AFTC-a Detailed View

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( I S O 9001-2000 CERTIFIED )


1. Introduction 03
2. Types of AFTC 03
3. Siemens type 04
4. Testing of voltages 07
5. ABB type 08
6. Parameters 09
7. US & S type 10


This track circuit is virtually A.C. track circuit in which different tracks circuit work
on different set of frequencies under the principle of FSK. The frequencies used
are in the audio range, which are audible to our ears. Hence this track circuit is
known as audio frequency track circuit.
The main advantage of this track circuit is that:
1. There is no requirement of insulation joints i.e. point isolation of one-track
circuit from other. Here the track circuits are electrically isolated from each
other. Hence installation cost of glued joints is reduced. Also recurring cost
and amount of maintenance is also reduced.
2. Both the rails carry the traction return current.
3. This track circuit is universal track circuit because it can be used in A.C. R.E
area, D.C traction area and non-electrified area.
4. It is not affected by electromagnetic and electrostatic affects in 25 kV A.C
area. So there is no need of using chokes as in D.C. track circuit.
5. The length of the track circuit is more as compared to D.C. track circuit. So
less number of track circuit can be used. It is not affected by harmonic
frequencies generated by chopper trains as in conventional track circuits.


Now 4 different types of AFTCs are available in market.

1. ABB.
3. US&S.
4. Alstom.
In Mumbai division almost all the four types of AFTCs are used in replacing the
conventional track circuits. The working principle is almost identical in all the four types
of track circuits. That is they are working under the principle of frequency shift keying of
a given frequency.

For isolation of one-track circuit from another, different companies

formulated different set of audio frequencies.

1. Tuning Units – 2 Nos.

2. Transmitter – 1 No.
3. Receiver – 1 No.
4. PSU – 1 No.

Transmitter and receiver are installed at center location i.e. in cabin or location
box (in case of auto section) transmitter is meant for feeding the supply for track
circuit with requisite frequency and receiver is meant for receiving the voltage of
required frequency from track. TX and rails are connected through TU in the
same way RX and rails are connected through TU. TU is for matching Receiver
input Impedance & transmitter out put Impedance. At receiver (Relay end) for
matching Impedance of rails & receiver, so that maximum power transfer can
take place. It also acts as a low pass filter for adjacent track.

It consists of crystals generator with modulator. The transmitter transmits a given
signal of set frequency.

Amplifier. It amplifies the operational signal up to the required power level.

Filter: It is used to obtain the selective frequency. This operational frequency is

shift keyed with frequency. +/- 64Hz. There by achieving a frequency modulation
on the transmitter stage itself. For more safety the transmitted signals are coded
in the transmitter. Different track circuits will have different pattern of coding.
This signal is fed to the tuning unit installed at track side, through transmission
cable and fed to the track by means of track lead wires and ‘S’ bond.

The modulated audio frequency is transmitted through the rails and received at
relay end by means of ‘S’ bond and fed to tuning unit.
The received signal from the tuning unit is fed to the receiver I through
communication cable.
Receiver I compare the set frequency with received frequency and monitors the
reception voltage level. In receiver II bit pattern (code) is compared with internal
bit pattern (already set) with demodulator. Finally receiver II provides output for
relay drive card. Ralay drive card provides the DC supply as channel 1 & 2 for
picking up of Track relays GF1 & FG2.
There are two types of AFTC’s in Siemens i.e. FTGS 917 & FTGS46
FTGS46 4.75 KHz, 5.25KHz, 5.75KHz, 6.25KHz.
FTGS917 9.5KHz, 10.5KHz, 11.5KHz, 12.5KHz, 13.5KHz,
14.5KHz, 15.5KHz, 16.5KHz

1. Length of Track Circuit

When RB = 1.5 ohms / km
Remote Feeding Standard Layout Central Fed Point & crossings
Maximum 350 mtrs. 850 mtrs.
Minimum 300 mtrs. 700 mtrs.

When RB = 2.5 ohms / km.

ST-917 M-917
Maximum 400 mtrs. 1000 mtrs.
Minimum 330 mtrs. 850mtrs.

2. TSR = .5 ohms
3. Voltage at Transmitter end
Tx Output (1-2) 9-12 volt AC
Filter Unit Output (3-4) 30-100 volts AC (To track before cable
Stabilizing resistance)

Voltage on Rail - Approx. 4 volts.

L1 - Green - Out put Tx board

L2 - Yellow - Upper Frequency Flickers slightly accordance

L3 - Yellow - Lower Frequency with bit pattern

L4.1 - Green - Amplifier Output (FTGS 46 only)

L4 - Green - Out put voltage to track

L5.1 - Green - Amplifier evaluation channel 1

L5.2 - Green - Amplifier evaluation channel 2

L6.1 - Green - Bit pattern evaluation channel 1 Demodulates

L6.2 - Green - Bit pattern evaluation channel 2
L7.1 - Green - Combination amplitude/bit pattern channel 1
L7.2 - Green - Combination amplitude/bit pattern channel 2
L8 - Green - Scanning pulse for receiver 2 board – correct
functioning of additional circuit in receiver 1
L9 - Green - Inter code short circuit supervision (ISCS)


For Trouble shooting purposes, the voltages at the power units and
measuring sockets of the major components can be measured. The permitted
values are given below in the table.

