Smart Wealth Goal II - Child
Smart Wealth Goal II - Child
Smart Wealth Goal II - Child
C hi ld E ducation Goal
Benefits payable
Maturity Benefit
The Maturity Benefit will be the Fund value as on the date of maturity of your Policy. Even in case of an unfortunate death or
Accidental Total Permanent Disability (ATPD) of the Life Assured during the Policy term, the Maturity Benefit will be paid.
Income Benefit
On occurrence of death or ATPD of the Life Assured, whichever is earlier, an additional benefit as Income Benefit will be
i) Each installment of the Income Benefit is equal to one prevailing Annual Premium
ii) The Income Benefit is payable each Policy year till the end of the Policy term and the first Income Benefit instalment will be
due on the Policy anniversary after the date of death or ATPD, whichever is earlier.
iii) In case of death of the Life Assured the Income Benefit is payable to the nominee and in case of ATPD it is payable to the
Policyholder, at each Policy Anniversary for the remaining Policy term
iv) Income Benefit will be payable only if all the due Premiums are paid up to date
v) Income Benefit will not be payable in case of a Discontinued or Paid-up Policy
If Income benefit is paid out on occurrence of ATPD, then, on subsequent death, no additional benefit is payable, and the income benefit will
continue till the end of Policy term
Total Premiums paid shall be sum of all Regular/Limited Premiums and any Top up Premiums paid till date.
End of Policy Year 15th year 20th year 25th year 30th year
Sample Illustration
Prakash is 35 years old and has a 2 year old son, and he wants to create a Fund for his son's education. He has taken a Bajaj
Allianz Life Smart Wealth Goal Policy (Child Wealth) to meet his LifeGoals for a Policy Term of 20 years. He is paying an Annual
Premium of ` 1 lac for a Premium payment term of 10 years with a Sum Assured of ` 10 Lacs. Prakash has also opted for Child
Milestone Payout. Let's see the benefits available under the Policy.
8% `32,000 `16,114 `1,49,356 `1,81,734 `2,07,585 `2,25,285 `19,504 `88,780 `14,61,921 `15,70,205
4% `32,000 `11,320 `95,216 `1,11,222 `1,21,884 `1,26,806 `11,221 `88,780 `7,88,045 `8,88,046
In case of Prakash's unfortunate death on the 5th year, the Death Benefit, based on the assumed investment returns, are as
nd rd th
per the table given below. The Policy will continue with the 2 , 3 and 4 Child Milestone Payout to be paid as and when
they become due
Payment Term 10 years
Income benefit
The Death Benefit is subject to a minimum of the Guaranteed Benefit, which is 105% of the total Premiums paid, till the date of
All figures are in rupees. The returns indicated at 4% and 8% are illustrative and not guaranteed, subject to Policy terms &
conditions and do not indicate the upper or lower limits of returns under the Policy.
The above illustrations are considering investment is in the "Pure Stock Fund II and Goods & Service Tax of 18%"
Parameter Details
Policy Features
Surrender Value
You have the option to surrender your Policy at any time.
i. On surrender during the lock-in period of first five years of your Policy, the Fund value, less the Discontinuance/Surrender
charge, as on the date of surrender, will be transferred to the Discontinued Life Policy Fund, and all risk covers will cease
immediately. The option to revive the policy will not be available to such a surrendered policy. The Discontinued value as at
the end of the lock-in period will be available to you as Surrender Value.
ii. On surrender after the lock-in period of first five years of your Policy, the Surrender Value available will be Regular Premium
Fund value, along with Top up Premium Fund value, if any, as on the date of surrender, and will be payable immediately.
iii. If the WOP and Income benefit has already been triggered under the Policy, then, the above-mentioned Surrender Value
will be increased by the present value of future WOP installments and present value of outstanding income benefit
installments (from the date of surrender), discounted at 4% p.a.
iv. The Policy shall terminate upon payment of the full Surrender/Discontinued value by Insurance Company.
a) Investor selectable Portfolio Strategy: If you want to allocate your Premiums based on your personal choice and decision,
you can opt for this strategy and choose from among the ten(10) Funds below to suit your investment needs.
i. Equity Growth Fund II Risk Profile – Very High (SFIN: ULIF05106/01/10EQTYGROW02116)
The investment objective of this Fund is to provide capital appreciation through investment in selected equity stocks that
have the potential for capital appreciation.
