SAP BO and IBM I-Mar2012
SAP BO and IBM I-Mar2012
SAP BO and IBM I-Mar2012
Table of Contents
Applies to ........................................................................................................................ 3
About the Authors............................................................................................................ 3
SAP BusinessObjects and IBM i...................................................................................... 4
Architecture and Components Overview ......................................................................... 5
Installation of SAP BusinessObjects Server Components ............................................... 8
Scenario 1: Install and use integrated database .......................................................... 9
Scenario 2: Install and use existing database ............................................................ 10
How to Integrate Data Sources Located on IBM i .......................................................... 11
Integrate SAP BW Systems ....................................................................................... 12
Integrate ODBC Data Sources................................................................................... 24
Integrate Other Data Sources .................................................................................... 30
References .................................................................................................................... 31
Trademarks ................................................................................................................... 32
Applies to
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 and SAP applications running
on IBM i.
As of BusinessObjects Enterprise 3.1, the installation process has been split into
separate installation media for server components and client tools:
- The SAP BusinessObjects server installation contains all components necessary
for administrative tasks, such as user management, content management, server
management etc.
- The dedicated SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tools installation program
installs a suite of frontend applications, to create BI reports and perform data
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise Client Tools (such as Universe Design Tool, Interactive
Analysis Desktop, SAP Crystal Reports etc.) are only available for Windows.
While the installation of the Client tools is a “straight forward” Windows installation, the
installation of the BusinessObjects server components is more complex. The following
section describes two typical installation scenarios.
To evaluate the scenarios, the following system configuration has been used:
Reporting database
This refers to your organization's information. It is the source information analyzed and
reported on by BusinessObjects. Most commonly, the information is stored within a
relational database, but it can also be contained within text files, Microsoft Office
documents, or OLAP systems.
Monitoring database
Monitoring uses the Java Derby database to store system configuration and component
information for SAP supportability.
In the following sections, the term “BusinessObjects Server database” will be used as a
synonym for all the above databases.
An existing database must have database user accounts with the appropriate database
privileges ready, and the appropriate drivers must be installed and verified as working.
The setup program attempts to connect to, and initialize, the database as a part of the
installation process.
When using a database server on a network, the appropriate database client drivers
must be installed and verified as working before installing SAP BusinessObjects
Business Intelligence.
The connection to SAP system BWD now appears in the list of OLAP connections:
To create a universe containing a SAP BW system as data source, open SAP Universe
Designer (Start Programs SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4 SAP
BusinessObjects BI Platform Client Tools Universe Design Tool). Sign on with
authorization “Enterprise”:
Give the universe a meaningful name, and click on “New” to maintain the connection
data to the SAP system:
In the new window, select connection type “Shared” and give the connection a
meaningful name, then choose “Next”:
Select “SAP” “SAP Business Warehouse” “SAP Client” as the data access driver:
On the next screen, you have to maintain logon information for the SAP system. The
SAP user profile must have sufficient authorization to access the data cube and to run
SAP queries (SAP role SAP_BW_ALL):
Select the info cube that contains the data you want to analyze and report:
To complete the universe creation, select the “Connection Pool Mode” appropriate for
your needs. Then choose “Finish”, “Next” and then “Finish”:
As a result you can see the info cube and its key figures:
You may restrict the access to the BW data in a similar manner as in an SAP system (with
authorization concept based on user profiles and roles), by replicating the existing SAP user
profiles and roles into the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence system repository
as follows:
Logon to the Client Management Console (CMC) as Administrator (Authentication:
On the “Entitlement Systems” tab, enter the user name and password of an SAP user
having the appropriate authority to access the data within the SAP system (e.g. role
SAP_BW_ALL), then click on “Update”. To be able to import all existing SAP roles for
the user, additionally the SAP user must have assigned a (self-created or inherited) role
containing the authority objects S_RFC and S_USER_GRP. The “Logical system name”
comes from the SAP client (see transaction SCC4) which has to be maintained
On the “Role Import” tab, at the left side select all the roles that should be imported into
the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence system repository, then click on “Add” to
import them. Finally click on “Update”.
On the “Options” tab, select the logical system name from the “Default system” drop-
down box. In addition, check box “Enable SAP Authentication” must be selected. Then
click on “Update” to confirm. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence supports single
sign-on when reporting from SAP ERP and Business Warehouse (BW) systems. To use
this feature, specify key store files and SSO information in the “SAP SSO Service”
On the “User Update” tab, click on “Update Now” (to keep the passwords in SAP and
CMC in sync, you should schedule a regular update interval using the “Schedule”
For this example, this will force the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence server to
create a CMC user profile „BWD~001/BOBJ_REMOTE“, and two CMC destination
groups “BWD~001@SAP_BW_ALL” and “BWD~001@Z_SAP_BOBJ_RFC”
Based on these existing user profiles and groups, you can now grant or restrict
authorities for the users and groups within the SAP BusinessObjects Business
Intelligence server landscape. Let’s assume, the user profile
„BWD~001/BOBJ_REMOTE“ should be enabled to create universes using the SAP
Universe Design tool:
In the CMC, go to menu “Users and Groups”, select the user and right click to display the
context menu. Then, click on “Join Group”:
Now, the user profile „BWD~001/BOBJ_REMOTE“ can sign on to the SAP Universe
Design tool (using the password of BOBJ_REMOTE user profile in SAP system BWD):
After the installation is complete, open the Windows Control Panel Administrative
Tools Data Sources (ODBC). An IBM i Access ODBC Driver is now available on the
“Drivers” tab:
Download and install the latest fix pack for the IBM i Access ODBC Driver which is
available at
On the “User DSN” tab, create a new data source, by clicking on “Add”:
Give the data source a meaningful name and a description, and enter the server name
where the data source is located:
On the “Server” tab, specify the database library that contains the data you want to
analyze via SAP BusinessObjects:
The created connection now appears in the list of User Data Sources:
You can now create a new data connection in the SAP Universe Design tool similar to
the above documented SAP BW connection. The only difference is, you select “IBM”
“DB2 for i V6” “ODBC Drivers” instead of “SAP” as data access driver:
On the “Login Parameters” screen, you have to specify an i/OS user profile that has
authority to access the database library. The Alias “BWD_Cube” comes from the
definition of the ODBC connection:
On the “Create Initial Classes and Objects” screen, you can specify the database tables
(objects from the database library) that contain the data you want to analyze using SAP
BusinessObjects. You can select multiple tables at once, by pressing <CTRL> or <Shift>
key and clicking on tables within the list:
On the “Create Measure Objects” screen, you define the key figures for the data you
want to analyze:
As result, you see the universe containing the tables and the key figures you selected for
data analysis:
IBM Techdocs
product information
SAP Help Portal Navigate to and on the "SAP
BusinessObjects Overview" side panel click “All Products”. You
can access the most up-to-date documentation covering all SAP
BusinessObjects products and their deployment at the SAP Help
You can download PDF versions or installable HTML libraries.
Certain guides are stored on the SAP Service Marketplace and
are not available from the SAP Help Portal. These guides are
listed on the Help Portal accompanied by a link to the SAP
Service Marketplace. Customers with a maintenance agreement
have an authorized user ID to access this site. To obtain an ID,
contact your customer support representative.
Installation guides
Release notes
Developer Network
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2012. All rights Reserved.
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BusinessObjects and the BusinessObjects logo, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web
Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other BusinessObjects products and services mentioned
herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of
BusinessObjects S.A. in the United States and in other countries. BusinessObjects is an
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