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WEEK 1: Basic Concepts of Physical muscles malamang, pwede for
Fitness and Recommended Physical core, biceps, etc.,) Activity 3. Bone-Strengthening Activities - referred to as weight-bearing or PHYSICAL ACTIVITY - bodily weight-loading activities. It movements produced by the skeletal produces a force on the bones muscles that lead to energy that promotes bone growth and expenditure. strength. (pwedeng lifting own weight pero for the purpose of DOMAINS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: strengthening bones) 1. Occupational - these are work- 3 BODY ENERGY SYSTEM: related activities such as climbing 1. Phosphagen System -This the stairs or lifting objects. (e.g. system is the fastest way of mga trabaho na ginagawa mostly acquiring energy for the like: construction workers & muscle. A short burst of intense kargador) activities such as five-second 2. Domestic - activities done at sprints or jumping is fueled home such as household chores through this energy system. 3. Transportation - activities for (biglaang paglabas ng force like traveling and commuting (bike receiving, spiking, shooting) e.g broom broom) shot put, high jump and sprints, 4. Leisure Time - activities for or burst-like sports, such as recreation (e.g. sports, exercise, football, basketball, and and hobbies ng isang tao) volleyball. 2. Anaerobic Glycolysis (“without 3 MAIN TYPES OF PHYSICAL oxygen” - anaerobic) - is the ACTIVITY: second fastest way of obtaining 1. Aerobic activities - also known to keep muscles contracting. (e.g. as Cardio or Endurance Kayak, Football (Soccer), Activity. Aerobic physical Gymnastics, Taekwondo, activities improve the efficiency of Wrestling, etc.) aerobic energy production and 3. Aerobic System - need cardiorespiratory endurance. maggenerate ng energy for (mostly exercise pang stretching) activities na longer than three 2. Muscle-Strengthening minutes!!! (kahit anong sports Activities - are collectively called daw na may repeated shifts, Resistance Training. It is also rallies, events, or sustained primarily used to improve exercise like long miming) muscular strength and WEEK 2: Physical Assessment, muscular endurance. (for Managing One's Stress, Health- HOPE - 1ST QUARTER REVIEWER 1ST SEMESTER
Related Fitness, Barriers to Physical - Classified further as muscular
Activity and Health Behaviors, Health strength, muscular endurance, Risk Factors, and Different Types of and flexibility Eating. ● MUSCULAR STRENGTH - Refers to the single maximum of PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENTS force a muscle lifting heavy - Designed to give individualized weights and pushing and pulling feedback regarding one’s overall a heavy box fitness status and physiological ● MUSCULAR ENDURANCE reaction to physical activity effort - Refers to the capacity to move Benefits of Physical Fitness one’s body or object without Assessments tiring. (EX: wall climbing, pull ups) - Make individuals aware of their ● FLEXIBILITY current fitness status - Refers to the ability to move a - Encourage individuals to joint smoothly through its participate in exercise programs complete range of motion that and physical activities allows a person to do bending - Starting point for an individual movements w/o incurring injury exercise prescription or plan, and ● BODY COMPOSITION create realistic goals - Refers to the measurement of - Evaluate development in fitness body fat and muscle mass in the achieved through exercise body. interventions and adjust exercise - B.C. metrics that are commonly prescription & fitness goals used and include body mass accordingly index (weight and height), - Record changes in fitness skinfold measures (estimate body throughout the years of exercise fitness), body measurement involvement (waist and hip circumference)
RELATED FITNESS: AND HEALTH BEHAVIORS ● CARDIOVASCULAR- ● Healthy Lifestyle Choice - Well RESPIRATORY ENDURANCE balanced in terms of physical - “Aerobic Power” activity - this is also connected - ability of the circulatory & with healthy eating, relaxation, respiratory systems to send sleep, and personal hygiene. So oxygen to muscles over an kapag healthy din ang imong extended period. (EX: distance lifestyle, ibig sabihin ikaw ay may running, swimming) weight control, good muscle tone, ● MUSCULAR FITNESS improved lung capacity, better HOPE - 1ST QUARTER REVIEWER 1ST SEMESTER
sleep patterns, a sense of well- ● There is no mandatory labeling