Portfolio Allocation:
Equity Not less than 60%
ii. Accelerator Mid-Cap Fund II Risk Profile – Very High (SFIN: ULIF05206/01/10ACCMIDCA02116)
The investment objective of this Fund is to achieve capital appreciation by investing in a diversified basket of mid cap stocks
and large cap stocks
Portfolio Allocation:
Not less than 60%, Out of the equity investment at least 50%
will be in mid cap stocks
Bank deposits 0% to 40%
iii. Pure Stock Fund Risk profile - Very High (SFIN: :ULIF02721/07/06PURESTKFUN116)
The investment objective of this Fund is to specifically exclude companies dealing in Gambling, Contests, Liquor, Entertainment
(Films, TV etc.), Hotels, Banks and Financial Institutions.
Portfolio Allocation:
Equity Not less than 60%
iv. Pure Stock Fund ll Risk profile - Very High (SFIN: :ULIF07709/01/17PURSTKFUN2116)
The investment objective of this Fund is to specifically exclude companies dealing in Gambling, Contests, Liquor, Entertainment
(Films, TV etc.), Hotels, Tobacco & Tobacco related institutions.
Portfolio Allocation:
Equity Not less than 75%
Portfolio Allocation:
Equity 40% - 90%
Portfolio Allocation:
Bank deposits and Money Market Instruments 100%
ix. Flexi Cap Fund Risk Profile – Very High (SFIN: ULIF07917/11/21FLXCAPFUND116)
To achieve capital appreciation by investing in a diversified basket of stocks across market capitalizations i.e. Large cap, mid cap
and small cap
Portfolio Allocation:
The maximum investment in mutual funds shall be governed by the relevant IRDAI guidelines.
The maximum investment in Liquid mutual funds shall be governed by the relevant IRDAI guidelines.
You can choose one or more investment Funds within the Investor selectable Portfolio Strategy.
You have the option to switch units from one Fund to another, by giving written notice to the Insurance Company.
The Insurance Company may add, close, merge, modify or consolidate the Funds under this Policy with prior approval from
the IRDAI.
This will ensure that a balance is maintained between the Policyholder's “years to maturity” and level of risk on
investments to optimize the returns.
The Premium (Regular/Limited and Top up Premium, if any) and Fund value (Regular Premium Fund value and Top up
Premium Fund value) allocation/reallocation will be as follows:
You will not have the option to switch units or change the apportionment of Premium to various Funds, under the Wheel
of Life Portfolio Strategy - II.
You can switch out of this Portfolio Strategy at any Policy Anniversary by giving a written notice to The Insurance Company 30
days in advance.
In case of Partial withdrawal, the withdrawal of units from each Fund will be done in the same proportion as the value of the
Units held in that Fund as on date of withdrawal. You will not have any choice to opt the Fund from which the partial withdrawal
of units is to be done.
Bajaj Allianz Life
Smart Wealth Goal
Child Wealth Variant
The strategy will not be available if you have opted for monthly mode of premium payment.
You can opt out of this Portfolio Strategy at any subsequent Policy Anniversary by giving a written notice to the Company
30 days in advance.
e) Capital Preservation-Oriented Strategy:
This strategy can be opted only at the inception of the Policy. This strategy can be opted only if Policy term is at least 10
years, and the minimum difference between the Policy term and Premium payment term is at least 5 years
The objective of the strategy is to optimise risk and return, by investing across five pre-determined Funds, which are a mix
of very high to low risk Funds, in such a way that the monies invested over the years along with the accumulated returns
are subjected to lesser market volatility, in the years closer to maturity. However, the strategy does not provide any
Bajaj Allianz Life
Smart Wealth Goal
Child Wealth Variant
minimum guaranteed maturity benefit.
Under this strategy, at the commencement of the policy, the Regular Premium and the Top Up premium, if any, would be
allocated in the Funds mentioned (namely Equity Growth Fund II, Accelerator Mid-Cap Fund II, Pure Stock Fund II, Bond
Fund & Liquid Fund) in the proportion as mentioned in the table below.
