DLL - English 4 - Q3 - W2

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School: Cano-an Elementary School Grade Level: IV

GRADES 1 to 12 Geian Dave C. Barrios

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and
Time: FEBRUARY 5 – 9, 2024 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


LC- The learner demonstrates V- The learner demonstrates an RC – The learner demonstrates G – The learner demonstrates an SS – The learner demonstrates an
an understanding of the understanding that word an understanding of text understanding of English understanding of library skills to
elements of literary and meaning can be derived from elements to comprehend grammar and usage in speaking research on a variety of topics
informational texts for different sources various texts and writing WC – The learner demonstrates
A. CONTENT STANDARDS comprehension A – The learner demonstrates an understanding of the
OL – The learner demonstrates an understanding of nonverbal ORF –The learner demonstrates importance of using varied
an understanding of verbal cues to communicate with an understanding that English is sources of information to support
cues for clear expression of others stress-timed language to writing. The learner
ideas achieve accuracy and demonstrates an understanding
automaticity of writing as a process

LC – The learner recalls details, V – The learner uses different RC – The learner uses G – The learner uses the classes SS – The learner uses library skills
B. PERFORMANCE sequence of events, and shares sources to find word meaning knowledge of text types to of words aptly oral or written to gather appropriate and
STANDARDS ideas on texts listened to A - The learner uses correctly distinguish literary discourse relevant information
OL – The learner actively paralanguage and nonverbal from informational texts WC – The learner uses a variety of
creates and participates in oral cues to respond appropriately ORF – The learner reads aloud strategies to write informational
theme-based activities text with accuracy, automaticity, and literary compositions
and prosody
C. Learning Competencies/ LC – Note details from news V – Use context clues (synonym RC – Note details in G – Identify and use words that SS – Take note of relevant
Objectives. Write the LC Code for report/sections listened to and antonym) to find meaning informational text show degrees of comparison of information from a given text
each EN4LC-IIIb-25 of unfamiliar words EN4V-IIIb- EN4RC-IIIb-35 adjectives in sentences EN4SS-IIIb-11
OL – Use appropriate 13.2 ORF –Read grade level text with EN4G-IIIb-14 WC – Write/Compose a news
expression to talk about A – Show love for reading by appropriate speed, accuracy, story
famous events listening attentively during story and proper expression EN4WC-IIIb-27
EN4OL-IIIa-b-14 reading and making comments EN4F-IIIb-15
or reactions EN4A-IIIb-28
III.LEARNING RESOURCES Chart, Pictures, PPTx, Flashcards, Chart, paper strips, Chart, flashcards, PPTx, stories Pictures, chart, flashcards, PPTx, Chart, PPTx, foldables, pictures
foldables, stories PPTx, dictionary stories, foldables
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages TG pp 198 - 199 TG pp. TG pp. TG pp. 226-227 TG pp. 198 - 199
2.Learner’s Materials pages LM pp. 219-221 LM pp. LM pp. LM pp. 240 - 2243 LM pp. 230-231
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Resources from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
SMART English 4 txpp 291-292 Skill Builders for Efficient SMART English 4 tx pp. 237- 238 Trailblazers 4 tx pp. 218-224
B. Other Learning Resources Reading 4 tx pp 128 - 131
A. Review previous lesson or Let the pupils recall the news Let the pupils answer the Let the pupils give words with Let the pupils read the consonant Let the pupils know about writing
presenting the new lesson. structure following. Choose the answers the same meaning and words blends /pl/ and /fl/ a news article. What are the
The news should be able to from the box with opposite meaning. Call /pl/ /fl/ things to be remembered?
answer the question wh-, what, Summer farm some of them to recite. Plant flag 1.Write the who, what, where,
where, when, why and how. Whole ten Plate flow when, why and if possible how of
Plug flute the events in the opening
My parents always take us Plot flower sentence.2.Follow up with details.
away during the ______ Place flip
vacation. This year, they told us Read the following phrases.
we were going to Grandpa’s Red flag smooth flow
________ in the barrio. We Long flute big plate
would stay there for a ______ Small plant far place
B. Establishing the purpose to What section of the news According to Richard and Let the pupils open their LM Let the teacher show the Exercise Let the pupils read the news
the lesson. paper do you read as soon as Patricia Brande (1978), there are books on tx.pp. 235-236. 1 in Try and Learn LM p. 240 article from the Philippine daily
you hold it? three levels of skills in context Show pictures of a lamp and a Analyze the Set A , Set B, Set C Inquirer
clues. You can guess the fire. What do these pictures pictures. Number 1 rating takes toll on
meaning of new words by show? Original File Submitted and Kiko’s Frankie
studying the surrounding words Do you have any story to tell Formatted by DepEd Club Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan,
in a sentence. these three types about the pictures? Member - visit depedclub.com who topped the latest survey on
of levels or exercises help Have you heard or read an for more senatorial preferences, admitted
develop the ability to: 1.select anecdote about the moth and that being number 1 in the poll
