JTTP For Laser Designation Ops

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This publication provides joint tactics, techniques and procedures for employing laser target designators, laser acquisition devices and laser-guided munitions. It describes joint laser planning and coordination procedures.

It describes that lasers are used for target acquisition and designating targets for laser-guided munitions. Laser target designators are used to mark targets for aircraft or artillery to engage.

It discusses that friendly force safety is an important consideration when using lasers and procedures must be in place to prevent inadvertent illumination of friendly forces.

Joint Pub 3-09.

Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Laser Designation Operations

28 May 1999

1. Scope
This publication provides joint tactics, techniques, and procedures for employing light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (laser) target designators, laser acquisition devices, and laser-guided munitions. It describes joint laser planning, coordination procedures, capabilities, and limitations.

3. Application
a. Doctrine a n d s e l e c t e d t a c t i c s , techniques, and procedures and guidance established in this publication apply to the commanders of combatant commands, subunified commands, joint task forces, and subordinate components of these commands. These principles and guidance also may apply when significant forces of one Service are attached to forces of another Service or when significant forces of one Service support forces of another Service. b. The guidance in this publication is authoritative; as such, this doctrine (or JTTP) will be followed except when, in the judgment of the commander, exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise. If conflicts arise between the contents of this publication and the contents of Service publications, this publication will take precedence for the activities of joint forces unless the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, normally in coordination with the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has provided more current and specific guidance. Commanders of forces operating as part of a multinational (alliance or coalition) military command should follow multinational doctrine and procedures ratified by the United States. For doctrine and procedures not ratified by the United States, commanders should evaluate and follow the multinational commands doctrine and procedures where applicable and where consistent with US policies and procedures. For the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

2. Purpose
This publication has been prepared under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It sets forth doctrine and selected joint tactics, techniques, and procedures (JTTP) to govern the joint activities and performance of the Armed Forces of the United States in joint operations and provides the doctrinal basis for US military involvement in multinational and interagency operations. It provides military guidance for the exercise of authority by combatant commanders and other joint force commanders and prescribes doctrine and selected tactics, techniques, and procedures for joint operations and training. It provides military guidance for use by the Armed Forces in preparing their appropriate plans. It is not the intent of this publication to restrict the authority of the joint force commander (JFC) from organizing the force and executing the mission in a manner the JFC deems most appropriate to ensure unity of effort in the accomplishment of the overall mission.

V. E. CLARK Vice Admiral, US Navy Director, Joint Staff


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PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................... vii CHAPTER I CONCEPT Introduction .............................................................................................................. Laser Use on the Battlefield ...................................................................................... Laser Target Acquisition ........................................................................................... Friendly Forces Safety Considerations ...................................................................... I-1 I-1 I-3 I-4

CHAPTER II PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Laser Designator Characteristics .............................................................................. II-1 Environmental Considerations ................................................................................. II-7 Seeker Characteristics .............................................................................................. II-8 Seeker Types ............................................................................................................ II-9 Target Types ............................................................................................................. II-9 Designator Operator Positioning Considerations .................................................... II-10 Offset Laser Designation ........................................................................................ II-10 Delayed Laser Designation for LGBs ..................................................................... II-10 Delayed Laser Designation for HELLFIRE ............................................................ II-11 Redundant Laser Designation ................................................................................. II-11 Laser Systems Descriptions .................................................................................... II-12

CHAPTER III PROCEDURES General Procedures ................................................................................................ III-1 Laser Designation for Artillery ............................................................................... III-4 Laser Designation for CAS .................................................................................... III-6 Rotary-Wing Close Air Support ............................................................................ III-14 Laser Designation for Non-CAS Air Attacks......................................................... III-16

CHAPTER IV LASER CODES Introduction ........................................................................................................... Management of Coded Laser Systems .................................................................... Laser Coding in Conjunction With LGBs. .............................................................. Coding Prioritization .............................................................................................. IV-1 IV-1 IV-2 IV-2


Table of Contents
CHAPTER V SAFETY General ................................................................................................................... Laser Eye Safety ..................................................................................................... Fratricide ................................................................................................................ Organizational Safety Considerations ...................................................................... V-1 V-1 V-2 V-3

APPENDIX A B C D E F G Laser Equipment Descriptions .......................................................................... Procedures Guide ............................................................................................... CAS Briefing Form (9-line) ............................................................................... LGB and LLLGB Delivery Profiles .................................................................. Laser Protocol .................................................................................................... References ......................................................................................................... Administrative Instructions ............................................................................... A-1 B-1 C-1 D-1 E-1 F-1 G-1

GLOSSARY Part I Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................... GL-1 Part II Terms and Definitions .............................................................................. GL-4 FIGURE I-1 II-1 II-2 II-3 II-4 II-5 II-6 II-7 II-8 II-9 III-1 III-2 III-3 III-4 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-A-1 A-A-2 A-B-1 A-C-1 Infrared Electromagnetic Spectrum .............................................................. I-5 Mirrorlike Reflections (Perpendicular) ........................................................ II-2 Mirrorlike Reflections (Angular) ................................................................ II-2 Scattered Reflections .................................................................................. II-2 Laser Spillover ........................................................................................... II-3 Target Reflections (Perpendicular) .............................................................. II-3 Target Reflections (Angular)....................................................................... II-4 Vertical Reflections (Detectable) ................................................................. II-4 Podium Effect ............................................................................................. II-5 Reflections in a Chosen Direction ............................................................... II-5 Aircraft Delivery of Laser-Guided Munitions ........................................... III-2 Minimum Safe Altitudes for Aircraft Above the 20 Safety Zone ............. III-2 Example of Safety Zone and Optimal Attack Zones .................................. III-3 HELLFIRE Designator Exclusion Zone .................................................. III-17 Laser-Guided Weapons .............................................................................. A-2 Airborne Platforms With Coded Laser Target Designators ......................... A-3 Ground Systems With Coded Laser Target Designators ............................. A-3 Airborne Platforms With Coded Laser Acquisition and/or Spot Trackers ... A-4 Fixed-Wing Aircraft Capabilities ........................................................... A-A-2 Rotary-Wing Aircraft Capabilities ......................................................... A-A-5 Man-Portable Laser System Comparisons ............................................... A-B-1 Angle Rate Bombing System (Marine Corps) ......................................... A-C-1


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Table of Contents
A-D-1 Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared For Night (Air Force/Navy) ................................................................................ A-D-1 A-E-1 Laser Spot Tracker (Navy and Marine Corps) ......................................... A-E-1 A-F-1 PAVE PENNY (Air Force) ..................................................................... A-F-1 A-G-1 OH-58D Mast-Mounted Sight (Army) ................................................... A-G-1 A-H-1 AH-1W Night Targeting System (Marine Corps) ................................... A-H-1 A-J-1 AH-64 Target Acquisition System and Designation Sight (Army) ............ A-J-1 A-K-1 AC-130H/U Laser Target Designation Capabilities (Air Force) .............. A-K-1 A-L-1 Ground/Vehicle Laser Locator Designator (Army) .................................. A-L-1 A-M-1 Laser Target Designator (Army) ............................................................. A-M-1 A-N-1 Compact Laser Designator (Handheld) (Navy) ...................................... A-N-1 A-O-1 Laser Marker, AN/PEQ-1(A) (SOF) ...................................................... A-O-1 A-P-1 AN/PAQ-3 Man-Portable, Universal Laser Equipment (Marine Corps) .. A-P-1 A-Q-1 The Laser Target Designator/Ranging (Navy and Marine Corps) ........... A-Q-1 A-R-1 COPPERHEAD, 155 mm Cannon-Launched Guided Projectile (Army and Marine Corps) .................................................................... A-R-1 A-S-1 AGM-114 HELLFIRE Missile (Army, Marine Corps, and Navy) ........... A-S-1 A-T-1 Laser MAVERICK AGM-65E (Navy and Marine Corps) ....................... A-T-1 A-U-1 Laser-Guided Bombs (PAVEWAY II) (Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps) .............................................................................. A-U-1 A-W-1 Low-Level Laser-Guided Bomb (PAVEWAY III) (Navy and Air Force).................................................................................... A-W-1 A-Y-1 AN/AAQ-16D AESOP FLIR (Army) .................................................... A-Y-1 A-Z-1 SH-60B/HH-60H AN/AAS-44(V) FLIR LTD/R System (Navy) ............ A-Z-1 B-A-1 Ground and Airborne Laser Designation Procedures for CLGP COPPERHEAD .................................................................... B-A-2 B-B-1 Procedures for Aircraft With Laser-Guided Weapons and Laser Spot Trackers ....................................................................................... B-B-2 B-C-1 Procedures for Helicopters With Laser-Guided Missiles and Remote Designator ........................................................................ B-C-2 D-1 LGB and LLLGB Delivery Tactic (Permissive Threat) .............................. D-1 D-2 PAVEWAY II Low-Level Loft Delivery Tactic (Sophisticated Threat, Positive Target Identification) ..................................................... D-2 D-3 PAVEWAY III Low-Level Delivery Tactic ................................................ D-3 D-4 LGB and LLLGB Pop-Up Delivery Tactic (Sophisticated Threat, Target Identification Difficult) ................................................................ D-4

Table of Contents

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COMMANDERS OVERVIEW Covers Laser Planning Considerations Discusses Laser Designation Procedures Provides a Discussion of Laser Codes Covers Laser Safety Considerations

Precision weapons will play a key role in the conduct of future battlefield operations. The light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (laser) is the enabling technology of more precise weapons. Laser systems enable joint forces to engage a wider range of targets with more accuracy and fewer munitions than previously possible. Laser technology on the battlefield includes laser target ranging and designation systems, laser acquisition systems, and laserguided weapons (LGWs). Laser target ranging and designation systems can provide accurate range, azimuth, and elevation information to locate enemy targets. These can be either aircraft-mounted or ground systems. Laser acquisition devices can be aircraft-mounted (laser spot trackers [LSTs]) or mounted on LGWs. LGWs home in on reflected laser energy to strike a target.

Laser Target Acquisition

Laser designators can provide precision target marking for employment of air-to-surface and surface-to-surface laserguided weapons. Aircrews using laser target acquisition aids have a tremendous advantage over aircrews that have to acquire targets visually. Ground laser designator operators (LDOs) have more time than do aircrews. LSTs have a limited field of view but can attack a target even if it cant be visually distinguished from other objects. Optics on aircraft may have a longer line of sight than optics on ground-based systems.


Executive Summary Planning Considerations

Employment of lasers must be carefully planned. Laser designators emit a narrow beam of laser pulses which is susceptible to degradation from atmospheric scatter and a variety of target reflections. The beam may reflect off the target at various angles, depending on the targets shape and composition. Environmental considerations such as line of sight and visibility degradation can inhibit successful laser designation operations. LDOs and aircrews must consider these factors when attacking targets. There are two classifications of targets: area or point targets. LDOs must carefully consider operating techniques and locations of laser designators. These techniques include offset designators, delayed designation, and redundant designators.

The laser designator operator must consider many factors when selecting a laser designation position. Safety of ground designators is an essential consideration during designation operations. Aircraft attack headings must be carefully planned to avoid the target-to-laser safety zone. Attack headings inside this zone significantly increase the likelihood that an air-launched weapon will guide, or an LST will track, onto the laser designator instead of the target. Both ground and aerial observers can designate for laserguided artillery projectiles. While effective, this procedure requires extensive coordination between the observer and the artillery firing unit. Ground observers and aircraft can designate for close air support (CAS) operations, whether it is provided from rotaryor fixed-winged aircraft. Using aircraft to deliver LGWs allows the commander to destroy high-threat point targets. Observers and aircraft must know the laser codes to be used prior to actual employment of the LGWs, either through coordination before the CAS mission begins, or as the aircraft approach the target area. Laser designation support can also be provided to aircraft in a non-CAS role, such as interdiction operations, armed reconnaissance, and other related areas.


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Executive Summary Laser Codes

Laser designators and seekers are coded to work in harmony, so that the seeker will track only the target designated. Laser codes are not entirely compatible across the spectrum of military laser equipment. Some devices and weapons use a three-digit code, while others use a four-digit code. Multiple coding allows simultaneous attacks on multiple aim points within an area target without interference from different laser designators. For joint task force operations, the joint task force operations officer allocates laser codes to components. The components further sub-assign the codes to supporting arms, ensuring that the codes are compatible with all component units and laser systems.

Safety considerations for friendly forces are paramount. Laser energy is hazardous and must be safely controlled and correctly employed in both training and combat environments. All units involved in laser operations must follow laser safety procedures outlined in this and other laser references, and should establish and enforce laser safety standard operating procedures. Safety considerations are discussed throughout this publication. The primary danger from current laser designators is to the eye. Units must follow specific procedures to safeguard against eye damage.

This publication provides tactics, techniques, and procedures for employing laser target designators, laser acquisition devices, and laser-guided munitions. It prepares for operations involving these precision weapons by describing laser planning, coordination procedures, capabilities, and safety issues.


Executive Summary

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The key principle underlying Coalition strategy was the need to minimize casualties and damage, both to the Coalition and to Iraqi civilians. It was recognized at the beginning that this campaign would cause some unavoidable hardships for the Iraqi people. It was impossible, for example, to shut down the electric power supply for Iraqi C2 facilities or CW factories, yet leave untouched the electricity supply to the general populace. Coalition targeting policy and aircrews made every effort to minimize civilian casualties and collateral damage. Because of these restrictive policies, only PGMs were used to destroy key targets in downtown Baghdad in order to avoid damaging adjacent civilian buildings.
Conduct of the Persian Gulf War, Final Report to Congress, April 1992, Chapter VI, page 131

1. Introduction
a. The Modern Battlefield. Precision weapons play a significant role in b a t t l e f i e l d success by providing commanders with greatly improved weapon accuracy. This improved accuracy yields higher probability of achieving the desired end state while lowering the probability of collateral damage. The technology enabling increased accuracy of many of these weapons is the laser. b. Laser Capabilities. Laser designators radiate a narrow beam of pulsed energy. Current tactical lasers operate in the nearinfrared wavelength spectrum, which is not visible to the human eye. When within range, the laser designator can be aimed so the energy precisely designates a chosen spot on the target. Laser target designators (LTDs) mark targets for laser spot trackers (LSTs) and laserguided weapons (LGWs). Some laser systems can accurately determine target range and location. When coupled with horizontal and vertical scales, they can measure target azimuth and elevation. LGWs can reduce the number of weapons and/or weapon systems required to achieve an objective, because of increased accuracy. Based on the threat level

and environment, LGWs may provide better ways to attack targets. c. Laser Procedures on the Battlefield. The battlefield environment can degrade LGW accuracy. All elements employing LGWs must conduct thorough planning and follow established procedures to ensure their successful employment.

2. Laser Use on the Battlefield

Laser technology for the battlefield has developed in many areas, such as laser target ranging and designation systems, laser acquisition systems, and LGWs. Although infrared (IR) pointers such as the AN/ PAQ-4 and the LPL-30 are technically lasers operating in the .83 micron range, the discussion of their use and associated tactics, techniques, and procedures is not covered in this publication because they are incapable of guiding LGWs. For further information on these systems, refer to JP 3-09.3, Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Close Air Support (CAS). a. Laser Target Ranging and Designation Systems. Laser target ranging


Chapter I
and designation systems can provide accurate range, azimuth, and elevation information to locate enemy targets. These systems may vary from handheld to aircraft-mounted devices and perform similar functions with varying degrees of accuracy. In combination with global positioning system (GPS), lasers can provide accurate enemy target locations. In addition, lasers in combination with GPS can provide for target area analysis. This analysis can be used to fire weapons accurately at the enemy, to accurately locate future friendly observer locations, and to enable friendly forces to effectively conduct maneuver operations as well as command and control their forces by accurate identification of terrain reference points. b. Acquisition Devices. Of the two types of laser acquisition devices, the first, the LST, is used to aid visual acquisition of the target to be attacked by another weapon. This type of laser acquisition device is normally mounted on fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters. The second type of acquisition device is a seeker and guidance kit mounted on LGWs which guide on coded laser energy. c. Striking a Target. LGWs home in on reflected laser energy to strike a target. Some LGWs require laser target illumination before launch or release and/or during the entire time of flight; some require illumination only during the terminal portion of flight. Unique laser-guided munitions capabilities can be fully exploited only with careful planning based on a thorough knowledge of each weapon system. d. Basic Requirements. Six basic requirements are needed to effectively employ laser designators with LSTs or LGWs. Atmospheric conditions must be suitable for laser operations. Smoke, haze, clouds, and precipitation can significantly attenuate and scatter laser energy and degrade delivery accuracy. A line of sight (LOS) must exist between the designator and the target and between the target and the LST and/or LGW. For LGWs, this LOS must exist prior to launch or after launch, depending on the weapons capabilities. The direction of attack must allow the LST or LGW to sense sufficient laser energy reflecting from the designated target, minimize false target indications,

Unique laser-guided munitions capabilities can be fully exploited only with careful planning based on a thorough knowledge of each weapons system.


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and preclude the LGW from guiding on parties to the Protocol have an obligation the LTD. to take all feasible precautions to avoid the incidence of permanent blindness to The laser designator must designate unenhanced vision. The United States is the target at the correct time and for not yet a party to the Protocol on Blinding the proper duration. Laser Weapons, but it has been transmitted by the President to the Senate for advice The pulse repetition frequency (PRF) and consent to ratification. The DOD code of the LTD and LST or LGW must Policy on Blinding Lasers was revised on be compatible 17 January 1997, and recognizes that accidental or incidental eye injuries may occur See Chapter IV, Laser Codes. on the battlefield through the use of lasers for detection, targeting, range-finding, The delivery system must release the communications, and target destruction; weapon within the specific weapons however, it is Department of Defense (DOD) delivery envelope. policy to strive, through training and doctrine, to minimize these injuries. e. Enemy Use of Laser Countermeasures. During the past few years, the United States Safety considerations designed to minimize and its allies have become increasingly reliant these injuries are discussed in Chapter V, on laser-guided munitions. Potential US Safety. Appendix E, Laser Protocol, adversaries realize the importance of laser contains the full texts of Protocol IV and the countermeasures in a conflict with the United current DOD Policy on Blinding Lasers. States or its allies. Many of the techniques for countering laser energy and sensitive 3. Laser Target Acquisition electro-optical equipment are common knowledge throughout much of the world. a. Laser Designator Marking. Laser Potential US adversaries are well-equipped designators can provide precision target to detect and counter the increasingly marking for employment of air-to-surface and sophisticated laser designator and guidance surface-to-surface LGWs. Precise target systems used by the armed forces of Western marking with laser designators is directly nations. Prior to the demise of the Warsaw related to target size and aspect, laser-beam Pact, for example, its literature made divergence, designation range, and continuous reference to the capabilities of atmospheric attenuation of the beam. natural and manmade obscurants to degrade b. Target Acquisition. With or without laser systems, night vision devices, and LSTs, as with all acquisition aids, aircrews electro-optical sensors. must always acquire targets visually. With f. Legal Uses of Lasers on the limited acquisition time, a fighter or attack Battlefield. Protocol IV to the Certain aircraft aircrew may not see a small target in Conventional Weapons Convention time to employ weapons. When targets are (Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons) well camouflaged, acquisition is even more prohibits the use of lasers specifically difficult. The aircrew may not be able to designed to cause permanent blindness distinguish enemy targets from friendly forces to unenhanced vision. For all other or decoys. Even if the target is large, the types of lasers, such as those used for aircrew often cannot visually distinguish it detection, targeting, range-finding, from natural objects of the same size and color communications, and target destruction, or IR signature.


Chapter I
Personnel should be aware of several factors which may affect the precision of a laser mark, and these considerations for planning and employment are discussed in detail in Chapter II, Planning Considerations. Note: Laser marks may also alert the enemy to the presence of friendlies if the enemy has laser detectors. e. Laser Spot Trackers. LSTs have a limited field of view. The aircrew must maneuver the aircraft to acquire the laser designators energy using the LST. A visible mark may also be necessary to help the aircrew align the seeker. When the LST senses the energy and displays the targets position, aircrews are capable of attacking the target even if they cannot distinguish the camouflaged target from other objects on the ground provided they have verified the target by other means. f. Figure I-1 illustrates IR and laser equipment compatibility. As depicted, compatibility exists only between LTDs and LSTs. In other words, all coded laser target designators can work with all coded laser acquisition and/or spot trackers and all coded laser-guided weapons. IR pointers and night vision goggles (NVGs) are only compatible with each other. IR pointers cannot designate for LSTs, and NVGs cannot see the LTD mark. Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) systems are not compatible with LTDs, LSTs, and/or IR pointers.

Ground laser designator operators normally have more powerful optics to acquire targets than do aircrews of fighter or attack aircraft.

c. Ground and Airborne Laser Designator Operators (LDOs). Ground LDOs normally have much more time to acquire targets than do the crews of attack aircraft. However, this advantage may be offset by the ground LDO being exposed to fire, or the LDO's inability to accurately laser designate the target due to smoke, haze, terrain, or vegetation. In comparison, attack aircraft LDOs have the following advantages: a generally unrestricted LOS to the target; a less threatened posture; and the possession of better target acquisition and designation systems. Optical viewing allows the operator to pick out camouflaged objects at a distance and distinguish the most important targets when several are in view. d. Precision Targeting. Lasers provide the most precise target mark available. Lasers are not susceptible to wind effects, as are ballistically-delivered target marks such as smoke. Visible target marks may compromise an observers position and alert enemy forces to impending attack, allowing them to hide or disperse. Visible marks may also obscure the target if not employed properly.