At each policy anniversary, the Company will reallocate the Fund Value among various funds in the proportion based on
the table below, depending on the outstanding years to maturity
All allocation & de-allocations of units shall be based on the prevailing unit price/NAV.
You can switch out of the strategy by giving a written notice to the Company 30 days in advance. However, once switched
out, switching back into the strategy again is not allowed.
You will not have the option to switch units or choose Premium apportionment to various Funds, under the Capital
Preservation Oriented Strategy
In case of Partial withdrawal (systematic or non- systematic), the withdrawal of units from each Fund will be done in the
same proportion as the value of the units held in that Fund as on date of withdrawal. You will not have any choice to opt
the Fund(s) from which the partial withdrawal of units is to be done.
The gap between any two Child Milestone Payouts must be at least one year.
You will also have an option to take the Child Milestone Payouts in monthly frequency.
The monthly Child Milestone Payouts will be spread over 12 continuous months, starting from the respective Policy
Anniversaries e.g., (8%/12) will be the monthly percentage throughout the first year of payout.
On partial withdrawals, eligible Top up units would be en-cashed first on First in First out (FIFO) basis before allowing partial
withdrawals from the Regular Premium Fund value
For the purpose of partial withdrawals, each payment of Top up Premium shall have a lock-in period of five years
Company shall affect the partial withdrawal by redeeming units from the Fund(s) at their respective unit price/NAV
A partial withdrawal shall not be allowed if it will result in foreclosure of the Policy
In Wheel of Life Portfolio Strategy II or Capital Preservation-Oriented Strategy, you will not have option of choice of Fund(s)
you can withdraw from. The partial withdrawal will be in the same proportion as the Fund values in each Fund. In other
portfolio strategies, you will have the option to choose the Fund(s) you want to do partial withdrawals from
No charges would be levied for Partial Withdrawal
The Company reserves the right at any time and from time to time to vary the minimum time gap to maintain between two
withdrawals and/or the minimum balance of value of units to be maintained after such partial withdrawals, by giving written
notice of three months in advance, subject to prior approval from IRDAI
Switching between Funds - Only under the Investor Selectable Portfolio Strategy
You can switch units from one Fund to another at any time (even during the Systematic Partial Withdrawal period), by giving
written notice to the company, other than in a Discontinued Life Policy.
You can make unlimited free switches
The minimum switching amount is Rs. 5,000 or the value of units held in the Fund to be switched from, whichever is lower
The company shall affect the switch by redeeming units from the Fund to be switched from and allocating new units in the
Fund being switched to at their respective unit price/NAV
Switching between Funds is not allowed when Wheel of Life Portfolio Strategy II, Trigger Based Portfolio Strategy II, Capital
Preservation-Oriented Strategy or Auto Transfer Portfolio Strategy is opted for.
Trigger Based Portfolio Strategy II and Capital Preservation-Oriented Strategy can be opted for only at inception. Once you
have opted out of Trigger Based Portfolio Strategy II and Capital Preservation-Oriented Strategy, you cannot switch into the
Trigger Based Portfolio Strategy II and Capital Preservation-Oriented Strategy again during the term of the Policy
Bajaj Allianz Life
Smart Wealth Goal
Child Wealth Variant
On switching into the Investor Selectable Portfolio Strategy from any of the other Portfolio Strategy, the existing Funds and
the new Premiums paid will be allocated into the Fund(s) of your choice.
On switching out of the Investor Selectable Portfolio Strategy to Wheel of Life Portfolio Strategy II or Auto Transfer Portfolio
Strategy the existing Funds and the new Premiums paid will be allocated as per the respective Portfolio Strategy.
Miscellaneous charge, as mentioned in Table of Charges, will be applicable
Quarterly & Monthly Premium payment frequency will be available under auto-debit options as approved by RBI
Miscellaneous charge, as mentioned in the Table of Charges given below, will be applicable for the option
Option to decease the Sum Assured (Applicable only for a Top up Sum Assured)
You will have the option to reduce the Top up Sum Assured under the Policy at any time, subject to the minimum Top up Sum
Assured amount multiplier permitted under this Policy
Once reduced, the Top up Sum Assured cannot be increased, even to the extent of the original Top up Sum Assured
The Mortality Charge will be based on the revised Top up Sum Assured from the next Monthly Due Date.
