Top 80+ JavaScript Interview Questions (Ultimate List)

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Scratch Top 80+ JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Top 80+ JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Lesson 23 of 27 By Aryan Gupta

Last updated on Apr 16, 2024 409011

Table of Contents

JavaScript Interview Questions for Freshers

Intermediate JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers

Advanced JS Interview Questions and Answers

Advanced JS Interview Questions and Answers

Choose The Right Software Development Program

Get Ahead of the Curve and Master JavaScript Today

Reviewed and fact-checked by Sayantoni Das

JavaScript is an open-source programming language. It is designed for creating web-

centric applications. It is lightweight and interpreted, which makes it much faster than
other languages. JavaScript is integrated with HTML, which makes it easier to
implement JavaScript in web applications.

Learn more: JavaScript Tutorial: Learn JavaScript from Scratch

This article provides you with a comprehensive list of common JavaScript interview
questions and answers that often come up in interviews. It will also help you understand
the fundamental concepts of JavaScript.

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JavaScript Interview Questions for Freshers

Here are some basic JavaScript interview questions and answers for you to prepare
during your interviews.
1. What do you understand about JavaScript?

Fig: JavaScript Logo

JavaScript is a popular web scripting language and is used for client-side and server-
side development. The JavaScript code can be inserted into HTML pages that can be
understood and executed by web browsers while also supporting object-oriented
programming abilities.

2. What’s the difference between JavaScript and Java?

JavaScript Java

JavaScript is an object-oriented Java is an object-oriented programming

scripting language. language.

JavaScript applications are meant to Java applications are generally made for use in
run inside a web browser. operating systems and virtual machines.
JavaScript does not need compilation Java source code needs a compiler before it
before running the application code. can be ready to run in realtime.

3. What are the various data types that exist in JavaScript?

These are the different types of data that JavaScript supports:

Boolean - For true and false values

Null - For empty or unknown values

Unde\ned - For variables that are only declared and not de\ned or initialized

Number - For integer and ^oating-point numbers

String - For characters and alphanumeric values

Object - For collections or complex values

Symbols - For unique identi\ers for objects

4. What are the features of JavaScript?

These are the features of JavaScript:

Lightweight, interpreted programming language

Cross-platform compatible



Integration with other backend and frontend technologies

Used especially for the development of network-based applications

5. What are the advantages of JavaScript over other web technologies?

These are the advantages of JavaScript:

Enhanced Interaction

JavaScript adds interaction to otherwise static web pages and makes them react to
users’ inputs.

Quick Feedback

There is no need for a web page to reload when running JavaScript. For example, form
input validation.

Rich User Interface

JavaScript helps in making the UI of web applications look and feel much better.


JavaScript has countless frameworks and libraries that are extensively used for
developing web applications and games of all kinds.
developing web applications and games of all kinds.

6. How do you create an object in JavaScript?

Since JavaScript is essentially an object-oriented scripting language, it supports and

encourages the usage of objects while developing web applications.

const student = {

name: 'John',

age: 17

7. How do you create an array in JavaScript?

Here is a very simple way of creating arrays in JavaScript using the array literal:

var a = [];

var b = [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’];

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8. What are some of the built-in methods in JavaScript?

Built-in Method Values

Date() Returns the present date and time

concat() Joins two strings and returns the new string

push() Adds an item to an array

Removes and also returns the last element of an


Rounds of the value to the nearest integer and then

returns it

length() Returns the length of a string

9. What are the scopes of a variable in JavaScript?

The scope of a variable implies where the variable has been declared or de\ned in a
JavaScript program. There are two scopes of a variable:

Global Scope

Global variables, having global scope are available everywhere in a JavaScript code.

Local Scope

Local variables are accessible only within a function in which they are de\ned.

10. What is the ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript?

The ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript refers to the currently calling object. It is commonly
used in constructors to assign values to object properties.

11. What are the conventions of naming a variable in JavaScript?

Following are the naming conventions for a variable in JavaScript:

Variable names cannot be similar to that of reserved keywords. For example, var, let,
const, etc.

Variable names cannot begin with a numeric value. They must only begin with a letter
or an underscore character.

Variable names are case-sensitive.

12. What is Callback in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, functions are objects and therefore, functions can take other functions as
arguments and can also be returned by other functions.

Fig: Callback function

Fig: Callback function

A callback is a JavaScript function that is passed to another function as an argument or

a parameter. This function is to be executed whenever the function that it is passed to
gets executed.