being, and more energy. requirement in PH Syempre, you can prevent ● However, various food illnesses na and enhance manufacturers practice nutrition wellness. labeling (usually found at the ● Energy needs - mayroong Harris back of the product) Benedict Equation na sinasabing kailangan estimate roughly ang TYPES OF EATING weight, age, height, and gender. 1. Fueling for Performance According to Food and Nutrition - usually associated w/ athletes Research Institute-Department of - so they can perform at optimum Science and Technology, dapat levels during competition daw ang mga teens na may age 2. Emotional Eating of 13-19 ay need kumain ng 55- - Some people are either 70% of carbohydrates, 20-30% of motivated/not motivated to eat proteins, 10-15% of fats on the depending on their mood. daily basis. (+Nutrition Labeling 3. Social Eating are practiced in our country kahit - Eating can be associated and hindi required) influence by traditions - People associate eating with celebrations, holidays, family SELF-ASSESSMENT gatherings, and religious - Primarily designed to help people traditions determine and gauge their 4. Eating Out of Habit or personal fitness level by Recreational or Habitual Eating recording and evaluating their - Eating may also be associated assessment results with particular circumstances/ sports events EATING HABITS - Some people, even if they’re not - Build healthy eating habits hungry, eat snacks whenever 1. Eating variety of vegetables they watch tv, and when they get (especially dark green, red, and home from work/school, it has orange vegetable) become a habit. 2. Eating variety of fruits (serving: 2 - Basta ito yung parang midnight or more servings) snacks xD 3. Eat whole-grain, high-fiber breads and cereals WEEK 3: Training Principles for 4. Drink fat-free or low-fat mild and maintaining Health-Related Fitness eat low-fat dairy products and Safety Etiquette and Community Resources in case of Emergency HOPE - 1ST QUARTER REVIEWER 1ST SEMESTER
- Specific training methods
FITT PRINCIPLE selected will develop the specific ● Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type fitness component required. ● A tried-and-true method of putting together an efficient workout plan GOAL SETTING ● Useful if: thriving on structure as - A major part of overall planning to you can think of the components achieve or accomplish something as a set of rules to follow. ● When one identifies what he ● Great for: monitoring your wants to attain, he can plan the exercise progress with best course of action w/ the cardiovascular activity and target goal in mind strength training ● One can design a more goal- specific plan if he knows what’s PRINCIPLE OF TRAINING the main objective is ● PRINCIPLE OF OVERLOAD ● Having specific goal = having a - the MOST BASIC principle of reference point as to where one exercise is in his quest to attain the - Increasing the load of your ultimate objectives workout gradually in order to see ● Well-thought goals > serve as improvements/adaptations. motivation ● PRINCIPLE OF PROGRESSION GOAL SETTING: SMART WAY - The level of intensity of your SPECIFIC: should be detailed as exercise should be increased possible gradually MEASURABLE: should be assessable ● PRINCIPLE OF SPECIFICITY or quantifiable (you should have the - The adaptation of the body or means to gauge you progress in change in physical fitness is attaining your set goals) specified to the type of training ATTAINABLE: should be within the undertaken realm of reason (should set goals that - For example: If a fitness you can actually achieve/accomplish) objective is to increase flexibility, REALISTIC: should be doable and then flexibility training is a must. possible. (‘wag masyadong idealistic) TIMELY: should be ones that you can SPECIFICITY accomplish within a specific time frame - “You get what you train for” - For a training program to be Safety Etiquette and Community successful, it must adhere to all Resources in Case of Emergency essential training principles 1. Getting Ready for Extreme Environment Condition - HOPE - 1ST QUARTER REVIEWER 1ST SEMESTER
environmental conditions have b. Extreme Cold Conditions
