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Types of Agni

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Topic:- Agni

• अग्निमहत्व (Importance of Jatharagni) :-

- Jatharagni is the chief Among all types of agnis because functions of bhutagni and
dhatvagni depends on this. Aggravation or diminution of jatharagni results in aggravation
or diminution of bhutagni and dhatvagni. Therefore by all means one has to protect
jatharagni by consuming suitable wholesome dietetics and behaviour because longevity
and strength depends on normal state of agni. On the contrary one who consumes
unwholesome diet due to greed, succumbs to disease caused by the vitiation of grahani.

- Grahani dosha refers to diseases located in grahani. This specific term refers to 4 types of
grahani roga. This also includes agnimandhya, ajirna etc. Which are manifest due to
vitiation of grahani. The term ‘grahani’ as a disease entity specifically used for the ailment
grahani gada, which manifest due to malfunctioning of the grahani.

- Irregular digestion and metabolism causes imbalance in dhatus. The intense digestion
and metabolism and less consumption of food leads to depletion of dhatus.

ववषमो धातव
ु ैषयं करोतत ववषमं पचि ् । तीक्ष्णो मन्देन्धिो धाति
ू ् ववशोषयतत पावकः।

च. चच.15/50

- Digestion and metabolism and less consumption of food leads to depletion of dhatus.

❖ Classification of Agni :-
- Agni or the fire present in the living body in the form of pitta, which occupies entire body
as various bio transformations are carried out in living body at all places. The parts of
agni carrying out different functions are named as per their functions.

• Pachakagni and Jatharagni :-

- Part of the fire which is responsible for the combustion and transforms all complexed
ingested food particles into the simpler one is pachakagni. As it resides in the stomach
and near to it like digestive canal and Duodenum hence it is also known as jatharagni,
both stands for same Entity.

• Bhutagni :-
- This converts the digested food to be absorbed and to convert the panchabhautika parts
of the food into panchabhautika body constituents.

• Dhatwagni :-
- The part of the fire which assimilates and synthesizes dhatus in the living body and need
particular environment hence it is located in srotasas related to that particular dhatu.

❖ Function of agni :-

आयुववणों बलं स्वास््यमुत्साहोपचयौ प्रभा ।

ओजस्तेजोऽनियः प्राणाश्चोक्ता दे हाग्निहे तक
ु ाः ।
शान्तेऽनिौ वप्रयते, यक्
ु ते चचरं जीवत्यिामयः।
रोचि स्याद्ववकृते, मूलमग्निस्तस्माग्न्िरुच्यते ।

च. चच.15/3-4

- Jatharagni is the main principle substance responsible for disease and health. During its
normalcy it is responsible for longevity, complextion, strength, health. Enthusiasm, well built,
lustre, immunity (ojas), temperature, other agni’s (bhutagni and dhatvagni) and other vital
functions all are dependent on jatharagni. Healthy state of body and diseased condition is
entirely dependent on agni.
❖ Importance of Agni in context to Arša, Atisara & Grahani Dosa :-

त्रयो ववकाराः प्रायेण ये परस्परहे तवः। अशांसस चाततसारश्च ग्रहणीदोष एव च ॥

एषामग्निवले हीिे वद्
ृ चधवद्
ृ धे पररक्षयः। तस्मादग्निबलं रक्ष्यमेषु त्रत्रषु ववशेषतः ।।
च. चच. 14/244-245
- The three diseases viz. Piles, diarrhoea and Grahani (sprue syndrome) are
interdependent in as much as one of them can cause the other. They get aggravated if
there is reduction in the power of digestion and when the power of digestion is increased,
they get cured. Therefore, agni should be specifically protected for these three ailments.

रोिाः सवेऽवप मन्दे ऽनिौ सुतरामद

ु राणण तु I। A.S. Ni. 12/1
- Almost all diseases arises due to sluggish functions of Agni specially Udara roga.

❖ ववकृती में अग्नि का महत्व (Importance of Agni Vikruti) :-

ववषमो बातजाि ् रोिांस्तीक्ष्णः वपत्ततिसमत्तजाि ्।
करोत्यग्निस्तथा मन्दो ववकाराि ् कफसंभवाि ् ॥

- Visamagni state gives rise to diseases due to Vata dosha.

- Tiksnagni state gives rise to diseases due to pitta dosha.
- Mandagni state gives rise to diseases due to kapha dosha.