4. Friendly Forces Safety Considerations

Safety considerations are discussed throughout this publication, specifically in Chapter II, Planning Considerations, Chapter III, Procedures, and Chapter V, Safety. It is key to remember that laser energy is hazardous and must be safely controlled and employed correctly in both the training and combat environments.


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Laser Target Designators Night Vision Goggles IR Pointers Laser Spot Trackers

Mid-wave Forwardlooking Infrared

Forwardlooking Infrared






(wavelength in microns)

Figure I-1. Infrared Electromagnetic Spectrum

Refer to Military Handbook 828A, Laser comprehensive information in a one source Safety on Ranges and in Other Outdoor document detailing friendly force safety Areas, developed by the DOD Laser considerations. System Safety Working Group, for the most


Chapter I

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Victory smiles on those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the changes occur.
Giulio Douhet

1. Laser Designator Characteristics

can cause false seeker lock-on and target indications within short distances from the laser exit port. This is also referred to as a. Laser Beam. Laser designators may backscatter. Safety impacts of this effect are emit a narrow, collimated beam of laser pulses. discussed later in this publication. The laser designator possesses several unique characteristics, including beam divergence, Refer also to Military Handbook 828A, which significantly impact laser operations. Laser Safety on Ranges and in Other Another characteristic is the single color Outdoor Areas, for a further discussion. (wavelength) of the laser pulses. Laser wavelengths span from the ultraviolet to the e. Mirrorlike Reflection. Laser energy visible to the far IR spectrum. Wavelength pointed at a mirror will be reflected, and determines whether the sensor is visible to the beam will remain narrow. If the mirror the human eye or specific sensor. Current is perpendicular to the laser beam (Figure tactical laser designators fall in the near IR II-1), the beam will be reflected directly band and are invisible to the human eye. The toward the laser position. If the mirror is at beam is susceptible to enemy acquisition an angle to the laser beam, the beam will be reflected at an angle equal to the angle of the throughout the laser energy wavelength. incident beam (Figure II-2). Any seeker that b. Beam Divergence and Spot Size. The is looking for this laser energy would have to laser spot size is a function of beam be in the narrow area of reflection. IR energy divergence and the distance from the laser is reflected in a narrow beam from bare metal designator to the target. If a designator has as well as from mirrorlike and glass surfaces. a beam spread or divergence of 1 milliradian, its spot would have a diameter of f. Scattered Reflection. If a surface is flat approximately 1 meter at a distance of 1,000 and not shiny, it reflects light and IR energy meters in front of the designator. For planning in a large arc (Figure II-3). purposes, spot size should be determined and ideally equal to no more than half the target g. Spillover Reflection. Spillover occurs surface area. when the laser spot is larger than the intended target, or when there is unsteady tracking of c. Optics. Ground laser designators have the target from the designator. Overspill rifle scope-type optics to help aim the laser occurs when some of the laser energy goes energy. The crosshairs allow the laser operator beyond the target and impacts an object or to select a precise aim point. terrain behind the intended target. Underspill occurs when some of the laser energy impacts d. Atmospheric Scatter. A seeker may either terrain or an object short of the intended detect scattered radiation that is caused by target. When the target is smaller than the suspended matter in the atmosphere. It can laser spot or there is unsteady tracking of the occur even on clear days. This phenomenon target from the designator, there is energy


Chapter II



Figure II-1. Mirrorlike Reflections (Perpendicular)



Figure II-2. Mirrorlike Reflections (Angular)



Figure II-3. Scattered Reflections


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Planning Considerations
spillover around the target. This energy the surface is at an angle to the laser designator, spillover is capable of providing scattered the angle of strongest reflection is predictable reflections off objects near the target (Figure (Figure II-6). II-4). i. Vertical Reflection. The vertical angles of h. Target Reflection. Most surfaces mirrorlike or scattered reflections must also be produce a mixture of mirrorlike and scattered considered when looking at a targets reflecting reflections. Laser energy is reflected in an surface from the side. Detectable reflected arc but is strongest at the angle at which it energy will be strongest at a predicted would be reflected if the surface were a reflectance angle (Figure II-7). Optimum laser mirror. If the laser designator is spot height depends on specific weapons, the perpendicular to a surface, the reflection can type of delivery, and target characteristics. be seen from all angles on the designated side, Some weapons (PAVEWAY II, for example) lose but can be detected best near the laser substantial energy as they descend, and tend to designator-to-target line (Figure II-5). When fall short of the target. Since laser seekers are



Figure II-4. Laser Spillover



Figure II-5. Target Reflections (Perpendicular)


Chapter II



Figure II-6. Target Reflections (Angular)



Figure II-7. Vertical Reflections (Detectable)

normally above the horizon, the general rule is aligned so that reflection is strongest where to aim the laser designator at the top third of the seeker is looking (Figure II-9); however, this does not guarantee target acquisition. the target. j. Podium Effect. A podium effect can also block a seeker if it cannot see the reflecting surface (Figure II-8). This may occur if an aircraft launches an LGW at a target, and then turns so the laser spot moves to the side of the target and out of view of the LGW seeker. k. Reflection in a Chosen Direction. A laser seeker may be heading to the target from a known direction. For maximum effectiveness, the designator should be l. Target Material. Certain materials reflect laser energy better than others (e.g., the reflection of laser energy off water is 2 percent; olive-drab metal [dirty] 2 to 30 percent; concrete, 10 to 15 percent; asphalt, 10 to 25 percent; unpolished aluminum, 55 percent; vegetation, 30 to 70 percent; brick, 55 to 90 percent). For targets with higher reflectivity, the probability of a laser seeker picking up the laser spot is increased. The precise amount of laser energy reflected from a target is difficult to determine.


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Planning Considerations

2 Laser Laser Spot


Figure II-8. Podium Effect



Figure II-9. Reflections in a Chosen Direction

m. False Seeker Lock-on. Laser seekers may occasionally lock-on to other reflected energy instead of the target. Even in optimum conditions the seeker may incorrectly lock onto the LTD or the atmospheric scatter present along the laser beam. In this case, a seeker is most likely to detect stray energy only in the immediate vicinity of the designator. To help to minimize seeker lockon of the designator position due to LOS with the LTD optical port, the designator should be masked from the seeker field of view. The designator can be masked by terrain, vegetation, or means of a temporary screen such as blankets or a tarp.

WARNING: This does not guarantee that the laser seeker will not lock onto the laser designator. Generally LST-equipped aircraft can operate throughout the optimal attack zone without hazard to the ground personnel operating the LTD. However in some situations, LSTs have shifted from the designated target to the laser source (LTD) while the aircraft is operating in the 120 degree attack zone. For this reason, aircrews must not use LSTs as the sole source for target verification. Aircrews should verify that they


Chapter II
are attacking the target through additional means (such as visual description, non-laser target mark, or other related methods). When the seekers progress can be monitored by watching the airborne LST-equipped aircraft, it may be possible to detect an improper lockon in time to prevent a mishap by aborting the aircrafts weapon launch or turning off the designator prior to the weapons launch and/ or release, resulting in an aborted delivery. Once the weapon has been released, terminating the laser designation will not ensure the safety of friendly forces. By eliminating the LGWs guidance source (the laser spot), the weapon will simply continue to fly a ballistic profile in the direction of release. This action may, in fact, further endanger friendly forces, especially if they are located between weapon release position and the initial laser spot. Lock-on Errors for All Types of Ordnance (Free-Fall, Forward Firing (Aerial), and Ground Launched Projectiles). Aircraft LST or LGW locks on to designator. (1) The designator is the only return in the LST or LGW field of view (FOV) or (2) Aircraft LST or LGW sees multiple points along the laser beam (to include the LTD). The LTD is the last significant pulse from the aircraft LST or LGW. Aircraft LST or LGW locks on to backscatter. Backscatter and/or spillover energy is of sufficient intensity in a portion of the laser beam to cause the aircraft LST or LGW to lock on. Position of lock-on is at the last significant pulse (furthest in distance from the LST or LGW) of the minimum acceptable level of intensity to cause to lock. to lock due to one or more factors: (1) Failure of designator; (2) The laser designator and LGW are not set to the same code; (3) Low power of designator; (4) Poor aiming of designator; (5) Aircraft LST or LGW is inoperative; and/or (6) Aircraft LST or LGW position is such that the LTD, laser beam, and target are not in the seeker FOV. Prevention of these errors LDOs should generally aim at the center of mass or in such a way as to avoid over spill. Ensure that the LTD and LGW are on the same laser code. When external designators are used, ensure that the LGW and/or LST has the proper geometry to keep the illuminated target in its FOV. Aircraft attack headings should be close to the laser designator-target line, but outside a 10 degree zone on either side of this line See Chapter III, Procedures, paragraph 1c for further discussion. If possible, ground designator operators should screen the sides of the designator position (out to several meters in front) using vegetation, tarps, and other related materials.

n. Laser Boresight. If the laser energy and sighting mechanism of the designator are not matched to the same point (i.e., the target), mission success will be impaired. Some ground designators do not have a means to check or correct boresight in the field. Others, like the laser marker night vision sight Aircraft LST or LGW fails to lock-on for use on the AN/PEQ-1 and AN/PEQ-1A to anything. Aircraft LST or LGW fails special operations laser marker (SOFLAM)


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systems, make it possible to field check the boresight at operational ranges at night. Employment of newer daylight filters allow the field check at short to moderate ranges in the daytime. o. Entrapment. Entrapment is the absorption of laser-radiated energy from any direction. For example, energy directed into the mouth of a tunnel, a dark window, or the tread wheels of a tank may be absorbed rather than reflected, preventing seeker acquisition. p. Spot Jitter. Spot jitter is the result of motion of the designator, or of the beam developed by the designator, around the intended aimpoint. This motion may result in a laser-spot bouncing movement on the target that increases with the designator distance from the target. reduced visibility, current laser systems provide signal transmission ranges only slightly greater than visual range. Darkness. Laser-energy transmission is unaffected by darkness, but darkness makes locating, identifying, and tracking targets more difficult for the LDO. Night sights for laser designators enhance operator target identification and engagement during night battlefield operations. However, not all hand-held LTDs are adaptable for night sights and, therefore, night vision capabilities on some LTDs may be limited. The Obscured Battlefield. Smoke, dust, and other particulates in the air may attenuate or reflect the laser beam, thereby preventing reflection from the target of sufficient energy for lock-on by LSTs or LGWs. Laser energy reflected from such particles may also present a false target to the tracker or the munitions. Backscatter refers to a portion of the laser energy that is scattered back in the direction of the seeker by an obscurant. Since backscatter energy competes with the reflected energy from the target, a seeker may attempt to lock onto the obscurant rather than the target. LDOs can reduce the effect of enemy obscurants by following some simple rules of thumb. Positioning is a key to reducing the degradation obscurants imposed on laser performance. Possible considerations are positioning lasers on flanks or on high ground where smoke is likely to be less heavy along the LOS and repositioning from an obscured to a non-obscured position. Using multiple lasers and transferring the mission from an obscured laser to a non-obscured laser are other possible tactics to counter enemy obscurants. Nonreflecting or Refracting Optical Surface Targets. Tunnels and other

2. Environmental Considerations
Several environmental factors can inhibit successful laser designation operations. Tactics and techniques must, therefore, take these factors into consideration (See Appendix A, Laser Equipment Descriptions, for details). a. Line of Sight. Unrestricted LOS must exist between the designator and the target and between the target and the LST or LGW. b. Visibility Degradation Clouds and/or Fog. Clouds and fog attenuate laser energy and degrade the ability of LSTs and LGWs to see the spot. Since the laser spot is only acquired after the bomb comes out of the cloud, laserenergy acquisition time is short; therefore, ballistic accuracy is essential. Typical minimum ceilings and times of flight can be found in appropriate system operating manuals. In conditions of


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targets that have no capability to reflect laser energy cannot be directly laser designated. Instead, the designator must be aimed at a nearby reflecting surface that will give satisfactory weapon effectiveness against the intended target. For example, aiming the laser slightly above a tunnel opening would allow a weapon to impact at that critical point. Heat Vapor. When lasing targets during the hottest portions of the day, heat vapor may have an adverse effect on the beam. The beam may be refracted in causing degraded target designation.

3. Seeker Characteristics
a. Seeker Code. Laser seekers look for laser designator energy on a specific PRF code. Designators and seekers must work together as a team on a specific code because seekers will not detect designators set on other codes.

Obstructions. Optimum positioning of ground laser designators is essential. Obstructions such as trees, limbs, leaves, and grass between the designator and target may prevent a clear, unobstructed view for the use of ground laser See Chapter IV, Laser Codes. designators. Jungle operations could thus preclude the use of ground designators b. Field of View. All seekers have a and limit the effectiveness of airborne limited FOV, and therefore must be oriented laser designators (ALDs). so that the target falls within that FOV to see the laser designator spot. Temperature Extremes. Extreme temperatures affect batteries, such as the c. Acquisition Time. To avoid detection NiCad batteries used for the ground/ by enemy forces and conserve battery energy, vehicle laser locator designator LDOs may limit the amount of time they (G/VLLD) and modular universal laser designate a target. Laser seekers and equipment (MULE) system, the NiCads munitions, therefore, could have a very short used with the compact laser designator, time to detect the laser spot and guide to the and those used with the LTD. For target. LGWs require a minimum amount of example, cold-soaked batteries have a time to acquire and track a target. By limiting reduced capability to power lasers. the amount of laser designation time, LDOs SOFLAM is operable using BA-5590 may significantly degrade LGW accuracy, lithium batteries, which are much less resulting in failure to achieve objectives and susceptible to cold soaked limitations increased potential for fratricide. Additionally, LST-equipped aircraft may not on run time. have enough time to acquire the target under Solar Saturation. Laser seekers short designation time conditions. Required look for a spot of IR energy that acquisition time is mission-specific, and stands out from the background. When should be pre-briefed. the seeker dome is cracked, pitted, or d. Seeker Sensitivity. Different laser glazed, the seeker may detect so much IR energy from the sun that it cannot guidance and acquisition systems require discriminate the laser spot. This different amounts of reflected laser energy to condition is most likely to be a problem operate. For example, under ideal conditions, when using low-angle LGWs or LST- a G/VLLD must be within 5 kilometers (km) equipped aircraft, especially against of an average stationary target to provide targets above the horizon after optimum cannon-launched guided projectiles (CLGPs) (COPPERHEAD) guidance sunrise and before sunset.


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Aircrews should not use LSTs as the sole source for target verification, since the LST may lock-on to the LTD.

whereas, under similar conditions, a PAVE PENNY (US Air Force [USAF] podcontained) LST can acquire a LTD spot at a distance as great as 30 km.

4. Seeker Types
a. Airborne LST. An airborne LST points out laser designated targets to the aircrew, who can then attack the target with any weapons on board. Aircrews may require this target cue because of the difficulty in seeing camouflaged targets at long ranges and high aircraft speeds. LSTs require the laser pulse code to match the designator. LSTs have a limited FOV that requires the aircrew to align the aircraft accurately so the seeker is able to acquire the laser energy. Service tactics and procedures manuals provide detailed guidance on aircraft positioning for laser spot trackers. Aircrews should not use LSTs as the sole source for target verification, since the LST may lock-on to atmospheric backscatter or the LTD.

designation must be timed to optimize LGM or CLGP terminal guidance. If the laser designator is turned on late, the LGM or CLGP may miss. Turning the laser designator on early will not cause a miss, but it might give the enemy information to locate the laser designator. c. Laser-Guided Bombs (LGBs). LGBs must also be released so that the target is within the seekers FOV If the aircraft does . not have an LST, a visible target mark may be required as an aiming cue. Because the laser pulse codes are preset on most LGBs and cannot be changed while airborne, the LDO must use the code set in the bomb. Whenever possible, the aircrew should communicate directly with the LDO so the laser can be turned on at the best time. Delaying designation until the last 8 seconds of weapon flight may be required in some cases (e.g., PAVEWAY II LGBs). Delayed lasing should not be required for low-level laser-guided bombs (LLLGB). See paragraph 8 for a detailed discussion of delaying laser.

b. Laser-Guided Missiles (LGMs) and COPPERHEAD CLGPs. LGMs and 5. Target Types CLGPs must be precisely aimed to see the laser energy on the target. Based on the LGMTargets on the battlefield are classified as or CLGP-predicted time of flight, the laser either area or point targets.


Chapter II
designators at long standoff ranges could preclude effective point-target designation. Wind direction is an important consideration for LDO positioning for target areas where multiple weapon releases are anticipated. LDOs should position themselves and select order of target attacks so that successive targets will not be obscured by smoke and debris from previous weapons impacts (i.e., the LTD should be set upwind of targets and the targets designated from the farthest downwind first to the most upwind last). Target orientation in relation to the LTD is critical in determining the aircraft attack b. Point Targets. A point target requires direction based on the direction of the reflected accurate placement of munitions in order energy (Refer to Figures II-5 through II-8). to neutralize or destroy it. Tanks, guns, bunkers, surface-to-air missile systems, 7. Offset Laser Designation bridges, communications sites, and watercraft are examples of point targets. Laser When enemy countermeasures or laser alarms designators greatly enhance the ability of the are likely to affect laser operations, offset observer or controller to engage and destroy designation may be used. When offset or neutralize point targets. designating, the laser designator is aimed at an object near the target to provide an approximate target mark or initial aim point. The LDO 6. Designator Operator should select an object with good reflection, such Positioning Considerations as a building, to enhance acquisition. Laser weapons demand increased emphasis on basic observer and controller a. Offset Procedures. When designating techniques. Laser designators are normally for an LST aircraft delivering unguided employed by Army fire support teams (FISTs) weapons, an offset aimpoint may be used. and combat observation and lasing teams Accurate bearing and distance from the offset (COLTs), USAF tactical air control parties to the target and target description should be (TACPs), naval gunfire shore fire control passed to the aircrew. parties, terminal air control parties, Marine b. Shift Procedures. When offset Corps forward observers (FOs) on the ground, designating for an airborne LST, the aircrew certain Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps aircraft equipped with designators, and may request the laser to be shifted to the actual special operations forces (SOF). To enhance target for LGW employment. When directed observer and LDO team survivability, terrain, by the aircrew, the designator is smoothly cover and concealment, and standoff distance moved from the offset aim point to the target. must be properly used when observing enemy avenues of approach and chokepoints. The 8. Delayed Laser Designation vulnerability of LDOs, especially ALDs, for LGBs must also be considered when designating point targets like tanks, armored personnel Delayed lasing is normally associated with carriers and guns. When using standoff PAVEWAY II. This technique is used to procedures for survivability, the LDO must preserve LGB energy during low level be aware that the beam divergence of laser releases to keep the LGB from impacting a. Area Targets. An area target covers an area rather than a single point. Area targets include infantry formations, field artillery positions, assembly areas, motor pools, command posts, aircraft parking ramps, logistics sites, and other targets that are large in size or surface area. They are normally neutralized with a large volume of fire delivered throughout the target area. Area targets may be designated for missions using laser designators to designate either specific targets within an area or the general area itself.


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short. To avoid missing the target, the laser designator must be turned on at a time that will permit the bomb to follow an optimum glide path. Lasing too early will cause the weapon to guide on, and turn down toward the target prematurely, losing valuable energy, and will cause impacts short of the target. The aircrew will know the proper moment to turn the laser on to meet the minimum lase time for proper guidance. Therefore, if required, communications channels must be clear so the aircrew can call for laser activation. In the absence of positive two-way communications, target designation time and duration must be predicted on the basis of a known time-ontarget (weapon impact time) and specific LGB laser requirements. The specific LGB and the delivery tactics of the fighter or attack aircraft will dictate the minimum designation time required to guide the weapon to the intended target. PAVEWAY II LGBs, for example, when delivered from a low-altitude loft maneuver, will restrict the designation of the target to the final 8 seconds of the weapons flight. Delivery of a PAVEWAY II from a high-dive delivery (30 to 60 degrees) or medium altitude level delivery allows for either continuous or delayed lasing, but in all cases the laser should be on for the final 8 seconds of bomb time-of-fall. For more information on delayed lasing's association with PAVEWAY II, see Appendix A, Laser Equipment Descriptions, Annex T, Laser-Guided Bombs (PAVEWAY II) (Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps), and Appendix D, LGB And LLLGB Delivery Profiles. See Appendix D, LGB And LLLGB Delivery Profiles, for a description of LGB and LLLGB delivery profiles. Delayed lasing can be utilized in conjunction with a HELLFIRE engagement where there are low cloud ceilings in the target area. Additionally, delayed lasing will benefit the designation unit because the laser will be energized a less period of time, thereby giving the enemy less time to react if they have laser warning receivers. Like all LGW engagements, positive two-way communications greatly increase the chances of a successful engagement when using this technique.