13. How do you debug a JavaScript code?

All modern web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, etc. have an inbuilt debugger that can be
accessed anytime by pressing the relevant key, usually the F12 key. There are several
features available to users in the debugging tools.

We can also debug a JavaScript code inside a code editor that we use to develop a
JavaScript application—for example, Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime Text, etc.

14. What is the difference between Function declaration and Function expression?

Function declaration Function expression

Declared as a separate statement within Created inside an expression or some other

the main JavaScript code construct

Can be called before the function is Created when the execution point reaches it;
de\ned can be used only after that

Offers better code readability and better Used when there is a need for a conditional
code organization declaration of a function
code organization declaration of a function

Example: Example:

function abc() { var a = function abc() {

return 5; return 5;

} }

15. What are the ways of adding JavaScript code in an HTML ble?

There are primarily two ways of embedding JavaScript code:

We can write JavaScript code within the script tag in the same HTML \le; this is
suitable when we need just a few lines of scripting within a web page.

We can import a JavaScript source \le into an HTML document; this adds all
scripting capabilities to a web page without cluttering the code.

Intermediate JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some intermediate level JavaScript interview questions and answers for you to
prepare during your interviews.

16. What do you understand about cookies?

Fig: Browser cookies

Fig: Browser cookies

A cookie is generally a small data that is sent from a website and stored on the user’s
machine by a web browser that was used to access the website. Cookies are used to
remember information for later use and also to record the browsing activity on a

17. How would you create a cookie?

The simplest way of creating a cookie using JavaScript is as below:

document.cookie = "key1 = value1; key2 = value2; expires = date";

18. How would you read a cookie?

Reading a cookie using JavaScript is also very simple. We can use the document.cookie
string that contains the cookies that we just created using that string.

The document.cookie string keeps a list of name-value pairs separated by semicolons,

where ‘name’ is the name of the cookie, and ‘value’ is its value. We can also use the
split() method to break the cookie value into keys and values.

19. How would you delete a cookie?

To delete a cookie, we can just set an expiration date and time. Specifying the correct
path of the cookie that we want to delete is a good practice since some browsers won’t
allow the deletion of cookies unless there is a clear path that tells which cookie to
delete from the user’s machine.

function delete_cookie(name) {

document.cookie = name + "=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;";

20. What’s the difference between let and var?

Both let and var are used for variable and method declarations in JavaScript. So there
isn’t much of a difference between these two besides that while var keyword is scoped
by function, the let keyword is scoped by a block.

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21. What are Closures in JavaScript?

Closures provide a better, and concise way of writing JavaScript code for the developers
and programmers. Closures are created whenever a variable that is de\ned outside the
current scope is accessed within the current scope.

function hello(name) {

var message = "hello " + name;

return function hello() {



//generate closure

var helloWorld = hello("World");

//use closure


22. What are the arrow functions in JavaScript?

Arrow functions are a short and concise way of writing functions in JavaScript. The
general syntax of an arrow function is as below:

const helloWorld = () => {

console.log("hello world!");


23. What are the different ways an HTML element can be accessed in a JavaScript

Here are the ways an HTML element can be accessed in a JavaScript code:

getElementByClass(‘classname’): Gets all the HTML elements that have the speci\ed

getElementById(‘idname’): Gets an HTML element by its ID name.

getElementbyTagName(‘tagname’): Gets all the HTML elements that have the

speci\ed tagname.

querySelector(): Takes CSS style selector and returns the \rst selected HTML

24. What are the ways of debning a variable in JavaScript?

24. What are the ways of debning a variable in JavaScript?

There are three ways of de\ning a variable in JavaScript:


This is used to declare a variable and the value can be changed at a later time within the
JavaScript code.


We can also use this to declare/de\ne a variable but the value, as the name implies, is
constant throughout the JavaScript program and cannot be modi\ed at a later time.


This mostly implies that the values can be changed at a later time within the JavaScript

25. What are Imports and Exports in JavaScript?

Imports and exports help in writing modular code for our JavaScript applications. With
the help of imports and exports, we can split a JavaScript code into multiple \les in a
project. This greatly simpli\es the application source code and encourages code


export const sqrt = Math.sqrt;

export function square(x) {

return x * x;

export function diag(x, y) {

return sqrt(square(x) + square(y));

This \le exports two functions that calculate the squares and diagonal of the input


import { square, diag } from "calc";

console.log(square(4)); // 16

console.log(diag(4, 3)); // 5

Therefore, here we import those functions and pass input to those functions to
calculate square and diagonal.