among alternatives the flame of our Philippine did not come easy, especially to
2.predict sequence of thought national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal? members of his family.
or events; and He said the youngest
3.infer meaning of unfamiliar ”casualty” was six-year-old
words from context. Frankie, who at first could not
understand why he was often not
“This is what breaks my
heart. Ten days ago, Frankie was
suddenly being difficult. She did
not obey her ‘yaya’, or her mom,”
Kiko said.
He sat down with Frankie
to find out exactly what was
bothering her. He soon realized
that it was his absence that was
causing his daughter much pain
C. Presenting examples/ Let the pupils listen to the Let the pupils read the examples Let the pupils answer the Show Exercise 2 on LM p. 241. Let Let the pupils answer the
instances of the new lesson news article about the weather the teacher will show on meta unlocking of difficulties on LM the pupils answer. questions based on the news
the teacher will tell. cards/strips. pp. 236 – 237. article.
Southern Mindanao will My cousin Ronnie is a seaman. Find out in the anecdote if there 1.Who was the political candidate
experience mostly cloudy skies One night, he told his family a is obedience. in the article?
with scattered rain showers tale about huge white whale Let the pupils read it on LM pp. 2.Why did the candidate say that
and isolated thunderstorms. that he saw in the Atlantic 235 – 236. being no.1 in the poll did not
The rest of the country will be Ocean. In the sentence, tale THE MOTH AND THE FLAME come easy?
partly cloudy to at times cloudy means______ 3.What was the difficulty that the
with isolated rain showers or Poem secret story lie candidate experienced?
thunderstorms. Last Christmas, Randy’s Let the pupils answer the 4.If you were the candidate, how
Moderate to strong winds godfather gave him a new questions on Talk about it LM would you resolve the situation?
blowing from the northeast bicycle. Randy is delighted with pp. 236 ( 1 – 5 )
and east will prevail over his shiny and colorful bicycle. He
Eastern Luzon and its coastal rides it every day. In this
waters will be moderate to sentence, delighted means____
rough. Elsewhere, winds will be Proud bright happy sad
light to moderate blowing from
the northeast and east with
light to moderate seas.
D. Discussing new concepts and Ask the following questions: Let the pupils read the short Do you know that TV watching Let the pupils do Do and Learn Let the pupils read the news
practicing new skills # 1 What part of the country will prayer can make you sick? Find this out LM p. 241. Complete the table. article on LM pp. 219.
experience mostly cloudy skies A PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT as you read the article.
with scattered rain showers Come Holy Spirit, Replace the CAN TV GIVE YOU THE FITS?
and thunderstorms? tension within us with a holy You must have heard your
What will prevail over Eastern relaxation. Replace the parents tell you not to sit close
Luzon? turbulence within us with a to the TV set, and you must have
Based on the weather report sacred calm. Replace the anxiety wondered why. A couple of
listened to, describe the within us with strong faith. years ago in Japan, a television
weather condition in the Replace the bitterness within us broadcast resulted in “epileptic-
following areas: with the sweetness of grace. like fits” among Japanese
Southern Mindanao Encircle the words in the lines viewers numbering to about
Luzon Eastern Luzon that are antonyms and draw a 700. Most of its viewers were
line to connect these words. children. Although the case is
Antonyms are words with still under study, Japanese
opposite meaning. parents are taking the warning
a. Who were the victims
of violence shown on
the tv screen?
b. What happened two
years ago?
E. Discussing new concepts and Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice Guided Practice
practicing new skills # 2 Let the pupils listen to the Let the pupils answer the Let the pupils read the article Group I - Write the comparative Let them answer the group
news report the teacher will antonyms in each line . and answer the questions by and superlative forms of the activity on LM p220
tell. Answer the questions Replace the darkness within us group. following adjectives using –er and
after. (Note: The teacher may with the gentle light. Very bright lights of red and –est.
use the previous selection from Replace the coldness within us blue flashed after each other for Dirty -________-________
the LM book) with a loving warmth. about 5 seconds in Pokemon Young-_______-________
Replace the night within us with animated episodes on television. Loud-________ - ________
your light. Within minutes of that scene, Wide- ________- _______
Choose the correct synonyms in young viewers experienced Deep ________- ________
each sentence. seizures, nausea, headaches, Group II – Write the comparative
1.Mayor Malabanan had a big and dizziness. Several viewers and superlative forms of the
party in his house last Saturday. were affected by these following adjectives.
It was so crowded that some disturbances. Fresh _______-________
people couldn’t find a place to 1.What is the title of the Close _______-________
sit.Crowded means_______ animated tv show? Fast _______- ________
Full dark small big 2.What was the cause of the Group III – Use less and least in
2.the spacemen were about to children’s illness? the comparative and superlative
start on their journey to the 3.What did the children see forms of the adjectives below.
moon. They inquired at the when the “vaccine bomb” Common
