critical Temperature = OFF
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power Limit Exceeded = OFF
17:46:39.542 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 47.000 °C
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thermal Throttling = OFF
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
712.505 MHz
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 26.578 %
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Utility = 31.554 %
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
150.059 MHz
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 13.534 %
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Utility = 5.630 %
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.024 V
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (8): CPU [#0]: Intel Core i5-
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Average Effective Clock =
1402.077 MHz
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Bus Clock = 99.756 MHz
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CLR (CBo/LLC/Ring) Voltage
Offset = 0.000 V
17:46:39.543 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Fan = 1095.000 RPM
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Freq = 0.000 MHz
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU IA Cores = 55.000 °C
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU MB = 47.000 °C
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Package = 55.000 °C
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Package Power = 37.206 W
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Package0 = 57.000 °C
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Max Temp = 57.000 °C
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT Media Voltage Offset =
0.000 V
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT Voltage Offset = 0.000 V
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: DDR RAPL = OFF
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: Domain-Level PBM PLGT =
17:46:39.544 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: Fuses limit = OFF
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: Inefficient Operation =
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: Max VR Voltage, ICCmax,
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: PROCHOT = OFF
17:46:39.545 added scene <BENCHMARK>
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: Package-Level RAPL/PBM
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: Package-Level RAPL/PBM
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: Residency State
Regulation = OFF
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: Running Average Thermal
Limit = OFF
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: Thermal Event = OFF
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: VR TDC = OFF
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GT: VR Thermal Alert = OFF
17:46:39.545 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA Cores Power = 28.630 W
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA Voltage Offset = 0.000 V
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: Electrical Design
Point/Other (ICCmax,PL4,SVID,DDR RAPL) = OFF
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: Max Turbo Limit = ON
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: PROCHOT = OFF
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: Package-Level RAPL/PBM
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: Package-Level RAPL/PBM
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: Residency State
Regulation = OFF
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: Running Average Thermal
Limit = OFF
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: Thermal Event = OFF
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: Thermal Velocity Boost =
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: Turbo Attenuation (MCT) =
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: VR TDC = OFF
17:46:39.546 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: IA: VR Thermal Alert = OFF
17:46:39.547 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: L2 E-core Voltage Offset =
0.000 V
17:46:39.547 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Max CPU/Thread Usage = 58.017
17:46:39.547 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: On-Demand Clock Modulation =
100.000 %
17:46:39.547 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: PL1 Power Limit (Static) =
125.000 W
17:46:39.547 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: PL2 Power Limit (Static) =
241.000 W
17:46:39.547 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Package/Ring Critical
Temperature = OFF
17:46:39.547 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Package/Ring Power Limit
Exceeded = OFF
17:46:39.547 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Package/Ring Thermal
Throttling = OFF
17:46:39.547 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: DDR RAPL = OFF
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: Max VR Voltage, ICCmax,
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: PROCHOT = OFF
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: Package-Level RAPL/PBM
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: Package-Level RAPL/PBM
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: Residency State
Regulation = OFF
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: Running Average Thermal
Limit = OFF
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: Thermal Event = OFF
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: VR TDC = OFF
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: RING: VR Thermal Alert = OFF
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Rest-of-Chip Power = 1.154 W
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Ring/LLC Clock = 3790.728 MHz
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: SA VID = 0.923 V
17:46:39.548 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: SA Voltage Offset = 0.000 V
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: System Agent Power = 6.398 W
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total CPU Usage = 36.950 %
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total CPU Utility = 55.210 %
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VDDQ TX Voltage = 1.200 V
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Vcore = 1.092 V
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (9): Memory Timings
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Command Rate = 2.000
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Gear Mode = 1.000
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Memory Clock = 1596.096 MHz
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Memory Clock Ratio = 16.000
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Tcas = 16.000
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Tras = 36.000
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Trc = 54.000
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Trcd = 18.000
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Trfc = 560.000
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Trp = 18.000
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (10): ASUS PRIME B660M-K D4
(Nuvoton NCT6798D)
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: +12V = 11.904 V
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: +5V = 5.040 V
17:46:39.549 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: 3VCC = 3.328 V
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: 3VSB_ATX = 3.376 V
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: AVSB = 3.376 V
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: BAT_3V = 3.152 V
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU (Weighted Value) = 38.000
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Package = 53.000 °C
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: DRAM = 1.344 V
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Motherboard = 38.000 °C
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total Errors = 0.000
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VHIF = 1.808 V