Sockets Adjuster Permitted Measurement Remarks

(Ckt. Board Range Rage Location
½ (B 40/41) 20 v AC 9 to 12 v Transmitter Square wave voltage
output Approx. 18 v. PPT=1/10=69
to 210 usec.
3.1/4.1(B 42) 200 VAC 60 to 90 Amplifier Square wave voltage
output Approx. 100 to 150 V with
¾ (B40) 200 VAC 30 to 100 Filter output To track (before cable
stabilizing resistor)
I5/II8 20 VAC > 6.5 “Clear’ track Without external axles shunt
II5/II8(B33) voltage
track voltage
I7/II8 20/2VAC 1.3 to 2 Demodulator
II7/II8(B33) inputs
I8/II8 20 VDC 11 to 13 12 V Supply voltage
I9/II8 Receiver I
II9/II8 (B33) output without
I10/II8 20 VDC 5.6 Reference
II10/II8(B33) voltage
I11/I12 30 VDC 16.5 +/-1 Relay voltage
II 11/II
I 13/I 14 20 VDC 4 to 5 Cascade clock Output of AND element
II 13 / II 14 (B pulse
12v / 0 v 20 DC 12 + 1 Power unit Supply voltage 12vDC

5v / 0 v 20 VDC 5 + 0.5 Power unit Supply voltage 5v DC

E1/E2 20/2 VAC 0.3 to 2.0 Receiver 1 Via adjusting filter according
(B33) input to setting.
This make is having following Frequencies.
‘A’ freq. = 1699Hz, ‘B’ freq. = 2296Hz
‘C’ freq. = 1996Hz, ‘D’freq. = 2593Hz
‘E’ = ‘F’ =
‘G’ = ‘H’ =
Transmitter: It will produce anyone of the required frequencies. Different Track
circuit units will be allotted with different frequencies. The freq. allotment will be
made as follows.
Up Through A B A B
Down Through C D C D
Up Local E F E F
Down Local G H G H
Receiver: it will receive the supply from rails through ‘TU’ and will check the freq.
With the set reference freq. And also check the track voltage level. Then only it
make the track relay to pick up.
The electrical separation of the adjacent track circuit is known as ‘tuned zone’ it
is approximately 19.5 mtrs.
In ABB the track length core available as follow.

For end feed. Low power mode – 50 – 200mt.

High power mode – 200 – 900mt. Track circuit length
For centre fed 900 – 2000mtr.
Depending upon the requirement we can use any one of the above mentioned
track circuit.
End feed means arrangement of normal track circuit. That is transmitter at one
end and receiver at another end.
In center fed Track circuit. Tx will be almost in mid position of the track circuit
that track feeding at center and the two ends of the track circuit having the
receiver to detect half of the track circuit section independently.
The relay used is ordinary line relay of 50v DC

Parameters of ABB AFTC

1. Tx/Rx input current:
Tx= 1.3 – 2.2 amp. DC (Normal mode)
0.2 – 04 A DC (Low mode)
Rx = 50mA DC relay down
200 – 500 mA DC relay up
2. Tx/Rx B 24 input voltage: 22.5 – 30.5 V DC
3. Tx Output: 10-11VAC for freq. A, C, E&G
15-16VAC for freq. B, D, F&H
4. Tx/Rx Rail Voltage:
Tx low power = 0.8 – 1.7VAC
Tx normal power = 4.5-5.3VAC(Freq. A, C, E&G)
5.8 – 6.6 VAC (Freq. B, D, F&H)
Rx low mode: 0.5 –0.9 VAC
Rx normal mode: 0.4 – 1.6 VAC
6. Tx TU output voltage: AB (5) plus approx. 10%
7. Rx relay supply voltage: 40 – 65 VDC
120VDC when open circuit.

8. PSU: input 110VAC

Input tapings – 0.5, 95, 105, 115V
O/P voltage: 22.5 – 30.5 VDC

Precautions to be taken while installation of AFTC

1. Any frequency generated equipments like transducers of axle counters
AWS magnet should not present in tuned area.
2. PSU shall be used to feed supply in such a way that Tx of one-track circuit
and Rx of another track circuit should be fed.

US & S TYPE (Union Switch& Signal)

UM 71
One pair: F1: 1700 Hz F2: 2300 Hz
Another pair: F1: 2000 Hz F2: 2600 Hz
Tuning zone: 20-26 m
FSK: 11 Hz at a rate of:
1) Frequency 1700 Hz ------- = 13.3 Hz
2) Frequency 2000 Hz ------- = 15.6 Hz
3) Frequency 2300 Hz ------- = 18.0 Hz
4) Frequency 2600 Hz -------- = 20.3 Hz

Tx consists of:
A stabilized power supply
An oscillator
An amplifier
A frequency divider
A current regulator
Rx consists of:
An input transformer for adjustment of track circuit
A band pan carrier filter for spurious signal supervisors
A trigger providing the threshold function
A de-modulator used to search for the modulation VLF signal
A VLF amplifier
A VLF rectifier and filter circuit
A delayed threshold oscillator, which transfers the VLF energy into a 15KHz
signal and also providing the relay, pick up time delay function
An amplifier, which delivers the power necessary to energize and lock the relay.
Impedance matching between the items of the equipment installed at the track
and those installed at the relay end.
It consists of:
 A tapped transformer
 A series inductor
 Two capacitors connected head to tail
 A series rectifier

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