Added Sugar

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Added Sugar

Aim- To determine the percentage of added sugar into the given food sample.
Table Of Content
Aim- To determine the percentage of added sugar into the given food sample............................................................... 1
Principle.................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Requirement’s........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Preparation of reagents......................................................................................................................................................... 4
References By-........................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Added sugars refer to any sugars or caloric sweeteners that are incorporated into foods or beverages
during processing or preparation. This includes common practices such as putting sugar in coffee or
adding sugar to cereal during manufacturing.

It is important to differentiate between natural sugars and added sugars. Naturally occurring sugars,
such as those found in fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose), are present in foods in their natural state,
while added sugars are introduced during processing or preparation.


The primary sources of added sugars in the American diet include sugary beverages, desserts,
sweet snacks, sweetened coffee, sweetened tea, and candy. These sources contribute significantly
to the overall daily intake of added sugars.

Health Implications of Added Sugar Consumption
Overconsumption of added sugars has been linked to various health issues.​Excessive intake can
contribute to obesity, heart disease, and other chronic conditions due to the high caloric content
with little nutritional benefit12. The American Heart Association recommends limiting added
sugar intake to help improve overall health and wellness.

Recommended Limits for Added Sugar

The American Heart Association has set specific guidelines regarding added sugar consumption.
For instance, it advises no more than 100 calories (about 6 teaspoons or 24 grams) of added sugar
per day for most adult women, and no more than 150 calories (approximately 9 teaspoons or 36
grams) for most men1. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests that all individuals aged 2
years and older should limit added sugars to less than 10% of total daily caloric intake, translating
to about 50 grams (or 12 teaspoons) in a typical 2,000 calorie diet.
The objectives of added sugar labels on food products are to:
1.Increase Transparency: Clearly show how much sugar is added versus naturally occurring.
2.Promote Healthier Choices: Help consumers limit their intake of added sugars.
3.Support Public Health: Reduce health risks linked to high sugar consumption.
4.Educate Consumers: Provide information to make informed dietary decisions.
5.Encourage Reformulation: Motivate food manufacturers to reduce added sugars.

The principle involves clarifying the sample with the help of zinc acetate and potassium
ferrocyanide, inverting a part of the sample using hydrochloric acid and determining the reducing
sugars content in both inverted (Invert sugar, also known as inverted sugar, invert sugar syrup, and
trimoline, is a 50:50 mixture of fructose and glucose that's produced by heating table sugar (sucrose)
with an acid, such as cream of tartar or citric acid). And non-inverted parts of the sample(Invert sugar is

created by hydrolyzing sucrose into two simple sugars: glucose and fructose. This process results in a
syrup that is sweeter and more soluble compared to non-inverted sugar, which is primarily composed
of sucrose, a solid disaccharide formed by the combination of glucose and fructose)The sugar content
is estimated by determining the volume of the unknown sugar solution required to completely reduce a
measured volume of Fehling's solution. Invert sugar reduces the copper in Fehling's solution to red
insoluble cuprous oxide.

Reagents Equipments

Sodium hydroxide. (NaOH) Volumetric flask

Sucrose Analytical Balance

Methylene blue Litmus paper

Copper sulphate (CuSO4.5H2O) Filter Paper

Conc. sulphuric acid (Approx 36.8 N). (H2SO4) Erlenmeyer / Conical Flask

Potassium sodium tartrate Pipette

Zinc acetate Burette

Potassium ferrocyanide Wire gauze

Conc.HCL (Approx.11.6N) Water bath

Conc.ammonia (Sp.Gr 0.91) Measuring Cylinder

Acetic acid Funnel

Wire Gauze

Preparation of reagents
1. Sodium hydroxide solution: Approximately 0.1 N prepared from sodium hydroxide, analytical
reagent grade.

2. Stock solution of invert sugar: Weigh accurately 9.5 g of pure sucrose and transfer it to a 1L
volumetric flask with 100 mL of water. Add 5 mL of conc.Hcl. Allow this to stand for 3 days at 20 to
25 °C and then make up to volume with water (This solution is stable for several months).

3. Standard solution of invert sugar: Neutralize 40mL of the stock solution of invert sugar with
sodium hydroxide solution using litmus paper and dilute with water to 100 mL volume.