Redundant Laser Designation

9. Delayed Laser Designation for HELLFIRE

Redundant laser designation is a technique employing two or more laser designators in different locations but on the same code to designate a single target for a single LGW. Note: This technique is not recommended. Redundant laser designation may offer some advantages when attacking high-priority targets. The primary advantage is that if one designator malfunctions or is compromised, the seeker may still acquire the reflected energy from the other designator and continue guiding to the target. In the case of moving targets, two designators may preclude a guidance failure as a result of temporary blockage. The danger with redundant laser designation is that the presence of two laser designators may cause the LGW to impact where it is not intended. One of the designators may produce backscatter which pulls the LGW away from the target. If one of the designators is outside the 20-degree safety zone, there is an increased chance of the LGW guiding on it instead of the laser spot. This could also happen if one of the designators is significantly forward of the other. For these reasons, the advantages of redundant laser designators must be weighed against the disadvantages. The use of this tactic is discouraged, and should not be routinely employed.

Designation delay can be used in HELLFIRE engagement when the missile is See Chapter III, Procedures for more fired in a lock-on after launch (LOAL) mode. information.


Chapter II 11. Laser Systems Descriptions

munitions, and discusses their general functions and characteristics.

Appendix A, Laser Equipment Descriptions, lists current unclassified laser systems and


Joint Pub 3-09.1

A superiority of fire, and therefore a superiority in directing and delivering fire and in making use of fire, will become the main factors upon which the efficiency of a force will depend.
Marshal of France Ferdinand Foch Precepts and Judgements

1. General Procedures
a. Laser Designation Position. In selecting a laser designation position, the LDO must consider LOS, expected munitions trajectory, tactical situation, cover and concealment, weather, and communications requirements. The LDO should select positions that are near expected locations of high priority targets while minimizing risks to friendly forces. If redundant designators are going to be employed, mutual support and coordination with maneuver elements should be addressed. The observer or controller team should determine its position as accurately as possible; survey support should be utilized if available. The team can also determine its geographic position by employing GPS, or by using a MULE or G/VLLD to establish range, azimuth, and vertical angle in relation to a known location. See Chapter V, Safety. b. Employment. When employing LSTs with ground laser target designators and LGWs, the following procedures will be used. Attack headings and laser-to-target lines are normally pre-coordinated between the LDO and LGW-employing aircrew (or their representative). During close air support (CAS) operations, terminal controllers can recommend an attack cone and/or final attack heading or give designator target line (DTL) and allow the aircrew to determine the correct

geometry. The attack heading must allow the aircrew to acquire the reflected laser energy. Due to the possibility of false target indications, attack headings should avoid the targetto-laser designator safety zone, unless the tactical situation dictates otherwise. The safety zone (to help minimize the backscatter problem) is defined as a cone (generally 20 degrees) whose apex is at the target and extends equidistant either side of the target-to-laser designator line (See Figure III-1). This cone has a vertical limit of 20 degrees. Aircraft may engage targets from above the cone, as long as they remain above the 20 degrees. The minimum safe altitude for aircraft will obviously vary with the aircrafts distance from the target (See Figure III-2). The aircrew may have difficulty determining how high they need to fly to remain above the 20 degrees; aircraft should therefore remain well above these altitudes or remain outside the 20 degree safety zone altogether. WARNING: The safety zone is not an absolute safety measure. In some situations, LSTs have acquired the atmospheric scatter in front of the laser designator even though the LSTs were outside the safety zone. The optimal attack zone is inside a 120 degree cone whose apex is at the target and extends to 60 degrees on either side of the target-to-laser designator line and


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45 O


60 O




Figure III-1. Aircraft Delivery of Laser-Guided Munitions

is outside the 20 degree safety zone. This leaves an ideal attack zone of 50 degrees on either side of the safety zone. See Figure III-3 for a different perspective on the safety zone and attack zones. Generally, LST-equipped aircraft can operate throughout the optimal attack zone without hazard to ground personnel operating LTDs. Risk to the laser

designator operator may be reduced by increasing the delivery aircraft altitude and/or offset angle or the designator-totarget distance. While increasing the delivery offset angle improves safety, it may degrade the LSTs ability to acquire the laser spot. The best attack area is therefore from 10 to 45 degrees on either side of the target-to-laser designator line. In some situations, LSTs have locked onto


Distance from Target Minimum Safe Altitude 500m 1km/.6 mile 1.6km/1 mile 5km/3 mile 8km/5 mile 16km/10 mile

600 ft

1200 ft

2000 ft

5800 ft

9700 ft

19,300 ft

Figure III-2. Minimum Safe Altitudes for Aircraft Above the 20 Safety Zone


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L = Low risk M = Moderate risk H = High risk

Laser seeker/ weapon platform

Laser seeker/ weapon platform prohibited

L 60o
Acquisition area

45 M H

FOV Acquisition area Laser seeker/ weapon platform prohibited

200 Safety Zone Avoid weapon release unless the situation necessitates


Laser target designator

NOTE: Seeker field of view (FOV) must not encompass area of laser designator.

Sample: Plan View of Safety Exclusion Zone for Ground Laser Designator

Figure III-3. Example of Safety Zone and Optimal Attack Zones

the laser source while operating in the 120 degree attack zone. CAUTION: For this reason, aircrews should not use LSTs as the sole source for target verification. Aircrews should verify that they are attacking the correct target through additional means (such as visual description, terrain features, non-laser target marks). Whenever possible, planned attacks should avoid placing the designator in the FOV of the LST or LGW. c. Terrain and Target Concealment If the LDO suspects that the target may be partially masked from the view of

the incoming laser weapon, the LDO should aim the laser at a point on the target believed to be within LOS of the seeker. If the target is well concealed, the laser spot may be aimed at some overhead or nearby object. However, this method is not preferred and should be used only when the situation demands an immediate attack on the target. If a designated mobile target moves out of the view of the LDO, it may still be possible to salvage the attack. A point near the target may be designated until the target again comes into view or until designation responsibility can be passed to another operator who has the target in sight. It is also possible to move the spot to another target in the immediate


Chapter III
vicinity. If the LST or LGW has already authentication codes necessary for joint locked on, the spot should be moved communications on non-secure nets. slowly and without interrupting laser output to the new target location. 2. Laser Designation for

CAUTION: Moving the laser spot may seriously degrade mission effectiveness or increase the risk of mission failure. d. LDO Survivability. To enhance survivability, the LDO should keep designation time to the minimum necessary for the weapon or seeker being used. This reduces the time available for the enemy to detect, locate, and act to suppress the laser designator. e. Laser Designation Timing. Successful use of LGWs or LSTs depends on the ability of the LDO to designate the target at the proper time. Laser designation must be closely coordinated with the delivery of an LGW. Timing requirements should take into account the following. Weapons requiring lock-on before launch (LOBL). Weapons allowing LOAL. Lofted weapons. Direct-fire weapons. Remaining LTD battery life. Laser radiation time constraints due to overheating. Susceptibility to laser countermeasures. f. Component I n t e r o p e r a b i l i t y. Component operations personnel must ensure that laser designators and delivery units have compatible secure communications equipment and common secure codes or the a. Ground Designator Procedures The FIST, Army COLT, Marine Corps FO team terminal air control parties, USAF TACPs, and SOF use laser designators to designate stationary and moving point or area targets for attack by LGWs and aircraft with LSTs. The maneuver commander specifies the priority of target engagements with LGWs in the fire-support plan. The commanders priorities depend on the situation and range to targets. Depending on the situation, the commander may distribute fires by using engagement areas delineated by terrain features or sectors bounded by azimuth and range limits. For example, the commander may specify that all point targets beyond a certain linear terrain feature have priority for attack by LGWs. After the maneuver commanders guidance is given, the fire support coordinator (FSC) will select planned aiming points to facilitate rapid attack of targets in the engagement area. The aiming points are transmitted to the next higher FSC, who resolves duplication and forwards the target list to the supporting artillery unit. During offensive operations, the range of some laser designators allows LDOs to remain in an overwatch position at the beginning of the attack and then to support from successive positions as the advance continues, alternating their movement to ensure continuous coverage of the forward elements. After the


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objective is taken and consolidation is under way, the laser designator is rapidly repositioned to designate retreating point targets and respond to possible counterattacks. During defensive operations, the FIST coordinates the location of the laser designators with the company commander. b. Airborne Laser Designator Procedures. The greater mobility of ALDs enables the LDO to more easily acquire targets and maintain a constant LOS with them. Aerial observers use the same calls for fire as ground observers. They obtain a gun-target line from the fire direction center (FDC) and position themselves near the gun-target line to increase the probability of target engagement by CLGPs. In a heavy enemy air defense situation, the ALD should stand off as far as possible; in these situations, the use of suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD) missions should be planned. All other procedures remain the same as those used for ground designators. c. CLGP and/or COPPERHEAD Employment Optimum use of COPPERHEAD is against multiple targets in large target arrays outside the range of maneuver direct fire weapon systems (approximately 3,000 meters). COPPERHEAD targets can be engaged as either planned targets or targets of opportunity. Planned targets are preferred due to the complexity of technical fire direction computations and ammunition handling procedures in the firing units. Most often, the target of opportunity technique is used only during offensive operations. Targets of Opportunity. Attacking a stationary target of opportunity requires the observer to determine the target location and transmit a call for fire. Attacking a moving target of opportunity is more complicated because it requires the observer to predict where the target will be (intercept point) by estimating the target speed and direction of movement and comparing it to the firing unit mission processing time. The observer uses this information to determine the proper time (trigger point) to initiate a call for fire so that the round impacts at the target location. Planned Targets. Planned targets are developed as a result of the fire support planning process. This permits optimal observer positioning and allows the observer to pre-determine intercept, trigger points, and COPPERHEAD engagement areas utilizing footprint templates. Effective employment of COPPERHEAD is enhanced by techniques used by the fire support officer (FSO) to position the COLT, FIST, or FO before target engagement and by observer techniques at the observation post. Steps involved in optimizing the potential employment of COPPERHEAD are as follows. Position the observer to most effectively accomplish the commanders target attack guidance. Ensure that a target engagement angle T (the angle between the gun-target line and the observer-target line) is no greater than 800 mils, as this would adversely affect COPPERHEAD targeting. Position the observer within the range capabilities of the laser designator. The maximum effective distance for the G/ VLLD is 3,000 meters for moving targets and 5,000 meters for stationary targets.


Chapter III
The maximum effective distance for the 3. Laser Designation for CAS MULE is 2,000 meters for moving targets and 3,500 meters for stationary This section discusses procedures for using targets. laser designators for CAS missions and includes: (1) Adding laser designation Construct a visibility diagram from the procedures to the CAS briefing and aircrew selected position when it is occupied. reporting procedures; (2) Establishing a means of communication between the forward Employ the appropriate COPPERHEAD air controller (FAC) and FO to coordinate laser footprint. Footprints are roughly oval in designation of targets when the FAC is not shape and form around the target collocated with the laser designator; and (3) location. The optimum limit of Establishing standard terminology for laserengagement is within the boundaries of related activities. the footprint. Although COPPERHEAD can maneuver outside the limits of the For a detailed explanation of CAS footprint, the greatest chance of hitting employment procedures and tactics, refer to the target is when it is at or near the JP 3-09.3, Joint Tactics, Techniques, and location sent to the FDC by the observer. Procedures for Close Air Support (CAS), and The outer boundary of the footprint Service-specific CAS publications. represents a 50-percent probability of a target-hit; the location sent to the FDC a. Target Acquisition Considerations has a target-hit probability substantially higher than 50 percent. The size and Using laser designators for CAS can shape of the footprint are affected by provide a fast and accurate means of cloud height, the range from the firing marking targets for both LGWs and unit to the target, visibility, and the angle LST-equipped aircraft. Using target of fire (high or low). Footprint templates coordinates, smoke, and illuminating have been developed to accurately flares complements laser designator target-marking and improves the chances portray the engagement area of each for successful first pass target acquisition. adjusting point. Each footprint template Without cueing, aircraft may be pointed has the oval shaped footprint (to 1:50,000 scale) based on the firing unit range to too far away from the target to acquire the laser spot. Therefore, when the the target and cloud height, and is marked tactical situation allows, supplemental with a letter identification code. marking is recommended to avoid Designate the target continuously losing sorties or having to re-attack. Care during the last 13 seconds of the should be taken to avoid obscuring the COPPERHEADs flight. target with the secondary mark. NOTE: For a detailed explanation of Observer-FDC COPPERHEAD procedures see Appendix B, Procedures Guide. If the observer does not acknowledge the LASER ON call, the FDC will continue to transmit LASER ON until rounds impact. Aircraft equipped with an LST are able to detect reflected laser energy. These aircraft include: A/OA-1O, non-radar equipped AV-8B, selected F/A-18C/D (when LST is externally mounted as a store), AH-64, MH-60L, and AH-6 aircraft. LST-equipped aircraft can use detected laser energy to acquire and attack both area and point targets. The


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extreme accuracy of laser target designation assists fighter and attack aircraft crews in positively identifying the correct target and significantly reduces the possibility of an aircrew misidentifying friendly positions as the target. LST-equipped aircraft should notify the terminal controller of their capability. The terminal controller should then pass the laser code to the attacking aircrew. In the case of LGBs, the aircrew will inform the terminal controller of the weapons laser code because the LGB code must be set prior to takeoff. If a forward air controller (airborne) (FAC[A]) is being utilized, coordination will be made between the ground controller, FAC(A), and the attacking aircrew. Coordination will be critical if the laser designator is not physically located with the terminal controller. A complex example would be a non-laser capable FAC(A) supporting a non-laser capable TACP, who is coordinating with the FO who has a designator. The FAC(A) will subsequently pass the code to the TACP, FIST, and/or FO. The Marine Corps FAC will pass the code to the FO only if the FO is tasked to designate the target. b. Standoff LGW Delivery Target acquisition is usually followed by the delivery of LGWs. Some LGWs, such as laser MAVERICK, and LLLGB and/or PAVEWAY III, can be released at standoff ranges that may reduce the delivery aircrafts exposure to enemy air defense systems and increase aircraft survivability. Once released, the weapon homes in on reflected laser energy. Like any air delivered weapon system, the maneuver commander must fully understand and accept the consequences of a possible failure of the weapon to properly guide to the target. The final decision to release standoff LGWs from behind friendly lines in a CAS environment rests with the maneuver commander. c. Concept of Employment Tactical Air Control Party. The TACP is the Marine Corps or Air Force tactical air control agency located with the supported ground unit. Its functions are providing air liaison, advising on the use of air assets, and coordinating and controlling CAS missions to support the ground commanders scheme of maneuver. Three Marine naval aviators or naval flight officers are typically assigned to each Marine Corps TACP: one serves as the battalion air officer who works in the battalions fire support coordination center (FSCC), and the other two are FACs and usually deploy with the forward rifle companies. The Air Force TACP at battalion level normally consists of one air liaison officer (ALO) and two enlisted tactical air command and control specialists, at least one of whom is an enlisted terminal attack controller (ETAC). TACPs assigned to light battalions may have up to five controllers. The ALO and ETACs provide terminal CAS control. FIST and FO Procedures for CAS. When possible, the Air Force FAC should be located with the FIST, and the FIST should place a radio close to the LDO (Marine Corps FACs may or may not be collocated with their FOs). Placing a radio close to the LDO will minimize the need to relay laser calls between the pilot and the FIST. At times, the Air Force FAC will not be with the FIST and may not be able to see the target. The FAC will control the aircraft


Chapter III
and coordinate laser designation with the FIST. When the FAC and FIST are not together, aircrews may make laser calls directly to the FIST on a frequency assigned by the FAC in the remarks section of the CAS briefing (in accordance with [IAW] Joint Pub 3-09.3, Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Close Air Support [CAS]). In situations where the Marine Corps FAC is not in an optimum position to designate the target, the FAC may control the aircraft with the FO actually designating the target. The Marine Corps FAC and FO can communicate and coordinate using the TACP local net; however, prior coordination is required. FAC Not Present. There may be situations where the FAC is not present, or cannot see the battlefield (e.g., security operations in front of friendly positions, night operations). In these situations, a qualified fixed- or rotary-wing FAC(A) may direct the terminal control of CAS in coordination with the TACP. In the absence of a TACP or airborne FAC, the FIST can also provide emergency control of CAS. However, under these circumstances, the requesting land commander assumes responsibility for the results of the attack. Special Operations Terminal Attack Controller (SOTAC). SOTACs are qualified members of Air Force special operations command special tactics teams and are certified to conduct terminal attack control and laser designation operations unilaterally or with other US or coalition units in support of SOF missions. The joint force special operations component commander will track locations, frequencies, and call signs of deployed SOTACs and relay this information to the special operations liaison element in the joint force air component commanders joint air operations center. Other Special Operations Forces. Other SOF units, primarily Army special forces detachments, Ranger units, and Navy sea-air-land teams (SEALs), are trained and equipped to conduct terminal control operations under the SOF core mission of direct action. This could be for CAS or laser designation for an interdiction attack of high-payoff targets deep in enemy territory. SOF forces can emplace remote commandactivated designators which can be activated when needed. Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) (MEU[SOC]). MEU(SOC)s are the Marine Corps primary forward-deployed Marine airground task force (MAGTF). The MEU(SOC)s numerous capabilities include the ability to conduct laser designation for an attack against highpayoff targets. The laser designation capability is resident in both MEU(SOC)s night targeting system equipped AH-1W Cobra and the direct action (DA) platoon of the force reconnaissance detachment. The DA platoon is capable of surface, subsurface, and parachute insert. As such it can designate targets for MAGTF, joint, coalition, or allied aircraft while operating deep within enemy territory. d. FAC Procedures FAC Responsibilities. The FAC should expect to use LST-equipped aircraft and aircraft with LGWs. The FAC should plan to use laser target designation to help LST-equipped aircraft identify the target quickly and accurately. Early planning by the FAC is required to ensure that the FIST or FO is ready for laser


Joint Pub 3-09.1

operations when the fighter or attack aircraft first contacts the FAC. Thus, the FAC must have a thorough working knowledge of the capabilities of LSTequipped aircraft and of aircraftdelivered LGWs. When conducting CAS with lasers, always strive for simple communications. Good preplanning, accurate target location, and reliable communications are essential. Critical targets must be identified to the FAC (The joint CAS briefing format is listed in Appendix C, CAS Briefing Form [9-Line]). Laser Designation Coordination The laser designator may be turned on for target acquisition, target identification, or employment of LGWs. The following communication sequence will be employed: (1) TEN SECONDS (time until LASER ON call expected); (2) LASER ON; (3) SHIFT (if required); (4) SPOT; and (5) TERMINATE. NOTE: The 10 SECONDS call means the aircrew wants the laser on in approximately 10 seconds. The FAC relays the call to the LDO. The LASER ON call requires the FAC (or FIST) to ensure that the LDO designates the target immediately. The situation will determine whether the attacking aircrew or elements of the friendly ground forces will make these calls. The FAC (or Army FIST) should acknowledge the LASER ON call. The FAC may elect to turn the laser on 10 seconds after the 10 SECONDS call without hearing the LASER ON call if problems are expected. Offset designation procedures may be used in a laser countermeasures environment. Following the LASER ON call, a SHIFT call will be used to shift laser energy from the offset position next to the target onto the target itself. The SHIFT call, when used, must be pre-briefed to replace the SPOT call. The aircrew calls SPOT when acquiring the laser spot, confirming to the FAC and the wingman that the aircraft or weapon laser seeker has identified a source of laser energy which may be the designated target. For multiple aircraft in the same attack, SHIFT calls may be used after the lead aircraft calls SPOT to direct the LDO to shift the laser to the next aircrafts target. This call is usually used for target acquisition in conjunction with weapons not requiring terminal laser guidance. The last call in the sequence is TERMINATE. The pilot makes this call to turn the laser off. Turning the Laser Off. Minimizing the time a laser is on is important in a laser countermeasures environment and when employing battery operated laser designators. Careful planning must be conducted when aircraft are attacking in line or wedge formations to ensure that the lead aircraft does not terminate the laser before the wingmans lock-on. When in trail, each aircraft may want to make separate laser on and terminate calls, depending on their separation. The laser designator operator will turn the designator off: When the TERMINATE call is heard; When the weapon hits the target(s); or


Chapter III
After 20 seconds (or longer, if requested) to conserve the lasers battery. Laser Countermeasures Environment. When operating in a high laser countermeasures environment, the FAC may have to coordinate laser designation based on timing rather than radio calls. In such a case, the CAS briefing includes the time to LASER ON. The FAC would say, for example, LASER ON IN 4 MINUTES READY, READY, HACK. Standardized communications calls include: LASER ON AT 35 or LASER ON IN 5+00, HACK (use of the atomic clock method is preferred). Aircrew should acknowledge the HACK. As required, FAC will give the LDO a similar briefing. The LDO will designate at the specified time and continue designating as required. Target coordinates; Target elevation; Time-on-target LASER ON time and LASER OFF time; Laser code and DTL; Target description; Friendly location(s); and Threat.

e. LDO Procedures. The LDO must be extremely responsive to the aircrews LASER ON call. Unless using offset designation procedures, the LDO must designate only one target and not move or search while the designator is on and aircraft are in the area. Following the FACs instructions explicitly will help prevent If No Spot Is Acquired. If no spot is confusion and miscoordination. acquired, the FAC should refer to backf. LST-Equipped Aircraft-Aided up or CAS talk-on procedures. Post Delivery of Non-Laser-Guided Weapons. ordnance delivery procedures follow standard CAS practices. If a subsequent With an LST-equipped aircraft, the aircrew attack is conducted, the FAC should can use the laser spot as an aid to visually verify that the aircrew knows the location acquire the target. Delivering non-LGWs on of the target and that the LDO and the well-camouflaged targets may require LGW and/or LST are set on the same continuous designation to accurately deliver laser code. If the weapons do not guide, strafing or ballistic ordnance. the FAC should inform the aircrew. ReCAUTION: Aircrews should not use attacks should not be attempted in a high LSTs as the sole source for target threat environment. identification. Emission Control Procedures. Some g. LGB and PAVEWAY II (and III). The missions may require that laser target designation be accomplished in a radio laser code is set on the ground prior to launch silence environment. For these missions, and cannot be changed by the aircrew in the there will be an established time-over- air. The FAC will pass the LGB code to the target window when the laser designator LDO. will be turned on. Aircrews need, at a Run-In. When planning the mission, the minimum, the following information FAC must carefully select the run-in prior to the mission:


Joint Pub 3-09.1

heading to ensure first pass delivery and safety for friendly ground positions. LGB Release. LGBs must be released within the weapons delivery envelope. For best results, the aircrew must see the designated target. In some cases, the attacking aircraft may have sufficiently accurate bombing references from onboard navigation cues to permit releasing the bomb without the aircrew seeing the target. Because of the risk to friendly ground forces, the FAC should avoid loft attacks with weapons release behind friendly positions. weapon. If the bomb is released in a high angle loft, continuous lasing is possible because the seeker wont see the designator until it apexes and starts down. Again, only the ground commander can authorize a loft delivery from behind friendly lines. The aircrew is solely responsible for delivering a weapon within guidance parameters. Weapons delivered for optimum laser profiles are not necessarily optimized for unguided or ballistic trajectories that will permit target destruction without laser guidance.

