Purposive Communication
Purposive Communication
Purposive Communication
6. Environment- The place, the feeling, the mood, the mindset and the
condition of both sender and receiver are called the environment. The
environment may involve the physical set-up of a location where
communication takes place, the space occupied by both the sender
and the receiver, Including the objects surrounding the sender and
7. Context-involves the expectations of the sender and the receiver and
the common or shared understanding through the environmental
•Psychological context, which is who you are and what you bring to the
Interaction. Your needs, desires, values, personality, etc., all form the
psychological context;
•Situational context, which deals with the psyco-sexual where you are
communicating. An interaction that takes place in a classroom will be
different from one that takes place in a bar
•Environmental context, which deals with the physical where you are
communicating. Furniture, location, noise level, temperature, season, time of
•Cultural context, which includes all the learned behaviors and rules that
affect the interaction. If you come from a culture (foreign or within your
country) where it is considered rude to make long, direct eye contact, you
will out of politeness avoid eye contact. If other person comes from a culture
Where long, direct eye contact signals trustworthiness, then we have in the
cultural context a basis for misunderstanding
• Linguistic and cultural barriers pertain to the language and its cultural
environment. Words may mean another in different cultures.
• No message should be isolated from what has occurred before between the
communicants if we really want to understand the message
•Silence, posture and all non-verbal behaviors are the ways we communicate
eve when we wish to deny it
• We usually relate to others as if there was only one reality the way we
perceive the world
•For example, I may say to another person, I am happy with you, and be
serious indicating that I do not mean what I say.
•Through not only words, but through tone of voice and through gesture,
posture, facial expression, etc., we constantly communicate to those around
• You can not really take back something once it has been said.
• A Russian proverb says, “Once a word goes out of your mouth, you can
never swallow it again”
•Theorists note that whenever we communicate there are really at least six
people Involved:
C.) who you think the other person thinks you are
-We do not actually swap ideas, we swap symbols that stand for ideas.
• Psychological context
•Relational context
•Situational context
• Environmental context
•Cultural context
Ethical Communicators:
-Respect audience
-Value truth
Ethics of Communication
-We accept responsibility for the short- and long-term consequences for our
own communication and expect the same of others.
•Speak non-judgmentally
•Speak from your own experience and perspective, expressing your own
thoughts, needs, and feelings.
•Manage your own personal boundaries. Share only what you are
comfortable sharing.
•Make sure that everyone has time to speak, that all members have
relatively equal air time if they want it.
Unethical Communication