26. What is the difference between Document and Window in JavaScript?

Document Window

The document comes under the Window in JavaScript is a global object that
windows object and can also be holds the structure like variables, functions,
considered as its property. location, history, etc.

27. What are some of the JavaScript frameworks and their uses?
JavaScript has a collection of many frameworks that aim towards ful\lling the different
aspects of the web application development process. Some of the prominent
frameworks are:

React - Frontend development of a web application

Angular - Frontend development of a web application

Node - Backend or server-side development of a web application

28. What is the difference between Undebned and Undeclared in JavaScript?

Unde\ned Undeclared

Unde\ned means a variable has been declared Variables that are not declared or that
but a value has not yet been assigned to that do not exist in a program or
variable. application.

29. What is the difference between Undebned and Null in JavaScript?

Unde\ned Null

Unde\ned means a variable has been Null is an assignment value that we can
declared but a value has not yet been assign to any variable that is meant to
assigned to that variable. contain no value.
assigned to that variable. contain no value.

30. What is the difference between Session storage and Local storage?

Session storage Local storage

The data stored in session storage Websites store some data in local machine to
gets expired or deleted when a reduce loading time; this data does not get deleted
page session ends. at the end of a browsing session.

31. What are the various data types that exist in JavaScript?

Javascript consists of two data types, primitive data types, and non-primitive data

Primitive Data types: These data types are used to store a single value. Following are
the sub-data types in the Primitive data type.

Boolean Data Types: It stores true and false values.


var a = 3;

var b = 4;

var c = 3;
(a == b) // returns false

(a == c) //returns true

Null data Types: It stores either empty or unknown values.


var z = null;

Unde\ned data Types: It stores variables that are only declared, but not de\ned or


var a; // a is unde\ned

var b = unde\ned; // we can also set the value of b variable as unde\ned

Number Data Types: It stores integer as well as ^oating-point numbers.


var x = 4; //without decimal

var y = 5.6; //with decimal

String data Types: It stores characters and alphanumeric values.


var str = "Raja Ram Mohan"; //using double quotes

var str2 = 'Raja Rani'; //using single quotes

Symbols Data Types: It stores unique identi\ers for objects.

Symbols Data Types: It stores unique identi\ers for objects.


var symbol1 = Symbol('symbol');

BigInt Data Types: It stores the Number data types that are large integers and are
above the limitations of number data types.


var bigInteger = 234567890123456789012345678901234567890;

Non-Primitive Data Types

Non-Primitive data types are used to store multiple as well as complex values.


// Collection of data in key-value pairs

var obj1 = {

x: 43,

y: "Hello world!",

z: function(){

return this.x;

// Data collection with an ordered list

var array1 = [5, "Hello", true, 4.1];

32. What is the ‘this’ keyword in JavaScript?

The Keyword ‘this’ in JavaScript is used to call the current object as a constructor to
assign values to object properties.

33. What is the difference between Call and Apply? (explain in detail with examples)


Call uses arguments separately.


function sayHello()

return "Hello " +;

var obj = {name: "Sandy"};;

// Returns "Hello Sandy"


Apply uses an argument as an array.

function saySomething(message)

return + " is " + message;

var person4 = {name: "John"};

saySomething.apply(person4, ["awesome"]);

34. What are the scopes of a variable in JavaScript?

The scope of variables in JavaScript is used to determine the accessibility of variables

and functions at various parts of one’s code. There are three types of scopes of a
variable, global scope, function scope, block scope

Global Scope: It is used to access the variables and functions from anywhere inside
the code.


var globalVariable = "Hello world";

function sendMessage(){

return globalVariable; // globalVariable is accessible as it's written in global space

function sendMessage2(){

return sendMessage(); // sendMessage function is accessible as it's written in global


sendMessage2(); // Returns “Hello world”

Function scope: It is used to declare the function and variables inside the function
itself and not outside.


function awesomeFunction()

var a = 3;

var multiplyBy3 = function()

console.log(a*3); // Can access variable "a" since a and multiplyBy3 both are written
inside the same function

console.log(a); // a is written in local scope and can't be accessed outside and throws a
reference error

multiplyBy3(); // MultiplyBy3 is written in local scope thus it throws a reference error