See Appendix D, LGB And LLLGB Laser Call Coordination. Timely Delivery Profiles, for examples of LGB coordination of LASER ON and delivery profiles. TERMINATE calls are essential to effective LGB delivery, especially in a h. LLLGB/PAVEWAY III Delivery. The CAS environment. Designating the target LLLGB/PAVEWAY III is an advanced LGB too early may cause LGBs to guide too with a standoff delivery capability from all soon and hit well short of the target. altitudes. This bomb has a wider FOV than the PAVEWAY II, is not as delivery-parameter Standoff Delivery of LGBs. Delivery sensitive, and is not negatively affected by of LGBs near friendly forces is a risky early laser designation. In fact, continuous venture and requires extremely close lasing is best since it results in the best bomb coordination between the delivery flight profile and provides the most time for aircraft and FAC, attack helicopter, and lateral and/or wind corrections. After a proper LDO. Because of the inherent risk to delivery, the LLLGB will maintain level flight friendly ground troops, the ground while looking for reflected laser energy. If commander requesting the support must the LLLGB does not detect reflected laser authorize LGB standoff deliveries. If the energy, it will maintain level flight to continue LGB guidance system detects reflected beyond the location of the designated target. laser energy from the target designator Approach angles should be planned so that a too soon after release, it tends to pull the long hit will not result in fratricide. Ground LGW down below its required trajectory commander and aircrew responsibilities and the bomb will hit well short of the remain unchanged. target. For this type of attack, it is critical to delay lasing, i.e., begin designating i. Laser-Guided Missile Delivery. FAC the target only during the last part of procedures for delivering LGMs like the bombs flight. The aircrew must call MAVERICK (AGM-65E) and HELLFIRE LASER ON based upon its (AGM-114) are similar to those for delivering computation of the bombs time of flight LGBs. The FACs role in planning the to ensure safe and accurate terminal mission, briefing and getting the aircrew onto guidance. The aircrew must know the correct run-in heading, and commencing exactly where the target is and make a illumination of the target remains the same. very accurate delivery and release of the However, one major difference exists the


Chapter III

The lock-on and launch ranges of LGMs in good visibility may be beyond the range a FAC is able to see and clear the aircraft.

lock-on and launch ranges of LGMs in good visibility may be beyond the range a FAC is able to see and clear the aircraft. When the aircraft has been acquired by the FAC, the FAC should ensure that the targets position in relation to the approaching aircraft is correct (appears locked onto the target). j. Mixed Munitions Procedures. If the aircraft is carrying both unguided bombs and LGWs, consideration should be given to delivering the LGW on the first pass, before ordnance-generated visibility degradation can occur. Successfully delivering an LGW on the first pass has the added advantage of providing all aircrews in the flight with the precise location of the target; however, the tactical situation, FAC coordination, and aircrew and aircraft capabilities will dictate the tactics used. k. Attacks by Multiple Aircraft. Use of laser designators and LST-equipped aircraft facilitates rapid attacks by two or more aircraft. The aircraft operate as a flight under the control of a single FAC, who is responsible for planning and briefing the mission. Actual tactics will need to be understood by all participants. Separation of aircraft in the flight is based on the tactical situation, the flight

profile, release altitude, and fragmentation pattern for the munitions employed. Multiple aircraft attacks on multiple targets require increased coordination and planning. Attacks on a Single Target. Single aircraft employing LGWs may be able to destroy a target. Multiple aircraft attacking a single target provide redundancy and increased likelihood of target destruction at the earliest possible time. The aircraft may be in a trail or other tactical formation. A single designator is required, but a redundant designator may be considered if the situation warrants. The attack is carried out by either (or both) aircraft achieving lock-on and successful munitions release. FAC procedures remain the same, except that the FAC may clear the second aircraft to perform a follow-up attack on the target (using LGWs or nonguided munitions). NOTE: Multiple aircraft, each dropping LGBs, should space deliveries so as to avoid degrading LGB accuracy of follow-on attacks due to smoke, dust, and debris.


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Attacks on Multiple Targets Simultaneous tactical formation attacks on multiple targets may require as many laser designators as there are aircraft. The laser equipment must be set on different codes to prevent all the aircraft in the formation from locking on the same target. If the TACP or FIST has only one laser designator or all targets are not visible from their position, coordination with adjacent unit laserdesignator operators will be required. Communications must be established and authority obtained to use the adjacent unit laser designators. Communications connectivity is done before the aircrew is briefed. The FAC controlling the attack gives the command to each LDO to begin designating targets. Sequential target attacks (aircraft in trail) can be accomplished by designating with a single laser designator or multiple laser designators. If all LGWs have the same laser code, timing between LGW releases must be sufficient to deconflict the attacks on separate aim points (i.e., the second set of LGWs should not be released until the laser designator has moved the laser spot to the new aim point). If the LGWs have different codes, the time between attacks must be sufficient for the designator operator to change codes and move the laser spot to the follow-on aim point. It is better to use separate laser designators on different codes for each aim point; however, more coordination is required. Using multiple designators has the added advantage of reducing the length of time any single laser is on and exposed to enemy counteraction. As with the tactical formation attack, the mission is planned, briefed, and controlled by a single FAC. The FAC also controls the LDOs. See Appendix B, Procedures Guide, for a discussion of ground and airborne designation procedures for CAS. l. Night and/or Low Light Operations General. Because of target acquisition problems, CAS at night is more difficult for both the FAC and the attacking aircrew. The ability to use visual cues is determined by the natural light, availability and correct placement of artificial illumination, and whether or not the battle area is marked by muzzle flashes, tracers, explosions, and fires. Sighting-in the laser designator and maintaining the spot on the target is difficult, particularly if the target is moving. Flare effects, ordnance flashes, and the lack of a visible horizon also place aircrew at risk of becoming spatially disoriented. Coordination and proper separation between individual aircraft in the flight are more difficult at night and generally result in a slower pace of operations. Unaided visual sighting of an aircraft without lights at night is virtually impossible. CAS procedures and release approval for night operations will be different from daytime conditions. Laser-Aided Night Attacks. Using a laser designator and LST-equipped aircraft greatly reduces the aircrews target acquisition problem if it is allowed to deliver the munitions on the spot appearing on the heads-up display (HUD). Without corroborating sensors such as FLIR and NVGs, this procedure should not be employed where safety of friendly troops is of primary concern, i.e., CAS. When aircrew are employing FLIR and NVGs, however, they are able to visually acquire and confirm the selected target after receiving the laser spot from an LST. Once the aircrew has


Chapter III
acquired the target, a normal system attack may be prosecuted. Attacks on multiple targets and attacks by multiple aircraft at night may be more susceptible to obscuration than daytime attacks because of decreased visual activity. Night Vision Device Employment See JP 3-09.3, Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Close Air Support (CAS), for a discussion of night vision device employment. functions of Marine attack helicopters is to provide CAS in support of the MAGTF. Precise engagements will be aided by the use of LGWs. Army special operations attack helicopter crews are also trained to perform CAS with LGWs. b. Laser Designation for Rotary-Wing Aircraft Employment. Laser designation for target acquisition provides fast and accurate target hand-off. Certain rotarywing aircraft are equipped with LSTs and aid the pilots visual target acquisition by providing cockpit indications on the location of the laser spot. Target acquisition can be followed with the delivery of either LGWs or nonguided weapons. The aircraft can designate either for their own weapons or for other rotary-wing or fixed-wing aircraft. Communications. Communication between the LDO and the aircrew is essential for positive target hand-off to LST-equipped rotary-wing aircraft. Positive target hand-off requires prior coordination. The LDO must provide

4. Rotary-Wing Close Air Support

a. General. Using rotary-wing aircraft to deliver LGWs allows the ground commander to destroy high-threat-point targets. Rotarywing aircraft may be equipped with any combination of ALDs, LSTs, and LGWs. All laser designators can assist laser-systemequipped rotary-wing aircraft in target acquisition and provide terminal weapons guidance. Rotary-wing aircraft are employed by the Army as maneuver elements under direct control of the ground commander or aviation unit commander. One of the

Communication is essential for positive target hand-off to LST-equipped rotary-wing aircraft.


Joint Pub 3-09.1

the appropriate laser code, laser-target line in degrees magnetic, and laser spot offset (if applicable). c. Laser Designation for Rotary-Wing Aircraft with HELLFIRE LGMs. The lock-on and launch ranges of LGMs can be several miles. LGMs provide extended standoff for high-threat targets. The pilot has several options for firing mode, firing method, and missile seeker lock-on. Firing Modes Single Fire or Manual Mode. In the single-fire mode, one missile is launched. This mode can be used with autonomous direct, remote direct, and remote indirect fire methods, as discussed below. Rapid Fire. Rapid fire is a technique of launching two or more missiles on the same code. Multiple targets can be engaged by launching missiles at least 8 seconds or more apart, as specified by the LDO. Once the first missile hits the first target, the LDO must smoothly move the laser spot to the next target. Ripple Fire. In the ripple fire mode, missiles are fired one after the other on different codes. For best effect, multiple laser designators should be used to achieve ripple fire. Each laser designator operates on a different laser code, and the weapons seekers are coded to match each designator. Rapid or Ripple Fire. Using multiple codes and laser designators, the combination of rapid or ripple fire can be achieved. NOTE: Missiles can be launched singly in either the rapid or ripple mode. Firing Methods Direct Fire Method. Direct fire is achieved using either autonomous or remote laser designators. When using remote designators, the rotary-wing aircraft is free to resume terrain masking or engage other targets after each LGM launch. This capability is called fire and forget and increases aircraft survivability and flexibility. Indirect Fire Method. Indirect fire is achieved by using remote laser designators. Vulnerability of rotarywing aircraft to enemy direct-fire weapons and radar detection is minimized by employing LGMs in the indirect-fire method. The LGM is launched while the aircraft is positioned behind masking terrain features, like trees and hills. The pilot selects a trajectory for the LGM (either high or low) over the masking terrain feature. The seeker will then locate and lock-on to the remote laser-designated target. HELLFIRE Missile Seeker Lock-on Options Lock-on After Launch. The LOAL option can be used in the direct-fire mode and is always used for the indirect-fire method. The LGM is launched on a trajectory toward the target with seeker lock-on occurring in flight. This option allows missile launching toward the target area during adverse weather, hazy days, long ranges, or temporary target obscuration. Lock-on will occur when the obstruction to the seekers view dissipates or is bypassed during the approach to the target area. Lock-on Before Launch. The LOBL option requires direct LOS to the target and requires the seeker to be locked-on to the target before launch.


Chapter III
d. Engagement Procedures Communications. Prior coordination is required to ensure that communications exist between the LDO and the aircrew of the laser-equipped rotary-wing aircraft. Coordinating radio frequencies and call signs may be accomplished by a face-toface briefing, using signal operating instructions or the aviation units operations order, or through the FAC. HELLFIRE Mission Brief Target Location. The HELLFIRE Mission brief will be a standard 9-line brief. Rotary-wing aircraft use the same CAS briefing form as fixed-wing aircraft. See Appendix C, CAS Briefing Form (9Line) Codes. The laser designator and the LGW on the helicopter must be on the same code. HELLFIRE LGM codes can be set or changed from the cockpit, allowing the aircrew to match the ground laser designators code. LGM designator coding is important because it prevents the seeker from homing in on other reflected laser energy. Single fire is used to engage a specific target. Rapid fire may be used to engage multiple targets. Two LDOs employed as a team can request ripple fire or rapid and ripple fire. Prior coordination and thorough pre-mission planning are necessary for ripple fire or rapid and ripple fire. Number of Missiles. The LDO may elect to engage multiple targets with multiple LGMs. This procedure may be advantageous to a quick attack of targets at extended ranges. Rapid fire may be used to minimize total LASER-ON time for multiple targets. For example, LASER-ON time to guide four singlelaunched missiles might be 1 minute and 20 seconds, while LASER-ON time for four rapid-fire-launched missiles in the same situation is, at a minimum, 32 seconds. During multiple missile launches, the LDO must ensure that laser energy is not interrupted by obscuration caused by previously launched missiles. Time Interval. During rapid fire, one missile is launched at a minimum of every 8 seconds. An LDO may request a longer interval between launches. Considerations for longer intervals between LGM launches include operator experience, terrain, target array, and battlefield obscuration.

Laser-Target Line. The laser-target line must be given to the aircrew in degrees magnetic. The aircrew needs this information to align the helicopter, ensuring positive seeker lock-on of the A discussion of ground and airborne LGM for LOBL delivery or positive indesignation for helicopters is in Appendix flight seeker lock-on of the LGM for B, Procedures Guide. LOAL. The laser-target line will also allow the aircrew to prevent inadvertently 5. Laser Designation for Nonengaging the laser designator. The LDO CAS Air Attacks must be outside a 30 by 40 zone from There may be instances where aircrews and the aircraft, but within a 120 cone from ground forces will designate for aircraft not the target (See Figure III-4). conducting CAS missions, such as interdiction The Firing Mode. A single LDO can operations, armed reconnaissance, and other request single-fire and rapid-fire modes. related areas.


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60o o 60


30o 30



Figure III-4. HELLFIRE Designator Exclusion Zone


Chapter III

Intentionally Blank


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The instruments of battle are valuable only if one knows how to use them.
Ardant du Picq Battle Studies

code, the operator must delete the first number and set the last three numbers on a. General. Laser designators and seekers the G/VLLD. use a pulse coding system to ensure that a specific seeker and designator combination NOTE: Higher PRF (lower number work in harmony. By setting the same code codes) provide greater laser energy for in both the designator and the seeker, the the seeker and LSTs to receive, and so seeker will track only the energy with the provide a greater opportunity for correct coding. The seeker will track the first success. Lower codes also require correctly coded, significant laser energy it more power and so cause shorter sees. The seeker will always lock on to the battery life. most powerful return in its view. The pulse coding used by all systems discussed in this c. Multiple Codes. Coding allows manual is based on PRF. simultaneous or nearly simultaneous attacks on multiple targets by a single aircraft, or b. Designator and Seeker Pulse Codes. flights of aircraft, employing LGWs set on The designator and seeker pulse codes use a different codes. This tactic may be employed modified octal system that uses the numerical when several high-priority targets need to be digits 1 through 8. The codes are directly attacked expeditiously and can be designated correlated to a specific PRF, but the code itself simultaneously by the supported unit(s). is not the PRF and therefore can be communicated in the clear as required. 2. Management of Coded Laser Depending on the laser equipment, either a Systems three- or four-digit code can be set. Threedigit code equipment settings range from 111 Laser codes must be controlled and to 788. Four-digit code equipment settings coordinated to maximize weapon range from 1111 to 1788. The three-and four- effectiveness. The joint force Operations digit code equipment is compatible, and any Directorate (J-3) has overall responsibility for mix of equipment can be used in all types of laser code management. The J-3 provides laser operations. However, when using a mix blocks of codes to each component. Each of three- and four-digit code equipment, all component sub-assigns codes to supporting personnel must understand that the first arms (e.g., Army artillery, Marine air wing, digit of a four-digit code is always set to etc.). This controlled code assignment numerical digit 1. The remaining three prevents interference among joint force unit digits will be set to match the three digits of activities. Each components supporting arm the three-digit code equipment. As an divides its codes among its subordinate units. example, a three-digit code of 657 would be Subordinate units assign codes to individual set to 1657 on a four-digit code system or vice missions and change codes periodically, as the versa. The G/VLLD only allows for three situation requires. At each step of this numbers to be set. Upon receipt of a 4-digit process, laser codes must be allocated to

1. Introduction


Chapter IV

Aircraft dropping LGBs.

ensure compatibility between laser designation equipment and munitions. Some munitions and equipment are incapable of using all codes. Additionally, certain codes (low code, high PRF, and/or faster pulse rate) are preferred for laser systems requiring precision guidance. Codes must be prebriefed to both the FAC and aircrews for situations where communications cannot be established or authorized. Chapter III, Procedures, paragraph 3a, discusses exchange of code information between aircrews and ground elements. This code information is also disseminated in operations documents such as the air tasking order special instructions and the fire support plan.

not be sent to the supported ground unit. When the aircraft is on-station, the aircrew passes the code to the FAC. When the use of an LDO is required, the FAC coordinates with the LDO to ensure that the laser designator is set on the same code as the LGBs.

4. Coding Prioritization
a. General. PRF codes can affect target engagement success. The lower the code number, the faster the laser pulse rate. The lower code number and faster pulse rate will give the seeker the most opportunity to acquire the target in the time available, and is appropriate for the most important targets and the most difficult operating conditions. However, lower code numbers cause faster battery drain. b. Considerations. When PRF code prioritization is possible, the target priority and difficulty of field operating conditions must be considered. Technical and environmental limitations to be considered when prioritizing codes are designator location and output, beam divergence, weather, seeker sensitivity, and FOV.

3. Laser Coding in Conjunction With LGBs

Laser coding can be used effectively and securely with LGBs. LGB codes are set on the bombs before takeoff and cannot be changed in the air. The aircrew is told the code, but advance coding information might


Joint Pub 3-09.1

For they had learned that true safety was to be found in long previous training, and not in eloquent exhortations uttered when they were going into action.
Thucydides The History of the Peloponnesian War

1. General
The safety considerations discussed herein are not all-inclusive. The primary source of danger from laser designators is the laser beam itself. The invisible beam is highly directional, intense IR radiation that can cause serious harm to the eyes. Due to the relatively low power levels of LTDs, the laser beam does not normally affect other parts of the body. When used properly and with due consideration of the laser hazards outlined in this chapter, laser designators are safe to use in a training environment, as well as for operational use. Refer to Military Handbook 828A, Laser Safety on Ranges and in Other Outdoor Areas, for laser safety planning, buffer zone and eye protection information.

2. Laser Eye Safety

a. Friendly Ground Combat Personnel and Noncombatant Civilians. The potential danger of eye damage to friendly personnel and noncombatant civilians must always be considered when using laser designators in a battlefield environment where areas occupied by friendly and enemy troops and noncombatant civilians are not well defined. Proper operating procedures and guidelines must be established and followed to protect friendly troops and noncombatant civilians. Each Service has determined the necessary safety precautions required for using their respective laser systems. These precautions typically include: (1) establishing

laser system nominal ocular hazard distances (NOHDs) or minimum safe direct beam viewing distances (aided and unaided); (2) establishing the appropriate laser eye protection (LEP) requirements (wavelength and optical density); and (3) publishing the technical and safety publications necessary for safe and effective laser system employment. For aircrew using direct-view NVGs (i.e., AN/ AVS-6, AN/AVS-9, Type I Design), an inherent degree of protection is afforded to the central field of vision. This protection is provided by the internal structure of the image intensifier tube acting as a mechanical stop against the laser energy. However, aircrew peripheral vision still remains vulnerable to stray reflections and/or off axis viewing. LEP spectacles that fit behind NVGs are currently being developed to protect aircrew peripheral vision. However, compatibility challenges still exist for aircrew integration of these LEP spectacles into their NVG-aided operations. Aircrew using projected image NVGs (i.e., MXU-810/U CATSEYE, Type II), are afforded no central vision protection due to the transparent qualities of the NVGs combiner lens design. Consequently, for these aircrew, LEP can only be provided through the use of LEP spectacles. In addition to aircrew LEP, LASER protection for the NVGs is now available with the introduction of the light interference filter (LIF). The LIF is an out-of-band optical filter designed to protect AN/AVS-6 I2 tubes from LASER damage. The LIF does not provide any additional protection for the human eye, however; it simply laserhardens the NVGs.


