RF Power Meter v2 Manual EN 3
RF Power Meter v2 Manual EN 3
RF Power Meter v2 Manual EN 3
Operator's Manual
Rev 1.20 - Sep 2022
Warning: Do not leave the power meter connected to a high power RF source (> 500mW)
for long periods of time (30 seconds or more). This will cause heating of the internal
components of the meter which could affect long term accuracy.
For long term tests of high power sources, use an external attenuator, and enter it’s
attenuation value into the meter’s menu.
The Power Meter v2 is a low-cost, but accurate RF power meter designed for the FPV market.
It can be used to accurately measure power emitted by RF sources (Video Transmitters, R/C Radios)
used in the FPV hobby.
Think of it as a way to ‘see’ RF power, something that is normally only available on test and
measurement equipment costing upwards of $1000 USD.
Meter Versions
Three versions of the RF Power Meter v2 have been produced over the years. The white EU produced
version being the latest.
Meter Display Mode
The primary display mode of the meter shows the measured power level in dBm, and Watts, plus
various other status indicators, as shown below:
Setup Menu
A short press on the joystick will enter the simple setup menu. Four options may be modified:
Mode Measurement mode, Peak or Avg. Use Avg for continuous power measurements,
e.g. Video Transmitters. Use Peak for pulsed power measurements, e.g. R/C
The up/down joystick actions move between menu items. Click on any item to change its value.
For numeric items such as Frequency, and Attenuation, one click selects the item, and up/down
changes the value.
PowerScope Display Mode
When in the main Meter display mode, rocking the joystick right enters the PowerScope display. The
PowerScope shows an Oscilloscope-like display of measured power over time.
This is not useful for a video transmitter, which emits a fairly constant power level, but for a R/C tx it
can be a useful tool.
1. The relative strengths of each antenna in a multi-antenna R/C transmitter. Moving around the
‘sniffer’ antenna shows the location of the antennas, and their polarizations.
2. Transmitters which follow correctly the ETSI standards for ‘Listen Before talk’ (a requirement
in most countries these days) show missing frames from time to time, so compliant
transmitters are easy to spot.
3. Using a sniffer antenna, two R/C transmitters can be (roughly) compared. Installation issues
with antenna modifications are easy to spot by comparing a known good transmitter, and the
modified one.
4. The approx. frame rate of transmitters can be determined. Use the up/down joystick controls
to change the span.
Note that the power display is auto-scaled to the full vertical space.
Sniffer Display Mode
When in the Power Scope display mode, rocking the joystick right enters the Sniffer display. Sniffer
display mode is a tool for race directors to quickly judge transmitter power on the starting grid.
Described in more detail in ‘Conducted vs. Radiated Power’ below, this mode lets a reference level be
set (using the ‘up’ joystick action), which can then be compared with levels from other quads.
For example, for a 25mW race, take a ‘known good’ quad/antenna pair, which is known to emit
25mW, and set the reference.
Then when walking down the start grid, put the sniffer antenna beside each quad’s antenna, and
judge whether the power is too high, or too low.
No, this is not calibrated, nor super-precise. The measurement varies depending upon where the
sniffer antenna is placed relative to the transmitter antenna, but with a bit of practice it is a very
useful tool.
A Word on Calibration
Any piece of test and measurement equipment requires calibration in order to present trustworthy
The RF Power Meter v2 is no exception, and it is fully calibrated in our factory before being shipped.
Due to variations in component behavior with frequency, especially in the multi-GHz range, the
calibration of this meter is repeated on many spot frequencies.
In the critical 5.6-6GHz band, which is of importance to the FPV community, the calibration is
repeated every 50MHz.
This does mean that if precise measurements are required, the meter must be set to a frequency that
is as close as possible to the frequency setting of the transmitter.
Note that the power meter.. being a power meter, and not a frequency counter… cannot measure frequency.
It needs to be told the measurement frequency.
For quick measurements, or measurements with the sniffer antenna, which are normally
‘approximate’ in nature, the frequency setting is far less critical.
When dealing with RF though, it actually makes more sense to think in the logarithmic unit, the dB.
Why?, well let’s think about the power required to fly twice as far, with the same received signal level.
In logarithmic terms, ‘twice as far’ equates to 4x the power, or 6dB. So if you have a 25mW vTx
(14dBm), and you want to go twice the distance, you require a 14dBm + 6dB = 20dB power level,
which corresponds to 100mW, and not the 50mW that one would expect when doubling 25mW.
This kind of calculation is far easier to do in your head with logarithmic units, than dealing with mW.