Block Scope: It uses let and const to declare the variables.


let x = 45;

console.log(x); // Gives reference error since x cannot be accessed outside of the block

for(let i=0; i<2; i++){

// do something

console.log(i); // Gives reference error since i cannot be accessed outside of the for
loop block

35. What are the arrow functions in JavaScript?

Arrow functions are used to write functions with a short and concise syntax. Also, it
does not require a function keyword for declaration. An arrow function can be omitted
with curly braces { } when we have one line of code.

syntax of an arrow function:

const helloWorld = () => {

console.log("hello world!");



// Traditional Function Expression

var add = function(a,b)

return a + b;

// Arrow Function Expression

var arrowAdd = (a,b) => a + b;

36. Explain Hoisting in javascript. (with examples)

Hoisting in javascript is the default process behavior of moving declaration of all the
variables and functions on top of the scope where scope can be either local or global.

Example 1:

hoistedFunction(); // " Hi There! " is an output that is declared as function even after it is

function hoistedFunction(){

console.log(" Hi There! ");

Example 2:

hoistedVariable = 5;

console.log(hoistedVariable); // outputs 5 though the variable is declared after it is

var hoistedVariable;

37. Difference between “ == “ and “ === “ operators (with examples)

1. “==” operator is a comparison operator that used to compare the values

2. “===” operator is also a comparison operator that is used to compare the values as
well as types.


var x = 3;

var y = "3";

(x == y) // it returns true as the value of both x and y is the same

(x === y) // it returns false as the typeof x is "number" and typeof y is "string"

38. Difference between var and let keyword

Keyword “var”

In JavaScript programming, the “var” keyword has been used from the very initial
stages of JavaScript.

We can perform functions with the help of the keyword “var’ by accessing various

Keyword “let”

The Keyword “let” was added later in ECMAScript 2015 in JavaScript Programming.

Variable declaration is very limited with the help of the “let” keyword that is declared
in Block. Also, it might result in a ReferenceError as the variable was declared in the
“temporal dead zone” at the beginning of the block.
39. Implicit Type Coercion in javascript (in detail with examples)

When the value of one data type is automatically converted into another data type, it is
called Implicit type coercion in javascript.

String coercion


var x = 4;

var y = "4";

x + y // Returns "44"

Boolean coercion


var a = 0;

var b = 32;

if(a) { console.log(a) } // This code will run inside the block as the value of x is

if(b) { console.log(b) } // This code will run inside the block as the value of y is 32

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40. Is javascript a statically typed or a dynamically typed language?

Yes, JavaScript is a dynamically typed language and not statically.

41. NaN property in JavaScript

NaN property in JavaScript is the “Not-a-Number” value that is not a legal number.

42. Passed by value and passed by reference

Passed By Values Are Primitive Data Types.

Consider the following example:

Here, the a=432 is a primitive data type i.e. a number type that has an assigned value by
the operator. When the var b=a code gets executed, the value of ‘var a’ returns a new
address for ‘var b’ by allocating a new space in the memory, so that ‘var b’ will be
operated at a new location.


var a = 432;

var b = a;

Passed by References Are Non-primitive Data Types.

Consider the following example:

The reference of the 1st variable object i.e. ‘var obj’ is passed through the location of
The reference of the 1st variable object i.e. ‘var obj’ is passed through the location of
another variable i.e. ‘var obj2’ with the help of an assigned operator.


var obj = { name: "Raj", surname: "Sharma" };

var obj2 = obj;

43. Immediately Invoked Function in JavaScript

An Immediately Invoked Function also abbreviated as IIFE or IIFY runs as soon as it is

de\ned. To run the function, it needs to be invoked otherwise the declaration of the
function is returned.



// Do something;



44. Characteristics of javascript strict-mode

Strict mode does not allow duplicate arguments and global variables.

One cannot use JavaScript keywords as a parameter or function name in strict mode.
All browsers support strict mode.

Strict mode can be de\ned at the start of the script with the help of the keyword ‘use

45. Higher Order Functions (with examples)

Higher-order functions are the functions that take functions as arguments and return
them by operating on other functions


function higherOrder(fn)


higherOrder(function() { console.log("Hello world") });

46. Self Invoking Functions

Self Invoking Functions is an automatically invoked function expression followed by (),

where it does not need to be requested. Nevertheless, the declaration of the function is
not able to be invoked by itself.