Chapter V
b. Eye Injury. The primary danger from currently fielded laser designators is to the eye. The laser beams highly directional, invisible IR radiation can be refracted by the cornea and eyes lens and transmitted through the vitreous humor onto the retina, causing damage ranging from unnoticeable tiny spots to complete blindness. The principal dangers to the eye result from looking directly back at the laser and from laser reflections off specular (mirrorlike) reflectors. The laser systems inherent concentrated energy output, coupled with a relatively small beam divergence, results in NOHDs for the unaided eye that may range for several kilometers, dependent upon the systems specifications. In addition, if individuals are using direct view magnifying optical systems (i.e., 7X50 binocular, AH-1W 13X telescopic sighting unit, etc.), the NOHDs are extended to even greater ranges to account for the magnification power of the devices. Operators must use extreme care to avoid hitting friendly personnel and noncombatant civilians with the laser beam during operations. Specific laser equipment manuals provide minimum safe distances for equipment being used. Individual training ranges have safety regulations that also specify safe distances for laser equipment. the incident laser energy strikes a curved or rough surface, the energy will be reflected or spread in all directions. This diffuse reflection poses minimal concern for eye injury due to the decreased intensity and dissociated nature of these reflections. However, some laser designators may possess enough energy, even from a diffuse reflection, to still cause injury to the eye. These systems are said to possess a diffuse reflection viewing hazard. Fortunately, the distances associated with laser system diffuse reflection hazards are typically less than 100 meters, or well within the fragmentation envelope of the LGW in use. Therefore, a diffuse reflection hazard would not likely affect operational employment or tactics. The minimum safe range increases significantly for anyone viewing a target area through binoculars and other magnifying optics.

d. Enemy Personnel. Current US policy on laser use states that US forces will not use lasers specifically designed to cause permanent blindness. It also states that US forces will strive to minimize accidental or incidental eye injuries resulting from laser use, but recognizes that some injuries may occur as a result of these systems. None of the laser systems described in this Refer to Chapter I, Concept, paragraph 2f, publication were designed for the purpose and Appendix E, Laser Protocol, for legal of causing eye injury. They should be used restrictions on the use of lasers. properly against enemy targets as the situation dictates c. Reflections. Reflections from flat objects like mirrors, window glass, reflectors See Appendix E, Laser Protocol. on vehicle tail lights, and certain optical systems do not spread the beam after 3. Fratricide reflection. These reflections, therefore, can Designator profiles behind the launch cause eye injury. To calculate the NOHD for a specular reflection, one would use the same platform are inherently the safest and will intrabeam NOHD and add the sum of the minimize the possibility of fratricide. The distance from the laser system to the target possibility of fratricide still exists while (specular reflective surface) with the distance operating anywhere within the optimal attack back to the viewer. If the sum of these zone. It is highest in the designated safety distances is equal to or greater than the zone or when a false lock-on is achieved. NOHD, the viewer would not be at risk for Attack headings should be planned with injury. In contrast to a specular reflection, if consideration for friendly forces and


Joint Pub 3-09.1

noncombatant civilian locations. Ultimately the primary mechanisms for limiting fratricide are command emphasis, disciplined operations, close coordination among component commands, rehearsals, and enhanced situational awareness. essential to safe employment of laser weapon systems. Equipment performance characteristics and operating range requirements are extensive and dictate what can safely be accomplished. Planners and users must research and follow the most current laser safety information, directives, and regulations. Delivery parameters and considerations for specific weapons are in FM 101-50-31/TH 61 A1-3-9/FMFM 5-2G-6/NAVAIR 00-130ASR-9, Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual/Air to Surface (JMEM/AS), Risk Estimates for Friendly Troops (C), 19 December 1986.

4. Organizational Safety Considerations

Each unit involved with laser weapon systems employment must establish and enforce laser safety standard operating procedures. Dissemination of current safety, procedural, and regulatory information is


Chapter V

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ACQUISITION AND DESIGNATION SYSTEMS Annex A B C D Aircraft and Helicopter Weapons and Capabilities Guide Man-Portable Laser System Comparisons Angle Rate Bombing System (Marine Corps) Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (Air Force/Navy) E Laser Spot Tracker (Navy and Marine Corps) F PAVE PENNY (Air Force) G OH-58D Mast-Mounted Sight (Army) H AH-1W Night Targeting System (Marine Corps) J AH-64 Target Acquisition System and Designation Sight (Army) K AC-130H/U Laser Target Designation Capabilities (Air Force) L Ground/Vehicle Laser Locator Designator (Army) M Laser Target Designator (Army) N Compact Laser Designator (Handheld) (Navy) O Laser Marker, AN/PEQ-1(A) (SOF) P AN/PAQ-3 Man-Portable, Universal Laser Equipment (Marine Corps) Q The Laser Target Designator/Ranging (Navy and Marine Corps) PRECISION-GUIDED MUNITIONS R COPPERHEAD, l55mm Cannon-Launched Guided Projectile (Army and Marine Corps) S AGM-114 HELLFIRE Missile (Army, Marine Corps, and Navy) T Laser MAVERICK AGM-65E (Navy and Marine Corps) U Laser-Guided Bombs (PAVEWAY II) (Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps) W Low-Level Laser-Guided Bomb (PAVEWAY III) (Navy and Air Force) Y AN/AAQ-16D AESOP FLIR (Army) Z SH-60B/HH-60H AN/AAS-44(V) FLIR LTD/R System (Navy)



include fixed-wing aircraft, attack helicopters, artillery, and naval surface fires. Typical laser System descriptions and nominal guided weapons are shown in Figure A-1. characteristics described in this appendix b. Coded Laser Target Designators reflect design specifications. The actual capability of laser designators and seekers is Coded LTDs are ground and airborne degraded by factors discussed in Chapter II, systems that have two specific purposes. Planning Considerations. For example, First, they provide terminal weapons weather, smoke, and other obscurants degrade guidance for LGWs. Second, they laser system effectiveness. On the other hand, designate targets for coded laser under favorable conditions, skilled operators acquisition/spot trackers. Coded laser can engage targets at ranges well in excess of target designators emit laser energy with specifications. A general rule of thumb is if a PRF and require input of specific laser a target can be seen, it can be designated. codes for operation. Codes are assigned If all of the spot is kept on a target, an LGW to LGWs and directly relate to the PRF employed accurately should hit the target. that harmonizes designator and seeker interface. The airborne platforms having 2. Laser Equipment and coded laser target designators are shown Compatibility in Figure A-2. The ground systems having coded laser target designators are Equipment compatibility has a significant shown in Figure A-3. impact on joint laser interoperability. This publication concentrates on six classes of laser Coded laser target designators used for and electro-optical equipment: laser-guided terminal weapons guidance must be set weapons, coded laser target designators, to the same code as the LGW. Certain coded laser acquisition and/or spot trackers, LGWs, such as LGBs, are coded prior to IR pointers and illuminators, NVGs, and FLIR. takeoff and cannot be changed once the aircraft is airborne. However, all coded a. Laser-Guided Weapons. LGWs are laser target designators, with the the business end of laser systems. They span exception of the AC-130H, can change the entire spectrum of delivery platforms, to LASER-GUIDED WEAPONS
Laser-Guided Bombs

1. Introduction

Low-Level Laser-Guided Bombs

PAVEWAY III NOTE: PAVEWAY III is also delivered from medium and high altitudes.

Laser-Guided Missiles

Laser-Guided Projectiles

Figure A-1. Laser-Guided Weapons


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Laser Equipment Descriptions

Rotary-Wing AH-1 W (USMC) AH-64A Apache OH-58D Kiowa Warrior MH-60L (DAP) SH-60B/HH-60H Fixed-Wing F-14A/B/D F-15E F-16C Blk 40 AC-130H/U F-117A F/A-18 A/C/D AV-8B Day/Night Attack LANTIRN LANTIRN LANTIRN Laser Designator Classified LTD/R TFLIR/LTDR no LTD, LST in the ARBS and ATF NTS TADS MMS (LRF/D) AESOP FLIR LRF/D AAS-44 FLIR LTD/R System System

Figure A-2. Airborne Platforms With Coded Laser Target Designators


Service USMC US Army USAF USN MULE LTD G/VLLD, LTD SOFLAM, LTD, CLD None SOFLAM, LTD, CLD System Deployment TACPs, FOs Force Recon Detachment COLT and FIST teams SOF TACPs rely on COLT teams SEAL, SOF

Figure A-3. Ground Systems With Coded Laser Target Designators

codes while in the tactical environment. The AC-130H LTD is permanently preset with only one code (1688) and cannot be changed. Terminal weapons guidance of LGBs by an AC-130H is possible provided this code is precoordinated. The AC-130U has a codable LTD and can change codes in flight. Coordination for the LTD to match the LGB code is conducted through the air tasking order or FAC nine-line briefing. Sometimes, a designator will serve the dual purpose of target designation for a coded laser acquisition and/or spot tracker and terminal weapons guidance for LGWs. In these cases, the designator, spot

tracker, and the weapon must have the same code. Weapons employment of LGBs in conjunction with coded laser target designators is either autonomous or assisted. Autonomous LGB employment uses the aircrafts on-board LTD for terminal weapons guidance. Most aircraft capable of delivering LGBs can provide on-board autonomous selfdesignation. Assisted LGB employment uses an off-board LTD for terminal weapons guidance. This is typically accomplished by a ground team operating a designator (such as a


Appendix A
G/VLLD) or by another aircraft (known as buddy lasing). Assisted LGB employment is often required by aircraft without on-board LTDs (such as A/OA-10s or AV-8Bs) that can carry and deliver LGBs but have no on-board terminal weapons guidance capability. The OH-58D Kiowa Warrior is equipped with LTDs. The AH-64A Apache also has an LTD, but it cannot acquire or designate (lase) a small segment of laser codes (1711-1788). The USMC AH-1W possesses an LTD compatible with all LGWs, including HELLFIRE missiles. c. Coded Laser Acquisition and/or Spot Trackers Coded laser acquisition and/or spot trackers are systems which allow visual acquisition of a coded laser designated target. LSTs must be set to the same code as the coded laser target designator in order for the user to see the target being designated. In the case of airborne LSTs, the aircrew acquires the laser designated spot (target) and either employs LGBs through use of an LTD or executes visual deliveries of non-laser ordnance. The airborne platforms having coded laser acquisition and/or spot trackers are shown in Figure A-4. PAVE PENNY acquires coded laser designations and displays them as target symbols to the pilot via the HUD. Conventional free-fall ordnance, 30mm strafe, and Maverick missiles are then employed with on-board targeting systems. PAVE PENNY aircraft can acquire targets designated by any LTD (ground or airborne). Remember, however, if a PAVE PENNY A/OA-10 is going to drop LGBs, it cannot selfdesignate since PAVE PENNY is only a laser spot tracker. Currently, Marine Corps AV-8Bs and USN/USMC F/A-18s are capable of acquiring targets designated by off-board laser targeting systems. USAF F-16s, F-15Es and US Navy F-14s do not have LSTs and are incapable of visually acquiring coded laser designated targets from off-board systems. Low-altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night (LANTIRN) equipped fighters (F-16C Block 40, F-15E, and F-14A/B/D) use a targeting pod to acquire targets based on inertial navigation system coordinates displayed to the aircrew via HUD or multi-function display symbology. Subsequent terminal weapons guidance is accomplished autonomously or through buddy laser designation. Air Force Reserve Component F-16C Block 30 aircraft will also be equipped with an LST and an LTD as well


Rotary-Wing AH-64A Apache AH-6 Fixed-Wing A/OA-10 AV-8B Day/Night Attack F/A-18 A/C/D PAVE PENNY ARBS/ATF LST/LDT pod (on selected aircraft) TADS LST System System

Figure A-4. Airborne Platforms With Coded Laser Acquisition and/or Spot Trackers


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Laser Equipment Descriptions

as a FLIR and optical television camera. There will be no degradation in standard configuration loadout. The USMC AV-8B Day/Night Attack Harrier incorporates an LST in its angle rate bombing system (ARBS). This LST is similar to the A/OA-10 PAVE PENNY system in that it can acquire any target designated by an LTD. Weapons delivery of conventional non-LGWs is accomplished with the on-board ARBS. It can carry and deliver LGBs, but like the A/OA-10, it requires external terminal weapons guidance by an LTD. The F/A-18C/D is unique because it is the only US fighter/attack fixed-wing aircraft equipped with both an LST and LTD. F/A-18s configured with LGBs may also carry laser target designator/ ranger (LTD/R) pods. It is important to note, however, that LSTs are found only on selected F/A-18 aircraft due in part to the fact that carrying an LST reduces airto-air combat load (AIM-7 or advanced medium-range air-to-air missile) by one pylon hard point. A section (2-ship) of LGB configured F/A-18s may both have LTD/Rs, but LST configuration may vary. The LTD/R and LST are podded systems and configurations will vary from aircraft to aircraft depending on mission loadout and pod availability. The OH-58D Kiowa Warrior and AH-1W, SH-60B and HH-60H do not have true LSTs. However, if these aircraft are carrying HELLFIRE, the missile can provide some target cueing. The on-board HELLFIRE missiles seeker head sensor provides target symbology in the cockpit display of what is being designated by the helicopters on-board coded laser designator or any other laser source.


Appendix A

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The capabilities of fixed-wing aircraft are shown in Figure A-A-1. The capabilities of rotary-wing aircraft are shown in Figure A-A-2. NOTE: Data contained in this appendix is provided only for information. It is not authoritative and should be verified before being used operationally.


Annex A to Appendix A
Aircraft M/D/S AV-8B (Day Attack) Using Service USMC Ordnance Laser-guided bombs* AGM-65 Maverick GP bombs Napalm 2.75 rockets 5.00 rockets LUU-2 25mm cannon AGM-122 Sidearm Aerial mines CBUs As above Laser Capability LST LTD YES NO Marking Capability Rockets Beacon Capability None Other Systems ARBS NVG GPS

AV-8B (Night Attack)







AV-8B (Night/Radar)


As above







Laser-guided bombs* AGM-65 Maverick GP bombs CBUs Aerial mines 2.75 rockets LUU-2/19 LUU-1/-5/-6 flares 30mm cannon 105mm howitzer 40 mm cannon 20mm cannon



WP rockets None 30mm HEI HE rockets





GLINT 105mm WP 105mm HE 40mm MISCH LTD (1688 only)





105mm howitzer 40mm cannon 25 mm cannon



SST-181 GLINT 105mm WP 105mm HE 40mm MISCH (codable LTD) None None PPN-19*** None


B-1B B-2


GP bombs CBUs Mk 82/84 CBU 87 (CEM)/ 89 (GATOR)/ 97 (SFW) GBU 31 (JDAM) GBU 34



Radar GPS Radar

Figure A-A-1. Fixed-Wing Aircraft Capabilities


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Aircraft and Helicopter Weapons and Capabilities Guide

Aircraft M/D/S B-52H Using Service USAF Ordnance AGM-142 GP bombs Aerial mines Laser-guided bombs CBUs Laser-guided bombs GP bombs 20mm cannon CBUs Aerial mines LUU-2 Laser-guided bombs CBUs GP bombs 20mm cannon AGM-65 Maverick AGM-65 Maverick Laser-guided bombs* GP bombs CBUs 20mm cannon Laser-guided bombs* AGM-65 Maverick GP bombs CBUs 20mm cannon GBU 10/12 GBU 27 Mk 82/84 CBU 52/58/71/87 (CEM)/89 (Gator) Mk 20 Laser Capability LST LTD NO NO Marking Capability None Beacon Capability PPN-19*** PPN-20*** Other Systems FLIR LLLTV GPS NVG Radar NVG LANTIRN FLIR GPS












PPN-19 PPN-20


F-16 (without LANTIRN)




WP rockets PPN-19 PPN-20

Radar GPS**

F-16C/D (with LANTIRN)





PPN-19 PPN-20









Figure A-A-1. Fixed-Wing Aircraft Capabilities (contd)


Annex A to Appendix A
Aircraft M/D/S F/A-18 A/C/D Using Service USN/ USMC Ordnance Laser-guided bombs AGM-65 Maverick AGM-62 Walleye AGM-84 SLAM AGM-88 HARM GP bombs CBUs Aerial mines LUU-2 flares 2.75 rockets 5.00 rockets Napalm/FAE 20mm cannon JDAM/JSOW GP bombs CBUs 2.75 rockets 5.00 rockets Aerial mines LUU-2 flares Laser Capability LST LTD YES YES Marking Capability Beacon Capability Other Systems TFLIR NFLIR GPS*** NVG Radar

None Laser WP rockets HE rockets





WP rockets None

FLIR Radar

LST Laser Spot Tracker LTD Laser Target Designator *Though these aircraft can carry and release LGBs, they require off-board designation for terminal guidance. **GPS on some aircraft (Blocks 40/42; 50/52) ***Lot XVII and up

Figure A-A-1. Fixed-Wing Aircraft Capabilities (contd)


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Aircraft and Helicopter Weapons and Capabilities Guide

Aircraft M/D/S AH-1 F Using Service USA Ordnance BGM-71 TOW missile 20mm cannon 2.75 rockets BGM-71 TOW AGM-114 Hellfire 2.75 rockets 5.0 rockets 20mm cannon LUU-2 AGM-122 Sidearm AGM-114 Hellfire 2.75 rockets 30mm cannon AGM-114L Hellfire 2.75 rockets 30mm cannon Laser Capability LST LTD NO NO Marking Capability Rockets Other Systems NVG

AH-1 W




Rockets Laser





YES ** YES **

Laser Rockets Laser Rockets


AH-64D (including Longbow)



OH-58D (Kiowa Warrior)


AGM-114 Hellfire 2.75 rockets .50 cal machine gun Air-to-air Stinger



Laser Rockets

MH-60L (DAP)


2.75 rockets 30mm AGM-114 Hellfire 7.62 Minigun Stinger 2.75 rockets 7.62 Minigun AGM-114 Hellfire AGH-119 Penguin MK-46/MK-50 Torpedoes .50 cal machine gun AGM-114 Hellfire .50 cal machine gun








7.62 Minigun FLIR NVG GPS Laser FLIR NVG GPS ESM Radar Datalink FLIR NVG GPS











Airborne Target Handover System Improved Data Modem Mast Mounted Sight Video Transmission Downlink

**The AH-64 helicopter cannot designate laser codes 1711 to 1788.

Figure A-A-2. Rotary-Wing Aircraft Capabilities


Annex A to Appendix A

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AN /PE Q-1 Magnification Rem ote Control AN /PE Q-1A MULE GV LLD CLD

7x Cable RF 150 ft 5 km

10x 10 ft or 150 ft 5 km

10x N/A N/A 5 see note 1 a3 see note 1 BA-6699 special NiCad

13x N/A N/A 9 see note 1 4.5 see note 1 BA-6699 special NiCad

7x 2 ft N/A 1 on, 2 off 1 on, 2 off Unique Lead-Acid

Duty Cycle (@ 20 pps) (min)


5 on, 1 off 5 on, 1 off x3 x3 30 cool down 30 cool down 5 on, 1 off 5 on, 1 off x3 x3 30 cool down 30 cool down BA-5590 BA-5590 Lithium, BB- Lithium, BB590 NiCad, 590 NiCad, lead Acid or lead Acid or Vehicular Vehicular


Battery Type

Battery Life (min) (@ 20 pps)


90 (Lithium) 90 (Lithium)



90 (Lithium) 90 (Lithium) Circulated liquid, selfcontained 1.06 I2 available (Integral Weaver rail) See Note 2 5 35 Circulated liquid, selfcontained 1.06 I2 available (Integral Weaver & Picatinney rails) 5 35

a3 High pressure Nitrous Oxide

3 to 6.5 High pressure Nitrogen

60 Non-circulated liquid, selfcontained N/A

Night V ision

Cyro Cryo Thermal Thermal (Bottle Type) (Bottle type)

Warm-up Time (seconds) Range Resolution (meters) Range Logic Minimum Target Separation (meters) Effective Range

5 10

3 35

5 35

1st/Last 35

1st/Last 35

1st (gated) c50

1st/Last (gated) c20

1st/Last 35

Designate Range Finding

5 km (c32 0F) 10 km

5 km 10 km

3.4 km 10 km

5 km 10 km

a5 km (3 km typical) 10 km

Note 1. This duty cycle is based on the battery life/operating time of the laser system. Note 2. This night sight is capable of imaging the laser wavelength day or night with the use of daylight filters.