space center to find out if their exploded on the screen? Beautiful
rocket was ready. Inquired Necessary
means______ opened Skillful
proceeded took off asked helpful
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice
Formative Assessment 3) Let the pupils listen to the Encircle the antonyms in the Let the pupils do this and Underline the correct answer. Let them do the Do and Learn on
news report the teacher will following passage. answer the questions. 1.Of all the rivers in the country, LM pp. 221
tell. Then let them answer the 1. Straighten our Medical authorities in Pasig River is the (polluted, more
questions. (The teacher may crookedness. Japan think that these must polluted, most polluted)
use previous selection) 2. Fill our emptiness. have been the effects of a 2.Pollution is the (serious, more
For the first half of the race, 3. Dull the edge of our combination of high strobe rate, serious, most serious)
Joe is on the lead. Laura and pride. picture brightness, stimulation environmental problem in our
Tom are neck to neck not so far 4. Sharpen the edge of from the red color, and nearness country today.
behind. Joe is running as fast , our humility. to the tv set. 3.The smog looks(dark, darker,
as he can, careful to keep 5. Quench the flame of Japanese children stay darkest) in the morning than in
ahead of the others. There’s our lust. closer to the tv set than the the afternoon.
now Tom rather fast, Underline the correct synonyms. Americans. In Japan, children 4.It is (less, least) difficult to ask
approaching the two. Laura has 1.The boy wanted to ride on a stay 3 to 7 feet away from the tv for donations in December than
been pacing herself quite well. back of a huge gray elephant. screen, while the United States in November.
She picks speed and moves The owner helped the boy get on viewers stay about 7 to 12 feet 5.The (less, least) number of
ahead. She seems to keep a the elephant’s back. Huge away. migrating birds is in October.
constant speed and not means ( cute, long, large, happy) 1.What is the average viewing
exhaust herself too early in the 2. Linda’s room in the hospital distance in Japan? In the United
race. was painted pink. It was filled States?
Suddenly, Tom stumbles! Oh, with beautiful plants and
no, he is beginning to have flowers. Linda stays in an
cramps in his legs. Joe attractive room. Attractive
seemingly follows. His legs feel means____(funny, beautiful,
somewhat like lead. It ‘s still a healthy, plain)
race for Laura…
G. Finding practical applications What are the things you should In our lives there are good Informational texts are very We can compare things with We hear and watch news in our
of concepts and skills in daily remember in listening to a things and bad things that we important in our daily lives. other things. every day’s life. News is very
living news like in TV Patrol or 24 experienced everyday. important to us.
H. Making generalizations and In noting details, one should Antonyms are words with Noting details is merely An adjective has three degrees of News report should be able to
abstractions about the lesson always remember to answer opposite meaning. answering who, what, where, comparison, namely: positive answer the question wh, what,
the WH questions. Synonyms are words with the when and why questions. degree, comparative degree, and where, when, who, why and how.
same meaning. superlative degree. The news should be able to
answer at least four of these
questions. However, all news
must answer the who and what
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Listen to the Directions: Underline the Directions: Read the Directions: Underline the correct Directions: Write a news article
selection the teacher will read. correct answer. informational text answer the answer. about the following information.
Answer questions after. 1.When I play with my baby questions that follows. 1.For me, the weather in June is 1.Deafness Awareness Week
( See attached news article ) sister, I move her very gently. “Pokemon” still appears on (more, most) beautiful than in Opened at the Peace Bell, Quezon
She cries if I am quite rough or television, but the producers May. City
careless. Gently means (loudly, promise that they will not put in 2.What is the ( more, most) With Ecumenical service
carefully, gladly, quickly) video pyrotechnics. Researchers popular tourist spot in our November 18,2016
2. My house is near while his also believe that a well-lighted country? With Quezon City mayor Herbert
house is ( far, few, fast, funny) room can minimize the effects of 3.Smog is the (thick, thicker, bautista
etc. brightness and strobe lights on thickest) in that place than in the Other dignitaries in attendance
the screen. park.
1.What can minimize the 4. I hope that we can all work
effects of brightness and together to make our
storbing? environment ( clean, cleaner,
2.What are the things the tv cleanest).
producers will do?
J. Additional activities for Bring pictures Bring pictures showing the
application or remediation comparative degree of adjectives.
Bring newspaper.
A. Number of pupils who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. Number of learners who
require additional activities for
remediation who score below
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who got caught
up in the lesson
D. Number of learners who
continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategy
worked well? Why did this
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. what innovation or localized
materials did I used to discover
which I wish to share with the

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