Miscellaneous Charge, as mentioned table of charges, will be applicable for this alteration
Settlement Option
Option to take Maturity Benefit in instalments -
a. You will have the option to receive the Maturity Benefit in installments (payable yearly, half yearly, quarterly or monthly) spread
over a maximum period of five years
b. The Policy monies will continue being invested in the same Fund(s) and in the same proportion as on the Maturity date. However,
you have the option to switch Fund(s)
c. The first instalment will be payable on the Maturity Date
d. The amount paid out to you in each installment will be the outstanding Fund value, as at that installment date divided by the
number of outstanding installments, hiked-up by 0.5%. Therefore, each installment is equal to [Fund value / No. of Outstanding
Installment] * 1.005. The hike-up is called the Return Enhancer, which is an additional benefit to you.
e. Installment payment will be made by redeeming units from the Funds at the unit price/NAV applicable on the installment date
f. Investment risk during the settlement period will be borne by you
g. During this period, in case of death of the Life Assured, the Death Benefit, which will be higher of 105% of Total Premiums paid or
outstanding Fund value, will be paid as a lumpsum to the nominee and the Policy will be terminated.
Bajaj Allianz Life
Smart Wealth Goal
Child Wealth Variant
h. If Death Benefit has been paid out during the Policy Term on occurrence of death/ATPD, then, no risk cover will be available
during the settlement period
i. No partial withdrawals are allowed during the settlement period
j. Only Fund management charge and Mortality charge shall be applicable during the settlement period
k. Alternatively, you will have an option to withdraw the Fund value completely, anytime during the settlement period. The Fund
value will be calculated as the total number of outstanding units in the Policy multiplied by the unit price/NAV as on date of
complete withdrawal
Tax Benefits
Premium paid, Maturity Benefit, Death Benefit and Surrender Value are eligible for tax benefits as per extant Income Tax Act,
subject to the provision stated therein.
You are requested to consult your tax consultant and obtain independent tax advice for eligibility and before claiming any
benefit under the Policy.
Non-Payment of Premiums
a) On Discontinuance of Regular Premiums due during the first five Policy years, the Policy will be converted to a Discontinued Life
Policy (without any risk cover, Guaranteed Benefit, Periodical Money Backs/Loyalty Benefits, ROMC) at the end of the grace period,
and the Regular Premium Fund value less the Discontinuance/Surrender charge, along with Top up Premium Fund value, will be
transferred to the Discontinued Life Policy Fund.
I) A notice will be sent by the Company to you within three (3) months from the date of first unpaid Premium, informing you of
the status of the Policy and requesting to revive the Policy or, communicate to the company agreeing to revive the Policy
within the revival period of three (3) years from the date of first unpaid Premium, by paying all due Regular Premiums, subject
to Revival conditions as per Revival clause mentioned below
ii) If you have opted to revive the Policy but have not revived the Policy within the revival period, the Discontinued value shall be
payable as the Surrender Value at the end of lock-in period of five (5) policy years or at the end of the revival period, whichever
is later
iii) If no communication is received from you with respect to the revival of the Policy, the Discontinued value shall be payable as
the Surrender Value at the end of lock-in period of five Policy years
iv) At any time, you have the option to completely withdraw from the Policy without any risk cover, Guaranteed Benefit, Periodical
Money Backs/Loyalty Benefits, ROMC and receive the Discontinued value (as Surrender Value) at the end of the lock-in period
of five Policy years or the date of surrender, whichever is later
b) On discontinuance of Regular Premiums due after the lock-in period of five Policy years, the Policy will be, immediately &
automatically, converted to a Paid-up Policy at the end of the grace period, with risk cover under the base Policy to the extent of
the Paid-up Sum Assured and without any Periodical Money Backs/Loyalty Benefits, ROMC. The Paid-up Sum Assured will be the
prevailing Sum Assured in the Policy multiplied by the proportion of the number of Premiums paid to the number of Premiums
payable in the Policy. All charges as per the terms & conditions of the Policy will be deducted
i) A notice will be sent by the Company to you within three months from the date of first unpaid Premium, informing you of the
status of the Policy and requesting you to exercise one of the options mentioned below
1) Option A: Revive the Policy or, communicate to the company agreeing to revive the Policy within the revival period of three
years from the date of first unpaid Premium, by paying all due Regular Premiums, subject to Revival conditions as per Revival
clause mentioned below, OR
2) Option B: Intimate the Company to completely withdraw from the Policy without any risk cover and receive the Surrender
Value under the Policy as on the date of receipt of such intimation.
