Far Field Voice Speech Recognition Modules
Far Field Voice Speech Recognition Modules
Far Field Voice Speech Recognition Modules
Recognition Modules
O ffline V R M
oice ecognition odule
Contact Us Smart
Far-field voice technology utilizes microphone arrays, signal processing, and speech recognition engines to capture, recognize, and
understand user voice commands, allowing control of smart appliances from several meters away for a more convenient lifestyle.
Dusun far-field voice solution includes a variety of offline and online speech recognition module models. It supports customized wake-up and command
words and can be integrated with devices from smart home, automotive, and medical equipment manufacturers. This solution reduces development
costs for manufacturers, improves product development efficiency, and enhances the added value of products.
R & D
L ow Cost
P roduct
High Effeciency
W ords Rate P x Wk U
ro imity a e- p Meters
Recognition Recognition
On-device speech recognition technology that does not require internet or cloud services for speech recognition.
L ow delay, low power consumption and high sta bility.
Feature: Strong anti-noise, full-duplex, wake-up at the Feature: Dual microphone array, used in smart small Feature: 100-200 offline commands, support classic
nearest location, OTA, Non-smart small appliances appliances Bluetooth music playback, low-power Bluetooth
access to IoT
Feature: Highly cost-effective, within 100 wake words, Feature: Highly cost-effective, Customizable wake-up Feature: Highly cost-effective, Customizable wake-up
Bluetooth can be connected to mobile phones and words within 100 words within 100
Front-end voice processing algorithms, cloud-based recognition. Supports 2.4G WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity.
D/C: 5V, 9-40V backup D/C: 5V, 9-40V backup D/C: 12V
· Support customization of wake-up words and · Support customization of wake-up words and ·Supports RGB parallel LCD screen.
command words
command words
· Recognition rate in quiet environment is greater than · Recognition rate in quiet environment is greater
99%, and the recognition distance is 7 meters than 99%, and the recognition distance is 7 meters
Make an Inquiry
Command W ords
Custom protocols or e isting protocolsx RF Certi fication
Tailored to partners' needs based on partners needs RF-related certification support
Smart Electric Fans Smart Heaters Smart Drying Rac s k Smart W ashing Machines Smart Vacuum Ro bots
delivery quality
quirements Confirmatio
latform Selectio
a e-up word command word
P rototype Veri ficatio Cert &T echnical Suppor
/ j
Device power on off, gear ad ustment, volume
broadcast ; Cooking completion reminder
Online cloud service (APP)
ad ustment
D SFF-060
L ight W all switch Power outlet W indow curtains Air conditioner Fresh air ventilation TV
Air puri fier Electric fan W ater heater Electric heater W ashing machine Gas stove Range hood
Oven Microwave oven Electric pressure Rice coo er k Induction coo er k Blending machine Ro bot vacuum
coo er cleaner
Refrigerator Humidi fier Essential oil Set top box Sensor Clothes Drying rac k Smart door
diffuser loc k
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