For a little more detail on this concept, refer to the blog on our website:
Conducted vs. Radiated Power
The RF power meter can be used to measure power two ways. One is ‘Conducted Power’, where the
power meter is physically connected to the SMA connector of the RF source.
This measurement technique allows the full accuracy of the meter to be used, and will produce
repeatable measurements.
Another way to measure power is to connect an antenna to the input of the meter, and measure
radiated power (power transmitted through the air, with no physical connection).
This is interesting for two applications. One is comparing antennas, and even plotting radiation
patterns for antennas.
The other is what we refer as the ‘Scully Wand method’, which works as follows:
In FPV racing, at least in 2017/2018 where quads are all DIY, and held together with bits of electrical
tape, the chances of 100 pilots at a large race event emitting power levels in the order of 25mW, not
much more, and not much less, is extremely low.
‘Bad Video’ on the first corner, is generally a sign that the u.FL popped off the transmitter, or that the
clone antenna purchased from a dubious Chinese source actually contains factory-dust and nothing
‘Who is on my channel’ is generally a sign that at least one of the pilots forgot to switch down from
600mW, to the 25mW accepted from racing, and stomped on his racing competitors (this issue is
generally resolved using a rather large hammer, using a technique known as ‘Hammergate’).
So the ‘Scully Wand’ method, developed by a legendary FPV race director/commentator, is to walk
down the starting grid with a power meter, with 5.8GHz antenna attached, ‘sniffing’ the power from
each quad.
The reading is not exact, but with a little practice the very low power transmitters, and the
Hammergate transmitters can easily be weeded out before precious time is wasted re-running a race.
This technique works so well that we actually supply a small 5.8GHz whip in the power meter
How Does The Meter Work?
The RF Power Meter uses a power sensor known as a ‘demodulating logarithmic amplifier’.
This sensor accurately converts RF power into a signal that the processor in the power meter can use
to create its readout, in dBm, or mW (or both).
During production, the assembled meter is calibrated against a high-end Rohde & Schwarz signal
generator, with approx. 0.25dB accuracy. Calibration is a 3d map which covers various select
frequencies and power levels, and also with temperature as a factor.
The two modes of the meter, Peak and Avg, don’t affect the RF part of the meter, but the way the
data from the sensor is interpreted.
In Avg mode, more suitable for signals with continuous transmission (such as Analog Video, or
DiviMath HDZero), at various points in time (much slower than the RF signal itself) the value reported
by the power sensor is averaged with a few preceding values. This is just a noise reduction technique,
and results in a more stable display.
The time period over which the values are sampled may be specified in the meter as the Span value.
The Peak mode is a little different, and is for use primarily with pulsed RF measurements, as would
be the case for the DJI digital video system. In this mode, the peak sensor value measured during the
selected Span is used. This means that the reading is not affected by the periods between packets
when the transmitter is shut off.
When thinking about accuracy though, there are some things to watch out for.
Unlike a spectrum analyzer, which can measure power in just a limited, selected frequency band, the
RF Power Meter is reporting the total power presented at its input.
This means that if you had a lower frequency signal with second harmonic levels (for example) that
are measurable (the kind of stuff that would never pass CE or FCC), these are summed into the
measurement. 20dBm signal + 2dBm harmonic content = 22dB reading.
The meter does not discriminate between these frequencies (same for just about any power meter on
the market, even those costing 10k USD or more).
In practice, for any production equipment that was designed to pass CE/FCC, this is just not a problem
as these harmonic levels have to be low as defined by the RTT&E standards. .
Attenuator Leakage
In older versions of this manual, we would recommend a fairly high value attenuator to measure
signals > 1W, the limits of the meter.
When a high power, high frequency signal is measured by first passing through a high value
attenuator, such as a 20dB model, there is an effect that won’t be described here where some power
‘leaks’ along the outside of the attenuator and influences the measured power value.
One way to see this effect is to use a 20dB attenuator, and hold with your hand the outside of the
attenuator near the meter. The value will be affected, and will drop to closer to the actual power
The workaround is simple, for GHz-class frequencies, don’t use an attenuator larger than actually
For most FPV use, measuring transmitters up to 2.0W is possible with a 3dB attenuator. Using a 6dB
attenuator takes this up to 4.0W which is more than we will see in the FPV world except in some
fringe cases.
If we lost you on this topic, take this simple advice, use nothing larger than a 3dB attenuator to
measure up to 2.0W transmitters, and nothing larger than a 6dB attenuator for up to 4.0W
Signal Type
A question that we get often is whether the meter is accurately measuring digital video standards,
such as DJI™ or HDZero™.