Figure A-B-1. Man-Portable Laser System Comparisons


Annex B to Appendix A
AN /PE Q-1 Weight (lbs) AN /PE Q-1A MULE GV LLD CLD

Laser Unit Batteries

9.6 12.6 (5 BA-5590 w/Bag) 22.2

11.2 12.6 (5 BA-5590 w/Bag) 23.8

16.5 4.5 1 NiCad 21

28 4.5 1 NiCad 53 (tripod required) 53 61.8 (tripod required) 61.8

16 2.2 1 Lead-Acid (unique) 18.2

Minimum Usable System (laser,batteries) w/Tripod w/Night Sight, w/o tripod System Total1 (w/o container w/tripod, NVS, & batteries System Total2 (w/container)
Output Param eters




28.2 N/A 28.2 (NVS not available) 40 c50 .300 @90% .150

25.75 (tripod 27.3 (tripod 51.8 (tripod not required) not required) required) 31.75 33.3 51.8

63 c80 .300 @95% .150 (c32 0F) 363 800

64.5 c80 .300 @95% .150

182 c80 .250 @90% .100

182.7 c100 .130 @90% .035 (vendor data) 700 12,750

Energy milliJoule Divergence milliradian Boresight Retention milliradian

Volum e (Cu. In.)

Laser Unit Total System (Laser, NVS, batteries, no containers)

370 808

750 9500

420 420

Field of V iew (o)

Horiz Vert

5 4.75

5 4.75

4.2 4.2

5 5

7 a7

Figure A-B-1. Man-Portable Laser System Comparisons (contd)


Joint Pub 3-09.1



Description: Function: Platform: Employment: A 3-axis gimballed dual-mode television and LST Enables the pilot to view the laser spot Provides day or night, accurate first pass, target attack AV-8B Day/Night attack variants Allows day or night attack of target with LGW or non-guided bombs independent of target movement, wind, dive angle, or release angle variations Provides re-attack navigation and automatic impact spacing Four digits In-flight selectable Manual or automatic weapon release First-pass accuracy System affected by smoke or obscurants, as discussed in Chapter II, Planning Considerations, for LST 35 o az, +15o/-70o el As part of the field of view

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities: Limitations: Field of View: GIMBAL LIMITS:

Figure A-C-1. Angle Rate Bombing System (Marine Corps)


Annex C to Appendix A

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

Description: Function: Platform: Employment: PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities: Limitations: Pod-mounted laser designator/ranger, boresighted to FLIR Aircraft ranging to target Laser target designation F-14, F-15E, F-16 BLOCK 40 Aircraft inertial navigation system update Target designation for LGB deliveries Four digits In-flight selectable Autonomous laser-designation capability LANTIRN restrictions can be significant, especially gimbal limits which can restrict the attack flexibility of the system Not an LST Laser cannot be employed above 25,000' MSL (F-14) 5.87o/1.65o az, +32/-150 el (F-15E) 5.85o/1.67o az, +30/-150 el (F-16) 6 o/1.7o az, +35/-150 el

Field of View:

Figure A-D-1. Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (Air Force/Navy)


Annex D to Appendix A

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Description: Function: LST see definition Locates the laser spot designating a target, then passes necessary ballistic information to allow FLIR or radar acquisition of target and visual HUD or head down display F/A-18 Used to locate a target that is designated any correctly coded laser energy to deliver laser-guided munitions Once the target is located, the LST data can be passed to the mission computer for use in the delivery of conventional ordnance Four digits In-flight selectable After designated target is sighted, aircraft locks on to target and laser can be turned off; conventional ordnance can then be delivered on target No active rangefinder or designator (if not used in conjunction with onboard LTD/R) 12 o/3o az, +30o/-150o el

Platform: Employment:

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:

Limitations: Field of View:

Figure A-E-1. Laser Spot Tracker (Navy and Marine Corps)


Annex E to Appendix A

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Description: Function: Platform: Employment: PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities: Pod-contained LST To receive laser energy and provide cockpit heads-up steering to source of reflected energy A/OA-10 Used to help pilot locate reflected laser energy Four digits In-flight selectable Very sensitive seeker Expands aircraft capability by providing early target acquisition Laser spot must be within seeker field of view 4 Level Narrow scan is 20 degrees (+/- from aircraft nose) Level Wide scan is 40 degrees (+/- from aircraft nose)
Figure A-F-1. PAVE PENNY (Air Force)

Limitations: Field of View:


Annex F to Appendix A

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Description: MMS is an electro-optical system mounted above the rotor system in a gyro-stabilized turret incorporating a low light-level television, digital thermal imaging system, and LRF/D Sight system is used to detect and identify enemy targets while the aircraft is masked LRF/D is used to locate targets utilizing either GRID or LAT/LONG, self-lase its own weapons or designate for all US or NATO standard LGWs OH-58D (I) KIOWA WARRIOR Provides day, night, adverse-weather target detection and identification Employed as a scout or as light division attack helicopters Four Digits In-flight selectable Tracks stationary or moving targets manually or automatically Automatically points to 8 digit or LAT/LONG grid for target acquisition Incorporates digital communications system (ATHS) interface with artillery and LONGBOW APACHE (IDM) As discussed in Chapter II, Planning Considerations, for laser designators Ranges from 2 to 10 degrees depending on the sight and magnification selected


Platform: Employment:

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:

Limitations: Field of View:

Figure A-G-1. OH-58D Mast-Mounted Sight (Army)


Annex G to Appendix A

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Description: Function: Platform: Employment: Laser designator and rangefinder with FLIR, directview and Coupled Charge Display sensors Same as description AH-1W Provides day, night, and limited adverse weather target ranging and laser designation capability Used to engage point targets with TOW or Hellfire missiles Four digits In-flight selectable Tracks targets manually or automatically Can launch using direct or indirect methods No Air Data Sensor to automatically optimize FLIR picture Ranges from 1.0 to 30 degrees depending on the sight and magnification selected

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities: Limitations: Field of View:

Figure A-H-1. AH-1W Night Targeting System (Marine Corps)


Annex H to Appendix A

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Description: Function: Platform: Employment: LST and LTD/Rand Same as description AH-64 Provides day, night, and limited adverse-weather target ranging, LST, and laser-designating capability Used to engage point targets Can laser-designate for its own or buddy lase for remotely fired LGWs Four digits In-flight selectable The TADS LST facilitates handoffs from other laser designators Tracks targets manually or automatically Can launch using direct or indirect methods Seeker lock-on options are LOAL or LOBL As discussed in Chapter II, Planning Considerations, for LST and laser designators Ranges from .36 to 40 degrees depending on the sight and magnification selected

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:

Limitations: Field of View:

Figure A-J-1. AH-64 Target Acquisition System and Designation Sight (Army)


Annex J to Appendix A

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Description: Integrated into the AC-130s fire control, the LTD/R is mounted on the AC-130Hs LLLTV On the AC-130U, the LTD/RF is integrated into the fire control system and the ALLTV Primarily used to determine range from the AC-130 to the target Can be used to designate targets for other weapons systems Provides day, night, and limited adverse weather target acquisition and laser designation capability Not applicable LTD/R permanently set to 10 pulses per second (code 1688) on the AC-130H The AC-130U PRF code is programmable AC-130H: LTD/R integrated with LLLTV AC-130U: LTD/RF integrated with ALLTV The AC-130H flies a pylon turn around a target and can designate and attack targets on the aircrafts left side The ALLTV on the AC-130U has a 360 degree FOV and can be used to designate targets on either side of the aircraft AC-130H: only has one pulse repetition frequency AC-130U: is being modified to include the capability to reset the PRF


Employment: PRF Codes:

System-Unique Capabilities: Limitations:

Figure A-K-1. AC-130H/U Laser Target Designation Capabilities (Air Force)


Annex K to Appendix A

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

Description: Function: Long-range LTD/R Can provide azimuth, range, and vertical angle Designates targets or areas that can be detected by CGLP or by aircraft equipped with LST and LGMs set to same code as G/VLLD Mounted in M-981 FIST/M2 IFV/HMMWV vehicle Dismounted on tripod Located in company or troop FISTs and in the combat observation lasing teams Four digits (Note: First digit is fixed) Uses night sight Two-man portable for short distances Limited mobility

Platform: Employment: PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities: Limitations:

Figure A-L-1. Ground/Vehicle Laser Locator Designator (Army)


Annex L to Appendix A

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Description: Function: Battery-operated, lightweight, handheld Designates targets that can be detected by aircraft equipped with LSTs and LGWs set to same code as LTD Handheld Used by Special Forces units and fire-support personnel in airborne and ranger units Four digits (Note: First digit is fixed) Easily transportable Cannot range targets Cannot provide direction and vertical angle Laser-on time limited because of battery life

Platform: Employment: PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities: Limitations:

Figure A-M-1. Laser Target Designator (Army)


Annex M to Appendix A

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Description: Function: Battery-operated, lightweight, handheld Designates targets that can be detected by aircraft equipped with LSTs and LGWs set to the same code as the LTD Handheld Can be tripod mounted Tripod has a north-seeking compass and can determine azimuth and elevation Used by special operations forces (SEALs) Four digits (Note: First digit is fixed) Easily transportable Cannot provide direction and vertical angle unless mounted on tripod Laser-on time limited because of battery life


Employment: PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities: Limitations:

Figure A-N-1. Compact Laser Designator (Handheld) (Navy)


Annex N to Appendix A

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Joint Pub 3-09.1



Description: Man-portable laser marker and rangefinding device. Sighting Optics Magnification: 7X (AN/PEQ-1) 10X (AN/PEQ-1A) Rangefinding and terminal guidance for laser guided weapons Man-portable, tripod or ground supported To provide SOF operators the capability to mark high priority targets for US air-delivered laser-guided munitions Bands I and II Basic rangefinding and marking capability Incorporates mounting rails for night vision or thermal sights Capable of 5-1-5-1-5-30 minutes ON/OFF duty cycle Small size and light weight Utilizes standard military batteries (BA-5590, BB-590, BB-490) As discussed in Chapter II, Planning Considerations, for laser designators

Function: Platform: Employment:

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:


Figure A-O-1. Laser Marker, AN/PEQ-1(A) (SOF)


Annex O to Appendix A

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

Description: Function: Platform: Employment: Man-transportable LTD/R Accurately locates targets and provides terminal guidance for LGWs Man-transportable, tripod mounted To provide forward observers, NGF spotters, and FACs the capability to accurately determine location and range to targets To provide laser designation for all surface- and airdelivered LGWs Four digits Consists of three basic modules: -Laser designator rangefinder module: provides the basic laser designator and ranging equipment -Stabilized tracking tripod module: provides stabilization for the tracking of moving targets and targets at extended ranges -North-finding module: provides a true north reference AN/TAS-4 Thermal Night Sight for night operations As discussed in Chapter II, Planning Considerations, for laser designators

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:


Figure A-P-1. AN/PAQ-3 Man-Portable, Universal Laser Equipment (Marine Corps)


Annex P to Appendix A

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Description: Function: Platform: Employment: Pod-mounted, laser designator and ranger that is boresighted to the FLIR Provide aircraft ranging to and laser designation of a target F/A-18A/B/C/D Provide day, night, and limited adverse weather capability for laser ranging and designation Autonomous lasing capability with on-board LTD/R for own aircrafts LGB delivery Assisted lasing capability with on-board LTD/R for another aircrafts LGB delivery (Buddy lasing) Four digits In-flight selectable Autonomous laser-designation capability Most power out of all laser designators Aircraft Inertial Navigation System update Not an LST Environmental factors and smoke dissipate laser Gimbal limits and field of view can restrict attack flexibility Inadequate FLIR magnification under certain circumstances Larger laser spot size on the target may decrease LGB accuracy Laser cannot be employed above 25,000 feet MSL

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:


Figure A-Q-1. The Laser Target Designator/Ranging (Navy and Marine Corps)


Annex Q to Appendix A

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

Description: LST in nose of projectile that homes in on laser energy reflected from target during the final portion of trajectory Used in conjunction with a ground or airborne laser designator Fired from M109 155mm self-propelled howitzers and M198 155mm towed howitzers Used primarily to attack high priority moving or stationary hard point targets Three digits Point target accuracy Large footprint within which the round can acquire the target Requires continuous laser designation during the final 13 seconds of projectile flight

Function: Platform: Employment: PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:


Figure A-R-1. COPPERHEAD, 155mm Cannon-Launched Guided Projectile (Army and Marine Corps)


Annex R to Appendix A

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

Description: Function: Platform: Employment: Third-generation air-launched, antiarmor, laser-guided missile Used in conjunction with a ground or airborne laser designator AH-1W, AH-64, OH-58D, SH-60B, and HH-60H Employed against armor or other hard point-type targets Autonomous designation or buddy lasing for other launch platforms Four digits In-flight selectable Can launch using direct or indirect methods Can employ single, rapid, or ripple firing techniques Seeker lock-on options are LOAL or LOBL As discussed in Chapter II, Planning Considerations, for all LGWs Only AGM-114 B/K missiles are authorized aboard Navy ships

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:


Figure A-S-1. AGM-114 HELLFIRE Missile (Army, Marine Corps, and Navy)


Annex S to Appendix A

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

Description: Function: Platform: Employment: A short-range, laser-guided, rocket-propelled air-tosurface missile Used in conjunction with ground or airborne laser designators AV-8B F/A-18 Intended for use against fortified ground installations, armored vehicles, and surface combatants Employs 300-pound MAVERICK warhead with selectable delay fuse Four digits Cockpit selectable If the missile loses laser spot, it goes ballistic and flies up and over the target; the warhead does not explode (becomes a dud) Cockpit-selectable laser coding and fusing (delay or quick) As discussed in Chapter II, Planning Considerations, for all LGWs

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:


Figure A-T-1. Laser MAVERICK AGM-65E (Navy and Marine Corps)


Annex T to Appendix A

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

Description: 500-pound LGB (MK-82, GBU-12) 1000-pound LGB (MK-83, GBU-16) 2000-pound LGB (MK-84, GBU-10) PAVEWAY II is compatible with all US ground and airborne designators Bomb is released after aircraft is within delivery envelope Bomb begins terminal guidance upon laser energy acquisition Most aircraft capable of employing conventional weapons of same weight class Level, dive, or loft for PAVEWAY II bombs Optimum against point targets Four digits Not cockpit selectable Accuracy gives high probability of target kill against point targets Early laser spot acquisition during a low angle, level, or loft, shallow diving delivery tends to cause the bomb to miss short Requires ballistically accurate delivery and continuous laser energy during the last 10 seconds of flight The target must subtend an angle of at least 1 mil/mrad (at designator-to-target range) When delivered from a low-altitude loft manuever (see Appendix D, LGB and LLLGB Delivery Profiles), restricts lase on target to last 10 seconds of flight


Platform: Employment: PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities: Limitations:

Figure A-U-1. Laser-Guided Bombs (PAVEWAY II) (Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps)


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Description: Termed GBU-24 and GBU-27 (2,000-pound bomb) No 500-pound version GBU-28 (5,000-pound bomb) LLLGB termed PAVEWAY III Third-generation LGB Same as LGB Same as LGB Expanded delivery envelopes allowing very low altitude, relatively low ceiling, longer range weapon releases Retains dive-delivery option Four digits Not cockpit selectable Improved accuracy capability over LGB GBU10/12/16 Highly resistant to countermeasures (Selectable CCM) Blind-launch capability from extended range If LLLGB does not detect laser energy, it will fly beyond the target and maintain level flight Designed for use in the low altitude environment Requires continuous laser energy during the last 8 seconds of flight Target must subtend an angle of at least one mil/mrad (at designator-to-target range)

Function: Platform: Employment:

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:


Figure A-W-1. Low-Level Laser-Guided Bomb (PAVEWAY III) (Navy and Air Force)


Annex W to Appendix A

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Description: Function: Platform: Employment: FLIR NVS FLIR system for LRF/D MH-60L, AH-6 Used for night pilotage, target detection, navigation and recognition, nap of the earth flight, search and rescue, and surveillance Four digits In-flight selectable Telescope has three fields of view Magnification changes in 0.5 seconds Affected by high humidity 42 o/6.7o/2.5o az, +/-15o/2.5o/1o el

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities: Limitations: Field of View:

Figure A-Y-1. AN/AAQ-16D AESOP FLIR (Army)


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Description: Function: Platform: Employment: Laser designator and rangefinder with FLIR Same as description SH-60B/HH-60H Provides day, night, and limited adverse weather target ranging and laser designation capability Used to engage point targets with Hellfire missiles Four digits In-flight selectable Tracks targets manually or automatically Can launch using direct or indirect methods Can transmit FLIR video to LAMPS datalink equipped ships (SH-60B only) Passive ranging is inaccurate at low altitudes 1.3, 6.0, and 23.8 degrees along with two digital levels of magnification (47.6X and 95.2X)

PRF Codes: System-Unique Capabilities:

Limitations: Field of View:

Figure A-Z-1. SH-60B/HH-60H AN/AAS-44(V) FLIR LTD/R System (Navy)


Annex Z to Appendix A

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

Annex A B C Ground and Airborne Laser Designation Procedures for the CLGP COPPERHEAD Ground and Airborne Laser Designation for CAS with FAC not Collocated with LDO or ALD Ground and Airborne Laser Designation Procedures for Helicopters


Appendix B

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

COPPERHEAD is a precision weapon with an observer-target range that is greater than maneuver direct fire weapons. Therefore, it is normally employed against target arrays which are outside the range of direct fire systems. The successful use of COPPERHEAD requires careful planning by the FSO and the observer, and detailed coordination between the observer and the firing unit. COPPERHEAD use is limited by the quantities available, battlefield obscuration, cloud height, angle T, and effective range of the laser designator. COPPERHEAD requires uninterrupted LOS from the observer to the target and from the target to the round during the downward trajectory of flight.

2. Communications (See Figure B-A-1)

Communications between the observer and FDC occur using frequency modulation (FM), wire, mobile subscriber equipment, or tactical satellite. US Marine Corps units may use high frequency radio.

3. Fire Mission Procedures

When observers acquire a target which is suitable for engaging with COPPERHEAD, they initiate a call for fire over the appropriate communications net to an artillery battery FDC. a. Planned Targets When observers identify a stationary target at the planned target location, they initiate the call for fire. If the target is moving towards the planned target location, observers initiate the call for fire and place control of the unit at their command. Then observers must use the target speed and the known or estimated firing unit response time and projectile time of flight to determine when to issue the command to fire (trigger point). The call for fire is as follows: ELEMENT Observer identification Warning order Target description Method of engagement Method of control EXAMPLE R24, this is A58 Fire target AF7005, over 4 tanks 4 rounds At my command, over


Annex A to Appendix B


Fire direction center (FDC) copies call for fire. Message to observer will include laser code (three digits) and time of flight.

Forward observer/airborne laser designator (FO/ALD) transmits call for fire. Includes laser-totarget line (direction).

FO/ALD verifies laser code and changes code if necessary.

FDC transmits "SHOT, OVER." FO/ALD acknowledges "SHOT, OUT", prepares to designate. FDC transmits "LASER ON." FO/ALD designates target; acknowledges "LASER ON." If "LASER ON" acknowledgement is not heard, FDC repeats "LASER ON" call until impact.

FO/ALD designates target until rounds impact, "TERMINATE" call is heard or 20 seconds after expected time of flight expire.

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Figure B-A-1. Ground and Airborne Laser Designation Procedures for CLGP COPPERHEAD

The call for fire against a planned target may be streamlined by omitting the target description, method of fire, and method of control. Example: This is A58, fire target AF7005, over The message to observer (MTO) for planned targets is sent from the battery FDC to the observer to confirm the planned target and to provide the observer with the information


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Ground and Airborne Laser Designation Procedures for the CLGP COPPERHEAD
necessary to establish COPPERHEAD engagement areas or footprints. The elements of the MTO are: ELEMENT Firing unit identification Unit to fire Number of rounds Angle T Footprint letter code EXAMPLE A58, this is R24 R 2 rounds Angle T 600 Set F, Green, over

Unless otherwise specified on the COPPERHEAD target list, the FDC will plan to fire two COPPERHEAD rounds on each planned target, though the second round will not be fired unless the observer requests it. If the observer requests At my command, the battery fires the COPPERHEAD rounds at 30 second intervals after the observer transmits Fire. If the observer requests By round at my command, Fire, must be transmitted for each round. COPPERHEAD Engagement Commands Shot. The FDC transmits Shot to the observer as soon as the first round is fired. Unless the observer requested By round at my command, any additional rounds will be fired at 30 second intervals and Shot will not be transmitted. Designate. The next and most critical engagement command is Designate. The FDC transmits this command 20 seconds prior to impact and the observer begins designating the target. Designate is used when communicating digitally; in voice communications, the command is Laser on. The observer must designate the target for the last 13 seconds of the COPPERHEAD rounds time of flight. Designate Now. When an observer fails to acknowledge the Designate command, the FDC transmits Designate now until the observer acknowledges or until the time of flight elapses. Rounds Complete. The FDC reports Round complete after the engagement commands for the last rounds are transmitted. b. Targets of Opportunity. The observer initiates a call for fire against a COPPERHEAD target of opportunity in the same manner as a standard call for fire. ELEMENT Observer identification Warning order Target location Target description Method of engagement Method of control EXAMPLE R24, this is A58 Fire for effect, over Grid 436122, direction 1800, over 2 tanks COPPERHEAD, 2 rounds By round at my command, over.