47. difference between exec () and test () methods


It is an expression method in JavaScript that is used to search a string with a speci\c

Once it has been found, the pattern will be returned directly, otherwise, it returns an
“empty” result.

test ()

It is an expression method in JavaScript that is also used to search a string with a

speci\c pattern or text.

Once it has been found, the pattern will return the Boolean value 'true', else it returns

48. currying in JavaScript (with examples)

In JavaScript, when a function of an argument is transformed into functions of one or

more arguments is called Currying.


function add (a) {

return function(b){

return a + b;


49. Advantages of using External JavaScript

External Javascript allows web designers and developers to collaborate on HTML

and javascript \les.

It also enables you to reuse the code.

External javascript makes Code readability simple.

50. What are object prototypes?

Following are the different object prototypes in javascript that are used to inherit
particular properties and methods from the Object.prototype.

1. Date objects are used to inherit properties from the Date prototype

2. Math objects are used to inherit properties from the Math prototype

3. Array objects are used to inherit properties from the Array prototype.

51. Types of errors in javascript

Javascript has two types of errors, Syntax error, and Logical error.

52. What is memoization?

In JavaScript, when we want to cache the return value of a function concerning its
parameters, it is called memoization. It is used to speed up the application especially in
case of complex, time consuming functions.

53. Recursion in a programming language

Recursion is a technique in a programming language that is used to iterate over an

operation whereas a function calls itself repeatedly until we get the result.

54. Use of a constructor function (with examples)

Constructor functions are used to create single objects or multiple objects with similar
properties and methods.

function Person(name,age,gender) = name;

this.age = age;

this.gender = gender;

var person1 = new Person("Vivek", 76, "male");


var person2 = new Person("Courtney", 34, "female");


55. Which method is used to retrieve a character from a certain index?

We can retrieve a character from a certain index with the help of charAt() function

56. What is BOM?

BOM is the Browser Object Model where users can interact with browsers that is a
window, an initial object of the browser. The window object consists of a document,
history, screen, navigator, location, and other attributes. Nevertheless, the window’s
function can be called directly as well as by referencing the window.

57. Difference between client-side and server-side

Client-side JavaScript
Client-side JavaScript

Client-side JavaScript is made up of fundamental language and prede\ned objects

that perform JavaScript in a browser.

Also, it is automatically included in the HTML pages where the browser understands
the script.

Server-side Javascript

Server-side JavaScript is quite similar to Client-side javascript.

Server-side JavaScript can be executed on a server.

The server-side JavaScript is deployed once the server processing is done.

58. What is the prototype design pattern?

The Prototype design Pattern is also known as a property or prototype pattern that is
used to produce different objects as well as prototypes that are replicated from a
template with a speci\c value.

59. Differences between declaring variables using var, let and const.

var let const

There is a global scope as well as There is neither a global scope There is neither a global sco
a function scope. nor a function scope. nor a function scope.

1. There is no block scope. There is no block scope. There is no block scope.

It can be reassigned. cIt cannot be reassigned. It cannot be reassigned.

Example 1: Using ‘var’ and ‘let’ variable

var variable1 = 31;

let variable2 = 89;

function catchValues()



// Both the variables are accessible from anywhere as their declaration is in the global

window.variable1; // Returns the value 31

window.variable2; // Returns unde\ned

Example 2: Using ‘const’ variable

const x = {name:"Vijay"};

x = {address: "Mumbai"}; // Throws an error = "Radha"; // No error is thrown

const y = 31;
y = 44; // Throws an error

60. Rest parameter and spread operator

Rest Parameter(...)

Rest parameter is used to declare the function with improved handling of


Rest parameter syntax can be used to create functions to perform functions on the
variable number of arguments.

It also helps to convert any number of arguments into an array as well as helps in
extracting some or all parts of the arguments.

Spread Operator(...)

In a function call, we use the spread operator.

It's also to spread one or more arguments that are expected in a function call.

The spread operator is used to take an array or an object and spread them.