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VIN2 = 1.056 V
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VIN3 = 1.000 V
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VIN4 = 1.000 V
17:46:39.550 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VIN6 = 1.664 V
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VIN7 = 0.992 V
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VIN8 = 0.264 V
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VIN9 = 0.776 V
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VTT = 1.056 V
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (11): GPU [#0]: NVIDIA GeForce
RTX 3050
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Bus Load = 2.000 %
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Clock = 2010.000 MHz
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Core (NVVDD) Input Power
(sum) = 32.538 W
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Core (NVVDD) Output Power
= 26.975 W
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Core (NVVDD) Output Power
= 32.546 W
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Core (NVVDD2) Input Power
(sum) = 32.538 W
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Core Load = 51.000 %
17:46:39.551 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Core Voltage = 1.081 V
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU D3D Memory Dedicated =
2879.602 MB
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU D3D Memory Dynamic =
139.102 MB
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU D3D Usage = 59.543 %
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Effective Clock =
2005.489 MHz
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Fan RPM = 1455.000 RPM
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Fan RPM = 1458.000 RPM
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Fan1 = 64.000 %
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Fan2 = 64.000 %
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Hot Spot Temperature =
73.906 °C
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Input PP Source Power
(sum) = 44.500 W
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Memory Allocated =
3019.516 MB
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Memory Available =
5172.484 MB
17:46:39.552 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Memory Clock = 1750.246
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Memory Controller Load =
33.000 %
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Memory Usage = 36.859 %
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Misc0 Input Power (est) =
48.000 W
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Power (Total) = 77.038 W
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Temperature = 58.281 °C
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Thermal Limit = 83.000 °C
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU VR Usage = 0.000 %
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Video Clock = 1777.000
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Video Decode 0 Usage =
0.000 %
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Video Encode 0 Usage =
0.000 %
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Video Engine Load = 0.000
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: PCIe Link Speed = 16.000 GT/s
17:46:39.553 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit - Max
Operating Voltage = OFF
17:46:39.554 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit - Power =
17:46:39.554 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit -
Reliability Voltage = ON
17:46:39.554 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit - SLI
GPUBoost Sync = OFF
17:46:39.554 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit - Thermal =
17:46:39.554 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit -
Utilization = OFF
17:46:39.554 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (12): Network: RealTek
Semiconductor RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC
17:46:39.554 added scene <BIG ALL - 1080>
17:46:39.554 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Current DL rate = 0.000 KB/s
17:46:39.554 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Current UP rate = 0.000 KB/s
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total DL = 0.000 MB
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total UP = 0.000 MB
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (13): Network: TP-Link Wireless
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Current DL rate = 0.000 KB/s
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Current UP rate = 0.000 KB/s
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total DL = 347.873 MB
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total UP = 16.129 MB
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (14): Disk C
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Free Disk Space = 231795.000
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, KB/s = 4451.000
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, MB/s = 4.000 MB/s
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total Disk Space = 476822.000
17:46:39.555 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, KB/s = 45841.000
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, MB/s = 44.000
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (15): Disk D
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Free Disk Space = 860898.000
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, KB/s = 0.000 KB/s
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, MB/s = 0.000 MB/s
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total Disk Space = 953866.000
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, KB/s = 194.000
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, MB/s = 0.000
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Group (16): Network statistics
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Ping 0 = 0.000 ms
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Ping 1 = 0.000 ms
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Ping 2 = 0.000 ms
17:46:39.556 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Ping 3 = 0.000 ms
17:46:39.557 [64 fps-mon64.exe](HW) Initialized
17:46:39.564 added scene <BIG ALL - 1440>
17:46:39.572 added scene <BIG CHART>
17:46:39.580 added scene <COMPARISON 2 DOUBLE>
17:46:39.588 added scene <COMPARISON>
17:46:39.597 added scene <CPU>
17:46:39.604 added scene <DEFAULT>
17:46:39.613 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 2>
17:46:39.622 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 3>
17:46:39.629 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 4>
17:46:39.638 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 5>
17:46:39.641 (Sysinfo) Hyper-Threading: 2
17:46:39.641 (Sysinfo) Num threads per CPU core: 2
17:46:39.648 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 6>
17:46:39.655 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET ONLY>
17:46:39.663 added scene <FPS 2>
17:46:39.673 added scene <FPS ALL>
17:46:39.681 added scene <FPS>
17:46:39.689 added scene <STREAM 2>
17:46:39.696 added scene <STREAM 3>
17:46:39.703 added scene <STREAM>
17:46:39.714 added scene <YOUTUBE 2>
17:46:39.724 added scene <YOUTUBE>
17:48:52.022 [64 fps-mon64.exe]Injection attempt (24740) c:\program files
17:48:52.037 [64 overwolf.exe] - Attached (24740), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
17:48:52.113 END
17:48:52.120 [ fps-mon32.exe]Launcher is shutting down...
17:48:52.203 [64 overwolf.exe] - set DX 9 hooks
17:48:52.204 [64 fps-mon64.exe]Launcher is shutting down...
17:48:52.321 [64 fps-mon64.exe]Launcher shutdown completed
17:48:52.324 [64 fps-mon64.exe] - Detached
17:48:52.336 [ fps-mon32.exe]Launcher shutdown completed
17:48:52.337 [ fps-mon32.exe] - Detached
17:48:52.380 [64 overwolf.exe] - del DirectX 9 hooks
17:48:52.381 [64 overwolf.exe] - del DirectX DWM hooks
17:48:52.381 [64 overwolf.exe] - del OpenGL hooks
17:48:52.381 [64 overwolf.exe] Release resources
17:48:52.492 [64 overwolf.exe] - Detached

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