ii) If you have chosen the Option A above but do not revive the Policy during the revival period, or the Company does not receive
any communication from you, the Policy shall be treated as a Paid-up Policy, as mentioned in section b) above. At the end of
the revival period, if the Policy has not been revived, the Surrender Value under the Policy as at the end of the revival period
will be payable to you.
iii) If you decide to surrender the Policy as per Option B above, the Surrender Value under the Policy as on the date of receipt of
such intimation, will be payable to you.
c) Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, on the death of the Life Assured,
Bajaj Allianz Life
Smart Wealth Goal
Child Wealth Variant
i) If the Policy is discontinued as per sub-section a) above, the Discontinued value as on the date of receipt of intimation at the
Company's office, shall be payable as Death Benefit, and, then, the Policy will terminate.
ii) If the Policy is discontinued as per sub-section b) above, the higher of the [Paid-up Sum Assured or Regular Premium Fund
value] plus higher of the [Prevailing Top-up Sum Assured or Top-up Premium Fund value], subject to a minimum of the
Guaranteed Benefit, all, as on the date of receipt of intimation, shall be payable as Death Benefit, and, then, the Policy will
A Discontinued Policy can only be revived subject to following conditions:
The Company receives the request for revival within three (3) years from the date of discontinuance of the Policy provided the
Policy is not terminated already.
Such information and documentation as may be requested by the Company is submitted by you at your own expense.
The Policy may be revived on the original Policy terms & conditions, revised terms & conditions or disallowed revival, based on
board approved underwriting policy.
On revival of the Discontinued Policy,
1. The Policy will be revived restoring the risk cover, Guaranteed Benefit, Periodical Money Backs/Loyalty Benefits, Return of
Mortality Charge.
2. All the due but unpaid Premiums will be collected without charging any interest or fee.
3. If the Policy is a Discontinued Policy, the Discontinued value of the Policy together with the amount of Discontinuance charge
(without any interest) as deducted by the Company on the date of discontinuance of the Policy, shall be restored to the chosen
Fund(s) in the same proportion as it existed on the date of discontinuance, at their prevailing Unit Price/NAV.
a. The Premium Allocation Charge and Policy Administration Charge, as applicable, during the discontinuance period shall be
deducted as applicable from Regular Premiums paid or from the Fund at the time of revival.
4. The Periodical Money Backs/Loyalty Benefits due-but-not-allotted during the period the Policy was in discontinuance shall be
added to the Regular Premium Fund value.
Force Ma'jeure
a) The Company shall value the Funds (SFIN) on each day for which the financial markets are open. However, the Company
may value the SFIN less frequently in extreme circumstances external to the Company i.e. in force majeure events, where
the value of the assets is too uncertain. In such circumstances, the Company may defer the valuation of assets for up to 30
days until the Company is certain that the valuation of SFIN can be resumed.
b) The Company shall inform IRDAI of such deferment in the valuation of assets. During the continuance of the force majeure
events, all request for servicing the Policy including Policy related payment shall be kept in abeyance.
c) The Company shall continue to invest as per the Fund mandates. However, the Company shall reserve its right to change
the exposure of all or any part of the Fund to Money Market Instruments [as defined under Regulations 2(j) of IRDAI
(Investment) Regulations, 2016] in circumstances mentioned under points (a and b) above. The exposure to of the Fund as
per the Fund mandates shall be reinstated within reasonable timelines once the force majeure situation ends.
d) Some examples of such circumstances [in Sub-Section a) & Sub-Section b) above] are:
i) When one or more stock exchanges which provide a basis for valuation of the assets of the Fund are closed otherwise than
for ordinary holidays.
ii) When, as a result of political, economic, monetary or any circumstances out of the control of the Company, the disposal of
the assets of the Fund are not reasonable or would not reasonably be practicable without being detrimental to the interests
of the continuing Policyholders.
iii) In the event of natural calamities, strikes, war, civil unrest, riots and bandhs.
iv) In the event of any force majeure or disaster that affects the normal functioning of the Company.