As far as we know, the answer is yes, a recent lab test measuring a 200mW HDZero Race transmitter,
showed just a 0.34dB difference between a band-limited measurement with a Rohde & Schwarz
20GHz spectrum analyzer, and the RF Power Meter with a 3dB attenuator installed.
Logarithmic power sensors do have some waveform dependency, but in practice, with the sensor that
we use, we find this to be a minimal influence.
Signal Frequency
A common misconception with the RF Power Meter is that the meter’s frequency setting means that
it is only sensing that frequency (or frequency band). This is not the case.
The frequency setting only selects the set of calibration factors that were learned during the factory
calibration. If the frequency is correctly entered, and matches the incoming frequency, then the meter
will be showing the correct value.
This is a fairly common practice for power measurement devices, and if used correctly provides an
extremely accurate measurement on these spot frequencies.
Measuring Vtxs >1Watt
As described in the previous section, in order for the Power Meter V2 to measure >1W RF output
power you will need to use an external attenuator, preferably one that allows the instrument to make
best possible use of its measurement range. The attenuator will also need to be specified to work at
the frequency you plan to be measuring, i.e. cheap, run-of-the-mill attenuators off of eBay are
usually not suitable for use in the 5.8GHz band.
What you want to buy is an attenuator from a reputable manufacturer which preferably goes up to at
least 6GHz, good brands to look for are Radiall, Pasternack, Amphenol, Telegartner, Huber &
Suhner, Mini-Circuits, etc. Expect to pay upwards of $25 for a 10dB 6GHz attenuator, or upwards of
$40 for a 10dB 18GHz attenuator.
If a 3dB attenuator is used you can measure up to 2W (provided the attenuator is rated for this
power level) and still make proper use of the instrument's capabilities. Take note that using an
attenuator that's too large won't help with the granularity of the measurement, as when using a 60dB
attenuator it is like asking the Power Meter to listen to a whisper and understand what's being said
(also note the previous section, ‘Attenuator Leakage’).
Take note that when you make such measurements it is required to calibrate out the attenuator and
any adapters or cables you plan to use, as obviously you'd want accurate results, not skewed by
tolerances from the attenuator and losses from the adapters or cables.
Best way to do that is to use a lower power Vtx, with an RF output power of less than 1W, on the
same band and channel as the higher power Vtx you plan to test and measure it without the
attenuator, note down the exact output after it has settled (higher temperature usually causes output
to drop, so give it a few minutes for the output to settle).
Now repeat this same measurement with the attenuator and any adapters or cables you plan to use
and hook up the same, lower power, Vtx and measure the output again and adjust the attenuator
value in the menu (Attn option) to best match the value you measured without the attenuator.
Now you can go ahead and measure the higher power Vtx and get an accurate reading, as you'll
have calibrated out the attenuator's + adapter + cable tolerance, which can be as high as several dB.
Your measurements should now accurately reflect reality!
USB Interface (CDC)
The power meter is equipped with a USB interface which implements the CDC stack.
To test the interface, a serial communications tool such as Putty may be used.
The updater tool is available on the Power Meter page of the IRC website, and automatically
downloads firmware from our server.
The first update, v1.0.12, should be of interest to anyone who’s meter was delivered with the OLED
slightly misaligned within the rather tight bezel. V1.0.12 leaves a few more pixels empty around the
display to fix this.
To start the update process, power down your meter, press the joystick button, and press the power
button. The bootloader screen should be white, and will show a cycling progress bar during update.
RF Specifications
Power Level -20dBm -> +30dBm (1)
Calibrated Frequencies 35, 72, 433, 868, 915, 1200, 2400, 5600-6000MHz in 50MHz steps
Attenuator 30dB Internal, no external attenuator required up to +30 dBm input power
Absolute Maximum Input Power 1.3W (31dBm), > 30 second use with > 500mW (27dBm not recommended)
Battery 3.7V Lithium Ion cell, 10440 size, 600mAh
Current Consumption ~35mA
Battery Life ~8 hours
Auto Shutdown 5 minute timeout
Charging Micro USB cable
User Interface
Male-Male Male to Male SMA adapter, to use for conducted power measurements
(1) For high power levels, exceeding 25dBm, try to avoid leaving the meter attached to the RF
source for longer than 30 seconds, to avoid unnecessary heating of internal components, and
potential damage.
Package Contents
1x RF Power Meter v2, with internal battery
1x Male->Male SMA adapter
1x 5.8GHz ‘Sniffer’ Antenna
Original Meter
EU Built Meter