61. Promises in JavaScript

Promises in JavaScript have four different states. They are as follows:

Pending Fulblled Rejected

Pending is an initial state of

promise. It is the initial state of It is the state where the promise It is the state where the prom
promise where it is in the pending has been ful\lled that assures is rejected and the async
state that neither is ful\lled nor that the async operation is done. operation has failed.

function sumOfThreeElements(...elements)

return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{

if(elements.length > 3 )

reject("Just 3 elements or less are allowed");


let sum = 0;

let i = 0;

while(i < elements.length)

sum += elements[i];



resolve("Sum has been calculated: "+sum);


62. Classes in JavaScript

classes are syntactic sugars for constructor functions mentioned in the ES6 version of
JavaScript. Classes are not hoisted-like Functions and can’t be used before it is
declared. Also, it can inherit properties and methods from other classes with the help of
extended keywords. If the strict mode (‘use strict’) is not followed, an error will be

63. What are generator functions?

Generator functions are declared with a special class of functions and keywords using
function*. It does not execute the code, however, it returns a generator object and
handles the execution.

64. What is WeakSet?

WeakSet is a collection of unique and ordered elements that contain only objects which
are referenced weakly.

65. What is the use of callbacks?

A callback function is used to send input into another function and is performed
inside another function.

It also ensures that a particular code does not run until another code has completed
its execution.
its execution.

66. What is a WeakMap?

Weakmap is referred to as an object having keys and values, if the object is without
reference, it is collected as garbage.

67. What is Object Destructuring? (with examples)

Object destructuring is a method to extract elements from an array or an object.

Example 1: Array Destructuring

const arr = [1, 2, 3];

const \rst = arr[0];

const second = arr[1];

const third = arr[2];

Example 2: Object Destructuring

const arr = [1, 2, 3];

const [\rst,second,third,fourth] = arr;

console.log(\rst); // Outputs 1

console.log(second); // Outputs 2

console.log(third); // Outputs 3

68. Prototypal vs Classical Inheritance

Prototypal Inheritance

Prototypal inheritance allows any object to be cloned via an object linking method
and it serves as a template for those other objects, whether they extend the parent
object or not.

Classical Inheritance

Classical inheritance is a class that inherits from the other remaining classes.

69. What is a Temporal Dead Zone?

Temporal Dead Zone is a behavior that occurs with variables declared using let and
const keywords before they are initialized.

70. JavaScript Design Patterns

When we build JavaScript browser applications, there might be chances to occur errors
where JavaScript approaches it in a repetitive manner. This repetitive approach pattern
is called JavaScript design patterns. JavaScript design patterns consist of Creational
Design Pattern, Structural Design Pattern, and Behavioral Design patterns.

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71. Difference between Async/Await and Generators

Async-await functions are executed sequentially one after another in an easier way.

Async/Await function might throw an error when the value is returned.


Generator functions are executed with one output at a time by the generator’s yield by

The ‘value: X, done: Boolean’ is the output result of the Generator function.

72. Primitive data types

The primitive data types are capable of displaying one value at a time. It consists of
Boolean, Unde\ned, Null, Number, and String data types.

73. Role of deferred scripts

The Deferred scripts are used for the HTML parser to \nish before executing it.

74. What is Lexical Scoping?

Lexical Scoping in JavaScript can be performed when the internal state of the
JavaScript function object consists of the function’s code as well as references
concerning the current scope chain.

75. What is this [[[]]]?

This ‘[[[]]]’ is a three-dimensional array.

76. Are Java and JavaScript the same?

Yes, Java and JavaScript are the same.

77. How to detect the OS of the client machine using JavaScript?

The OS on the client machine can be detected with the help of navigator.appVersion

78. Requirement of debugging in JavaScript

To debug the code, we can use web browsers such as Google Chrome, and Mozilla

We can debug in JavaScript with the help of two methods, console.log() and
debugger keyword.

79. What are the pop-up boxes available in JavaScript?

Pop-up boxes available in JavaScript are Alert Box, Con\rm Box, and Prompt Box.

Advanced JS Interview Questions and Answers

Here are some advanced level JavaScript interview questions and answers for you to
prepare during your interviews.

80. How do you empty an array in JavaScript?

There are a few ways in which we can empty an array in JavaScript:

By assigning array length to 0:

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

arr.length = 0;

By assigning an empty array:

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

arr = [];

By popping the elements of the array:

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

while (arr.length > 0) {


By using the splice array function:

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

arr.splice(0, arr.length);

81. What is the difference between Event Capturing and Event Bubbling?

Event Capturing Event Bubbling

This process starts with capturing the This process starts with capturing the
event of the outermost element and then event of the innermost element and then
propagating it to the innermost element. propagating it to the outermost element.

82. What is the Strict mode in JavaScript?

Strict mode in JavaScript introduces more stringent error-checking in a JavaScript code.

