2020 - Law of Property
2020 - Law of Property
2020 - Law of Property
The module guide must be read in conjunction with the prescribed textbook. This document will
be the first port of call to understanding what will be assessed and which assessments form part
of the module.
Module Aim
Property Law is aimed at giving you an insightful approach to and detailed knowledge of the
South African Law of Property. You are required to always think critically within a contextual
framework and analyse legal problems by applying definitions learned and applicable legislation
and case law.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
1.1 Analyse the general nature and place of
property law in the legal System.
1.2 Explain the single system of law; the
1. Analyse and explain the historical
subsidiarity principles and the characteristic
origins of property laws and its
of a property system in line with the spirit,
relationship with the constitution.
purport and objectives of the Bill of Rights
Blended learning activity:
• Online case Analysis
2.1 Explain the characteristics and classification
of a ‘res’ and the relationship between things,
rights and property
2.2 Discuss the various ownership entitlements
2. Explain and apply the principles of
and forms of ownership both statutory and
the law of property to a set of facts.
common law.
2.3 Discuss the private law limitations on
ownership focusing on neighbour law
Prescribed Resource(s)
Mostert, H. and Pope, A. (eds.). 2010. The Principles of the Law of Property in South Africa.
Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
ISBN: 9780195984040
Prescribed Material
Case law is discussed in the prescribed textbook, but you are encouraged to enrich your
knowledge by reading case law where relevant.
The following resources will be made available on myLMS, which you must check regularly:
• Module guide
• Discussion forums
• Previous examination papers
• Examination scope
• Copies of legislation
Recommended Resource(s)
Take note that all disciplines and their corresponding textbooks are frequently updated.
Therefore, you should use the latest editions, where available. Recommended resources
should be used for research purposes. There is a range of general resources related to this
module, including the following:
Online Document(s)
These will be announced and made available on myLMS.
Journal Article(s)
These will be announced and made available on myLMS.
South African Legal Information Institute. SAFLII. [Online] Available at: http://www.saflii.org/.
[Accessed 24 May 2019].
Additional websites will be announced and made available on myLMS.
Supporting Documents
Geyer, L., Levin, A., Makati, P., Pierce, R., Potter, M., and Wheeler, A. 2019. PIHE Guide to
Referencing (Harvard Referencing Method). Unpublished document. Pearson Institute of Higher
Essential Requirements
• Access to a resource centre or a library with a wide range of relevant resources, including:
textbooks and eBooks, newspaper articles, journal articles, organisational publications,
databases, etc.
• Access to a range of academic journals in electronic format via PROQUEST or other
• Resources added to myLMS
Formative Assessment(s)
Continuous Assessments
Continual formative assessment is conducted so that you are given feedback on your progress in
the achievement of specific learning outcomes. The formative assessment tasks occur every
fortnight and can take the form of one of the following:
• A five-item multiple choice test
• A short-questions test
• Construction of concept maps
• Take home tests with long questions
• Short practical tasks
• Short class presentations
Online Assessment(s)
Online assessments will be conducted on myLMS. These online assessments will count
5%. If a particular online assessment is not completed a zero will be awarded for that
assessment. If none are completed you will be awarded a zero for these assessments.
The average of all the online assessments will be the final online assessment mark. You could
be expected to complete assessments on myLMS as well as other digital platforms.
There will be 1 test which will contribute 15% towards your final mark.
If a test is missed because of illness, a doctor’s note must be presented within 48 hours of the
missed test to the Academic Manager/Administrator/Coordinator.
To make up for this missing assessment, you may be able to write a deferred test. However, in
order to gain entry to this test, you will have to follow various procedures and meet certain
criteria. You must complete a Deferred Test Application Form available on myLMS. You will be
required to pay a non-refundable fee per application. Each test missed requires a separate
application. This will be your only opportunity to make up for a missed test.
There is only one group assignment for this module. The assignment is based on applying the
theory covered in class to a practical case study. The assignment counts 20% of your final mark.
Assignments must be submitted on or before the due date to the lecturer in class or as per
arrangement. Five percent (5%) will be deducted for every day that the assignment is late, up to
a maximum of three days. Assignments that are more than three days late will be awarded a
Summative Assessment
Summative assessment is concerned with the judgement of learning in relation to the exit-level
outcomes of the qualification. Such judgement includes integrated assessment(s), which test
your ability to integrate the larger body of Law of Property knowledge, skills and attitudes that are
represented by the exit-level outcomes as a whole.
All assignments and reports must be submitted to the online similarity checker (Turnitin) available
on myLMS prior to being submitted for marking. When submitting your assignment/report, it is
compulsory to submit the entire Turnitin report. Marks will be deducted in accordance with the
institutional policy.
Also, when submitting assessments, you should include the completion and signing of the
applicable Assessment Coversheet as an acknowledgement that the work submitted is your own
original work, except for source material explicitly acknowledged. This declaration will serve as
proof that you are aware of the Institution’s policies and regulations on academic integrity.
Final Mark
In order to pass the module a final average of 50% or higher is required for the entire module.
Consultation times will be pinned onto the lecturer’s office door/notice board. You must give
lecturers 24 hours’ notice for appointments. Meetings can be requested in-class or via email. It is
important that you detail the requirements (chapter, section, etc.) for your consultation.
Module Content
You are required to attend all classes. In addition, exercises and activities, which are supplied by
lecturers, are compulsory.
• Chapter 7
Case Law
Laskey and Another v Showzone
CC and Others 2007 (2) SA 48
Allaclas Investmenst (Pty) Ltd and
Another v Milnerton Golf Club and
Other 2008 (3) SA 134 (SCA)
Regal v African Superslate (Pty)
Ltd 1963 (1) SA 102 (A)
Malherbe v Ceres Municipality
1951 (4) SA 510 (A)
Dorland and Another v Smits 2002
(5) 374 (CPD)
Lombard v Fischer 2003 (1) All SA
698 (O) Trustees of the Brian
Lackey Trust v Annandale 2004 (3)
SA 281
Redelinghuys v Bazzoni 1976 (1)
SA 110 (T)
Opperman v Stanely and Another
[2010] ZAGPPHC 221
Fedgroup Participation Bond
Managers v Trustee of the Capital
Property Trust [2015] ZASCA 103
• Chapter 7
Case Law
5 Acquisition of
Laskey and Another v Showzone
1: 02/03/2020 ownership. Online Quiz
CC and Others 2007 (2) SA 48
– 06/03/2020 AC: 2.5
Allaclas Investmenst (Pty) Ltd and
The Constitution of South Africa
of 1996 ss 25 and 26
PIE Act 19 of 1998
7 ESTA 62 of 1997
1: 16/03/2020 Online Quiz
AC: 2.7
– 20/03/2020 Case Law
Chetty v Naidoo 1974 (3) SA 13
Quenty’s Motors (Pty) Ltd v
Standard Credit Corporation Ltd
1994 (3) SA 188 (A)
Clifford v Farinha 1988 (4) SA 315
Ndlovu v Ngcobo and Bekker v
Jika 2003 (1) SA 113 (SCA)
Port Elizabeth Municipality v
Various Occupiers 2005 (1) SA