❖ अग्नि परीक्षा (Agni Pariksa) :-

प्रािसभहहतोऽग्निरन्िस्य पाचकः । स चतुवववधो भवतत-दोषािसभपन्ि एकः;
ववक्रियामापन्िग्स्त्रववयो भवततववषमो वातेि, तीक्ष्णः वपत्तेि, मन्दः श्लेष्मणा, चतुथवः समः
सववसाम्याहदतत I S.S. Su 35/24

- Pacakagni is stated to be responsible for digestion and metabolism. It is of four kinds

based on the involvement of dosas,

1. First variety is not associated with dosas and it Is called samagni state and it is the
physiological state of Agni. Remaining three varieties of Agni are the pathological ones
and which are responsible for improper functions.
2. Visamagni state due to vata.
3. Tiksnagni state due to pitta.
4. Mandagni state due to kapha.
A. समाग्नि (Samagni) :-
- Samagni state of Agni is the condition in which doşās are in equilibrium state and
performs normal digestion and metabolism functions.

तत्र, यो यथाकालमुपयुक्तमन्त्रं सम्यक् पचतत स समः समैदोषैः I S.S. Su 35/24

उद्िारशद्ु चधरुत्साहो वेिोत्सिो यथोचचतः । लघुता क्षुग्त्पपासा च जीणावहारस्य लक्षणम ् ॥

- It Is characterized by:
1. यथाकालमप ु युक्तमन्त्रं सम्यक् पचतत – Digestion of food within stipulated period of
food time, if person consume normal quantity
2. उदगारशद
ु चि – Belching which is free from morbidities
3. उत्साह – Enthusiastic to do all activities
4. वेगोत्सगों यथोचचत - Proper elimination of natural urges without any difficulties
5. लघुता - Feeling of lightness all over the body
6. श्रुत्त्पपासा – Timely hunger and thirst

B. ववषमाग्नि (Visamagni) :-
- Visamagni is the state in which improper digestion and metabolism takes place due to
irregular function of agni.

यः कदाचचत ् सम्यक् पचतत, कदाचचदाध्मािशुलोदावतावततसारजठरिौरवान्त्रकू जिप्रवाहणाति

कृत्वा स ववषमः । S.S. Su 35/24

1. कदाचचत ् सम्यक् पचतत - Some times agni performs normal functions

2. आध्मान - Flatulence
3. शूल - Abdominal pain
4. उदावतत - Upward movement of vata inside the kostha
5. अततसार - Diarrhoea
6. जठरगौरव - Heaviness in abdomen
7. आन्त्रकूजन - Intestinal gurgling
8. प्रवाहणातन - Straining exercise for evacuation of stools.

C. तीक्ष्णाग्नि (Tiksnagni) :-
- Tiksnagni is the state in which hyperfunctioning of digestion & metabolic activities

यः प्रभत
ू मप्यप
ु यक्
ु तमन्त्रमाशु पचतत स तीक्ष्णः I। S.S. Su 35/24

- प्रभूतमप्युपयुक्तमरमाशु पचतत - Quick digestion of food even after taking more quantity
of food.
• अत्याग्नि (Atyagni) :-

स एवासभवधवमािोऽत्यग्निररत्याभाष्यते, स मुहुमुवहुः प्रभूत-मप्युपयुक्तमन्िमाशुतरं पचतत,

पाकान्ते च िलताल्वोष्ठशोषदाहसंतापाञ्जियतत; I। S.S. Su 35/24

1. एवाभभवितमानोऽत्यत्ननररत्याभाष्यते - the tiksnagni if increases greatly is called

2. स मुहुमुतहुुः प्रभूत-मप्युपयुक्तमन्त्नमाशुतरं पचतत - Quicker digestion of food even after
taking more quantity of food oftenly.
3. पाकान्त्तेुः च गलताल्वोष्ठशोषदाहसंतापाञ्जनयतत – At the end of digestion it produces
dryness, burning sensation and warmthness in the throat, palate and lips.

D.मन्दाग्नि (Mandagni) :-

- Mandagni is the state in which digestion process become weak and takes long time to digest
the less quantity of food.

यस्त्वल्पमप्युपयुक्तमुदरसशरोिौरवकासश्वासप्रसेकच्छहदविात्रसदिाति कृत्वा महता कालेि पचतत, स

मन्दः । S.S. Su 35/24

1. यस्तत्वल्पमप्यप
ु यक्
ु त महता कालेन पचतत Slower digestion of food even after taking less
quantity of food.
2. उदरगौरव - Heaviness in abdomen
3. भशरोगौरव - Heaviness in head
4. कास - Cough
5. श्वास – Dyspnoea
6. प्रसेक - Excessive salivation
7. छर्दत - Vomiting
8. गारसदन - Weaknes of the body


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