Pragmatics Georgeyule 131025182710 Phpapp02
Pragmatics Georgeyule 131025182710 Phpapp02
Pragmatics Georgeyule 131025182710 Phpapp02
A warning
A promise
How can the speaker assume that the
intended illocutionary force wil be
recognized by the hearer?
Felicity Conditions
IFIDs Felicity
The most common IFIDs
Certain expected or appropiate
are performative verbs:
circumstances for a speech
verbs that explicitly act to be recognized as
name the illocutionary intended.
act being performed. i.e: “ I sentence you to six
months of prison”
i.e: “I promise you that…” If the speaker wasn’t a judge in a
court, this performance
“I warn you that…” would be infelicitous or
“I predict that…” inappropiate.
OTHER IFIDs Other Felicity
Word order General
Stress Conditions: on the
Intonation participants, for
example, that they can
i.e: “You’re going!” (I tell understand the same
you) language, and that
they aren’t play-acting
“You’re going?”( I or being non-sensical.
request confirmation) • Content
Conditions: for
“Are you going?”( I ask example, a promise
must be about a
you if) future event.
Preparatory Conditions: specific requirements
prior to an utterance in order for it to count as a
particular speech act.
Sincerity conditions: requirements on the
genuine intentions of a speaker.
For example: for a promise, the speaker
genuinely intends to carry out the future
The essential Condition:
A requirement that the utterance commits the
speaker to the act performed.
• “Congratulations!”
4- DIRECTIVES: speech acts used to get
someone else to do sth.
They express what the speaker wants. They are:
commands, orders, requests, suggestions.
They can be positive or negative.