Strict mode in JavaScript introduces more stringent error-checking in a JavaScript code.

While in Strict mode, all variables have to be declared explicitly, values cannot be
assigned to a read-only property, etc.

We can enable strict mode by adding ‘use strict’ at the beginning of a JavaScript
code, or within a certain segment of code.

83. What would be the output of the below JavaScript code?

var a = 10;

if (function abc(){})

a += typeof abc;


The output of this JavaScript code will be 10unde\ned. The if condition statement in the
code evaluates using eval. Hence, eval(function abc(){}) will return function abc(){}.

Inside the if statement, executing typeof abc returns unde\ned because the if statement
code executes at run time while the statement inside the if the condition is being

84. Can you write a JavaScript code for adding new elements in a dynamic manner?

<script type="text/javascript">

function addNode() {

var newP = document.createElement("p");

var newP = document.createElement("p");

var textNode = document.createTextNode(" This is a new text node");

newP.appendChild(textNode); document.getElementById("\rstP").appendChild(newP);


85. What is the difference between Call and Apply?

Call Apply

In the call() method, arguments are

In the apply() method, arguments are provided
provided individually along with a ‘this’
in the form of an array along with a ‘this’ value.

86. What will be the output of the following code?

var Bar = Function Foo()

return 11;


typeof Foo();
The output would be a reference error since a function de\nition can only have a single
reference variable as its name.

87. What will be the output of the following code?

var Student = {

college: "abc",


var stud1 = Object.create(Student);



This is essentially a simple example of object-oriented programming. Therefore, the

output will be ‘abc’ as we are accessing the property of the student object.

88. How do you remove duplicates from a JavaScript array?

There are two ways in which we can remove duplicates from a JavaScript array:

By Using the Filter Method

To call the \lter() method, three arguments are required. These are namely array, current
element, and index of the current element.

By Using the For Loop

An empty array is used for storing all the repeating elements.

81. Can you draw a simple JavaScript DOM (Document Object Model)?
As you prepare for your upcoming job interview, we hope that these JavaScript Interview
Questions and answers have provided more insight into what types of questions you are
likely to be asked.

Choose The Right Software Development Program

This table compares various courses offered by Simplilearn, based on several key
features and details. The table provides an overview of the courses' duration, skills you
will learn, additional bene\ts, among other important factors, to help learners make an
informed decision about which course best suits their needs.

Full Stack Java Developer Career

Program Name Automation Testing Masters P

Geo IN All

University Simplilearn Simplilearn

Course Duration 11 Months 11 Months

Coding Experience Required Basic Knowledge Basic Knowledge

15+ Skills Including Core Java,

Skills You Will Learn Java, AWS, API Testing, TD
SQL, AWS, ReactJS, etc.

Interview Preparation Structured Guidance

Additional Bene\ts Exclusive Job Portal Learn From Experts
200+ Hiring Partners Hands-on Training
Cost $$ $$

Explore Program Explore Program

Get Ahead of the Curve and Master JavaScript Today

Are you wondering how you can gain the skills necessary to take advantage of
JavaScript’s immense popularity now that you are familiar with JS Interview Questions
and Answers? We have got your back! We offer a comprehensive Post Graduate
Program in Full Stack Web Development, which will help you get a job as a software
engineer upon completion.

To learn more, check out our Youtube video that provides a quick introduction to
JavaScript Interview Questions and answers and helps in clearing doubts for your next
JavaScript interview. If you’re an aspiring web and mobile developer, JavaScript training
will broaden your skills and career horizons.

Want to ace the upcoming JavaScript interview? There's nowhere else to look! We
guarantee you're ready to wow prospective employers with our extensive list of the Top
80+ JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers, which covers everything from
fundamental ideas to complex subjects. Our Java Course will help you brush up on your
JavaScript knowledge and approach any interview with con\dence, regardless of
experience level.

Do you have any questions for us? Please mention it in the comments section below
and we'll have our experts answer it for you at the earliest.

Find our Full Stack Java Developer Online Bootcamp in top cities:
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Cohort starts on 14th May 2024,

Full Stack Java Developer Your City
Weekend batch

Cohort starts on 4th Jun 2024,

Full Stack Java Developer Your City
Weekend batch

About the Author

Aryan Gupta

Aryan is a tech enthusiast who likes to stay updated about trending technologies of
today. He…

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