Annex A to Appendix B
MTO ELEMENT Unit firing Target number Number of rounds Laser PRF code Time of flight EXAMPLE R AF7006 2 rounds code 241 Time of flight, 25, over

The PRF code transmitted by the FDC in the MTO is a confirmation of the PRF code assigned to the observer by the FSO. If the PRF code in the MTO is different than the observers preassigned code, the observer must change the code on the laser designator before receiving the Laser on command.


Joint Pub 3-09.1

a. Communications between LDO or ALD and FAC, if not collocated: FM. b. Communications between FAC and aircraft: FM, ultra high frequency (UHF), or very high frequency (VHF). c. Communications between LDO or ALD and aircraft: FM, (UHF or VHF when available).

2. Additions to Tactical Air Request

a. Laser Code. (FAC gets laser code from the FSO or FSCC and passes to aircraft with LST. FAC obtains or passes laser code to FSO or FSCC for attacking aircraft with LGWs.) b. Request for LGWs. c. Laser-to-target line in degrees magnetic. d. Radio frequency and call sign for final controller to whom pilot will give final attack laser calls.

3. Additions to FAC to Aircrew CAS Briefing (Appendix C, CAS Briefing Form [9-Line])
a. Request laser code, four digits (lxxx) set in LGWs on aircraft. In the case of LGM equipped aircraft, the FAC will pass the laser code set in the ground designator, and the LGM seeker codes will be changed to match the ground designator or ALD. b. Pass laser-to-target line in degrees magnetic. c. Laser-spot offset information, if applicable. d. Pass radio frequency and call sign for final controller to whom aircrew will give final attack laser calls.

4. Additions to Aircrew to FAC Reporting Procedures

a. Pass that LGWs are to be delivered and the laser codes set in them. b. 10 SECONDS warning call that aircraft will need laser on in 10 seconds.


Maneuver unit commander decides to request close air support.
United States Marine Corps Direct Air Support Center United States Air Force Air Support Operations Center

Forward air controller (FAC) coordinates laser code, laser-target line and frequency and/or call sign of laser designator operator (LDO).

Control agency sends LGW- or LST- equipped aircraft to contact point to check in with FAC.

Airstrike request includes Laser-related data. Airstrike approval message. FAC coordinates marking and air defense suppression. Aircrew checks in: reports it has LGW and/or LST. Approaching target, aircraft calls "TEN SECONDS", "LASER ON" and "SPOT" if LST- equipped. LDO prepares to designate target on "TEN SECONDS" call, responds to "LASER ON" and "TERMINATE." Aircraft begins egress.

FAC coordinates laser code, laser-target line and frequency and/or call sign with LDO and pilot. FAC automatically relays laser control calls.

Aircraft acquires target or releases LGW and makes appropriate "TERMINATE" call.

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Figure B-B-1. Procedures for Aircraft With Laser-Guided Weapons and Laser Spot Trackers

c. LASER ON call. d. SPOT call (for LST-equipped aircraft). e. TERMINATE call when designation is no longer required, based on the aircrews computation of the time of flight (TOF) of the LGW being delivered.


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Ground and Airborne Laser Designation for CAS with FAC Not Collocated with LDO or ALD

5. Additions to FAC to LDO or ALD Calls

a. Confirm LST- and LGW-equipped aircraft inbound. b. Confirm laser code to be used. Ground LDOs and ALDs will change to codes set in LGWs carried by supporting aircraft. c. FAC automatically relays all laser calls from aircrew to LDO or ALD.


Annex B to Appendix B

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Joint Pub 3-09.1

GROUND AND AIRBORNE LASER DESIGNATION PROCEDURES FOR HELICOPTERS 1. Communication Designator (Controller) to Helicopter (See Figure B-C-1)
a. Ground FM b. Air FM, VHF, UHF

2. Target Hand-off to LST-Equipped Helicopter

a. Additions to FO or ALD briefing to helicopter Four-digit laser code (lxxx) Laser-to-target line in degrees magnetic Laser spot offset, if applicable b. Additions to aircrew to FO or ALD reporting procedures 10 SECONDS warning call that the aircraft will need laser-on in 10 seconds LASER ON call TERMINATE call when designation is no longer required

3. Target Engagement for LGM-Equipped Helicopters

a. Additions to FO or ALD briefing to helicopter Four-digit laser code (1xxx) Laser-to-target line in degrees magnetic Number of missiles, if applicable Firing mode, if applicable Time interval between launches, if applicable Radio frequency and call signs for laser calls, if applicable


Annex C to Appendix B

Higher headquarters directs helicopter support, advises helicopters of frequency and call sign for specific fire mission.

Maneuver unit detects targets; arranges for helicopter support.

Helicopter calls forward observer/airborne laser designator (FO/ALD) for target update.

FO/ALD advises helicopters of three-digit laser code, laser-to-target line and laser spot offset; updates target coordinates if required.

Helicopter calls "TEN SECONDS", "LASER ON" and "TERMINATE" for target acquisition.

FO/ALD designates target as instructed.

Helicopter fires LGM. Helicopter calls "TEN SECONDS", "LASER ON" and "TERMINATE" as required.

FO designates target as instructed: on "LASER ON" call, designates target until rounds impact, "TERMINATE" call or 20 seconds after computed LGM time of flight has elapsed.

Pitch Up To Gimball Limits


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Figure B-C-1. Procedures for Helicopters With Laser-Guided Missiles and Remote Designator

b. Additions to aircrew to FO or ALD reporting procedures 10 SECONDS warning call that the aircraft will need laser-on in 10 seconds LASER ON call TERMINATE call when designation is no longer required


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Ground and Airborne Laser Designation Procedures for Helicopters

NOTE: Army FM 1-112 should be reviewed for more specific AH-64/OH-58D engagement procedures.

4. HELLFIRE Guided Missile Surface Danger Zone

a. A HELLFIRE guided missile is an air-launched antiarmor weapon launched from the AH-64, AH-1, and OH-58D. HELLFIRE homes in on a laser spot projected from either a ground observer, another aircraft, or the launch aircraft itself. The AH-64 can engage targets autonomously or work as a team member. As many as 10 targets can be handed off to the AH-64, providing rapid target engagement. The following operational modes can be selected when firing HELLFIRE. Lock-On After Launch (Direct Launch Mode). An LOS exists between the HELLFIRE missile and the target; however, HELLFIRE seeker lock-on is inhibited by distance. HELLFIRE is launched in the general direction of the target, locks-on after launch, and then homes to the target. Lock-On Before Launch (Direct Launch Mode). The HELLFIRE missile seeker tracks the target prior to launch. Once launched, the missile homes to the target. Lock-On After Launch (Indirect Launch Mode). The HELLFIRE missile is launched from behind a terrain mask or in defilade. The missile seeker then acquires the target and homes in on a preselected trajectory. b. Surface danger zones for a direct launch and indirect launch provide for all firing modes of the HELLFIRE missile at fixed targets to include the effects of the warhead functioning at the edge of the impact area. No specific warhead area is included because the HELLFIRE missile system has no practice warhead. c. All laser range control procedures and laser surface danger zone parameters outlined in AR 385-63, Chapter 19, apply to designators being used with the HELLFIRE missile (also see TB MED 524). Because of the large surface danger zones and the limited range of the designators, it may be necessary to place designator operators within the surface danger zones during some training exercises. Three designator zones for designator operators have been established within the surface danger zones. These designator zones and their specific range requirements are provided below. Prohibited Designator Zone. No designator operators are allowed in this zone because of the unacceptable probabilities associated with the following hazards: There are remote scenarios where the missile seeker can track the laser backscatter energy at the exit aperture of the designator or along the path of the laser beam; and The probability of random missile failures is the highest within this zone.


Annex C to Appendix B
Protected Designator Zone. Designator operators are not vulnerable to a normally functioning missile tracking the laser backscatter energy in this zone. However, there is a possibility that the missile may track and impact an obstruction (e.g., trees, grass, hills) near the designator operator if it is accidentally illuminated by the laser beam. The possibility of being injured by a random missile failure impacting within 150 meters of a designator operator in this area is less than 4 in 10 million. Ground-designator operators will wear flak jackets and military issue helmets and be located in protected positions (e.g., sand bags enclosing the designator operator). The designator will have a clear unobstructed LOS to the target. All obstacles (e.g., trees, rocks, grass) should be at least 500 meters from the laser beam. Special care should be taken to ensure that designator LOS is unobstructed across the entire path of a moving target during the TOF to impact. Ground-designator operators must ensure that they do not inadvertently lase through dust caused by other personnel, vehicles. Airborne designators must ensure that they are either over ground conditions that do not create dust or at an altitude where rotor downwash does not create dust. In peacetime operations, both ground and airborne designators may occupy the protected designator zone when formal justification is provided and a waiver granted IAW the provisions of AR 385-62, Chapter 1 (Formal waivers are usually already in effect for wartime operations). Waivers should be granted when there is no possible way to conduct operations in the unprotected designator zone or outside the surface danger zone(s). Unprotected Designator Zone. Although designator operators are not vulnerable to a normally functioning missile tracking the backscatter or false targets in this zone, there is still a possibility of a random missile failure. The probability of a random missile failure impacting with 150 meters of the designator is smaller in this zone than in the protected designator zone. At a minimum, ground designator operators should wear flak jackets and military helmets. The requirements of subparagraphs 4c above also apply to the unprotected designator zone. Designator operations (ground and/or airborne) may be conducted in the unprotected designator zone when formal justification is provided and a waiver granted IAW the provisions of AR 385-62, Chapter 1. d. Two additional areas within the surface danger zones are as follows.


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Ground and Airborne Laser Designation Procedures for Helicopters

Potential Hazard Area. An area designated to contain a malfunctioning missile at the point of launch. Only mission-essential personnel may occupy this area. Large concentrations of personnel in the potential hazard area is prohibited. Area F. An area to the rear of the launch point 30 meters wide (15 meters to each side of the launcher) and 50 meters long. Hazards are launch motor blast, high noise levels, overpressure, and debris. Serious casualties or fatalities may occur to any personnel occupying this area. Occupation of Area F by personnel is prohibited. e. General range requirements are as follows. All non-mission-essential personnel will be located outside the HELLFIRE surface danger zone(s). The position of the launch platform and designator operators are critical to the safe use of the HELLFIRE missile system. Controls must be established to ensure that proper launcher direction, designator direction, and target coordinates are verified prior to launch of the missile. The angle formed between the designator target line and the missile target line will never be greater than 60 degrees. Designator operators (ground and/or airborne) will never be outside this area. The launch zone and designator zones to be used during an exercise must be clearly marked to ensure designator operator safety. If the LOAL-D is required, the target should be visible to the launch crew to assure proper aircraft alignment. Designator rain hoods and port covers should always be used when supplied as a system option. Missile launches should be conducted in good visibility conditions to allow the HELLFIRE missile seeker to acquire the target as early as possible during flight. Designator codes 470-488 and 782 or greater will not be used for Army Helicopter Improvement Program (OH-58D) designations.

5. HELLFIRE Guided Missile Airborne Designator Danger Zone

a. Many battlefield scenarios require the HELLFIRE to be guided by an airborne designator. The increasing number of aircraft platforms equipped with laser designators has given rise to numerous remote designation (buddy lase) techniques. Although aircraft present a viable tactical alternative to a ground based laser, some important items must be considered.


Annex C to Appendix B
As with ground-based designators, the backscatter from airborne designators, or the designator itself, may present a lucrative target for the laser detectors in all LGWs, including the HELLFIRE. Unfortunately, depending upon launch platform and employment mode, the launch aircrew may not be able to determine that the missile is receiving laser energy from the designating platform vice the intended target. Employment Mode. If the HELLFIRE is employed in LOBL mode, the weapon LOS is displayed in most launch platforms. With this cueing, trained launch aircrew can determine that the weapon is tracking the designator vice the target. If employed in LOAL, no cueing is provided to the launch aircrew by the weapon. Other aircraft systems may provide this cueing but will generally not be capable of detecting the laser spot in an LOAL scenario. The bottom line is that only an LOBL launch is capable of providing cueing of the weapons aimpoint; however, even if an LOBL is planned, launch aircrew train to employ in an LOAL mode if a laser spot is not received once clearance to launch has been given. This training consists of ensuring specific safety offset angles are used between the launch platform and the designator to minimize fratricide. Launch Platform. Several US aircraft employ the HELLFIRE, but the amount of aircrew cueing varies greatly. Most platforms, including the AH-1W, the AH-64, and the AH-60, provide aircrew cueing in the form of a pointer at weapon LOS. When receiving properly coded laser energy, the HELLFIRE will lock on and the aircraft weapons control system will display the weapon to target LOS. With this cueing, the aircrew can determine the source of the laser return and validate that the missile is tracking the desired target and not the designator. When employed in an LOAL mode, the HELLFIRE will execute a climbing profile and immediately begin searching for properly coded laser energy. The profile will depend upon whether the employment is LOAL low or LOAL high, but can be as high as 20 degrees above the horizon. If an airborne designator is within the missile FOV during an LOAL profile, there is a high probability that the weapon will track and guide on the designator vice the intended target. With a kinematics capability in excess of 10 km, the HELLFIRE may guide to impact on the designating platform with devastating effects. Because of the climbing profile executed by the weapon, especially in an LOAL high, an altitude sanctuary by the designator is not always assured. The geometry for remote designate tactics using an airborne designator must be precise to preclude this possibility. b. An airborne (or ground) designator to remote designate for HELLFIRE deliveries must remain out of the weapon FOV throughout the TOF. This FOV is defined by the shooter (weapon) to target LOS +/- 30 degrees in the horizontal plane and 40 degrees in the vertical plane. Designator profiles behind the launch platform are inherently the safest available. Field and tactical manuals should be consulted for most current information regarding safety areas and safety zones.


Joint Pub 3-09.1

(Omit data not required, do not transmit line numbers. Units of measure are standard unless otherwise specified. * denotes minimum essential in limited communications environment. Bold denotes readback items when requested.) Terminal controller: ___________________, this is __________________________ (aircraft call sign) (terminal controller) *1. IP/BP: ___________________________________________________ *2. Heading: _____________________________________ (magnetic). (IP/BP to target) Offset: _____________________________________ (left/right) *3. Distance: ________________________________________________ (IP to target in nautical miles/BP to target in meters) *4. Target elevation: __________________________ (in feet MSL) *5. Target description: _______________________________________ *6. Target location: _________________________________________ (latitude/longitude or grid coordinates or offsets or visual) *7. Type mark: _______________________ Code: _______________ (WP, laser, IR, beacon) (actual code) Laser to target line: _______________ (degrees) *8. Location of friendlies: _________________________________ Position marked by: ____________________________ *9. Egress: ______________________________________ In the event of a beacon bombing request, insert beacon bombing chart line numbers here. __________________________________________________________ Remarks (As appropriate): _____________________________________ (threats, restrictions, danger close, attack clearance, SEAD, abort codes, hazards) NOTE: For AC-130 employment, lines 5, 6, and 8 are mandatory briefing items. Remarks should also include detailed threat description, marking method of friendly locations (including magnetic bearing and distance in meters from the friendly position to the target, if available), identifiable ground features, danger close acceptance.


Appendix C
Time on target: ______________________________ OR Time to target: Stand by _______ plus _______, Hack. Refer to JP 3-09.3, Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Close Air Support (CAS). This format varies slightly from NATO-approved procedures published in ACP 125, Supplement 2(A).


Joint Pub 3-09.1

D-1 depicts LGB and LLLGB dive delivery tactics. Medium-altitude level release a. General. LGBs and LLLGBs are not a employment is also a highly effective tactic. cure-all for the full spectrum of targets and c. Low-Level Employment. Low-level scenarios facing fighter and attack aircraft, but they do offer advantages in standoff and LGB and LLLGB employment requires accuracy over other types of free-fall weapons special considerations. There is no best in the inventory. LGBs and LLLGBs will be delivery profile to fly at the exclusion of all employed in a range of missions from CAS others. The aircrew must consider both to interdiction. The following section survivability and specific target characteristics describes the basic delivery profiles used in to determine the best release option available. Low-level employment is one of the most LGB and LLLGB employment. demanding tasks facing fighter and attack b. Medium-Altitude Employment. aircraft crews today. The aircrew must also LGBs and LLLGBs are excellent performers consider the significant difference between in dive deliveries initiated from medium- LGB and LLLGB flight capability. Critical altitude. A steep, fast dive attack increases elements for low-level LGB and LLLGB LGB and LLLGB maneuvering potential and employment are: (1) sufficient airspeed; (2) flight ability. Medium-altitude attacks accurate release parameters; and (3) generally reduce target acquisition problems coordination with the ground or airborne and more readily allow for target designation designator. Low-level delivery profiles fall by either ground or airborne designation into the following categories: (1) loft delivery; platforms. Medium-altitude LGB and (2) level delivery; (3) pop-up to low-angle LLLGB dive delivery tactics are normally dive delivery; and (4) pop-up to long-range used in areas of low to medium threat. Figure toss delivery.

1. Delivery Profiles


Release in dive 3000 feet or above

Note: Dive delivery 15 or greater

Ingress (any altitude)


Figure D-1. LGB and LLLGB Delivery Tactic (Permissive Threat)


Appendix D
Loft Delivery. After gaining the supported ground commanders approval, loft deliveries may be initiated prior to target acquisition or designation. This capability increases standoff distance. Advantages of the loft option include minimum non-maneuvering exposure time and maximum standoff capability. Loft angles can vary to fit the tactical environment. Loft deliveries require automated weapons delivery systems to achieve accurate release parameters. When using ground designators, close coordination between aircrews and ground designator personnel is a critical factor. Figure D-2 depicts a PAVEWAY II low-level loft delivery tactic. LLLGBs can be released in a loft mode, but this does not increase range, and increases exposure of the delivery aircraft. Figure D-3 depicts the delivery profile of the PAVEWAY III. Because of the risk to friendly ground forces, the FAC should avoid loft attacks with weapons release behind friendly positions. Level Delivery. Generally, tactical considerations or weather limitations drive level deliveries from low altitude. The Paveway II level delivery profile will normally cause the delivery aircraft to overfly the target. The main advantage of the LLLGB is in the low-altitude, level-delivery profile; the delivery aircraft can stand well away from the target during its delivery.



Laser-Guided Bomb

200-foot ingress

approximately 6.1 nm

200-foot egress Forward air controller airborne/ground designator

Figure D-2. PAVEWAY II Low-Level Loft Delivery Tactic (Sophisticated Threat, Positive Target Identification)


Joint Pub 3-09.1

LGB and LLLGB Delivery Profiles


Paveway III

200-foot ingress

approximately 6.1 nm

Figure D-3. PAVEWAY III Low-Level Delivery Tactic

Pop-up to Low-Angle Dive Delivery. Pop-up to low-angle dive deliveries offer advantages over level releases. Target acquisition is easier with level delivery because the apex is higher, there is more time available for search, and the bomb has better maneuverability. Exposure is usually longer than for a level approach, so the aircrew should maneuver the aircraft throughout the delivery. Figure D-4 depicts the LGB and LLLGB popup delivery tactic. Pop-up to Long-Range Toss Delivery. Toss deliveries provide increased delivery flexibility over other delivery options; however, they are not normally used in the CAS arena. While ceiling and visibility may dictate release parameters, standoff capability is very good and varies with the type of weapon used and the release altitude which may be restricted by ceiling and visibility. Total exposure time is moderate and nonmaneuvering exposure time is minimized. The toss delivery profile is very similar to that illustrated for the loft in Figure D-2.

d. LLLGB Advantages. The LLLGB was developed in response to sophisticated enemy air defenses and poor visibility and to counter limitations in low ceilings. The weapon is designed for low-altitude delivery and with a capability for improved standoff ranges to reduce exposure. Unlike the LGB, the LLLGB can correct for relatively large deviations from planned release parameters in the primary delivery mode (low-altitude, level-delivery). It also has a larger delivery envelope for the dive, glide, and loft modes than does the earlier LGB. The wide field of view and midcourse guidance modes programmed in the LLLGB allow for a point and shoot delivery capability that allows the aircrew to attack the target by pointing the aircraft at the target and releasing the weapon after obtaining appropriate sight indications. The primary advantage of this capability is that accurate diving or tracking is not required to solve wind-drift problems. An added advantage of the LLLGB in a CAS situation is that if the LLLGB does not detect reflected laser energy, it will maintain level flight to continue beyond the designated target, overflying friendly positions to impact long rather than short of the target.


Appendix D



Note: Delivery can be level or shallow dive (ca. 10 )

Pop-up to 1000 to 3000 feet 200-foot ingress

Airborne and/or ground designator

approximately 4.6 km

descend to 200 feet for egress


Figure D-4. LGB and LLLGB Pop-Up Delivery Tactic (Sophisticated Threat, Target Identification Difficult)


Joint Pub 3-09.1

a. The Laser Protocol to the 1994 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects was only recently negotiated. It deals with a subject about which there is neither existing conventional (treaty) law nor customary international practice. The United States has not yet ratified the Protocol. The Protocol has no binding effect on the United States or its military personnel. b. Even if the Laser Protocol did have a binding effect, it does not prohibit the use of the lasers described in this publication because none of them are designed to cause blindness as a combat function. Rather, each is designed for target designation, range finding, and other related areas. Incidental or collateral blindness caused by a legitimate military laser is not prohibited by the Protocol (Article 3). c. The Secretary of Defense memorandum in Paragraph 3 is an effective constraint on US forces. It also only prohibits lasers designed to cause permanent blindness, and recognizes targeting and range-finding lasers as permissible.