In such an event, an intimation of such force majeure event shall be uploaded on the Company's website for information.
Bajaj Allianz Life
Smart Wealth Goal
Child Wealth Variant
The IB Charge is applied on the sum at risk, which is the present value of all outstanding IB
installments as on the date of charge. PV of outstanding IB instalments are discounted at 4% p.a.
Income Benefit Charge IB Charge for the Life Assured will be deducted at each monthly anniversary by cancellation of units
at the prevailing unit price/NAV
This product can be purchased online also. For more details, please visit
Revision of Charges
After taking due approval from the IRDAI, the Company reserves the right to revise the above mentioned charges, except the
Premium Allocation charge and the Mortality charge which are guaranteed throughout the Policy Term:
Fund management charge up to a maximum of 1.35% per annum of the NAV for all the Funds except Discontinued Life Policy
Fund and 0.50% p.a. for the Discontinued Life Policy Fund.
Policy Administration Charge up to a maximum of ` 500 per month.
Miscellaneous charge up to a maximum of ` 500/- per transaction
Partial Withdrawal charge up to a maximum of ` 500/- per transaction
Switching charge up to a maximum of ` 500/- per transaction
Company shall give an advance notice of 3 months for any change in charges
The Policy will terminate on payment of the last instalment.
If you have opted for the Settlement Option
This Policy shall automatically and immediately terminate on the earlier occurrence of any of the following events:
On foreclosure of the Policy
On the date of receipt of intimation of death of the Life Assured (unless the Settlement option has been opted for)
On payment of Discontinued value or Surrender Value
The Maturity Date, unless Settlement Option has been opted
The expiry of the Settlement period, if opted
On cancellation of Policy during Free Look Period
On suicide of Life Assured
Grace Period
A grace period of 30 days for yearly, half yearly & quarterly Premium payment frequency and 15 days is available for monthly
Premium payment frequency from the due date of Regular Premium payment, without any late fee, during which time the
Policy is considered to be in-force with the risk cover without any interruption as per the Policy Terms and conditions.
No loan facility is available under this plan.
If the fund value under any policy, after three (3) policy years, is lower than one (1) prevailing annualized premium or 1/10th
the single premium, the policy shall be foreclosed, and any discontinuance value / surrender benefit shall be paid to the
policyholder, as per the conditions in the surrender benefit section above. The implementation of this will ensure that some
benefit is made available to the policyholder, which is fair to the policyholder.
Before foreclosure of the policy, the policyholder will be given the option to pay any premiums due under the policy or to pay
top-up premium, as applicable.
Suicide Exclusion: In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of the Policy or from the
date of latest revival of the Policy, whichever is later, the nominee or beneficiary shall be entitled to Fund value, as available on
the date of intimation of death. Any charges other than FMC or guarantee charge recovered subsequent to the date of death
shall be added to the Fund value as on the date of intimation of death.
Accidental Total Permanent Disability Exclusion:
The accidental disability benefit will not be payable in the following situations:
a) Disability as a result of the insured person committing any breach of law with criminal intent
b) Disability of insured person as a result of war, invasion, civil war, rebellion or riot
c) Disability as a consequence of the insured person being under the influence of alcohol or drugs other than drugs prescribed
by and taken in accordance with the directions of a registered medical practitioner
d) Disability as a result of the insured person taking part in any naval, military or air force operation
e) Disability as a result of the insured person participating in or training for any dangerous or hazardous sport or competition
or riding or driving in any form of race or competition
f) Disability of insured person as a result of aviation, gliding or any form of aerial flight other than as a fare paying passenger
on a civilian airline flying on regular routes and according to a scheduled timetable
g) Disability of insured person as a result of attempted self-injury
h) Disability of insured person as a result of poison, gas or fume (voluntary or involuntarily, accidentally or otherwise taken,
administered, absorbed or inhaled.