direct impact on a person’s (Hypothermia) - medical intensity of exercise. (kunwari emergency that occurs naulan daw, syempre di ka when body loses heat pwede tumakbo as an exercise faster that could produce kasi it’s raining broooo) heat, causing a - Kaya daw iadapt ng ating dangerously low body katawan ang iba’t ibang panahon temperature. 37C (98.6F) pero may iba na may mas ang normal pero pag capability na mag-adapt shesh bumaba ng 35C (95F) ay a. Humid and Hot Weather hypothermia na. (Hyperthermia) - when - Frostbite (injury caused exercising in this condition, by freezing of skin and tataas ang temperature ng underlying tissues) - very isang tao. When your body cold, red, hard, numb, and temperature stays pale. elevated or continues to TO AVOID HYPOTHERMIA: increase, hyperthermia - Avoid excessively cold and may occur. windy weather - Heat Cramps (painful & - Dress appropriately involuntary muscle spasm) - Stop if you feel anything out of - Heat Exhaustion (heavy ordinary sweating and rapid pulse due to body overheating) SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY - Heat Stroke (condition RESOURCES IN CASE OF INJURY by body being overheated, OR EMERGENCY result of prolonged Some of the resources that may be exposure or physical available: exertion sa high ● First-Aid Kits available in the temperatures) venue TO AVOID HYPERTHEMIA: ● School Clinics - Start Slowly ● Nearby hospitals - Hydrate Properly ● Health Care Facilities - Use appropriate clothing ● Barangay Center - Rest Periodically ● On-cite emergency center - Avoid exercising in extreme ● Police Headquarters/post heat and humidity ● Emergency Response Centers - If health-related injuries occur, do first-aid and get help Must know the following information: HOPE - 1ST QUARTER REVIEWER 1ST SEMESTER
1. Location of the first-aid kit and 7. Do not remove the person’s
how to access it. equipment unless emergency 2. Location of the nearest telephone treatment such as 3. Phone numbers of nearby cardiopulmonary resuscitation hospitals, health centers, or (CPR) or artificial respiration (AR) emergency units is required. 4. Phone numbers of available 8. Assess the injury itself. Evaluate doctors, medical personnel, and the severity of the injury and then other persons that may help you decide if further assistance is in emergency situations (e.g., required or if basic first aid can teachers, parents) be applied instead. 5. Directions and best access route 9. Contact the injured person’s to the nearest hospitals family immediately. Inform them 6. Mean of transportation what happened and injured person’s current condition. What to keep in mind when some is injured: IF THERE IS A SEVERE INJURY: 1. Assess the situation swiftly and a. Request another person to assist immediately. you. You may instruct him or her 2. Take initiative in making sure that to call for help while you keep an the injured person has enough eye on the injured person, or you space to breathe. may call for help while the other 3. Do not move or attempt to move person watches over the injured the injured person person. 4. If the injured person can move on b. When calling for help, give the his/her own, do not move or following information: attempt to move the injured body 1. The nature of the part. emergency or injury 5. If the injured person is conscious, 2. The precise location where ask him or her if he or she is the emergency is allergic to any medicine, if he or 3. Your contact numbers. she has any prior medical 4. While waiting for help, condition, or if he or she has had keep an eye on the injured a previous similar injury. These person. Observe him or pieces of information may prove her carefully for any useful later on. change in condition. 6. Keep calm and assure the injured 5. Do not provide the injured person that things will be alright. person with food or drinks, Do not panic. unless the situation requires the intake of food HOPE - 1ST QUARTER REVIEWER 1ST SEMESTER
or fluids. (For instance, a okay if fruits or nuts. Basta learn
person who collapsed due to eat less fat versions of foods to dehydration will need para balanced. fluids. In such a case, 3. KEEP RELATED GOALS IN provide him or her with MIND - hahaha sbi nga ni water.) rendon, focus sa goal iwan lahat 6. When helps arrives, pati pamilya whaha!!! Kasi if u describe what happened, keep reminding urself of what’s ur how it happened, and what goal, edi mas motivated to has been done. Mention achieve the objectives <333 any related medical 4. BE AROUND OTHERS WHO problems or past injuries, if EAT HEALTHILY - nakakainspire known. daw kumain healthily pag goods 7. Make an accident/incident ang kasama sa hapagkainan report and submit it to bwhaahaha mas nakakainspire concerned officials (e.g., daw maging healthy yehey teacher, school administrator, organizer)
FUELING - eating specific foods during
a specific time to maximize activity and recovery. Fueling must be done by athletes to achieve their full potential in sports.
How to Build Healthy Eating Habits
and Make Them Stick 1. Educate Yourself on Food and Healthy Eating Habits - learn foods that are actually healthy and what are not!! Basta do your research - or get a dietician daw hahaahah 2. Learn to Substitute Foods and Ingredients - ‘wag daw lagi junk foods pag magssnacks, mas