4. Methylene blue indicator solution: Dissolve 0.2 g of methylene blue in water and dilute to 100

5. Fehling's solution: Prepared by mixing immediately before use, equal volumes of Solution A and
Solution B, prepared as described below. a) Solution A: Dissolve 34.639 g of copper sulphate
(CuSO4.5H2O) in water add 0.5 mL of concentrated sulphuric acid and dilute it to 500 mL in a
volumetric flask. Filter the solution through prepared asbestos. b) Solution B: Dissolve 173 g of
Rochelle salt (potassium sodium tartrate) and 50 g of sodium hydroxide analytical reagent grade in
water, dilute to 500 mL in a volumetric flask and allow the solution to stand for two days, Filter this
solution through prepared asbestos.

6. Standardisation of Fehling's solution: Pipette accurately 10 mL of each Fehling's solutions

(solution A and B) into a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Pour the standard solution of invert sugar in the
burette and run in from the burette almost the whole of the invert sugar solution required to reduce all
of the copper so that not more than 1 mL is required to complete the titration. Heat the contents on wire
gauze. Gently boil the contents for 2 min. Add about 1 mL of methylene blue indicator solution. While
the contents of the flask continue to boil, begin to add standard invert sugar solution till the blue colour
of the solution disappears. Titration should be completed within 1 min so that contents of the flask boil
altogether for 3 min without interruption.

7. Zinc acetate solution: Dissolve 21.9 g of crystalline zinc acetate (Zn(CH₃CO₂)₂·2H₂O ) in water and
add 3 mL of glacial acetic acid. Make up to 100 mL.

8. Potassium ferrocyanide solution: Dissolve 10.6 g of crystalline potassium ferrocyanide and make
up to 100 mL with water.

9. Dilute ammonia solution: 10 mL of concentrated ammonia solution diluted to 100 mL with water.

10. Dilute acetic acid solution: Approximately equivalent to the dilute ammonia solution in strength.


Weigh accurately about 40 g of the well - mixed sample and transfer to 100 mL beaker. Add 50 mL
of hot water at 80 to 90 °C. Mix and transfer to a 250 mL measuring flask, washing it with
successive quantities of distilled water at 60 °C, until the volume is 120 to 150 mL.

Mix and cool to room temperature (25° ± 3°C) and add 5 mL of the dilute ammonia solution. Mix
and allow to stand for 15 min.

Add the exact equivalent of dilute acetic acid to neutralise the ammonia added. Mix and add 12.5
mL of zinc acetate solution followed by 12.5 mL of potassium ferrocyanide solution.

Mix again. Make up to 250 mL mark. Allow to settle and filter. Mark this solution B-I.

Pipette 50 mL of solution B-I into a 100 mL volumetric flask, add 5 mL of concentrated hydrochloric
acid and heat in a water bath at 65 – 68°C for 5 min rotating the flask for the first 3 min.

Cool the solution and neutralise with sodium hydroxide solution. Mark this solution A- I. Make up
to 100 mL.

Dilute the solutions B-I (usually 50 mL of B-I solution is required to be diluted to 100 mL to obtain
titration reading of around 14 mL when titrated against Fehling solution) and A-I (usually 15 mL of
A-I solution is required to be diluted to 100 mL to obtain titration reading of around 18 mL when
titrated against Fehling solution) so that the volume of solution required to react with 10 mL
Fehling's solution is between 15 and 50 mL.

Mark them B-II and A-II, respectively.

Standard method of titration

Pour the solution (BII) in a 50 mL burette. Pipette 5 mL of Fehling solution A and 5 mL of Fehling
solution B into a 250 mL conical flask and run into the solution from the burette to effect reduction
of all the copper (blue colour faints)

Boil the contents of the flask for 2 min. At the end of 2 min of boiling add, without interrupting
boiling 1mL of methylene blue indicator solution. While the contents of the flask continue to boil, add
the prepared solution from the burette until the blue colour disappears. The titration should be
completed within 3 min without interruption.

Repeat the steps of the standard method of titration using solution AII.

Percent by weight = 25×𝑊1 2𝑓2 - 𝑓1
𝑊2 𝑉2 𝑉1
W1= weight in mg of sucrose corresponding to 10 mL of Fehling’s solution.
W2 = weight in g of the material taken for the determination.
f2 = dilution factor for solution A - II from A - I
V2 = volume in mL of solution A - II corresponding to 10 mL of Fehling’s solution.
f1 = dilution factor for the solution B - II from B - I
V1 = volume in mL of solution B - II corresponding to 10 mL of Fehling’s solution.

References By-
1. Manual_Dairy_03_10_2022.pdf
2. Material Safety Data Sheets and their relevance to Customs work
3. How many grams of NaOH is required to prepare 1500 mL of a 0.1 N NaOH solution?

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