a. Disability: Disability means, disability of the Life Assured as a result of bodily injury caused by an accident (a sudden
unforeseen and involuntary event caused by external, visible and violent means) and such injury shall within 180 days of its
occurrence solely, directly and independently of any other cause, resulting in the Life Assured disability which must be
permanent and total.
b. Accidental Total Permanent Disability (ATPD): It is defined as an event that must result in one of the following:
a. Loss of both eyes
b. Loss of both arms or both hands
c. Loss of one arm and one leg
d. Loss of one arm and one foot
e. Loss of one hand and one foot
f. Loss of one hand and one leg
g. Loss of both legs
Bajaj Allianz Life
Smart Wealth Goal
Child Wealth Variant
h. Loss of both feet
i. Removal of lower jaw
The Disability must be documented for an uninterrupted period of six months.
(i) Loss of both eyes means total loss of vision in both eyes, certified by an ophthalmologist.
(ii) If the disability is due to amputation / dismemberment, loss of hand will mean amputation / dismemberment above wrist,
loss of arm will mean amputation / dismemberment above elbow, loss of feet will mean amputation/dismemberment
above ankle and loss of leg will mean amputation / dismemberment above knee.
(iii) In permanent total disability, both the limbs should have motor-grade power less than or equal to 2/5.
(iv) The disability has to be certified by a registered medical practitioner. Claim intimation should be received in writing
within 60 days of occurrence of the disability.
(v) The Disability Benefit is paid if and only if disability is detected as per above Disability Condition.
c. Fund value: The Fund value is equal to the total number of units pertaining to Regular Premium, Top up Premium, Loyalty
Benefits existing in each Fund under a Policy multiplied by the respective Unit Price/NAV on the relevant Valuation Date.
d. Regular Premium Fund value: Regular Premium Fund value is equal to the total units in respect of prevailing
Regular/Limited Premiums paid under this Policy multiplied by the respective Unit Price/NAV on the relevant Valuation
e. Top up Premium Fund value: Top up Premium Fund value is equal to the total Units in respect of Top up Premium under this
Policy multiplied by the respective Unit Price/NAV on the relevant Valuation Date.
f. Paid-up Sum Assured: Paid-up Sum Assured means a proportion of the prevailing Sum Assured, where the proportion is the
ratio of the total number of Regular Premiums paid to the total number of Regular Premiums payable under the Policy.
g. Unit Price/NAV: Market value of investment held by the Fund plus value of current assets less value of current liabilities and
provisions, if any, divided by number of units existing on Valuation Date. This calculation will be done before creation /
redemption of units.
h. Discontinued Life Policy Fund: It is the Fund maintained by the Company that is set aside and is constituted by the Fund
value of the Discontinued Life Policies determined in accordance with the “IRDAI (Unit Linked Insurance Products)
Regulations, 2019” and any subsequent modification made therein by the IRDAI.
Discontinued Life Policy Fund: Risk Profile – Low SFIN: ULIF07026/03/13DISCONLIFE116
On the date of Discontinuance/Surrender of the Policy before the lock-in period of 5 Policy years, the Fund valueless the
Discontinuance/ Surrender charge as on the date of Discontinuance/ Surrender of the Policy shall be moved to the
Discontinued Life Policy Fund. The portfolio allocation of the Fund is as given below.
Portfolio Allocation:
Money market instruments 0% to 40%
Statutory Information
Prohibition of Rebate
Prohibition of Rebate should be in accordance with provisions of section 41 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended from
time to time.
“No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or
continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of
the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or
continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published
prospectuses or tables of the insurer. Any person making default in complying with the provision of this section shall be
liable for a penalty that may extend up to ten lakh rupees.”
All Charges applicable shall be levied. This brochure should be read in conjunction with the Benefit Illustration. The Policy
document is the conclusive evidence of contract and provides in details all the conditions and exclusions related to Bajaj
Allianz Life Smart Wealth Goal. Please ask for the same along with the quotation.
Contact Details
For More Information: Kindly consult our “Insurance Consultant” or call us today on the TOLL FREE numbers mentioned above.
This brochure should be read in conjunction with the Benefit Illustration and Policy Exclusions. Please ask for the same along
with the quotation.
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