2. Protocol Terms
The terms of the Laser Protocol are as follows. ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON PROHIBITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS WHICH MAY BE DEEMED TO BE EXCESSIVELY INJURIOUS OR TO HAVE INDISCRIMINATE EFFECTS ARTICLE 1: ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL The following protocol shall be annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (the Convention) as Protocol IV: Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons (Protocol IV) Article 1: It is prohibited to employ laser weapons specifically designed, as their sole combat function or as one of their combat functions, to cause permanent blindness to unenhanced vision, that is to the naked eye or to the eye with corrective eyesight devices. The High Contracting Parties shall not transfer such weapons to any State or non-State entity.


Appendix E
Article 2: In the employment of laser systems, the High Contracting Parties shall take all feasible precautions to avoid the incidence of permanent blindness to unenhanced vision. Such precautions shall include training of their armed forces and other practical measures. Article 3: Blindness as an incidental or collateral effect of the legitimate military employment of laser systems, including laser systems used against optical equipment, is not covered by the prohibitions of this Protocol. Article 4: For the purpose of this Protocol permanent blindness means irreversible and uncorrectable loss of vision which is seriously disabling with no prospect of recovery. Serious disability is equivalent to visual acuity of less than 20/200 Snellen measured using both eyes. ARTICLE 2: ENTRY INTO FORCE This Protocol shall enter into force as provided in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 5 of the Convention.

CCW Conference: Vienna, Austria 1995 25 September - 13 October 1995

3. DOD Policy on Blinding Lasers

The following is the current DOD policy on the use of blinding lasers. DOD Policy on Blinding Lasers The Department of Defense prohibits the use of lasers specifically designed to cause permanent blindness and supports negotiations prohibiting the use of such weapons. However, laser systems are absolutely vital to our modern military. Among other things, they are currently used for detection, targeting, range-finding, communications and target destruction. They provide a critical technological edge to US forces and allow our forces to fight, win and survive on an increasingly lethal battlefield. In addition, lasers provide significant humanitarian benefits. They allow weapon systems to be increasingly discriminate, thereby reducing collateral damage to civilian lives and property. The Department of Defense recognizes that accidental or incidental eye injuries may occur


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Laser Protocol
on the battlefield as the result of the use of lasers not specifically designed to cause permanent blindness. Therefore, we continue to strive, through training and doctrine, to minimize these injuries.

Secretary of Defense William J. Perry January 17, 1997 Current DOD Policy on Blinding Lasers


Appendix E

Intentionally Blank


Joint Pub 3-09.1

The development of Joint Pub 3-09.1 is based upon the following primary references.

1. Joint Publications
a. Joint Pub 1-02, DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. b. Joint Pub 3-0, Doctrine for Joint Operations. c. Joint Pub 3-05.5, Joint Special Operations Targeting and Mission Planning Procedures. d. Joint Pub 3-09, Doctrine for Joint Fire Support. e. Joint Pub 3-09.3, Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Close Air Support (CAS).

2. Multi-Service Publications
a. FM 90-20/FMFRP 2-72/TACP 50-28/USAFEP 50-9/PACAFP 50-28, Multi-Service Procedures for the Joint Application of Firepower (J-FIRE). b. FM 90-21/FMFRP 5-44/TACP 50-20/USAFEP 50-20/PACAFP 50-20, Multi-Service Joint Air Attack Team Operations (JAAT). c. FM 101-50-31/TH 61 A1-3-9/FMFM 5-2G-6/NAVAIR 00-130ASR-9, Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual/Air to Surface (JMEM/AS), Risk Estimates for Friendly Troops (C). d. TC 90-7/TACP 50-22/USAFEP 50-38/PACAFP 50-38, Tactical Air Control Party/ Fire Support Team (TACP/FIST) Close Air Support Operations.

3. Service Publications
a. FM 6-20, Doctrine for Fire Support. b. FM 6-20-40, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for Brigade Operations (Heavy). c. FM 6-30, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Observed Fire. d. FMFM 3-55, Tactical Directed Energy Warfare. e. FMFM 6-8, Supporting Arms Observer, Spotter, and Controller.


Appendix F
f. NWP 3-09.11/FMFM 1-7, Supporting Arms and Amphibious Operations. g. Military Handbook 828A, Laser Safety on Ranges and in Other Outdoor Areas.


Joint Pub 3-09.1

Users in the field are highly encouraged to submit comments on this publication to the United States Atlantic Command Joint Warfighting Center, Attn: Doctrine Division, Fenwick Road, Bldg 96, Fort Monroe, VA 23651-5000. These comments should address content (accuracy, usefulness, consistency, and organization), writing, and appearance.

2. Authorship
The lead agent for this publication is the US Army. The Joint Staff doctrine sponsor for this publication is the Director for Operational Plans and Interoperability (J-7).

3. Supersession
This publication supersedes Joint Pub 3-09.1, 1 June 1991, Joint Laser Designation Procedures.

4. Change Recommendations
a. Recommendations for urgent changes to this publication should be submitted: TO: INFO: CSA WASHINGTON DC//DAMO-FDQ// JOINT STAFF WASHINGTON DC//J7-JDD//

Routine changes should be submitted to the Director for Operational Plans and Interoperability (J-7), JDD, 7000 Joint Staff Pentagon, Washington, DC 20318-7000. b. When a Joint Staff directorate submits a proposal to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that would change source document information reflected in this publication, that directorate will include a proposed change to this publication as an enclosure to its proposal. The Military Services and other organizations are requested to notify the Director, J-7, Joint Staff, when changes to source documents reflected in this publication are initiated. c. Record of Changes: CHANGE COPY DATE OF DATE POSTED NUMBER NUMBER CHANGE ENTERED BY REMARKS ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


Appendix G 5. Distribution
a. Additional copies of this publication can be obtained through Service publication centers. b. Only approved pubs and test pubs are releasable outside the combatant commands, Services, and Joint Staff. Release of any classified joint publication to foreign governments or foreign nationals must be requested through the local embassy (Defense Attach Office) to DIA Foreign Liaison Office, PSS, Room 1A674, Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-7400. c. Additional copies should be obtained from the Military Service assigned administrative support responsibility by DOD Directive 5100.3, 1 November 1988, Support of the Headquarters of Unified, Specified, and Subordinate Joint Commands. By Military Services: Army: US Army AG Publication Center SL 1655 Woodson Road Attn: Joint Publications St. Louis, MO 63114-6181 Air Force Publications Distribution Center 2800 Eastern Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21220-2896 CO, Naval Inventory Control Point 700 Robbins Avenue Bldg 1, Customer Service Philadelphia, PA 19111-5099 Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, GA 31704-5000 Coast Guard Headquarters, COMDT (G-OPD) 2100 2nd Street, SW Washington, DC 20593-0001

Air Force:


Marine Corps:

Coast Guard:

d. Local reproduction is authorized and access to unclassified publications is unrestricted. However, access to and reproduction authorization for classified joint publications must be in accordance with DOD Regulation 5200.1-R.


Joint Pub 3-09.1

AAM ALD ALLTV ALO ARBS ATF ATHS BP CAS CBU CLD CLGP COLT COPPERHEAD DA DAP DOD DTL ESM ETAC FAC FAC(A) FAE FDC FIST FLIR FM FO FOV FSC FSCC FSO GBU GP GPS G/VLLD air-to-air missile airborne laser designator all light level television air liaison officer angle rate bombing system Advanced Targeting FLIR Airborne Target Handover System battle position close air support cluster bomb unit compact laser designator cannon-launched guided projectile combat observation and lasing team name for cannon-launched guided projectile direct action designated acquisition program Department of Defense designator target line electronic surveillance measures enlisted terminal attack controllers forward air controller forward air controller (airborne) fuel air explosive fire direction center fire support team forward-looking infrared frequency modulation forward observer field of view fire support coordinator fire support coordination center fire support officer guided bomb unit general purpose global positioning system ground/vehicle laser locator designator


HE HEI HUD IAW IDM IP IR J-3 km LANTIRN LDO LEP LGB LGM LGW LIF LLLGB LLLTV LMAV LOAL LOAL-D LOBL LOS LRF/D LST LTD LTD/R MAGTF MEU(SOC) MMS MSL MTO MULE NFLIR NGF NOHD NTS NVG NVS high explosives high explosives incendiary heads-up display in accordance with improved data modem initial point infrared Operations Directorate of a joint staff kilometer low-altitude navigation and targeting infrared for night laser designator operator laser eye protection laser-guided bomb laser-guided missile laser-guided weapon light interference filter low-level laser-guided bomb low-light level television laser Maverick lock-on after launch lock-on after launch-direct lock-on before launch line of sight laser range finder/detector laser spot tracker laser target designator laser target designator/ranger Marine air-ground task force Marine expeditionary unit (special operations capable) mast-mounted sight mean sea level message to observer modular universal laser equipment navigation forward-looking infrared naval gun fire nominal ocular hazard distance night targeting system night vision goggle night vision system


Joint Pub 3-09.1

PLS PRF SEAD SEAL SOF SOFLAM SOTAC SSB TACP TADS TFLIR TOF TOW UHF USAF USMC USN VHF VIXL WP precision locator system pulse repetition frequency suppression of enemy air defenses sea-air-land team special operations forces special operations laser marker special operations terminal attack controller single side band tactical air control party target acquisition system and designation sight targeting forward-looking infrared time of flight tube launched, optically tracked, wire guided ultra high frequency United States Air Force United States Marine Corps United States Navy very high frequency video transmission downlink white phosphorous



and movement of those forces. Also called air liaison officer. An officer (aviator/pilot) CAS. (Joint Pub 1-02) attached to a ground unit who functions as the primary advisor to the ground commander on air operation matters. Also enlisted terminal attack controller. Tactical air party member who assists in mission called ALO. (This term and its definition planning and provides final control of close modify the existing term and its definition air support aircraft in support of ground and are approved for inclusion in the next forces. Also called ETAC. (This term and edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) its definition are approved for inclusion in the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) at my command. In artillery and naval gunfire support, the command used when it is desired to control the exact time of fire support coordination center. A single location in which are centralized delivery of fire. (Joint Pub 1-02) communications facilities and personnel incident to the coordination of all forms of attack heading. 1. The interceptor heading fire support. Also called FSCC. (This term during the attack phase that will achieve and its definition modify the existing term the desired track-crossing angle. 2. The and its definition and are approved for assigned magnetic compass heading to be inclusion in the next edition of Joint Pub 1flown by aircraft during the delivery phase 02.) of an air strike. (Joint Pub 1-02) backscatter. Refers to a portion of the laser fire support element. That portion of the energy that is scattered back in the direction force tactical operations center at every of the seeker by an obscurant. (Upon echelon above company or troop (to corps) approval of this revision, this term and its that is responsible for targeting coordination definition will be approved for inclusion in and for integrating fires delivered on surface the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) targets by fire-support means under the control, or in support, of the force. Also buffer zone. A conical volume centered on called FSE. (This term and its definition the lasers line-of-sight with its apex at the are approved for inclusion in the next aperture of the laser, within which the beam edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) will be contained with a high degree of certainty. It is determined by the buffer fire support officer. Senior field artillery angle. (This term and its definition are officer assigned to Army maneuver approved for inclusion in the next edition battalions and brigades. Advises of Joint Pub 1-02.) commander on fire-support matters. Also called FSO. (This term and its definition call for fire. A request for fire containing are approved for inclusion in the next data necessary for obtaining the required edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) fire on a target. (Joint Pub 1-02) fire support team. An Army team provided close air support. Air action by fixed- and by the field artillery component to each rotary-wing aircraft against hostile targets maneuver company and troop to plan and which are in close proximity to friendly coordinate all indirect fire means available forces and which require detailed to the unit, including mortars, field artillery, integration of each air mission with the fire close air support, and naval gunfire. Also


Joint Pub 3-09.1

called FIST. (This term and its definition head-up display. A display of flight, are approved for inclusion in the next navigation, attack, or other information edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) superimposed upon the pilots forward field of view. Also called HUD. (This term and forward air controller. An officer (aviator/ its definition modify the existing term and pilot) member of the tactical air control its definition and are approved for inclusion party who, from a forward ground or in the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) airborne position, controls aircraft in close air support of ground troops. Also called infrared pointer. A low power laser device FAC. (This term and its definition modify operating in the near infrared light spectrum the existing term and its definition and are that is visible with light amplifying night approved for inclusion in the next edition vision devices. Also called IR pointer. of Joint Pub 1-02.) (Joint Pub 1-02) forward observer. An observer operating initial point. 1. The first point at which a with front line troops and trained to adjust moving target is located on a plotting board. ground or naval gunfire and pass back 2. A well-defined point, easily battlefield information. In the absence of a distinguishable visually and/or forward air controller the observer may electronically, used as a starting point for control close air support strikes. Also called the bomb run to the target. 3. airborne - A FO. (This term and its definition modify point close to the landing area where serials the existing term and its definition and are (troop carrier air formations) make final approved for inclusion in the next edition alterations in course to pass over individual of Joint Pub 1-02.) drop or landing zones. 4. helicopter - An air control point in the vicinity of the gated laser intensifier. This is part of the landing zone from which individual flights AC-130 low light level television (LLLTV) of helicopters are directed to their targeting system and is used as an alternate prescribed landing sites. 5. Any designated source of IR illumination. It also has the place at which a column or element thereof capability to illuminate and identify IR is formed by the successive arrival of its (GLINT) tape worn by friendly ground various subdivisions, and comes under the forces. The drawback of the GLINT is it control of the commander ordering the highlights the aircraft to enemy forces using move. Also called IP. (This term and its night vision devices. Also called GLINT. definition modify the existing term and its (This term and its definition are approved definition and are approved for inclusion for inclusion in the next edition of Joint Pub in the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) 1-02.) laser. Any device that can produce or amplify grid coordinates. Coordinates of a grid optical radiation primarily by the process coordinate system to which numbers and of controlled stimulated emission. A laser letters are assigned for use in designating a may emit electromagnetic radiation from point on a gridded map, photograph, or the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum chart. (Joint Pub 1-02) through the infrared portion. Also, an acronym for light amplification by gun-target line. An imaginary straight line stimulated emission of radiation. (This from gun to target. (Joint Pub 1-02) term and its definition are approved for


inclusion in the next edition of Joint Pub 1- laser target designator. A device that emits 02.) a beam of laser energy which is used to mark a specific place or object. Also called laser footprint. The projection of the laser LTD. (This term and its definition modify beam and buffer zone on the ground or the existing term and its definition and are target area. The laser footprint may be part approved for inclusion in the next edition of the laser surface danger zone if that of Joint Pub 1-02.) footprint lies within the nominal visual hazard distance of the laser. (This term and laser-target/gun-target angle. The angle its definition are approved for inclusion in between the laser-to-target line and the laser the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) guided weapon/gun-target line at the point where they cross the target. (This term and laser-guided weapon. A weapon which uses its definition are approved for inclusion in a seeker to detect laser energy reflected from the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) a laser marked/designated target and through signal processing provides laser-target line. An imaginary straight line guidance commands to a control system from the laser designator to the target with which guides the weapon to the point from respect to magnetic north. (This term and which the laser energy is being reflected. its definition are approved for inclusion in Also called LGW. (This term and its the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) definition modify the existing term and its definition and are approved for inclusion loft bombing. A method of bombing in which in the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) the delivery plane approaches the target at a very low altitude, makes a definite pullup laser rangefinder. A device which uses laser at a given point, releases the bomb at a energy for determining the distance from predetermined point during the pullup, and the device to a place or object. (Joint Pub tosses the bomb onto the target. (Joint Pub 1-02) 1-02) laser seeker. A device based on a direction milliradian. One thousandth of an angle sensitive receiver which detects the energy whose apex is at the center of a circle and reflected from a laser designated target and that subtends an arc of the circle equal in defines the direction of the target relative length to the radius: equal to .0572958 to the receiver. (Joint Pub 1-02) degrees. (This term and its definition are applicable only in the context of this laser spot. The area on a surface illuminated publication and cannot be referenced by a laser. (This term and its definition are outside this publication.) approved for inclusion in the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) offset lasing. The technique of aiming a laser designator at a point other than the target laser spot tracker. A device which locks on and, after laser acquisition, moving the laser to the reflected energy from a laser-marked/ to designate the target for terminal attack designated target and defines the direction guidance. (This term and its definition are of the target relative to itself. Also called approved for inclusion in the next edition LST. (This term and its definition modify of Joint Pub 1-02.) the existing term and its definition and are approved for inclusion in the next edition point target. 1. A target of such small of Joint Pub 1-02.) dimension that it requires the accurate


Joint Pub 3-09.1

placement of ordnance in order to neutralize or destroy it. 2. nuclear - A target in which the ratio of radius of damage to target radius is equal to or greater than 5. (Joint Pub 1-02) night infrared, laser, and beacon tactics and equipment. Also called SOTAC. (This term and its definition are approved for inclusion in the next edition of Joint Pub 102.)

precision-guided munitions. A weapon that special tactics team. USAF Special uses a seeker to detect electromagnetic Operations Forces with combat controllers energy reflected from a target or reference assigned. The combat controllers are point, and through processing, provides certified air traffic controllers with guidance commands to a control system that additional qualifications as Special guides the weapon to the target. Also called Operations Terminal Attack Controllers for PGM. (This term and its definition are fire support operations. Also called STT. approved for inclusion in the next edition (This term and its definition modify the of Joint Pub 1-02.) existing term and its definition and are approved for inclusion in the next edition pulse code. A system of using selected pulseof Joint Pub 1-02.) repetition frequencies to allow a specific laser seeker to acquire a target illuminated spillover. The part of the laser spot that is not by a specific laser designator. (This term on the target because of beam divergence and its definition are approved for inclusion or standoff range, improper boresighting of in the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) laser designator, or poor operator illuminating procedures. (This term and its pulse repetition frequency. In lasers, the definition are approved for inclusion in the number of pulses that occur each second. next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) (PRF should not be confused with transmission frequency, which is splash. 1. In artillery and naval gunfire determined by the rate at which cycles are support, word transmitted to an observer repeated within the transmitted pulse). Also or spotter five seconds before the estimated called PRF. (This term and its definition time of the impact of a salvo or round. 2. modify the existing term and its definition In air interception, target destruction and are approved for inclusion in the next verified by visual or radar means. (Joint edition of Joint Pub 1-02.) Pub 1-02) radar beacon. A receiver-transmitter spotter. An observer stationed for the purpose combination which sends out a coded signal of observing and reporting results of naval when triggered by the proper type of pulse, gunfire to the firing agency and who also enabling determination of range and may be employed in designating targets. bearing information by the interrogating (Joint Pub 1-02) station or aircraft. (Joint Pub 1-02) tactical air control party. A subordinate special operations terminal attack operational component of a tactical air controller. USAF combat control control system designed to provide air personnel certified to perform the terminal liaison to land forces and for the control of attack control function in support of Special aircraft. Also called TACP. (This term and Operations Forces missions. Special its definition modify the existing term and operations terminal attack controller its definition and are approved for inclusion operations emphasize the employment of in the next edition of Joint Pub 1-02.)


target acquisition. The detection, identification, and location of a target in sufficient detail to permit the effective employment of weapons. (Joint Pub 1-02) toss bombing. A method of bombing where an aircraft flies on a line towards the target, pulls up in a vertical plane, releasing the bomb at an angle that will compensate for the effect of gravity drop on the bomb. Similar to loft bombing; unrestricted as to altitude. (Joint Pub 1-02)


Joint Pub 3-09.1

















All joint doctrine and tactics, techniques, and procedures are organized into a comprehensive hierarchy as shown in the chart above. Joint Pub 3-09.1 is in the Operations series of joint doctrine publications. The diagram below illustrates an overview of the development process:

STEP #1 Project Proposal STEP #5 Assessments/Revision ! The CINCS receive the pub and begin to assess it during use ! 18 to 24 months following publication, the Director J-7, will solicit a written report from the combatant commands and Services on the utility and quality of each pub and the need for any urgent changes or earlier-than-scheduled revisions ! No later than 5 years after development, each pub is revised ! Submitted by Services, CINCS, or Joint Staff to fill extant operational void ! J-7 validates requirement with Services and CINCs ! J-7 initiates Program Directive STEP #2 Program Directive ! J-7 formally staffs with Services and CINCS ! Includes scope of project, references, milestones, and who will develop drafts ! J-7 releases Program Directive to Lead Agent. Lead Agent can be Service, CINC, or Joint Staff (JS) Directorate

Project Proposal

Assessments/ Revision


CJCS Approval

Two Drafts

STEP #4 CJCS Approval ! Lead Agent forwards proposed pub to Joint Staff ! Joint Staff takes responsibility for pub, makes required changes and prepares pub for coordination with Services and CINCS ! Joint Staff conducts formal staffing for approval as a Joint Publication

STEP #3 Two Drafts ! Lead Agent selects Primary Review Authority (PRA) to develop the pub ! PRA develops two draft pubs ! PRA staffs each draft with CINCS, Services, and Joint Staff

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